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Directors with Weisman and longtime checkbook activist attorney Diane Abbitt as co-chairs. They gaveled their first board meeting to order on Jan. 14, 1983 with five clients. The following month, APLA produced and distributed a brochure about AIDS in both English and Spanish. Four months later, in May, APLA and other activists organized the first candlelight march in Los Angeles at the Federal Building in Westwood and in four other cities. The LA event was attended by more than 5,000 people demanding federal action. The KS/AIDS Foundation in San Francisco was led by people with AIDS carrying a banner that read “Fighting For Our Lives.” When the banner was unfurled at the National Lesbian and Gay Health Conference that June by activists presenting The Denver Principles, the crowd cried, with a 10-minute ovation.
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%9I6!09:9DJ6;<:!AD;89K!,/LE!4<MM7:;6F!!4<>>9?9E! 9M=DJC9!,01NO!E6789:6E In its nearly eight decades, the Los Angeles Community College District has served as &3/4+"-(#"-#8-(&#"0+'#"0(&&#8$))$-'#%"/3&'"% #$%#&'()%*+,+-./+
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A consideration of and other students would benefit from which is affordability which encompasses 4+8</%# 4-/'%&)$'.# %&(2$4&%# -')$'&# $'# +#10-)&#<&(%-'#+<<(-+405#&%<&4$+))*#,-(#+'# ,/44!.6789:6!$:;<:!=7;>8;:?!!@AB<6<!C<7D69EF!<G!,/44H +33$"$-'# "-# %+,&)*# 3$%"+'4&3# $'9<&(%-'# LGBT identified student. sessions. To meet overwhelming demand, The First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden is a powerful 4-))&.&%# %0-/)3# 4-'%$3&(# +33$'.# %&(2$4&%# &3/4+"$-'#+32-4+"&#+'3#-'&#10-#0+%#-'9 "0&96-7#='-1)&3.&#-,#"0&#$8<-("+'4&#-,#0$.0&(#)&+('$'.#0+2$'.#"+/.0"#,(&%08+'#>'.)$%0#4)+%%&%# by online providers that work directly with counseling centers, Inside Higher Education noted in a July 23, 2020 article. for a number of years in the Northern irginia Community College system in suburban Fairfax David ela, the first openly LGBT Trustee in the LACC district, chairs the Chancellor’s County outside Washington D.C.. Advisory Committee on LGBT Affairs. On Monday ela spoke with the Blade about the Earlier this Spring Dr. Biden, during a visit to Sauk alley Community College in Dixon, Illinois unique circumstances that confront LGBT students across all campuses. renewed her call for affordable community college for all Americans who wish to attend, and “The main focus for me as well as all of our trustees, the faculty, and staff is to ensure that the +)%-#(&2$%$"$'.#0&(#%/<<-("#,-(#,(&&#4-88/'$"*#4-))&.&%: primary mission of the LACCD is met with each and every one of our students,” ela said. “The Speaking to students, faculty members, and staff, Biden noted that “Community colleges priority is ‘completion,’ whether it is a certificate, a two-year Associate degree or successfully meet students where they are,” saying, “We can’t afford to exclude so many from continuing transferring the student to either the C system or Cal-State systems to finish out a 4 year "0&$(#&3/4+"$-'#6/%"#7&4+/%&#"0&*#4-8&#,(-8#4&("+$'#+(&+%#-(#$'4-8&#7(+4=&"%:? 3&.(&&:? “I am — first, foremost and forever — their writing professor, Dr. B,” Biden said. “In my ela stressed that all of the LACCD students are assisted in three major ways Academic, class, my students don’t take anything for granted. Some are there for a head start on a fourHousing and Food security and financial aid. ” Our colleges are the number one alternative to year degree, others for a much-needed fresh start.” Biden said her students appreciate the the C system and as such we are a critical element of ensuring a student’s personal success,” affordability and flexibility of community college, and she understands the importance of 0&#%+$3: &3/4+"$-'#,-(#-2&(+))#&4-'-8$4#.(-1"0: The LGBT students in fact, like most of the minority groups on the LACCD campuses, ;44-(3$'.#"-#(&%&+(40#4-'3/4"&3#7*#"0&#;8&($4+'#;%%-4$+"$-'#-,#@-88/'$"*#@-))&.&%5#"0&# +2&(+.&#+''/+)#+8-/'"#,-(#"/$"$-'#+'3#,&&%#,-(#4-88/'$"*#4-))&.&#+(&#AB5CCD5#2&(%/%#AED5FGD# are faced with unique circumstances. But in addition, their status with their gender identity or sexual orientation often will complicate matters. <&(#*&+(#,-(#</7)$45#,-/(9*&+(#4-))&.