Losangelesblade.com, Volume 05, Issue 03, January 15, 2020

Page 1

Turning the page

Inauguration goes mostly virtual as D.C. reels from coup attempt, PAGE 06



!"#$%&"'()*+",-%."/0.-11&-%"-#0/"23456"7%0.0. Business owners struggle to find relief from rent payments !"#$%&'#(')*+,*&$+-$

!"#$%#&$'()*+,-$.(/$"(+$+#/0#1$(+$($+(2#$+3(,#$2-/$45.!67$*81*0*19()+$2-/$-0#/$:&#8:;< plus years, but is now on the brink of closing its doors due to lack of rent relief. It first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we have not been able to obtain financial relief to support our business expenses or rent commitments. Unfortunately, we now owe our landlord 10 months of rent with interest.” !"#$E(/$*:+#)2$*+$#(+*);$/#,-B8*Q(E)#$&*:"$*:+$3-)*:*,()$K#++(B#+$-8$:"#$E9*)1*8BC$Y0#/;:"*8B$ /(8B*8B$2/-K$X%G!$GZO$[OYRIJY%!\$:-$X.4D\$,(8$E#$2-981$-8$:"#$E9*)1*8BC$!"#$)#::#/+$-2$ “Jalisco” on the building are in different colors used to express the pride flag as well. X]#$(/#$/#(,"*8B$-9:$:-$-9/$,)*#8:+L$+933-/:#/+L$(81$2/*#81+$:-$3)#(+#$,-8+*1#/$1-8(:*8B$ to our cause,” says the couple. Many people find The New Jalisco Bar important to them and there have been numerous comments left on the GoFundMe page reflecting that. Some individuals highlight the impact :"(:$:"#$E(/$"(1$*8$:"#*/$)*2#$+-K#$+(;*8BL$X!"*+$*+$K;$())$:*K#$2(0-/*:#$E(/$*8$4@C$I:$"(+$B*0#8$ K#$+-$K9,"$)*2#$(81$I$)-0#$($B--1$+"-&^^^\$G:"#/$3#-3)#$"(0#$:()S#1$(E-9:$:"#$*K3-/:(8,#$ of preserving a space for LGBTQ+ people of color – specifically Latinx people. Daniel Jauregui commented “We need to save Latinx queer spaces”, after donating $150. The comments are #81#(/*8B$(81$+"-&$:"#$*K3-/:(8,#$-2$+(0*8B$!"#$%#&$'()*+,-$.(/$:-$*:+$,)*#8:#)#C !"#$P#/8(81#Q$,-93)#$/#()*Q#+$(81$/#,-B8*Q#+$:"#$*K3-/:(8,#$-2$!"#$%#&$'()*+,-$.(/$(81$ 981#/+:(81+$:"(:$*:$*+$($+(2#$"(0#8$2-/$45.!67$3#-3)#$-2$,-)-/C$X_-9/$,-8:/*E9:*-8+$&*))$"#)3$ +(0#$($,-KK98*:;$+3(,#$:"(:$"(+$+#/0#1$(+$($+(2#$"(0#8$2-/$B#8#/(:*-8+$-2$@8B#)#8-+$*8$ -9/$,*:;L\$+(;+$:"#$P#/8(81#Q$,-93)#C !"#$4@$.)(1#$/#(,"#1$-9:$:-$!"#$%#&$'()*+,-$.(/$2-/$($,-KK#8:$(81$/#,#*0#1$8-8#C Many small businesses, especially in the service hospitality sector, have suffered as a /#+9):$ -2$ :"#$ FGHIJ<=>$ 3(81#K*,$ 19#$ :-$ )(,S$ -2$ /#)*#2$ 2-/$ /#8:$ (81$ K-/:B(B#$ 3(;K#8:+C$ California’s health officials have also repeatedly opened and closed restaurants and bars in response to the number of new cases or hospitalizations, which has made it difficult for +K())$E9+*8#++#+$:-$+:(;$()*0#C I8$]#P-L$:"#$3-39)(/$0#89#+$O(B#L$M)(K*8B$R(11)#+L$5;K$.(/L$F9:*#+$(81$:"#$5-)1$F-(+:$ ())$ +"9:$ 1-&8$ 3#/K(8#8:);$ 19#$ :-$ K-98:*8B$ 1#E:$ (81$ -8B-*8B$ 1*+39:#+$ &*:"$ )(81)-/1+L$ +9,"$(+$]#+:$P-));&--1$,-KK#/,*()$/#()$#+:(:#$3/-3#/:;$K-B9)$D-8:#$G0#/+:/##:C G0#/+:/##:$ "(+$ 89K#/-9+$ K9):*<K*))*-8$ 1-))(/$ 3/-3#/:;$ "-)1*8B+$ -8$ R(8:($ D-8*,($ Boulevard as well as various LA and WeHo apartment buildings. There is a Facebook group 1#0-:#1$:-$(*/*8B$B/*#0(8,#+$(B(*8+:$G0#/+:/##:$,())#1$.-;,-::$D-8:#$G0#/+:/##:$[/-3#/:*#+L$ &"*,"$1#:(*)+$:"#$2-))-&*8B` X!"*+$ 3(B#$ *+$ 1#0-:#1$ :-$ :"#$ 45.!7aB(;$ K()#$ ,*:*Q#8+$ -2$ ]#+:$ P-));&--1$ (81$ -:"#/$ 3(:/-8+$&"-$/*+#$93$*8$3/-:#+:$-2$:"#$,)-+9/#+$-2$-9/$,*:;A+$K(8;$*,-8*,$(81$"*+:-/*,()$B(;$ E(/+$&"*,"$(/#$)-,(:#1$-8$,-KK#/,*()$/#()$#+:(:#$-&8#1$E;$D-8:#$G0#/+:/##:C\ M-/$:"#$R*)0#/$4(S#$8#*B"E-/"--1A+$N9##/$E(/L$@SE(/L$*:$"(+$E##8$(8$-8B-*8B$+:/9BB)#$:-$ keep up with the monthly mortgage payments. Akbar’s owners, Peter Alexander and Scott Craig quietly posted a $150,000 fundraiser on popular crowdfunding site GoFundMe last &##SL$"-3*8B$:-$+(0#$:"#$Tb<;#(/<-)1$R*)0#/$4(S#$E(/$2/-K$,)-+*8B$2-/#0#/$(+$($/#+9):$-2$:"#$ -8B-*8B$,-/-8(0*/9+$3(81#K*,C But for the iconic LGBTQ+ bar Oil Can Harry’s, there’s more than what meets the eye. I:A+$ #(+;$ :-$ (++9K#$ :"(:$ G*)$ F(8$ P(//;A+$ /#,#8:);$ +"9:$ 1-&8$ 19#$ :-$ :"#$ 3(81#K*,L$ E9:$ *8$ /#()*:;L$ *:A+$ (,:9());$ 19#$ :-$ :"#$ 3/-3#/:;$ -&8#/$ &(8:*8B$ :-$ +#))$ :"#$ 3/-3#/:;$ cD-8:;$ G0#/+:/##:C G8$ G*)$ F(8$ P(//;A+$ &#E+*:#L$ :"#/#$ *+$ ($ E-)1$ +:(:#K#8:$ 1#+,/*E*8B$ :"#$ /#(+-8+$ 2-/$ :"#$


