7=EI>!JEK>B<C=I!:9L>=!M<=A>I!EA!-9AB!3>C;8 !"#$%&'()*+",-.&*"/0)/".)1"2)$3/&+"$3"/0&"4*$'0/"5-6-*1"-%" the LGBTQ Rainbow Pride flag was burned down to its steel %*)7&" &)*68" ,(&1+)8" 7-*3$3'" )" 12-9&12&*1-3" %-*" /0&" #-3'" :&)50";$*&"<&2)*/7&3/"1)$+= The LBFD responded to a call for a structure fire located on /0&"1)3+"4&/.&&3">?/0")3+">@/0"26)5&1")/")*-(3+"7$+3$'0/= ,0&" *)$34-." /-.&*" .)1" 2)$3/&+" 48" #A:,BC" 7&74&*1" -%" /0&" #:;<D1" 7)*$3&" 1)%&/8" +$E$1$-3" 6)1/" F(3&" -%" ?G?G=" H3" )" 1/)/&7&3/"2-1/&+"-3",.$//&*")/"/0&"/$7&I"/0&";$*&"<&2)*/7&3/" 1)$+" /0&" *)$34-." /-.&*" 1874-6$J&+" K-(*" 1/*-3'" 1(22-*/" %-*" /0&"+$E&*1$/8".$/0$3"-(*"*)391"L"5-77(3$/8=M !" /.&&/" 2-1/&+" /-" /0&" #:;<D1" ,.$//&*" )55-(3/" ,(&1+)8" $3+$5)/&+" /0)/" /0&" /-.&*" .$66" 4&" *&26)5&+" )3+" *&2)$3/&+" by Lifeguards. It added that the source of the fire is under $3E&1/$')/$-3= !"#$%&'(!!%")*#"'& City of Long Beach Pride Lifeguard Tower before and after fire. 6789:9!;9<=:>?@!-9AB!3>C;8!DE=>!4>FC=:G>A:H
New poll shows Newsom beating recall effort !"3&."2-66"*&6&)1&+",(&1+)8"10-.&+"/0)/")" 7)N-*$/8" -%" O)6$%-*3$)D1" E-/&*1" )*&" $356$3&+" /-" keep Gov. Gavin Newsom in office as opposed to removing him in a recall effort. ,0&"2-66I"5-3+(5/&+"48"P&.2-*/":&)50"4)1&+" Q*-4-6198" R&1&)*50I" 1(*E&8&+" SGG" O)6$%-*3$)" E-/&*1"48"20-3&")3+"-36$3&"4&/.&&3"T)*50">UV >S=",0&"2-66"5)**$&+")"7)*'$3"-%"&**-*"-%"26(1"-*" 7$3(1" @=@" 2&*5&3/)'&" 2-$3/1" )55-*+$3'" /-" /0&" *&1(6/1= W2&)9$3'".$/0"/0&":6)+&",(&1+)8")%/&*3--3I" !+)7" Q*-4-6198I" 2*&1$+&3/" -%" Q*-4-6198" R&1&)*50I" 1)$+" /0)/" /0&" 1(*E&8" %-(3+" /0)/" X@" 2&*5&3/"-%"/0-1&".0-"$3+$5)/&+"/0&8")*&"6$9&68" /-"E-/&"$3")"*&5)66"&6&5/$-3".-(6+"E-/&"/-"9&&2" Newsom in office. Forty percent of all voters )3+"@X"2&*5&3/"-%"6$9&68"*&5)66"E-/&*1".-(6+"E-/&" /-"*&7-E&"0$7= YE&*)66"5(**&3/68"Q*-4-6198"1/)/&+".)1"/0)/"ZU=S["-%"E-/&*1"6$9&68"/-"E-/&"$3"/0&" recall effort had a favorable opinion of Newsom. He also told the Blade that he %&6/"2*-2-3&3/1"-%"/0&"*&5)66".&*&"%)5$3'")"/-('0"4)//6&= R&'$1/&*&+" <&7-5*)/1" -(/3(74&*" *&'$1/&*&+" R&2(46$5)31" $3" O)6$%-*3$)" 48" )" 3&)*68" ?V/-V>" 7)*'$3=" K,0&" '-E&*3-*" 0)1" 0$'0&*" %)E-*)46&1" /0)3" (3%)E-*)46&1" and the recall would fail if the election was today,” explained Probolsky. However he also cautioned; “We did find some worrying signs of weakness for Newsom, $356(+$3'"1$J)46&"*&5)66"1(22-*/"%*-7"#)/$3-"E-/&*1=M :6)59" E-/&*1" %)E-*" 9&&2$3'" /0&" '-E&*3-*" $3" )" \?" 2&*5&3/" /-" >S" 2&*5&3/" ')2=" ]0$/&"E-/&*1"-22-1&"/0&"*&5)66"48")3">>"2&*5&3/"7)*'$3I"4(/")1"Q*-4-6198"/-6+"/0&" :6)+&I"#)/$3-"E-/&*1"%)E-*"*&7-E$3'"0$7"48")"ZX"2&*5&3/"/-"Z>"2&*5&3/"7)*'$3=" !7-3'"!!QH"E-/&*1I"ZS"2&*5&3/"1(22-*/"9&&2$3'"P&.1-7I".$/0"?S"2&*5&3/".0-"
.-(6+"1(22-*/"0$1"*&7-E)6= Recall proponents still have a difficult process )0&)+" 4&%-*&" 26)5$3'" /0&" *&5)66"-3" )" 4)66-/"/0$1" ;)66=" W(22-*/&*1" -%" /0&" *&5)66" /(*3&+" $3" 7-*&" /0)3" ?=>" 7$66$-3" 1$'3)/(*&1" 6)1/" .&&9I" 0-." ever there still remains a verification of those signatures which county election officials, have (3/$6"!2*$6"?S"/-"E&*$%8"/0&")(/0&3/$5$/8")3+"3-/$%8" /0&"1&5*&/)*8"-%"1/)/&".$/0"/0&"*&1(6/1= W-"%)*I"7-*&"/0)3"^G["-%"/0&"1$'3)/(*&1"/(*3&+" $3"0)E&"4&&3"E)6$+)/&+"$3")"50&59".$/0"&6&5/$-31" officials across the state. The recall proposal 7(1/"7-E&"/0*-('0"7-*&"/$7&V5-31(7$3'"1/&21" )6-3'" /0&" .)8I" $356(+$3'" '$E$3'" E-/&*1" )" @GV+)8" .$3+-."/-".$/0+*)."/0&$*"3)7&1= Dates have not been finalized, but the state ;$3)35&"<&2)*/7&3/"$1"&_2&5/&+"/-"/)9&"@G"+)81" /-" 2*-+(5&" )" 5-1/" &1/$7)/&" %-*" /0&" &6&5/$-3=" W(22-*/&*1"-%"P&.1-7"3-/&+"$/"5-(6+"5-(6+"1(*2)11"`^G"7$66$-3"26(1="!%/&*"/0&" financial report has been executed a legislative panel gets an additional 30 days /-"*&E$&."$/= Y368")%/&*"/0-1&"1/&21")*&"5-726&/&+"5)3"/0&"1/)/&"%-*7)668"5&*/$%8"/0)/"&3-('0" E)6$+"1$'3)/(*&1"0)E&"4&&3"5-66&5/&+="H%"/0)/"0)22&31I"<&7-5*)/$5"#/="A-E="a6&3$" b-(3)6)9$1" $1" *&c($*&+" /-" 150&+(6&" /0&" &6&5/$-3" UG" /-" ^G" +)81" )%/&*" /0)/" 2-$3/I" /0-('0"$/D1"2-11$46&")"6)/&*"+)/&"5-(6+"4&"1&/= ac()6$/8"O)6$%-*3$)"0)+"0-1/&+"^"#A:,B"6).7)9&*1")3+"5-77(3$/8"6&)+&*1"$3")" ZOOM teleconference earlier this month after which 57 LGBTQ+ elected officials throughout California released a joint statement opposing the recall effort 1)8$3'"$3"2)*/d"KA-E&*3-*"P&.1-7D1"6&)+&*10$2"0)1"&)*3&+"/0&"/*(1/"-%"#A:,BC" O)6$%-*3$)31I")3+"-(*"5-77(3$/8"1/)3+1"*&)+8"/-"+&%&)/")"*&5)66=M +"#,-%.)/)&01)
09J;C8!KF@L;!$;;98<6=87A! 3CAD7!7;!&76FMC>AF7!$DDC>A9=!19A9>76 %*&%#$+,&-./.012.
