Losangelesblade.com, Volume 05, Issue 17, April 23, 2021

Page 1

(Photo by mother of Landon Richie)

Landon Richie, other students speak out against GOP attacks, Page 04


Tell Congress to

It’s time for a comprehensive, federal non-discrimination law that protects ALL Americans. It’s time LGBTQ+ people are protected from discrimination in ALL 50 states and in ALL aspects of their daily lives.

Join the fight to pass the Equality Act at lalgbtcenter.org/equality Pol21_Equality_Act_Phone_Banks_FP_ad.indd 1

4/21/21 12:36 PM


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CIt means giving the most marginalized an equal shot at life. !"#$%&'()*$+,-.('#$/&*(.(0&12-3$4%+/56$(-$)7$&18)7(9).(&7$(7$."#$-.).#:-$')2(.)*$'(.;$<#=&.#<$.&$ C%&'()*$A,-.('#$@#)7-$<(-@)7.*(78$)**$."#$-;-.#@-$.").$&221#--$2#&2*#3$(7'*,<(78$'*(@).#$ '1&><-&,1'(78$2&*(.(')*$(7?&1@).(&7$)-$(.$1#*).#-$.&$-&'()*$A,-.('#$)7<$<(--#@(7).(78$(.$.&$>").$ (--,#-3$>"('"$)1#$-.1&78*;$.(#<$.&$1)'()*$(7A,-.('#DE ."#$&18)7(9).(&7$.#1@-$)7$)''#--(B*#$@)77#1$-&$C>#$')7$B#$21&)'.(=#$(7-.#)<$&?$1#)'.(=#DE F-$2)1.$&?$.").$@(--(&73$%/+0:-$B*&8$."(-$>##G$(-$-2&.*(8".(78$)7<$)'G7&>*#<8(78$)$B1(**()7.$ !"1%#3(%1'.%+04',4(&%+0%)'*+#,%-.)$+*(2 =(-(&7)1;$(7$."#$%)'1)@#7.&$'&@@,7(.;3$>"&$(-$>&1G(78$ 789:;%<=<%><?@7? CI’m a big ol’ Black trans woman, so I have no choice .(1#*#--*;$ .&$ B#..#1$ ."#$ *(=#-$ &?$ .1)7-$ ?&*H-D$ I#1$ 7)@#$ (-$ 7/89:9-;9<=:>?@-9A-+BCDA9=EDB-F0$%#;>EG?H BUT to be involved in social justice, because facing JB&7;$I)12#1D society means engaging in the fight for social justice. %"#$(-$)7$)>)1<K>(77(783$7).(&7)**;$1#'&87(9#<$)'.(=(-.$ CO;$ #H(-.#7'#$ 2,-"#-$ B)'G$ )8)(7-.$ ."#$ 7)11).(=#3$ and humanitarian. She identifies as a Black trans woman )7<$ )8)(7-.$ ."#$ '&&G(#K',..#1$ @&*<$ >#$ 2,.$ ."#$ >&1*<$ 421&7&,7-$ -"#L"#1L"#1-63$ )7<$ -"#$ ")-$ -2#7.$ )$ 8&&<$ (73$ -&'(#.;$ (-$ "&-.(*#$ .&>)1<-$ @;$ #H(-.#7'#D$ !"#7$ )*-&3$ majority of her career fighting for justice and equality, #H2#1(#7'(78$ &-.1)'(9).(&7$ )7<$ @)18(7)*(9).(&7$ @;-#*?$ 7&.$&7*;$?&1$."#$.1)7-8#7<#1$'&@@,7(.;3$B,.$?&1$FMM$."#$ ")-$1#-,*.#<$(7$@#$7&.$>)7.(78$&."#1-$.&$?##*$.").$>);3$ @#@B#1-$&?$&,1$'&@@,7(.;D )7<$ (7$ >)7.(78$ .&$ @)G#$ *(?#$ B#..#1$ ?&1$ )**$ @)18(7)*(9#<$ JB&7;$',11#7.*;$-#1=#-$)-$)$/1&81)@$N(1#'.&1$).$/,B*('$ '&@@,7(.(#-DE I#)*."$ F<=&').#-$ 4/IF63$ )7<$ )-$ ."#$ /1&81)@$ O)7)8#1$ ?&1$ 0)*(?&17()$ !PFQ%'#7<-$ 4>"('"$ #H(-.-$ (7$ 2)1.7#1-"(2$ How do you self care to keep fighting for social >(."$ /IF$ )7<$ 0)*(?&17()$ 0)*(?&17()$ ISO."#$ 12647-7 Digital J7<&>@#7.6D$ Control Strip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drives her fierce and unrelenting drive to take part in B 100 100 60 100 100 70 70 30 30 100 100 60 100 100 70 70 30 30 100 100 60 100 100 70 70 30 30 100 40 100 40 40 100 10 40 40 20 70 70 70 70 40 70 40 40 0000 3.1 2.2 2.2 10.2 7.4 7.4 25 19 19 50 40 40 75 66 66 100 100 100 80 70 70 100 struggle with self-care at times, but I do affirm that self-&'()*$A,-.('#$)'.(=(-@D ')1#$(-$'1(.(')*$.&$."#$@&=#@#7.3$)7<$&,1$@#7.)*$"#)*."$7##<-$.&$B#$.)G#7$')1#$&?D$%#*?K')1#3$ ?&1$@#3$(-$)*-&$B#(78$=,*7#1)B*#$)7<$'&77#'.(78$>(."$&."#1-3$)7<$-")1(78$@;$-.&1;D$O;$-#*?K !"#$%&'()%)'*+#,%-.)$+*(%/(#0%$'%1'.2 care often looks different depending on the day.” CThat we fight for those who don’t have a voice, that we provide a voice for those who can’t speak. Social justice to me means fighting for the most marginalized, it means changing theT:10" !"#$%&'()$*+,&-'%&.($/$0'++1&234+$%#,5&41&)#,&6.*$'+&73%)$*,&8.+$)$9.(2%&4+./&'05&$%&(,234+$%#,5&41& 2,(:$%%$.0;< ',*.,1#$-&$.").$>#$'1#).#$)$@&1#$*&=(78$'&@@,7(.;D


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Legislative attacks spark fears of suicides, other psychological trauma ./(.)'&0(#-1-234-