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3:;<=+!>?@@:A!:=?BCB@?D:E=!<F<=DA!GEADHI!F:@DB?H Billy Porter to perform at HRC’s ‘LGBTQ Inaugural Ball’ #$%&'(%)*+##,-'%.-/%0 lchibbaro@washblade.com

!"#$ %&#'()#*+(,-$ .*,/0/&,-$ 1233(++##$ 42&$ %&#'()#*+5#-#6+$ those in need that would be publicized on the inaugural 72#$8()#*$,*)$9(6#$%&#'()#*+5#-#6+$:,3,-,$;,&&('$('$6,--(*0$2*$ committee’s website, Gay told the briefing. Most of the events +"#$<=8!>$6233/*(+?$+2$@,&+(6(@,+#$(*$'#A#&,-$@-,**#)$A(&+/,-$ were to be virtual. inaugural events that reflect the theme of “America United,” “Events will focus on COVID-19 relief and address challenges an inaugural official told LGBTQ representatives at a Jan. 12 that have been exacerbated by the pandemic, such as online briefing. poverty, hunger, racial injustice, homelessness, mental “We are looking forward to the inaugural ceremonies in health, and educational disparities,” a statement released by which the American people and the world will witness the the inaugural committee says. peaceful transition of power,” said Rina Patel, the inaugural “The Presidential Inaugural Committee is asking Americans committee’s Associate Director of Coalitions before a everywhere to participate in community service and urging B223$ 0,+"#&(*0$ 24$ 6-2'#$ +2$ CD$ &#@&#'#*+,+(A#'$ 24$ <=8!>$ them to sign up to volunteer at bideninaugural.org/day-oforganizations from across the country. service and encourage their friends, family, and neighbors to “This will mark a new day for the American people focused join,” the statement says. on healing our nation, bringing our country together, and %,+#-$ +2-)$ +"#$ <=8!>$ &#@&#'#*+,+(A#'$ @,&+(6(@,+(*0$ (*$ +"#$ building back together,” she said. Zoom briefing that the inaugural committee would welcome J@<A:;<=DK<H<LD!.'1%#+213 takes the oath of office on Wednesday, Patel noted that the inaugural swearing-in ceremony for posting information on its website about their respective #?=5!,-!?D!=EE=5!8M<@<!N:HH!=ED!O<!?!PBOH:L!?B;:<=L<!QE@!DM<!E?DM! Biden and Harris, which will take place outside the U.S. Capitol, ;B<!DE!6/R94!@<AD@:LD:E=A5 organizations participating in the Day of Service events and will not be open for in-person viewing and will be restricted participation in at least two other official inaugural events. mainly to members of Congress. One of them, scheduled for Jan. 19, is being billed as a nationwide memorial to remember “In order to be mindful of COVID-19 guidelines there are no public tickets available for the and honor those who have lost their lives to COVID-19. Information released by the inaugural inauguration,” she said. “I know some folks are excited about being in D.C., but we are really committee says it will take place mostly virtually beginning at 5:30 p.m. Eastern time, with a D.C. encouraging everyone to stay home and not to travel to D.C.” ceremony featuring a first-ever lighting around the Lincoln Memorial’s Reflecting Pool. At least three national LGBTQ organizations, meanwhile, were scheduled to hold their own “Buildings across the country and the Memorial Pool will be reflected in the color of light inaugural celebrations in honor of the incoming Biden-Harris administration. amber, which I’m assured looks great on everyone and every building,” said Patel, who invited The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest LGBTQ advocacy organization, announced +"#$ <=8!>$ &#@&#'#*+,+(A#'$ +2$ '/E3(+$ ,*$ ,@@-(6,+(2*$ 42&3$ +2$ E#$ -('+#)$ ,'$ ,$ @,&+(6(@,*+$ (*$ +"#$ it is joining “community partners” in holding a virtual LGBTQ Inaugural Ball on Jan. 20 called the memorial from their home cities or states. Power of Unity. “I think this will be a great moment of unity and quite frankly a catharsis for the country for us “This not-to-be-missed virtual event will feature musical performances and special appearances to understand and reflect on the many lives lost to COVID-19,” she said. from equality leaders across the LGBTQ movement,” a statement promoting the event says. Patel and Gay said yet another inaugural activity called the Field of Flags will serve as a Among the performers scheduled to appear, the statement says, is Billy Porter, the Grammy, fundraising event for community-based organizations across the country, including LGBTQ Tony and Emmy Award-winning actor, singer and activist who stars in the FX hit series “Pose.” organizations. According to an inaugural committee statement, the committee will arrange for HRC is billing the event as a fundraiser with suggested levels of donations of $400, $250, $175, the installation of an “extensive public arts display” on the National Mall in Washington during $100, and $35, with financial supporters having access to an online reception and having their the inaugural week. name posted as an official sponsor. But HRC says people can also attend the online Inaugural It says the display will include “approximately 191,500 U.S. flags of varying sizes, including Ball free of charge by registering in advance of the event. flags representing every state and territory, and 56 pillars of light.” The display will be widely The Center for Black Equity, the D.C.-based national LGBTQ advocacy organization that televised and available for viewing online, the statement says, adding that Americans are being organizes the nation’s Black Pride events, is holding its own virtual inaugural ball on Jan. 20, invited to become a symbolic sponsor of the flags in exchange for a donation that the inaugural according to Executive Director Earl Fowlkes. Fowlkes said some LGBTQ elected officials were committee will arrange for nonprofit community organizations to receive to help them carry out expected to speak at the event along with Reggie Greer, who served as the LGBTQ liaison for the their mission of helping people in need. Biden presidential campaign. “Those flags are being sponsored by folks who helped us build our flag page and make a The LGBTQ Victory Fund, which raises money and provides logistical support for openly suggested donation,” Gay told the LGBTQ Zoom briefing. She was referring to a page on the LGBTQ candidates running for public office, was scheduled to hold a virtual Inauguration 2021 inaugural committee’s website. “If your organization is listed on that page you can submit a fundraising event on Jan. 14. donation form and your network of people can donate directly to your group,” she said. In a statement on its website, the group said the event would celebrate “the queerest U.S. In addition to the swearing-in ceremony at the Capitol, the inaugural committee has announced Congress in history!” a reference to the record number of LGBTQ candidates elected or reonly three other in-person events on Jan. 20, with all three involving the military. elected to Congress in the 2020 election. Nine U.S. House members and U.S. Sen. Tammy Following the swearing-in ceremony and Biden’s inaugural address, then President Biden, the Baldwin (D-Wisc.), were expected to appear at the Victory Fund event. new first lady, then Vice President Harris and her husband, called the second gentleman, will The Biden inauguration was scheduled to take place two weeks after the Jan. 6 Capitol riots in participate in a Pass in Review, a longstanding military tradition in which Biden will review the which hundreds of supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol building in a readiness of military troops, according to a statement released by the inaugural committee. siege that took the lives of five people, including a U.S. Capitol Police officer. “Every branch of the military will be represented in this event,” the statement says. The Biden-Harris inaugural committee has said it was working closely with the U.S. Secret According to the statement, Biden, Harris and their spouses will next participate in a Service, D.C. police, and a Capitol Police force with new leadership to ensure the security and “Presidential Escort” from 15th Street, N.W. to the White House one block away. Similar to the safety of all those participating in the few in-person inaugural events. Pass in Review at the Capitol, every branch of the military will also participate in this event by Patel and Carrie Gay, another inaugural committee official, told the LGBTQ representatives escorting the president and vice president in a walk to the White House with a U.S. Army Band at the Jan. 12 online briefing about at least three virtual inaugural events that community-based performing along with the Commander-in-Chief’s Guard and Fife and Drum Corps. organizations, including LGBTQ groups, could participate in. The inaugural committee statement makes no mention of how Biden and Harris and their The two said one of the events scheduled for Jan. 18 was being organized in conjunction with spouses will travel from the Capitol to 15th Street, but it’s presumed they will be traveling by the annual Martin Luther King Jr. National Day of Service. Community organizations throughout presidential motorcade. the country, including LGBTQ organizations, were being invited to organize events assisting