Tehachapi Mountains outside Bakersfield and !"#$%!&#'(%)*+,"-%&((".(/*0%1*0(*,0&2% $6789:7!$;;98<6=898<9> #$%&%$'() served in the headquarters for the United 34&3% 4*% 4&,% ("-'(&3*0% 56&-*0&% 5,,*-762% ?/@>99A;BCD!EF7!G&%$!03&!HI Farm Workers movement. Rob’s parents -*-7*8% 9"7% :"(3&% &,% 34*% (*;3% <&6'="8('&% worked alongside Cesar Chavez, Dolores Attorney General, filling the seat vacated by Huerta and Philip Veracruz, organizing Latino >&#'*8%:*/*88&?%+4"%+&,%8*/*(362%,+"8(%'(%&,% and Filipino farmworkers for racial, economic @*/8*3&82% "=% 34*% A$@$% B*C&83-*(3% "=% D*&634% and civil rights. His dad worked in the front &(0%D.-&(%@*8#'/*,$% office and helped set up health clinics for the Bonta will become the first Filipino American =&8-+"8P*8,?% +4'6*% 4',% -"34*8% +"8P*0% &3% 34*% 3"% ,*8#*% &,% <&6'="8('&% 533"8(*2% !*(*8&6$% E4*% 0&2/&8*?%<&,&%0*%)&(&?%3"%,.CC"83%=&8-+"8P*8% nomination is subject to confirmation by the organizer families. Rob’s padrino, or godfather, <&6'="8('&% @3&3*% 5,,*-762% &(0% @*(&3*% +'34'(% Jose Gomez, was the Executive Assistant to FG%0&2,$ <*,&8%<4&#*S$ Bonta has a track record as a leading It was here in La Paz, surrounded by other &0#"/&3*% ="8% /8'-'(&6% H.,3'/*% 8*="8-% +4"% 4&,% UFW families, that Rob’s parents gave him his campaigned to abolish the death penalty and first lessons in right and wrong and taught him eliminate cash bail for many offenses. that everyone had an obligation to speak out IRob represents what makes California great +4*(%&("34*8%C*8,"(%',%38*&3*0%.(=&'862$ – our desire to take on righteous fights and Growing up, Bonta had been inspired by 8*#*8,*%,2,3*-&3'/%'(H.,3'/*,?J%,&'0%)*+,"-$ characters like Atticus Finch in ITo Kill A Mockingbird” to pursue justice through the law, IGrowing up with parents steeped in social justice movements, Rob has become a and reflecting on the stories of the farmworkers his family had known only strengthened national leader in the fight to repair our justice system and defend the rights of every <&6'="8('&($%5(0%-",3%'-C"83&(362?%&3%34',%-"-*(3%+4*(%,"%-&(2%/"--.('3'*,%&8*%.(0*8% that resolve. Throughout college and in his community work, he saw injustice and the power to right wrongs through the law, and after college, he was accepted to Yale Law attack for who they are and who they love, Rob has fought to strengthen hate crime laws &(0%C8"3*/3%".8%/"--.('3'*,%=8"-%34*%="8/*,%"=%4&3*$%D*%+'66%7*%&%C4*("-*(&6%533"8(*2% School. It was also at Yale that he met his wife Mia, who he calls I4',%C&83(*8%'(%6'=*%&(0%'(% ,*8#'/*$J General, and I can’t wait to see him get to work,” the Governor added. After law school, Bonta moved back to California and went into private practice, working 5,,*-762-*-7*8%9"7%:"(3&%+&,%*6*/3*0%3"%34*%<&6'="8('&%@3&3*%5,,*-762K,%LM34%B',38'/3% '(%NGLN?%+4*8*%4*%8*C8*,*(3,%34*%/'3'*,%"=%O&P6&(0?%56&-*0&%&(0%@&(%Q*&(08"$%D*%7*/&-*% pro-bono to protect Californians from exploitation and racial profiling. A few years later, Bonta decided to pursue his passion for public service and put his legal experience to the first Filipino American state legislator in California’s then 160-plus-year history. work to help his community full-time. Bonta served nine years as a Deputy City Attorney The California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus Chair Asm. Evan Low, Vice Chair Sen. Susan in the San Francisco City Attorney’s Office, representing the city and its employees, before Talamantes Eggman issued a joint statement on Newsom appointing Assemblymember running for local office in Alameda County. 9"7%:"(3&%&,%533"8(*2%!*(*8&6R At the State Capitol, Bonta passed major reforms that reversed long-standing injustices. IThe California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus is incredibly pleased with Governor Newsom’s In 2012, Bonta became the first Filipino American in California history to win election to 0*/','"(% 3"% &CC"'(3% 5,,*-762-*-7*8% 9"7% :"(3&% 3"% 34*% C",'3'"(% "=% 533"8(*2% !*(*8&6$% the Legislature, representing Assembly District 18 in the cities of Oakland, Alameda and During his time as a State Assemblymember, Mr. Bonta has been a steadfast ally to the San Leandro. He quickly became a statewide leader in the fights for racial, economic and LGBTQ+ community and a leader in calling for criminal justice system reform. We have no environmental justice, advancing reforms that put California on the cutting edge. In the doubt Mr. Bonta will guide the California Department of Justice with honor and integrity.” Legislature, Bonta: In an emailed statement Wednesday afternoon, Equality California’s Executive Director Outlawed For-Profit Prisons in California: Bonta authored legislation that made California Rick Chavez Zbur reflected on the Governor’s choice: the first in the nation to ban for-profit prisons and immigration detention centers. IGovernor Newsom has made a fantastic choice to serve as California’s first Filipino Led Major Sentencing Overhaul Effort: Following statewide marijuana legalization, Bonta attorney general and to fill the very big shoes that Secretary Becerra leaves behind as he authored the California law to automatically expunge and modify criminal records for heads back to Washington. I’m excited for my friend Rob Bonta, who has been a dedicated people convicted of minor marijuana charges. partner to Equality California over the years and will make an exceptional attorney general. Took on Big Polluters: Bonta authored major environmental justice legislation and has Throughout his career, Assemblymember Bonta has demonstrated his commitment to been a leader in the fight against climate change and to ensure every community equitably protecting civil rights, safeguarding our California values and advancing justice for all. benefits from our green economy. INow more than ever, California needs an attorney general who will stand up against Passed Nation’s Strongest Statewide Renter Protections: Bonta led the fight to pass 34*%8&/',3%#'"6*(/*%&(0%0',/8'-'(&3'"(%34&3%+*K#*%,**(%0'8*/3*0%&3%5,'&(%5-*8'/&(,%&/8",,% ".8%,3&3*%&(0%34*%(&3'"($%5,,*-762-*-7*8%:"(3&K,%&CC"'(3-*(3%3"%,*8#*%&,%34*%,3&3*K,% statewide protections for renters, ultimately resulting in the nation’s strongest protections against wrongful evictions. top law enforcement official sends a powerful message that California is committed to Fought to Strengthen Hate Crime Laws & Protect Communities: Bonta has introduced a protecting our API communities and securing racial justice and equity for all. I look forward (.-7*8%"=%7'66,%3"%'-C8"#*%4&3*%/8'-*%,3&3.3*,?%,.CC"83%#'/3'-,%"=%4&3*%#'"6*(/*?%&(0%7.'60% to our continued partnership in creating a world that is healthy, just and fully equal for all bridges between law enforcement and targeted communities. LGBTQ+ people — and for the diverse communities to which LGBTQ+ Californians belong.” Protected Immigrant Families from Deceptive ICE Tactics: Bonta authored first-of-itsBonta grew up the son of activists. His mother, Cynthia, a proud Filipina, immigrated kind legislation requiring immigrants to be informed of their rights before speaking to ICE to California in the 1960s by a three-week boat ride. His father, Warren, who grew up agents. in Ventura County, was committed to service and social justice from a young age. As a Sought to End Predatory Bail Laws: Bonta co-wrote the law that sought to end the racist student, Warren joined Martin Luther King Jr.’s civil rights organizing in Alabama to pass and predatory for-profit bail system. the Voting Rights Act. Warren and Cynthia were working as missionaries in the Philippines Required Independent Investigations of Unarmed Deaths: Bonta co-authored the law when Rob was born, training young people to serve the needs of rural Philippine villages that required an independent investigation when there is a death of an unarmed civilian through service, community organizing and ministry. 72%6&+%*(="8/*-*(3$ Shortly after leaving the Philippines, the Bontas moved to a trailer in La Paz, in the !"!"!#$%&'!()*!(+(,!"!-./$012-2/3-$425&.#
Efforts to pass LGBTQ protections boosted with $6.5 million donation