&: One of the primary considerations is housing, especially for students of color. A study by the In its nearly eight decades, the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) has served as Williams Institute at the niversity of California Los Angeles School of Law surveying a majority of educator to more than three million students. Spread out over nine college campuses, LACCD <(-2$3&(%#-,#0-8&)&%%#*-/"0#%&(2$4&%#%+$3#"0+"#*-/"0#-,#4-)-(#(&<-("&3#"-#7&#3$%<(-<-("$-'+"&)*# educates almost three times as many Latino students and nearly four times as many Africanoverrepresented among LGBT clients accessing homelessness services. ;8&($4+'#%"/3&'"%#+%#+))#-,#"0&#H'$2&(%$"*#-,#@+)$,-('$+#4+8</%&%#4-87$'&3: Respondents reported a median 31 of their LGBT clients identifying as African American/ The Los Angeles Community College District’s nine community colleges are located Black, 14 Latino(a)/Hispanic, 1 Native American, and 1 Asian/Pacific Islander. throughout an area of more than 882 square miles within the County of Los Angeles Los Access to safe spaces is a priority for LACCD says ela. Beyond Housing security comes Angeles City College, East Los Angeles College, Los Angeles Harbor College, Los Angeles Mission +44-8<+'*$'.#$%%/&%#-,#7(-+37+'3#+44&%%#+'3#+33(&%%$'.#,--3#$'%&4/($"*#0&#+33&3: College, Los Angeles Pierce College, Los Angeles Southwest College, Los Angeles Trade-Tech Focusing on safe housing by partnering with the City of Los Angeles, the County, and the State College, Los Angeles alley College and West Los Angeles College. of California is an ongoing mission ela told the Blade. Eighty percent of LACCD students are from underserved populations and more than half of One of the primary ways to address these issues he said is by a total embracing of a student’s all LACCD students are older than 25 years of age, with more than a quarter who are 35 or older. experience within the LACCD system. Of special importance is to promote equity and equality The very factors that Dr. Biden pointed out in her speech at Sauk alley Community College for the LGBT communities across all nine campuses. are core tenets for the trustees, faculty, and staff of the LACCD. Importantly as the LACCD notes !"!"!#$%&!'()!'*'+!"!,-./%0&,&.1,/2&34-5
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LGBTQ foundation Helping to fund organizations that advance the interests and well-being of the LGBTQ community
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LA Community College students are true heroes overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds in pursuit of a college education By *+,)'(-&.&/01&
LOS ANGELES Sofia C. aragoza is a 19 year old queer Latinx student from the LACCD’s LA Pierce College. aragoza, an English major, is transferring from the Pierce campus to niversity of California, Berkeley in the Fall of 2021. She has also been recently accepted in to the Mellon Mayes ndergraduate Research Fellowship where she will continue her research in English through what she calls “an interdisciplinary feminist lens.” In an interview with the Los Angeles Blade on Wednesday, aragoza told the paper that her passion for social justice, equity and literature led her to hold various positions in her college including as a Student Senator, a Chair on a Student Government committee, where she has maintained inclusion as her top priority. She believes that her intersectional identity has led her to provide a diverse and enriching perspective for any and all activities which she is a part of. Finally, she hopes to eventually provide this same supporting, enriching environment for future generations of students through her career, she says. “In many ways I think I was privileged- in high school (Grover Cleveland Charter High School) with the program I was in- also the Gay-Straight Alliance,” she said. Sofia C. aragoza A spokesperson for the Los Angeles nified School District told the Blade that it is committed to providing a safe learning environment for all of its students, so that in the case of aragoza, that commitment becomes foundational later on as the students enter college or continue on into a work environment. She told the Blade she did feel that support while attending Cleveland. While attending LACCD’s Pierce she says she very much felt the support for her identity as a queer Latinx. The only elements she felt represented a personal loss was the interruption of her academics by the coronavirus pandemic. “The biggest loss was the in-person, oh and social interactions,” she said. She credits the educational opportunities that LACCD provided her as making admission to C Berkley a reality. Haunted by carrying the weight of navigating an often intolerant society as a gay, woman of color, Nadia Noemi Martinez channels these ghosts both as an academic and as a writer. Touching upon experience, vulnerability, and romance based upon these identities, her writing attempts to capture these di culties through vulnerable emotives and the embodiment of her own intimate transparency with her readers, Noemi tells the Blade.
