Losangelesblade.com, Volume 05, Issue 15, April 09, 2021

Page 1


LGBTQ Russians stuck in Guam, awaiting asylum requests, PAGE 06




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that also allow Putin to run for president two more times. Mikhail “Misha” Tumasov, a Russian LGBTQ activist and human rights defender, in an email to the Washington Blade noted the law that Putin signed “emphasizes recent changes in the constitution” that include an “adopted formula of a family exclusively as a union of a man and a woman which wasn’t in the constitution and gave hope to introduce same sex marriages on that legal base.” “There is no need for any other legal actions as same-sex marriages are de jure illegal,” said Tumasov. Putin in 01 sparked global outrage when he signed a law that bans the promotion of so-called gay propaganda to minors. Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov, who is a close Putin ally, and the Kremlin continue to downplay the anti-LGBTQ crackdown in Chechnya. Tumasov told the Blade the “most problematic issues” with the law that Putin signed on Monday include the option for him to run for re-election and “restrictions” on “educational activities, which will brutally impact (the) work of human rights NGOs and academic $&#,$,",$0&#:> !"#$%&'()*('%+&,-

5LN9C!9=>G;G@>@!M9LC=J! E9BBG9F?!?VL9MG>I!=9EP9GFC Two LGBTQ activists in Cuba have launched a petition in support of marriage equality 0&',7*'$#.%&+: Jancel Moreno and Dasiel Gonz lez, known in the digital world as Pinky Unicorn, launched the petition “Yes Equal Marriage in Cuba” with the goal of raising awareness inside Cuba and elsewhere about the need for marriage equality on the island. All Out, an international LGBTQ rights group, has shared the petition on its website. “From the Dame la Mano platform, I was promoting the campaign The same love, the same rights’ and Dasiel had launched one entitled ‘Not a kiss less,’” Moreno told the Blade. “We decided to join forces and launch this joint call to reach more people.” The Cuban government this year plans to amend the country’s Family Code. The amended Family Code is expected to recognize marriage between two people of the same-sex and various forms of family that currently exist in the country. The updated Family Code will then go before Cuban voters in a referendum for final approval. Cuban voters in February 019 overwhelmingly approved the draft of their country’s new constitution. The government removed an amendment that would have extended marriage rights to same-sex couples after it faced pressure from religious groups. The National Center of Sexual Education, which Mariela Castro, the daughter of former President Ra l Castro, directs, last week in a series of tweets noted a transgender couple married in Old Havana. The wedding coincided with the Transgender Day of Visibility. “Taking something as important as human rights to a referendum is an aberration and also discriminatory,” said Moreno, who added LGBTQ Cubans are very nervous and disappointed over the way in which the process of amending the Family Code will be 6%))$*+'0",: #!=9B!:BG;?@!9M<CF!X9;9C9W@! <=?9CDB<C>!N<LM?;9B:!KC<AC!9@! >J?!69M?=YC!<C!69I!,+*!+(,Z4!7A<! 9=>G;G@>@!J9;?!M9LC=J?:!9!E9BBG9F?! ?VL9MG>I!=9EP9GFC!GC!5LN94! O[#.X&/07-/!2'#31!$X-7-!2Q!6&5X#1'!\1QR


JANCEL MORENO M9LC=J?:!>J?!P?>G>G<C!S!TQ?@U! 1VL9M!69BBG9F?!GC!5LN9W!S!AG>J!>J?!F<9M!<D! B9G@GCF!9A9B?C?@@!9N<L>!>J?!C??:!D<B!E9BBG9F?! ?VL9MG>I!<C!>J?!G@M9C:4!!O$J<><!=<LB>?@I!<D!6<B?C<R

“It feels very bad that your rights are being debated,” added Gonz lez. “That $#' &0,' .*3%.:' ;7%,' 30*#' %3%$&#,' 7"/%&' )$37,#:'12')$37,#'%)*'/$&*8'&090+2'6%&' decide if I deserve them or not.” ?;7*' 3%2' 60//"&$,2' $#' 4%$,$&3' 50)' what will appear in the Family Code, 9*6%"#*' $,' $#' &0,' 2*,' =&04&8>' 10)*&0' told the Blade. “When it comes out, well, 4*'4$..'40)='/0)*'$&,*&#*.2'0&',7$#',%#=' of raising awareness among the Cuban people, who in the end are the ones who have to vote. We cannot rule out that we have a population with a sexist, homophobic, transphobic heritage, with ignorance, plagued by taboos and prejudices. It is a great challenge before us, but we have to meet it.” Gonz lez reiterated the project’s primary goal is to achieve visibility. “We want everyone to see that many of us are interested in making equal marriage a reality here on the island,” he said. “We want to draw their attention in a peaceful way. The Cuban dictatorship pretends to misinterpret any opposition to its doctrines and the measures are usually quite aggressive towards us. This is a clean and empowered way of saying, ‘I count too.’” For Moreno, this collection of signatures seeks to encourage people to show solidarity with the Cuban cause from any country in the world. “That will help us to advance the fight for the rights of LGBT people,” he said. “Outside of Cuba, the gay activism we do here is not widely known and this initiative is a way of putting pressure on this issue at an international level.” Moreno stressed the goal is not to send the signatures to Cuba’s National Assembly, since the government has previously mocked similar initiatives. “We are talking about a dictatorial regime, which does not accept any type of signature 60..*6,$0&:> The petition as of deadline has been signed by , people. Moreno and Gonz lez hope it will have 10,000 signatures. Moreno and Gonz lez are using the hashtags MatrimonioIgualitarioCuba ( MarriageEqualityCuba) and NiUnBesoMenos ( NotAKissLess) to promote the petition 0&'#06$%.'/*+$%: YARIEL VALDES GONZALEZ

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asylum see ers stranded in uam

‘If the gov’t knows I have an LGBT family, they can take my daughter away’ ()*#&+,$-.*/0*.$1-%2*3*456789:;<6:=>56?80@A4