The thousand-yard stare is rapidly afflicting .$'$*&*3-2"!**./ many members of the transgender community The bill passed in Arkansas, and bills under in the United States these days, especially trans consideration in Louisiana, Montana, North !"#$%&'()&$%*+,&-',*($./ Carolina, and Tennessee, would allow individuals That phrase, often used to describe the blank, to file civil suits for damages against medical unfocused gaze of combatants who have become providers who violate these laws. emotionally detached from the horrors around Bills in Arkansas and Montana provide them, sadly fits most trans people. mechanisms for the state Attorneys General to It is a war without bullets, bombs and artillery file suit against medical providers to enforce shells, but it is a war nonetheless being waged compliance. against a fractional percentage minority in 0I can’t see not being able to transition; I mean America ironically by another minority, only one having to live with non-support?” Richie said. 04& that is well funded and politically powerful backed can tell you that if I had not had the support of my by religious zealots and extremists. parents and well, if I hadn’t been able to transition, Fear, anger, outrage, and exasperation are I may not even be here, nothing is more terrifying now the experiences daily for trans Americans for a trans kid than being out and not able to of every age as they confront what has been transition,” he added. a virtual tsunami of legislative actions in 25 In the case of Texas, Richie says he is states specifically targeting their existence, as aggravated by the fact that lawmakers aren’t Republican lawmakers work to limit medical care, listening to experts, counselors, and even trans participation in sports, or limit their being able to youth who have been testifying in front of both #$%&'%()*+,*-!789:;<=>!:?!?@9!A9B:7!.?:?9!5:8<?CD!2E<DF<=>!FEG<=>!:!G:DDH!ICG!'02AJ!G<>@?74 self determine their own gender identity. Representatives and Senators in the various K$@C?C!LCEG?97H!':=FC=!%<L@<9!M<:!N:L9OCC;P In a published commentary this week, an 18 committees. 0They don’t care, they listen to some year-old trans male from Virginia pointed out: 0A lot of anti- trans bills targeting people like bogus groups like the American College of Pediatricians which isn’t credible,” he angrily me passed recently and more are being proposed. Republicans have decided that the most .$'$*)/ important thing to do in the middle of a pandemic is to take away life-saving treatment from The ACP is a small group of physicians that left the The American Academy of Pediatrics children and ban them from playing sports,” Eric&1'((*%+22&.'+)/ after the AAP released a 2002 policy statement explaining that gay parents pose no risk to 0This has been painful for me. It’s like watching a murder in slow motion. I see what adopted children. The Southern Poverty Law Center has repeatedly labeled the ACP as an they’re doing and recognize that it’s going to get people killed and there’s nothing I can do anti-LGBT hate group that promotes false claims and misleading scientific reports. but just watch as they target kids like me with a smile on their face and a Bible in hand,” 0Texas will be uninhabitable for trans kids if they pass all these bad bills,” he said. %*&'))*)/ Medical experts agree that should this legislative tsunami pass into law, the mental health The soft voice on the phone is weary and filled with mixed tones of anger and disgust but toll of gender dysphoria and social marginalization will produce spikes in youth suicides and '2."&'--,*%*(.+"(/&0There’s so many of these bills,” 18 year-old Landon Richie tells the Blade. other psychological trauma. Richie, a high school senior in the metropolitan Houston area has been invested in the fight In an interview with The Texas Tribune, Marjan Linnell, a general pediatrician explained for trans rights in Texas since he first came out as an young child. that puberty suppression treatment has been used for decades to prevent children from 0I’ve been very lucky to have had my parents’ support especially with my medical care. going through puberty too soon. Once those children reach an appropriate age, their I’m on hormones, I had ‘top’ surgery — but if they pass both House Bill 1399 and Senate Bill treatment stops and natural puberty occurs. Linnell said the same is true for transgender 1311 I have a younger sibling who identifies as non-binary and they would be blocked from children, for whom puberty can often exacerbate poor mental health. receiving medical care,” he said. 0We don’t know what we are going to do. I mean there are 0The point is to have a reversible treatment that can give them some time,” she said. 01%'$& other families who are talking about moving away [from Texas].” not only helps to gain some time to make sure we’re making an appropriate and best practice HB 1399 prohibits health care providers and physicians from performing gender medical decision for these kids and families, but we also know it can be incredibly important confirmation surgery or prescribing, administering or supplying puberty blockers or for preserving the mental health of our kids that are going through gender affirming care.” hormone treatment to anyone under the age of 18. SB1311 would revoke the medical In Orange County California, the mother of an 11-and-a-half-year-old trans daughter, who license of health care providers and physicians who perform such procedures or prescribe asked to not be identified, relayed in a phone call to the Blade that the impact on trans youth such drugs or hormones to people younger than 18. even in affirming states like California is horrific. As these bills work their way through the Texas statehouse, the ACLU reports that in 14 0She asked me if she was going to be safe. Like most kids who follow the news she other states, lawmakers are also pushing laws that bans or severely restrictions on transition panicked; kids think globally she has friends in Texas, she thought ‘the government’ would care for trans youth under 18. take away her rights,” the mother said. The Williams Institute at the University of California School of Law warns that 45,100 trans NBC reported Monday that George and Emily Spurrier are leaving their home of 16 years youth are at risk of loss of gender-affirming medical care. in central Arkansas due to a new law that will ban the health care that they say their 17-yearMost of these bills propose to make it a crime or a cause for professional discipline for old transgender son needs. medical providers to deliver gender-affirming care to minors. Bills in Louisiana, Missouri, Emily Spurrier said when her son heard the news, he sat in her car and cried for an hour. North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas also include penalties for parents who 0It was just kind of a wave of emotions, thinking about moving and then him worrying encourage or facilitate minors’ access to gender-affirming medical care. about some friends that he has here in the Little Rock area,” she said. 05()&$%*(&6#.$&$%*& In three other states—Alabama, Louisiana, and South Carolina—school employees would thought that this is really the only place he ever remembers living.” be prohibited from withholding information about a child being transgender from that Richie tells the Blade that worst part of this entire mess is being targeted by Republicans child’s parents, while a similar requirement proposed in North Carolina would apply to all for what he sees as an immutable part of his existence as a human being. !"!"!#$%&'!()*!(+(,!"!'-.#/01'1.2'#3145-6

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);#91'&)3,$)2',&0#$')$#3,29#$,)4&1.$Q;"(,&41.R$ !"#$%&'($)*$+#,'$-)..(/))0$.1234"#0$56!$ 0&,'134&3A$ 130$ B##'$ ;9)')4).,$ ,#'$ *)9'"$ 8($ )3$ 7)8#9',)3$ )3$ :;9&.$ <=$ /&'"$ 4.),29#$ )*$ '"#$J),$:3A#.#,$%)23'($G#;19'B#3'$)*$K28.&4$ vehicular traffic on N. Robertson Boulevard Health and the State of California, which south of Santa Monica Boulevard and north 4299#3'.($ .&B&'$ &30))9$ );#91'&)3,$ &3$ '"#,#$ )*$ >#.9),#$ :?#32#$ 130$ /&..$ '1@#$ ;.14#$ #?#9($ sectors. OUT Zones and other business relief Saturday and Sunday. measures are outlined in the City’s 2020-11 !"&,$ ;&.)'$ ;9)A91B$ /&..$ '913,*)9B$ '"#$ Emergency Executive Order. 9#,'12913'C9#'1&.$ 19#1$ &3')$ 1$ ;#0#,'9&13$ D)3#$ S!"#$4)9)31?&92,$;130#B&4$"1,$*)94#0$B13($ /&'"$ %5EFGH<I$ ,1*#'($ ;9)')4).,$ 1,$ '"#$ J),$ )*$)29$.)41.$82,&3#,,#,$')$091,'&41..($1.'#9$")/$ :3A#.#,$%)23'($G#;19'B#3'$)*$K28.&4$-#1.'"$ they serve the public. This has had a profound 133)234#,$9#);#3&3A$A2&0#.&3#,$1..)/&3A$*)9$ impact on the City of West Hollywood’s higher numbers of patrons. 82,&3#,,$ 4)BB23&'($ 130$ "1,$ 100#0$ ')$ '"#$ :$ ,;)@#,;#9,)3$ *)9$ +#-)$ 3)'#0$ '"1'$ economic challenges wrought by COVID-19,” “plentiful parking is available in the five-story said Councilmember John D’Amico. “Keeping +#,'$-)..(/))0$K19@$,'924'29#$.)41'#0$1'$LMN$ our community safe, healthy, and thriving is N. San Vicente Boulevard, adjacent to the 7$89:9!;9<=:>?@!5A:@!9B!C>?:!D9EE@F99GH priority one. Creating safe, socially distanced West Hollywood Library.” )2'0))9$ ,;14#,$ *)9$ #O;130#0$ );#91'&)3,$ &,$ Additional parking is also available at 650 N. a creative approach that will help West Hollywood’s businesses, residents, and La Peer Drive. For those using rideshare services, the city has established drop visitors as we continue to respond to the evolving pandemic.” zones at the corner of Melrose Avenue and N. Robertson Boulevard. OUT on Robertson will embrace, on weekends, what compact OUT Zones “Closing this highly trafficked and bustling stretch of Robertson will provide a ;#0#,'9&13H,1*#$,;14#$'"1'$1..)/,$*)9$1;;9);9&1'#$,)4&1.$0&,'134&3A$1,$'"#$K28.&4$ throughout the City have been offering for months: a place to enjoy sunny days -#1.'"$G#;19'B#3'$#1,#,$41;14&'($9#,'9&4'&)3,$/"&.#$,'&..$B)3&')9&3A$'"#$,;9#10$)*$ and balmy nights while maintaining social distance, aligning with health and safety protocols, and supporting community businesses. the virus,” said City of West Hollywood Council member John M. Erickson. “COVID Those exploring West Hollywood’s OUT on Robertson are reminded that the is not over and we all must remain vigilant about protecting our own health, and %&'($)*$+#,'$-)..(/))0$"1,$1$B1301')9($*14#H4)?#9&3A$9#T2&9#B#3'$130$;#);.#$ the health of others. I’m looking forward to safely seeing you — at a distance and are urged to be mindful of maintaining six feet of social distancing for dining, with your most fabulous masks on — OUT on Robertson!” !"&,$ #O;13,&)3$ )*$ '"#$ 56!$ P)3#,$ ;9)A91B$ ;9)?&0#,$ )2'0))9$ 4)BB#94&1.$ shopping, and personal care under the sun and stars. !"#$$%&'()&"! ,;14#$ &3$ ;28.&4$ 9&A"'H)*H/1($ *)9$ 9#,'12913',$ 130$ 9#'1&.$ #,'18.&,"B#3',$ ')$ B)?#$

