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!:E-$?FABAE-(B>GA-HABA<I>;AE-%AJ;-&A?AI>;@:?-8I@GA ‘LA Community College District is a leader when it comes 3&$"#+H1)*$-).$'9HH&/31)*$%7,!8O($'39.#)3'D +,(-.#/(0/12&'2#-&)-
!"#$%&'$()*#+#'$,+-.#$"&)&/#.$-).$/#0&*)12#.$3"#$-0"1#4#5#)3'$&6$%7,!8$'39.#)3':$ faculty, staff and the administrators of the Los Angeles Community College District, (LACCD) &)$;9)#$<=$-'$->&93$=?$1)413#.$*9#'3'$*-3"#/#.$-3$@#'3$A&++BC&&.D'$%#$E-/0$F913#$A&3#+D'$ FGB.#0G$/&&63&H$+&9)*#$-).$H&&+$-/#-$3&$0#+#>/-3#$3"#$%7,!8$'39.#)3':$-).$0#+#>/-3#$3"#$ creation of a scholarship program between the Los Angeles Blade and LACCD. IThe reason LAACD is able to be progressive, forward looking— the reason we are able to do an LGBTQIA Bill of Rights and ensure that everyone of our students is safe —is because C#$ "-4#$ -$ 3/#5#).&9'$ ,&-/.$ &6$ !/9'3##'$ C"&$ >#+1#4#$ 1)$ -$ 41'1&)$ 3"-3$ #4#/B$ '39.#)3$ deserves to be educated and safe,” said LACCD’s Chancellor Dr. Francisco C. Rodriguez. !"&'#$ -/#$ '3/&)*$ C&/.'$ 6/&5$ -)$ %7,!8$ -++B$ C"&$ "#-.'$ &)#$ &6$ 3"#$ C&/+.D'$ +-/*#'3$ 0&559)13B$0&++#*#$'B'3#5'$'H/#-.$&93$&4#/$-$)1)#$0-5H9'$ system with a 250,000 strong student body. !"#$+-3#$-63#/)&&)$#4#)3$C-'$'H&)'&/#.$>B$3"#$%&'$()*#+#'$ Blade, The Ariadne Getty Foundation, the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, GT’s Living Foods, and the Le Parc Suite Hotel. (+'&$1)$-33#).-)0#$>#'3&C1)*$H/&0+-5-31&)'$"&)&/1)*$3"#$ -0"1#4#5#)3'$&6$3"#$-.51)1'3/-3&/':$3/9'3##'$-).$3"#$%7,!8$ student body of the LACCD, was the City of West Hollywood’s Mayor Lindsey Horvath and City Councilmember John Erickson. J"#-$ %13/K:$ 4&3#.$ >B$ 3"#$ /#-.#/'$ &6$ 3"#$ ,+-.#$ -'$ ,#'3$ Drag Queen and one of West Hollywood’s brightest stars of drag — most recently famous for her Instagram Live show IQuarantine Queen” — kicked off the night with a warm welcome and introduced the Blade’s publisher Troy Masters. In his speech, Masters explained that LACCD’s LGBTQ+ program had touched him deeply.$ I!"#$ 0&4#/$ &6$ 3"#$ %&'$ ()*#+#'$,+-.#$E/1.#$1''9#$1'$-)$#L-5H+#$&6$'&5#3"1)*$3"#B$ are doing really touched me a lot. The school uses a Monarch butterfly emblem, which they wear to denote that a person 1'$-$'-6#$H#/'&)$3&$1)3#/-03$C13"$&H#)+B$-).$3"-3$-)$-/#-$&/$ room is a safe space for them. I!"-3$ /#-++B$ 3&90"#.$ 5#:$ >#0-9'#$ 13$ 5-.#$ 5#$ -C-/#$ that their situation is different than what we may be used to. They have a deep need for safe, supportive people and spaces. They have a very deep need to be who they are and >#$C13"$H#&H+#$-).$H+-0#'$3"-3$-/#$'-6#:$-00#H31)*$-).$*&&.$ for them,” he said. I@#$-/#$"#/#$3&)1*"3$M9'3$3&$0#+#>/-3#$3"-3:$0#+#>/-3#$3"#$ colleges and celebrate the people who are profiled in the current issue of the Los Angeles Blade, he added.” In addition to politicos in attendance, some of the LACCD’s top leadership were on hand; Dr. Francisco C. Rodriguez, the Chancellor of the LACCD, Deputy Chancellor. Dr. Ryan M. Cornner, Dean for Student Success Deborah Harrington, LACCD Board of Trustees member Mike Fong, David Vela, the only openly LGBTQ+ LACCD Trustee, Felipe AgredanoLozano, the LGBTQ+ Faculty Liaison for the LACCD, Dr. Marcel Morales, Department Chair and Professor of Sociology at ELAC, James Limbaugh, the President of West LA College and Michael P. Fuller, LACCD’s Director of Institutional Advancement. The mixer was filled with many familiar faces from greater the Los Angeles community including August Getty who represented the Ariadne Getty Foundation as well as his LAbased fashion house, August Getty Atelier; Marna Deitch, Southern California Motorcycle Contingent for Equality leader and interpreter for the deaf at community colleges; Michael Weinstein, Executive Director of the world’s largest AIDS healthcare organization, the AIDS Healthcare Foundation; lesbian activist and comedian Robin Tyler accompanied by her