!"#$%&'%(%"()%*(+%,-#%"$.,%/0%&+%(%1&22(".%+.($%3/''&(4'%5$(2%6#/+7(&+'8 6&2&7($)%'.$1&9.%&+%3/''&(%&'%9#*0/2'#$):%(+;%!"#$%,('%'7/;)&+"%&+%7-.%9&7)%#<%=&>-+)%=#1"#$#;% &+%?@AB%,-.+%$.9$/&7.$'%7#2;%-&*%7#%.+2&'78%!"#$:%,-#%('C.;%7-.%D2(;.%+#7%7#%0/E2&'-%-&'%2('7% name, said officials sent him to a mental hospital after he failed a psychological exam. “They realized I was gay because I dyed my hair, I wear makeup and stuff like that, plus I have .($$&+"':F%'(&;%!"#$8 !"#$%7#2;%7-.%D2(;.%-.%;&;%+#7%"#%7#%7-.%-#'0&7(2:%(+;%7-.%*&2&7($)%E."(+%7#%2##C%<#$%-&*%(<7.$% he fled the city. Egor flew to Guam in May 019 and asked for asylum at the island’s Antonio B. Won Pat International Airport. “I knew I could go here and apply for asylum at the international airport in Guam,” Egor told the Blade during a telephone interview from Guam. “That’s what I did pretty much.” Guam is a U.S. territory in the western Pacific Ocean that is at the southern end of the 6($&(+(%G'2(+;'8 Egor is one of the upwards of 00 Russian asylum seekers in Guam. They cannot leave the &'2(+;%/+7&2%7-.&$%9('.'%($.%;.9&;.;8 Russian citizens until 0 0 were able to travel to Guam without a visa. Egor and other Russian LGBTQ asylum seekers with whom the Blade has spoken took advantage of this visafree travel to flee their homeland. Marina, who also asked the Blade not to publish her last name, and her then-girlfriend, Julia Mavrodieva, arrived in Guam on Nov. 1, 01 , with their child. 6($&+(% #+% 6($9-% ?H% 7#2;% 7-.% D2(;.% ;/$&+"% (% 7.2.0-#+.% &+7.$1&.,% 7-(7% -($(''*.+7% (+;% 7-$.(7'%0$#*07.;%-.$%(+;%6(1$#;&.1(%7#%2.(1.%7-.&$%-#*.%&+%5<(%+.($%7-.%5$(2%6#/+7(&+'8% Marina said she and Mavrodieva decided to flee the country over concerns that officials would 7(C.%7-.&$%9-&2;%(,()%<$#*%7-.*%E.9(/'.%7-.)%($.%2.'E&(+'8 “LGBT is not good there and also it’s the law in Russia that I cannot show my daughter our relationship,” said Marina. “If the government knows that I have an LGBT family, like two ,#*.+%(+;%(%9-&2;:%7-.)%9(+%7(C.%*)%;(/"-7.$%(,()8F 6(1$#;&.1(%.9-#.;%6($&+(%&+%(%'.0($(7.%7.2.0-#+.%&+7.$1&.,8 IJ-(74'%,-.+%,.%7-#/"-7%&<%,.4$.%+#7%"#&+"%7#%2.(1.%+#,:%7-.)4$.%K/'7%"#&+"%7#%7(C.%7-.%9-&2;% (,()%<#$%'/$.:F%'(&;%6(1$#;&.1(8%IG74'%K/'7%(%*(77.$%#<%7&*.%,-.+%7-.)%;.9&;.%7#%;#%7-&'8F Mavrodieva and Marina applied for asylum as a family after they legally married in Guam on Dec. , 01 . The women worked with a Russian-speaking paralegal in California who helped them with their Form I- 89, a formal application for asylum. Mavrodieva said they did not speak with him for seven months, but he told them in July 01 that U.S. Customs and Immigration Services -(;%(99.07.;%(+;%0$#9.''.;%&78 The women divorced in July 019. Marina and her child had their asylum interview a month later, but Mavrodieva is still awaiting hers because she had to file her own asylum application (<7.$%7-.%;&1#$9.8 Sergey and Ivan are a gay couple from Yakutsk in Siberia. Ivan told the Blade on March during a telephone interview that Sergey was attacked in 011 “because he had earrings.” Ivan said he and Sergey decided to move to St. Petersburg “because we thought it was a different place, but it turned out to be pretty much the same experience.” G1(+% '(&;% (% <$&.+;% ,('% E.(7.+% (7% (% '/E,()% '7(7&#+% (<7.$% 7-.)% (77.+;.;% (+% .1.+7% (7% (% "()% nightclub. Sergey told the Blade he was harassed at work after he and Ivan moved to Moscow. IJ-.)%C&+;%#<%*(;.%*.%9#*.%#/7%('%"():F%-.%'(&;:%'0.(C&+"%7-$#/"-%(%<$&.+;%,-#%&+7.$0$.7.;% <#$%-&*%(+;%G1(+8%IG7%,('+47%1#2/+7($)8F The couple arrived in Guam in April 01 . Ivan and Sergey said Immigration Equality told them to apply for asylum in the U.S. by mail, and they did so days after they arrived in Guam. The couple married on the island in December 01 , and soon began to receive threats because Russian media reported on their ,.;;&+"8 IL.#02.%&+%3/''&(%E('&9(22)%2.($+.;%(E#/7%7-&':F%'(&;%G1(+8%IG7%"#7%0/E2&9%(+;%G%'7($7.;%".77&+"% threats and stuff. It wasn’t very nice.” Ivan and Sergey said a USCIS asylum officer in California interviewed them in August 019. “Our status is still pending,” said Ivan. “We haven’t received the decision of our application.” Victoria Palmer, a USCIS spokesperson, in an email to the Blade on March 0 declined to comment on specific asylum cases in Guam “due to privacy restrictions.” Palmer noted “USCIS asylum officers have been unable to travel to Guam to conduct !"-.-$/01!-234-5256-.-!"#$%&'!'#(!$)'*+",

&+7.$1&.,'% #<% 7-#'.% ,-#% -(1.% applied for affirmative asylum” because of “pandemic-related 7$(1.2%$.'7$&97&#+'8F “USCIS asylum officers (2'#% 9#+;/97% 9$.;&E2.% <.($% '9$..+&+"'% <#$% &+;&1&;/(2'% subject to an expedited removal #$;.$% ,-#% ,&'-% 7#% (002)% <#$% (')2/*:% <.($% 0.$'.9/7&#+% #$% 7#$7/$.%#$%<.($%$.7/$+&+"%7#%7-.&$% -#*.%9#/+7$):F%L(2*.$%7#2;%7-.% D2(;.8% ID.9(/'.% 9$.;&E2.% <.($% &+7.$1&.,'% *()% E.% 9#+;/97.;% by telephone, the Los Angeles #$%&'$ ed ussia ith her child and no e ife in . Asylum Office has forged an arrangement with the USCIS Guam Field Office to assist asylum officers conduct credible fear interviews telephonically. As currently planned, this effort is fairly close to being completed. Individuals found to have (%9$.;&E2.%<.($%#<%0.$'.9/7&#+%7-.+%"#%E.<#$.%(+%&**&"$(7&#+%K/;".%,-#%-('%7-.%(/7-#$&7)%7#% grant them any form of protection for which they qualify.” Palmer referred the Blade to U.S. Customs and Border Protection in response to questions about travel restrictions for asylum seekers in Guam. The agency has yet to respond to a request for comment. Joshua Tenorio, Guam’s openly gay lieutenant governor, noted to the Blade during a March 9 telephone interview that travelers must clear CBP on the island before they can fly to Hawaii, South Korea or Japan in order to travel to the mainland U.S. “What they’re saying is had they been in any of the states, they would be able to file their asylum papers and be able to travel within the United States,” Tenorio told the Blade. “But because they did it in Guam, they are not being able to do that because they couldn’t clear the &**&"$(7&#+%9-.9C:%.1.+%7-#/"-%)#/4$.%+#7%92.($&+"%&**&"$(7&#+8F IG74'%(%'7$(+".%$.(2&7)%<#$%/'%E.9(/'.%,.%($.%(%7.$$&7#$):F%-.%(;;.;8 !"#$%&'%7-.%#+2)%(')2/*%'..C.$%,&7-%,-#*%7-.%D2(;.%'0#C.%,-#%,('%;.7(&+.;%/0#+%($$&1(2% in Guam. He said he spent five days in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody before his release on a ,000 bond. Egor said a prisoner at the facility where he was held assaulted him. Egor received his work authorization in June 0 0. The other asylum seekers with whom the Blade has spoken say they are also able to legally work in Guam as they await the outcome of 7-.&$%9('.'8 Mavrodieva owns a construction company where Marina currently works. Ivan and Sergey -(1.%E."/+%(%,##;,#$C&+"%(+;%0.7%9($.%E/'&+.''8 “I like Guam and stuff, but the thing is you’re in limbo,” Mavrodieva told the Blade. “It’s been ).($'8F Some of the Russian asylum seekers in Guam earlier this year staged a hunger strike in front of the official seat of the island’s government to highlight their plight. Tenorio on March 1 met with Mavrodieva, Marina, Egor, Ivan, Sergey and other Russian LGBTQ asylum seekers. Melissa Taitano, board chair of Equality Guam, an LGBTQ rights group #+%7-.%&'2(+;:%(2'#%(77.+;.;%7-.%*..7&+"8 IG7%,('%0(&+</2%7#%-.($%,-)%7-.)%2.<7%3/''&(%(+;%7-.%C&+;%#<%&+K/'7&9.'%(+;%&+;&"+&7&.'%(+;% beatings, really, physical beatings, that they underwent and then to find out that they were in Guam and they were a part of community, even as refugees,” Tatiano told the Blade on April ;/$&+"%(%7.2.0-#+.%&+7.$1&.,8 “Our reaction was to want to help,” she added. Tatiano a professor at the University of Guam who has a background in archival studies, &+;&".+#/'%&''/.'%(+;%9/27/$(2%*.*#$)%M%'(&;%'-.%;.9&;.;%7#%;#9/*.+7%7-.%(')2/*%'..C.$'4% stories in a short film that is slated for release in early June. Tenorio’s office is also working to provide them with legal assistance in an attempt to expedite their cases. “After I met with them, I really, really have just been thinking so much about them,” Tenorio 7#2;%7-.%D2(;.8%IG4*%K/'7%0/77&+"%*)'.2<%&+%7-.&$%'-#.'%(+;%7-&+C%7#%*)'.2<:%"#'-:%-#,%9(+%)#/% K/'7%(E$/072)%2.(1.:%'7($7%(22%#1.$8F