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!"#$ %&'($ )*$ +,-.&%&/0$ +/1$ '2%#+1&/0$ 3456789:$ ,)/;&/.#'$ ;)$ <#$ #=#>+;#1$ &/$ ?)'$ @/0#=#'$ 3)./;A$ +/1$ <.'&/#''#'$ +/1$ #B2=)A#%'$ 2=+A$ +$ (#A$ %)=#$ &/$ 2%#>#/;&/0$ +/1$ '=)C&/0$ ;"#$ '2%#+1$ )*$ 3456789:$ C&;"&/$;"#$C)%(2=+,#$+/1$,)BB./&;A$2.<=&,$"#+=;"$ officials stressed Tuesday. !"#$ ?)'$ @/0#=#'$ 3)./;A$ 7#2+%;B#/;$ )*$ D.<=&,$ Health has confirmed 288 new deaths and 11,994 new cases of COVID-19, noting that to date, Public Health has identified 944,319 positive cases of 3456789:$+,%)''$+==$+%#+'$)*$;"#$3)./;A$+/1$+$;);+=$ of 12,674 deaths. The county is experiencing horrific loss of life due to COVID-19. Over the last seven days, 1,606 people lost their lives and this is an average of nearly 230 deaths per day, a public health spokesperson said in a statement. !"#$ 0%&B$ %#+=&;A$ )*$ *+B&=&#'$ <#&/0$ *)%,#1$ ;)$ '+A$ 0))18<A#$<A$;+<=#;'$)%$B)<&=#$2")/#'$;)$=)>#1$)/#'$ +'$;"#A$+%#$+=)/#$&/$63EF'$1A&/0$C+'$<%).0";$")B#$ 1.%&/0$ ;)1+AF'$ 3)./;A$ 2%#''$ ,)/*#%#/,#$ <A$ ?)'$ Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis. “The situation is more dire than ever before, C"&,"$ &'$ C"A$ 6FB$ 0)&/0$ ;)$ '"+%#$ ')B#$ ';)%&#'$ *%)B$ our local hospitals,” Solis said. “Dying from COVID in the hospital means dying alone. Visitors are not allowed into hospitals for their own safety. Families are sharing their final goodbyes on tablets and mobile phones.” $ G4/#$ )*$ ;"#$ B)%#$ "#+%;<%#+(&/0$ ,)/>#%'+;&)/'$ ;"+;$ ).%$ "#+=;",+%#$ C)%(#%'$ '"+%#$ &'$ +<).;$ ;"#'#$ =+';$C)%1'$C"#/$,"&=1%#/$+2)=)0&H#$;)$;"#&%$2+%#/;'$ +/1$ 0%+/12+%#/;'$ *)%$ <%&/0&/0$ 34567$ &/;)$ ;"#&%$ homes for getting them sick. And these apologies +%#$I.';$')B#$)*$;"#$=+';$C)%1'$;"+;$=)>#1$)/#'$C&==$ ever hear as they die alone,” Solis said. “Please, for your loved ones, stay home. Stay safe. Keep your loved ones alive.” G4.%$"#+%;'$0)$).;$;)$#>#%A$2#%')/$#J2#%&#/,&/0$ the sorrow of losing a loved one to COVID-19,” said Dr. Barbara Ferrer, director of Public Health. “Please 1)$/);$./1#%#';&B+;#$;"&'$>&%.'$)%$=#;$A).%$1%&>#$;)$ &/;#%+,;$ &/$ 2#%')/$ C&;"$ *%&#/1'$ ).;C#&0"$ *)==)C&/0$ ;"#$ '+*#;A$ B#+'.%#'$ ;"+;$ +%#$ 2.;$ &/$ 2=+,#$ ;)$ '+>#$