pug Oscar Wilde; composer and lyricist Todd Pawelek and Stephen Rutgers representing the Washington Blade and Blade Foundation. N-'3#/'$3"-)G#.$-++$3"#$#4#)3'$'H&)'&/'$-).$'#4#/-+$1).141.9-+'$C"&$"#+H#.$5-G#$3"#$ event possible and expressed gratitude for everyone who attended. IO$C-)3$3&$-0G)&C+#.*#$'&5#$H#&H+#$C"&$-/#$#L3/#5#+B$.#-/$3&$5#:P$N-'3#/'$H-9'#.:$ IAriadne Getty is our most generous benefactor and her son August is here tonight.” And C"1+#$3"#$0/&C.$>/&G#$&93$1)3&$0"##/'$6&/$(9*9'3:$N-'3#/'D$4&10#$>/&G#$C"#)$"#$'-1.:$IO$ want to thank them for an immense amount of love and a lot of compassion — thank you for making us part of your family.” Getty stood and was clearly moved. Masters also thanked Michael Weinstein of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation for his role in executing a successful LGBTQ-focused COVID-19 vaccination program. IMichael is one of our largest supporters as well. #$%$&'(%)''* 789:;:-<=-)>?@AB-/*-#B@C>D ().$ C#$ -HH/#01-3#$ N10"-#+$ -).$ -HH/#01-3#$ 3"#$ C&/G$ &6$ 3"#$ AIDS Healthcare Foundation,” Masters said. I@#$0-)$3"-)G$N10"-#+$1)$H-/3:P$'-1.$N-'3#/':$I6&/$C&/G1)*$ 3&$ #)'9/#$ 3"-3$ @#'3$ A&++BC&&.$ -).$ 3"#$ %7,!8$ 0&559)13B$ are near fully vaccinated.” He added, I('$-$0&559)13B$C#$-/#$ well on our way.” AHF says it has fully vaccinated tens of thousands of Angelenos. The agency also famously worked hard during the COVID crisis to make sure its patients were able to keep up with HIV medications and healthcare requirements. According to LA County Department of Public Health, in fact, the City of West Hollywood is more than 72 percent fully vaccinated. N-'3#/'$ '-1.$ "1'$ &>'#/4-31&)$ ->&93$ 3"#$ 0&559)13B$ >#1)*$ Inearly 100 percent vaccinated” is anecdotal. I(039-+$%7,!8$ statistics have not been maintained during the Covid-19 0/1'1':$'&5#3"1)*$3"#$%&'$()*#+#'$,+-.#$"-'$#LH&'#.$1)$5-)B$ articles,” he said. N10"-#+$ E. Fuller called out the LACCD luminaries and the student honoree Sofia Zaragoza, Chancellor Rodriguez, Trustees Fong and Vela who all gave short speeches. @#'3$ A&++BC&&.$ N-B&/$ %1).'#B$ A&/4-3"$ 3&&G$ 3"#$ 510$ */##3#.$ -).$ H/&0+-15#.$ IA-HHB$ E/1.#$ N&)3"QP$ !"#$ N-B&/:$ joined by City Councilmember Erickson then handed out proclamations to the LACCD leadership from the City of West A&++BC&&.R !"#$E/&0+-5-31&)'$/#-.R The City of West Hollywood honors the Los Angeles Community College District for EXEMPLARY SERVICE TO LGBTQ YOUTH on the occasion of Los Angeles Blade’'$ STU!$ GENERATION PRIDE EVENT Whereas, the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) supports the rights, freedoms, and equality of persons who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and/or asexual (LGBTQIA+) and serves more than 20,000 LGBTQIA+ students through safe and inspiring learning environments; Whereas, LACCD adopted a groundbreaking LGBTQIA+ Bill of Rights to create welcoming college communities that affirm the lives of LGBTQIA+ students, faculty, and staff; Whereas, LACCD provides academic opportunities for LGBTQIA+ students to accomplish 3"#1/$#.90-31&)-+$*&-+':$1)0+9.1)*$0&9/'#'$-).$H/&*/-5'$/#0&*)121)*$3"#$0&)3/1>931&)'$&6$ LGTBQIA+ communities; Let it be known, the City of West Hollywood commends LACCD’s inclusionary vision and leadership in supporting and advancing the LGBTQIA+ members of our community.