“The LACCD system prepared me,” she said. “I found my ground, discovered, upholstered in life by my professorsletting me reach for what I will now experience.” In addition to her own personal life experiences, Nadia dedicates much of her growth and self-discovery to the narratives and work enacted by the queer activists before her and certainly to those who will come after. With an acceptance into Hunter College in New York City as an English Literature major this upcoming Fall, she will continue the importance of challenging the literary canon and the structure of higher education itself in relation to marginalized identities. Her central belief that through the outlet of creating art, such as prose and poetry, is one of the most profound ways to express what is foreign to those outside the confines of a queer body. While she hopes for her voice and her experiences to be heard, she wishes for the narratives of those closest and dear to her, to be heard, too. “It was the discovery at ELAC in that ueer Lit class that gave me foundations,” Noemi said. A thirty-six year old single mom, with a bright sense of humor even as she battles a bit of a physical challenge, Jamey Dee, who told the Blade, “I choose to use “queer” to be all-inclusive” is grateful to LACCD and Pierce college for drastically improving her quality of life. “LACCD helped me with my extreme dyslexia and made it possible for me to graduate Pierce college, which has been a blessing in my life,” she said. “I would love to continue to work to help LACCD and Pierce college in the future with my Law degree. I am starting Cal Lutheran in the fall and then plan to go to law school,” she added. California Lutheran niversity is a private liberal arts university in Thousand Oaks, California. “I also want to help battered women and the queer community with pro bono law, as a way to help and give back.” Dee told the Blade that she went to school to help herself grow and expand her business opportunities. From her adolescence in entura County to bouncing around the Pacific Northwest and then back to California, Dee said that her journey was di cult. But when she was finally settled in and enrolled at Pierce, it was the Disabled Student Program and Services (DSPS) o ce and a kind staffer named David Phoenix who finally identified her severe case of dyslexia and then worked alongside her to ensure her academic success.
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GT Dave, Founder/CEO
GT's was born from a desire to be different and remain authentic. Founded by GT Dave when he was 15, the company has promoted inclusion and celebrated diversity for over 25 years. This summer, GT launched the new SYNERGY Scholarship – $250,000 to uplift and advance LGBTQ+ youth. Learn more at gtslivingfoods.com/scholarship
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!"#$%&'(#)*+,-'.#%,-#/01#*2#34'#56#7'8398'::;,<#=*>7+?4%#7.%,-(# was one of the first brewers to bring the now-ubiquitous drink to the S market. What started as a small, family owned and operated *.<%,;@%3;*,# ;,#6AAB#4%8#<.*C,#;,3*#%#<:*7%:#2*.?'#9#84%.;,<#C;34#34'# world their belief that food can be medicine, and, like Kombucha, anyone can flourish into something new. This year, GT Dave and his company have been working hard to lift up and empower LGBT youth, with the creation of the new SYNERGY Scholarship and a partnership with Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation. 1,#D+,'#6B34(#!"#$%&'#%,,*+,?'-#34'#?.'