Losangelesblade.com, Volume 05, Issue 08, February 19, 2021

Page 1



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Strategy talks in high gear to get Equality Act across the finish line *+,-.%/+#.%.9H.6#.G%0.9#%:..;c%).0&#.%E&#$%3++;-%#8"6;4

!"#$% &% '()(% *+,-.% /+#.% +0% #$.% 12,&3"#4% 56#% -.#% 7+8% 0.9#% :..;<% #&3;-% =.#:..0% >?@AB% 8"C$#-% advocates and Capitol Hill have begun on getting the legislation across the finish line with D.E+68&#"6% 6+0#8+3% +7% =+#$% 6$&E=.8-% +7% F+0C8.--% &0G% #$.% !$"#.% *+,-.<% &3#$+,C$% #$&#% $&-% =.6+E.%E+8.%6+EH3"6&#.G%:"#$%+HH+0.0#-%8&"-"0C%7.&8-%&=+,#%#8&0-C.0G.8%;"G-%"0%-H+8#-%&0G% ).0(%I"##%J+E0.4K-%LJM'#&$N%0.:34%G.63&8.G%+HH+-"#"+0%#+%#$.%="33( >?@AB%8"C$#-%-,HH+8#.8-<%:$+%&C8..G%#+%-H.&;%+0%6+0G"#"+0%+7%&0+04E"#4%7+8%C8.&#.8%6&0G+8<% said they were engaged in talks with lawmakers — including in the Senate, where the major fight will be — in the same week House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) announced a floor vote :+,3G%#&;.%H3&6.%+0%#$.%12,&3"#4%56#( Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), the sponsor of the bill in the Senate, said in a statement to the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ensure that this year will finally be the year that this landmark bill becomes the law of the land.” Opponents, however, will likely raise as an objection to the Equality Act the participation of #8&0-C.0G.8%;"G-%"0%-H+8#-<%:$"6$%68"#"6-%-&4%G"-#+8#-%#$.%"--,.(%).0(%J&0G%V&,3%LJMY4(N<%"0%8.E&8;-% G,8"0C%&%6+EE"##..%$.&8"0C<%-&"G%#$.%"G.&%:&-%Q="O&88.S%&0G%Z";;"%*&3.4%:8+#.%&0%+HM.G%7+8%#$.% Z&#"+0&3%J./".:%&C&"0-#%"#( The Equality Act’s supporters have affirmed the issue has come up in discussion. No changes are expected in advance of the House vote next week, but the Senate is an open question. One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the Olympics and the NCAA, have established internal rules based on sex characteristics, such as $+8E+0.%3./.3-<%#+%C+/.80%&33+:"0C%#8&0-C.0G.8%&#$3.#.-%#+%6+EH.#.%"0%#$+-.%3.&C,.-%6+0-"-#.0#% :"#$%#$."8%C.0G.8%"G.0#"#4( D.-H"#.% &04% +=P.6#"+0-% "0% #$.% *+,-.<% &HH8+/&3% +7% #$.% 12,&3"#4% 56#% -$+,3G% =.% -#8&"C$#7+8:&8G% ,0G.8%D.E+68&#"6%6+0#8+3<%&0G%./.0%E+8.%-+%C"/.0%3.&G.8-$"HK-%G.6"-"+0%#+%E+/.%#$.%="33%G"8.6#34% to the floor without the regular order of holding hearings or a committee vote. Two hearings took H3&6.%"0%#$.%*+,-.%"0%TU[\<%:$.0%#$.%D.E+68&#-%&HH8+/.G%12,&3"#4%56#%3.C"-3&#"+0%"0%&%H&8#4M3"0.% /+#.%&0G%:.8.%P+"0.G%=4%."C$#%J.H,=3"6&0-( *+4.8<%"0%&%-#&#.E.0#%#+%#$.%@3&G.<%-&"G%$.%E&G.%#$.%G.6"-"+0%#+%7+8.C+%8.C,3&8%+8G.8%"0%#$.% 6,88.0#%F+0C8.--%=.6&,-.%#$.%3.C"-3&#"+0%G.E&0G-%"EE.G"&#.%&##.0#"+0( “I was proud to bring the Equality Act to the House floor last Congress, and pleased to see this 68"#"6&3%3.C"-3&#"+0%H&--%:"#$%-#8+0C%-,HH+8#<S%*+4.8%-&"G(%QX#%"-%"EH.8&#"/.%#$&#%:.%E+/.%#$"-%H8"+8"#4% -:"7#34%#+%&G/&06.%#$.%6&,-.%+7%.2,&3"#4%&0G%.0-,8.%+,8%3&:-%8.6+C0"O.%#$.%.2,&3%8"C$#-%&0G%G"C0"#4% +7%>?@AB%H.+H3.%"0%+,8%6+,0#84(S One thing that will be different from the last Congress is having a supportive administration in #$.%!$"#.%*+,-.(%!$"#.%*+,-.%V8.--%).68.#&84%].0%V-&;"%#+3G%#$.%!&-$"0C#+0%@3&G.%.&83".8%#$"-% E+0#$%V8.-"G.0#%@"G.0%Q-#&0G-%=4S%$"-%6&EH&"C0%H3.GC.%#+%-"C0%#$.%3.C"-3&#"+0%:"#$"0%[UU%G&4-( One LGBTQ advocate said he would expect the White House to issue a formal Statement of Administration Policy, an official written communication outlining the executive branch’s position +0% &% H&8#"6,3&8% 3.C"-3&#"/.% &6#"+0<% "0% &0#"6"H&#"+0% +7% #$.% *+,-.% /+#.% G.#&"3"0C% V8.-"G.0#% @"G.0K-% support for the Equality Act. The White House didn’t immediately respond to a request to confirm "#-%H3&0-%7+8%"0H,#( In the Senate, the new Democratic control presents an opportunity for the first time to advance #$.%3.C"-3&#"+0%"0%#$&#%6$&E=.8(%!$"3.%8.C,3&8%+8G.8%+0%#$.%12,&3"#4%56#%E&4%=.%&=-.0#%"0%#$.% *+,-.<%#$&#%3";.34%:+0K#%=.%#$.%6&-.%"0%#$.%).0&#.(%A$.%="33K-%-,HH+8#.8-%&8.%.9H.6#"0C%&%$.&8"0C%"0% #$.%).0&#.%],G"6"&84%F+EE"##..<%&3#$+,C$%#$.%#"E"0C%"-0K#%4.#%6.8#&"0(