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Newsom’s recall election set for Sept. 14 !"#$%&'($") *+,) -&.,) /#0($) 1&2("#"3$4) "((&2(506) #"4+) 7003) +8"+) !"#$%&'($"(4) 7$##) 9&) +&) +80) :&##4) &() ;0:+,) <=) +&) 605$60) 780+80') Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom will remain in office or be replaced. This will be the second recall election targeting a sitting governor $() +80) 4+"+0>4) 8$4+&'?,) @() @5+,) AB) CDDEB) +80(F-&.,) -'"?) G".$4) 7"4) recalled and was succeeded in office on Nov. 17, 2003, by Los Angeles actor and businessman Arnold Schwarzenegger, who won +80)'05"##)'0:#"50H0(+)0#05+$&(, I80);"5'"H0(+&)J00)'0:&'+06)+8"+).&+0'4)7$##)400)+7&)K204+$&(4) on their ballot. The first will ask whether Newsom should be '0H&.06,)L&+0'4)7$##)H"'3)M?04N)&')M(&,N
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LA County Dept. of Mental Health opens new online resource I80) *&4) Z(90#04) !&2(+?) G0:"'+H0(+) &%) R0(+"#) [0"#+8B) \*Z!GR[]B) announced last week it is now offering iPrevail FREE to all L.A. County residents. iPrevail is an online mental health resource that brings traditional H&60#4)&%)+"#3)+80'":?)+&)"(?)$(+0'(0+F5&((05+06)60.$50)&')4H"'+:8&(0, W04$60(+4) 5"() 5&((05+) C=^A) 7$+8) +'"$(06) :00') 4:05$"#$4+4B) _&$() ") 5&HH2($+?) 42::&'+) 9'&2:) &') +'?) &2+) &(0) &%) +80) H"(?) 6$9$+"#) :'&9'"H4,) Sign up for your FREE iPrevail subscription at https://lacounty.iprevail.com. T&("+8"()/,);80'$(B)R,G,B)V8,G,B)+80)G$'05+&')&%)*Z!GR[))$()")(074#0++0') "#4&) "((&2(506) +8"+) 8$4) 60:"'+H0(+) 8&(&'06) V'$60) R&(+8) "(6) $() +80) :'&5044)60.0#&:06)"()0.0'9'00()*-JI`a)'04&2'50,) “LACDMH is committed to promoting the wellbeing and resilience of LA
!&2(+?>4)*-JI`a)$(6$.$62"#4)"(6)5&HH2($+$04B)78$58)'0:'040(+)")6$.0'40) '"(90)&%)90(60')"(6)40U2"#)0U:'044$&(4B)$60(+$+$04)"(6)&'$0(+"+$&(4,))b8$#0) belonging and identifying in this community can be a source of pride and strength, it can also present unique challenges, such as being targeted by acts of homophobia, transphobia or biphobia; trauma from coming out or self-expression in unsupportive environments; or from a lack of culturallycompetent mental health services,” the website states. LACDMH’s Help Line is available 24/7 at 800-854-7771 to connect you with mental health professionals and services who are specially qualified +&)7&'3)7$+8)*-JI`a)$(6$.$62"#4)"(6)%"H$#$04, 5"#4&*6055&"(7#"6*
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#789:;<=-+>?@A7<=@>-B<;B><;C-A7<-D>E7<-:;>9-F>G; An increased potential for heat-related illnesses, wildfires #$%#&'()%*+,+-./+
!"#$%&'()*&+$,#&'"#-$.#-/(0#$"&1$(112#3$&$ 4&-*(*5$')$-#1(3#*'1$)6$.)2'"#-*$7&+(6)-*(&$ ')$ #89#0'$ #80#11(/#+:$ ")'$ 0)*3('()*1$ '"(1$ 4##;#*3<$ =$ "(5"$ 9-#112-#$ 1:1'#>$ 4(++$ 5-&32&++:$ ?2(+3$ )/#-$ '"#$ @)1$ =*5#+#1$ &*3$ A8*&-3$&-#&1$'"-)25")2'$'"#$4##;B$+#&3(*5$ ')$"(5"#-$'#>9#-&'2-#1< !"(1$4(++$?-(*5$&*$(*0-#&1#3$-(1;$6)-$"#&'C related illness and elevated fire weather 0)*3('()*1B$ '"#$ %&'()*&+$ A0#&*(0$ &*3$ ='>)19"#-(0$ =3>(*(1'-&'()*$ 4&-*#3<$ !"#$ %&'()*&+$ ,#&'"#-$ .#-/(0#$ (112#1$ D#3$ E+&5$ ,&-*(*51$ F$ E(-#$ ,#&'"#-$ ,&'0"#1$ ')$ &+#-'$ fire departments of the onset, or possible )*1#'B$)6$0-('(0&+$4#&'"#-$&*3$3-:$0)*3('()*1$ '"&'$0)2+3$+#&3$')$-&9(3$)-$3-&>&'(0$(*0-#&1#1$ in wildfire activity. G#&'$ (1$ #89#0'#3$ ')$ ?2(+3$ (*$ '"#$ 3#1#-'1B$ with an excessive heat watch in effect until *#8'$ H)*3&:$ #/#*(*5$ (*$ .&*$ I#-*&-3(*)$ 7)2*':B$(*0+23(*5$J200&$K&++#:B$'"#$H)-)*5)$ I&1(*$ &*3$ '"#$ H)L&/#$ M-#1#-/#N$ A4#*1$ K&++#:N$ O#&'"$ K&++#:$ %&'()*&+$ M&-;N$ &*3$ '"#$ 4#1'#-*$H)L&/#$O#1#-'B$&00)-3(*5$')$&$%,.$ &+#-'<
O&(+:$ '#>9#-&'2-#$ -#0)-31$ &-#$ +(;#+:$ ?#$ -(/&+#3$ )-$ ?-);#*B$ 4('"$ '"#$ 4#1'#-*$ H)L&/#$ O#1#-'$#89#0'#3$')$-#&0"$PQR$')$PPS$3#5-##1N$ A4#*1$K&++#:$&'$PQS$')$PPQ$3#5-##1N$&*3$O#&'"$ K&++#:$-#&0"(*5$PTQ$')$PTR$3#5-##1< Extreme heat significantly increases the 9)'#*'(&+$6)-$"#&'C-#+&'#3$(++*#11#1B$9&-'(02+&-+:$ 6)-$ '")1#$ 4)-;(*5$ )-$ 9&-'(0(9&'(*5$ (*$ )2'3))-$ &0'(/('(#1B$'"#$4#&'"#-$1#-/(0#$4&-*#3< “Be prepared to drink plenty of fluids, stay in &*$&(-C$0)*3('()*#3$-))>B$1'&:$)2'$)6$'"#$12*B$ &*3$0"#0;$29$)*$-#+&'(/#1$&*3$*#(5"?)-1BU$'"#$ %,.$ 0&2'()*#3B$ &33(*5$ '"&'$ :)2*5$ 0"(+3-#*$ &*3$ 9#'1$ 1")2+3$ *)'$ ?#$ +#6'$ 2*&''#*3#3$ (*$ /#"(0+#1$#19#0(&++:$(*$")'$4#&'"#-< During heightened fire danger, CAL FIRE will place additional firefighters on duty, staff more fire engines and keep more equipment )*$TV$")2-1$&$3&:$')$?#$&?+#$')$-#19)*3$')$&*:$ new fires. CAL FIRE urges Californians to be #8'-#>#+:$ 0&2'()21B$ #19#0(&++:$ 32-(*5$ 9#-()31$ of high fire danger. It’s important all residents and visitors take steps to prevent wildfires. One less spark could mean one less wildfire. See below for tips on preventing wildfires.