Efforts to pass a measure expanding the prohibition on the contributors are 501(c)3 tax-exempt foundations and discrimination against LGBTQ people under federal law have are unable to endorse any particular piece of legislation. gotten a big boost with a nearly $6.5 million donation from The campaign is more generally geared toward supporting a coalition of non-profits for an education campaign, the a solution for non-discrimination protections at the federal Washington Blade has learned exclusively. level. The San Francisco-based Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund Groups specifically seeking to pass the Equality Act, coordinated the grants, which seek to duplicate the success of however, praised the $6.5 million as a welcome addition to the movement that achieved same-sex marriage nationwide the effort. to enact federal non-discrimination protections this year. Kasey Suffredini, CEO of Freedom for All Americans, said in The contributions are intended !to educate the public and a statement the LGBTQ community is !closer than it has ever policymakers about the need for a federal response to antibeen to completing its nearly 50-year pursuit of nationwide LGBTQ discrimination,” according to a statement. nondiscrimination protections for all LGBTQ people.” !It’s long past time for the federal government to respond !Since the first federal non-discrimination measure was to the profound harms caused by pervasive discrimination introduced in Congress in 1974, the generous contributions /675!,-../&0-123$)!849:;<5=!<>6?@<!?A!?!76B<!CD7E6F67C6! against LGBT people,” Cathy Cha, CEO of the Evelyn and of foundations and major donors have powered our ability EDF!AG6!2HI?J;AK!$CA5!!(Blade file photo by Michael Key) Walter Haas, Jr. Fund said in a statement. to show our fellow Americans who we are and challenges The Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund for more than two we face, opening hearts and changing minds in the process,” decades has been at the forefront of supporting LGBTQ rights, including non-discrimination Suffredini said. !With a very short window to seize this once-in-a-generation opportunity, we protections. It was the first foundation to embrace same-sex marriage as a priority and are grateful again to these philanthropists for rising to the moment to carry our community contributed more than $39 million to the marriage equality movement, according to a over the finish line.” statement. In terms of where the money is going exactly, one-third of the Fund’s grants have been made Other groups that have contributed to the $6.5 million in donations are the Gill Foundation, to national organizations, including $800,000 to Freedom for All Americans Education Fund. the Ford Foundation, Horizons Foundation, the Overbrook Foundation, the Pride Foundation Additionally, money will go toward !empowering constituents to have conversations with and other philanthropic institutions. The contribution builds on the $1 million the Gill lawmakers in more than 12 states, including Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio and Foundation gave in support at the start of this year. Texas,” according to a statement. State groups are seen as key in the effort to convince Scott Miller, co-chair of the Gill Foundation, said in a statement !the funders and advocates moderate senators to support an LGBTQ non-discrimination measure. who helped win the right to marry for LGBTQ people have joined forces again and expanded Tyler Deaton, senior adviser of the American Unity Fund, echoed the praise for the our coalition in pursuit of equality for all Americans.” donations. In addition to supporting the Equality Act, his organization is pushing for the !This alliance speaks to the unprecedented opportunity – and the long overdue need – to Fairness for All Act, the Republican compromise measure for LGBTQ rights and religious make sure everyone in this country is equal under the law,” Miller added. freedom. The donations are announced as LGBTQ rights supporters are seeking to pass the Equality !This is the best moment we’ve ever had to win full freedom for LGBTQ Americans, and Act in Congress. The measure has cleared the House, but faces an uncertain future in the we can win as long as we come together with allies all across the political spectrum and U.S. Senate, where 10 Republicans would be needed to overcome a filibuster. respectfully address everyone’s reasonable concerns,” Deaton said. !"#$%&'(")%() The contributions, however, aren’t directed at passing the Equality Act per se because
Mary Trump joins board of PAC seeking to elect queer women Mary Trump, who needled former President Trump .-#/&,#4.5!G?<!LD;76M!AG6! during his re-election bid with allegations of racist, antiboard of LPAC. (Copyright Peter Serling 2020) Semitic and homophobic remarks in his family, has joined a political action committee that works to elect queer women to public office. LPAC, a political organization dedicated to electing queer women to public office, on Friday announced Mary Trump, the niece of former President Trump and a lesbian, would join its board of directors. “We will only create lasting and systemic change for progressive values if we increase the number of diverse players in power, and that includes LGBTQ women,” Mary Trump said in a statement. “I am so excited to work with LPAC to create more opportunity for these new leaders and to build alliances with other progressives across the country.” Founded in 2012 as a political action committee intended to give queer women a greater voice in politics, LPAC endorses and supports candidates through direct investments and independent investment campaigns. LPAC has raised more than $6.3 million and endorsed more than 150 candidates, according to a statement. LPAC supported Democratic Sens. Tammy Baldwin and Kyrsten Sinema in recent election cycles as well as Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot. As of now, there are 11 openly *+!"!#$%&'!()*!(+(,!"!-./$012-2/3-$425&.#
LGBTQ members of Congress, including Baldwin and Sinema. Laura Ricketts, a member contributor to the Democratic Party and LPAC board chair, credited Mary Trump with having “demonstrated thought[ful] leadership, media and political savvy over the last year as she has stormed the country with her insights and opinions.” “We couldn’t be more excited to have her join us in building the power of our political action community and developing the next generation of LGBTQ women leaders,” Ricketts. (Mary Trump and Laura Ricketts, co-owner of the Chicago Cubs, have something else in common aside from now both being board members of LPAC: They stand out as supporters of Democratic candidates in families that are overwhelmingly backers of the Republican Party.) According to an article in Politico, Mary Trump joins LPAC as part of a broader effort to stay engaged in politics and recognition of the importance of LGBTQ voices. “If it’s only men making decisions about women’s issues or straight people making decisions about LGBTQ issues, then that’s where we run into problems and we’ve seen this,” Mary Trump is quoted as saying.
E>@?:!FGHG=9C<!89C9HI!0B:@AG!$=GH@FBCI*!'BJB@@BCI!?9I:!:9!$K4/ !"#$ %&'()*&+$ ,-./$ 0#1)2(&+$ +&3*4"#5$ &$ 6(2'3&+$ 73(+'$ 89"(:('()*$ ')$ 2&(;#$ <2#&'#2$ &=&2#*#;;$&:)3'$2(;(*<$>-6$5(&<*);(;$2&'#;$(*$%&'(?#$,1#2(4&*$&*5$>&=&((&*$4)113*('(#;@$ The kick-off event was held at the National AIDS Memorial Grove which is located at the de Laveaga Dell in eastern Golden Gate Park in San Francisco on Saturday. The event also marked the annual March 20 National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NNHAAD), a national mobilization effort designed to encourage American Indians, Alaska %&'(?#;$&*5$%&'(?#$>&=&((&*;$&42);;$'"#$A*('#5$/'&'#;$&*5$!#22(')2(&+$,2#&;$')$(*42#&;#$ '"#(2$&=&2#*#;;B$<#'$'#;'#5B$<#'$(*?)+?#5$(*$C2#?#*'()*$&*5$:#$'2#&'#5$D)2$>-6@ In many Native cultures across the United States, the four seasons are highly respected because they closely represent the cycle of life. Spring represents a time of equality and balance and is the only time of the year when day and night are at equal lengths. It is 4)*;(5#2#5$&$'(1#$)D$C2)D)3*5$4"&*<#B$*#=$:#<(**(*<;$&*5$:(2'"B$&$4#+#:2&'()*$)D$+(D#$D)2$ all living things. It was for this reason that the Native community chose March 20 the first day of spring as the National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. According to the Indian Health Service, which analyzed HIV surveillance data reported to CDC by state and local health departments, from 2014 – 2018, there was an 8.2% increase in HIV diagnosis among non-Hispanic AI/AN populations between the ages of 13-24 years, and a 13.4% increase between the ages of 35-44 years age groups, with the latter having '"#$"(<"#;'$C#24#*'&<#$(*42#&;#$&1)*<$&++$&<#$<2)3C;@ While the death rates from 2014-2018 decreased in these populations by 31.4%, the )?#2&++$ >-6$ 5(&<*);(;$ 2&'#$ 2#1&(*#5$ ;'&:+#@$ .32(*<$ '"#$ ;&1#$ '(1#D2&1#B$ >-6$ 5(&<*);#;$ increased 51% among the Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander population. The Tree planting, dedication and observance with traditional prayer and song, was followed by ceremonial unfolding of AIDS Memorial Quilt. !"#$C&*#+;$")*)2(*<$,1#2(4&*$-*5(&*B$,+&;E&$%&'(?#$&*5$%&'(?#$>&=&((&*$+(?#;$+);'$')$ ,-./$&2#$D#&'32#5B$&+)*<$=('"$C#2;)*&+$;')2(#;$&:)3'$'"#$*&1#;$)*$'"#$73(+'B$&;$C&2'$)D$&$ special virtual exhibition of the Quilt, featuring 16-Quilt blocks that can be viewed at www. &(5;1#1)2(&+@)2<@$ The event was attended by representatives from American Indian Cultural Center of San
Francisco including Rodney Little Bird from Standing Rock Sioux, Kumu Hula, Kumu Hula Patrick MakuaKāne of Nā Lei Hulu I Ka Wēkiu and Aunty Bird Levy and Carolyn Kauli’i from the Native Hawaiian community. John Cunningham, the Executive Director, National AIDS 0#1)2(&+$&*5$%&'(?#$,5?)4&'#$=&;$&+;)$C2#;#*'@ !"#$%&$'()*(#!)+!