#$%&'()*%+,'-*,-%. /012341356742897:;</1= A$.% ).0&#.% $.&8"0C% :+,3G% =.% &0+#$.8% +HH+8#,0"#4% 7+8% #$.% @"G.0% &GE"0"-#8&#"+0% #+% #$8+:% "#-% :."C$#% =.$"0G% #$.% 12,&3"#4% 56#(% X0% TU[U<% A+E% V.8.O<% #$.0M'()(% &--"-#&0#% &##+80.4% C.0.8&3% 7+8% #$.% F"/"3% J"C$#-% D"/"-"+0<% represented the Obama administration "0% &% ).0&#.% $.&8"0C% "0% -,HH+8#% +7% #$.% 1EH3+4E.0#% Z+0MD"-68"E"0&#"+0% 56#(% X7% #$.% @"G.0% &GE"0"-#8&#"+0% :.8.% #+% -.0G% #$.%-&E.%8.H8.-.0#&#"/.<%#$.%G"-#"06#"+0% :+,3G%7&33%#+%Y8"-#.0%F3&8;.<%:$+K-%=..0% G.-"C0&#.G% 7+8% #$.% -&E.% P+=% &#% #$.% $-89:;-9<-:=;-'>?@AB:C-$D:-BE-;FG;D:;H-:9-:@I;-GA@D;<;F:-J;;I*--(Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key) ],-#"6.%D.H&8#E.0#( But the Senate is a real fight. With the chamber in a 50-50 split, the Equality Act’s supporters will need to find 10 Republicans to reach the 60 votes needed to end a filibuster on the legislation. Alternatively, Democrats could opt to junk the legislative filibuster, but that idea may a non-starter with Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) and ]+.%I&06$"0%LDM!(^&(N%-&4"0C%#$.4KG%/+#.%#+%8.P.6#%-,6$%&%H8+H+-&3( Romney has already come out against the Equality Act, citing a lack of sufficient religious liberty H8+/"-"+0-%"0%#$.%3.C"-3&#"+0( Q).0(%J+E0.4%=.3"./.-%#$&#%-#8+0C%8.3"C"+,-%3"=.8#4%H8+#.6#"+0-%&8.%.--.0#"&3%#+%&04%3.C"-3&#"+0%+0% #$"-%"--,.<%&0G%-"06.%#$+-.%H8+/"-"+0-%&8.%&=-.0#%78+E%#$"-%H&8#"6,3&8%="33<%$.%"-%0+#%&=3.%#+%-,HH+8#% "#<S%-&"G%58".33.%I,.33.8<%&%J+E0.4%-H+;.-H.8-+0<%/"&%.E&"3%#+%#$.%!&-$"0C#+0%@3&G.( @,#%-#8&#.C4%=.$"0G%&G/&06"0C%#$.%12,&3"#4%56#%"0%#$.%).0&#.%=4%63&"E"0C%_U%/+#.-%#+%+/.86+E.%&% filibuster appears to be a genuine effort, not just a plan to force a vote on the legislation to make J.H,=3"6&0%+HH+0.0#-%3++;%=&G%:"#$+,#%&04%8.&3%.9H.6#&#"+0%#$.%3.C"-3&#"+0%:"33%H&--( One way to address religious liberty concerns is the imminent ruling from the U.S. Supreme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`%&0G%-"C0&3.G%-$.%6&-#%&%=&33+#%&-%&%8.C,3&8%/+#.8%"0%TU[a%&C&"0-#%&0% &0#"M#8&0-C.0G.8%=&#$8++E%"0"#"&#"/.%"0%506$+8&C.( F+33"0-<%:$+K-%8.H+8#.G34%H../.G%&7#.8%#$.%*,E&0%J"C$#-%F&EH&"C0%-0,==.G%$.8%"0%#$.%TUTU% .3.6#"+0%"0%7&/+8%+7%$.8%D.E+68&#"6%6$&33.0C.8<%G"G0K#%8.-H+0G%#+%E,3#"H3.%8.2,.-#-%=4%#$.%@3&G.%#+% 6+EE.0#%+0%#$.%12,&3"#4%56#(%5%-H+;.-H.8-+0%7+8%I,8;+:-;"%6+,3G0K#%"EE.G"&#.34%=.%8.&6$.G( The next tier is Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), who has a gay son, and Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.). @+#$%V+8#E&0%&0G%A++E.4%/+#.G%7+8%#$.%1EH3+4E.0#%Z+0MD"-68"E"0&#"+0%56#%"0%TU[`(%57#.8%#$&#<% #$.%="33K-%-,HH+8#.8-%E&4%3++;%#+%]+0"%180-#%LJMX+:&N<%:$+%$&-%-"C0&3.G%&0%+H.00.--%#+%&33+:"0C% transgender people in the military, and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), who has voted to affirm spousal benefits to same-sex couples. @,#%:"#$%J+E0.4%-"C0&3"0C%/"&%&%-H+;.-H.8-+0%3&#.%A,.-G&4%$.%:+0K#%-,HH+8#%#$.%12,&3"#4%56#<% the remaining math is tricky. Options could be Sens. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), although their presidential ambitions may mean their votes are off the table, or John Cornyn LJMA.9&-N% :"#$% G.E+C8&H$"6% 6$&0C.-% E&;"0C% $"-% -#&#.% E+8.% Q=3,.(S% ).0(% J"6$&8G% @,88% LJMZ(F(N% /+#.G%7+8%QD+0K#%5-;<%D+0K#%A.33S%8.H.&3%"0%TU[U<%=,#%&C&"0-#%#$.%1EH3+4E.0#%Z+0MD"-68"E"0&#"+0% 56#%"0%TU[`( Neither Sinema nor Manchin’s office responded to the Blade’s request to comment on the Equality Act and whether they’d reconsider their opposition to scrapping the filibuster to enact the 3.C"-3&#"+0(%LI&06$"0K-%-,HH+8#%7+8%#$.%12,&3"#4%56#%"#-.37%"-%"0%2,.-#"+0(%X0%#$.%H8./"+,-%F+0C8.--<% Manchin declined to support the legislation, citing insufficient guidance on “students transitioning =.#:..0%C.0G.8-%"0%H,=3"6%-6$++3-(SN One Republican lobbyist said talk is underway about a Republican compromise along the 3"0.-%+7%#$.%R&"80.--%7+8%533%5E.8"6&0-%56#%"0#8+G,6.G%3&-#%4.&8%=4%J.H(%F$8"-%)#.:&8#%LJM'#&$N(% Those efforts could get a boost from the LGBTQ group Freedom for All Americans promoting its F+0-.8/&#"/.-%5C&"0-#%D"-68"E"0&#"+0%6&EH&"C0<%:$"6$%$&-%=..0%H8+H.33.G%=4%&%8.6.0#%b[%E"33"+0% C8&0#%78+E%#$.%?"33%R+,0G&#"+0( !"#$%&'!'#(!$)'*+",-.-/'(01$02-345-6763-. !"



!"#$% &'($")% *+% ,-"(+*./(-% '-0% -//*#/1$)% 2'$% )$2-("0% *+% (20% 1*.*/-3(.#0% 3-11(/-2(*/% )(02.(4#2(*/% *+% )*0$0% 5"-/% +*.% 2'$% &2-2$% *+% California as the finalized contract with the state’s Department of Public Health was 6-)$%5#4"(1%7*/)-89 :11*.)(/;% 2*% 2'$% <*0% :/;$"$0% =(6$0>% the company will create an algorithm to determine where to allocate CO ID-1 vaccines statewide with the goal of being able to administer million shots a week by March 1. The company will immediately work to centralize the state’s CO ID-1 vaccination program after a sluggish start due to a lack of -3-("-4"$%)*0$0>%1*65"$?%.$;#"-2(*/0%)(12-2(/;% which Californians should be prioritized, and data-reporting issues, the Times noted. Blue Shield President and CEO Paul Markovich had confirmed in a January 02-2$6$/2% 2'-2% 2'$% '$-"2'% (/0#.-/1$% ;(-/2% would help with distribution, quickly distributing vaccines across the state with a focus on disparately affected areas. Under the agreement, Blue Shield will work with olanda Richardson, California’s secretary of the government operations agency, who leads the 02-2$@0%3-11(/$%2$-69% A spokesperson from the California Department of Public Health said transition in oversight of the distribution program will take several weeks. Separately, Oakland, Calif.based healthcare provider Kaiser Permanente will run its own vaccination program for members, as well as provide help to the state. Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Superintendent Austin Beutner announced Monday that the District will open open a coronavirus vaccine site at the Roybal Learning Center, located at 1 00 Colton Street near downtown Los Angeles. Calling this an important step towards reopening schools and to restarting in-class learning, the site will open Wednesday, with the first group eligible to receive the Moderna 3-11(/$%(/1"#)(/;%Aschool staff who are at least 65 years old and district employees who work at coronavirus and vaccination sites,” Beutner said in his weekly announcement. As part of the effort, LAUSD will have its own system for registration and scheduling,

