Full circle Daniel Hernández makes run for U.S. House, PAGE 10
.61-PQ*R Gay men terrified by mysterious new fatal disease ‘If this doesn’t rouse you to rage and action, we may have no future on this earth’ *,'($)-.'/0$1*
J!"#$%&'()*%$+: This is part two of a four-part series on AIDS@40. Next week, part three looks at Rep. Henry Waxman’s congressional hearing in LA and the creation of AIDS Project Los Angeles.) Before the CDC’s first report on AIDS, there was news from the New York Native, a biweekly gay newspaper published in New York City from December 1980 until January 13, 1997. It was the only gay paper in the city during the early part of the AIDS epidemic and it pioneered reporting on AIDS. On May 18, 1981, the newspaper’s medical writer Lawrence D. Mass wrote an article entitled “Disease Rumors Largely Unfounded,” based on information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention scotching rumors of a “gay cancer.” “Last week there were rumors that an exotic new disease had hit the gay community in New York. Here are the facts. From the New York City Department of Health, Dr. Steve Phillips explained that the rumors are for the most part unfounded. Each year, approximately 12 to 24 cases of infection with a protozoa-like organism, Pneumocystis carinii, are reported in New York City area. The organism is not exotic; in fact, it’s ubiquitous. But most of us have a natural or easily acquired immunity,” Mass wrote. He added: “Regarding the inference that a slew of recent victims have been gay men. . . . Of the 11 cases . . . only five or six have been gay.” Eighteen days later, on June 5, 1981, the world turned when the CDC published an article by Dr. Michael Gottlieb in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) on AIDS symptoms, including cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection and candidal mucosal infection, found in five gay men in Los Angeles. By then, 250,000 Americans were already infected, according to later reports. Gottlieb’s CDC report was picked up that same day by the Los Angeles Times, which published a story entitled “Outbreaks of Pneumonia Among Gay Males Studied.” A slew of similar reports followed and on June 8 the CDC set up the Task Force on Kaposi’s Sarcoma and Opportunistic Infections to figure out how to identify and define cases for national surveillance. On July 3, the CDC published another MMWR on pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) and Kaposi’s Sarcoma (KS) among 26 identified gay men in California and New York. The New York Times’ story that day — “Rare Cancer Seen in 41 Homosexuals” – stamped the disease as the “gay cancer.” GRID (Gay-Related Immune Deficiency) came next. In the new Reagan/Bush administration, dominated by homophobic evangelical advisers such as Gary Bauer, funding to investigate the new disease was
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scarce. Two years later, the New York Times finally put AIDS on the front page, below the fold, with a May 25,1983 headline that read: “HEALTH CHIEF CALLS AIDS BATTLE ‘NO. 1 PRIORITY.’” By then 1,450 cases of AIDS had been reported, with 558 AIDS deaths in the United States; 71 percent of the cases were among gay and bisexual men; 17 percent were injection drug users; 5 percent were Haitian immigrants; 1 percent accounted for people with hemophilia; and 6 percent were unidentified. But Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary Dr. Edward N. Brandt Jr. told reporters that no supplemental budget request had been made to Congress. “We have seen no evidence that [AIDS] is breaking out from the originally defined high-risk groups. I personally do not think there is any reason for panic among the general population,” he said. Gays in denial seemed to accept feigned governmental concern. Others were deathly afraid. The HHS news conference was just 10 weeks – and 338 more cases – after the March 14 publication of playwright Larry Kramer’s infamous screed on the cover of the New York
Native: “1,112 and Counting…” “If this article doesn’t scare the shit out of you, we’re in real trouble. If this article doesn’t rouse you to anger, fury, rage, and action, gay men may have no future on this earth. Our continued existence depends on just how angry you can get,” Kramer wrote. “I repeat: Our continued existence as gay men upon the face of this earth is at stake. Unless we fight for our lives, we shall die. In all the history of homosexuality we have never before been so close to death and extinction. Many of us are dying or already dead.” Too many gay men were scared shitless. When LA gay Frontiers News Magazine re-published Kramer’s article as their March 30 cover story, bar owners threw the publication out, lest it unnerve patrons. Meanwhile, gay men wasted away and died, often alone, sometimes stranded on a gurney in a hospital hallway; sometimes – if lucky – with family or friends crying at their bedside as in the intimate photo taken by Therese Frare as her friend AIDS activist David Kirby died. 3,%56%$&-!,%!7./&!*8