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Yariel Valdés González spent 11 months in ICE custody — these are his diaries JK(=>?@AB(C>B,D1(EFGHIBAH
Before long I was taken to another, much larger, !"#$%&"'(#"()*+(,##-(#.()*+(/010(234-$*(567(589:; office on a second or third floor with more officers and I finally received the call for which I had been waiting more immigrants. The open space was divided into a month. The Beta Group, a team from Mexico’s three sections: The first was for mothers with small immigration service that coordinates the legal entry of children, the second was for women who came alone, immigrants to the U.S., was talking to me on the other and the third was reserved for men. I saw the two end of the line. My time to cross had come and they Mexican women with their little ones who had entered asked me to come as soon as possible. with me because the partitions were not exactly solid. I had come to their facilities on the bridge that Each area had plastic benches, a television and divides the two countries several weeks ago to sign up very thin mats that covered the entire floor. It was a for a waiting list. This is the only way for asylum seekers makeshift shelter with the most basic of essentials. A to go north in an orderly and safe manner. They wrote large glass window in front of me allowed the light in my name and phone number, along with thousands of and let me see the landscape, which, by the way, was others, into a very thick book that had aged from being not very encouraging. I could see the border, covered used too much. with barbed wire, fences and surveillance cameras. A “We will call you when it is your turn, but the wait to railroad access gate was just below the building and a enter may take a month or two,” the officer said at the part of the American city of Calexico that was not far time. away was visible. It was never my intention to scale the wall and =>?@AB(C>B,D1(EFGHIBAH!789!:;<=!>?!@51!=;A;?A>B?!CBD!?;8D<E!8!E;8D4 A large room, where various officers, women and illegally enter U.S. territory. That is considered a crime F2<8=;!G:BAB!HE!6>I:8;<!J;EK men, worked nonstop, was behind me. I had access to and I did not want to start my new life by breaking the a bathroom with toilets, urinals, sinks and mirrors, as law. I preferred to knock on the door and ask for the well as drinking water from a drinking fountain. Women with babies were given milk, wet help I needed. wipes, disposable diapers and other amenities. I was staying at the home of Betty, a Mexican friend who is the wife of my father’s friend Officers from time to time called us for interviews or to take fingerprints. They took for whom I had affection for a long time. Betty opened her family’s doors to me and she my fingerprints three times. The system always looked out for me like a surrogate mother. She was the one who drove me that was not very efficient, which made the morning in her car to the Beta Group’s premises, where an officer was waiting for me. Two F2<8=;!G:BAB!HE!6>I:8;<!J;EK officers uncomfortable and delayed the women and their small children were also there. process. Access to the country was a trickle, depending on the capacity of U.S. officials on the The interviews almost always took other side of the border. They requested a certain number of people to enter each day and place in the early morning, in the same the Mexican officials called from the list they had made. My number was over 1,000. I don’t long room where the officers fill out remember exactly, but I was in the fifth and last group of the day. their paperwork. My interview was in the I said goodbye to Betty with a long, shaky hug. I also said goodbye to my father, who afternoon. It took several hours because was hundreds of kilometers from here, to my family and to my boyfriend in Cuba and to the officer interrupted me at every other Mexico, which had been my adopted home for a few months. question and ordered me to return to This goodbye left a bittersweet taste in my mouth, because my heart was torn. On one my seat. He was apparently not very hand, I felt as though I was doing the right thing, that I must run and save my life, but on motivated to work. the other hand doubt remained. My vision became cloudy and anguish permeated my His tone was somewhat aggressive, thoughts because I was unsure and terrified. My pulse began to race as I walked away. The defiant if you will, at first. He claimed survival instinct nevertheless still managed to win the inner struggle. that everyone came up with made-up Betty filmed the departure on her cell phone and sent it to my family, with whom she tales, sometimes nonsensical stories. had talked for a few minutes while we were on the way to the border. He no longer believed in anything. I was The officer led us to his American colleagues in a tiny office next to the immigration quite scared, but I slowly relaxed when I windows where they check passersby’s visas and screen residents or citizens who are proved to him the facts of my case were entering the U.S. true. I showed him the documents I had They sat me on a bench and we went one by one to a cell where they searched every that were evidence. He selected a few inch of our bodies. They made me take off my shoes, which they thoroughly checked for and attached them to my form. any forbidden items. They folded them by the sole, put their hands inside them and turned I ended up helping him write my them upside down. Back at the window they asked for my passport and asked me some answers in English. He told me at the end basic questions. They measured my height and took my picture. 8<!"!#$%&!'()!*'*+!"!%,-./01%1-2%.3145,6