EMA opens first The Federal Emergency Management Agency opened its first two mass vaccination sites in the nation Tuesday, one in Oakland at the Oakland Coliseum in Northern California, and one on the campus of California State University, Los Angeles. Staffed by members of the National Guard, the site in the heavily Latino populated East L.A. is part of an effort to reach communities that have suffered disproportionately during the coronavirus pandemic crisis. According to a spokesperson for FEMA, once it is fully staffed and operational the goal is to vaccinate up to 6,000 people a day. ='$% ,-"% &2-2$% 0(2$% (0% A5.*?(6-2$% 2*% -% 1*66#/(28% 2'-2% '-0% 4$$/% )(05.*5*.2(*/-2$"8% impacted by this pandemic,” said California Gov. Gavin Newsom who was present for the opening. “The effort here is to address that issue forthrightly.” “These new sites will help us get lifesaving vaccines to some of the California communities most in need,” Newsom said adding. “I thank the Biden-Harris Administration for standing with us as we continue our efforts to safely, swiftly and equitably vaccinate all Californians.” Also opening this week will be four mobile vaccination clinics two paired with each vaccination site which can be deployed to multiple locations within the community to amplify and provide distribution to areas that otherwise lack sufficient support. The two mega sites are part of an ongoing effort by the Biden-Harris Administration to ramp up vaccinations. Currently there is on average nearly 1. million doses being


as well as tracking vaccine supply. The features will include rules to sorting highrisk individuals and a waitlist for low-risk (/)(3()#-"09 ='$%&#5$.(/2$/)$/2%/*2$)%2'$%$"(;(4("(28%2*% get the vaccine will be Aconsistent with current public health rules.” The LAUSD announcement follows the ,$/2$.0% +*.% B(0$-0$% ,*/2.*"% -/)% C.$3$/2(*/% (CDC) last week, which revised guidance and 0$2%*#2%-%.*-)6-5%+*.%01'**"%0802$60%2*%#0$% 2*%0-+$"8%.$*5$/9 Inoculating all who work at LAUSD campuses will still be critical to A1.$-2(/;%2'$% safest possible school environment,” Beutner 0-()9% AThis will not only protect the health -/)% 0-+$28% *+% 2'$% $00$/2(-"% $65"*8$$0% (/% schools, but will provide enormous benefit to 1'(").$/%-/)%2'$(.%+-6("($0>%"$-)(/;%2*%-%+-02$.% reopening of schools.” Last week, the Los Angeles teachers union has said that vaccines are a prerequisite to their return. Beutner said last Monday that vaccinating 5,000 teachers and staff could lead to the reopening of elementary schools for a quarter of a million students as soon as state guidelines allowed the Los Angeles Times reported. ='$% <*0% :/;$"$0% ,*#/28% B$5-.26$/2% *+% C#4"(1% D$-"2'% (00#$)% -% 02-2$6$/2% */% 01'**"0% reopening Monday evening February 15 AThe state permits elementary schools to reopen as soon as we reach an adjusted case rate of 5 per 100,000. We are informing Los Angeles County schools tonight via an emailed letter that we expect to announce we have reached this threshold effective Tuesday, February 16. This encouraging news means that dozens of elementary schools will be permitted to reopen for in-class instruction for students grades TK-6 as early as this week. All schools wishing to reopen must submit plans to the County Department of C#4"(1% D$-"2'% -/)% 2'$% ,-"(+*./(-% B$5-.26$/2% *+% C#4"(1% D$-"2'% 1$.2(+8(/;% 2'-2% 2'$8% '-3$% implemented a full range of safety measures to permit a safe reopening.” !"#$$%&'()&"!

ass accination site -)6(/(02$.$)% 2*% :6$.(1-/0% 5$.% )-8>% -11*.)(/;% 2*% 2'$% ,$/2$.0% +*.% B(0$-0$% ,*/2.*"% -/)% Prevention. State Public Health offices across the nation are reporting that coronavirus deaths are down sharply over the past six weeks, and new cases of infections have 5"#66$2$)9 ='$% <*0% :/;$"$0% ,*#/28% B$5-.26$/2% *+% C#4"(1% D$-"2'% -//*#/1$)% =#$0)-8% 2'-2% <:% County’s adjusted case rate has remained under 5 new cases per 100,000 people for five consecutive days, meeting the State requirements for schools to open on-site learning for grades TK through 6. Students in grades TK through 6 are permitted for on-site learning if the school is in full compliance with state and county directives. Many of the directives are not new and very familiar to schools that re-opened under the waiver program or for 0$.3(1$0%+*.%'(;'%/$$)%02#)$/209% A spokesperson for Public Health noted that “It is understandable some parents may not currently feel comfortable sending their children back to school for onsite learning. Schools offering on campus learning opportunities should also continue to offer 100 )(02-/1$% "$-./(/;% *55*.2#/(2($09% % C"$-0$% .$6$64$.% 2'-2% (2% (0% 2'$% )$1(0(*/% *+% 2'$% 01'**"% district or the school as to whether they will reopen for onsite learning for grades TK through 6.” !"#$$%&'()&"!


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)6*'7+)/6PW Last year’s OUT in the OPEN included 00 athletes ages 1 -66 representing 0 countries, US states, and Canadian provinces. It raised nearly 5,000 to benefit The OUT B/76?8%)/6U+,O0/9081+,%&8%,8?Q/*8%(,./0,)6*'7+)/6,86?,8**(++,./0,%&(,:;<#=>,*/1176)%2, in fitness, health, and wellness. $%&'(%(+,+&/7'?,Q)+)%,RRRP)81/7%P/09V/O(6,%/,'(806,1/0(D,0(9)+%(0D,86?,+%80%,.76?08)+)69[, I0)G(+, R)'', 0869(, .0/1, 8OO80(', .0/1, I"E$, -)6*'7?)69, %&()0, 6(R, B"CJ, #08)6)69, C&/(5D, +769'8++(+,.0/1,<(8+%,9//?0D,0(*/Q(02,?0)6T+,.0/1,!LD,+R89,.0/1,3/0T)69,$98)6+%,;08Q)%2D, 921,8**(++/0)(+D,86?,1/0([ !"#$$%&'()&"!

60JK4E?!L=?MHGMGH9=GB@9<!=IM@>9!GB!M<GM;<!GF!>G;GH $, +%7?2, 0('(8+(?, %&)+, R((T, H2, #&(, 3)'')81+, \6+%)%7%(, 8%, %&(, "6)Q(0+)%2, /., A8')./06)8D, :/+, $69('(+, C*&//', /., :8R, 7+)69, ?8%8, collected by an Axios-Ipsos poll in fall 0 0, shows that LGBTQ O(/O'(,/.,*/'/0,80(,1/0(,8?Q(0+('2,)1O8*%(?,)6,8'',80(8+,/.,').(, H2,%&(,*/0/68Q)07+,O86?(1)*,%&86,%&()0,R&)%(,:;<#=>,86?,R&)%(, non-LGBTQ people. The study’s main finding is that the impact of the pandemic /6, :;<#=, */1176)%)(+, *866/%, H(, .7''2, 76?(0+%//?, R)%&/7%, */6+)?(0)69,08*(,86?,(%&6)*)%2,8+,R('',8+,+(]78',/0)(6%8%)/6,86?, 9(6?(0,)?(6%)%2P X\6,+&/0%D,8*0/++,8,671H(0,/.,)6?)*8%/0+D,:;<#,O(/O'(,/.,*/'/0, 80(,1/0(,')T('2,%/,(]O(0)(6*(,%&(,&(8'%&,86?,(*/6/1)*,)1O8*%+, of CO ID-1 than non-LGBT white people,” the study’s summary 0(8?P According to the findings, LGBTQ people are also more likely %/, ./''/R, O7H')*, &(8'%&, 1(8+70(+D, +7*&, 8+, 9(%%)69, %(+%(?, ./0, CO ID-1 , social distancing, and wearing masks than non-LGBT R&)%(,O(/O'(P, #&(, +%7?2, 8'+/, &)9&')9&%(?, 8, 9'80)69, '8*T, /., ?8%8, 1(%0)*+, 8+, )6./018%)/6,/6,)1O8*%,/6,:;<#=,O(/O'(,)+,')1)%(?,)6,O7H')*,?8%8, collection efforts nationally with the exceptions of the states of A8')./06)8,86?,I(66+2'Q86)8P #&)+, )6*'7?(?, 8, '8*T, /., )6./018%)/6, .0/1, %&(, 4(O80%1(6%, /., A/11(0*(,"PCP,A(6+7+,<70(87,86?,%&(,/%&(0,^_,+%8%(+,%&8%,?/, 6/%,)6*'7?(,?(1/908O&)*,S7(+%)/6+,8H/7%,+(]78',/0)(6%8%)/6,86?, gender identity in the efforts by public health officials’ CO ID-1 ?8%8,*/''(*%)/6P I0)/0,3)'')81+,\6+%)%7%(,0(+(80*&,&8+,+&/R6,%&8%,1862,:;<#=,