/,0$9):;<=>?@)A>B@CD7)E>@C7)<:>FA<D>D)BAAF>DD>A);?)(BGFBE>?@< Lawmakers shepherding LGBTQ bills through current legislative session #$%#&'()%*+,+-./+
The Recovery Incentives Act, Senate Bill 110, legalizes the Arambula. A flurry of LGBTQ related bills passed through the California substance use disorder treatment known as “contingency “This first-of-a-kind legislation would provide our nation’s Legislature this past week for further actions by lawmakers management,” and authorizes Medi-Cal to cover it. most populous state with the data necessary to track the in both the Assembly and Senate including legislation which Contingency management has proven to be the most effective violent deaths among the LGBTQ community, allowing for would create a pilot program under which coroners and method of treatment for methamphetamine addiction, and the better deployment of resources and the development of medical examiners are trained to collect sexual orientation and is frequently used as a treatment program by the Veterans more effective policy solutions to save young LGBTQ lives,” said gender identity data as part of violent death investigations. Affairs Administration. Sam Brinton, the Vice President of Advocacy and Government A bill that legalizes and authorizes Medi-Cal to fund evidenceThis intervention program gives those struggling with Affairs for The Trevor Project. “Thank you to Assemblymember based treatment giving participants struggling with addiction substance use disorder financial rewards if they enter Arambula for championing this historic bill, which we hope will financial rewards for staying sober advanced as well. substance use treatment programs, stay in the program, lead California and states all across the country to adopt these Lawmakers also passed a bill that would require retailers and get and remain sober. This positive reinforcement helps much-needed practices long-term.” with 500 or more employees to remove signs for gender in people reduce and even fully stop substance use. According to recent polling conducted by The Trevor Project toy and childcare sections, or require the retailers to provide a “The Recovery Incentives Act makes it possible for so many and Morning Consult, more than four in five adults (84%) feel it gender-neutral retail section for these items. Also passed was more people to access lifesaving meth addiction treatment,” is important to include sexual orientation and gender identity legislation to repeal discriminatory loitering law that targets sex said the bill’s sponsor Senator Scott Wiener after it passed the when evaluating suicide and other violent death statistics, workers. Senate by a unanimous, bipartisan vote. “Meth is causing deep including 91% of Democrats, 80% of independents and 77% of Assembly Bill 1094, The LGBTQ Violent Death Data Collection harm to every community across the state, and the LGTBQ Republicans. Pilot Program, introduced by Assemblymember Dr. Joaquin ISO 12647-7 Digital Control Strip 2009 has also been especially We Nationwide, suicide is40the40second leading death Arambula equip 100 60 (D-Fresno), 100 70and medical 30 100 60 100 40 100 70 40 40of 40 40 70 40 40 3 100 70 would 30 100 60 coroners 100 10 25 50 75impacted. 90 100 must 70 30 100 40 70 40cause 70 40 40 70community A expand access to science-based treatments for substance use among youth ages 10–24, and according to CDC data, LGBTQ examiners in six participating counties across California disorder.” youth are more than four times as likely to attempt suicide with the training necessary to identify and collect data on an Meth use has spiked all over California and in San Francisco, than their straight/cisgender peers. The Trevor Project’s 2021 individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI) in and worsened through the COVID-19 pandemic. With social National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health found that cases of violent death, including homicide and suicide. B 100 100 60 100 100 70 70 be30centered 30 100 100 60 100 100 100 7.4 7.4 25 19 19 50 40 40 100 80economic 70 70 100 70 70 its purpose 30 30 100 100 60 42% 70 70 30 30 100 40 100 40 40 100 10attempting 40 40 20 70 70 suicide 70 70 40 70 40isolation, 40 0 0 0 0 mental 3.1 2.2 2.2 10.2 75 66 66 100 100and health issues like depression, of LGBTQ youth seriously considered “This legislation may on100data, but suffering all worse for many than in prior years, meth use has in the past year, including more than half of transgender and encompasses compassion and empathy to better understand also increased significantly. nonbinary youth. Despite these disparities, it is unknown how what is happening in our LGTBQ+ community — particularly many LGBTQ youth actually die by suicide (or homicide) each among the youth — when it comes to violent deaths, including year because SOGI data is notT:10" collected nationwide as part of homicide and suicide. AB 1094 is an important and humane step !"#$%#&'()"#)*+,')-. violent death investigations. in ultimately preventing these deaths,” said Assemblymember