%3;*,#*2#34'#,'C#EFG0H!F# Scholarship, a $250,000 commitment awarded to young LGBT entrepreneurs. GT Dave described the scholarship as, “more than just your run-of-the-mill scholarship this is a support system to ensure the continued advancement of LGBT people in business and entrepreneurship.” The scholarship is just one pillar of a much larger summer initiative from the new non-profit, the GT Dave Foundation. The foundation, and the scholarship, are committed to uplifting diverse voices, increasing accessibility to nutritious food, and strengthening environmental efforts to preserve the planet. The scholarship is open to LGBT high school students graduating during the 2021-2022 academic year, and will be awarded every year for the next five years. In his own words, when asked about the SYNERGY Scholarship, GT Dave told The Los Angeles Blade, “The SYNERGY Scholarship is special to me because it is a direct reflection on how I started, where I came from, and how I want to ‘pay it forward’ so the next generation of LGBT young people can thrive.” This spring, the company launched its Transform Your Health campaign in partnership with Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation. The Foundation works to support better mental health practices for young people and build a better, braver, world. The partnership between the two companies shared the stories of six incredible individuals who embody the butterfly-like metamorphosis Transform Your Health celebrates. In the words of GT Dave, “every person has the power to grow and transform. From the prioritization of health, to the evolution of self, there’s a quiet but mighty force within all of us just waiting to bloom.” GT Dave has collaborated for the past four year with Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation. One of the most successful gay entrepreneurs, GT Dave’s success has been recognized in Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine and more. Born and raised in LA, GT Dave came out of the closet at the age of 13, he began his journey as an entrepreneur at the age of 15. It’s no surprise then to hear about his commitment to helping young LGBT entrepreneurs with the SYNERGY Scholarship. “Ever since coming out as gay in my youth and started a company as a teenager, I’ve always wondered what it might have been like to have an LGBT mentor back then” GT Dave told us, “I’ve made it my mission to be a guide for people to live happier and healthier. To me, that goes beyond health wellness and includes being at peace in your own skin, self-acceptance, and self-love. That’s why I continue to support various LGBT philanthropies and movements.” Today, GT still lives in LA, with his husband Allan and their pet bunny Madonna, making good on his promise to make the world a better place.
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The Los Angeles Community College District Congratulates its Class of 2021 LGBTQIA+ Graduates And Welcomes Our Next Generation of Pride! The Colleges of Los Angeles welcome everyone to our nine campuses with inclusive and safe learning environments to pursue your higher education goals and dreams!
Apply Today at
The Colleges of Los Angeles
,'*/RIOS*2KGMP*GH*8P_V*>PXPKIVGLX*2KGMP A uniquely out, loud and proud celebration ",()#'+(-$.)/#.
!"#$ %&"$ '(()*+$ ,'$ -+*./$ 0123#$ celebration kicks off Thursday, July 1 through Monday, July 5, 2021. The five day Black Pride celebration is curated and produced by BBE Group, Founder and CEO, Brandon Anthony and his team. Last year, Anthony helped organize the ALL BLACK LI ES MATTER MARCH, an event that brough thousands of marchers together and amplified black queer voices in support of BLM. This year’s 2021 LA Black Pride celebrates Black LGBT Lives with a weekend of conversation, events and initiatives lifting Black queer community in Los Angeles. The Black Pride movement serves as a way for Black LGBT people to .#+#41*&#$ 5(#$ *(5&"#1$ *(3$ "26"+26"&$ issues unique to the Black people, educating the community about issues involving healthcare and mental health. Black Pride encourages awareness of self, community, respect, and dignity. Anthony says he hopes LA Black Pride will help inspire the community to “work on eradicating issues surrounding Homophobia and racism in America.” This year’s event is entertainment packed and includes a 5 day CO ID-safe series of both daytime and night time activities.