adults are at higher risk of serious illness related to CO ID-1 86?,)%+,0(+7'%)69,6(98%)Q(,(*/6/1)*,)1O8*%+P,#&)+,0(O/0%,O0/Q)?(+, new data on the impact of CO ID-1 on LGBTQ people collected )6,%&(,.8'',/.,LMLMP X#&(, )1O8*%, /., %&(, O86?(1)*, /6, :;<#, O(/O'(`86?, :;<#, people of color specifically—must be taken into account as %&(, .(?(08', 9/Q(061(6%, +((T+, %/, 0(+%/0(, %07+%, )6, )6+%)%7%)/6+, 0(+O/6?)69, %/, %&(, O7H')*, &(8'%&, *0)+)+, 86?, %/, O0/Q)?(, +7OO/0%, to those most economically affected by CO ID-1 ,” the study’s 87%&/0+,O/)6%(?,/7%P C/1(, /., %&(, &)9&')9&%+, )6*'7?(?a, X:;<#, 0(+O/6?(6%+, R(0(, more likely than non-LGBT respondents to be laid off or furloughed from their jobs. They report problems affording H8+)*,&/7+(&/'?,9//?+,86?,0(O/0%,&8Q)69,O0/H'(1+,O82)69,%&()0, 0(6%,/0,1/0%989(PW :;<#=, 0(+O/6?(6%+, R(0(, 1/0(, ')T('2, %/, 0(O/0%, H()69, concerned about getting sick from CO ID-1 ( 5.1 v. 5.0 ), wearing a mask outside of the home ( .0 v. . ), and practicing social distancing ( 0.0 v. 5.0 ) than their non-LGBT */76%(0O80%+P, LGBTQ people of color, and non-LGBTQ people of color R(0(, 1/0(, ')T('2, %/, 0(O/0%, H()69, */6*(06(?, 8H/7%, 9(%%)69, sick with CO ID-1 , wearing a mask outside of the home, and practicing social distancing than non-LGBT White respondents. For example, . of LGBT people of color reported wearing a 18+T,8'',/0,+/1(,/.,%&(,%)1(,/7%+)?(,/.,%&(,&/1(,*/1O80(?,%/, 6. of non-LGBT white respondents. !"#$$%&'()&"!


,MN9C-@JN:N-;-?:@JI:8-OM::>-9CJD-;N-$>9-&J@8-89:N-;=-PQ A talented, unapologetic, committed, proud and sexy life force’


Ari Gold, the groundbreaking gay singer songwriter and DJ who became a fixture of the New ork dance music scene in the 000s, came to the end of a long battle with cancer on Sunday when he passed away of leukemia. He was . News of his death broke publicly when RuPaul, a longtime friend who Gold described as !"#$%&'()$)"%"#*+,%-./$%0+(1+%"(%2%3$+"(456%7()"$8%2%"4*9:"$%"(%"#$%3:)*&%24"*)"%(+%#*)%;1*""$4% account, saying “Until we meet again, dear friend. SirAriGold Love always, Ru.” Born to Orthodox Jewish parents in the Bronx, Gold’s musical gifts were discovered early when he sang at his brother Steven’s bar mitzvah at the age of 5. The performance opened the door for a professional career as a child singer and actor, in which he contributed vocals for children’s records, television shows such as “The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus” and “Jem,” and over 00 commercial jingles. He also sang back-up vocals for Diana Ross. It was after his graduation from N U that his adult career began in earnest. He became popular performing his original music which included explicitly gay love songs in New ork clubs like Joe’s Pub, Barracuda, Avalon, CBGB’s and many others, eventually drawing from this material to record a self-titled debut album in 001. It won him an award for Outstanding Debut Recording at the 00 Outmusic Awards and brought him to the attention of songwriter Desmond Child, resulting in a collaboration that yielded the single “I’m All About ou,” which reached the top 10 on the UK charts for dance music and the top 0 for pop. Gold went on to release a total of seven albums of original compositions and remixes, including 00 ’s “Space Under the Sun” (which featured “Wave of ou,” the video for which was the first by an out LGBTQ artist to world-premiere on Logo) and 00 ’s “Transport Systems,” which gave him his first debut on the Billboard top 10. The latter recording included the song “Where the Music Takes ou,” which won him the Grand Prize at the 1 th Annual USA Songwriting Competition. Through all his output, he was known for unabashedly embracing a proud queer sensibility and a message of sex positivity a combination that has led many to label him an LGBTQ “trailblazer,” and perhaps reached its pinnacle with his infectious (and controversial) 015 single, “Sex Like a Pornstar,” which was released with an age-restricted video. In his later career, Gold released some of his albums under the names Sir Ari Gold and GoldNation. His musical talents led to many collaborations, both as a performer and as a songwriter, with stars including Boy George, Kevin Aviance, Sasha Allen, Adam Joseph, and Dave Koz. He became a staple performing at Pride Festivals, and his music was featured in several films. He also modeled for magazines like W and IBE he was chosen as one of “The Hottest Men in N C” by H magazine and one of the hottest men in the world by DNA magazine. In 00 , he took on a supporting role in RuPaul’s film “Starrbooty,” playing the character of Tyrone Cohen. Gold’s battle with cancer began in 01 when he was diagnosed with myelodsplastic syndrome (MDS), a blood cancer that can be treated with a bone marrow transplant. During treatment, he started a podcast called “A Kiki From the Cancer Ward” in order to continue being creative. He recorded seven episodes, with guests including Charles and Aviance, Drag Race finalist Peppermint, and trans actress Laverne Cox. After receiving a transplant, Gold was declared “cancer free” in 01 , but in the days before his death it was revealed in an Instagram post by his elder brother Elon that he was once again battling leukemia at MSK Sloan in New ork. After news of his death broke, social media was flooded with tributes and remembrances from many of Gold’s famous friends. Cox tweeted “I’m so utterly devastated that you’ve moved on today. But I know you’ll be watching over me as you always have. I’m so grateful to have known you. I’m better because you have been a part of my life. My brother I love you so much Rest in Power ” Actor, director, and musician John Cameron Mitchell, perhaps best known as the creator of “Hedwig and the Angry Inch,” posted on Instagram “What a light and a pioneer in pop.

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He was out long before it was fashionable and took so many artistic risks. Loved him. What a sweetheart. Wishing his friends and family peace of heart and mind. Rest In Peace dear Ari.” Gold’s music was prominently featured in Mitchell’s film “Shortbus.” On Facebook, Legendary Deee-Lite manager and music producer Bill Coleman wrote “I’ll always remember Ari as a talented, unapologetic, committed, forthright, fierce, supportive, stylish, Wonder Woman-lovin’, body positive, proud and sexy life force to be reckoned with. He was on a mission. Our paths crossed many times over the decades both business and personal. I appreciated Ari’s strident voice and his willingness to speak up for others. He was one of ours. Rest in power, love. ou left the world changed.” Los Angeles Blade publisher Troy Masters recalls “In the early 0s I interviewed Ari for Gay City News and he and I had a long conversation about him as a high school bon vivant, which led me to give him a nickname that he loved and embraced for many years, Madonna of the yeshiva.’ “It was so much fun in his apartment sitting on his bed for some reason and my mind kept wandering,” said Masters. “He was the last person I said farewell to in 015 when I left N C and moved to LA. He spotted me on th Avenue, shouting my name and I somehow heard him. I crossed the street and we had an emotional embrace. I’m so glad he was in my life.” !"#$%&'!'#(!$)'*+",-.-/'(01$02-345-6763-. !"