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Everybody means everybody. General Motors is proud to support the LGBTQ+ community. As the first automaker to support the Equality Act, we celebrate and embrace diversity as we continue our journey to becoming the most inclusive company in the world.
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6/1/21 4:34 PM
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When I was seventeen, 35<;()12& 5C;(& 4)7& ;/:;(/=& <5?.1& 85?D.1)51& /)73;1;:& "& 1;.(/=& :);:& @(5?& .1& .635)??61;& :)75(:;(& 8.//;:& [(.C;7I& )13;13/=+& E5(& '()*51.& #3.3;& F;D(;7;13.3)C;& G.1);/& G)7;.7;+&A=&D.(;137&.3&34;&3)?;&<;(;&563&5@&<5(0&.1:&856/:& Hernández, it was his first full day of campaigning as he not afford health insurance and I went months without real <.7&7D;.0)12&<)34&C53;(7&)1&H584)7;&H5613=&.7&.&:;8/.(;:& 4;./34&8.(;+ 8.1:):.3;&)1&34;&(.8;&35&(;D(;7;13&'()*51.I7&#;851:&J+#+& $C;136.//=&"&<.7&.88;D3;:&)135&34;&73.3;&84)/:(;1I7&4;./34& H512(;77)51./&G)73()83+ )176(.18;&D(52(.?&b#HK"Vc%&.&D(52(.?&<4)84&7.C;:&?=&/)@;+& E5(& K;(1L1:;*%& 34)7& (.8;& 9()127& 4)7& D;(751./& D5/)3)8./& '7&7551&.7&"&4.:&.88;77&35&)176(.18;%&"&<.7&.9/;&35&2;3&3;737& 735(=& @6//& 8)(8/;+& M4;& N>O=;.(O5/:& 1.3)C;& 5@& M68751%& <4)/;& .1:&3(;.3?;13%&963&)3&3550&1;.(/=&.&=;.(+&G6()12&34.3&3)?;%&"& .33;1:)12&34;&J1)C;(7)3=&5@&'()*51.&)1&4)7&45?;35<1&4.:& 73.(3;:&4.C)12&/612&.1:&4;.(3&)776;7+&-4)/;&"&<.7&@5(361.3;& a job as an intern for then-Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who 35& 9;& .& 84)/:& .1:& _6./)@=& @5(& #HK"V%& 355& ?.1=& D;5D/;& 73)//& 4;/:&'()*51.I7&P34&8512(;77)51./&7;.3&)1&34;&J+#+&K567;+ :51I3&4.C;&.88;77&.1:&;C;1&4.C)12&.&D/.73)8&8.(:&34.3&7.=7& It was a tragic event while working for Giffords that =56&4.C;&)176(.18;&)71I3&;15624+ <56/:&84.12;&34;&3(.Q;835(=&5@&K;(1L1:;*I7&/)@;%&./3;()12& "1&34;&/.73&=;.(&"&7.<&518;&.2.)1&)1&34;&85??61)3);7&34.3& )3&@5(;C;(+ <#+C",D$;%D%'$E'F@$$#*:%"'(%)*;*$%+$G?HI+JDK "&(;D(;7;13&3457;&)776;7&.(561:&4;./34&8.(;&.88;77+&G6()12& Giffords, known affectionately as ‘Gabby’ by family, GI&"%"$L")#%'0M$"($%&'$?D,+'*$N'#,D,O'C$("#$A",P#'00$LDJFD+P,K 34;& D.1:;?)8& "& <5(0;:& <)34& F;D69/)8.1& [5C;(15(& G562& colleagues, friends, staffers and even voters, had held a G68;=& 35& 7.C;& .& 457D)3./& <4;(;& 34;& 1;B3& 1;.(;73& 457D)3./& 85173)36;13& ?;;3& .1:& 2(;;3& .3& .& #.@;<.=& )1& 4;(& :)73()83& 51&R.1+&P%&ST>>%&<4;1&.3&.(561:&>TU>T&.+?+&34.3&#.36(:.=%&.&SSO=;.(O5/:&?.1&.(?;:&<)34&.& <.7&Sd&?)/;7&.<.=&)1&.&(;3)(;?;13&85??61)3=+&G6;&35&.&85?D/;B&7;3&5@&@;:;(./&(;26/.3)517& 34)7&457D)3./&4.:&S&<;;07&<5(34&5@&?51;=&@5(&D.=(5//&<4;1&34;=&.70;:&@5(&4;/D+&"&<.7&.9/;& pistol shot her in the head before proceeding to fire on 18 others, killing six. to help secure a $5.5 million dollar grant to keep it open in a rural community filled with Hernández immediately went to Giffords’ aid, applying pressure to the gunshot wound 51&4;(&@5(;4;.:%&.1:&?.:;&76(;&74;&:):&153&8450;&51&4;(&9/55:+&K;&.1:&/58./&D.(.?;:)8& 7;1)5(7+ '7&(;8;13/=&.7&34)7&E;9(6.(=%&34;&85613=&34.3&"&(;D(;7;13&51&34;&95(:;(&8.//;:&9;8.67;& '.(51& F52;(7& <;(;& 8(;:)3;:& <)34& 7.C)12& 4;(& /)@;+& M4;1OV(;7):;13& !.(.80& W9.?.%& .3& .& ?;?5()./&7;(C)8;&@5(&34;&C)83)?7&4;/:&)1&34;&.(;1.&.3&34;&J1)C;(7)3=&5@&'()*51.&.@3;(&34;& 34;=&<;(;&51/=&(;8;)C)12&.1&.//53?;13&5@&SeT&C.88)1;7&.&<;;0&)1&.&D5D6/.3)51&5@&eT%TTT+& "& 518;& .2.)1& <5(0;:& <)34& 56(& F;D69/)8.1& 25C;(15(& .1:& )18(;.7;:& 34.3& .?5613& 35& >%eTT& ?.77&74553)12%&8.//;:&K;(1L1:;*&.&4;(5+ :57;7&.&<;;0&.1:&;C;136.//=&34.3&85613=&9;8.?;&51;&5@&34;&?573&C.88)1.3;:&)1&34;&73.3;+ Working for Giffords and seeing her commitment to public service for her fellow In the legislature I have worked to expand access to affordable health care insurance '()*51.17%& .@3;(& 2(.:6.3)51& 4;& <;13& 51& 35& .:C58.3;& @5(& .88;77& 35& (;D(5:683)C;& 4;./34& 8.(;&.1:&;:68.3)51&.7&D(52(.?&?.1.2;(&@5(&F.X*%&V/.11;:&V.(;13455:I7&Y.3)15&563(;.84& D(52(.?7& @5(& 7?.//& 967)1;77;7+& M4)7& <.7& :51;& )1& .& 9)D.(3)7.1& <.=& 35& ;176(;& 34.3& 75/;& proprietors and small family businesses can buy into more affordable plans. I’m focused D(52(.?