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!"#$%&'($")*&+,)*"+$()-./0&1)"((&2(3.4)52.04"6)78"7)"0)78.)07"7.)8"0)02'9"00.4)") major milestone in the fight against COVID administering more than 0 million vaccine doses, including million in the state’s hardest-hit communities, officials intend to fully '.&9.()&():2(.);<, Newsom noted that including alongside the ongoing vaccination efforts and with hospitalizations continuing to steadily decline, California will fully reopen its economy if 7/&)3'$7.'$")"'.)1.7= If vaccine supply is sufficient for Californians 1 years and older who wish to be inoculated; and if hospitalization rates are stable and low. “With more than 0 million vaccines administered across the state, it is time to turn the page on our tier system and begin looking to fully reopen California’s economy,” said Newsom. “We can now begin planning for our lives post-pandemic. We will need to remain vigilant, and continue the practices that got us here – wearing masks and getting vaccinated – but the light at the end of this tunnel has never been brighter.” The governor pointed out that everyday activities will be allowed and businesses can open with common-sense risk reduction measures, including encouraging all Californians to get vaccinated and mandating masking, to prevent illness and promote health. The state will continue contact tracing and testing to detect cases early and contain spread of the virus. The entire state will move into this new phase as a whole. The state will monitor hospitalization rates, vaccine access and vaccine efficacy against variants, /$78)78.)&97$&()7&)'.+$0$7)78.):2(.);<)4"7.)$%)(..4.4, “California has made incredible progress controlling the spread of COVID-19 by staying home, masking, and getting vaccines out quickly to Californians in every corner of the state, including in those communities hardest hit by this pandemic,” said California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly. “In order to take the next step, we must continue to do our part to keep this momentum moving in the right direction, and that means continuing to wear a mask and ensuring everyone who is eligible gets the vaccine.” *8"#6)"#0&)9&$(7.4)&27)78"7)78.)07"7.)3&(7$(2.0)$70)9#"()%&')78.)+"33$("7$&()&%)'.0$4.(70) under 1 years of age, alongside protection against new variants and continued tracking

isneyland reo ening here’s hat you need to no The Walt Disney Company’s Disney Parks, Experiences, and Products division announced Tuesday that Disneyland and Disney California Adventure park will reopen April 0 with limited capacity and a new theme park reservation system that will limit capacity and requires all guests to obtain a reservation for park entry in advance. According to the company’s blog, theme park reservations will be available online, in advance only, for a specific date, subject to availability. In order to comply with rules put in place for the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, not everything will be open for opening day. A company spokesperson said that Disney will adjust and update availabilities of some attractions in keeping with Gov. Gavin Newsom’s announcement Tuesday that as the state has surpassed a major milestone in the fight against COVID administering more than 0 million vaccine doses, including million in the state’s hardest-hit communities, officials $(7.(4)7&)%2##6)'.&9.()&():2(.);<, To enter a park, both a theme park reservation and a valid admission ticket for the same park on the same date is required for each guest ages and up. If you have a multiday ticket, you must make a park reservation for each date of your visit. Limit one park reservation per day. Until further notice, only California residents may visit the parks, and in groups no larger than three households, in line with current state guidelines. Proof of residency may be required. The theme park reservation system will open no earlier than 8 a.m. PST on April 1 , and guests who already have valid theme park tickets may begin making park reservations. Theme park ticket sales will resume no earlier than 8 a.m. on April 1 , and guests without park tickets may begin purchasing tickets and making park reservations. To accommodate as many types of ticket holders as possible, reservations for select dates may be made available on a rolling basis. -.!"!#$%&'!()*!+(+,!"!'-.#/01'1.2'#3145-6


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and containment of spread. The state stands ready to mobilize additional resources if 78.'.)$0)"()$(3'."0.)$()3"0.0>)78.)?.3'.7"'6)(&7.4, @8.()!"#$%&'($")%2##6)'.&9.(0)78.).3&(&16>)78.)A#2.9'$(7)%&')")?"%.')B3&(&16)/$##).(4) the Newsom’s office stated. However, common-sense health measures such as masking will remain across the state. Testing or vaccination verification requirements will remain in relevant settings. All sectors listed in the current Blueprint for a Safer Economy grid may return to usual operations in compliance with Cal OSHA requirements and with common-sense public health policies in place, such as required masking, testing and with vaccinations encouraged. Large-scale indoor events, such as conventions, will be allowed to occur with testing or vaccination verification requirements. !"#$%&'()(*+,( (Photo courtesy he

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The company also noted that some functions and attractions will be temporarily paused to accommodate physical distancing, including parades and Nighttime Spectaculars, character greetings, magical makeovers at Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique, and single rider queues. The Disneyland Resort reservation system is scheduled to launch on April 1 . Parkgoers with existing tickets can then begin making reservations for the days that their tickets are valid. For those who don’t currently have tickets, sales will resume three days later, on April ;<, *5066&"(7#"5*


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Significant proportions of Americans believe that LGBTQ people are treated worse than non-LGBTQ people at work and school, and by law enforcement • Almost one in four (24%) employees in all sectors and healthcare providers, according to a new study report that LGBTQ people are treated unfairly in the by the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law. workplace nationally. Using data from a survey by Ipsos in collaboration • LGBT employees (53%) are twice as likely to feel with Thomson Reuters and the Williams Institute, that LGBTQ people are treated worse at work than nonresearchers find an estimated of employees are LGBT employees (23%). LGBT. More than of all employees (both LGBT • One-fourth of all Americans (25%) say that LGBTQ and non-LGBT) report hearing anti-LGBT remarks in the workplace and almost one in four ( ) people are treated worse by law enforcement than employees report that LGBTQ people are treated non-LGBTQ people in the U.S. unfairly in the workplace. • Almost 46% of LGBT people thought LGBTQ people The survey examined perceptions of LGBTQ are treated worse by law enforcement across the nation discrimination in various settings among compared to one in four (24%) non-LGBT people. employees who work in the private sector and • 17% of all Americans say that LGBTQ people are those who work at all levels of government. The ISO 12647-7 Digital Control Strip 2009 treated worse by health care providers. study also assessed the attitudes of all Americans 100 60 100 70 30 100 60 40 100 40 100 3 100 70 30 100 60 100 10 25 50 75 90 100 70 30 100 40 40 70 40 70 40 40 40 70 40 40 70 40 70 40 40 A toward non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ • Almost one in three (33%) LGBT people feel #,-''%!"'(.'/!-78-9:7;-7:<=>?@8A-78-8B?-#=C:?>?-+9=:8-D9:-EF8;?-G11people. Approximately one-third of all Americans H7A?A4-"H8*-I4-5263*similarly compared to 16% of non-LGBT people. J(;7K?-CB989-LM-,FHB7?;-N?MO ( ) think that LGBTQ people are treated worse • Nearly nine in 10 adult students (87%) report than non-LGBTQ people in schools and one-quarter hearing anti-LGBT remarks in school. B 100 100 60 100 100 70 70 30 30 treated 100 100 60 100 100 70 70 law 30 30 100 100 60 100 100 70 70 30 30 100 40 100 40 40 100 10 40 40 20 70 70 70 70 40 70 40 40 0000 3.1 2.2 2.2 10.2 7.4 7.4 25 19 19 50 40 40 75 66 66 100 100 100 80 70 70 100 believe LGBTQ people are worse by • Approximately one-third of all Americans (35%) think that LGBTQ people are treated worse enforcement. in schools across the U.S. “Many employees report hearing anti-LGBT remarks at work and say that their LGBTQ • Almost six in 10 (57%) LGBT people believe that LGBTQ people are treated worse in schools co-workers face unfair treatment,” said lead author Brad Sears, Founding Executive Director at the Williams Institute. “Perceptions of discrimination against LGBTQ people areT:10" nationally, while only 33% of non-LGBT people believe so. consistent across private and public sector workforces.” !"#$$%&'()&"!