)B9FA->G-9H-I+'-:;?9BH;; of the interview that I was the first person he interviewed with a solid story. My story was apparently organized, eloquent and not made up. I later heard an officer say that my case was a positive “credible fear.” I had thus passed the first test. That made me feel a little more secure and I was able to sleep soundly that night. I could hardly sleep the first night. The mattress was too thin and I was still shaking and scared. I was hoping that I could be released soon. I kept thinking about the good experience that a relative and my boyfriend’s cousins, who had only spent one night in detention after successfully passing the interview on the bridge, had. The families that were with me in this place were quickly released. I saw them arrive after me and get released in a few hours. The conditions weren’t actually as bad as I expected. Most of the officers were of Latino descent and treated us decently. Meals filled me up, some more than others. I had a huge burrito stuffed with potato, rice and artificial eggs for breakfast. They also gave us milk and juice. The rest of the food consisted of sandwiches and hamburgers and they served us chicken with salad, a kind of Caesar salad, for dinner. The hours passed very slowly. I had no one with whom I could talk. I always find it a bit difficult to break the ice with strangers and I wanted to avoid any situation that could lead to problems or misunderstandings. Several men and women, especially those who tried to take advantage of the American immigration system by presenting a false visa to enter the country, arrived each day. Most of them were Mexicans and they were quickly sent back to their country. It is the neighbor after all. Most were young and some had tried to enter more than 10 times. Chinese and Africans, in addition to Latinos from various countries, were with me. People who came in before me were handcuffed. They were being led out of the office to an unknown location. They asked me early in the morning on my third day if I wanted to bathe. They gave me various hygiene products and access to a small shower. I was later able to change my clothes and I felt refreshed. The effects of 48 hours without proper grooming were already beginning to be felt. I went to the bathroom and washed my face and armpits and I brushed my teeth in the morning with my index finger without a toothbrush and toothpaste. I learned a short time later that I would be transferred together with another immigrant with whom I had exchanged a few words. I was going to finally get out of this place, but just not to where I expected. A flight on ICE Air (April 5, 2019) From my seat inside the bus I could hear the noise of the engines of the plane that was still parked. I could make out in the distance the airport with its usual bustle of airplanes. I was, however, in a secluded area that no one could see clearly. This area is accessed through a kind of back door, a gate with huge bars, which is probably used for other purposes. It is a strategic, well thought out positioning. Handcuffed men boarding a plane at dawn is a very curious scene, and that’s the last thing ICE wants. Discretion in a procedure of this magnitude is essential. Two more buses were parked around the plane. A line of immigrants left one of the buses and boarded the plane. We all anxiously looked for a gap in the windows that would let us see what was happening outside. We waited for several minutes before our turn came. I should only leave my seat when I hear my name. “Valdés González, Yariel,” the agent yelled and my name caught in his mouth, as if he didn’t want it to come out. The shackles around my ankles create an arrhythmic concert of metallic screeches on the way to the plane. The roar of the turbines indicates the transfer’s urgency. I have to go through two checkpoints — they searched my whole body in the first one in search of something inappropriate and they examined my mouth in the second one, as if I could really hide something threatening there — before boarding. I felt like an extremely dangerous convict. I walked, watching my steps like a baby who still has a hard time standing. I climbed the steps of the plane slowly, one by one. It is not a huge airplane, but I would say that it has a capacity for approximately 200 people. Officers indicate available spaces on either side of the narrow aisle. I have a window seat on the right side of the plane, very close to the wing.
A free flight and sightseeing. What a thrill! There is a Hindu man next to me. He is wearing a striking turquoise turban. We exchanged timid greetings while the rest of them settled down. The flight attendants were wearing ICE jackets and appeared restless. The plane is full. There are very few open seats. I launched into some prayers asking for protection before takeoff. I am afraid of a plane crash and I asked my saints to protect me in an attempt to calm me down. I don’t know why the religious side comes to life whenever I get on a plane. The trip becomes monotonous after the exciting moment of takeoff and the initial curiosity of seeing the earth from the sky. The clouds with their thousands of shapes are all I can admire out the window. I lean my head to the wall of the plane trying to rest. I did not get a deep sleep, as anxiety and nervousness conspired against my peace of mind. They gave us a bag with the same food from the bus and I managed to feed myself a little with the same clumsiness of handcuffed hands. Those who need to go to the bathroom are escorted by an officer to the plane’s tiny lavatory. The handcuffs were not removed at any time during the flight. You have to figure out how to deal with any eventuality. I would say the flight was longer than three hours. I had no way of knowing exactly how much time passed since it began, much less any clue that told me where we were going. I looked out the window and the ground no longer seemed so far away. They indicated through the PA system that we will arrive at our destination shortly, without clarifying what the destination is. The city before my eyes revealed itself as gray, drenched by a vigorous storm that will make our arrival even more strange. I once again said my prayers as we made our final descent. They seemed to have been heard when I felt the impact of the landing gear on the wet runway. We landed safely in a desolate airport and stopped on the tarmac with other planes that looked like toys because they were so tiny. The surrounding buildings disappeared at times because the rain lashed so fiercely. The downpour was not a sufficient excuse to delay our extraction any longer. I ran as fast as the chains on my feet and the constant fear of slipping would allow me. I was drenched from head to toe when I boarded the bus. An officer then indicated that I should sit in the narrowest of the seats, which were in the back of the bus right next to the bathroom. I was practically sitting on one of my legs and I fell on top of the person next to me every time someone opened the door to the tiny bathroom. More than 10 hours of travel had passed, so a visit to the back of the bus was imperative, including for me. The urine gave off a smelly odor from that cabin, and my nose was its closest victim. I started to sweat. The ventilation was nil because the incessant torrential rain kept the windows closed. We would have been mercilessly drenched if we opened them, even a little bit. I fell prey to several episodes of anxiety on board that hermetic capsule. I was perhaps not the only one because around 40 immigrants were breathing the same thick, hot air that had apparently been recycled. I arrived at my final destination approximately 12 hours later. !"#$%&'!'#(!$)'*+",-.-/0!1-234-5256-. 07