+ on protecting and defending the hard-fought progress of the Affordable Care Act. Let’s Education has also been of critical concern stemming from his being a first-generation 96)/:&6D51&34)7&C)3./&D(52(.?&.1:&9()12&;_6)3=&.1:&.88;77&35&.//&'?;()8.17&(;2.(:/;77&5@& college student in his family. This factor propelled him to his first run for an elected office <4;34;(&34;=&/)C;&)1&.&8)3=&5(&(6(./&85??61)3=+ where he was elected to the board of the Sunnyside Unified School District in Pima County .1:&/.3;(&51&<4;(;&4;&9;8.?;&34;&=5612;73&78455/&95.(:&D(;7):;13&)1&34;&:)73()83I7&4)735(=+ !"#$%U&Y;3I7&3./0&?5(;&.9563&4;./348.(;&@5(&.&?5?;13%&;7D;8).//=&@5(&;/:;(/=&@5/07&.1:& #)18;& ST>Z%& K;(1L1:;*& 4.7& 7;(C;:& )1& 34;& '()*51.& #3.3;& K567;I7& S1:& G)73()83%& .1:& ./75& .7& 51;& 5@& @56(& 5D;1/=& 2.=& /.<?.0;(7+& "1& .::)3)51& 35& 9;)12& 51;& 5@& 34;& =5612;73& ;/;83;:& 153.9/=&Y[!M\&7;1)5(7%&.88;77)9)/)3=&)7&.1&)776;%&)176(.18;%&?;:)8.):&.1:&?;:)8.(;+&-4.3& do you propose to offer as solutions for some of the more problematic issues confronting /;2)7/.35(7&4;&)7&./75&.&85O@561:;(&5@&34;&K567;&Y[!M\&8.6867+ K;&4.7&<5(0;:&<)34&9534&F;D69/)8.17&.1:&G;?58(.37&35&D.77&9)//7&D(53;83)12&76(C)C5(7& 7;1)5(7a (%)*#*$%+&'H.()12&@5(&56(&7;1)5(7&)7&D.(3)86/.(/=&)?D5(3.13&35&?;+&'7&/)@;&;BD;83.18);7& of sexual assault and secure $20 million for school resource officers, counselors, and social 4.C;&)18(;.7;:&.1:&:)7;.7;7&7684&.7&K"f&4.C;&9;85?;&?.1.2;.9/;%&<;&4.C;&?5(;&7;1)5(7& workers. He also led the fight against legislation that would discriminate against LGBTQ 34.3& .(;& Y[!M\& 34.1& ;C;(& 9;@5(;+& !=& STNT& #'[$& D(;:)837& <;& <)//& 4.C;& Z& ?)//)51& Y[!M\& '()*51.17+ 7;1)5(7&)1&34;&J1)3;:&#3.3;7+&M4.3&16?9;(&D(5C):;7&9534&5DD5(361)3);7&.1:&84.//;12;7&@5(& Now he says he wants to expand his reach and influence beyond the confines of the State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receive affordable high-quality health care. 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I think that for me the one that has risen to the top, particularly !"#$%&'$()**$+,%'#-+'./$-+0+%$,-./012,2.3,/4256-7+ 89$1$2345$66/$7876$1$9:;<4=595;>9<?5@A:B
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ore than a dozen people who self-identified as having changed their sexual orientation #/&,*40*/&90*4%9%2&6)#@*&#4&%.*&12+3-4&5.*-%*/&6%-,*&D9%.&-&7#$/N;*;"*/&"-40&)+-294,& "-?@,/#$40& ;$69?C& !& ;-+*& 3#?-+96%& 6-4,& /*+9,9#$6& .2;46>& ?/*-%94,& -4& -%;#6).*/*& #7& -4& J3-4,*+9?-+&B./96%9-4&?.$/?.&6*/39?*C LIt is not about going from gay to straight,” said a man who identified himself as a ;9496%*/&4-;*0&<#6.$-C&LO%&96&-"#$%&,#94,&7/#;&+#6%&%#&6-3*0CM Among the speakers were Ken Williams and Elizabeth Woning, who were identified as ?#N7#$40*/6&#7&BG!HIJK&#/&%.*&LB.-4,*0&;#3*;*4%CM LI’m a father of four and I’m a former LGBTQ identified person,” Williams told the ,-%.*/94,C Like many of the speakers, Williams offered a prayer in which he said Jesus Christ saved .9;&-40&;-42&#%.*/6&"2&,$9094,&%.*;&-D-2&7/#;&L%*;)%-%9#46M&+*-094,&%.*;&%#&6-;*N6*A& -%%/-?%9#46&%.*2&0#&4#%&D-4%C LO&)/-2&F-%.*/&%.-%&2#$&D#$+0&D-@*&$)&%.*&)*#)+*&%.-%&-/*&6$))#6*0&%#&"*&?/#6694,&%.96& )-%.&%.96&-7%*/4##4>M&.*&6-90C P/,-49E*/6& -44#$4?*0& )+-46& $)#4& %.*& ?#4?+$69#4& #7& %.*& 6)*-@*/6& %#& D-+@& 7/#;& %.*& 12+3-4& 5.*-%*/& -/#$40& %.*& 8-6.94,%#4& :#4$;*4%& ,/#$406& %#& %.*& Q94?#+4& :*;#/9-+& reflecting pool and back to the theater, where the event would end.
!;#4,& %.#6*& -%%*4094,& %.*& *3*4%& -6& #"6*/3*/6& D*/*& 8-24*& R*6*4>& *A*?$%93*& 09/*?%#/& #7& %.*& QIR5S& -03#?-?2& ,/#$)& 5/$%.& 8946& P$%>& D.9?.& 694?*& '((T& .-6& D-,*0& )$"+9?& -D-/*4*66& ?-;)-9,46&#))#694,&%.*&L*AN,-2M& ;#3*;*4%U& -40& <-/*0& K9A#4>& -4& official with Conversion Therapy 1$/393#/6>& -& ,/#$)& %.-%& )/#390*6& 6$))#/%& 7#/& )*#)+*& D.#& .-3*& *A)*/9*4?*0& D.-%& %.*& ,/#$)& says were harmful effects of ?#43*/69#4&%.*/-)2C $5678-344-9:69;:-<=8>:?:@-6A-/7A:-B-C6?-=-?=;;D-86K9A#4>& D.#& 0*6?/9"*6& .9;6*+7& 9?6E68:-8>:-EFG<7F@:@2-@:57AH:@-8>:6?Das a gay man in a fulfilling 8>=8-<=DG-I=A-I>=A<:-8>:F?-G:J7=;-6?F:A8=8F6A* /*+-%9#46.9)& D9%.& -4#%.*/& ,-2& K(;=@:-9>686-5D-,FI>=:;-L:DM ;-4&7#/&%.*&)-6%&494*&2*-/6>&6-90& .*& *4%*/*0& ?#43*/69#4& %.*/-)2& "-?@&94&'(VV&-6&-&'VN2*-/N#+0&?#++*,*&6%$0*4%&-%&%.*&$/,94,&#7&.96&)-/*4%6>&D.#&/-96*0&.9;& in a religious setting. He said the conversion therapy caused him to suffer depression that +*0&%#&-&6$9?90*&-%%*;)%C G*&6-90&.*&W#94*0&-40&"*?-;*&-&;*;"*/&#7&%.*&+*-0*/6.9)&%*-;&#7&B#43*/69#4&5.*/-)2& 1$/393#/6>& @4#D4& -6& B5& 1$/393#/6>& -7%*/& 6*3*/-+& 2*-/6& #7& %.*/-)2& D9%.& QIR5S& 6$))#/%93*& %.*/-)96%6&D.#&.*+)*0&.9;&7$++2&-??*)%&.9;6*+7&L7#/&D.#&O&-;CM !"#$%&'(()*"$+*,