U.S. Olympic athlete suffers anti-Asian hate attack !"#$J),$:3A#.#,$K).&4#$G#;19'B#3'$0)42B#3'#0$<N$"1'#$49&B#,$1A1&3,'$:,&13$ Americans in 2020, more than double the previous year in a report submitted to the Police Commission this week. !"#$ 9#;)9'$ 131.(D#0$ "1'#$ 49&B#,$ 130$ "1'#$ &34&0#3',$ 1A1&3,'$ '"#$ J),$ :3A#.#,$ Asian American and Pacific Islander community. According the LAPD’s findings, ,#?#3$"1'#$49&B#,$/#9#$9#;)9'#0$1A1&3,'$:,&13$:B#9&413,$&3$MU<I$130$3&3#$'"#$ previous year, the Los Angeles Times and KTLA reported. The nation’s largest legal and civil rights organization for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders, Asian Americans Advancing Justice- Los Angeles, (AAAJ-LA) noted that there the 15 anti-Asian hate crimes reported in 2020 as compared with seven in 2019, marks a 114% increase. SUnfortunately we’re a year into this pandemic and we are starting to see again 1$9&,#$&3$13'&H:,&13$"1'#$130$,)B#$?#9($?&).#3'$1''14@,$'"1'$"1?#$)44299#0$&3$)29$ community in the last month or two,” said Connie Chung Joe, CEO of AAAJ-LA. She warned that many incidents are going unreported, in part because of language barriers in immigrant communities, and called on the LAPD to increase training for officers to know S")/$')$&0#3'&*($/"#3$1$49&B#$9&,#,$')$'"#$.#?#.$)*$1$ "1'#$49&B#$130$9#;)9'$&'$144)90&3A.($,)$'"1'$'"#$;28.&4$A#',$1$*2..$9#;)9'$)3$'"#$ severity of the problem.” S+"#3$?&4'&B,$19#$891?#$#3)2A"$')$4)B#$*)9/190$130$,"19#$'"#&9$#O;#9&#34#,$ with the police, having the police say that nothing can be done discourages victims and their communities from relying on the police again,” she said. S!"&,$ contributes to the underreporting problem.” In addition to anti-Asian crimes, hate crimes against other groups also increased last year. Anti-Hispanic hate crimes rose nearly 36%, to 57 incidents in 2020, and anti-Black hate crimes rose more than 5%, to 77, the LAPD’s report found.



Hate crimes against gay men jumped nearly 30%, to 70 crimes in 2020, and anti-transgender hate crimes rose about 26%, to 29 incidents last year. Sakura Kokumai, a member of Team USA headed to the Tokyo Olympics this summer, was training at a public park in the LA area when a man accosted her, spitting and using anti-Asian language. Kokumai spoke out to NBC News, urging others to step up and say something. *&)+,%-'.'!/0'






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Newsom signs bill that requires businesses to rehire laid-off workers 34%3*&56%"#.#178# K26%.,(&%2$b,8D$b28%&$c#-),/$)%7&#3$6#7%)62'%,&$:(%321$',$*(#2'#$2$)'2'#-%3#$ policy for the rehiring of workers laid off by the pandemic, bolstering the state’s efforts to ensure an equitable recovery from the pandemic. >C$ Nd$ (#G0%(#)$ #/+6,1#()$ %&$ ",)+%'26%'1$ 2&3$ 50)%&#))$ )#(8%*#)$ %&30)'(%#)$ ',$ offer new positions for similar work to employees laid off during the pandemic within five days of creating a position.

!"#$#/+6,1##$"2)$',$"28#$5##&$#/+6,1#3$.,($/,(#$'"2&$)%J$/,&'")$%&$'"#$@W$ months preceding Jan. 1, 2020, and have been laid off for nondisciplinary reasons (#62'#3$',$'"#$KLEMF=@N$+2&3#/%*D Q;)$ -#$ +(,7(#))$ ',-2(3$ .0661$ (#,+#&%&7$ ,0($ #*,&,/1?$ %'$ %)$ %/+,('2&'$ -#$ /2%&'2%&$,0($.,*0)$,&$#G0%'1?R$)2%3$c#-),/D$Q>C$Nd$4##+)$0)$/,8%&7$%&$'"#$(%7"'$ 3%(#*'%,&$51$2))0(%&7$",)+%'26%'1$2&3$,'"#($-,(4#()$3%)+62*#3$51$'"#$+2&3#/%*$ 2(#$+(%,(%'%[#3$',$(#'0(&$',$'"#%($-,(4+62*#DR c#-),/$ 26),$ 2&&,0&*#3$ 62)'$ -##4$ '"2'$ "%)$ 23/%&%)'(2'%,&$ -%66$ *(#2'#$ +2('&#()"%+)$ -%'"$ &#2(61$ WTT$ .2%'"=52)#3$ ,(72&%[2'%,&)$ ',$ #J+2&3$ '"#$ )'2'#H)$ vaccine outreach and equity efforts. The Administration is leading an effort to provide at least 25,000 COVID-19 82**%&#$3,)#)$',$+,+=0+$*6%&%*)$2'$'"#)#$6,*2'%,&)$%&$'"#$"2(3#)'="%'$2(#2)$,.$'"#$ )'2'#?$(#*,7&%[%&7$'"#$%/+,('2&'$(,6#$+62*#)$,.$-,()"%+$"28#$%&$"#6+%&7$',$233(#))$ '"#%($/#/5#()H$KLEMF=@N$82**%&#$*,&*#(&)$2&3$+(,8%3%&7$#30*2'%,&26$(#),0(*#)D$ K,/5%&#3$-%'"$'"#$3,)#)$'"2'$"28#$5##&$23/%&%)'#(#3$'"(,07"$/,5%6#$*6%&%*)?$ '"#$ ','26$ &0/5#($ ,.$ 3,)#)$ 23/%&%)'#(#3$ ',$ +62*#)$ ,.$ -,()"%+$ ',$ 32'#$ %)$ /,(#$ '"2&$de?TTTD <,(#$'"2&$Wf$/%66%,&$3,)#)$"28#$5##&$23/%&%)'#(#3$%&$K26%.,(&%2?$-%'"$\$/%66%,&$ 3,)#)$ 23/%&%)'#(#3$ %&$ '"#$ "2(3#)'$ "%'$ *,//0&%'%#)D$ !"#$ 7,8#(&,(H)$ %&%'%2'%8#$ builds on work by the Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) to help administer /,(#$ '"2&$ @d?\TT$ 3,)#)$ 2*(,))$ @\$ /,5%6#$ *6%&%*)$ 2'$ *"0(*"#)$ %&$ 9,)$ ;&7#6#)$ 2&3$ L2462&3?$ %&$ +2('&#()"%+$ -%'"$ '"#$ :#3#(26$ I/#(7#&*1$ <2&27#/#&'$ ;7#&*1$ (FEMA). This is in addition to the work being done by local health jurisdictions to )#'$0+$82**%&2'%,&$*6%&%*)$2'$'"#)#$)%'#)D

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a reflection of Jenny’s retro-chic, grunge and hip-hop B#3,&3,$C#2*"D %&)+%(#3$ )'16#$ )"#$ 3#8#6,+#3$ 7(,-%&7$ 0+$ %&$ Y,661-,,3$ Explicit in purpose “to highlight Different femmes in All during the 90s (find them at sinningpretty.com or on Art Forms,” over twenty-five artists and vendors gathered Instagram @sinningpretty). %&$'"#$,0'3,,($)+2*#$+(,8%3#3$51$E%&'27#$F%('1$920&3(1$',$ 90*1$ 2&3$ Z%&4H)$ %3#2$ .,($ 2&$ 266=-,/#&H)$ )",-*2)#$ )",-*2)#$'"#%($-,(4)$,.$2('$2&3$/#(*"2&3%)#D 5#*2/#$ 2$ (#26%'1$ 5#*20)#$ '"#1$ (#*,7&%[#3$ '"#$ 25)#&*#$ Lucy and Wink, the curators of Ladies First LA (find ,.$,++,('0&%'1$.,($-,/#&$',$)",-$'"#%($2('$%&$'"#$/26#= them on Instagram @ladiesfirstla), felt it was necessary to 3,/%&2'#3$ )'(##'$ 2('$ *,//0&%'1D$ Z%&4$ %)$ 2&$ 2**62%/#3$ create a space specifically for women artists, and Latina (and humble) artist who mentioned to Lucy how, in her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aundry, Mallory, offered her store’s backyard to host the event at no cost (find them on '"#$)",-D$>,$)"#H)$'#66%&7$/#$'"%)?$MH/$)'2&3%&7$'"#(#$6%4#?$-#66?$'"2'H)$-2*4D$9#'H)$3,$),/#'"%&7D$M$ Instagram @vitage_dirty_laundry). 3,&H'$6%4#$'"2'D$>,?$)"#$"23$'"2'$%3#2?$2&3$-#$5,'"$O0)'$4%&3$,.$"2(&#))#3$,0($#&#(7%#)DR Before acquiring her own store, Mallory and her mother, Magda, frequented flea markets !"#$ -,/#&$ (%7"'61$ +(#3%*'#3$ '"%)$ 0&/#'$ 3#/2&3$ 2&3$ -,(4#3$ '%(#6#))61$ ',$ 2*'%82'#$ '"#%($ 2&3$ 7(#-$ 2$ 3#8,'#3$ +2'(,&27#D$ ;.'#($ KLEMF=@N$ .,(*#3$ 266$ 62(7#$ 72'"#(%&7)$ ',$ #&3?$ <266,(1$ +%8,'#3$',$)",-%&7$"#($*0(2'%,&)$',$)/266#($7(,0+)$2'$"#($/,'"#(H)$",/#?$2&3$"#($)0**#))#)$ network of artists. They held their first show on Feb. 22, right before the pandemic, “We started 62)'$1#2(?$_<%&4`$5(,07"'$@T$7%(6)?$M$5(,07"'$@T$7%(6)?$2&3$-#$O0)'$+0'$%&$266$,0($/,&#1$2&3$/23#$ *06/%&2'#3$%&$"#($,-&$)',(#.(,&'D !"#$ /2O,(%'1$ ,.$ +2'(,&)$ 2&3$ *,&'(%50',()$ -#(#$ CMPLK$ /%66#&&%26)$ #&O,1%&7$ '"#$ 2('$ 2&3$ 2$)",-$2'$<,&'2&2$>",+D$;&3$%'$-2)$2*'02661$2$5#''#($,0'*,/#$'"2&$,0($,&#$1#2($2&&%8#()2(1$ 2'/,)+"#(#$-%'"$'"#%($.(%#&3)D$M'$-2)$2$.2/%61$.(%#&361$#8#&'$',,$2&3$/2&1$5(,07"'$'"#%($4%3)D$ )",-?$2&3$1,0$"28#$',$(#26%[#$'"2'$<,&'2&2$%)$'"#$,&61$)",+$%&$'"#$a&%'#3$>'2'#)$_<,&'2&2$ E#&3,()$%&*603#3$+2(#&'$2&3$*"%63$'#2/?$QL.R$2&3$'"#%($3207"'#(?$-",$#2*"$"23$'"#%($7(2+"%*$ K,6,()$%)$2$-,(63-%3#$)+(21$2('$5(2&3?$'"#%($9;$)',(#$%)$'"#%($,&61$aD>D$6,*2'%,&`D$>,$.,($923%#)$ :%()'$',$5#$2$5%77#($,0'*,/#$'"2&$,0($<,&'2&2$K,6,()$>",-$-2)$(%3%*06,0)DR$$ 3#)%7&)$3%)+621#3$,&$2$)"2(#3$'256#D !"#$%&'(&))&* This was 17 year-old Lili Tobarr’s first event (find her on Instagram @lilis.jewelrybox). Men +,!"!#$%&'!()*!(+(,!"!'-.#/01'1.2'#3145-6