Los Angeles County Sheriff Department – Business Compliance Checks MNO+0+(.+"*0&#K(;+#(=%P&-&#(2+"%0KQ

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lives. Like many residents, I am cheering for the Rams in the playoffs and grateful to be able to watch basketball games again, but we cannot make the same mistakes we did last year. There were far too many gatherings, viewing parties, and celebrations C&;"$ );"#%'$ ;"+;$ ,)/;%&<.;#1$ ;)$ &/,%#+'#1$ ,+'#'K$ ;"#$ ).;,)B#$ C&==$ <#$ 1&'+';%).'$ ;)$ ).%$ "#+=;",+%#$ system if we don’t follow the rules.” D.<=&,$L#+=;"F'$,)B2=&+/,#$;#+B'$,)/;&/.#$;)$>&'&;$ businesses across the County every day. Inspectors review the requirements of the Health Officer 4%1#%$ +/1$ D.<=&,$ L#+=;"$ 2%);),)='$ C&;"$ <.'&/#''$ owners, identify deficiencies, and issue citations for businesses out of compliance. 7.%&/0$ D.<=&,$ L#+=;"F'$ B)';$ %#,#/;$ <.'&/#''$ compliance checks, inspectors noted that the B+I)%&;A$ )*$ <.'&/#''#'$ >&'&;#1$ C#%#$ &/$ ,)B2=&+/,#$ with most of the Public Health protocols. However, some businesses failed to adhere to capacity limits, #/'.%#$#B2=)A##'$+/1$2+;%)/'$C#%#$+22%)2%&+;#=A$ distanced and wearing required face coverings, and did not post their completed protocol checklists. From January 3 through January 11, a total of 83 citations were issued to businesses including restaurants, gyms, personal care salons, hair salons/ barbershops, places of worship, and shopping malls for noncompliance with Health Officer Orders. GM>#%A)/#$ B.';$ ';+A$ ")B#$ +'$ B.,"$ +'$ 2)''&<=#$ during this devastating surge. When you must leave your home for essential services, wear a face covering and stay at least 6 feet away from people A).$1)$/);$=&>#$C&;"$+;$+==$;&B#'K$;"#%#$'").=1$<#$/)$ mingling, no crowding, and ample opportunities to sanitize your hands. If you live with people who are older or have underlying health conditions, we are +1>&'&/0$ C#+%&/0$ +$ *+,#$ ,)>#%&/0$ C"&=#$ &/1))%'$ +'$ well, a spokesperson said in a statement. There are 7,926 people with COVID-19 currently hospitalized and 22% of these people are in the ICU. While the number of people hospitalized with 3456789:$#+,"$1+A$"+'$';+<&=&H#1$)>#%$;"#$=+';$*#C$ days at slightly under 8,000 patients, the demand )/$ ?@$ 3)./;A$ "#+=;",+%#$ 'A';#B'$ +/1$ ")'2&;+='$ remains overwhelming.

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489:;<=!>;:;?9!.@=8<9@!9A;=+!>;@BA?:!C;==D!>;:@ED !!"#$%&'()*%$+, Former Los Angeles Blade News Editor Karen Ocamb reflects on the painful truth that is for too many in the LGBTQ+ community, especially those in their 40’s onward, a reality that they live. While some celebrity parents in this modern era enthusiastically embrace and affirm their queer children, that was hardly ever the case in years past to the point of erasure.)

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/012345)6,/$7)89:;0525)<:;8=0<>?21)@A)!"B%CD)0;82><E;23? Candidate promised Equality Act in first 100 days /A)!FG%()H"F#("#)I)<J:E35:3KL>5E@=>12M<:;

!"#$%&#'()#*#+(, -.#, /%&#', 0%**, 123#, 1%$, 12'&$, 45**, 56.', 1%$, %'2575"2(%.', '#8(, 0##9, 0%(1, +.".'23%"5$,+2$#$,$5"7%'7,2'&,%:6#2+1:#'(,6".+##&%'7$,%',;.'7"#$$<,01%+1,:2=,+.:6*%+2(#, his efforts to act on campaign promises to the LGBTQ community, especially signing the >?52*%(=,@+(,%'(.,*20,0%(1,ABB,&2=$C Biden, however, seems ready to pull the trigger on one LGBTQ initiative: Just before the holidays, Biden’s team told LGBTQ leaders in a conference call that Biden on his first day in office Jan. 20 would direct the Defense Department to dismantle the transgender military ban, %'&%3%&52*$,42:%*%2",0%(1,(1#,+2**,(.*&,(1#,D2$1%'7(.',/*2&#C It may take an entire year before the Pentagon is completely able to undo the ban, which President Trump initiated by tweet in July 2017. But after that day one action, things get more complicated. The cornerstone of Biden’s commitment to LGBTQ people during his presidential campaign was the Equality Act, 01%+1, /%&#', +2**#&, 1%$, E.C, A, *#7%$*2(%3#, 6"%."%(=, 2'&, 6*#&7#&, (., $%7', 0%(1%', ABB, &2=$, .4, 1%$, administration. The Equality Act would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to expand the prohibition on anti-LGBTQ discrimination under federal law. >86#+(2(%.'$,2"#,(2:6#&,&.0'<,(.,$2=,(1#,*#2$(<,0%(1,+.".'23%"5$,%'4#+(%.'$,2'&,&#2(1$,1%((%'7, "#+."&,1%71$<,2',5'$2(%$42+(."=,".**.5(,.4,(1#,32++%'#$,2'&,(1#,56+.:%'7,%:6#2+1:#'(,("%2*,.4, President Trump, which would bar him from holding office in the future. The impeachment trial alone may hamper efforts in the U.S. Senate to confirm Biden’s Cabinet officials, which need to be addressed before significant action on any piece of Biden’s agenda can happen. For the most part, LGBTQ advocates who spoke to the Blade on condition of anonymity for 7"#2(#",+2'&."<,0#"#,.6#',(.,7"2'(%'7,/%&#',*##02=,2:%&,(1#,+.".'23%"5$,2'&,%:6#2+1:#'(, +"%$#$C FG,(1%'9,0#H3#,7.((#',(1#,+.::%(:#'($,(12(,0#,#86#+(#&,2'&,1.6#&,4.",2'&,$.571(,4".:,(1#, /%&#',(#2:,2'&,4".:,*#7%$*2(%3#,*#2&#"$1%6<,2'&,012(,(12(,:#2'$,4.",5$,'.0,%$,1.*&%'7,(1#:, accountable, but also understanding that the country, our democracy, and the ability of people to actually live is going to take priority,” said one LGBTQ advocate. The LGBTQ advocate pointed out the committee of jurisdiction for the Equality Act in the Senate is the Judiciary Committee, the same panel responsible for coordinating Trump’s %:6#2+1:#'(,("%2*C But the idea that leeway should be granted to Biden on LGBTQ issues amid national crises isn’t shared by everyone, and it remains to be seen how much patience LGBTQ movement leaders will have before they start calling him out for not acting on his campaign promises. If the Equality Act stalls out in Congress, the handful of advocates who had called for a LGBTQ policy staffer on the Biden campaign and transition team, may feel vindicated. “The notion that our government can only focus on one thing at a time isn’t acceptable,” one Democratic insider told the Blade. “You can’t have the agenda and policy goals that Biden does 2'&,'.(,123#,(1#,6".+#$$,(.,:.3#,42$(#"CI Instead of watching the Equality Act become law in 100 days, the bill’s supporters may have to settle for having the legislation passed in one chamber of Congress within the 100day timeframe. One LGBTQ advocate said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has privately signaled she would bring up the Equality Act in the U.S. House early on during the Biden administration, which is expected to translate to a floor vote within 100 days. Pelosi’s office, however, hasn’t responded to repeated requests from the Blade since September on when she’d hold a vote on the Equality Act in the next administration. In the Senate, one LGBTQ advocate predicted the U.S. Senate wouldn’t take up the legislation until summer or fall, and that would be only for the initial steps of committee action. Others LGBTQ advocates, however, strongly pushed back on that assessment and said no decisions have been made about the timing for Senate action on the Equality Act. Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) has sponsored the Equality Act in the U.S. Senate. He told the /*2&#,(1".571,2,$6.9#$6#"$.',1#H&,+.'(%'5#,(.,65$1,4.",(1#,*#7%$*2(%.'C “The Equality Act is one of Sen. Merkley’s most critical legislative priorities for 2021, and he will be urging leaders in both chambers to move expeditiously and seize the window of opportunity to pass this historic legislation,” Martina McLennan, a Merkley spokesperson, said. With the Senate in a 50-50 party split, another wrinkle in the Equality Act is having to overcome the legislative filibuster, the Senate tradition requiring 60 votes to move forward with debate