NFI:-9?:GF@:A8TG->7G5=A@-UFGF8G-U=IIFA=8F6A-G8=8F6A-=8-<=D-5=? The D.C. gay sports bar Pitchers, which opened its first-floor space as a COVID-19 vaccination site on June 3, received a surprise visit by Douglas Emhoff, the husband of U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris who holds the title as the nation’s first Second Gentleman. X9%?.*/6& ?$6%#;*/6& -40& *;)+#2**6>& 94?+$094,& #D4*/& K-390& X*//$EE->& W#94*0& KCBC& government officials in greeting Emhoff and members of his staff who accompanied him warmly. The D.C. officials said they came to lend support for the city’s efforts to expand 3-??94-%9#4&69%*6&%#&49,.%+97*&*6%-"+96.;*4%6&6$?.&-6&"-/6&-40&/*6%-$/-4%6C Emhoff said he had heard that Pitchers and A League of Her Own, the lesbian bar located in Pitcher’s lower floor space, would be serving as a vaccination site and he wanted to stop "2&%#&6.#D&.96&6$))#/%&D.9+*&.*&D-6&94&%.*&!0-;6&:#/,-4&4*9,."#/.##0&D.*/*&X9%?.*/6& 96&+#?-%*0&7#/&-4#%.*/&*4,-,*;*4%C G*&/*-09+2&-,/**0&%#&4$;*/#$6&/*Y$*6%6&"2&?$6%#;*/6&%#&-++#D&%.*;&%#&6%-40&4*A%&%#& .9;&7#/&).#%#6&-6&.*&,/**%*0&)*#)+*&94&X9%?.*/Z6&#$%0##/&-40&940##/&6)-?*C&G*&6%##0&-&7*D& feet away from three tables where members of the staff of Giant Food’s pharmacy waited %#&-0;9496%*/&3-??94*&6.#%6&%#&94%*/*6%*0&?$6%#;*/6C Emhoff stayed for about 30 minutes before leaving to attend another nearby engagement. He was accompanied by staff members and members of the Secret Service. !"#$%&'(()*"$+*,
-"#4!)1$/5&"662->7G5=A@6C-NFI:-O?:GF@:A8-L=E=;=-P=??FG=A@-0*#*-#:I6A@-&:A8;:E=A-=8OF8I>:?G-;=G8-Q::H* KR=G>FA<86A-(;=@:-9>686-5D-!67-+>F55=?6-/?*M
VF?G8-<=D-(;=IH-E=A-:;:I8:@-FA-W:J=G <-+*4&:?[**N\#0/9,$*E>&-&.9,.&6?.##+&;-%.&%*-?.*/&-40&,/-0$-%*&6%$0*4%&D.#&.-6&+93*0& in San Antonio since 2013, beat his former boss and incumbent in the runoff race for the San Antonio City Council. With his victory, McKee-Rodriguez became the first out gay Black ;-4&*3*/&*+*?%*0&94&%.*&6%-%*&#7&5*A-6C :?[**N\#0/9,$*E& #4?*& D#/@*0& 7#/& .96& #))#4*4%>& 94?$;"*4%& B9%2& B#$4?9+D#;-4& <-0-& Andrews-Sullivan, but left her office in 2019 after facing retaliation for reporting alleged -4%9N,-2&096?/9;94-%9#4&-40&.-/-66;*4%C&<$6%&+-6%&D**@>&)#++&D-%?.*/6&.*-/0&%D#&)-6%#/6& D.#&*40#/6*0&!40/*D6N1$++93-4&%*++&?#4,/*,-4%6&3#%94,&7#/&:?[**N\#0/9,$*E&D#$+0&"*&-& L694CM
L<-+*4&6.-%%*/*0&-&+-3*40*/&?*9+94,&94&5*A-6>&-40&9%&?-;*&-6&/9,.%ND94,&6%-%*&+*,96+-%#/6& %-/,*%& QIR5S& )*#)+*& -40& )*#)+*& #7& ?#+#/& D9%.& "9,#%*0& )#+9?9*6& -9;*0& -%& /-++294,& %.*9/& *A%/*;96%& )#+9%9?-+& "-6*>M& 6-90& 7#/;*/& G#$6%#4& :-2#/& !4496*& X-/@*/>& )/*690*4%& -40& BJP& of the LGBTQ Victory Fund. “We need more people of color, young people and LGBTQ )*#)+*&94&6%-%*&-40&+#?-+&,#3*/4;*4%&D.#&D9++&*46$/*&)#+9%9?9-46&+##@&%#&9;)/#3*&%.*&+93*6& #7&5*A-46>&4#%&7$/%.*/&;-/,94-+9E*&%.*;C&<-+*4Z6&39?%#/2&96&-&/*W*?%9#4&#7&%.*&.#;#).#"9?& -40&/-?96%&)#+9%9?@94,&6#&7-6.9#4-"+*&94&!$6%94&-40&9%&D9++&946)9/*&;#/*&QIR5S&R+-?@&+*-0*/6& %#&/$4&-40&D94CM (*"-.$!/0/12#/ !"#$%&'!'#(!$)'*+",-.-/0%'-112-3431-. 33
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4$%06/D0#/$." /." 4$%/#/70%:" 6*%/1/$-)" 0.&" )*3-0%" ;*%/*+)" ;*70'*" -.'0.01*0;%*" /." our country. We could not come together to fight the pandemic when it began. Civil unrest ensued. Corruption and racism exposed throughout the United States 70-)*&"6/$#/.1"0.&"'$6*"4$%06/D0#/$.8"K*+$6')",*6*"46$4$)*&8"L*$4%*";*10."#$" see the need for learning how to have respectful discourse. Some became more )*.)/#/9*"0.&"*/#5*6"04$%$1*#/7"+$6",6$.1)"010/.)#"#5*"'061/.0%/D*&"$6"$-#601*&" ;("#5*",0("#5*")()#*'"50)"<*4#"-)"'061/.0%/D*&8"M$"$.*",0)"%*+#"-.#$-75*&";(" #5*"9/$%*.7*:"/.*G-/#(:"0.&"-.5044/.*))"#50#",0)"%*+#"/."#5*",0<*"$+"#5*"*9*.#)"$+" #5*"%0)#"+*,"(*06)8"" We coined the term #BlazeitForward and use it to encourage people to do /.#*.#/$.0%" </.&" 07#)" /." 5$.$6" $+" @%0D*" 0.&" 5/)" %*107(8" J(" 5-);0.&" 0.&" !" )4*.#" #5*" %0)#" +*," (*06)" 4$,*6/.1" #5*" I07*;$$<" 4-;%/7" 16$-4" H@%0D*/#I$6,06&" ,5*6*" ,*"*.7$-601*"$-6"'*';*6)"#$"4$)#")#$6/*)"$+"</.&.*)):"7$''-./#("45/%0.#56$4(" and everyday miracles. We also oversee endowments created in Blaze’s name that fuel college scholarships, the Blaze Bernstein school of Culinary Arts at the Merage Jewish Community Center, annual Orange County School of the Arts conservatory funding, an annual Real Arts internship for the University of Pennsylvania, and annual donations to various foundations such as homeless shelters, Orangewood Foundation, the Human Relations Council, Second Harvest Food Bank, Children’s Hospital of Orange County, Tilly’s Life Center, the Anti-Defamation League, The LGBTQ Center of Orange County, and The City of Hope, to name a few. !."0&&/#/$."#$"$-6"0&9$707("+$6"'061/.0%/D*&"4*$4%*"0.