+)+-7897-:;<:=;->?@A-B1C-8@-A?DA-E?7F-G<E-:8E@H;E-I?<=;HJ; %&'()*+*(,-./(+0&(#&1+&-2(,.-(342&*2&( #.1+-.5( *1)( 6-&7&1+4.1( 8#3#9( 20.'( +0*+( .1&(41(,.:-(*):5+2('4+0(;<=(41(+0&(>14+&)( ?+*+&2( 0*2( &@A&-4&1B&)( 41+4/*+&( A*-+1&-( 74.5&1B&( 8<6=9C( '04B0( )42A-.A.-+4.1*+&5D( affects women and LGBTQ populations. E:-+0&-C( A&.A5&( '4+0( ;<=( '0.( &@A&-4&1B&)( <6=( 41( +0&( A*2+( FG( /.1+02( '&-&( /.-&( 54H&5D( +.( &1I*I&( 41( J&0*74.-2( *22.B4*+&)('4+0(&5&7*+&)(;<=(+-*12/4224.1( -42HC( '&-&( 5&22( 54H&5D( +.( J&( &1I*I&)( 41( -.:+41&( ;<=( B*-&( *1)( /.-&( 54H&5D( +.( 2&&H( &/&-I&1BD( B*-&( 2&-74B&2( *1)( 0*7&( poor HIV clinical outcomes. The findings *-&( -&A.-+&)( 41( +0&( $/&-4B*1( K.:-1*5( .,( 6-&7&1+47&( L&)4B41&C( A:J5420&)( JD( Elsevier. Lead Investigator Ansley B. Lemons!D1C( L6;C( *1)( B.55&*I:&2( ,-./( +0&( #3#M2( %*+4.1*5( #&1+&-( ,.-( ;<=N$<3?C( =4-*5( Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention and the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control in Atlanta, GA, USA, used data from the Medical Monitoring Project, *1( *11:*5( 2:-7&D( :2&)( +.( A-.):B&( 1*+4.1*5( &2+4/*+&2( .,( 2.B4.)&/.I-*A04BC( behavioral, and clinical characteristics of adults diagnosed with HIV. $1*5D2+2(&2+4/*+&)(+0&(A-&7*5&1B&(.,(-&2A.1)&1+2('0.(0*)(&7&-(&@A&-4&1B&)( <6=(*1)(+0.2&('0.(&@A&-4&1B&)(<6=('4+041(+0&(5*2+(FG(/.1+02(*1)(B./A*-&)(+0*+( '4+0(2.B4.)&/.I-*A04B(41,.-/*+4.1C(J&0*74.-*5(B0*-*B+&-42+4B2C(B5414B*5(.:+B./&2C( and the use of emergency or inpatient medical services in the past year. Among individuals with HIV, 26.3 percent had at least one experience of IPV. Significant differences were found by race/ethnicity and age; 35.6 percent of

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women, 28.9 percent of transgender people, and 23.2 percent of men had experienced IPV. There were also significant differences based on gender and sexual identity. $5+0.:I0( './&1( .7&-*55( &@A&-4&1B&)( +0&( 04I0&2+( A-&7*5&1B&( .,( <6=C( J42&@:*5( women experienced the highest proportion (51.5 percent) compared with all gender and sexual identity groups. Overall, 4.4 percent of people with HIV had experienced IPV in the last 12 months. Statistically significant differences were found by sociodemographic B0*-*B+&-42+4B2C(2:B0(*2(*I&(*1)(I&1)&-N2&@:*5(4)&1+4,D(J:+(1.+(JD(-*B&N&+014B4+D( or gender identity. The study found that compared with individuals with HIV who did not experience <6=(41(+0&(5*2+(FG(/.1+02C(+0.2&('0.()4)(&1I*I&)(41(-42H4&-(J&0*74.-(2:B0(*2(J41I&( drinking, use of injection drugs, and transactional sex. They were more likely to report not receiving additional needed services. These findings suggest that screening people with HIV for IPV and linking them to services, not only during HIV testing but also during routine HIV care, is important. $(04I0&-(A-.A.-+4.1(.,(41)474):*52(-&A.-+41I(<6=(41(+0&(5*2+(FG(/.1+02('&-&(1.+( -&B&4741I(;<=(/&)4B*5(B*-&C('&-&(1.+(+*H41I(*1+4-&+-.74-*5(+0&-*ADC(*1)('&-&(/.-&( likely to miss HIV-related medical appointments. They were also more likely to 0*7&(/.-&(+0*1(.1&(&/&-I&1BD(-../(7424+(.-(0.2A4+*5(*)/4224.1(41(+0&(A*2+(FG( months. The study suggests that when IPV is identified, the safety and health of people with HIV can be improved with supportive services. IPV is preventable, especially when efforts begin early. The investigators note that most IPV and protection programs are tailored for heterosexual women. Given the extent to '04B0( +0&( 2+:)D( ,.:1)( -42H( +.( .+0&-( I&1)&-N2&@:*5( 4)&1+4+D( I-.:A2( *1)( -*B4*5N &+014B(/41.-4+4&2C(417&2+4I*+.-2(2:II&2+(+0*+(A-.I-*//41I(20.:5)(J&(+*45.-&)(,.-( marginalized groups. "#$%%&'()*'#"