(G!(G@DEI(J>=@FDEG!F>K>L=D<>!/MED=!2>N!)>D=, DE!MO<@FP!@E!:D<>!F=@J>G -year-old man dies after assault in San Francisco


!"#!"$%&'!()*$+%&"#,%-.)*#-/#+)0)1*%-)#-.)#23&%*#4)5#6)%*#/7#-.)#89#:*$;%<=##%#")*$)"# of violent attacks targeting Asian-Americans and Pacific Islander (AAPI) elders has plagued -.)#,*)%-)*#>%&#:*%&+$"+/#?%<#%*)%@ Two of these attacks resulted in the deaths of the victims. In San Francisco, icha Ratanpakdee, an -year-old senior from Thailand, died after being tackled to the ground during his morning walk in Anza ista. Across the Bay, a 1-year-old Asian-American man was shoved to the ground while shopping for groceries in Chinatown in Oakland. In an interview with KPI -CBS San Francisco icha Ratanapakdee’s daughter said she 1)0$)A);# .)*# 7%-.)*# 5%"# -%*,)-);# ;3)# -/# .$"# *%+)=# %&;# -.%-# ".)# .)*")07# .%"# %0"/# 1))&# %# A$+-$(#/7#*)+)&-#%&-$'!"$%&#;$"+*$($&%-$/&@ Monthanus Ratanapakdee, said she has been targeted for her race during the pandemic. BWhen people see me because I’m Asian, they blame me that I bring the Covid to this +/3&-*<=C#".)#"%$;@ These attacks are prompting calls for increased awareness, media coverage and public attention spread primarily through grassroots efforts via social media campaigns coupled with Change.org and other petitions sponsored by Asian American civil rights leaders. Last month, in one of his first acts as he took office, President Joe Biden signed a Presidential Memorandum condemning and combating racism, xenophobia, and intolerance against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. The president in the memorandum outlined that since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, Binflammatory and xenophobic rhetoric has put Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) persons, families, communities, and businesses at risk.” A great deal of that inflammatory rhetoric is attributed to former President Trump’s unceasing barrage of false attacks against China blaming that country for the outbreak, often framing his public statements derisively referring to COID-1 as Bthe China irus.” D*)"$;)&-#?$;)&#%;;*)"");#-.$"#$&#.$"#()(/*%&;3(= BThe Federal government must recognize that it has played a role in furthering these xenophobic sentiments through the actions of political leaders, including references to the CO ID-1 pandemic by the geographic location of its origin. Such statements have stoked unfounded fears and perpetuated stigma about Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and have contributed to increasing rates of bullying, harassment, and hate crimes against AAPI persons. These actions defied the best practices and guidelines of public health officials and have caused significant harm to AAPI families %&;#+/((3&$-$)"#-.%-#(3"-#1)#%;;*)"");@#C >-%-)#>)&. Richard Pan and Assemblymember Evan Low — the Chair and ice Chair of the California State Asian Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus, respectively — condemned the surge in anti-Asian and Pacific Islander American hate crimes in a statement emailed -/#-.)#?0%;)@ BThe recent surge in hate crimes targeting innocent Asian and Pacific Islander Americans is sickening, and the API Caucus condemns these cowardly attacks. Since the start of the pandemic, Asian and Pacific Islander Americans have felt the brunt of the previous president’s racist rhetoric, which wrongly associated the virus with a single race of people and then stood back as API citizens fell victim to thousands of incidents of discrimination %&;#A$/0)&+)@ The last several weeks have shown that the problem is only getting worse, as women and seniors have especially become targeted for assaults, vandalism, verbal harassment, denial of access to services and public spaces, and even deadly violence. Our most vulnerable residents are under attack and this is a national emergency. We appreciate President Biden’s executive order calling for greater protections for the API community as a result of racism and xenophobia linked to the pandemic, and we thank those who stand in solidarity with the API community.



But it is not enough to simply disavow racism, xenophobia, and violence. We must call attention to these injustices and protect one another. This dark chapter in American .$"-/*<#$"#%#(/()&-#5.)&##%++/3&-%1$0$-<#%&;#%+-$/&#%*)#*)E3$*);#-/#1*$&,#%1/3-#F3"-$+)# and peace.” The group BStop Asian American Pacific Islander Hate” says that since mid-March of last year until the end of 0 0, they received over , 00 accounts of anti-Asian attacks from across the country. Some fear that even with Trump out of office, the problem is +/&-$&3$&,#-/#,)-#5/*")@ BG.)#7*)E3)&+<#$"#(3+.#.$,.)*=#-.)#&3(1)*"#(3+.#.$,.)*=#%&;#-.)#%--%+H#$"#(/*)#")A)*)# and more serious, and it’s getting more violent,” said Carl Chen, president of the Oakland Chinatown Chamber of Commerce told KABC News Los Angeles. BRacist rhetoric from the pandemic have targeted us as being the reason for coronavirus,” actor David Wu said at a press conference on Monday. He, along with fellow actor Daniel Dae Kim, established a reward fund in the case of the Oakland assailant. BAsians across the board have been targeted, being pushed, attacked, spat on. Outside of San Francisco, in Los Angeles, and in New ork, these incidents are happening all over -.)#+/3&-*<@C BThe way we see it is that it’s not one community against another,” Daniel Dae Kim told ();$%#/3-0)-"@#BIt’s everyone versus racism.” Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel (D-Woodland Hills), acknowledged the start of the New 23&%*#6)%*#&/-$&,=#B!"#5)#5)0+/()#-.)#6)%*#/7#-.)#89=#5)#(3"-#%+H&/50);,)#-.)#*)+)&-# spike in hate and violence against our Asian American community. We stand strongly in solidarity with them during this difficult time.”

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&89:;<!=8!8>>8?;!$@ABCD=<!(E=! !"#$% &'((% )*+#",% -)./(012% 3'4#05"6% 50("% 78"360,% 1"% 9*856% *::*3"% (1"% ;<805'(,% =>(?% 5"4'350('*#% (*% "@:0#6% (1"% :A*1'B'('*#% *#% 0#('.CDE7F% 6'3>A'+'#0('*#% 8#6"A% G"6"A05% law, throwing a massive wrench into plans of the bill’s supporters to guide it into law. “Sen. Romney believes that strong religious liberty protections are essential to any legislation on this issue, and since those provisions are absent from this particular bill, he is not able to support it,” said Arielle Mueller, a Romney spokesperson, via email to the H031'#4(*#%E506"%'#%A"3:*#3"%(*%0#%'#<8'A,%*#%(1"%;<805'(,%=>($ Romney’s office didn’t immediately respond to a follow-up email on whether Romney 9*856%B"%*:"#%(*%#"4*('0('*#3%*#%A"5'4'*83%5'B"A(,%50#4804"%(10(%>*856%5"06%1'+%(*%38::*A(% (1"%5"4'350('*#$ The Utah senator’s declared opposition to the Equality Act, which would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1 6 to expand the prohibition on discrimination against LGBTQ people, comes shortly after news emerged House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) would hold a vote on the legislation in the U.S. House next week. Although the Equality Act, sponsored by Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) in the House and Sen. Jeff Merkeley (D-Ore.) in the Senate, would likely have no trouble passing in the Democratic-controlled House, the Senate is a different story. With the makeup of that chamber a 50-50 party split, support from 10 Republicans would be needed to reach the 60 votes to end a filibuster on the legislation. CDE7F%A'41(3%38::*A("A3%9"A"%>*8#('#4%*#%)*+#",%(*%>*#(A'B8("%)":8B5'>0#%38::*A(%(*% get the Equality Act across the finish line. With his vote off the table, it’s hard to see how the legislation’s proponents would be able to find the 10 votes in the Republican caucus to end a filibuster. President Biden had campaigned on signing the legislation in his first 100 days in office. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said last week Biden “stands by” his promise, but #*("6%I*#4A"33%103%(*%(0J"%3*+"%066'('*#05%3(":3$ Romney’s opposition to the Equality Act is consistent with remarks he made earlier this month in which he associated himself with Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-Ky.) attack on transgender kids in sports during Education Secretary-designate’s Miguel Cardona’s confirmation. To (1"% >*#6"+#0('*#% *G% CDE7F% A'41(3% 38::*A("A3?% K085% 30'6% (A0#34"#6"A% :0A('>':0('*#% '#% sports amounts to allowing boys in girls events and was a “bizarre” idea. Romney echoed those comments during the same confirmation hearing, saying he 9*856%L033*>'0("M%1'+3"5G%9'(1%K085$ “That’s not something I say very frequently, but he made a very, very good point,” Romney said. ““I’ve got pictures of my eight granddaughters, amongst some grandsons,