L9M!0GJI!B@HI!N)!IGO=GC:I!J@:8!?@GI!B;9>:!:HBCI!B:8?G:GI Right-Wing watch-dog group Media Matters for America’s LGBTQ Program released There were 52 segments that mentioned the Biden administration’s pro-trans actions, a new study Monday analyzing how Fox News has covered trans issues and found that the majority of which framed support for trans equality as an extreme position. during the first two months of Joe Biden’s presidency, the network aired 86 segments, the Fox anchors, hosts, and guests mentioned trans athletes in 54 segments, often falsely majority of which fearmongered about trans athletes and lied about best practice health 4+&(1(*<$ '"&'$ &++)=(*<$ '2&*;$ <(2+;$ &*5$ =)1#*$ ')$ C&2'(4(C&'#$ (*$ &'"+#'(4$ 4)1C#'('()*;$ care for trans youth. will “destroy” women’s sports. Fox personalities Fox News anchors, hosts, and guests also cited repeatedly misgendered those athletes as trans issues in 65 passing mentions, often describing I:()+)<(4&+$1&+#;@H$ them critically or listing them among examples of There were 33 segments that mentioned supposedly extreme Democratic policies. Biden’s executive order protecting LGBTQ people “Right-wing media attacks on trans people are not from discrimination. Nearly all of these segments new — conservative outlets, particularly Fox News, misleadingly characterized the order as being solely have spent years targeting the trans community focused on trans athletes, completely ignoring its &*5$ )CC);(*<$ *)*5(;42(1(*&'()*$ C2)'#4'()*;$ :2)&5#2$*)*5(;42(1(*&'()*$C2)'#4'()*;@$ for them,” Alex Paterson, Media Matters LGBTQ Fox hosted extreme anti-LGBTQ group Alliance Program researcher and author of this study said Defending Freedom (ADF) lawyers and clients 10 in an emailed statement. “But media outlets and separate times. Nine of the appearances specifically &5?)4&'#;$"&?#$'&E#*$*)'#$'"&'$'"#;#$&''&4E;$"&?#$ focused on ADF’s lawsuits seeking to ban trans increased as the GOP lost the Senate and White &'"+#'#;$(*$J)**#4'(43'$&*5$-5&")$D2)1$4)1C#'(*<$ >)3;#$&*5$*)=$;##E;$')$1&E#$3C$'"&'$<2)3*5$(*$'"#$ on teams that match their gender identity. FGFF$#+#4'()*BH$"#$&55#5@ 0#5(&$0&''#2;$"&;$&+;)$4)1C(+#5$&$?(5#)$)D$4+(C;$ The study specifically found that out of the 86 between January 20 and March 18, to document 6/FHGGCI89:!9P!L9M!0GJI!F9AGHBOG!A@B!Q9>:>;GR segments aired on Fox News between January 20 how Fox News has upped its attacks on trans people — the day President Joe Biden was sworn in — and since Biden has taken office: ,'"-%)*#,,%'+."'*) March 18:
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As the word filtered out about the series of mass shootings that occurred at three spas or massage parlors in the metropolitan area of Atlanta, Georgia last week and that eight people were killed, six of whom were Asian women, Michele Joscue felt sick and then scared. The Emmy Award-winning documentary filmmaker knows only too well how quickly hatred and derision can morph into violence, as growing up Filipina, she has seen first hand the ugliness of racism and bullying. But more so as a longtime ally of the LGBTQ community she has seen and experienced anti-LGBTQ hate as Matthew Shepard was a close friend of hers- murdered 23 years ago by anti-gay hatred in Laramie, Wyoming. “I feel scared, unsafe, and worried- especially for my parents who are in their seventies,” Joscue told the Blade by phone Tuesday. “I’m actually glad that [because of COVID] they have to wear masks to partially cover their faces. But I’m still fearful,” she said. Last month, a series of violent attacks targeting Asian-Americans and Pacific Islander (AAPI) elders plagued the greater San Francisco Bay area. Two of these attacks resulted in the deaths of the victims. In San Francisco, Vicha Ratanpakdee, an 84-year-old senior from Thailand, died after being tackled to the ground during his morning walk in Anza Vista. Across the Bay, a 91-year-old Asian American man was shoved to the ground while shopping for groceries in Chinatown in Oakland. Vicha Ratanapakdee’s daughter said she believed her father was targeted due to his race, and that she herself has also been a victim of recent anti-Asian discrimination. Monthanus Ratanapakdee, said she has been targeted for her race during the pandemic. “When people [see] me because I’m Asian, they blame me that I bring the Covid to this country,” she said. Joscue pointed out that she understands only too well. “I’ve experienced all versions of ‘you all look alike’ by mainly white Americans who apparently think that being Asian means its part of a monolithic people as opposed to a vibrant set of different cultures, languages and ideas,” she said. Jury Candelario, is the Director of Asian Pacific AIDS Intervention Team (APAIT) in Los Angeles which provides HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, research, training and advocacy primarily for the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. Candelario spoke to the Blade about his personal reaction to the incredible rise in hate crimes and hate motivated incidents against the AAPI community in California, both in the San Francisco Bay area as well as here in the LA region. “It is devastating to witness the increase in hate crimes and hate motivated atrocities aimed at my (Asian, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander community). It’s important to point out the intersection of race, gender, immigration and employment status, particularly for the victims in Georgia. Asian women in particular are often fetishized for centuries, and certainly so in Hollywood. Asians are often invisible in media coverage and whatever very little attention, is often lacking in substance and stereotypical.” Because of the racist language and innuendo from the previous White House & President Trump, Candelario was asked what he sees as the most critical need- not only for the AAPI community but California’s residents, elected officials, and others to address and repair the damage done by the Trump regime. “I learned from a colleague recently who sat in a conversation with our Congressional leaders in Washington, DC, that the last time there was a Congressional hearing on the needs of the Asian, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders (AANHPI) was in 1987; well over 30 years ago. We are the fastest growing minority community and that’s simply that acceptable. We need our leaders to be steadfast in addressing our community needs and repair the damage done by the previous administration’s vitriol towards the AANHPI community,” he said. “It is also important for the new administration to stay away from stereotypical approach of naming Asians as the “yellow peril” – coming to the US to take over, or perpetuate the model minority myth that Asians are all well accomplished. As a social service agency, we see many Asian and Pacific Islander clients struggle just as much as other communities of color,” he added. Referring to the Atlanta mass shooting, the Blade noted that sex workers are oft times !"!"!#$%&'!()*!(+(,!"!-./$012-2/3-$425&.#
demonized without cause save for a warped at times sense of so-called community norms in morals. Because of this and with the added dangers of being AAPI, Candelario responded to a question about the level of fear with that community, especially the Asian women who are part of that group by having Nan Ding, APAIT’s Senior Clinical Program Manager weigh in; “This is not the first time Asian massage-parlor workers face violence. It may be the first time when the ever-present danger and discrimination was revealed to the public. This is infuriating and heart-breaking. And this has to stop,” Ding said. One of APAIT’s core programs focuses on victims of violence and human trafficking where mental health services and case management services are provided in partnership with the API Human Trafficking Coalition and Journey Out. “Many of our massage parlor workers here in Los Angeles, particularly in the San Gabriel Valley area, are essentially fronts for sex work – the so-called “happy ending industry.” We conducted a study about illicit massage parlors in Los Angeles and New York from stories collected from women workers (2019). What we found is that many often choose illicit massage parlor work from a very small number of employment options; some women described being coerced or deceived into this work, but most women said they chose this work as their best alternative among limited options,” Ding said. “The report also stated that businesses openly advertised for female workers and male clients, although the ads were ambiguous to avoid law enforcement scrutiny. Many of them risks physical health (HIV, STIs) and mental health (isolation and stigma); risk of violence from clients and owners, and robbery in this cash-based industry; and possible risks and fines, and jails, as well as deportation in the case of undocumented immigrants, she added. APAIT is a community based organization based in Los Angeles and Orange County whose aim is to achieve optimal health and well-being for vulnerable communities Candelario told the Blade. APAIT serves LGBTQIA-2S, people living with and at risk for HIV and behavioral health challenges, homeless, immigrants and refugee communities. “It is important that to achieve true racial equity that the community recognizes Asians and Pacific Islanders are not a monolithic racial group. Ask us and not assume – there are differences between East Asian, Southeast Asians, South Asian, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders. I’m tired of hearing folks saying “you look Chinese” but the person is Japanese or Korean, or the horrible stereotype “you all look the same.” It’s simply disrespectful,” Candelario said. In January, in one of his first acts as he took office, President Joe Biden signed a Presidential Memorandum condemning and combating racism, xenophobia, and intolerance against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.