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4/19/21 9:38 AM


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who want to change the gender on their birth certificate by first requiring gender-affirming surgery. J?-(-#$ 3#,+.3(-52.$ (925..$ -"#$ 95&)-2D$ :#2#$ #3#9-#4$ -5$ 2#02#.#)-$(33$56$&.1$)5-$K&.-$.5'#$56$&.$()4$D#-$-"#D$95)-+)&#$ to send hateful and discriminatory anti-LGBTQ bills to the desks of governors to sign into law, threatening the well=#+),1$"#(3-"1$()4$6&)4('#)-(3$2+,"-.$56$-"5&.()4.$56$FGH!I$ @'#2+9().$+)$.-(-#.$625'$95(.-$-5$95(.-1L$.(+4$%&'()$*+,"-.$ /('0(+,)$M2#.+4#)-$@30"5).5$N(;+4B “From anti-transgender sports bans to erasing LGBTQ 0#503#$625'$.9"553$9&22+9&3&'1$-"#.#$=+33.$(2#$42+;#)$=D$6#(2$ and would have a significant negative impact on the lives of .5$ '()D$ FGH!I$ 0#503#B$ !"#$ ,5;#2)52.$ 56$ -"#.#$ .-(-#.$ (2#$ 2#.05).+=3#$652$025-#9-+),$-"#+2$9+-+E#).1$()4$-"#D$'&.-$2#6&.#$ -5$.+,)$-"#.#$=(.#3#..$()4$&)95).9+5)(=3#$92&#3$=+33.$+)-5$3(:B$$ O-"#2:+.#1$-"#D$."5&34$()4$:+33$=#$"#34$(995&)-(=3#$652$-"#$ consequences,” he added. Below is a roundup of the 10 anti-LGBTQ bills currently .+--+),$5)$-"#$4#.C.$56$,5;#2)52.P !"!#!$! House Bill 391 – ANTI-TRANS SPORTS BILL !"#$@3(=('($?#)(-#$()4$%5&.#$0(..#4$%5&.#$H+33$QR71$()$ anti-transgender bill that would ban transgender youth from 0(2-+9+0(-+),$ +)$ .9"553$ .052-.$ 95).+.-#)-$ :+-"$ -"#+2$ ,#)4#2$ +4#)-+-DB$!"#$=+33$)5:$"#(4.$-5$G5;#2)52$S(D$T;#D<.$4#.C$652$ .+,)(-&2#$52$;#-5B !%&'()! ?#)(-#$H+33$7UVA$W$?XY$XN$M@*XZ!@F$ZO!T[T/@!TOZ$HTFF !"#$ @2+E5)($ ?-(-#$ %5&.#$ 0(..#4$ ?#)(-#$ H+33$ 7UVA$ W$ discriminatory legislation that affects not only sexual #4&9(-+5)$'(-#2+(31$=&-$(33$3#(2)+),$'(-#2+(3.$+)$-"#$93(..255'$ ()4$ '(C#.$ +-$ "(24#2$ 652$ FGH!I$ C+4.$ -5$ .##$ -"#'.#3;#.$ +)$ .9"553$9&22+9&3&'B The bill, which would make Arizona’s sex education laws .5'#$56$-"#$.-2+9-#.-$+)$-"#$)(-+5)$:"#)$+-$95'#.$-5$-#(9"+),$ (=5&-$FGH!I$+..&#.1$)5:$"#(4.$-5$G5;#2)52$N5&,$N&9#D<.$ 4#.C$652$95).+4#2(-+5)B !%*!)+!+ ?#)(-#$H+33$Q\R$W$?XY$XN$M@*XZ!@F$ZO!T[T/@!TOZ$HTFF !"#$ @2C().(.$ ?#)(-#$ 0(..#4$ ?#)(-#$ H+33$ Q\R1$ ($ =+33$ :"+9"$ would require a school district to notify parents before “providing a sexual orientation curriculum or gender identity 9&22+9&3&'L$ +)$ ()D$ C+)4$ 56$ +).-2&9-+5)1$ +)93&4+),$ =&-$ )5-$ limited to education on sexuality. T)$(44+-+5)$-5$'(C+),$+-$"(24#2$652$.-&4#)-.$C+4.$-5$(99#..$ sex education, it could also preclude discussion about sexuality more broadly, including in literature and history classes, for example. A district could be forced to notify 0(2#)-.1$ 025;+4#$ 9&22+9&3&'$ '(-#2+(3.1$ ()4$ (335:$ 0(2#)-.$ -5$ 50-$ .-&4#)-.$ 5&-$ 56$ 3#(2)+),$ (=5&-$ +'052-()-$ '54#2)$ ()4$ "+.-52+9(3$ #;#)-.1$ 625'$ -"#$ @BTBNB?B$ #0+4#'+9$ -5$ -"#$

?-5)#:(33$2+5-.$-5$#;#)$?&02#'#$/5&2-$K&2+.02&4#)9#B$!"+.$=+33$ 4+.025052-+5)(-#3D$4+.(4;()-(,#.$FGH!I$D5&-"$:"5$'(D$)5-$ "(;#$ .&0052-+;#$ 6('+3+#.$ ()4$ 0&-$ 9"+342#)$ (-$ ,2#(-#2$ 2+.C$ 56$ health consequences. *!)+!+ Kansas Senate Bill 55 – ANTI-TRANS SPORTS BILL The Kansas Senate passed Senate Bill 55, an anti-2().,#)4#2$ =+33$ -"(-$ :5&34$ =()$ -2().,#)4#2$ ,+23.$ 625'$ 0(2-+9+0(-+),$ +)$ .9"553$ .052-.$ 95).+.-#)-$ :+-"$ -"#+2$ ,#)4#2$ +4#)-+-DB $(),!)! ?#)(-#$H+33$]\8$W$HT*!%$/X*!T[T/@!X$HTFF !"#$ ^5)-()($ ?#)(-#$ 0(..#4$ ?H$ ]\81$ ($ =+33$ -"(-$ (44.$ .&=.-()-+(3$ "&243#.$ 652$ -2().,#)4#2$ 0#503#$ :"5$ :()-$ -5$ change the gender on their birth certificate by first requiring gender-affirming surgery. ?#)(-#$H+33$]7V$W$*XFTGTO>?$*X[>?@F$HTFF The Montana House passed SB 215, an expansive religious 2#6&.(3$=+33$-"(-$95&34$,2()-$($3+9#).#$-5$4+.92+'+)(-#$(,(+).-$ ^5)-()().$()4$;+.+-52.1$+)93&4+),$FGH!I$0#503#1$0#503#$56$ 6(+-"1$()4$:5'#)1$(925..$($:+4#$2(),#$56$,554.$()4$.#2;+9#.$ +)$-"#$.-(-#B )(%,-./!*(,! House Bill 1503 – ANTI-ALL COMERS BILL Many public colleges and universities have long had “allcomers” policies that require student organizations receiving financial and other support from the institution not to discriminate against students based on race, sex, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity. !"#.#$ 053+9+#.$ (335:$ (33$ '#'=#2.$ 56$ -"#$ .-&4#)-$ =54D$ -5$ 0(2-+9+0(-#$ +)$ .-&4#)-$ 52,()+E(-+5).$ ()4$ 02#;#)-$ .&9"$ 52,()+E(-+5).$625'$4+.92+'+)(-+),$(,(+).-$.-&4#)-.$:+-"$.-(-#$ funding. The Supreme Court upheld these all-comers policies (.$ 95).-+-&-+5)(3$ +)$ -"#$ /"2+.-+()$ F#,(3$ ?59+#-D$ ;B$ ^(2-+)#E$ 4#9+.+5)$+)$]878B Z52-"$ N(C5-($ %H$ 7V8Q1$ +)$ 0(2-1$ &)4#2'+)#.$ +)93&.+;#$ “all-comers” policies at North Dakota public colleges and &)+;#2.+-+#.1$=D$(335:+),$.-&4#)-$52,()+E(-+5).$-5$4+.92+'+)(-#$ (,(+).-$FGH!I$.-&4#)-.$&)4#2$-"#$,&+.#$56$62##$.0##9"B House Bill 1298 – ANTI-TRANS SPORTS BILL !"#$ Z52-"$ N(C5-($ ?#)(-#$ 0(..#4$ %5&.#$ H+33$ 7]R\1$ ()$ anti-transgender bill that would ban transgender girls from 0(2-+9+0(-+),$ +)$ .9"553$ .052-.$ 95).+.-#)-$ :+-"$ -"#+2$ ,#)4#2$ +4#)-+-DB ,0))0++00 ?#)(-#$H+33$7]]R$W$?XY$XN$M@*XZ!@F$ZO!T[T/@!TOZ !"#$ !#))#..##$ ?#)(-#$ 0(..#4$ ?#)(-#$ H+33$ 7]]R1$ ($ =+33$ which would require a school district to notify parents before “providing a sexual orientation curriculum or gender identity 9&22+9&3&'L$ +)$ ()D$ C+)4$ 56$ +).-2&9-+5)1$ +)93&4+),$ =&-$ )5-$ limited to education on sexuality. T)$(44+-+5)$-5$'(C+),$+-$"(24#2$652$.-&4#)-.$C+4.$-5$(99#..$ sex education, it could also preclude discussion about sexuality more broadly, including in literature and history classes, for example. A district could be forced to notify 0(2#)-.1$025;+4#$9&22+9&3&'$'(-#2+(3.1$()4$(335:$0(2#)-.$-5$ 50-$ .-&4#)-.$ 5&-$ 56$ 3#(2)+),$ (=5&-$ +'052-()-$ '54#2)$ ()4$ "+.-52+9(3$#;#)-.1$625'$-"#$@BTBNB?B$#0+4#'+9$-5$-"#$?-5)#:(33$ 2+5-.$-5$#;#)$?&02#'#$/5&2-$K&2+.02&4#)9#B ?H$ Q\R$ (3.5$ 4+.025052-+5)(-#3D$ 4+.(4;()-(,#.$ FGH!I$