&"E$%$70-)#"*&-70#/$.:" ,*")4*0<"$-#"010/.)#"5$'$45$;/0"0.&"50#*"16$-4):"7$.9*6)/$."#5*604(:";-%%(/.1" and hate speech. We do all of this to give life to Blaze’s legacy of kindness while ,*"0,0/#"#5*"7$''*.7*'*.#"$+"#5*"76/'/.0%"#6/0%")*#"#$";*1/.";("#5*"+0%%"$+"#5/)" (*068"" In June we stand proud with good people around the country and celebrate Gay Pride. I cringe at the absurdity that I could not do this with Blaze. We “came $-#N"0.&")-44$6#"#5*">?@=A!BC"7$''-./#(";*70-)*"#5*6*"06*"406*.#)"$-#"#5*6*" ,5$"&$".$#"<.$,",50#"#$"&$"$6")0("#$"5*%4"#5*/6">?@=A!BC"75/%&6*.8"E*06/.1"'*" speak out could be the first time, they learn the importance of giving these kids 077*4#0.7*"0.&"%$9*8"" !+" ($-" ,0.#" #$" 6*40/6" #5*" ,$6%&:" ($-" .**&" #$" )#06#" 0#" 5$'*" ,/#5" ($-6" $,." family. Do it right now. Call your younger siblings and tell them you are a proud )-44$6#*6"$+"#5/)"7$''-./#(8""?/9*"($-6"#**."0"5-1"0.&"#*%%"#5*'"#50#"#5*/6")*3-0%" $6/*.#0#/$." /)" .$#" )$'*#5/.1" #5*(" .**&" #$" 5/&*" O" ($-" %$9*" #5*'" 0.&" )-44$6#" #5*'"-.7$.&/#/$.0%%(8"=*%%"($-6"</&)"#50#"50#*"/."0.("+$6'"0.&"+$6"0.("6*0)$."/)" )$'*#5/.1"($-",/%%".$#")-44$6#8"P&-70#*"($-6"</&)"$."50#*"16$-4):"#5*"E$%$70-)#:" #5*"&0.1*6)"$+"*#5.$7*.#6/)'"0.&"#5*";*0-#("$+"&/9*6)/#(8"?$"#$"0"L6/&*"4060&*8" Show your support for and be curious about people who are different. Listen non-judgmentally to the stories of others. Join the #BlazeitForward group on Facebook. Create a legacy of kindness in your family.
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Greyson Chance: A butterfly’s journey from 5678!96!5:77!;<=!>;?@
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He publicly came out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a musical butterfly spreading his wings. 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As the long-awaited film version of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s “In the Heights” hits the screen this weekend, it’s impossible not to reflect on the fate of the Hollywood musical. Once one of the movie industry’s most popular genres, the musical has been an inseparable part of Hollywood history ever since sound first came to the silver screen in 1927, launching a “golden age” in which the genre ruled the box office for more than 30 years. Then the ‘60s happened. A generation disillusioned and distrustful of the “American Dream” hungered for edgier material than the old-fashioned fare enjoyed by their parents. The old studio system was failing, and although it managed to score some hits with blockbuster adaptations of Broadway shows like “My Fair Lady” and “The Sound of Music,” by the end of the decade such movies felt incredibly tone-deaf in an American culture torn apart by turmoil. The country had lost its innocence, and despite occasional attempts to “reboot” the genre in the years ever since, the reign of the Hollywood musical was effectively over. Until now, perhaps. “In the Heights” arrives with a considerable amount of anticipation behind it. Adapted from the Tony-winning 2008 Broadway hit that brought Lin-Manuel Miranda into the limelight and paved the way for him to create “Hamilton” a few years later, it centers on a hard-working bodega owner named Usnavi (Anthony Ramos), who serves as our guide for a sweeping musical portrait of Manhattan’s Washington Heights – an area mostly populated by Latin people of color from immigrant families – that follows the stories of several interconnected characters as they pursue their hopes and dreams. With songs by Miranda and a script by Quiara Alegría Hudes (who also wrote the book for the stage production), it showcases a diverse cast that also includes Corey Hawkins, Leslie Grace, Melissa Barrera, Daphne Rubin-Vega, Stephanie Beatriz, Gregory Diaz IV, Dascha Polanco, Jimmy Smits, Marc Anthony, and Olga Merediz, reprising her Broadway role as Abuela Claudia. Even Miranda himself shows up in the ensemble. Needless to say, there was a lot of buzz around the film even !"#$%" its release was postponed for a year due to COVID. If you’re wondering if it lives up to that buzz, the answer is a resounding “yes.” Onstage, “In the Heights” was an infectious celebration of community, driven by an irresistible Latin beat and infused with an uplifting message about following your dreams in the face of adversity. On film, as directed by John M. Chu (“Crazy Rich Asians”), it more than meets the challenge of translating all that energy to the screen – and in the process, it accomplishes a whole lot more. First and foremost, it delivers the almost euphoric refreshment that comes from seeing a major Hollywood film populated almost entirely by people of color. In today’s cultural environment, the power of this cannot be overstated.