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!"#$ %"&&'()*%$ +'$ '",##$ -'.+)'+/+,#+$ %0+%$ +)1$ Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms and other local officials, 2+%%+*#$ 0+,.&,%$ &)$ 3+,4"$ 56$ "+7#$ .#8'$ 2#29#,%$ previously sold T-shirts with anti-AAPI slogans about of the LGBTQ Asian American and Pacific Islander the coronavirus. CNN reported that Baker is no longer a 4&22:)(';$1##0.;$%"+<#)$+)1$+)*,;= %0&<#%0#,%&)$8&,$'"#$4+%#= A gunman killed eight people when he opened fire !"#$C+)$L,+)4(%4&/9+%#1$F,(%2$L&:)1+'(&)$+17&4+'#%$ +'$ >&:)*?%$ -%(+)$ 3+%%+*#$ ()$ -4@&,'"$ ()$ %:9:,9+)$ for the LGBTQ AAPI community. A"#,&<##$ A&:)';$ +)1$ +'$ '"#$ B&.1$ 3+%%+*#$ +)1$ Its board of directors in a statement to the Blade -,&2+'"#,+0;$ C0+%$ ()$ -'.+)'+=$ C(D$ &8$ '"#$ 7(4'(2%$ %+(1Q$ NR:,$ 4&22:)(';$ "+%$ ,#0#+'#1.;$ 9##)$ %:9O#4'#1$ @#,#$@&2#)$&8$-%(+)$1#%4#)'= to anti-Asian rhetoric and brutality toward our elderly.” B#&,*(+$%'+'#$E#0=$C+2$F+,<G$+$*+;$2+)$&8$H&,#+)$ !"#$ %'+'#2#)'$ +11%$ N,#4#)'$ #7#)'%G$ ()4.:1()*$ '"#$ 1#%4#)'$@"&$,#0,#%#)'%$%:9:,9+)$B@())#''$A&:)';$ 0,#2#1('+'#1$ 2:,1#,%$ ()$ -'.+)'+G$ 2+<#%$ ('$ #7(1#)'.;$ ()$'"#$B#&,*(+$I&:%#$&8$E#0,#%#)'+'(7#%G$(%$+2&)*$ clear the refusal to recognize the atrocities for what they the local AAPI community leaders who met with are — hate and racism.” F,#%(1#)'$J(1#)$+)1$K(4#$F,#%(1#)'$I+,,(%$&)$L,(1+;$ N!"#%#$ #7#)'%$ 0#,0#':+'#$ '"#$ 2&1#.$ 2()&,(';$ 2;'"$ ()$-'.+)'+=$F+,<$%0&<#$@('"$'"#$M+%"()*'&)$J.+1#$+$ that anti-Asian racism isn’t real,” it reads. “We must make it 4&:0.#$&8$"&:,%$9#8&,#$'"#$2##'()*= plainly clear: the hate and violence on the API community “It’s been tough,” said Park when asked about must stop. Our community will be seen and heard.” "(%$ ,#+4'(&)$ '&$ '"#$ %"&&'()*%=$ N-%$ +)$ #.#4'#1$ B:+2$S'=$B&7=$T&%"$!#)&,(&G$@"&$(%$*+;G$%+(1$#.#4'#1$ ,#0,#%#)'+'(7#G$+%$%&2#&)#$@"&$@+)'%$'&$%#,7#$+)1$ +)1$,#.(*(&:%$.#+1#,%$4+)$)&$.&)*#,$,#2+()$%(.#)'$+9&:'$ 9#$ +$ 7&(4#$ 8&,$ '"#$ -%(+)$ -2#,(4+)$ 4&22:)(';G$ '&$ ,+4(%2= stand and be with them during this difficult period NM"+'$ 9&'"#,%$ 2#$ 2&%'$ +9&:'$ '"#$ %"&&'()*%$ ()$ of time, it’s challenging.” -'.+)'+G$ '"#$ 7(&.#)'$ +''+4<%$ &)$ -%(+)%G$ #%0#4(+..;$ '"#$ 1678!-95!1:;5!#$%&'()*$+,$*!<=:!>?!@7A*!?7>B!CDCE9CB!7FB!GCD>@>:6?!DC7BCG?! E7F!F:!D:F@CG!GC87>F!?>DCF9!7H:69!G7E>?85 F+,<$ +.%&$ )&'#1$ N'"#$ 7+%'$ 2+O&,(';$ &8$ -%(+)$ #.1#,.;G$+)1$'"#$()%:,,#4'(&)$+'$'"#$A+0('&.$(%$'"#$%(.#)4#$ Americans who live in Georgia” live in Gwinnett and indifference of so many leaders, both elected and A&:)';G$@"(4"$(%$)&,'"#+%'$&8$-'.+)'+= religious,” he told the Blade. “We cannot allow these acts to go unpunished and must hold these “There’s a lot of grief and outrage,” he said. leaders accountable for their roles in sowing division.” -)1,#+$3+,,+G$+$',+)%*#)1#,$@&2+)$&8$H&,#+)$1#%4#)'$@"&$(%$'"#$#D#4:'(7#$1(,#4'&,$&8$'"#$ Wills said the shootings raise larger questions about the treatment of AAPI people in the U.S. Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund, described the shootings as “gut-wrenching” in “There’s a few different things that come to mind, and some of it is deeply systemic,” they +$2#%%+*#$%"#$@,&'#$&)$"#,$L+4#9&&<$0+*#= '&.1$'"#$J.+1#= “I woke up to the news of six Asian women gunned down by a 21-year-old white man in N-$U:#%'(&)$'"+'$4&2#%$'&$2()1$8&,$2#$7#,;G$7#,;G$7#,;$#+%(.;$(%$@";$@+%$'"#$2+%%+*#$0+,.&,$ -'.+)'+G$%+(1$3+,,+=$N-)1$'"(%$&).;$8&..&@%$'"#$*,&@()*$4&7#,+*#$&8$"+'#$7(&.#)4#$'+,*#'()*$-%(+)$ #7#)$&0#)$1:,()*$+$0+)1#2(4V$M";$1(1$'"#%#$8&.<%$"+7#$'&$@&,<$()$'"#$2(11.#$&8$+$*.&9+.$4,(%(%$ women and elders nationwide.” '"+'$)#4#%%('+'#%$0#&0.#$)&'$'&:4"()*V$M";$@#,#$'"#;$)&'$4+,#1$8&,$9;$%&4(#';$+)1$'"#$%'+'#$ N-%(+)$4&22:)('(#%$+4,&%%$'"#$4&:)',;$+,#$,(*"'$)&@$*,+00.()*$@('"$&7#,@"#.2()*$+2&:)'%$ more deeply, to the point at which they had to do this labor?” added Wills. of grief, despair and outrage,” she added. “We are mourning for our dead, fearing for our lives, “I even think about … the kind of broader things about it, about how legacies of war and and finding ways to protect loved ones while attempting to organize against the rising and (20#,(+.(%2$ 2+1#$ ('$ %&$ '"+'$ -%(+)$ @&2#)G$ -%(+)$ ',+)%$ 8&.<%G$ -%(+)$ %#D$ @&,<#,%$ +,#$ &7#,.;$ :)4"#4<#1$'(1#%$&8$+)'(/-%(+)$7(&.#)4#=$-)1$+..$1:,()*$+)$&)*&()*$*.&9+.$0+)1#2(4$'"+'$@+%$ fetishized and thought of as just bodies for pleasure and not humans, not full humans,” they used by Trump to further demonize Asian people.” told the Blade. “There’s things like that when it when I think of this as a preventable violence, Asian and Pacific Islander Queers United for Action DC co-organized a vigil for the victims that I’m like, these folks should not have had to work in the ways that they had not had that, that '&&<$0.+4#$&)$M#1)#%1+;$()$P=A=?%$A"()+'&@)= '"#;$"+1$'&$@&,<$+)1$%"&@$:0$+)1$#+,)$2&)#;$'&$.(7#$+)1$%:,7(7#=$-)1$'"#%#$8&.<%$+%$":2+)%$ AQUA DC Political Chair Nicholas L. Hatcher told the Blade the LGBTQ AAPI “community really should not have had to exist in the society in which they were dehumanized from so many )##1%$'(2#$'&$2&:,)$+)1$*,(#7#G$)&'$O:%'$8&,$'"#%#$@&2#)$@"&$1(1$)&'$+%<$8&,$'"#(,$1#+'"%$+)1$ different angles.” '"#(,$.(7#%$'&$9#$'",:%'$()'&$'"#$)+'(&)+.$%0&'.(*"'G$9:'$+.%&$8&,$'"#$2+);$&8$:%$@"&$+,#$+)1$<)&@$ -$ ,#0&,'#,$ 1:,()*$ M#1)#%1+;?%$ 0,#%%$ 4&)8#,#)4#$ +%<#1$ J&''&2%$ @"#'"#,$ '"#$ '",##$ %0+%$ Asian American women and femmes who have experienced assault and violence.” “were places where somebody could have had sexual encounters.” The shootings took place against the backdrop of an increase in violence against AAPI people. “We are not about to get into victim blaming, victim shaming here,” said Bottoms. Activists in the LGBTQ AAPI community with whom the Blade spoke say former President Trump Authorities have not charged the shooter under Georgia’s hate crimes law, which took effect bears some responsibility because of the anti-AAPI rhetoric and slurs he used in his comments last summer. Park told the Blade he would categorize the shootings as a hate crime. +9&:'$'"#$0+)1#2(4= Michael T. Nguyen, chair of the GLBTQ+ Asian Pacific Alliance, a San Francisco-based LGBTQ Sammie Ablaza Wills, executive director of APIENC, a San Francisco-based LGBTQ AAPI group, AAPI advocacy group, agreed. &)$L,(1+;$'&.1$'"#$J.+1#$'"+'$!,:20$N"+%$4&)'():#1$+$.&)*/%'+)1()*$,"#'&,(4$&8$-%(+)$-2#,(4+)$ “The shooter hit up three different massage parlors,” Nguyen told the Blade. “It’s very communities as perpetual foreigners, and as the harbingers of disease.” ()'#)'(&)+.=$>&:$1&)?'$O:%'$*&$1,(7#G$0+,<G$<(..G$*&$9+4<G$1,(7#G$0+,<$+)1$<(..=$!&$2#G$('?%$4.#+,.;$+$ “When the COVID pandemic hit, he capitalized upon an already standing narrative that has hate crime.” been baked into the DNA of the United States,” said Wills. “[He] has pushed it to a new degree M(..%$%+(1$'"#$%"&&'()*%$@#,#$N5WW$0#,4#)'$2&'(7+'#1$9;$,+4#$+)1$*#)1#,$+)1$"+'#G$9:'$@+%$ in the modern age, saying things at the federal level, like the ‘China virus,’ or the ‘Kung flu,’ which "#%('+)'$'&$1#%4,(9#$'"#2$+%$+$"+'#$4,(2#= &).;$+..&@%$0#&0.#?%$2()1%$'&$"&&<$&)$'&$'"&%#$(1#+%G$+)1$8:,'"#,%$'"#$9#.(#8$'"+'$-%(+)$8&.<%$ “I don’t like the framing of hate crime because it doesn’t matter,” they said. “The legality of it is 1#%#,7#$'&$9#$'+,*#'#1G$1#%#,7#$'&$9#$&'"#,$#;#%G$+)1$1#%#,7#$'&$9#$+''+4<#1G$9#4+:%#$&8$%&2#$ not the focus to me … the criminalization part is not the focus.” kind of washed out tired idea for who Asian people are and what they bring.” “The sheriff of the county is rushing to humanize the assailant, while people continue to Media reports indicate a spokesperson for the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office, who said the dehumanize those of those who have been lost,” added Wills. “This is an act of racialized and shooter had a “really bad day” when he spoke at a Wednesday press conference with Atlanta gendered violence, fueled by hate and vitriolic belief.” !"!"!#$%&'!()*!(+(,!"!-./$012-2/3-$425&.#