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&=>?<E?G!E@<H?<F!C7=!E>788E!7H79= !"#$ %&'$ %&(#)$ *'+(,*-%(.'$ ,',,("/$ (/$ -$ #"0$ -$ 1(**$ -2%&"#')$ by State Sen. Scott Wiener, (D-SF) which would- in first of its kind, ban medically unnecessary surgeries for infants born with ambiguous or conflicting genitalia has stalled in the State Senate Business and Professions Committee. The bill, SB , is set to ban certain types of surgeries on 3&(*)#'/$1"#/$0(%&$ (/%'#,'4$ 3&-#-3%'#(,%(3,5$ 6&-%7,$ 0&'/$%&'(#$ genitalia, chromosomes or reproductive organs don’t fit typical definitions for male or female bodies. 89'7.'$ ,-)*:$ 3";'$ %"$ %&'$ 3"/3*2,("/$ %&-%$ 0'$ )"$ /"%$ &-.'$ enough support in the Senate Business and Professions Committee to pass SB . As a result, we are not presenting %&'$1(**$(/$%&'$3";;(%%''$%")-:$-,$<*-//')5$9'$&-.'$%&'$"<%("/$ of taking the bill up for a committee vote in January 0 , and we will assess going forward how to proceed,” Wiener told the =*-)'$"/$>"/)-:5 8?(.'/$ %&-%$ %&(,$ *'+(,*-%("/$ &-,$ ,%-**')$ (/$ %&'$ =2,(/',,$ -/)$ Professions Committee for three years in a row, we do have 3"/3'#/,$ -1"2%$ 0&'%&'#$ %&(,$ @?=6AB$ 3(.(*$ #(+&%,$ 1(**$ 3-/$ ever pass through the committee in a form that protects all (/%'#,'4$ <'"<*'5$ 6&'$ <#"<",')$ 3";;(%%''$ -;'/);'/%,C$ unfortunately, would likely exclude a large majority of intersex 5789:;<=97!.>7>?!.?=4!*/#00&12(3("!7@>A;<?B!7! people from the bill’s protections. I’m deeply committed to the C988!>;!C7=!@==?D?EE7<F!9=>?<E?G!E@<H?<9?E4 (Photo courtesy iener’s office) fight to protect intersex children from harmful and medically unnecessary genital surgeries, and we are not giving up,” he -))')5 9('/'#$(/)(3-%')$%&-%$&'$0"2*)$-%%';<%$%"$<*-3'$%&'$*'+(,*-%("/$"/$/'4%$:'-#7,$-+'/)-$ K#',,$#'<"#%')5 while noting to the Blade that he had rejected proposed amendments by the committee


that he pointed out “would likely exclude a large majority of intersex people from the bill’s protections.” D(,$ 1(**$ 0"2*)$ <#"&(1(%$ ,2#+'#(',$ 2/%(*$ %&'$ 3&(*)$ (,$ -+'$ EFC$ 0&(3&$ -)."3-%',$ ,-:$ 0"2*)$ +(.'$ %&'$ 3&(*)$ %(;'$ %"$ )'.'*"<$ -$ +'/)'#$()'/%(%:5$D(,$"#(+(/-*$<#"<",-*$0"2*)$)'*-:$<#"3')2#',$ 2/%(*$-+'$G$2/*',,$%&':$-#'$)'';')$;')(3-**:$/'3',,-#:5 It was opposed by several medical groups, including the politically powerful California Medical Association, all which -#+2')$ %&-%$ %&'$ 1(**7,$ *-/+2-+'$ 0-,$ ,"$ 1#"-)$ %&-%$ (%$ 80"2*)$ jeopardize medical care for thousands of young patients” and 3"2*)$-<<*:$'.'/$%"$3";;"/$<#"3')2#',$*(H'$3(#32;3(,("/,5 The Associated Press reported that Hillary Copp, a pediatric urologist at the University of California, San Francisco, said she opposed the bill because it would remove all flexibility for trained medical professionals and their loved ones to do what is in the best interest of the patient.” I&'$ ,-()$ ;-/:$ %(;',$ )"3%"#,$ 0(**$ -).(,'$ <-#'/%,$ /"%$ %"$ operate, noting we’re not trying to perform sex assignment surgery.” In fact, we don’t even assign genders. We talk about the baby,” she said. This is such a complex issue. Of course we 0-/%$%"$+'%$(%$#(+&%5 J2#(/+$ 3";;(%%''$ %',%(;"/:$ -/)$ )(,32,,("/,$ 9('/'#$ #'<'-%')*:$ %"*)$ *-0;-H'#,$ %&-%$ <-#'/%,$ 0"2*)$ ,%(**$ &-.'$ %&'$ final decision, but he believed delaying the procedures until a child could talk would help parents make it the Associated !"#$%&'()(*+,(


A mo es to range ier as accinations ic u

Cases, hospitalizations, and deaths remain down #$%#&'()%*+,+-./+

Changes to the Los Angeles County Health Officer Order took effect Monday, reflecting the county’s move into the Orange tier as the lower number of deaths and cases reflect a lessening of the impact of the coronavirus. However, County Health officials are still urging Angelenos to take precautions and maintain safety protocols. “I want to commend everyone for the tremendous progress we have seen over the last two months. Cases, hospitalizations and deaths are down to numbers we have not seen since the early days of the pandemic, and we are now officially in the orange tier, meaning more businesses and activities are open,” said Dr. Barbara Ferrer, Director of Public Health. “With more variants, increases in cases across the country and much of the world, and lots more intermingling here in L.A. County, we will need to continue following public health safety measures County ealth officials are still urging Angelenos to ta e recautions and maintain safety rotocols. if we want to hold on to our gains. So it makes (Photo courtesy County of os Angeles) sense to be clear about what it will take to continue the recovery journey and to remain committed to As of March , approximately , 9 , 01 persons who reside in Los Angeles following the essential safety measures Wear a mask. Stay -feet apart from others County (including Long Beach and Pasadena) have been vaccinated with at least while in public. Wash your hands. And please, get vaccinated when you’re eligible,” 1 dose of vaccine since January 1, 0 1. While the majority of the L.A. County she added. population has not yet been vaccinated, the increasing rate of vaccination likely is Late last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued beginning to reduce infections across the County. guidance related to travelers who have been fully vaccinated. Given recent This week, there are 9 , 0 total doses allocated to the County of LA. studies evaluating the real-world effects of vaccination, CDC recommends that fully The allocation for this week is higher than the 8,000 doses received last week, vaccinated people can travel at low risk to themselves. A person is considered fully ,000 of which were from Johnson Johnson. This week, the County received vaccinated two weeks after receiving the last recommended dose of vaccine. 118,100 doses of the Johnson Johnson vaccine. The Johnson Johnson vaccines Fully vaccinated people can travel within the United States and do not need are distributed among many sites across the county including hospitals, county COVID-19 testing or post-travel self-quarantine as long as they continue to take large capacity sites, City of LA sites, mobile sites, and pharmacies. COVID-19 precautions while traveling – wearing a mask, avoiding crowds, socially According to Public Health Los Angeles County is still not receiving enough doses. distancing, and washing hands frequently. Sites across the county currently have the ability to administer nearly 00,000 doses. “The CDC and Los Angeles County continue to urge that everyone avoid nonPublic Health expects allocations to the county to increase in the coming weeks. essential travel during this time when there are significant hot spots across the COVID-19 vaccine eligibility expanded to all residents 0 through years old in country and the world and significant risk from more infectious variants,” a statement addition to all other eligible groups. On April 1 , vaccines become available to any from Public Health read adding; “Travel is associated with additional risks. Travelers resident in Los Angeles County who is 1 and older. Public Health remains focused who are fully vaccinated, meaning two weeks have passed after their second dose on improving administration of doses in hard hit communities and are prioritizing for Pfizer or Moderna, or after their single dose of Johnson Johnson are, however, allocations of doses to providers vaccinating residents in these communities. at lower risk and can now travel and will not be required to test or quarantine upon In total, of the vaccinations sites across the county this week, are their arrival in Los Angeles County if they do not have any symptoms of illness.” located in hard hit communities. Mobile vaccine teams are deploying to hard hit However Public Health warned that Travelers who are not fully vaccinated must communities, with a priority of vaccinating residents and older. There are 10 quarantine for seven full days after travel if they receive a negative COVID-19 test mobile vaccination teams scheduled to administer vaccinations this week at senior result taken three to five days after their arrival. If a traveler does not get tested housing sites, senior centers, faith-based organizations and community-based after they arrive in Los Angeles County, they must quarantine for a full 10 days. All organizations. travelers, regardless of their vaccination status, must self-monitor for symptoms For information about who is eligible for COVID-19 vaccine in L.A. County, how for 1 days after their arrival, and should get tested and isolate if they develop to make an appointment if it is your turn, what verifications you will need to show symptoms. at your vaccination appointment, and much more, visit www.VaccinateLACounty. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health confirmed 1 new death and com (English) and www.VacunateLosAngeles.com (Spanish). Vaccinations are always new cases of COVID-19 Monday. To date, Public Health identified 1, , free and open to eligible residents and workers regardless of immigration status. positive cases of COVID-19 across all areas of L.A. County and a total of , deaths. !"#$%&'!'#(!$)'*+",-.-$/01!-234-5256-. !"