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The O cial Kick Off Celebration, sponsored by In The Meantime Men, Inc. will consist of a special discussion Panel Presented By Black Emotional Mental Health Collective with Yolo Akili Robinson and Dyll n Burnside. Opening words and a toast will be given to kick off the weekend by Brandon Anthony. !"#$%&"'()*+,-&'+).$/)0)!"1'2+) 343)5)6%7)8%9) !":);'2+-+:<)=;9)>??3@) 3?(??)AB)C)D(??);B)EF*55G
LA’S resident night at The Chapel, gets a reboot after a long break What better way to kick off Friday night CLS will be hosted by Grammy Award Winner rapper and songwriter CHIKA, and notable Djs Monte Christo and Sugar Shay. !"#$%&"'()H7+)=7$I+-)$%)H7+);JJ+K) 6>D)L)*"J+/%:"').-M,9) N+:%)O"--KP"",<)=;9)>??6>) 3?(??)IQ)C)D(??);B)EF*55G
The return of CATCH ONE, presented by AIDS Healthcare Foundation, in all of its legendary glory. Two parties will join forces to celebrate all things Black, beautiful and queer. The night will include a special dedication to the leaders and trailblazers of the Gay community, including a special honor to Catch One founder Jewel Thais-Williams. The night is hosted by trans-actress and activist Amiyah Scott and TikTok sensation, dancer, actor Dexter Mayfield. The night will be flanked by an ode to the Ballroom scene and a headlining performance by rapper, BIA. !"#$%&"'()=$%#7)R'+) @?6S)N)A&#").-M,9) !":);'2+-+:)=;)>??3>) >(??)AB)C)4(??);B)E5M+'%J/&%+G)
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Era will have their grand opening night, as we celebrate the fabric of our community that is rooted in the music. Local LGBT music performances will pop up during the night during this high energy event. !"#$%&"'()*"##"T:) U>??)8$'%$)B"'&#$).-M,) N+:%)O"--KP"",<)=;)>??6>) 3?(??)AB)C)D(??);B)EF*55G)
The commune of all things gay boy joy - good music, food, and friends we invite everyone out for a day time celebration under the sun. A line up of handpicked DJs fill the air with tunes and celebrate PRIDE like never before, featuring the launch of BLKMKT (2:00pm - 4:00pm) a Black queer owned market, local LGBT music acts, panel conversations, art installations and immersive activations. !"#$%&"'()H7+)A$/-"/) SDV?)B+-/":+);M+9) !":);'2+-+:<)=;)>??@U @(??)AB)C)>(??)AB)EF*55G
ready to make a difference? LA Pride and Big Sunday invite you to join us in giving back to the community for the entire month of June! Visit lapride.org/pridemakesadifference to learn more.
Volunteer. Donate. Give.
O L M E 05 I S S E 26
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Savvy marketers must carefully navigate a fine line, necessitating tactile communication, $%>)#$&).&'/%"%)/47%':&5+#6%&'/(4#*;&6('%"&.)30'%$&)*&8"(*$&9%''(;#*;,&@AB-C&"%6(/(86%& 6%Z#3)*&(*$&#9(;%"4&'+)06$&8%&%976)4%$:&5+%"%>%"&7)''#86%:&/)&3"%(/%&(&'/")*;%"&8)*$& 8%/5%%*& (& 8"(*$& (*$& /+#'& 3)*'09%",& -+#'& 3)*'09%"& 0*$%"'/(*$'& '#*3%"#/4& (*$&(0/+%*/#3#/4,& [)/& /)& 8%& 0*$%"%'/#9(/%$& #'& /+%& 7)5%"& (*$& )0/'#E%& #97(3/& ).& social media ‘influencers’ on brand building and purchasing decisions. LGBT influencers have surged on all main 76(/.)"9':& #*360$#*;& \*'/(;"(9:& ])0-08%:& -5#//%":& and Facebook. More than 92 of those aged 18MJ& "%'7)*$& /+(/& /+%4& '%%?& "%3)99%*$(/#)*'& .")9& (& /"0'/%$& ')0"3%,& ^+))'#*;& "%6(/(86%& influencers that connect with consumers on %9)/#)*(6& 6%>%6'& #'& ?%4,& \97(3/.06& @AB-C& F3+(97#)*G& -46%"& Y(?6%4:& "%(3+#*;& 9)"%& /+(*& L,O& 9#66#)*& .)66)5%"':& 3)**%3/'& $(#64&5#/+&3)"%&3)*'09%"'G&>(60%'&(*$& ('7#"(/#)*', -+%& 7(*$%9#3& +('& .)"3%$& 3)97(*#%'& /)& 8%& 3"%(/#>%& #*& /+%#"& marketing outreach. For example, many (63)+)6& 3)97(*#%'& ("%& +)'/#*;& )*6#*%& +(774& +)0"'& (*$& $(*3%& %>%*/'& 5#/+& 7")9#*%*/& _`',& 1& 7"#9%& %Z(976%& #'& `(3?