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on a bill if one member objects. Would the Equality Act be the piece of legislation that would be the tool to end the filibuster, which has been criticized as a relic of structural racism? Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) has emphatically signaled he won’t vote to junk the legislative filibuster, so that idea might be dead on arrival. If the 60-vote threshold remains intact, the bill’s supporters would have to find 10 Republicans willing to vote for the bill, which would be a tall order especially within the 100-day timeframe Biden has envisioned. The only Senate Republican who has previously signaled support is Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine). The offices of Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.), the new chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and soon-to-be Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) didn’t respond to a request D#&'#$&2=,4".:,(1#,/*2&#,(.,+.::#'(,.',(1#,>?52*%(=,@+(C With passage of the Equality Act in question, LGBTQ advocates are instead renewing calls on Biden to sign an executive order directing federal agencies to implement fully the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, which found anti-LGBTQ discrimination is a form .4,$#8,&%$+"%:%'2(%.'<,(15$,%**#72*,5'&#",#8%$(%'7,+%3%*,"%71($,*20C The Center for American Progress on Tuesday issued a new report, “Improving the Lives and Rights of LGBTQ People in America: A Road Map for the Biden Administration,” which makes (1#,#8#+5(%3#,."&#",(.,%:6*#:#'(,2,+#'(#"6%#+#,%',(1#%",6".6.$2*C Sharita Gruberg, senior director for LGBTQ research and communications at the Center for American Progress, said during a conference call with reporters Tuesday the Biden transition team has been “receptive” to the requests in the report, but any declined to specify if any (%:%'7,+.::%(:#'($,0#"#,:2&#C “We get the impression that the Biden administration definitely prioritizes these issues and understands the need for immediate action,” Gruberg added. “The Equality Act is competing with a lot of other very critical priorities, but again, we have received every indication from +12:6%.'$<,2$,0#**,2$,(1#,2&:%'%$("2(%.',(12(,(1%$,"#:2%'$,2,+"%(%+2*,6"%."%(=CI The executive order to implement Bostock, however, wouldn’t be as sweeping as the Equality Act because no law bans sex discrimination in federal programs or public accommodations. The Equality Act would amend the Civil Rights Act to ban sex and anti-LGBTQ discrimination in those venues and expand the definition of public accommodations to include retail stores, banks, transportation services and health care services. One Democratic insider close to the transition team said dozens of executive orders are before Biden in draft form and he’d “sign a steady series of them” beginning next week, but 01#(1#",.",'.(,2,&%"#+(%3#,%$,2:.'7,(1#:,%:6*#:#'(%'7,(1#,/.$(.+9,&#+%$%.',%$,5'+*#2"C

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Call HRC's '!()*"+ ,*+-.) '!.5*"# %. 678997:;;7<=;; today to speak to a housing counselor about your options.

Victims have !"# $#%& to file a complaint with a fair housing agency, like the '!()*"+ ,*+-.) /#".#&0 which can investigate the complaint at no cost to the tenant.

No. This is sexual harassment, and it's a form of illegal discrimination prohibited by the 1%*& '!()*"+ 23.4

www.housingrightscenter.org :,)* 1$+-()$# )* ;$*-& '% 6'(< *4=='(+-& ;" +,- >-=$(+1-%+ '2 ?'4*)%. $%& @(;$% >-/-#'=1-%+ A?@>B 4%&-( C?3D E($%+ CFG3 HIJJKL7 M%" '=)%)'%N 2)%&)%.*N $%& 0'%0#4*)'%* '( (-0'11-%&$+)'%* -5=(-**-& )% +,)* 1$+-()$# $(- +,'*- '2 +,- $4+,'(A*B $%& &' %'+ %-0-**$()#" (-2#-0+ +,- /)-6* '2 ?@>7



LGBTQ activists around the world horrified by Capitol siege 3454'`('.*#:/-'*?'&#)+"#+)(1='$,&#$#+#$*,(1'(,-'&2&#/9$"')("$&9W !"#$%&'()*#+,#*(-)./#0#12345678937:;23<5,=>1