!"# $# %&%'($")*%# (&+&$,&)# '"# -$(./# 01# 2'# $++# 3&)&($+# $4&".5&,6# 7&8*29# :,,5,2$"2# :22'("&9# ;&"&($+# <$%&+$# =># ?$(+$"# '3# 2/&# @>=># A*,25.&# 7&8$(2%&"2B,# C5D5+# E54/2,# 75D5,5'"6# F('2&# 2/$2# G;HIJ# ,2*)&"2,# $(&# 8('2&.2&)# 3('%# )5,.(5%5"$25'"#*")&(#@>=>#.5D5+#(54/2,#+$F,> ?$(+$"#,$5)#2/$2#K$,&)#'"#2/&#@>=>#=*8(&%&#C'*(2B,#)&.5,5'"# 5"#H',2'.L#D>#C+$92'"#C'*"296#2/&#MNO0#&)*.$25'"#.5D5+#(54/2,# +$F# L"'F"# $,# I52+&# !P# ,/'*+)# K&# (&$)# $,# 5".+*)5"4# G;HIJ# students, reversing the Trump administration guidance that +5%52&)# 2/&# 5%8$.2# '3# $# +$")%$(L# =*8(&%&# C'*(2# )&.5,5'"# +$,2#9&$(#&Q2&")5"4#&%8+'9%&"2#)5,.(5%5"$25'"#8('2&.25'",# 2'#G;HI#F'(L&(,> R:32&(#.'",5)&(5"4#2/&#2&Q2#'3#I52+&#!P6#=*8(&%&#C'*(2#.$,&# +$F6#$")#)&D&+'85"4#S*(5,8(*)&".&#5"#2/5,#$(&$6#2/&#75D5,5'"# /$,#)&2&(%5"&)#2/$2#2/&#K&,2#(&$)5"4#'3#I52+&#!PB,#8('/5K525'"# '"# )5,.(5%5"$25'"# T'"# 2/&# K$,5,# '3# ,&QB# 5,# 2/$2# 52# 5".+*)&,# )5,.(5%5"$25'"# '"# 2/&# K$,5,# '3# 4&")&(# 5)&"2529# $")# ,&Q*$+# orientation,” Karlan wrote in the memo. I52+&# !P# 8('/5K52,# )5,.(5%5"$25'"# R'"# 2/&# K$,5,# '3# ,&QU# 5"# educational institutions that receive federal funding. I/&# .'*(2# (*+&)# 1VW# +$,2# 9&$(# 2/$2# 2/&# +$"4*$4&# 5"# I52+&#

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X!!# '3# 2/&# MN1Y# C5D5+# E54/2,# :.2# 8('/5K525"4# &%8+'9%&"2# )5,.(5%5"$25'"# K$,&)# '"# R,&QU# .'D&(&)# F'(L&(,B# 4&")&(# 5)&"2529#$")#,&Q*$+#'(5&"2$25'"> ?$(+$"6#F/'#F$,#"$%&)#8(5".58$+#)&8*29#$,,5,2$"2#$22'("&9# 4&"&($+#K9#2/&#H5)&"#$)%5"5,2($25'"#5"#Z&K(*$(96#$(4*&)#2/&# case on behalf of Gerald Bostock, who was fired from his job F52/#C+$92'"#C'*"29#$32&(#)5,.*,,5"4#/5,#5"D'+D&%&"2#F52/#$# gay softball league. Bostock spoke with the Blade hours after the Supreme Court in a - ruling said Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of MN1Y# K$",# &%8+'9%&"2# )5,.(5%5"$25'"# K$,&)# '"# ,&Q*$+# '(5&"2$25'"#$")#4&")&(#5)&"2529> !"#[.2'K&(#'3#0\MN6#2/&#]54/#C'*(2#/&$()#'($+#$(4*%&"2,#5"# Bostock’s case and two others brought by Aimee Stephens, a transgender woman who alleged she was fired from her job $,# 2/&# )5(&.2'(# '3# $# -5./54$"# 3*"&($+# /'%&# 5"# 0\MW# $32&(# ,/&# $""'*".&)# /&(# 2($",525'"6# $")# 7'"# ^$()$6# $# ,L9)5D&(# F/'# .+$5%&)# 2/&# _&F# `'(L# .'%8$"9# 3'(# F/5./# /&# F'(L&)# 2&(%5"$2&)# /5%# 5"# 0\M\# K&.$*,&# '3# /5,# ,&Q*$+# '(5&"2$25'"># I/&#=*8(&%&#C'*(2#.'",'+5)$2&)#2/&#2/(&&#.$,&,#5"2'#'"&> !"#$%&'()(*+,(

#>U4!'9HFC@;7K>9!=V9>>F?9C!V97=!=<!;:7FW7>;:C!IF@@ I/&#:(L$",$,#]'*,&#$")#=&"$2&#'D&((')&#;'D>#:,$#]*2./5",'"B,#D&2'#'3#]'*,&#H5++#MaO\# 2/5,#F&&L>#I/&#K5++#5,#$"#$"25V2($",4&")&(#+$F#$5%&)#$2#)&"95"4#%&)5.$++9#"&.&,,$(96#4&")&(V affirming services to transgender youth. This is the first bill of its kind to become law in the United States. There are so far 19 $"25VG;HIJ#K5++,#*")&(#.'",5)&($25'"#5"#,2$2&#+&45,+$2*(&,#$.(',,#2/&#"$25'">#[3#2/',&6#M\M# )5(&.2+9#2$(4&2#2($",4&")&(#8&'8+&#$")#W\#F'*+)6#+5L&#]H#MaO\6#)&"9#%&)5.$++9#"&.&,,$(9# services and gender-affirming care to transgender youth. R7&,852&#'88',525'"#3('%#&D&"#2/&5(#'F"#$"25VG;HIJ#4'D&("'(6#:(L$",$,#+&45,+$2'(,#/$D&# )&"5&)# 2($",4&")&(# ./5+)(&"# $..&,,# 2'# %&)5.$++9# "&.&,,$(9# $")# $4&V$88('8(5$2&# /&$+2/# care,” said Human Rights Campaign President Alphonso David. “This is the first law of its kind anywhere in the country, and it is immeasurably cruel to the transgender children who already suffer from higher risks of anxiety, depression, body )9,8/'(5$6#$")#,*5.5)$+#5)&$25'"#$")#3'(#F/'%#2/',&#(5,L,#F5++#'"+9#5".(&$,&#F52/'*2#%&)5.$+# .$(&>#I/5,#K('$)+9#*"8'8*+$(#K5++#5,#$"25V,.5&".&#$")#)5,%5,,&,#2/&#%&)5.$+#&Q8&(25,&#'3#$# F5)&#($"4&#'3#./5+)#F&+3$(&#$)D'.$2&,6#U#/&#,$5)> R:(L$",$,# +&45,+$2'(,6# $4$5",2# 2/&# F5++# '3# ;'D&("'(# ]*2./5",'"6# $(&# "'2# '"+9# 5"D525"4# 5((&8$($K+&#/$(%#2'#2/&5(#,2$2&B,#2($",4&")&(#9'*2/6#K*2#$+,'#&.'"'%5.#$")#(&8*2$25'"$+# .'",&b*&".&,#2'#$++#:(L$",$",6U#7$D5)#$))&)>