Yet “In the Heights” does not let itself get weighed down by any perceived importance. Instead, it wins us over with good-natured approachability, personified by the endearing and charismatic Ramos in what deserves to be a star-making performance. He is joined by an ensemble of co-stars whose talents are quickly proven to be a match for his own. Chu leans into the strength of his players, but he also recognizes that the real star of “In the Heights” is its music, and unlike many modern musicals, his movie fully embraces its songs as its entire reason for being. Miranda’s extensive score is delivered largely intact, affording the composer’s signature blend of showtunes and rap the spotlight it deserves. Even more importantly, Chu (aided by gifted collaborators like cinematographer Alice Brooks and choreographer Christopher Scott) uses it as a platform on which to build something truly audacious and wholly unexpected – a triumphant return to form for the Hollywood musical. There have been new entries in the genre in the years since its decline, and a few of them, like Bob Fosse’s “Cabaret,” have even been great films. Still, these and other such successful one-offs have bent the formula to meet the prevailing cynicism of the postmodern age, merging reality with fantasy in a way that minimizes the need for jaded contemporary audiences to suspend their disbelief when a character bursts into song. They succeed not because they embrace the traditional conceits of the art form, but because they reinvent them – and often, with a palpable sense of irony. The old musicals required no such tactics. Rather than distancing audiences from the escapism of the format, they encouraged people to revel in it. There was a kind of magic being projected on the screen, and everybody in the theater was not only willing, but eager to believe in it.
Moviegoers today are no longer able to accept that kind of artificiality – or at least, that’s become the conventional wisdom in Hollywood, which seems to have forgotten how to make a musical that doesn’t feel like it’s actually &'$($)*+*,)-for being a musical. “In the Heights” never apologizes. Executed with breathtaking cinematic vision and a healthy dose of “magical realism” that does nothing to undercut its streetwise swagger, “In the Heights” comes closer than any film in recent memory to recapturing the elusive charm that made the musical genre the pinnacle of cinematic excellence for so many decades. Filled with one dazzling musical number after another, it pays homage to its heritage – a swimming pool sequence suggests the intricate spectacles conceived by Busby Berkeley, a sublime '&.- /"- /"01- on a fire escape evokes MGM’s masterful technicolor dreamscapes of the 1950s, the film’s location cinematography invites associations with “West Side Story” — while audaciously asserting itself as a product of its own time. And though it acknowledges the hardships faced by its characters in a modern world – gentrification, threat of deportation, economic struggle, bigotry – it counters those realities with a generous spirit of empathy and inclusion (and yes, that includes LGBTQ people, too) and manages to elicit the kind of un-ironic hope that shone like a beacon in those glorious musicals of old. It makes us 2&,3-to believe in the magic. Whether or not that’s enough to revive the Hollywood musical, only time will tell. In the meantime, “In the Heights” is exactly what we need after enduring the long isolation of a pandemic – and although it’s being simultaneously released on HBO Max, it’s also the perfect excuse to venture into a theater once more. It deserves to be seen on the big screen, and you deserve to see it there.
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Giants to play ball wearing Pride colors, a first for MLB !"#$%&'$()&'*+,*-$.+&'/,$&)#$&00+'1$,-2#$)&+'3-4$ /-$/"#+)$/)&0+/+-'&5$*-5-),$-6$35&*78$-)&'1#8$*)#&2$&'0$ 1-50$/"+,$%&/9)0&:8$4"#'$/"#$/#&2$"-,/,$/"#$;"+*&1-$ ;93,$6-)$+/,$<)+0#$=&:$1&2#>$ The team will be the first in Major League Baseball history to infuse the colors of the Pride flag into its uniforms to celebrate both LGBTQ fans and the *-229'+/:>$ “We are extremely proud to stand with the LGBTQ+ community as we kick off one of the best annual *#5#3)&/+-',$ +'$ %&'$ ()&'*+,*-$ 3:$ ?&:+'1$ "-'-)$ /-$ /"#$ *-9'/5#,,$ &*"+#@#2#'/,$ &'0$ *-'/)+39/+-',$ -6$ &55$ those who identify as LGBTQ+ and are allies of the LGBTQ+ community,” said Larry Baer, S.F. Giants ?)#,+0#'/$&'0$;AB8$+'$&$/4##/> <5&:#),$4+55$4#&)$&$*9,/-2$*&?$&'0$&$?&/*"$-'$/"#+)$ )+1"/$,5##@#,$3#&)+'1$/"#$<)+0#C/"#2#0$%($5-1-8$4+/"$ the six colors of the traditional Gilbert Baker flag, topped with an additional five colors that are part of the Progress Pride Flag, designed by Daniel Quasar. Together, the 11 colors signify inclusion: Black and brown recognize LGBTQ+ people of color, and light blue, pink and white recognize those who are transgender, as seen in the Trans Pride flag designed by Monica Helms. As soon as the news got out, Giants’ vice president of external affairs Roscoe Mapps said his phone started buzzing. “I started getting messages from a variety of people, some officials, some friends in the *-229'+/:8$,-2#$5#&0#),8$&'0$#@#'$,-2#$*-55#&19#,$+'/#)'&55:$4"-$4#)#$,&:+'18$D!"+,$+,$ phenomenal. I feel seen. This is incredible,’ which is what we were hoping for, you know?” Mapps told the San Francisco Chronicle. “I started getting chills.”