& _(*#%6'G& $"(;& H0%%*& +)'/%$& >#"/0(6& %*/%"/(#*9%*/&7("/#%',& W%3%*/64:& 3)97(*#%'& '03+& ('& B0$5%#'%":& D(6;"%%*':& \B2& (*$& 2#3")')./:& /)& *(9%& (& .%5:& +(>%& 6(0*3+%$& 3)*'09%"& specific campaigns representing the ‘world around us.’ Geico’s affectionate portrayal of a 9(6%& 3)076%& #'& (*)/+%"& %Z(976%& ).& +)5& /+%'%& '6#3%R).R6#.%& 9)9%*/'& ("%& (66& %*3)97(''#*;:& reflecting a melting pot of the SA. Sponsorships are also highly effective ways to 8)*$&5#/+&/+%&@AB-C&3)*'09%",&2)6')*&^))"'G&a#EE4& <("$&S%6/E%"G'&TU&9#66#)*&'7)*')"'+#7&).&/+%&<09(*&W#;+/'& ^(97(#;*&#'&%Z/"%9%64&>#'#86%:&('&#'&b%66);;G'&3)66(8)"(/#)*& 5#/+& A@11_& cA(4& (*$& @%'8#(*& 166#(*3%& 1;(#*'/& _%.(9(/#)*d& )*&#/'&P-);%/+%"&5#/+&!"#$%Q&3%"%(6&6(0*3+, D+%*&!"#$%&'%(')*&3)9%'&/)&(*&%*$:&.("'#;+/%$&3)97(*#%'& 5#66& 3%('%& /+%& UUR9)*/+& +#8%"*(/#)*:& (*$& 5#66& 0'%& IXIU& /)& 3"%(/%& (& +)6#'/#3& (77")(3+& /)& /+%& @AB-C& 3)*'09%":& /(6?#*;& /)& /+%9& /+")0;+)0/& /+%& 4%(",& Y*%& /+#*;& 5#66& 8%3)9%& 3"4'/(6& 36%("e& -+%'%& >#'#)*("4& 3)97(*#%'& 5#66&f097&)>%"&/+%&"(#*8)5&#*/)&(&7)/&).&;)6$,
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We are honored to be supporting these outstanding organizations working to ensure that LGBTQ Americans secure nationwide nondiscrimination protections this year: Center for American Progress CenterLink-The Community of LGBTQ Centers Equality Federation Institute Equality Florida Institute Equality Foundation of Georgia Equality North Carolina Foundation Equality Ohio Education Fund Equality Texas Foundation Equality Utah Foundation Faith in Public Life Fairness West Virginia Institute Freedom for All Americans Education Fund Horizons Foundation
Los Angeles LGBT Center Movement Advancement Project National Center for Lesbian Rights National Center for Transgender Equality National LGBTQ Task Force New Pride Agenda Pride Foundation PFLAG National Public Religion Research Institute Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund Umoja Project What We Know Project-Cornell University
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Compelling films on Leonard Bernstein, Marin Alsop among top fare "=*>42%*:,/-*?(%1
If you’re a film fanatic, chances are pretty good you are already aware that the Tribeca Film Festival took place this month. One of the most prestigious events on the festival circuit, this New York City cinematic staple was founded in 2002 by Robert De Niro, Jane Rosenthal, and Craig Hatkoff, as a means of revitalizing the economic and cultural landscape of lower Manhattan in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. It’s become a mainstay of the city’s annual calendar, providing a high-profile platform that has brought visibility to hundreds of independent and international films as well as to the artists who made them across the 20 years since its inception. Although Tribeca is not an LGBT film festival, it’s always been inclusive of LGBT films after all, it !" held in the middle of Pride month. The 20th anniversary edition, which was held June 9-20 and featured both virtual and in-person screenings, offered a particularly impressive crop, especially among the documentary lineup. That means fans of queer docs will surely be keeping an eye out for them as they make their way into general release over the next few months. Not to worry, the Blade has you covered. Here’s a sampling of some of the titles included among the LGBT themed documentary features that premiered during the festival. There are no o cial release dates yet but with the Tribeca pedigree behind them, these enticing gems are sure to be heading to your screens very soon.