I/&#E&8*K+5.$"V.'"2('++&)#]'*,&#$")#=&"$2&#D'2&)#2'#'D&((5)&#]*2./5",'"B,#D&2'#'3#2/&# measure Monday, which prohibits doctors from providing gender-confirming hormone 2(&$2%&"26# 8*K&(29# K+'.L&(,# '(# ,*(4&(9# 2'# $"9'"&# *")&(# Mc# 9&$(,# '+)6# '(# 3('%# (&3&((5"4# 2/&%#2'#'2/&(#8('D5)&(,#3'(#2/&#2(&$2%&"2> Opponents of the measure have vowed to sue to block the ban before it takes effect this summer. The law is poised to take effect in late July at the earliest. In a media statement, 2/&#:%&(5.$"#C5D5+#G5K&(25&,#@"5'"#,$5)#52#8+$""&)#2'#./$++&"4&#2/&#%&$,*(&#K&3'(&#2/&"> “This is a sad day for Arkansas, but this fight is not over and we’re in it for the long /$*+6U#]'++9#75.L,'"6#:CG@#'3#:(L$",$,B#&Q&.*25D&#)5(&.2'(6#,$5)#5"#$#,2$2&%&"2> RI/5,# )5,.(5%5"$2'(9# K5++6# 8&))+&)# K9# "$25'"$+# $"25V&b*$+529# &Q2(&%5,2,# 5,# $# .(*&+# $")# ,/$%&3*+#F$9#3'(#+&45,+$2'(,#2'#,.'(&#8'+525.$+#8'5"2,#K9#2$(4&25"4#2($",4&")&(#9'*2/#F/'# are simply trying to navigate their adolescence,” said HRC Arkansas State Manager Eric E&&.&> RI($",4&")&(#9'*2/#)&,&(D&#2'#K&#5".+*)&)#$")#$..&82&)6#&,8&.5$++9#$,#F&#,&&#$"#*825.L# 5"# 3$2$+# D5'+&".&# $4$5",2# 2($",4&")&(# 8&'8+&# $.(',,# 2/&# .'*"2(9># d&# "&&)# 2'# &")# 2/5,# &85)&%5.#$")#&",*(&#2/$2#$++#2($",4&")&(#:(L$",$",#/$D&#$..&,,#2'#2/&#+53&V,$D5"46#4&")&(# affirming medical care they need.” !"#$%&'()(*+,(

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9&$(,#F52/'*2#5".5)&"26#$")#2/&(&#5,#"'#(&$,'"#$"9#,2$2&#F'*+)#"&&)#$#K$"#'"#2($",4&")&(# 8$(25.58$25'"#5"#,8'(2,6U#2/&#]*%$"#E54/2,#C$%8$54"#8'5"2&)#'*2#5"#$#%&)5$#,2$2&%&"2> :+54"&)#F52/#2/&#$.25'"#2$L&"#K9#2/&#_C::#G;HIJ#["&I&$%6#2/&#-5$%5#]&$2#$")#2/&#&=8'(2# giant Misfits Gaming have joined the growing list of sports leaders and business organizations condemning bans that would prevent transgender children from playing sports in school. I/&#_$25'"$+#d'%&"B,#='..&(#G&$4*&6#2/&#_C::#$")#F'%&"B,#,8'(2,#+&4&"),#5"#K$,L&2K$++6# ,'..&(#$")#F(&,2+5"4#$(&#8*K+5.+9#'88',5"4#K+$"L&2#K$",#2$(4&25"4#2($",#9'*2/> In a statement, a spokesperson for the team said “The Miami HEAT champions diversity and inclusion both on and off the court. We believe sports are at their best when they bring people together to work, to play and to create a sense of belonging for all. Every young person )&,&(D&,#2/&#'88'(2*"529#2'#8$(25.58$2&#5"#$2/+&25.,#$")#&Q8&(5&".&#2/&#.(525.$+#+53&#+&,,'",#2/$2# sports offer such as wellness, dedication, problem-solving, and leadership. Sports should be F&+.'%5"4#3'(#$++>U *-.//&"(0#"-*



is a 2020 graduate of Humboldt State University. Dan was one of the first ,-,./0,1234565/6274-8496:;14<=04#>70:-,47-2-20;341;4?@5/-:A;4B;1;6)

!"#$%&'%()*+,)-./%*',.)/-)*.$%0)'%1230'/% Finding acceptance within fraternities, sororities

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own chosen family. Luckily for these incoming students, DPhiE’s forward ,-%&L%&'( -2/( ,"2=.3.+( 02"( ,#( ,-.( 2,,.&,%#&( #0( ,-.( R2,%#&23( 52&-.33.&%8( 1#&0.".&8.( SR51T7( ,-.( )9F".332( #"'2&%?2,%#&( #0( national sororities. The NPC is charged with enhancing ,-.( /#"#"%,<( .;*."%.&8.B( >&( UAUA7( ,-.( R51( =#,.+( ,#( 2+#*,( ,-.( 52&-.33.&%8( V.8")%,9.&,( O3%'%F%3%,<( 5#3%8<7( $-%8-( /.,( the definition of “woman” for the purposes of panhellenic ".8")%,9.&,( 2/( Q2&( %&+%=%+)23( $-#( 8#&/%/,.&,3<( 3%=./( 2&+( self-identifies as a woman” explicitly opening eligibility to ,"2&/( $#9.&7( F),( 3.2=%&'( #),( &#&:F%&2"<( %&+%=%+)23/( 0"#9( 9.9F."/-%*( 8#&/%+."2,%#&B( N5-%O( .;*3%8%,3<( 233#$.+( ,"2&/( women and non-binary individuals prior to NPC’s 0 0 *#3%8<7( F"#2+3<( /-2"%&'( %,/( +.8%/%#&( ,#( %&8".2/.( %&83)/%#&( #&( 829*)/./(28"#//(R#",-(D9."%82B In an exciting new development, NPC’s member /#"#"%,%./($%33(-2=.(,-.(#**#",)&%,<(,#(=#,.(#&(2&(.=.&(9#".( inclusive policy amendment during NPC’s Annual Membership I..,%&'(#&(G2,)"+2<7(D*"%3(@A7(,#(233#$(9.9F."(/#"#"%,%./(,#( define “woman” as they see fit, opening up the possibility 0#"( &#&:F%&2"<( %&+%=%+)23/( #&( 8#33.'.( 829*)/./( 28"#//( ,-.( 8#&,%&.&,(,#(F.8#9.(*2",(#0(,-.(0"2,."&23(8#99)&%,<B For many, the thought of “redefining woman” is controversial and understandably so. Women’s issues and rights must 23$2</( ".92%&( 2,( ,-.( 0#".0"#&,( #0( ,-./.( #"'2&%?2,%#&/B( >( +#( not see this change as a redefinition of women, but rather as a redefinition of what we interpret as “sisterhood.” When asking to define sisterhood, many will describe acts of '"28.7( .9*2,-<7( 3#=.( 2&+( /#3%+2"%,<K( ,"2%,/( ,-2,( &#&:F%&2"<( %&+%=%+)23/(82&(2&+(+#(".32,.(,#B(H&+."/,2&+%&'(,-%/(&)2&8.7( N5E%O(-2/(.;,.&+.+(%,/(%&=%,2,%#&(,#(9.9F."/-%*(,#(233($-#( 2".( +.+%82,.+( ,#( ,-.( .9*#$."9.&,( #0( $#9.&7( -.2"L.&%&'( back to the sorority’s status as the first non-sectarian social /#"#"%,<(,#(#*.&(9.9F."/-%*(,#(%&+%=%+)23/(#0(233("28./(2&+( religions. I applaud the National Panhellenic Conference’s %&,"#+)8,%#&( #0( 2&( %9*#",2&,( 2&+( ,%9.3<( 8-2&'.( %&( %,/( ".8")%,9.&,(.3%'%F%3%,<(*#3%8<7(2&+(.&8#)"2'.(233(9.9F."/(#0( ,-.(R2,%#&23(52&-.33.&%8(1#&0.".&8.(,#(.&/)".(,-.(/#=.".%'&( "%'-,( #0( .28-( %&+%=%+)23( 9.9F."( #"'2&%?2,%#&( ,#( )*+2,.( their membership eligibility as they see fit. As an increasing &)9F."( #0( %&+%=%+)23/( 2".( *)F3%83<( %+.&,%0<%&'( 2/( ,"2&/( 2&+( '.&+."( &#&:8#&0#"9%&'7( %,( %/( %9*."2,%=.( ,-2,( $.( #*.&3<( +%/8)//($-.,-."(&#&:F%&2"<(/,)+.&,/(2".(P)/,(2/($#",-<(,#(F.( ,-.%"(,").7(2),-.&,%8(/.3=./B