Supreme Court rebuffs Wash. florist who refused to serve gay couple Decade-old case appears to be at an end #$%&'()*%+,'-*,-%. /012341356742897:;</1=
The U.S. Supreme Court has rebuffed a wedding florist in Washington State who sought review of her case for a First Amendment right to refuse to serve same-sex couples. In its orders list last Friday, the Supreme Court indicated it has denied certiorari, or refused to take up a case, in response to a petition for review from Arlene’s Flowers. The petition from the floral shop, owned by Barronelle Stutzman, is included among the denials on the orders lists without explanation #>((,-?@@?%*ABACD>-’s case or a vote tally of the justices, as is customary. appears to be over after last week’s The American Civil Liberties Union, which had ruling. (Blade photo by Michael Key) represented Robert Ingersoll and Curt Freed, the same-sex couple denied service in 2013 at the floral shop for their wedding, declared victory as a result of the Supreme Court’s action. “Planning a wedding was a joyful time for Rob and Curt until they were refused service at their local flower shop,” Ria Tabacco Mar, an ACLU lawyer representing the couple and the director of the ACLU Women’s Rights Project,” said in a statement. “No one should walk into a store and have to wonder whether they will be turned away because of who they are. Preventing that kind of humiliation and hurt is exactly why we have nondiscrimination laws.” The Washington State Supreme Court found in 2017 Stutzman violated the Washington Law Against Discrimination, a state law that prohibits discrimination against LGBTQ people in public accommodations, ordering her to pay a fine of $1,000. It’s the second petition from Arlene’s Flowers before the U.S. Supreme Court. Stutzman
has twice sought from justices review of her case, asserting her penalty under the Washington State law contravened her rights to freedom of religion and freedom of speech under the First Amendment. As a result of her first petition, the U.S. Supreme Court vacated the Washington State Supreme Court decision and remanded for review before the Washington State Supreme Court in light of the limited decision in the Masterpiece Cakeshop case. The Washington State Supreme Court, however, reaffirmed the decision it had reached earlier and upheld the $1,000 fine against Stutzman, who subsequent filed another petition before the U.S. !"#$%&%'()"$*+ The latest petition from Arlene’s Flowers has been pending before the Supreme Court for some time. Alliance Defending Freedom, a law firm that sought to undermine LGBTQ rights in the name of religious freedom, had made the legal filing before the court in 2019, so the petition has been pending for two years. Kristen Waggoner, general counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, said in a statement in the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court’s refusal to hear the case the decision was “tragic.” “Although the outcome of this case is tragic, the critical work of protecting the First Amendment freedoms of all Americans must continue,” Waggoner said. “No one should be forced to express a message or celebrate an event they disagree with. A government that can crush someone like Barronelle, who kindly served her gay customer for nearly a decade but simply declined to create art celebrating one sacred ceremony, can use its power to crush any of us regardless of our political ideology or views on important issues like marriage.” It’s hard to see, however, where Alliance Defending Freedom can go with this case at this point, if anywhere. The course of the litigation appears to be complete.
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Congregation Kol Ami is a progressive, Reform congregation rooted in a rich Jewish tradition. With founding Rabbi Denise L. Eger, our community is commited to social justice, diversity, and a world in which all individuals are honored and connected. @kolamiweho
Sha’Carri Richardson not selected for Olympics USA Track & Field has made its final selections 7#89::;<=>?-@AB-%(+C<-D")$1E for alternates and members of the 4×100 relay team for the summer Olympic games in Tokyo Tuesday, without naming out sprinter Sha’Carri Richardson to the team. She had been suspended after admitting to smoking marijuana as a result as a way of coping with her mother’s recent death last month. The 21-year-old had failed a drug test after she qualified June 19 in the 100-meter race at the U.S. Olympic Track and Field Trials, securing a coveted spot as part of the U.S. women’s team in the Olympic trials that were held at the newly renovated Hayward Field at the University of Oregon in Eugene last month. She will not be offered a shortened suspension to compete on the international stage later this month, USA Track & Field said in a statement. !While USATF fully agrees that the merit of the World Anti-Doping Agency rules related to THC should be reevaluated, it would be detrimental to the integrity of the U.S. Olympic Team Trials for Track & Field if USATF amended its policies following competition, only weeks before the Olympic Games,” the organization said. Richardson said she had accepted a 30-day suspension that ends July 27, which although will cause her to be barred from Olympic 100-meter race would have allowed her to participate in running in the women’s relays. Appearing on NBC’s TODAY Friday morning she said, !I was definitely triggered and blinded by emotions, blinded by badness, and hurting, and hiding hurt. I know I can’t hide myself, so in some type of way, I was trying to hide my pain.” On Saturday Richardson tweeted; ‘I’m sorry, I can’t be y’all Olympic Champ this year but I promise I’ll be your World Champ next year.” "#$%&'()*)+,-)