Of course, the Giants are just one of four MLB /#&2,$+'$;&5+6-)'+&>$E-$4-)0$:#/$-'$<)+0#$E+1"/$?5&',$ 6)-2$ /"#$ F'1#5,G$ /"#$ B&75&'0$ FH,$ &)#$ 1+@+'1$ &4&:$ Pride rally towels on their Pride Night, June 11. And /"&/$ ,&2#$ '+1"/8$ /"#$ =-01#),$ ?955$ -9/$ &55$ /"#$ ,/-?,$ 4+/"$ 4"&/$ ,-2#$ *&55$ /"#$ 3+11#,/$ <)+0#$ E+1"/$ +'$ ?)-$ ,?-)/,>$ !"#$ IJIJ$ K-)50$ %#)+#,$ *"&2?+-'$ /#&2$ &5,-$ modified its logo this season to include Pride colors, albeit not on the L.A. players’ uniforms. %-$0-$/"#$=-01#),$,##$/"#$.+&'/,$&,$/):+'1$/-$-'#C 9?$/"#2L “In this area, the Dodgers, Giants and Major League Baseball are aligned,” Erik Braverman, Dodgers senior M<$6-)$2&)7#/+'18$*-229'+*&/+-',$&'0$3)-&0*&,/+'18$ told the Los Angeles Blade. “We salute the Giants for 4"&/$/"#:$&)#$0-+'1>$K"+5#$4#$4+55$&54&:,$3#$)+@&5,$-'$ GAF!=;B76@=HF!I:=JF! the field, when it comes to many issues off the field, logo from the Giants. KLC98F!BE6:<F@?!<AF!(=9;<@M we stand together for the greater good.” .+&'/,$6&',$4"-$?9)*"&,#$&$,?#*+&5$#@#'/$/+*7#/$6-)$ $50 get a free SF Pride T-shirt along with their seat in either the “socially distant” or “fully vaccinated” sections. On hand for the game, which starts at 4:15 p.m. PDT, will be MLB’s most prominent voice for LGBTQ inclusion, Billy Bean, the VP and special assistant to the commissioner as well as the MLB ambassador for inclusion since 2014. “The beginning of Pride month alongside fans returning to our MLB ballparks is tremendously exciting. The past year has been difficult for everyone, and I am so appreciative that our Clubs are able to reach out and support the LGBTQ community in such a positive way,” Bean told the Blade. !"#$%&'()(*+,(
56789:!9;<=>89?!@76:!A97<@!BA9CD=E;@A=D!@EBBF:!C9<BA !"#$ ;-'6#0#)&/+-'$ -6$ E-)/"8$ ;#'/)&5$ F2#)+*&$ &'0$ ;&)+33#&'$ F,,-*+&/+-'$ (--/3&558$ N;BE;F;F(O$ 5#&19#H,$ final match in the Mile-High City was halted on Sunday &6/#)$ 6&',$ 0+,)9?/#0$ /"#$ 1&2#$ ?5&:$ 3:$ ,"-9/+'1$ &$ homophobic chant directed at players on the field. ESPN reported the pause occurred during the final 2-2#'/,$ -6$ /"#$ ,#*-'0$ "&56$ 3#6-)#$ /"#$ 1&2#$ 4#'/$ /-$ #P/)&$ /+2#$ +'$ /"#$ Q>%>$ 2#'H,$ '&/+-'&5$ /#&2H,$ RCI$ 4+'>$ Referee John Pitti resumed the match after three minutes &,$?5&:#),$-'$3-/"$,+0#,$?5#&0#0$4+/"$/"#$*)-40$/-$,/-?$ 9,+'1$/"#$*"&'/> !"#$ 5#&19#$ "&,$ 4)+//#'$ )95#,$ &'0$ 19+0#5+'#,$ /"&/$ *&55$ for the referees on the field to halt game play if a warning /-$ /"#$ ,?#*/&/-),$ 3:$ /"#$ &''-9'*#)$ -@#)$ /"#$ ,/&0+92H,$ ?935+*$ &00)#,,$ "&,$ &5)#&0:$ 4&)'#0$ /"#$ *)-40$ /-$ *#&,#$ &'0$0#,+,/>$%"-950$/"#$*)-40$'-/$,/-?8$/"#'$/"#$)#6#)##$ "&,$/"#$&9/"-)+/:$/-$,#'0$/"#$?5&:#),$/-$/"#$5-*7#)$)--2,$ &'0$*&'$&5,-$*&55$6-)$/"#$2&/*"$/-$3#$&3&'0-'#0> A%<E$ &5,-$ )#?-)/#0$ /"&/$ /"+,$ 4&,$ /"#$ ,#*-'0$ /-9)'&2#'/$2&/*"$/-$3#$"&5/#0$09#$/-$&'/+C1&:$*"&'/,$&/$ Empower Field at Mile High. Mexico’s semifinal win over Costa Rica was also briefly paused. That match also saw several fans ejected from the stadium. B9/,?-)/,$ )#?-)/#0$ 5&,/$ ,?)+'1$ /"&/$ /"#$ 0+,1)&*#695$ “puto” chant —a vulgar slur for male prostitute —
is ubiquitous at Mexican soccer matches, and up 9'/+5$ )#*#'/5:8$ ,-**#)H,$ 1-@#)'+'1$ 3-0:8$ (S0S)&/+-'$ T'/#)'&/+-'&5#$0#$(--/3&55$F,,-*+&/+-'$-)$(T(F8$"&,$3##'$ ambivalent about its eradication. The organization has punished Mexico at least 12 times for the chant since
2015, and yet, it hasn’t disappeared. In March, FIFA opened an investigation into antigay chanting by Mexico supporters during an Olympic qualifier against the Dominican Republic ESPN noted. *-.//&"(0#"-*
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