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behind me. They shouldn’t be competing with people who are physiologically in an entirely different category.” The Equality Act doesn’t explicitly address school sports, but it would affirm 6'3>A'+'#0('*#%040'#3(%(A0#34"#6"A%J'63%'3%:A*1'B'("6%'#%"68>0('*#%0#6%G"6"A05%:A*4A0+3% and suggest barring transgender kids from school sports is prohibited. Major sports associations, including the Olympics and the NCAA, have established internal rules based on sex characteristics, such as hormone levels, to govern allowing transgender athletes to >*+:"("%B03"6%'#%(1*3"%5"048"3%*#%(1"'A%4"#6"A%'6"#('(,$ If 10 Republicans aren’t present in the Senate to vote to end a filibuster on the Equality Act, one alternative would be for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N. .) to junk the legislative proceeding altogether. However, that would require a majority vote and support from the entire Democratic caucus, and Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W. a.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), the only out bisexual in Congress, have said they won’t vote to scrap the filibuster. The Blade couldn’t reach Sinema or Manchin’s office by press time Tuesday to comment *#% (1"% ;<805'(,% =>(% 0#6% 91"(1"A% (1"% 3"#0(*A3% 9*856% A">*#3'6"A% (1"'A% :*3'('*#3% *#% (1"% filibuster if the legislation is unable to advance in the Senate. Romney’s opposition to the Equality Act 3(0#63%'#%>*#(A03( to his statement in 1 to Log Cabin Republicans, when he challenged the late Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) for his seat representing Massachusetts in the Senate. At the time, Romney said he would not only back the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, legislation to ban anti-gay discrimination in employment, but Lif possible broaden it to include housing and credit.” Romney ended up losing in his challenge to Kennedy, much like he lost the 01 presidential election against then-President Obama. !"#$%&'(")%()




Pennsylvania state Sen. Brian Sims (D-Philadelphia) on Monday announced he is running for lieutenant governor. “I want to be your next lieutenant governor,” said the Philadelphia Democrat in his campaign announcement. “We need adults in the room and I want to bring bold, visionary leadership based on lived experiences and shared values on the commonwealth.” Sims, , in 01 became the first openly gay person elected to the Pennsylvania General Assembly. Then-state Rep. Mike Fleck (R-Huntingdon County) came out shortly after Sims’ election. State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta (D-Philadelphia) has represented the 1 1st Legislative District in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives since 01 . Current Lieutenant Gov. John Fetterman earlier this month 0##*8#>"6% 1"% '3% A8##'#4% (*% 38>>""6% A"('A'#4% /$!$% !"#$% K0(% 7**+",% -).K0$2$ The election for both seats is in 0 . *$!"+,-&./&-+0,#%

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losing a dark chapter in A erican history

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#);'#('")I=1)6%)<=11%6$&)81)%'')8=')$''(%)1?)8=')2'12;')#$()=')6%)#(("'%%6$&) them. And I think that says a lot that it’s not even 100 days for him in office /'8+N 0"122'")3'8)A6('$)#8)8=')\'31<"#86<)2"'%6('$86#;)('H#8')1$)BF$')CL@)CJKO@) 6$)>6#36)I='"')8=')?F8F"')2"'%6('$8)%=115)=6%)=#$()#$()%#6(@)MW)%'')/1F+N)Z') #;%1)3'8)$1IP!"#$%21"8#861$),'<"'8#"/):'8')AF886&6'&@)I=1)<133'$('()=63) 1$)=6%)36;68#"/)%'".6<')#%)#).'8'"#$)=63%';?+ 7=6;')("6.6$&)81)#)"1F86$')(1<81"G%)#2216$83'$8)1$)Q'H+)KK)#$()(16$&)MVF%8) regular everyday life stuff,” Cropper told the Blade of the hope he feels now 8=#8)!"F32G%)8"#$%)%'".6<')3'3H'")H#$)6%)$1I)H'=6$()=63+ M!='"'G%) #;I#/%) &16$&) 81) H') %13'8=6$&@) W) 3'#$) WG3) A;#<5) #$() WG3) 6$) 8=') 36;68#"/@N)0"122'")%#6(+)MBut this is now one less thing off my shoulders that I =#.')81)I1""/)#H1F8+N W$%8'#(@) =') <#$) 8"/) 81) "';#E) #$() VF%8) ?1<F%) 1$) <#"6$&) ?1") =6%) 2#"8$'"@) =6%) ;9P/'#"P1;() <1F%6$@) =6%) 8I1) 36$6#8F"') %<=$#FR'"%@) ,'1F;) #$() 0#";681@) #$() =6%) Staffordshire terrier Siri. MT'.'"%6$&)8=6%)H#$)6%)#).6<81"/) ?1") #;;) 43'"6<#$%@N) %#6() ,:4T!U4) ^6<') :"'%6('$8) A"'') Q"#3@) I=1) 6%) #) ;6'F8'$#$8) <1;1$';) 6$) 8=') *+,+)46")Q1"<'@)6$)8=')B#$+)CD)V16$8) %8#8'3'$8+) M:"'%6('$8) A6('$) =#%) &6.'$) 8=') &6?8) 1?) 1221"8F$68/) 81) 8=1F%#$(%)1?)6$(6.6(F#;%)I=1)I6;;) F%') 68) 81) %'".') 8=') <1F$8"/) 8='/) ;1.'+N Since first enlisting in 00 , 0"122'") =#() %'".'() F$('") .#"/6$&) 21;6<6'%) ;63686$&) =1I) =') expressed his LGBTQ identity, 6$<;F(6$&) 8=') "'2'#;'() M\1$G8) 4%5@) \1$G8) !';;N) ;#I) 8=#8) H#$$'() 12'$;/) ;'%H6#$@) &#/) #$() H6%'EF#;) Ar y Sta Sgt #$$%&'()*++,)2))<*=>?>)@>AB?CDE)>F)+GGEH)!B>IICBJ %'".6<')3'3H'"%+ \'%268')8='%')"'%8"6<861$%@)=')%86;;) earned several military awards and honors, including one for physical fitness. M4);18)1?)863'%)8=')2=/%6<#;)#%2'<8)1?)36;68#"/)%'".6<')6%)H"1F&=8)F2)I68=)8"#$%) %'".6<')3'3H'"%@N)0"122'")%#6()I=6;')216$86$&)1F8)=')#$()18='"%);65')=63)$18) 1$;/)3'8)8=')2=/%6<#;)%8#$(#"(%)HF8)'E<''('()8='3+)M!1)H')#)>#%8'")Q68$'%%) !"#6$'")/1F)=#.')81)%<1"')6$)8=')OJ8=)2'"<'$86;')6$)'.'"/)'.'$8+N Lowery, who also identifies as a Black trans masculine service member, told the Blade that being able to serve openly also affects leadership skills. M7='$);'#('"%)<#$)H')31"')#F8='$86<@)8='/)<#$)H')31"')=1$'%8@N)=')%#6(+)MW$) 8=')I1";()6$)&'$'"#;@)I')=#.')#)%=1"8#&')1?)=1$'%8);'#('"%+)4$/8=6$&)I')<#$) (1)81)=#.')2'12;')H')31"')=1$'%8)#$()#F8='$86<)6$)&'$'"#;)6%)8=')"6&=8)8=6$&) 81)(1+N Lowery currently lives with his wife, daughter and two great Danes, but he &"'I)F2)M2"'88/)211"N)#$()V16$'()8=')4"3/)6$)%'#"<=)1?)#)H'88'");6?'+ 7=6;')0"122'")<#3')?"13)#)?#36;/)1?)2"1?'%%61$#;%@)6$<;F(6$&)#)318='")I=1) 6%)#)(1<81")1?)6$8'"$#;)3'(6<6$'@)#$()I#$8'()81)2"1.')8=#8)=')<1F;()3#5')68)1$) his own, Lowery struggled with work, school, and long bus commutes before finally signing up in 00 .