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!"#$%&'()*+,$-%./(01%23% Pop a ‘pirin tablet, pierce your toast, and enjoy this gay classic !"#!$%&'#()%*+,%-
Take your pick. The movie is infinitely quotable. “It’s like riding a psychotic horse toward a burning stable.” “Oh, what interesting china. It looks like young men playing leap frog.” “You’re going to the cemetery with your toothbrush. How Egyptian.” There are dozens more. And if you’re gay and have been to a dinner party over the years, you’ve probably heard them. This year marks the 25th anniversary of Mike Nichols’s now gay classic “The Birdcage,” itself a remake of the 1978 Franco-Italian film “La Cage aux Folles.” The film is sort of a powerhouse of acting, with Gene Hackman, two-time Academy Award winner Dianne Wiest, and anchored by one of the biggest box-office stars of the time, Robin Williams. The movie in a nutshell is a new take on the “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” model, offering a situational comedy like no other. The cold, grey, conservative Keeley’s of Ohio visit the colorful, vibrant Goldmans (or is it Coleman?) of Miami Beach, all for dinner and to meet the parents of the boy their daughter is wanting to marry. Of course there are more layers to it all. The head of the Keeley clan is a conservative senator in the age of family values, Armand Goldman owns a drag club where his partner is the star. So you can see how it goes more or less. Simply, the film is a celebration of gay life, and at a time when that was needed badly. And couple it with “Philadelphia” the film that was released two years prior starring Tom Hanks, still now and then one of America’s biggest stars. For so long, gay men in film were suffering creatures. Name any film featuring a gay character prior to “The Birdcage” and the chances of the gay character making it to the end of the film alive were not great. “The Birdcage” turns this all on its head. For gays in the audience we saw happy, healthy, thriving gay men in loving a relationship and owners of successful business. For the straight people in the audience, they saw all that, too. But for many, I’m guessing the vast majority, they had never seen the inside of a gay bar before, not to mention a loving gay home. It was a peek into a world that they would never really be a part of. But again, back to the gays in the audience, we knew who the joke really was on, and which family in the movie you would rather be a part of. It’s no wonder the film begins and ends with Sister Sledge’s 1979 gay anthem “We are Family.” And in the film, just when everything seems hopeless, Barbara Keeley, played here by Calista Flockhart, turns to the Goldmans and says that, “I would have loved to have been part of your family.” The choice for everyone was obvious. “The Birdcage” might not be the perfect gay film, but it’s a perfect little gay film. It’s hard to call the movie seminal when it should be, because so little mainstream gay cinema came along after. Sure, we had 2018’s “Love Simon,” but that was more a less a teen romantic comedy. Important, sure, but I’d venture to say it didn’t have the mainstream appeal, much less success, “The Birdcage” enjoyed. Then of course there was 2005’s “Brokeback Mountain,” both a mainstream and critical success. But it’s not a film you revisit time and time again, stream on rainy Rehoboth days, throwing around quotations and !"#$%&&!'(&)* Why Hollywood hasn’t produced much mainstream gay cinema since “The Birdcage” is certainly up for debate. Maybe “The Birdcage” just set the bar too high. So pop a ‘pirin tablet, pierce your toast, and enjoy.
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E&?>@68A!/>89B>@7F!C9D8A7<! <A8GH>7!<@AI?A!9=!CAJD>?68 For listeners who need help mapping out their journey back to optimum health #*'+,-.'/%0('12.3
After a year of living under COVID-19, we’ve finally reached a place where we can breathe a little easier, knowing that a brighter, more-vaccinated future is well on its way – and with it, the promise of a return to normalcy. Even if all the restrictions and isolation were to come completely to an end, however, normalcy is still a long way off. The pandemic has been a traumatic event on a global scale, and we are impacted like never before by alcohol and drugs, eating disorders, gaming and gambling, addiction to pornography, and other such harmful coping mechanisms. Since COVID arrived, alcohol and drug consumption alone is up by 500% in many cities, and the increase in additional mental health challenges like anxiety and depression is almost immeasurable. As eager as we may be for everything to be the way it was before, it must be acknowledged that there’s a lot of collective healing to do first. Fortunately, we don’t have to do it alone. “America Recovers,” a podcast that made its debut on Feb. 16, is here to provide a sort of “field guide” for listeners who need help mapping out their journey back to optimum mental and physical health. Designed to uplift listeners with stories of transformation, from crisis to clarity, it features real life interventions, stories of transformation and change, and headliner guests like Billy Porter, Carnie Wilson, and Stephen Baldwin, who share their own stories of resilience and personal growth. The show’s hosts are Brad Lamm and Mackenzie Phillips – founder and program director, respectively, of Weho’s Breathe Life Healing Center. Lamm – who is widely called “America’s interventionist” – is an author and teacher who has written numerous books about recovery and is a regular contributor on “Today,” “Good Morning America,” and other shows. Phillips, of course, is known for her years as an actress, beloved for her role on the classic sitcom “One Day at a Time,” and her very public struggles with addiction during her youth (As she puts it, “My active addictions unfolded in a fishbowl for the whole world to watch”) led her not only to long-term recovery, but to work in the treatment field in order to help others find their way, too. Now a New York Times bestselling author and self-described “activist for healing and the reduction of suffering,” she continues to act (including appearances in the “One Day at a Time” reboot series and “Orange is the New Black”), but today her true calling lies in sharing her “experience, strength, and hope” at Breathe – and now, online with “America Recovers.” The two hosts took a few minutes to chat with the Blade about their podcast, and about meeting the moment with an eye toward trauma-informed solutions. “Working in a trauma-based treatment center, and being a person and long-term recovery myself, the pandemic has hit really hard,” Phillips tells the Blade. “For a lot of people, their main outlet for recovery is in-person twelve-step meetings – that was sort of yanked out from under them, and seeing the rate of suffering and return to use has been overwhelming. And then you have to consider cases where, for instance, people who might be in a domestic violence situation are now trapped at home with an abusive partner – the amount of suffering, and the uptick in suicides and return to use has been devastating for our recovery community as a whole.” Lamm concurs. “These 12-step fellowships help so many people worldwide – they give us this relational model where we can hang out and hug and connect with each other in person -- and that’s been totally disrupted because of the pandemic. And while it was quick to adapt to telehealth and Zoom and such, it’s different.” “And now, with reopening happening and everything, it’s really exciting and all,” Phillips continues, “but the thing we need to remember is that trauma has echoes. The damage has been done and when you think about kids who haven’t even been in a classroom in over a year, there’s a generation of traumatized adults that we’re going to experience fifteen years from now. It’s a lot to take that in.” Lamm explains that the need to reach the wider community served as an impetus in the development of “America Recovers.”