D5&-"$ :"5$ '(D$ )5-$ "(;#$.&0052-+;#$6('+3+#.$ ()4$ 0&-.$ 9"+342#)$ (-$ ,2#(-#2$ 2+.C$ 56$ "#(3-"$ consequences. 10+,.2&%3&)&! %5&.#$ H+33$ Q]RQ$ W$ ANTI-TRANS SPORTS HTFF !"#$ _#.-$ `+2,+)+($ ?#)(-#$ 0(..#4$ %5&.#$ Bill 3293, an anti-2().,#)4#2$ =+33$ -"(-$ :5&34$ =()$ -2().,#)4#2$ ,+23.$ 625'$ 0(2-+9+0(-+),$ +)$ .9"553$ .052-.$ 95).+.-#)-$ :+-"$ -"#+2$ ,#)4#2$+4#)-+-DB 7.898:!;:<=>;98?@>!9A@?>>!8B:! T)$($'#4+($.-(-#'#)-1$ A?CD8@E!F:@:!:;:A8:G!8?! @:H@:>:D8!9;;!?I!C>*!D?8!JC>8! %*/$ .05C#.0#2.5)$ >?K:!?I!C>*L!>9=G!M%5!$@:>=G:D8! _D(--$ *5)()$ 05+)-#4$ !"6-()+(./!2&/4!!(Blade file photo) 5&-$ -"(-$ -"#.#$ =+33.$ 95'#$ 625'$ -"#$ .('#$ forces that drove previous anti-equality fights by pushing copycat bills across state houses — dangerous anti-LGBTQ 52,()+E(-+5).$3+C#$-"#$%#2+-(,#$[5&)4(-+5)1$@33+()9#$N#6#)4+),$ [2##45'$ a4#.+,)(-#4$ =D$ ?5&-"#2)$ M5;#2-D$ F(:$ /#)-#2$ (.$ ($ "(-#$,25&0b1$()4$X(,3#$[52&'$('5),$5-"#2.B T)$ 2#3(-#4$ )#:.1$ -"#$ [352+4($ %5&.#$ 56$ *#02#.#)-(-+;#.$ last week passed House Bill 1475 on a 77-40 vote after 95).+4#2(=3#$ (92+'5)+5&.$ 4#=(-#B$ !"#$ '#(.&2#$ :5&34$ =()$ -2().,#)4#2$ ,+23.$ 625'$ 95'0#-+),$ +)$ (33$ 02+'(2D1$ '+443#1$ "+,"$ .9"553$ ()4$ 9533#,#$ .052-.$ +)$ -"#$ .-(-#B$ O)#$ N#'592(-$ 3(:'(C#2$.&0052-#4$-"#$'#(.&2#$()4$)5)#$56$-"#$*#0&=3+9()$ 9(&9&.$;5-#4$(,(+).-$+-B With passage of the bill, Florida joins a national effort on -"#$ 0(2-$ 56$ *#0&=3+9().$ +)$ (-$ 3#(.-$ Q8$ .-(-#$ "5&.#.$ -5$ =()$ -2().,#)4#2$6#'(3#$(-"3#-#.$625'$,+23.<$()4$:5'#)<.$.052-.B HB 1475 was authored by Rep. Kaylee Tuck, R-Lake Placid, ()4$ :5&34$ #)(9-$ ($ =3()C#-$ =()$ 5)$ -2().,#)4#2$ 6#'(3#$ (-"3#-#.$95'0#-+),$+)$.9"53(.-+9$,+23.<$()4$:5'#)<.$.052-.$+)$ [352+4(B$%5:#;#21$!2().,#)4#2$'(3#.$:5&34$.-+33$=#$(335:#4$-5$ 95'0#-#$+)$"+,"$.9"553$()4$9533#,+(-#$=5D.$()4$'#)<.$.052-.B The bill specifies that participation would be contingent on determining a students’ “biological sex,” which is a term that refers to the sex assigned at birth and which has been a term that is categorized as transphobic and non-accepting/ affirming by LGBTQ advocacy groups. J@33$ #D#.$ (2#$ 5)$ -"#$ [352+4($ ?#)(-#$ -5$ .-50$ -"+.$ 92&#3$ legislation and protect the transgender youth this bill vilifies,” said Jon Harris Maurer, Public Policy Director for Equality [352+4($+)$($.-(-#'#)-$2#3#(.#4$02+52$-5$-"#$%5&.#$;5-#B “If this bill passes, it would be the first anti-LGBTQ bill to 0(..$ -"#$ [352+4($ F#,+.3(-&2#$ +)$ ]Q$ D#(2.$ ()4$ 95&34$ .#)4$ ."59C:(;#.$ -"25&,"$ ()$ #95)5'+9$ 2#95;#2D$ 4#0#)4#)-$ 5)$ 95);#)-+5).1$#;#)-.1$.052-.1$()4$-5&2+.'B$_#$C)5:$-"+.$+.$($ nationally-coordinated attack fueled by far right anti-LGBTQ 52,()+E(-+5).1$()4$-"#$[352+4($%5&.#$"(.$-(C#)$-"#$=(+-B$!"#$ [352+4($?#)(-#$'&.-$"#(2$-"#$;5+9#.$56$-2().,#)4#2$C+4.$()4$ reject this state-sanctioned discrimination.”


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#$%&'()%*+%,(-./0$1+2#'(1. !"#$%$#!&'(#)%*+ ",%/#,10/,() CHRISTOPHER JACKSON, 562-826-6602

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with them. Parenthetically, this is Arkansas’s ninth anti-trans bill. E(2$(*,$,*$&#$*6,2*(#3$O<*/12%$C658#2$1(,*$,"#$+/%B$*($E8/1<$=?3$-1,"$ its House passing (by a 77-40 vote) an anti-trans bill. HB 1475. This bill would require transgender high school and college students to )*58#,#$1($'8*/,'$&%'#2$*($,"#1/$&1/,"$0#(2#/@$E))*/21(0$,*$%$/#8*/,$1($ ,"#$!%<<%"%''##$P#5*)/%,3$26/1(0$"*6/'$*+$2#&%,#3$I*6'#$P#5*)/%,'$ 5%2#$ 158%''1*(#2$ *&C#),1*('$ ,*$ ,"#$ 5#%'6/#3$ %/061(0$ ,"%,$ 1,$ ,%/0#,'$ already-vulnerable transgender teens and adults. Q.#($ R-1,"$ %$ ',/*(0$ #58"%'1'$ *($ ,"#$ D#.#(FS$ ,"#$ *+,#($ 51'0612#2$ NCAA has come out against these anti-trans bills, suggesting that it -*6<2$(*,$"*<2$#.#(,'$1($',%,#'$,"%,$21')/151(%,#$%0%1(',$,/%('$',62#(,'@$ I%.1(0$&##($6(2#/$,"#$C621)1%<$51)/*')*8#$*+$<%,#$+*/$)*(,1(61(0$,"#1/$ long-standing practice of using their student-athletes as indentured labor, the NCAA’s bold stance here is in response to not just SB 1646, &6,$'19$&1<<'$1($,"#$!#9%'$T#01'<%,6/#$,"%,$,%/0#,$,/%('0#(2#/$',62#(,'4$ '8*/,'$8%/,1)18%,1*(@ In the NCAA statement, they reference their decade-old transgender policy, which itself is not without controversy. The NCAA follows the same protocol as the International Olympic Committee and the U.S. Olympic Committee in making testosterone suppression treatment +*/$ ,/%('0#(2#/$ -*5#($ 5%(2%,*/B$ +*/$ ,"#5$ ,*$ )*58#,#$ 1($ -*5#(4'$ '8*/,'@ A#,$ ,"#1/$ 8*'1,1*($ ',%,#5#(,$ 2*#'$ 8/*.12#$ %$ +*6(2%,1*($ +*/$ *,"#/$ 8*-#/+6<$ */0%(1U%,1*('$ %(2$ )*/8*/%,1*('$ ,*$ &61<2$ ,"#1/$ *-($ %),1*(V$ “When determining where championships are held, NCAA policy directs ,"%,$*(<B$<*)%,1*('$-"#/#$"*','$)%($)*551,$,*$8/*.121(0$%($#(.1/*(5#(,$ ,"%,$1'$'%+#3$"#%<,"B$%(2$+/##$*+$21')/151(%,1*($'"*6<2$&#$'#<#),#2@$J#$ -1<<$)*(,1(6#$,*$)<*'#<B$5*(1,*/$,"#'#$'1,6%,1*('$,*$2#,#/51(#$-"#,"#/$ NCAA championships can be conducted in ways that are welcoming %(2$/#'8#),+6<$*+$%<<$8%/,1)18%(,'@F The actual chances of any of these anti-trans bills becoming law are 8/*&%&<B$"10"#/$,"%($-#$-*6<2$)%/#$,*$15%01(#@$H1.#($,"#$U#1,0#1',3$1+$ %(B$*+$,"#'#$)6//#(,$&1<<'$+%1<3$,"#/#$%/#$'6/#<B$5*/#$,*$)*5#@