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#$%&'()%*+%,(-./0$1+2#'(1. !"#$%$#!&'(#)%*+ ",%/#,10/,() CHRISTOPHER JACKSON, 562-826-6602

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!"#$%& '#()**+& $#,& )%+& )-& *"+& .),*& beautiful golden boys of 80’s porn. The fact *"#*& "/,& #0*+12+3)4& "/,& 1+#020/-+& ,+0-4& %#.+5& 6)73& 81)9,*& 0/:+5& *)& $1/*+& #& 9));& /%& <=<>4& /,& #*& *"+& 0+#,*4& #,*)7%5/%34& /-& %)*& 5)$%21/3"*& miraculous. Write one, he did. “Mayotte The Musings of a Narcissist, A Survivor’s Story” is now in print. '#()**+&*"+&9));&/,&#,&.70*/25/.+%,/)%#0&#,& the man who wrote it. It is sexually explicit and unvarnished. It, to use the modern vernacular, “spills the tea.” Shawn Mayotte spun his popular porn exposure into a high-class escort service and in the book, he names names. He describes clients ranging from “Brady dad” Robert Reed who was shy, closeted and willing to pay big to keep his sexual orientation a secret to the kind Alan Carr, and the fatherly Michael Filerman, the “Knotts Landing” and “Falcon’s Crest” producer. Shawn Mayotte was +-)(,%.)/'**0!H@B!@!I=?G<:!J=A!=>! 63K2B!7=8:,!!L/E=D=!M=:D@I<!;=C8D<BA!=>!+=CI!/8=JBDN a regular for actor Dack Rambo as well. About him, Doug states emphatically, “It became more than just sex, I really loved him.” Doug became so bold in his Shawn Mayotte persona, that he barged into David Geffen’s office and demanded to see him. As he describes in the book, the ploy worked. Geffen, he says, became an escort client, helped Doug score some music connections and spilled his own tea on Elton John, John Lennon and others. Doug’s story is much more complicated than Shawn’s however. Shawn’s brash and uninhibited sexuality was forged by one of the most brutal and abusive childhoods imaginable. Doug Probst was born to two people who had no right to ever be parents. His -#*"+1&$#,&1+?)1*+50(&#%&#%31(&*(1#%*&$")&1+370#10(&1#?+5&"/,&5#73"*+14&6)73@,& sister, according to the book. He beat Doug unmercifully and without provocation. Doug’s mother was an alcoholic who could not be bothered with Doug or the domestic world around them, he writes. When Doug and his sister begged her to save them from her husband’s behavior, she refused to believe them. Her disbelief continued until she herself walked in on a rape in progress. She ended up putting Doug in a Catholic boys home for his own protection. But protection was the last thing he ever found there. During the day Doug, who $#,& 90)%5& $/*"& 5++?& 91)$%& +(+,4& $#,& 9+#*+%& #%5& *#7%*+5& 9(& *"+& *"73,& $")& were his classmates. At night, the same bullies forced him, still a young teen, to perform sex acts on them, he claims. The Catholic officials that ran the school $+1+&%)&9+**+1&A&,+:+1#0&)-&*"+.&1#?+5&"/.4&"+&$1/*+,B Doug was soon on the streets, but he went there not as a victim, but owning his sexual power. He owned the fact that men wanted him and he would no longer allow them to just take on demand. If they wanted him, they were going to have to pay. He created Shawn Mayotte, and started to exercise his own super power seduction. Shawn Mayotte, his centerfolds, his porn movies defined Doug for years, as Doug forged a real and solid music career in the background. 6)73@,& 9/33+,*& ?#1#5/3.& ,"/-*4& *"+& )%+& *"#*& #00)$+5& !"#$%& '#()**+& *)& %)& longer be his definition or his truth, came at the birth of his son, Joshua. It was the first time that Doug knew true, unconditional love. It also shook loose an !"!"!#$%&'()#)%*#&+),-$.!"!&/01#!234!5256

inner core belief that his parents’ monstrous behavior was due to something in him. That they were exhibiting normal “love” and that there had been something /%"+1+%*0(&$1)%3&$/*"&"/.B Now, being a parent, he knew that was not true. He knew what parental love felt like because it was coming through him to his new baby boy. He now knew *"#*&"/,&?#1+%*,&$+1+%@*&%)1.#0B Seduction as a super power is to have a desired effect on another person. Just because Doug had lost interest in being Shawn, did not take his super power away. Instead he focused it on righting wrongs, and defending people who were hurt – particularly those who were devastated by AIDS and the porn industry /*,+0-B Many of us who lost countless friends to AIDS think of them that way countless. Not for Doug Probst. He kept count. In the book, he talks about the many people he lost, and will tell you the exact number death they represented. He sings out tributes to specific friends, ones who publicly gave their sexuality and ultimately died for it. He describes a tender evening of soft lovemaking with Doug Cooper who was known in porn as Tim Kramer. He eulogizes porn star Jon King, who he begged to protect himself, but in the end wasted away tragically. He tributes the beautiful Kurt Higgins (Jim Rideout) who developed AIDS but died from a drug ):+15),+B Doug Probst has many people with whom he could be angry. His parents, "/,&?+5)?"/0+&1#?/,*&?1/+,*,4&*"+&.#%(&.+%&$")&7,+5&"/.&#,&#&9+#7*/-70&*)(4&#& Republican dominated society that let our whole community die as they ridiculed us. But for all of them, he only seems to show compassionate understanding. He saves his anger for the powerful men who controlled it all. One was Cardinal Roger Mahony. “I spoke to Cardinal Roger Mahony to make him aware of the pain he caused all of us child sexual assault victims. He was the most hollow, detached man I’d ever met outside of my own father,” Doug told the Blade. “I was speaking for the 08 victims in our lawsuit against the LA County Archdiocese after five years of him fighting us. Many of the victims were in prison or had been sero-converted to HIV at 10 years old by priests; their whole lives and ability to earn a living had been destroyed by Catholic Bishops, priests, brothers, etc. As I was telling Mahony about being raped by his priests, Judge McCoy was crying, our attorneys were crying, I was crying, but Mahony was unmoved.” As confrontational as Doug was with Mahony, there was one other who seem to 91/%3&7?&.)1+&5++?0(&-+0*&$1#*"&C&*"+&;/%3&)-&3#(&?)1%&"/.,+0-4&D/00/#.&E/33/%,B “William Higgins started gay films when nobody thought about it and how big they could become. I give him credit for that. But everybody’s complicated. On the one hand, he was a trailblazer, there’s no doubt. Sometimes trailblazers, they have a vision, and they don’t give a shit who they hurt,” Doug said. “Bill Higgins used my friends. All those early guys that we saw in his films. They were friends of mine. He didn’t give a shit about making kids not use a condom. My friends, who died as a result of him telling them that they couldn’t, that he wasn’t going to allow them to work if they did. It was at a time when he knew damn well that you had to wear a condom or you were going to die. I don’t really have mixed feelings toward him anymore. I hate him. I HATE him.” So Doug Probst wrote a book, and I could not put it down. Neither will you. But before there was a book, there was a creation Doug created Shawn Mayotte. You may have seen him. You may have seen him on magazines or in videos. You may have seen him erect, sexual and alluring. But until you read “Mayotte The Musings of a Narcissist, A Survivor’s Story,” you won’t have ,++%&"/.&*170(&%#;+5&#*&#00B