“We were pitching the !"#$% $&'()"*% and some folks said ‘hey, do you have anything that you could do right now on this moment we’re having,’ and I thought ‘well, yeah, actually we do.’ That’s how ‘America Recovers’ was +'&)*% '(,% '-% that impetus of how might we #$%&'(%))!67!89:;97<!9=!<;>!&?>@68A!/>89B>@7!C9D8A7<, equip a larger audience – because, you know, in almost eight years Breathe has treated over 2500 people, but in terms of those that need and are literally dying for help, it’s just minuscule. We thought a podcast from Westbrook, who has produced a big hit like “Red Table Talk” on Facebook, would be really useful to help us get these tools and tips to listeners, really a message of how they can get better.” The resulting show gives the two hosts a chance to serve as the “connecting tissue,” as Phillips puts it, “between our guest stories and our listeners – inviting our listeners into a piece of our lives that connects to their lives that connects to the guest’s story – and I think that’s pretty powerful.” It’s that connection – the sharing of stories and experiences that helps us form a sense of community with others – that has been a mainstay of twelve-step recovery all along. It’s also the one of the most effective ways of reducing stigma and fostering empathy around the issue of substance use disorder – something Lamm and Phillips also hope to do with “America Recovers.” Phillips reflects on the progress that’s been made since she was “a young, budding addict” in her TV heyday. “I was a teenager on a hit show and they would say ‘we’re going to suspend you with pay, why don’t you go get well?’ And, I’d be like, ‘oh, okay,’ and then go get my teeth cleaned or something like that, and then I’d be like, ‘okay, I’m back.’ And after all these episodes of suspension and being told to go ‘get well’ without any tools whatsoever, I was fired, right? The climate has changed so much since 1975. There really wasn’t a lot of information and there was certainly a huge amount of stigma, and people just wanted you to go deal with it quietly elsewhere, where they didn’t have to look. Now we have this broader view of addiction as a mental health issue, where we invite people into their own wellness without taking away their jobs. I’m so glad that we’ve come that far.” If you think you or someone you love could benefit from the kind of trauma-informed recovery strategies “America Recovers” brings to the public conversation, you can subscribe to the show through Apple and Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio, and Spotify. New episodes drop every Tuesday.
Participate in one of LA’s most heart-filled fundraisers in October 2021, benefitting Alliance for Housing and Healing. All contestants must prepare an introduction of their character (name and state you are representing), share costume ideas, and prepare one minute of talent. Self taped audition videos due by the end of April 2021.
Email Jeffrey Drew with questions or to request an audition:
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A high-five for ‘Singled Out’
.0+')=,102)13)4&'$$)5+06')#=)#C>10,<$,)%<2)8<='8<&&)/#=,102)&'==1$ #$%&'()*%+,-./
01*23-/4%,5(6%()/%(75/%1(,78%,.%3-/22%#57&/9 By Andrew Maraniss
?DH`HGE)W/#&1C'&)5116=) !"#$%%&'&()*&+,-./
!"#$%&'() *+,-) ./') .0+') ",102) 13) 4&'$$) 5+06'7) 82) 9$(0':) ;<0<$#==) #=) ,/') >'03'?,) 0'<()310)21+)#3)21+@A')8''$)B1$'=#$%)(+0#$%),/#=)><$('C#?):#$,'0)310)8<='8<&&D The affection queer fans have for baseball is intermingled with sadness and anger. 5'?<+='E)/#=,10#?<&&2E);<B10)F'<%+')5<='8<&&)/<=)8''$)/1C1>/18#?D))) !"#$%&'()*+,E7):0#,,'$)310)0'<('0=)<%')GH)<$()+>E)=/'(=)&#%/,)$1,)1$&2)1$)/1C1>/18#<) #$);F5)8+,)1$)F45.I)/#=,102D);<0<$#==),'&&=),/')=,102)13)4&'$$)5+06'E)<)5&<?6E)%<2)C<$) :/1):<=)#$);<B10)F'<%+')5<='8<&&)301C)GJKL),1)GJKJ)M>&<2#$%):#,/),/')F1=)9$%'&'=) N1(%'0=E),/'$):#,/),/')*<6&<$()9,/&',#?=OD 5+06'E) :/1) :<=) 810$) #$) GJPH) <$() (#'() #$) GJJP) 301C) ?1C>&#?<,#1$=) 13) 9QN"E) :<=) the first openly queer MLB player. Though he didn’t come out until after he stopped >&<2#$%) :#,/) ,/') ;F5E) /#=) ='R+<&#,2) :<=) <$) 1>'$) ='?0',D) S#=) 3<C#&2E) 30#'$(=) <$() ,'<CC<,'=)6$1:)/'):<=)%<2D “Singled Out” is a page-turner for teens and adults. Maraniss, whose first book !",01$%)Q$=#('7)0'?'#A'(),/')F#&&#<$)"C#,/)5116)9:<0()310)?#A#&)0#%/,=)<$(),/')TUV)5116) 9:<0(=@)">'?#<&)W0#X')310)=1?#<&)B+=,#?'E)C<6'=)5+06')?1C')<&#A'D Q$) &'=='0) /<$(=E) 5+06'@=) =,102) ?1+&() /<A') 8''$) <) (+&&) /#=,102) &'==1$D) ./<$63+&&2E) ;<0<$#==E):/1)&#A'=):#,/)/#=):#3')<$()?/#&(0'$)#$)Y<=/A#&&'E),0<$=310C=)5+06'@=)=,102) 301C)<)/#=,10#?<&)311,$1,')#$,1)<)A#80<$,&2)&#A'()&#3'D) 5+06'E) 810$) #$) *<6&<$(E) Z<&#3DE) &1A'() 8'#$%) #$) ,/') &#C'&#%/,) 'A'$) :/'$) /') :<=) <) child. From early on, he was a terrific singer as well as a fab athlete. At age nine, he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in center field in Game 1 of the 1977 World Series. On top of that, Burke invented the high five. In the last game of the 1977 season, N+=,2)5<6'0)/#,)/#=)_`,/)/1C')0+$D)5+06')%0'','()5<6'0):#,/)<)0<#='()/<$()<=)5<6'0) crossed home plate. Baker slapped Burke’s hand. This was the first high five. When Burke, too, hit a home run, Baker greeted him with the second high-five in history. ./1+%/)5+06'):<=)?&1=','(E)/')&#A'()<=)<$)1>'$&2)%<2)C<$)#$)"<$)U0<$?#=?1)(+0#$%) the off-season. But he discovered that “fame came with a price,” Maraniss writes. !Q$),/')8<='8<&&):10&(E)/'):100#'()/'@()8')=/+$$'()8'?<+=')/'):<=)%<2E7);<0<$#==) <((=E) !Q$) ,/') %<2) :10&(E) /') 0'='$,'() ,/<,) /#=) 3<C') :<=) ,/') 1$&2) 0'<=1$) =1C') C'$) ?<0'()<81+,)/#C)a)1,/'0:#=')/'@()B+=,)8')<$1,/'0)%<2)5&<?6)C<$)3<?#$%),:1)&<2'0=)13) (#=?0#C#$<,#1$D7 The Dodgers offered him $75,000 if he would get married. “To a woman?” Burke <=6'()<=)/'),+0$'()(1:$),/#=)>01>1=<&D 93,'0) 8'#$%) &',) %1) 82) ,/') N1(%'0=) <$() &'<A#$%) ,/') 9@=) 8'?<+=') 13) /1C1>/18#<E) 5+06')=,0+%%&'=):#,/)/1C'&'==$'==)<$()(0+%)<((#?,#1$D)Q$)3<=,]><?'(E)=/10,)?/<>,'0=E) ;<0<$#==):0#,'=)13)5+06'@=)><#$)<$()13)/#=)&'%<?2D)S')=',=),/')/1C1>/18#<),/<,)5+06') '$?1+$,'0=):#,/#$),/')?1$,'R,)13),/')GJK`=)b)9$#,<)502<$,E)=1(1C2)&<:=)b),/')('?<(') <3,'0)",1$':<&&D)./#=)#=)><0,#?+&<0&2)/'&>3+&)310)21+$%)0'<('0=):/1):1+&()/<A')&#,,&')10) $1)6$1:&'(%')13),/<,),#C'D 5+06') :<=) >1=,/+C1+=&2) /1$10'() <,) ,/') H`G^) 9&&]",<0) 4<C') <$() #$(+?,'() #$,1) "<$)U0<$?#=?1@=)S1$10)\<&6)#$),/')Z<=,01)#$)H`GKD)F<=,)2'<0E),/');F5)><#(),0#8+,'),1) 5+06')(+0#$%)W0#(')C1$,/D)Q$)N'?'C8'0)H`H`E)*<6&<$(@=)F45.I)Z1CC+$#,2)Z'$,'0@=) :'&&$'==)?&#$#?):<=)$<C'()<3,'0)5+06'D Without being preachy, Maraniss deftly tells Burke’s story. A high-five for “Singled *+,D7)