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Nine of the 20 acting nominees *($%(%'8+()%@5.%"2%.)3;%3=%+4'5"+;+-"/ ()+%=+2=8+%29%'282)<%(-.%("%8+($"%"*2%29% %A2)+%.+"(58$%'(;+%A2-.(1<%*:+-%(% ":+;% ()+% '2-$5.+)+.% 9)2-")3--+)$% 5-% 8+""+)% 9)2;% ":("% $(;+% ")52% ?% =)2.3'+)% ":+5)% '("+>2)5+$/% ^:(2% '238.% @+'2;+% C"+J+-% C2.+)@+)>:% L:5;$+89% (-% &$'()% the first woman of Asian descent to winner for directing “Traffic” in 2000) *5-%":+%G+$"%R5)+'"2)%=)5Y+/%0-.%*:58+% (-.% '2M=)2.3'+)$% N+$$+% O2885-$% (-.% ":+% =2"+-"5(8% 92)% ":2$+% *5-$% 8+-.$% (% C"('+1%C:+)%?%*+-"%23"%"2%":+%-2;5-++$/% 8*./('#%9(,-*9./,!9I!K'EA=HL=IH?!9:!=!L<=H9IB!@EIC<IH<>!ME>!*<:C!&@C><::!EI!%GIH=;, N/8ECE!@EG>C<:;!%<=>@8L9B8CO ,5-.%29%+4'5"+;+-"%"2%":+%=)2'++.5->$<% 0$% 5"% "3)-$% 23"<% ":+% '+)+;2-1% *588% @+% (-% 5-+$'(=(@8+% 9++85->% 29% I"22% 85""8+<% :+8.%("%P0#$%:5$"2)5'%7-52-%C"("52-%L$5"+% "22% 8("+K% ?% '23=8+.% *5":% (% =(-.+;5'M of Saturday’s press conference), which *588% @+% ")+("+.% I($% (-% ('"5J+% ;2J5+% $+"K% 5-% "+);$% 29% O&Q!RM)+8("+.% $(9+"1% =)2"2'28$<% *5":% 5-.3'+.%(*()+-+$$%29%":+%)+8("5J+%3-5;=2)"(-'+%29%(*().$%85,+%":+$+%5-%":+%>)+("+)%$':+;+% I(..5"52-(8%+8+;+-"$K%29%":+%$:2*%@+5->%5-'2)=2)("+.%85J+%9)2;%S2881*22.#$%R28@1%T:+(")+% of things – makes it more difficult than ever, perhaps, to care. With that in mind, here are the currently leading “official” predictions for the winners J5(%$("+885"+%:22,M3=/ 5-%":+%"2=%$54%'("+>2)5+$<%@($+.%2-%(%'2;@5-("52-%29%&$'()%:5$"2)1<%5-.3$")1%@3YY<%)+J5+*% More interestingly, the letter revealed, “The first—and most obvious—point we want to >+"%(')2$$%*5":%":5$%1+()#$%$:2*%5$%CT&U!VC%A0TTVU/K%!-%,++=5->%*5":%":("%":+;+<%-2;5-++$% '2-$+-$3$<%(-.%=8(5-%28.M9($:52-+.%>3"%5-$"5-'"_ !"#$%&'($)*"+%IH2;(.8(-.K%(-.%IT:+%T)5(8%29%":+%O:5'(>2%`K%()+%'2-$5.+)+.%":+%9)2-"M are requested to submit to a brief interview to “tell the story of your path to April 25,” as )3--+)$<%":(-,$%"2%=)+J523$%*5-$%5-%":+%+W35J(8+-"%'("+>2)1%("%":+%\28.+-%\82@+$%(-.%":+% part of an effort to “highlight the connections between all of us who work in the movies (-.%$:2*%":("%":+%=)2'+$$%5$%3-5W3+81%5-"5;("+<%'288(@2)("5J+<%(-.%93-/K%T:+%+;=:($5$%2-% C')++-%0'"2)$#%\358.%0*().$<%)+$=+'"5J+81/%IH2;(.8(-.K%5$%9(J2)+.%"2%*5-/ !"#$%,'*"($-*+ Chloé Zhao, who has taken the directing prize at both the Globes and “story” was further reflected by instructions about messaging in the speeches (“If you’re ":+%G0ZT0$<%$++;$%(%$3)+%@+"%92)%IH2;(.8(-./K thanking someone, say their name, not their title… make it PERSONAL”) and a dress code !"#$%.($-*+ Chadwick Boseman, whose death in 2020 after a secret battle with colon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the first was Peter Finch, for 1976’s “Network”). !"#$%.($*"##+%There are no clear front-runners here. With one high-profile win each =)2@8+;%*5":%5-'83$52-%'2;92)"(@81%5-"2%":+%@(',>)23-./ T:5$%1+()<%":+%2)>(-5Y("52-%;5>:"%*+88%9++8%":("%*:+-%5"%'2;+$%"2%.5J+)$5"1<%":+%-2;5-("52-$% under their belt Davis (SAGs), Day (Globes), Frances McDormand (BAFTAs for “Nomadland”) $=+(,%92)%":+;$+8J+$/%Z2)%(%1+()%5-%*:5':%")+;+-.23$%$2'5(8%3=:+(J(8%:($%@)23>:"%G8(',% and Carey Mulligan (Critics’ Choice for “Promising Young Woman”) are all positioned as +4=+)5+-'+%5-%0;+)5'(%"2%":+%92)+9)2-"%29%":+%=3@85'%'2-J+)$("52-<%":+%&$'()$%:(J+%':2$+-% =2$$5@8+% *5--+)$/% S2*+J+)<% *5":% R(J5$% (8)+(.1% ;(,5->% :5$"2)1% *5":% ":5$% =+)92);(-'+% ($% Oscar’s most-nominated Black actress, the appeal of also making her the first to win in both an impressive number of Black-led films and Black artists among an overall slate that Actress categories (her performance in 2016’s “Fences” earned her the Best Supporting offers the most diverse lineup of nominees in its history. Women are also represented, ":(-,$%"2%":+%5-'83$52-%29%V;+)(8.%Z+--+88#$%IB)2;5$5->%[23->%F2;(-K%(;2->%":+%G+$"% prize) might just give her the edge. !"#$% #)&&-*$'/0% .($-*+% S(J5->% *2-% 92)% :5$% =+)92);(-'+% ($% $8(5-% G8(',% B(-":+)% Picture contenders and the first-ever two nominations for women – Fennell and Chloé leader Fred Hampton in “Judas and the Black Messiah” at all the other major film awards, Zhao (“Nomadland”) – as Best Director. Additionally, Zhao, who is Chinese) is the first Daniel Kaluuya is the definition of a “shoo-in.” woman of color ever nominated in that category, Steven Yuen (“Minari”) became the first !"#$% #)&&-*$'/0% .($*"##+% 0$% 5$% 29"+-% ":+% '($+<% ":5$% '("+>2)1% ;5>:"% @+% ":+% ;2$"% 0$5(-M0;+)5'(-%"2%)+'+5J+%(%G+$"%0'"2)%-2.<%(-.%5-%":+%$(;+%'("+>2)1<%U5Y%0:;+.%LIT:+% wide-open. Buzz has favored both Yuh-Jung Youn (“Minari”) and Maria Bakalova (“Borat Sound of Metal”) became the first person of Pakistani descent to be nominated in any Subsequent Moviefilm”), but her win at the BAFTA Awards puts Youn in place as the ('"5->%'("+>2)1/ !-% ":+% ;5.$"% 29% (88% ":5$% 5-'83$52-<% :2*+J+)<% ":+% P\GT]% '2;;3-5"1% ?% ")(.5"52-(881% (% =)2@(@8+% 9)2-")3--+)/% !9% $:+% *5-$<% $:+% *588% @+% 2-81% ":+% $+'2-.% 0$5(-% ('")+$$% "2% *5-% (-% Oscar, after Miyoshi Umeki (1957’s “Sayonara”). $")2->:28.%92)%$2;+%29%&$'()#$%;2$"%().+-"%9(-$%?%:($%":5$%1+()%@++-%8()>+81%8+9"%+;="1M You can find out the winners when the Oscars air on ABC, Sunday April 25 at 5 p.m. :(-.+.<%2-'+%(>(5-/%G+$5.+$%"*2%G+$"%0'")+$$%-2.$%92)%*2;+-%=8(15->%@5$+43(8%':()('"+)$% LQ528(%R(J5$%(-.%0-.)(%R(1<%92)%IA(%U(5-+1#$%G8(',%G2""2;K%(-.%IT:+%7-5"+.%C"("+$%J$/%G5885+% BTab%=/;/%VT/%G3"%.2-#"%*2))1%?%59%123%.2-#"%'()+%+-23>:%"2%*("':<%123%'(-%(8*(1$%\22>8+% 5"%(9"+)*()./ Holiday,” respectively), there are no major nominations for films with significant LGBTQ 12!"!#$%&'()#)%*#&+),-$.!"!&/01#!234!2526

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‘Nomadland’ named best film at Dorian Awards Society of LGBTQ Entertainment Critics also honors ‘Ma Rainey’ #$%&'()*##'$+,%$)(