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@%'#)*+,-%".$&7#&%8%$30#3/1%A*&A)%$.(#0.&,223%# to escape gay genocide’ #$%&'()%*+,-%./)0

!"#$"#%&$#'(%"#)*+,-%".$&/%0#*1.%"#0%%-#2%$&%)#-*&%#.*'$&)#$#03/+4#$")#5,667# “docu-tainment” style than to the unfiltered presentation of real-world facts and $A:9D9=:-1+2/1%/34552-9=experiences, “Welcome to Chechnya” blasts you in the face like a gust of icy wind. E@>F9;<;:GB-H<C:I@<J-9;A harrowing look at the “underground railroad” that sprung up within Russia to help K+?<A?;BC*L-MNFCO<-A>I@:<=B-P("Q the victims of the notorious “gay genocide” being perpetrated under Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, it’s a film that makes you want to look away but doesn’t let you do it. !.#+*"8%70#.(%#,".(/"4$53%#.&$,-$#*1#3/8/"2#/"#$#+*"0.$".#0.$.%#*1#.%&&*&#'(/3%#-$4/"2# truths. They were terrified, and here I was asking them to let me film them anyway and then a desperate, clandestine run for your very life more than that, it permits us to put a human figure out how to solve this problem later.” face albeit a digitally altered one on the crisis. There is still a touch of awe in his voice as he says, “Remarkably, a couple of dozen people Part of the film’s impact undoubtedly stems from its subject matter, but it’s at least equally agreed to let me do that.” due to the artistry of its director, David France. It’s not the first time he’s been behind a He continues, “There were people, of course, who couldn’t take that leap with me. There heavyweight LGBTQ documentary. The longtime journalist made his directing debut with was one person who was nervous even about me filming "(!$* people in the shelter. These “How to Survive a Plague” in 01 , documenting the early years of the AIDS epidemic with an were people who had just escaped the most horrific abuse and torture, and violation from activist’s passion in a film that won him a host of awards and nominations for several more, their own families. They were hiding from their brothers and their uncles, from their own including an Oscar. fathers. That dislocation of familial love was so traumatic to everybody there that some of Now, “Chechnya,” which premiered at last year’s Sundance Festival and was released by them were just on a very sharp edge unable to reckon with the past, unable to find security HBO last summer, has made the shortlist for this year’s Academy Awards, raising the possibility in the present or see hope in the future. ou see that in the film with one of them, who even for a second chance at taking home the coveted statue. et Oscar gold was not what France attempts suicide. For those people, it was a difficult arrangement to have me shooting even on had on his mind when he had a conversation with the Blade about the film earlier this week. the other side of the shelter house. I understood that and I tried to be very respectful.” Rather, he wanted to discuss the people in the film. The challenge of maintaining privacy would eventually be surmounted by new, state-of-theFrance, like everyone else, had been appalled by the tales coming out of Chechnya in 01 . art identity protection software, a high-tech touch that France savvy storyteller that he is was “We all read the stories,” he tells us now, “but it wasn’t until I read 9$0($#:%00%"’s New orker able to parlay into one of the film’s most dramatic and unexpected moments. A considerable piece about the work that ordinary Russians were having to take upon themselves that I amount of screen time in “Welcome to Chechnya” is devoted to an anonymous refugee who became really fascinated.” has escaped from his tormentors into the network, where he is reunited with his family and ;%#/0#&%1%&&/"2#.*#.(%#"%.'*&4#*1#<:=>?#$+./8/0.0#.($.#-*5/3/6%)#/"#.(%#$50%"+%#*1#*,.0/)%# his boyfriend of 10 years a turning point comes when, despite being poised for removal to help to extract refugees in daring escapes, hide them in safe houses across Russia, and work another country, he chooses to go public with his story and make an official complaint to with groups around the world to get them out of the country. In “Welcome to Chechnya,” he the Russian government. As he makes that decision, the false features realistically rendered follows a handful of these accidental heroes, as well as several of the survivors they protect, over his real ones melt away before our eyes, revealing his unaltered face and with it, his as they orchestrate and enact spycraft that would be right at home in an episode of “The true identity. It’s a powerful effect, and it’s our official introduction to Maxim Lapunov, whose Americans.” In the process, he shines a light on more than just the atrocities being committed subsequent appearance before a Russian court to tell his story is captured in the movie. against queer people in Chechnya. He also illuminates a level of courage that most of us have Unsurprisingly, his claims are dismissed, and the need to get him and his loved ones out of never had to muster. the country becomes even more imperative. “That’s what drew me in,” France says. “The fact that ordinary citizens took it upon themselves In talking about Lapunov, the awe returns to France’s voice. “Maxim’s moral courage is to intervene, to try and save lives, while the rest of the world was doing so little about it.” unmatched. It was really clear that his life was going to be fucked up for the foreseeable future, “It’s not like they had been already doing this work,” he explains. “Olga Baranova, one of no matter what he did. The courage that he showed was the courage to throw his body in the the activists who appears in the film was running a community center that had an annual arts way to make sure that other people don’t get treated the way that he was treated to save fair that’s the extent of her training for the kind of cape-wearing heroics that you see her people’s lives. He could have gone anywhere in the world, and just nursed his post-traumatic carrying out.” memories in safety, but instead he went back into the fire. That was remarkable. I watched With his cameraman and producer Askold Kurov, France spent months in the underground, him make those decisions, I watched him take on that risk, I watched him bring his family chronicling the efforts of the activists and the stories of the survivors under their care, and along on that journey and win their allegiance in these choices these are human dramas like getting plenty of first-hand experience with the kind of fear under which they had willingly you see in Hollywood films that actually are taking place in the queer battle against the crimes chosen to live, day after day. After all, getting out of Chechnya wasn’t enough to make anyone in Russia.” safe Chechen authorities were willing to stop at nothing to make sure nobody had a chance He segues into a similar expression of respect for David Isteev, another activist prominently to expose what was going on, up to and including tracking down, recapturing, and maybe even featured in “Chechnya.” killing any potential witnesses and anyone who stood in the way was putting themselves in “When you look at his face, you just get this incredible sense of high alert and of moral peril, too. purpose. It makes me think of the stories we have heard from the Holocaust, of citizens who “I remember going on one of the extractions,” he relates. “We were getting ready to make a would otherwise have been untouched who reach into some deep reserve to do something. run with a couple whose location had been found out. We had only a few hours to get them to That’s him. And being in the presence of that was one of the most remarkable experiences of the airport, and then we got word of a rumor that a group of assassins had been dispatched my life.” to prevent them from leaving the country. We had one bodyguard, with one sidearm, with us. If it sounds like he has bonded with his subjects, it’s because he has. Being embedded “That kind of unbelievable peril is what hung over, and what still hangs over, every aspect of in the shelter network for such an extended period of time, he and Kurov became part of the work these ordinary Russian activists have taken on for themselves.” the underground themselves. “We were no longer visitors from outside,” he says. “We were It’s also what made it a challenge to film the refugees, for whom anonymity was a matter experiencing what they were. I spent nights full of terror inside those safe houses, when of life or death. rumors were flying about people who might have been seen, locations that might have “I wanted to show what they looked like,” he tells us. “The pain that they wore on their been revealed, dangers that might have been heightened I felt that with them. We huddled faces, the !"#$ and certainly the fear. And most of them %&'($)#.(%#'*&3)#.*#4"*'#'($.# together, and, in a way, I became part of their journey. had happened to them, to expose these crimes but they also understood what it would mean for them and their families if they stood up publicly and revealed their +"%RN%1'#-"%-S$&'-67 !"#$%&'!'#(!$)'*+",-.-/'(01$02-345-6767-.-!"

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it’s costly. They cannot raise money within Russia, so they’ve asked people who see the film to 1'()#/1'8#5.#$%,-/3,49#@1'*':+#-#$%,-/3%,#)-4'#%,#/1'#8%23'#+3/'9#V':2'#W6+/#7-/01'$#-(8%+/# 00,000 move through there, in the six months since the film came out, and that money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“Even just watching the film is an important step. The Russian government has said *')'-/'$(.#/1-/#/13+#3+#,%/#1-))',3,4A#/1-/#/1'*':+#,%#'23$',0'A#'2',#P#*3$306(%6+(.#P#/1-/#/1'*'# are no queer Chechens. They say that no one has come forward, but Maxim did that, officially, -,$#/1'.#*'W'0/'$#13+#0(-38+9#@1'#)'%)('#)*%/'0/'$#5.#/1'#$343/-(#/'01,%(%4.#7'#$')(%.'$#3,#/1'# film have also spelled out their stories, so they are witnesses. And we’re all witnesses, now.” @1'# )-++3%,# 0*'')+# 5-0;# 3,/%# C*-,0':+# 2%30'# -+# 1'# *'0-((+A# !@1-/# 7-+# 8.# )*%83+'# /%# /1'# people in the network, when I said I wanted to film with them, that I was going to help make /13+#+%#/1-/#'2'*.5%$.#3,#/1'#7%*($#;,%7+#71-/:+#1-))',3,49 “Anybody who sees the film becomes a witness, and it becomes an act of resistance just to /-(;#-5%6/#71-/#.%6#+''#3,#3/9?