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Lavers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to certify the electoral votes and to confirm Joe Biden as the next president and Kamala Harris 6(,(-$(,'H)$9/'Q$,$&#/)'V+&#$,'F)+-/(+='E)$#$&.'H)$9/'Q$,$&#/)'E*)$&'V*.,&*,'(,-'@/)9(,' (&' %$"/' 7)/&$-/,#=K' ./' #*1-' #./' E1(-/4' IT,' ".(11/,8$,8' #$9/&' $&' 0./,' (' -/9*")("2' &.*0&' $#&' 6.(,"/11*)'!,8/1('Q/)J/1'()/'(9*,8'#./'0*)1-'1/(-/)&'0.*'"*,-/9,/-'#./'&$/8/'#.(#':/8(,' &#)/,8#.4'P/'&.*0/-'#.(#'&#)/,8#.^K as members of Congress were certifying the Electoral College results that confirmed the Tamara Adrián, the first openly transgender woman elected to the Venezuela’s National /1/"#$*,'*?'H)/&$-/,#M/1/"#'E$-/,'(,-'[$"/'H)/&$-/,#M/1/"#'O())$&4'F)+97'&+77*)#/)&'9()"./-' !&&/9:12='*,'<)$-(2'1()8/12'(8)//-'0$#.'E)/0&#/)4 #*'#./'6(7$#*1'(?#/)'#./ IF./' />$&#/,"/' *?' (,#$M-/9*")(#$"' /1/9/,#&' $,' (,2' 1/%/1' *?' 7+:1$"' 1$?/' "(,' />$&#' $,' (,2' E)$(,' 5$"J,$"J=' (' 9/9:/)' *?' #./' 3454' 6(7$#*1' H*1$"/' A/7()#9/,#=' -$/-' *,' F.+)&-(2' (?#/)' "*+,#)2=K'!-)$_,'#*1-'#./'E1(-/4'I!'-/9*")("2W&'9(#+)$#2'(,-'&*1$-$#2='.*0/%/)='$&'9/(&+)/-' rioters attacked him with a fire extinguisher during the siege. :2' $#&' $,&#$#+#$*,&W' "(7("$#2' #*' )/&$&#' #./&/' "1($9&' *?' -/9*")("2W&' -/&#)+"#$*,4' F./' 3454' .(&' Another Capitol Police officer shot and killed a Trump supporter outside the U.S. House of 8$%/,'('1/&&*,'*?'$,&#$#+#$*,(1'9(#+)$#2'(,-'&*1$-$#2'$,'#./'?("/'*?'#./'7)/#/,&/&'*?'-/9*")(#$"' S/7)/&/,#(#$%/&'".(9:/)4'F.)//'*#./)'7/*71/'-$/-'*?'I9/-$"(1'/9/)8/,"$/&K'-+)$,8'#./'&$/8/4 -/&#(:$1$L(#$*,4K LOSANGELESBLADE.COM • JANUARY 15, 2021 • ?@

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a result of Wednesday’s riots, including a Capitol police officer. The applause 0/)"/&+)9#,5'<)*+#,)#$+)/'/,5/%)&;+#&()%"#$6()5'%-5+/)%"&,/)N)%"&,/).#) be shared exclusively by Trump and his loyalists. Republicans who retain any sense of honor must join Democrats and 6/&(/+%)&9+#%%)."/)9#$'.+8)5')9&665'<)#')X59/)@+/%5(/'.)B5?/)@/'9/)&'(Y#+)."/) President’s Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment. If the 25th Amendment is '#.)5':#?/(=)."/)Z#$%/)%"#$6(),#:/).#)5'.+#($9/)'/0)&+.596/%)#*)5,-/&9",/'.2) We cannot wait to find out if Wednesday’s horror show was rock bottom for ."5%)*&56/()&(,5'5%.+&.5#'2 But this is not simply a time for condemnation. Those who were horrified by what we witnessed Wednesday must take &9.5#'2) !"/) PQ>!R[) "&%) 9#'%5%./'.68) ;//') $'(/+) &%%&$6.) ;8) ."/) !+$,-) &(,5'5%.+&.5#'=)*+#,);6#9?5'<)."/)EF$&65.8)\9.).#)<$&+&'.//)'#'H(5%9+5,5'&.5#') protections to banning transgender service members from the military. In ."/)TDTD)/6/9.5#'=)PQ>!R[):#./+%).$+'/()#$.)5')'$,;/+%)'/&+68)(#$;6/)."/5+) -+#-#+.5#') #*) ."/) -#-$6&.5#'=) &99#+(5'<) .#) '&.5#'&6) /6/9.5#') -#665'<2) !"/) impact of our votes will no longer allow officials to see us as an after-thought 5')."/)-#65.59&6)-+#9/%%2 But with power — even power as seemingly insignificant as one vote — 9#,/%)+/%-#'%5;565.82)!##),&'8)-/#-6/)5')#$+)%#95/.8)"&:/)<+#0')9#,*#+.&;6/) with the idea that the American way of life will sustain itself. The truth is our Democracy is fragile. Progress is incremental. And apathy for doing our civic duty — voting, engaging on issues that affect our communities, 9&665'<)#$.)+&95%,)&'(),5%5'*#+,&.5#')N)9&')6/&().#)5++/-&+&;6/)"&+,)0"/') one political party seeks power solely for the sake of power and personal gain. One of the lasting images I’ll remember from this week is a picture of Rep. Andy Kim (D-New Jersey), who was photographed after midnight picking $-).+&%")6/*.)5'%5(/)."/)4&-5.#62)Z/)(5('M.)"&:/).#)(#)5.=);$.)"/)%&5()"/)*/6.)&) personal responsibility. I suspect the LGBTQ+ community as a whole will have &)%5,56&+)+#6/).#)-6&8)5')"/6-5'<).#)96/&')$-)."5%),/%%2 I was proud to see members of Congress return to the floor late Wednesday to certify President-elect Joe Biden’s victory. Those who stood in the way of those efforts have shown which side of history they’ve chosen to align. Their disgraceful actions will not be forgotten. \66)\,/+59&'%),$%.).&?/)."5%)#,5'#$%),#,/'.)5')"5%.#+8)&'()9"&''/6)5.)5'.#) -$+-#%/2)7/),$%.)%//?).#)+/-&5+)."/)(&,&</)#*)."/)6&%.)*#$+)8/&+%2)4#''/9.) with your local, state, and federal elected officials. Get to know them and hold ."/,)&99#$'.&;6/).#);/../+)%&*/<$&+()#$+)(/,#9+&982 If we have learned anything from the past week, it’s that democracy is not a -+#,5%/),&(/).#)$%=);$.)#'/)0/),&?/).#)/&9")#."/+2