!"#$%&'%(&)*+,-.+/0%1.+%(&+2%3,45%/.&+&1%$%+#2+%+61#70+#2+/,1766'8(6+9$.183%(/+'8:8(6+ ,-.+-8/,#1=+#2+,1%(/6.(&.1+1.01./.(,%,8#(+#(+/31..()+(#,.&+,-%,+!2020 was the deadliest year on record for trans people. We have to continue to highlight the humanity of trans off the grid; the vivid blues woman biopic “;%+<%8(.=’s Black Bottom;” the family-happy people in the face of us being dehumanized.” fish-out-of-water fable “Minari;” writer-director-actress Radha Blank and her biting showbiz Also speaking truth to power, Best Supporting Performance—Actor winner Daniel /%,81.+ !The Forty-Year-Old Version;*+ ,-.+ &.%,-4,#4$8/#6=(=+ 1.:.(6.+ ,-18''.1+ !>1#$8/8(6+ Q%'77=%)+-#(#1.&+2#1+-8/+0#1,1%=%'+#2+$%1,=1.&+F'%3R+>%(,-.1+>%1,=+'.%&.1+A1.&+S%$0,#(+ Young Woman;” and the urgent human-rights documentaries “Disclosure” and “Welcome in “Judas and the Black Messiah,” said he was glad that more people were learning about to Chechnya” all scored more than one Dorian Award from GALECA: The Society of LGBTQ what Hampton !stood for, what he believed, and what he did for the Black community and Entertainment Critics via a televised special Sunday night. the community at large. I really hope that he continues to live on in everyone’s hearts and GALECA’s Dorian Awards honor the best in all of film and TV, from mainstream to minds.” LGBTQ fare, on separate occasions. As revealed in the group’s three-hour Dorians Film The Wilde Artist Award, meant for !%+ ,17'=+ 61#7(&51.%R8(6+ 2#13.+ 8(+ .(,.1,%8($.(,)*+ Toast 2021, shown on LGBTQ+ streaming platform Revry and hosted by famed entertainer went to singer-songwriter-actress-humanitarian Dolly Parton, whose memorable role in and human rights hero Karel, “Nomadland” earned 3 Dorians: Best Film, Best Director for ,-.+'%(&$%1R+2.$8(8/,+3#$.&=+!T+,#+U*+-%/+6.(.1%,.&+1.:8:.&+8(,.1./,+J7/,+%/+/-.+$%&.+ ?-'#@+Zhao, and Most Visually Striking Film. “;8(%18” earned Best Non-English Language -.%&'8(./+ 2#1+ -.1+ &..040#3R.,.&+ %&:#3%3=+ 8(+ A8'$+ 0'7/+ %+ /700#1,8(6+ %3,1.//+ (#&+ 2#1+ B7-4C7(6+ -.'08(6+ 6.,+ 9$.183%(/+ :%338(%,.&+ &718(6+ ,-.+ Youn. “;%+<%8(.=” was deemed Best LGBTQ Film pandemic. by GALECA, and the musical drama’s male lead, !Thank you to all the members of the Society the late Chadwick Boseman, earned Best Film of LGBTQ Entertainment Critics for this lovely Performance—Actor. Wilde Artist award,” Parton relayed in statement Boseman was !/73-+ %(+ 8(31.&85'.+ -7$%()+ via her publicist. !HI$+(#,+/71.+HI$+%/+.&6=+%/+0%/,+ scholar, humanitarian, and a really wonderful winners (in the Wilde Artist category) like Todd %3,#1)*+/%8&+!;%+<%8(.=” costar Colman Domingo, Haynes, Kate McKinnon, Lin-Manuel Miranda and %33.0,8(6+ :8%+ %+ 1.3#1&.&+ :8&.#+ #(+ 5.-%'2+ #2+ Jordan Peele—but I am honored and humbled. I Boseman and his family. !?1.%,8(6+3#$0'.D+1#'./+ %001.38%,.+ %''+ #2+ =#7+ .(,.1,%8($.(,+ J#71(%'8/,/+ %5#7,+ ,-.+ 92183%(49$.183%(+ .D0.18.(3.)+ %(&+ who are so passionate and are working so hard. about people who are marginalized in society and Keep up the good work!” trying to stand up and have a strong voice, fighting >%1,#(I/+ 3.'.51%,.&+ 218.(&)+ /.0,7%6.(%18%(+ for representation—that is Chadwick Boseman’s actor and social media superstar Leslie Jordan, legacy.” currently on screens in “The United States vs. !>1#$8/8(6+B#7(6+E#$%(*+/,%1+?%1.=+;7''86%()+ F8''8.+ S#'8&%=*G%(#,-.1+ 2%3,45%/.&+ &1%$%+ %5#7,+ fascinatingly mischievous as a woman out to the fight against racism—was named the group’s %:.(6.+ ,-.+ &.%,-+ #2+ %+ 2.$%'.+ 218.(&)+ %(&+ ,-.+ latest Timeless Star, a career achievement mystery’s witty screenwriter, Emerald Fennell, accolade previously awarded to the likes of Sir both delighted with their humble acceptance Ian McKellen, Jane Fonda, George Takei, John :8&.#/+ 2#1+ F./,+ A8'$+ >.12#1$%(3.G93,1.//+ %(&+ Waters, Lily Tomlin, Betty White and Dame Angela Best Screenplay, respectively. !HI$+ J7/,+ /#+ -%00=+ Lansbury. ,-%,+KE#$%(L+-%/+1./#(%,.&)+%(&+HI$+/#+61%,.27'+ >%=8(6+,1857,.+,#+C#1&%(+8(+:8&.#+2#1$+%-.%&+#2+%+ ,#+KA.((.''L+2#1+8(:8,8(6+$.+%'#(6+2#1+,-.+18&.)*+/%8&+ segment featuring the star himself: Billie Holiday’s Mulligan. Fennell, meanwhile, graciously spoke of director Lee Daniels, Cheyenne Jackson (Jordan’s -.1+!%&$81%,8#(+2#1+KGALECA’s] members.” 3#/,%1+8(+,-.+A#D+/8,3#$+!?%''+;.+Q%,”), Beth Grant H(+ -#$%6.+ ,#+ M/3%1+ E8'&.I/+ (#:.'+ !N-.+ >83,71.+ O/-%18(6+ %+ 185%'&+ 5.-8(&4,-.4/3.(./+ /,#1=+ 5%3R+ of Dorian Gray,” GALECAIs Dorian !,1#0-8./*+ %1.+ from their days filming 2000’s cult hit Sordid Lives) actually small pop-art portraits of the winner and Leslie Grossman (a pal from TV’s “American O/#$.,8$./+ 8(+ 3-%1%3,.1P+ #1+ %+ 1.(&.18(6+ #2+ %+ 7'89:;<:=;>!?8=!@8A!B8=8CD!:@!%E=;:F>D!+8CG:=!&?:C;D, Horror Story 1984”). Summed up Grossman $.$#1%5'.+ /3.(.+ 21#$+ ,-.+ 3-%$08#(+ ,8,'.+ O,-.+ about Jordan’s accomplishments, including a new 08.3./)+ 2%/-8#(.&+ 21#$+ %(+ .D8/,8(6+ 0-#,#)+ 3#$.+ gospel CD: !At a time when our world is as divided as it’s ever been, there is one thing that with an easel). !This might be the coolest prize I’ve ever seen,” said Mulligan, holding up her everybody can agree on and that is their love for Leslie Jordan. You’ve done it all: Book, Dorian. Fennell, taking a moment to lift the little velvet drape that covers each award when television, movies, social media, an album . . . and we know you’re just getting started.” first received, called the art piece !amazing” and quipped that the artist (Jason Young) was Trans filmmaker and actress Isabel Sandoval (Lingua Franca), in a special interview !kind in giving me cheekbones.” ?-'#@+Zhao said her Dorian for directing “Nomadland” is !&..0'=+$.%(8(627'*+5.3%7/.+ segment with GALECA Board Member Jazz Tangcay of Variety, accepted the Society’s inaugural, Board-picked Trailblazer Award !2#1+ 31.%,8(6+ %1,+ ,-%,+ 8(/081./+ .$0%,-=)+ ,17,-+ !Oscar Wilde is one of my greatest heroes,” and because the film speaks to so many and equity.” segments of society facing tough times. !Nomadland is about a woman who goes on a Also offering accepting videos or appearing in segments were “;%+ <%8(.=*+ &81.3,#1+ journey of grief and healing and ultimately of self-discovery and self-acceptance.” and Broadway legend George C. Wolfe, “Welcome to Chechnya” director David France, Jessie Tyler Ferguson and Laverne Cox, both performers who’ve taken to producing “Nomadland” producers Peter Spears and author Jessica Bruder, Turner Classic Movies host documentaries, saw their respective projects, “Welcome to Chechnya” and “Disclosure,” tie Jacqueline Stewart (trumpeting fall’s opening of A.M.P.A.S.’s Academy Museum of Motion for the win in two categories: Best Documentary and Best LGBTQ Documentary. A grave Pictures), and California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who offered a special message to GALECA Ferguson said “Chechnya,” which details the persecution of LGBTQ people in the Eastern members as well as LGBTQs and allies in the entertainment community. European republic, is about !people fighting genocide.” Cox, in discussing her film’s look at !"!"!#$%&'()#)%*#&+),-$.!"!&/01#!234!2526


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