Leonard Bernstein was one of the greatest classical music figures of the 20th century, the child of a Russian Jewish immigrant who rose to become not only conductor of the New York Philharmonic but a respected composer in his own right, a kind of musical ambassador who became a household name by educating millions of viewers about symphonic music on T . He was also a gay man. In this documentary from filmmaker Douglas Tirola, we are given a comprehensive look at a life lived both in and out of the concert hall and intertwined with key historical moments. Illuminated by a rich trove of interviews, television appearances, home movie footage, photos, and letters, the film covers musical triumphs like “West Side Story” but also documents Bernstein’s pushingthe-edge activism, such as his protesting of the ietnam War and his support of the Black Panthers. It also delves into the complexities of his personal life, exploring his fraught relationship with his father, his marriage and family life, and his struggles to find peace with his sexuality. The result is an enlightening portrait of a beloved American icon as both an accomplished musical artist and an important public figure during one of the most tumultuous eras in American culture.
Prompted by the apparent apathy of his peers in the wake of 2016’s horrific Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, New York-based priest, author, and journalist Father James Martin wrote a book. After it was published, “Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity” led to appearances on outlets from Colbert to Fox News, and he became something of a celebrity but though he may have been lauded by many for the acceptance espoused in his views, he was also denounced as a heretic by many others. This documentary, directed by Evan Mascagni and Shannon Post (and executive-produced by notable Catholic Martin Scorsese) follows the “outspoken but good-humored” priest as he speaks before packed houses, faces protesters, consoles queer youth and their struggling parents, and makes a journey to Rome. After this year’s March 15 atican statement barring priests from blessing same-sex unions, this one seems particularly timely.
Internationally renowned conductor Marin Alsop has smashed a lot of glass ceilings. She was the first woman to serve as music director of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, the S o Paulo Symphony Orchestra, and the ienna Radio Symphony Orchestra, rising to the top of a profession that had always been dominated by men. Director Bernadette Wegenstein charts that rise in this “exhilarating” documentary, filmed with “unprecedented access” to its subject and a “backstage pass” to her world, by telling the openly lesbian Alsop’s story through a combination of interviews and shared moments, encounters ;<!"!#$%&'()#)%*#&+),-$.!"!/0')!123!1415
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with musical “cognoscenti,” previously unseen archival footage with her mentor Leonard Bernstein (yes, him again), and scenes of her teaching a next wave of young conductors who, like her, were being excluded from the classical music canon. The articulate Alsop is a charismatic protagonist, and her story makes for an inspiring and triumphant film about overcoming discrimination and about pursuing your talent, against all odds.
A complex, experimental-leaning documentary from filmmaker Angelo Madsen Minax, this meditation on “the relationships between mothers and children, truths and myths, losses and gains” began to take shape when Minax returned to his rural Michigan hometown in the wake of his young niece’s death to make a film about the family’s wrongful persecution. Before long, he found himself expanding his scope to explore a web of themes of generational addiction, fervent Christianity, and trans embodiment all while participating in the evolving dynamic of a family trying to repair itself. Finally, the filmmaker turned the camera toward himself. The resulting film is a deeply personal meditation on identity, familial roles and responsibilities, and the challenges of learning to accept one another.
Adapted from Justin Hall’s anthology of the same name, this fun documentary spotlights five LGBT comic book artists Alison Bechdel (“Fun Home”), Jennifer Camper (“Rude Girls and Dangerous Women”), Howard Cruse (“Gay Comix”), Rupert Kinnard (“B.B. And The Diva”) and Mary Wings (“Come Out Comix”) while showcasing the evolution of the comic book side by side with the history of the LGBT rights movement. This celebratory film from director ivian Kleiman blends art, comedy and politics to entertain while also schooling audiences about some important milestones of queer representation and the challenges faced by the community along the way.
From director Kristine Stolakis comes this provocative documentary about Exodus International, an organization that was started in the 1970s by five men who were struggling with being gay in their Evangelical church. Organized as a Bible study group to help people “leave the homosexual lifestyle,” it grew to become the largest and most controversial conversion therapy organization in the world. In this frank expos , Stolakis introduces us people like self-identified “ex-trans” Jeffrey, who says “I lived transgender, but I left it all to follow Jesus,” and Julie, who spent a decade going through intensive counseling to “become straight” but also to former leaders in the conversion therapy movement who have now embraced their sexuality, coming out as LGBT themselves and disavowing the movement they helped to start. This one will be coming to Netflix in August.
THE WORLD’S BEST TASTING VODKA. Photography: Paulrobinsonart.com