' & : _Z A $ $bN$$(H H _ A $$bL !""#$%% 5455 Wilshire Blvd, 21st Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90036 &'()$ 310-230-5266 $*+!,-.tmasters@losangelesblade.com ,)/$#)$/.losangelesblade.com &01-,%'$".12.Los Angeles Blade, LLC &01-,%'$# TROY MASTERS tmasters@losangelesblade.com 310-230-5266 x8080 (o), 917-406-1619 (c) %!-$%.3.+!#4$/,)5 %!-$%.$6$70/,8$ !"#$%&%$'$!!())( *+,-./0+1-.2303140-5367+, 89:;<8=;8:>> &!-+.%&#,)5%.!77(0)/.$6$7 BRAD FUHR, 760-813-2020. brad@gaydesertguide.com )!/,()!-.!"8$#/,%,)5 RIVENDELL MEDIA sales@rivendellmedia.com, 212-242-6863 +!#4$/,)5.",#$7/(# STEPHEN RUTGERS srutgers@washblade.com, 202-747-2077 x8077 $",/(#,!7()/#,10/,)5.9#,/$# KAREN OCAMB karenocamb@losangelesblade.com )!/,()!-.$",/(# KEVIN NAFF knaff@washblade.com, 202-747-2077 x8088 ,)/$#)!/,()!-.$",/(# MICHAEL K. LAVERS mlavers@washblade.com $",/(#.!/.-!#5$ BRODY LEVESQUE California 7()/#,10/(#%


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It’s a problem that can’t be fixed by the simple suspension +$*&:*:)6$#9)V/+')S#"*/+.)*#)M+A&%)WD'"1B)P:#*/$&")+'%)&55#(&"+5)H#$)$+*1/$4)6#55#7&'()+) #6)%&:;/5&/6)'/"/::+$D)*#)+A#&%)E./:*&#'&'()*1/)-5#*)1#5/:)&'):&9&5+$)1#$$#$)9#A&/:L) *1/)E./:*&#':)7/)+$/)6#$"/%)*#)+:C)#.$:/5A/:)&')*1&:)9#A&/)(#)6+$);/D#'%)7+*"1&'()+) hidden logic of its own), the film as conceived by Koorzen and Harwood evokes not #'5D)+)%$/+95&C/)$/+5&*D4);.*)-5+D:)5&C/)+):.$$/+5&:*)9#$+5&*D)-5+D4)+)C&'%)#6)-+$+;5/) masked killer catch up to his fleeing victims even when he never moves faster than a +;#.*)*1&'(:):#)-$&9+5)*1+*)*1/D)R)5&C/)*1/)"1+$+"*/$:)*1/9:/5A/:)R)%#'F*)/A/')1+A/) :1+9;5/)R)*1/D)1+A/)*#)%#)7&*1);+:&")&'6#$9+*&#')*1+*)*1/)"1+$+"*/$:)'#*)#'5D)'/A/$) seek for themselves, but don’t even seem interested in finding out. +)'+9/B \+$*)#6)*1&:)1+:)*#)%#)7&*1)*1/)+6#$/9/'*&#'/%):.$$/+5&:9)*1+*)(#/:)1+'%)&')1+'%) Fortunately, the filmmakers themselves have answered at least a few of the E./:*&#':)*1+*)+$&:/)6$#9)*1/&$)#9&'#.:)#-.:4)71&"1)&:)'#7)+A+&5+;5/)#')!9+3#') 7&*1)*1/)9#A&/F:)%$/+98&:1)9&5&/.B)Y1&5/)+*)*&9/:)<=1/)>'/)?#.)@//%Q)9&(1*):-+$C) +'%)#*1/$)X>M)-5+*6#$9:B)@#$)&':*+'"/4)7/)C'#7)*1/$/F:)$#9+'"/).'%/$'/+*1)+55)*1/) "#9-+$&:#':)*#)*1/)7#$C)#6)-5+D7$&(1*:)5&C/)U/"C/**)+'%)\&'*/$4)71#:/)"1+$+"*/$:) #6*/') &'*/$+"*) 7&*1&') +) *&9/5/::) :/**&'() +'%) ;/1+A/) +""#$%&'() *#) &'/N-5&"+;5/) backcountry creepiness. As Koorzen further explains in the film’s publicity material, 9#*&A+*&#':4) &*) '/A/$) +--$#+"1/:) H#$) /A/') ://9:) *#) +"C'#75/%(/I) *1/) +;:.$%&*D) <Y/)7+'*/%)*#)*/55)*1&:)5#A/):*#$D);/*7//')*7#)9/')&')+)%$/+95&C/)9+''/$BQ inherent in its action – something that, arguably, almost defines the work of those “We really wanted to make an LGBTQ film that expanded our current understanding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ll of that could have been alleviated, perhaps, by a cast capable of finding +'%)6#$)*1+*)*#);/);/+.*&6.5B)[)$/+55D)6//5)5&C/)7/):.""//%/%BQ [')6+"*4)*1/$/)&:)+)C&'%)#6);/+.*D)*#)<=1/)>'/)?#.)@//%BQ)J+$7##%);$&'(:)+):*.%&/%) *$.*1)7&*1&')*1/)"#'"/&*:)+'%)*$+':5+*&'()*1/9)*#)*1/):"$//')&')+)6#$9)*1+*)+*)5/+:*) :/':&;&5&*D)*#)1&:)7#$C);/1&'%)*1/)"+9/$+4)%&:-5+D&'()+)C'+"C)6#$)*1/)A&:.+55D):*$&C&'() $/:#'+*/:) 7&*1) $/+5) 1.9+') /9#*&#'B) =1/) -/$6#$9+'"/:) 7/) (/*) &':*/+%) +$/) 5&**5/) 9#$/)*1+')+%/E.+*/4)-/$1+-:)*1/)9#:*)#;A&#.:)9+'&6/:*+*&#')#6)*1/)+9+*/.$&:1) in his choice of framing and angles; even more effective is the filtered, golden :1//')#6)G+9./5)>**F:)"&'/9+*#($+-1D4)71&"1)(#/:)+)5#'()7+D)*#7+$%)"+-*.$&'()*1/) 6//5)*1+*)C//-:)*1/)9#A&/)6$#9)/A/$)$/+5&3&'()&*:)1D-#*1/*&"+5)-#*/'*&+5B Does that mean “The One You Feed” isn’t an interesting piece of filmmaking? 1+55."&'+*#$D)+/:*1/*&")$/E.&$/%)*#)$/'%/$)*1/)&9-$/::&#')#6)+)5."&%)%$/+9B [')*/$9:)#6)%/-&"*&'()*1/);/+.*D)#6)1.9+'):/N.+5&*D4)1#7/A/$4)+'D)"5+&9)#6):.""/::) ]#*) '/"/::+$&5DB) =1/$/) &:) 9."1) *#) 6+:"&'+*/) &') *1&:) 5/&:.$/5D) -+"/%) H;.*) 9/$"&6.55D) 7#.5%)1+A/)*#);/)%/:"$&;/%)+:):.;O/"*&A/4)+*);/:*B)@#$)#'/)*1&'(4)*1/)%/-&"*&#':)#6) short) art film/horror hybrid, and curious fans of the genre may well find themselves +"*.+5):/N)*1+*)#"".$)R)+'%)*1/D)%#4)&');#*1)#--#:&*/8:/N)+'%):+9/8:/N)-+&$&'(:)R) /'(+(/%)&'):-&*/)#6)&*:):1#$*6+55:B >')*1/)#*1/$)1+'%4)*1/D)9&(1*);/);/**/$)/'*/$*+&'/%)$/87+*"1&'()<=1/)J&55:)J+A/) +$/):#)&'*/$*7&'/%)7&*1)%#9&'+*&#'4)-.'&:19/'*4)+'%)1#:*&5&*D)*1+*)*1/D)7&55)5&C/5D) 6//5)*#)9#:*)A&/7/$:)5&C/)-$#;5/9+*&")/N-$/::&#':)#6)+)6/*&:1B)>')*#-)#6)*1+*4)*1#.(1) PD/:BQ !"!"!#$%&'()#)%*#&+),-$.!"!/&'0&12!345!6763