N.J. guv appoints out lawyer as acting attorney general New Jersey’s Democratic Governor Phil Murphy announced that he has selected Andrew Bruck, a former Assistant U.S. Attorney at the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of New Jersey, to replace outgoing Attorney General Gurbir Grewal. Bruck, who also served at the U.S. Justice Department under former United States Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates as the Senior Counsel, Deputy Chief of Staff, and Acting Chief of Staff, has most recently served as First Assistant Attorney General with New Jersey Attorney General’s Office, and is the first LGBTQ+ New Jersey resident to serve as Attorney General. Before joining the Department of Justice, Bruck worked as a litigation associate in the New York office of Davis Polk & Wardwell and clerked for Chief Justice Stuart Rabner of the New Jersey Supreme Court. He is a graduate of Princeton University and Stanford Law School, Insider NJ reported. In a tweet Governor Murphy congratulated Grewal, who leaves to head of the enforcement division of the United States the Securities and Exchange Commission, and added “I’m pleased to announce that First Assistant Attorney General Andrew Bruck will step in to serve as Acting Attorney General.” Grewal also tweeted his congratulations; “I’m thrilled @govmurphy selected Andrew Bruck to lead for the remainder of my term. He’s worked tirelessly to stand up for the rights of New Jerseyans, helped shape our most important policies & responded to our complex legal challenges. NJ will be well-served by his leadership.” The New Jersey native grew up in Montclair and Mendham. Bruck currently resides in Trenton with his husband Adam and 8-month-old daughter, Libby. "#$%&'()*)+,-)
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789:8;<<=>;<!<?9@ABCDE!FA9GH!=CI8J<E8@GE@8;!F=AA! Democrats must come together to advance Biden’s agenda
During his campaign and in his first few months in office, President Biden has spoken often of the need to get back to bipartisanship in government. He recalls his time in the Senate when that was how he liked to work but recognizes it was much more possible back then. It is widely accepted that what was once the Republican Party is now the Party of Trump. It is a party controlled by hardliners who have no desire to compromise on anything. Their leaders in Congress, Senate Minority Leader “Moscow” Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) are beholden to and behave as sycophants of
Trump. So the fact that Biden appears to have reached a bipartisan agreement on a hard infrastructure bill with Republicans in the Senate must be seen as a major step forward. He is right when he said in an op-ed regarding the hard infrastructure bill: “The bipartisan agreement is a signal to ourselves, and to the world, that American democracy can work and deliver for the people.” But the country could still end up without any progress being made if progressive Democrats, through their intransigence, manage to screw-up the infrastructure deal because they aren’t willing to compromise. If that happens they will also be showing a total lack of understanding of how the Founding Fathers intended our government to work. President Biden made a big mistake suggesting he wouldn’t sign the deal on hard infrastructure he had just accepted from the group of Democratic and Republican senators he met with in the White House unless it reached his desk in tandem with a separate soft infrastructure bill. He has already walked that comment back and the bill appears to still be alive. So as the bipartisan deal moves forward it is important to recognize not only Republicans but Democrats could sabotage it and cause it to fall apart. Just reading Jamaal Bowman’s (D-N.Y.) quote is an indication of how that could happen. He said, “If it’s not where it needs to be, we’ll vote it down and see where it goes from there.” Well Bowman and his colleagues shouldn’t be shocked when it goes nowhere and they, not Republicans, are held responsible for hurting all
those who could have benefitted from the bipartisan bill President Biden agreed to. The ball is now in the congressional Democrats’ court. It is up to them to work together to reach a deal on a soft infrastructure bill that can be passed with reconciliation both in the House and then get all 50 Democratic votes in the Senate allowing Vice President Harris to cast the tie-breaking vote. That won’t be easy and it means every Democrat, including more moderate ones like Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-Maine) among others have to be on board with such a bill. Progressives need to face facts, the first being the $6 trillion reconciliation bill Sen.
Sanders (I-Vermont) and some others are talking about will not happen. Even a progressive stalwart like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has shown she understands that and wouldn’t specify a dollar figure she would agree to when appearing recently on Meet the Press. In the best of all worlds, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Speaker Pelosi (D-Calif.) would get the most left-leaning Democrats along with the more moderate ones in the Senate, lock them in a room, and not let them out until they have an agreement on a soft infrastructure bill they will all support. There is broad support for the bipartisan bill. According to a new poll even, “6 in 10 Republican voters say they favor the new $1.2 trillion infrastructure package negotiated by a bipartisan group of senators and endorsed by the Biden White House.” There is also broad support among Democrats for President Biden’s $1.8 trillion American Family Plan. It has been reported, “An overwhelming majority of Democrats back the plan (86%), while 54% of independent voters support it.” So congressional Democrats across the political spectrum should be able to get behind some form of this bill and pass it through reconciliation without any Republican help. If that happens, President Biden gets to show bipartisanship can work and Democrats get to move forward on a host of issues they campaigned on. It would be a tremendous win-win for the American people.