Paul Richmond soars with Phoenix and Butterfly Wings Q34"14/%/1#,,',2%7+3G%:+3%'-+$%V+$$=%!"31+, /0&',/&1#23,-
He did not confide this to Linda, mostly !"#$% &'()*+,-./% 0"',1',2/% "34% *',-5 -#4%1+%/)"*4%",-%(+,:#/'+,%)4%:4$1;%6#1%/)4% 6$+7',28% 9'$$4-% 7'1)% "6/13"(1'+,% +:% (+$+3;% 64("*4% "7"34% +:% )'/% ()",24% ',% *++-% ",-% *+1'+,;% :+3*% ",-% <'63",(=;% 1)4=% :+(#/% +,% demeanor. When he finally did open up, 1)4% #,'>#4% '-4,1'1=% +:% 1)4% /#6?4(1% ",-% 1)"1% 4,+#2);%/)4%4,(+#3"24-%)'*%1+%E0"',1%"6+#1% /#6?4(1./%',,43%$':4%7'1)%'1/%+7,%"6/13"(1'+,%+:% it.” His first painting expressing the situation 0"',;%?+=%",-%/0'3'18%@)4=%+:14,%6$4,-%64"#1=% 7"/%"%7+3G%("$$4-%EThe Piece that did not fit.” 7'1)%7)'*/=;%',13'2#4%7'1)%43+1'('/*8% D1%7"/%"%0"',1',2%+:%"%0#RR$4%7'1)%"$$%1)4%0'4(4/% !"#$% )"/% 2"',4-% ',143,"1'+,"$% ,+1+3'41=;% (his classmates) fitting, and one odd piece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was the first time I realized I could do that too !3+*'/4$",-% 4A)'6'1% ("$$4-% I()+4/8% C44',2% T%1)"1%"31%(+#$-%64%"%7"=%:+3%*4%1+%-4"$%7'1)% =+#3/4$:%:3+*%!"#$%&'()*+,-./%043/04(1'<4%'/% 7)"1%7"/%)"004,',2%"1%/()++$%",-%',%*=%$':48H ,+1% ?#/1% /44',2% =+#3% :"(4% +,% "% 7"$$J% )4% $41/% Dolly Parton loves butterflies. In many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new colorful heights. They are the definition of Dolly Parton. As a young teenager, Paul Richmond held the ultimate butterfly, Dolly Parton, up as a role -#4%34/04(1%:+3%)'/%7+3G8%L4%'/%(+*0$414$=%"((4//'6$4;%6#1%":143%"%:47%*',#14/%+:%7"1()',2%)'*% *+-4$8%%ES/%D%2+1%+$-43;%D%64("*4%*+34%"7"34%+:%)43%043/+,"$'1=%",-%7)+%/)4%7"/;%D%?#/1%34"$$=% 7+3G;%=+#%G,+7%=+#%"34%',%1)4%034/4,(4%+:%/+*4+,4%4A13"+3-',"3=8 34$"14-%1+%)438%%@)434%7434%"%$+1%+:%/'*'$"3'1'4/%"(1#"$$=%641744,%)43%",-%M',-";%64("#/4%1)4=% He is an artist on the verge of soaring to great heights. The wings with which he flies are 6+1)%)"<4%1)4%6"(G/1+3=%+:%23+7',2%#0%',%0+<431=%',%1)4%*+#,1"',/U%%O+1)%)"-%34"$$=%"-+3"6$4% not just his own, however. The fluttering you may imagine hearing around him are not from C+#1)43,%"((4,1/8%@)4=%"34%6+1)%(34"1'<4%',/0'3',2%04+0$4%7)+%34"$$=%/)',4%"%6'2%$'2)1%',%1)4% )'*%"$+,48 world. So, Linda was first, but I think it was kind of natural for me to latch on to Dolly as a role They are from his phoenix and his butterfly. Two womanly forces – one that has inspired )'*;% ",-% +,4% 1)"1% )"/% 644,% "% 1)+3+#2)% ",-% $':45/"<',2% 2#'-',2% :+3(4% 1+% )'/% 043/+,"$% *+-4$%64("#/4%/)4%7"/%/+%/'*'$"3%',%*",=%7"=/%1+%1)4%3+$4%*+-4$%1)"1%D%"$34"-=%)"-8H "((+*0$'/)*4,18 Paul’s youthful determination to meet The Butterfly paid off. He persuaded both his parents M',-"%&42#$"%7"/%!"#$%&'()*+,-./%$':45$+,2%"31%',/13#(1+38%!"#$%*41%)43%7)4,%)4%7"/%N%=4"3/% ",-%!"31+,./%)",-$43/%1+%"$$+7%)'*%1+%63',2%)43%"%0'4(4%+:%"31%7)4,%/)4%+04,4-%V+$$=7++-8%L4% old. She was the first person in his life who literally lived amongst their created art. Walking ',1+%)43%)+*4%",-%/44',2%1)"1%4,<'3+,*4,1;%'*034//4-%)'*%234"1$=8%%C)4%/"7%03+*'/4%',%)'*;% 7"/%WX%=4"3/%+$-8 Y4"3/%$"143;%',/0'34-%6=%"%V+$$=%34:434,(4%+,%)'/%746/'14;%@)4%K+3$-%+:%K+,-43%2"$$43=%',% ",-%'**4-'"14$=%1+$-%)'/%0"34,1/%1)"1%/)4%7+#$-%2#'-4%)'*%',%)'/%1"$4,18%% M+/%S,24$4/%(+,1"(14-%)'*%",-%"/G4-%)'*%1+%/#6*'1%"%0'4(4%:+3%1)4'3%V+$$=5!+0%4A)'6'1'+,8%L4% M',-"’s art was both her expression and her release of the pain of abuse she had suffered. C)4% 4*63"(4-% 1)4% '*"24% +:% 1)4% 0)+4,'A;% EEO4',2% 0++3;% /)=;% /G',,=;% ",-% *+1)43$4//;% D% 7"/% (34"14-%"%:",(':#$%0'4(48%D,%1)4%(",<"/;%V+$$=%"004"3/%',%1)4%P$',-"%P++-%K'1()%6#66$4%"6+<4% 6#$$'4-%#,*43(':#$$=%"/%"%()'$-8%K)4,%D%7"/%',%1)4%:+#31)%23"-4;%+#3%14"()43%"/G4-%/1#-4,1/%1+% the yellow brick road in front of a 4-year old boy who stands transfixed… wearing a pair of grown woman’s high healed shoes. A huge butterfly is featured prominently in the painting. listen to a story about a phoenix, then to draw a picture of the mythical fire bird rising from S%03',1%+:%1)4%0"',1',2%"$/+%4,-4-%#0%',%V+$$=./%-34//',2%3++*8%ED%7"/%34"$$=%13=',2%1+%?#/1% "/)4/JP"1)43',2%#0%/4<43"$%(3"=+,/%*"3G4-%7'1)%,"*4/%1)"1%D%$+<4-;%D%(+$+34-%'1/%:4"1)43/% ("01#34% *=% ()'$-)++-% :"/(',"1'+,% 7'1)% V+$$=% ",-% D% 1)+#2)1% 1)4% K'R"3-% +:% ZR;% 7+#$-% 64% "% 4*43"$-%2344,;%3#6=%34-;%<'+$41;%",-%(+6"$1%6$#48 043:4(1%*41"0)+3%:+3%1)"18%F441',2%V+$$=%',%V+$$=7++-;%"/%"%G'-%7"/%/#()%";%/#()%"%*4",',2:#$% At last, satisfied that my Phoenix appeared to live within the drawing, I created a radiant '*0+31",1%0"31%+:%*=%()'$-)++-;%",-%D%7",14-%1+%34034/4,1%1)4%:44$',2%/)4%34"$$=%+04,4-%#0%"% yellow sun whose golden rays seemed to tease the bird into flight. I then drew glowing embers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inda Regula died in July of 2020. Her passing intensified Paul’s commitment and involvement my phoenix drawing still remains as if that magnificent fire bird, its feet coated with hot ashes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to heal – should he need it. When he entered fourth grade, the need for that outlet emerged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