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!"#$%&'%()*+, -.+#%/&*0'+%1'+2#3#45%+6+'/(&7/%38$8%4.34%9*+84"&#:%-.34%$"#7%&;%<)&4."#2%&'%4&/8%="))% /&*%'+9*"'+>%7&))8%&'%4'*<$85%1"#$%&'%()*+,%?.+/0))%=3#4%4&%$#&=%3(&*4%4.+%2+#7+'%'+6+3)% 13'4/5%3#7%=.34%$"#7%&;%#3@+8%/&*0'+%<&#8"7+'"#2:%A&%/&*%=3#4%3%(&/%&'%2"')%&'5%38%"#%4.+% new audiobook “Raising Them” by Kyl Myers, do you mind not knowing for a few years? B&#2%(+;&'+%8.+%+6+'%(+<3@+%3%@&4.+'5%+6+#%(+;&'+%8.+%@+4%3#7%@3''"+7%.+'%.*8(3#75% Brent, Kyl Myers had thought about what she calls “gender creative parenting.” Myers identifies as queer and she was somewhat of an activist, so she was pretty well6+'8+7%&#%3%8*(C+<4%4.34%38$8%=./%=+5%38%3%8&<"+4/5%1)3<+%+@1.38"8%&#%4.+%<.'&@&8&@+8% &;% 3#% "#;3#4% =.+#% 1./8"<3)5% &;4+#% "#4"@34+5% (&7/% 13'48% .36+% #&4."#2% 4&% 7&% ="4.% 8"@1)/% being a child. Once Myers was pregnant, this became more than just something to think about, and she and her husband decided to raise their child gender-free. They weren’t the first to do so: in years past, other parents around the world went 1*()"<% ="4.% 8*<<+88;*)% 2+#7+'% <'+34"6+% 13'+#4"#2:% D4"))5% "4% 4&&$% 1)+#4/% &;% 7+4+'@"#+7% pre-planning: Myers would deny knowledge of the baby’s gender to anyone who didn’t absolutely, genuinely need to know. That meant restricting diaper-duty, and it meant ;&*'% 2'3#713'+#48% =.&% =&*)7#04% $#&=% 4.+"'% 2'3#7<.")708% 2+#7+'% *#4")% 4.+% <.")7% =38% 8+6+'3)%@&#4.8%&)7: E#<+%F&&@+'%G&/&4+%+#4+'+7%4.+%=&')75%4.+'+%=&*)7%(+%#&%1"#$%&'%()*+%(388"#+4%<3'78% in the hospital nursery. Myers had to learn to find non-gendered infant and toddler clothing for her child, gender-neutral-hued toys for them to play with, and items that didn’t scream “Boy!” or “Girl!” Later, Zoomer’s daycare was “cool” with the neutrality, but strangers and even other parents were a challenge, and were nonetheless challenged to &1+#%4.+"'%@"#78: “Raising Them” will bring out a lot of emotions that will likely be dependent on =."<.% 8"7+% &;% 13'+#4"#2% /&*% 843#7:% H408% "#4'"2*"#25% (*4% +I.3*84"#25% 4&&% <."'1/5% 3#7% 4&&5% too sunny. It’s also too precious by half, and the cute-Zoomer tales wear thin after a (very, very short) while. And yet, the idea of giving your child time to know themself is intriguing. Still, author Kyl Myers should be commended for not throwing in the towel ="4.%.*''"<3#+%;&'<+: H#7++75%.+'%84'*22)+8%=+'+%+I3<4)/%=.34%/&*%@"2.4%+I1+<4: Although, if you’re expecting a baby, Myers may inspire you. Clearly, gender creative 13'+#4"#2%"#6&)6+8%=&'$5%6"2")3#<+5%3#7%;&'+4.&*2.45%3#7%=.")+%"408%#&4%;&'%+6+'/&#+5%"408%3% <&@1+))"#2%+#&*2.%"7+3%4&%84"<$%"#%/&*'%@"#7%)"$+%2)*+:%J&*0))%(+%<&#6"#<+7%4.34%"408%=&'4.% 3%4'/5%+6+#%";%&#)/%8&@+4"@+8: And this: if you can’t rest without knowing, Myers drops hints to soothe your boy-orgirl curiosity, but that’s not the end of this story. No, this is a website-supported, mindopening, ongoing tale for parents-to-be, or for anyone who wishes they’d been reared in a similar kind of household. That you? Read “Raising Them,” or you’ll be blue.







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