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The girl who sits right behind you at school is really nice. She shares her things if you ask nicely, and she likes to make you laugh. She seems smart and polite and never says mean things to anyone, even if they deserve it. All the kids in your class like her; you like her but in the new book “From Archie to ack” by Vincent . Kirsch, there might be someone you like just a little more. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind. Everybody knew it Archie loved ack and ack loved Archie. The two boys were happiest when they did everything together, but the funny thing was, neither of them could say, “I love you.” Oh, but you can bet they both really wanted to say it. Very much so. And then one day, Archie wrote ack a note that said, “From A. to . it’s true. I love you.” Archie read the note to himself and it really made him smile. But that note wasn’t quite right, so he hid it in a tree and ack was still his best friend. He wrote another note, kind of the same. He read it to himself but it just wasn’t quite right. He hid the second note in his band case and he and ack were still best friends. Just before Halloween, Archie wrote another note, with just a little more oomph and he read it to himself many times. What he wrote finally seemed right this time. He loved ack But for some reason, he couldn’t give the note to ack, so Archie hid it in his desk at school. Then one day, uzella found a note in a desk. innia found one in band class. elda found one in a tree trunk and all three girls knew who wrote them. They delivered the notes to ack and that made him smile because he’d been working on a note that wasn’t quite right. One that said the truth that everybody already knew. Nothing unusual. That’s not normally what you want to hear about a new book; you probably want to hear enthusiastic things like WOW but that’s not what you’ll find here. “From Archie to ack” tells young readers a sweet story in a calm, even, nothing-unusual manner. The lack of drama is where unusual comes into play. Author-illustrator Vincent . Kirsch lets kids know that Archie and ack can love one another and it’s OK. The children in their class don’t make fun of anyone. They barely even comment; in fact, they seem to think it’s wonderful, a lesson that pulses like a heart here. Even the action-rich illustrations tell a story here, a story about kids that also serves as a surprisingly grown-up conversation-sparker about love, whether it’s between friends, classmates, neighbors, or a child’s two favorite uncles. Perfect for anytime reading, kids ages -to-8 will love this book best. For them and for you, “From Archie to ack” is a book to get behind.


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"#$%&'"(%)*'++(* 789 *,#-%.(%/$&&$(*0 in ‘Moffie.’ (Photo courtesy IFC Films)

A gay soldier comes of age in South African ‘Moffie’ Grim journey into Apartheid, military conflict, and homophobia )1%234-%5#'&%"$-6

!"#$%&#$'()(#"*&$(+),(+-)..$,/$(0'(1&%-(&%'(%&%.$().",$2 Such is the case with the new feature from acclaimed filmmaker Oliver Hermanus, a historical drama releasing in select theatres and on VOD platforms April 9. Its single word title is emotionally charged and packed with inescapable associations; provocative, controversial, even triggering, it lets us know before we see a single frame of footage that we’re about to be confronted with some very difficult feelings. That’s true, at any rate, for audiences in South Africa. Here in the United States, a movie called “Moffie” might easily be confused with a children’s story – which would be a mistake – or overlooked altogether by its own target audience simply because the title means nothing to them. That would arguably be an even bigger mistake. In its country of origin, “Moffie” needs no clarification. To begin with, it’s already familiar as the title of the book on which it was based, a searing autobiographical novel by André Carl van der Merwe which relates the experiences of a young man conscripted into the South African army to fight in a 1981 border war with Angola. More to the point, though, it’s also an Afrikaans word meaning “weak” or “effeminate” – an ugly piece of derogatory slang for “gay,” roughly equivalent, perhaps, to “faggot” for Americans. That’s enough to tell anyone that the military combat on the surface is not the only kind of conflict going on in Hermanus’ film. With that in mind, it’s not a spoiler to reveal that the story’s lead character is gay. In any case, it’s something we find out almost right away in Hermanus’ movie (co-written with Jack Sidey), when white South African teenager Nicholas (Kai Luke Brummer) – about to depart on a compulsory tour of military duty for his country’s Apartheid government – almost comes out to his father during their awkward farewell exchange. He doesn’t quite get the secret out, but it will soon come to haunt him as he is thrust into the dehumanizing world of basic training, a brutal process designed to strip away “weakness” and remold sensitive boys into hardened soldiers. Subjected to daily abuse and humiliation, Nicholas nevertheless gradually manages to fit in with his boisterously masculine fellows – until an unexpected attraction sparks with Dylan (Ryan de Villiers), another young conscript. Under the oppressive homophobia of their military environment, being seen by your mates as a “moffie” can be just as deadly as bullets from the enemy, and the relationship blossoming between them puts them both at risk as much as the war they are there to fight. Needless to say, Hermanus’ film takes us on a grim journey, and there’s not much respite to be expected within the context of its time and place. Yet thanks to his scrupulously understated !!!"!#$%&'()#)%*#&+),-$.!"!&/01#!234!5256

attention to emotional detail, he manages to find fleeting moments of tenderness, even joy, in the tension and terror that loom over most of the story – most memorably when Nicholas and Dylan manage to spend a night alone together in a trench, thrilling silently to each other’s touch under the safe cover of darkness, but in many other, less obvious ways throughout. And while their seemingly doomed-before-it-began romance may be at the center of the narrative, it serves to illuminate a bigger story about the effects of living under an authoritarian regime. In a director’s statement, the filmmaker elaborates on this larger context. “I have never given much thought to the hardships of white South Africans. In my mind, informed by the hardships and struggles of my own coloured parents and their parents before them, all white people in South Africa have had it easy. As a result, I never considered young, gay, white youth living in the ‘80s, never saw them as enemies of the state. This is a film about such a youth… coming to terms with his illegality.” Yet Nicholas and Dylan are not the only ones who get our compassion in “Moffie.” Their fellow grunts – and even their ruthless drill sergeant (Hilton Pelser, in an indelible performance), who torments his charges with near-sociopathic relish – are allowed to emerge as more than mere stereotypes of aggressive masculinity. Thanks to Hermanus’ virtuoso use of subtext and cinematic storytelling, we recognize them as victims, too. And though it might at first seem a questionable choice for a film set during Apartheid to feature so few people of color, their notable absence brings a particular immediacy to the screen when they do appear, wordlessly confronting these young white soldiers with their palpable humanity. It’s one of the most powerful moments in the film, eloquently expressing an uncomfortable truth that haunts post-Apartheid South Africa to this day. As the filmmaker explains, “There [is] a hidden history of the generation of white men who had to endure the Apartheid propaganda machine… their conscription into the army destroyed them because it forcibly imprinted upon nearly one million white boys a diseased ideology of white supremacy, racial intolerance, and the desire to eradicate homosexuality and communism from South African society.” It’s impossible for Americans not to hear chilling echoes in that description. Those unavoidable comparisons, along with its nearly unrelenting doom-and-gloom tone, are enough to make Hermanus’ film a hard sell even to potential viewers not thrown off by its title. Still, its two leads are dreamily attractive enough to be a strong draw for many audiences, giving sensitive performances that make them far more than just another pair of handsome faces – especially Brummer, whose expressive face conveys his character’s complex journey and carries the weight of the film’s story with a minimum of dialogue. Additionally, the movie’s reputation – it accumulated a number of honors on the international festival circuit, including nominations for Venice’s Queer Lion Prize and the Best Picture Award at the London Film Festival – will doubtless be enough to pique the curiosity of hardcore cinema buffs. For everyone else, it’s a tough call. Hearkening back to a darker era in LGBTQ cinema, “Moffie” offers a bleak portrait of a time and place that held little hope of an open and happy gay life, a far cry from the kind of positive, uplifting queer representation currently in vogue with American audiences. That might – understandably – hit a little too close to home for some. Even so, there’s a transcendent quality to this richly photographed, deeply cinematic romance, a flame of hope burning within it that never quite goes out and ultimately prevents it from becoming a film without hope. For those with the stomach for it – especially those with a taste for well-crafted filmmaking – that’s more than enough to make it worthy of a place on your watchlist.


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