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!""#$%&'()"&*+")')+,Feet up, head back, fingers laced over your belly. Eyes shut. Teeth unclenched. And there you are ready for a nap if you dare, if you have your work finished, if you can ignore the nagging feeling that there are things left undone, if you can stop feeling judged. Impossible Not so, if you’ve read “Laziness Does Not Exist” by Devon Price, Ph.D. A -to-5 job sure would be great, wouldn’t it ou’re snorting now, aren’t you Because you get to the office early, sprint all day, say “yes” to everything lobbed at you, leave work by the moon, stagger home, and fall into bed the second you get there. Price was that way, too, for most of their life. They say that their childhood was spent achieving more than most kids because both their parents insisted on it. That was happily doable although after a while, Price noticed that some of their classmates were labeled as “lazy” and “ l azy kids didn’t have futures.” For centuries in business, movies, and pop culture we’ve quietly been led to believe “The Laziness Lie,” which has three main facets we are only worth what we can accomplish our feelings and limits can’t be trusted and we can’t ever do enough. These beliefs, once absorbed, can cause health problems, burn-out, relationship problems, and more through overwork and under-confidence. In their job as a teacher, Price sees it all the time. In combatting The Laziness Lie, Price says to realize that overwork doesn’t deserve a badge of honor. Reframe your idea of “lazy” through compassion they point out, for instance, that surviving homelessness is hard work. Listen to your body taking care of yourself is absolutely not “lazy,” and taking time off is essential to your health. Remember that “you can work only so much,” physically and mentally. Get off social media and turn the news off sometimes. And “stop fearing your inner laziness,’” Price says. Do it, and you can “build a healthy, happy, well-balanced” life. Weekends are good. Binge-watching your favorite T show good. Naps very good. “Laziness Does Not Exist” likewise good. With a clarion call tailor-made for new work-at-homers who can no longer leave work at work, author and social psychologist Devon Price gives readers plenty of reason to kick back and put their feet up sometimes, showing that doing so can actually enhance productivity. There’s an abundance of illustrative stories here with compassion featured strongly, for self and for women, marginalized workers, BIPOC, and LGBTQ workers in that, Price shows how deep the word “lazy” goes and why it’s so wrong. Readers are then offered ideas, including exercises, that can help undo the damage of the word and its associated meanings it’ll take work, no pun intended and hidden reasons why waiting really isn’t an option. Not just for the overachiever, this book should sit on the desk next to every home printer and cubicle keyboard. Find “Laziness Does Not Exist,” stretch, take a comfortable seat, and you’re in a good position to enjoy.

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Nifty features, pleasant surprises in three crossovers #$%&'(%)*+,+)-

To help keep the winter doldrums at bay, I recently test drove three fun crossovers. All had plenty of nifty features, as well as a few pleasant surprises.




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>?@-<(* .2;:;* ?<,;@.4-<* .-7;:$* -.A:* <-,;* .5* B<53* 4* C5@=* Edge offers steady reassurance. This five-seat mid-sizer is :?@'@-:-<(D/*E?-;.$*3-.2*4*,57F/*@-=;*4<=*'@;,-:;*:.;;@-<(9*G* base four-cylinder turbo is peppy enough, especially for intown driving. But for more gusto, the sporty ST model—with a potent 6 engine, larger tires and firmer suspension— :,55.:*F@57*%*.5*6%*7'2*-<*D;::*.24<*6*:;,5<=:9* A major redesign a few years ago gave the Edge the snazzy exterior styling of an upscale Lexus R . This year the updates are on the inside 1 -inch vertical touchscreen H.2;* D4@(;:.* -<* -.:* ,D4::I* 3-.2* :74@.'25<;* ,57'4.-J-D-./$* Wi-Fi hotspot, improved voice-recognition system and over-the-air software updates. Top safety scores are a plus, as is the adaptive cruise control, semiautonomous parking and 1 0-degree front-end camera. I loved the long list of options, even if they can be a bit pricey all-wheel drive, heated ventilated seats, heated side mirrors, power liftgate, panoramic roof and 1 -speaker Bang Olufsen '@;7-?7* :.;@;59* C5@* 4</5<;* <;;=-<(* 4* 3;;B;<=* 434/* F@57*.2;*K4:2-<(.5<*:,;<;$*.2;*L=(;*,4<*.53*?'*.5*"$M%%* pounds—perfect for small campers and such.

Looking for totally new versus tried and true This year the Kia Seltos makes its grand debut, with “crown O;3;DP* 2;4=D-(2.:$* 4* .-(;@* <5:;* (@-DD;* 4<=* 4* F@5<.* ;<=* 3-.2* vertical chrome lines inspired by—OK, wait for it—buffalo 25@<:9*G.*D;4:.*.24.A:*253*Q-4*=;:-(<;@:*=;:,@-J;*.2;*D55B* of this funky subcompact crossover. Entering what is an already crowded market segment, the Seltos is based on the same refined platform as the popular Hyundai Kona. Both provide a composed ride and high-quality cabin at an affordable price. But while the Seltos has the same sure 24<=D-<($*-.A:*4D:5*.4DD;@*4<=*@557-;@9* The base four-cylinder is certainly capable, but I was enamored with the extra oomph from the optional .?@J5* ;<(-<;9* R4:* 7-D;4(;* -:* 4D75:.* .2;* :47;* 4</34/$* and a top-of-the-line S Turbo—fully loaded—is just !#S$%%%9*Q;/D;::*;<.@/$*.-<.;=*@;4@*(D4::*4<=*:74@.'25<;* -<.;(@4.-5<*4@;*:.4<=4@=*5<*4DD*75=;D:9*G<=*=;';<=-<(*5<* trim level, the long list of amenities includes heated seats, automatic high beams, sunroof, premium Bose audio and 75@;$* 4:* 3;DD* 4:* .2;* D4.;:.* :4F;./* F;4.?@;:9* C5@* 7;$* .2;* Seltos seemed to be a nice mix of style and substance, 3-.2*4*@;F@;:2-<(*J-.*5F*32-7:/9

It’s been seven years since the Nissan Rogue was updated. That’s an eternity in the auto biz. But this year the automaker’s most popular vehicle gets an extreme makeover, with a glitzy new profile, freakishly thin 2;4=D-(2.:*4<=*@4,/*@;4@*:'5-D;@9* With the ongoing hullabaloo about former Nissan Chairman Carlos Ghosn skipping out of Japan to avoid F4,-<(* ,@-7-<4D* ,24@(;:$* -.A:* ;4:/* .5* F5@(;.* .24.* .2-:* company churns out very impressive and reliable vehicles. This includes the updated Rogue, with its zippy engine— tweaked for a bit more horsepower this year—and extremely smooth suspension. Those ero Gravity seats 3;@;* 4* 'D;4:4<.* :?@'@-:;$* 4:* 34:* .2;* 7-<-74D* J5=/* @5DD* and solid braking. Inside, the cabin is now more upscale, with an almost BMW-like dash and acoustic glass in the windshield for a quiet ride. Standard gear includes remote B;/D;::*;<.@/*4<=*@;4@*'4@B-<(*:;<:5@:$*4:*3;DD*4:*4?.574.-,* braking, blind-spot monitor and lane-departure warning. >;:'-.;*J;-<(*+9M*-<,2;:*:25@.;@*.24<*J;F5@;$*.2;*?'=4.;=* Rogue has more rear-seat legroom. Options include tri-zone climate control, large head-up display, floating .0-inch touchscreen and 1 . -inch digital gauge cluster. There’s also wireless charging, Wi-Fi hotspot, F@5<.0@;4@*2;4.;=*:;4.:*4<=*4*'4<5@47-,*755<@55F9*G:*F5@* those rear-window sunshades, you likely won’t find them on competing models—at least not in this price range.






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