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7899:-;<=>?-<@A8>-,<BA:-!9<C89-(<?9@<DD America’s Favorite Pastime still lacks openly gay players By MIKEY ROX
!"#$%&'&($'()*+,)*-&./'#0(&"%)1&.)(#/*-&/*+#.$+(#'*2(&"'*(&'#&/#(&34&5',,6'%7(&'*2&(#'2/01(& 20$&#)&#.$&89:;<+=>&6'*2$1/?@&A'B)%&C$'-0$&D'($5',,&E'*2&/#(&A/*)%&C$'-0$&D'($5',,&"$$2$%& (F(#$1G&/(&5'?7H&I.$&'**0',&!,,+J#'%&K'1$&/(&($#&")%&L0,F&=3H&!(/2$&"%)1&-'M7/*-&'#&F)0%&"'N)%/#$& players’ posteriors in form-fitting pinstriped pants, there are plenty of queer cheers to give for !1$%/?'O(&*'#/)*',&6'(#/1$H&I.$($&'%$&-'F$(#&#./*-(&F)0&2/2*O#&7*)M&'5)0#&6%)&5',,H Glenn Burke broke the first barrier – but it may have cost him As an outfielder for the Los Angeles Dodgers from 1976 to ’78 (and widely regarded coinventor of the high-five), Glenn Burke broke ground as the first active MLB player to come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he retired from the game in 1980. ;*&#.$&/*/#/',&F$'%(&"),,)M/*-&./(&%$#/%$1$*#@&D0%7$&?)16$#$2&/*&=44+&'*2&V44+1$#$%&(6%/*#(& at the inaugural Gay Games in 1982 and in basketball at the 1986 Games, and for many years .$&6,'F$2&")%&#.$&J'*&W%'*?/(?)&K'F&J)"#5',,&C$'-0$H&D0%7$&2/$2&)"&?)16,/?'#/)*(&"%)1&!;<J&/*& =>>XH Burke befriended Tommy Lasorda Jr. – and Tommy Senior wasn’t happy C$-$*2'%F&<)2-$%(&1'*'-$%&I)11F&C'()%2'&J%H&Y&M.)&,$2&#.$&#$'1&#)&#M)&P)%,2&J$%/$(& ?.'16/)*(./6(@& ")0%& Z'#/)*',& C$'-0$& 6$**'*#(& '*2& $/-.#& 2/N/(/)*& #/#,$(& 20%/*-& ./(& V4+F$'%& stewardship from 1976 to 1996 – had a gay son. Burke befriended the younger Lasorda Jr., M./?.&'*-$%$2&#.$&T"'1/,F&N',0$(U&1'*'-$%@&?'0(/*-&'&%/"#&#.'#&,/7$,F&?)*#%/50#$2&#)&D0%7$&5$/*-& #%'2$2&#)&#.$&!O(&'"#$%&#.%$$&($'()*(&/*&C)(&!*-$,$(H&C'()%2'&L%H&2/$2&)"&!;<J&?)16,/?'#/)*(&/*& =>>=&'#&'-$&33H&C'()%2'&J%H&2/$2&$'%,/$%&#./(&F$'%&M/#.)0#&$N$%&.'N/*-&'?7*)M,$2-$2&.$&.'2&'& -'F&()*H It’s been 22 years since the second MLB player came out Billy Bean, an outfielder for the Detroit Tigers, L.A. Dodgers and San Diego Padres from 1987 to 1995, came out in the &'()'*+",(%-&/*&=>>>@&")0%&F$'%(&'"#$%&%$#/%/*-H&D$(/2$(&D0%7$@& .$&%$1'/*(&#.$&)*,F&)#.$%&")%1$%&ACD&6,'F$%&#)&605,/?,F&'?7*)M,$2-$&./(&.)1)($Q0',/#F&6)(#+ ?'%$$%[&*)&'?#/N$&6,'F$%&.'(&$N$%&?)1$&)0#&605,/?,F&'*2&*)&")%1$%&6,'F$%(&.'N$&?)1$&)0#&(/*?$H& ;*&V443@&D$'*&%$,$'($2&./(&'0#)5/)-%'6.F&TK)/*-&#.$&9#.$%&P'F\&C$(()*(&"%)1&'&C/"$&/*&'*2&)0#& of Major League Baseball,” and in 2014 he was named MLB’s first Ambassador for Inclusion. In 2016, that role was expanded to Vice President of Social Responsibility and Inclusion, and today Bean serves as Vice President and Special Assistant to the Commissioner. The L.A. Dodgers are the only team with both players who have come out as gay D)#.&D0%7$&'*2&D$'*&6,'F$2&")%&#.$&<)2-$%(&20%/*-&#.$/%&ACD&?'%$$%(&Y&'*2&'(&./(#)%F&#$*2(& #)&%$6$'#&/#($,"@&1'F5$&#.$%$O(&'&-'F&6,'F$%&)*&#.$&<)2-$%(O&%)(#$%&%/-.#&*)MH&;"&#.'#O(&#%0$@&.$%$O(& hoping he has the courage to come out and make history while an active player, put the final nail in the coffin of the Dodgers’ homophobic past, and serve as an inspiration to aspiring young 6%)&5',,&6,'F$%(&$N$%FM.$%$H& Z)&6%$((0%$H Statistics suggest there are dozens of closeted pro baseball players ;*&'&V4=X&'%#/?,$&")%&#.$&Z$M&])%7&I/1$(@&$?)*)1/(#&'*2&605,/?&6),/?F&(?.),'%&L0(#/*&P),"$%(& M%)#$&#.'#&5'($2&)*&#.$&6%)6)%#/)*&)"&!1$%/?'*&1$*&M.)&.'N$&'?7*)M,$2-$2&5$/*-&-'F&)%& 5/($Q0',&E#.)0-.&*)#&*$?$(('%/,F&)0#G@&#.$%$&10(#&5$&?,)($#$2&ACD&6,'F$%(&'?#/N$,F&#'7/*-&#.$& field. Thirty MLB teams each have 40-men rosters equaling 1,200 players who don’t publicly identify as queer. T;"&5'($5',,&6,'F$%(&'%$&'(&,/7$,F&#)&5$&-'F&'(&)#.$%&1$*&#.$/%&'-$&Y&,$#O(&-)&M/#.&'*&$(#/1'#$&)"& =&/*&VX&Y&#.$*&#.$&)22(&#.'#&*)*$&)"&#.$($&1$*&'%$&-'F&/(&)*$&/*&#M)&($Q#/,,/)*@U&P),"$%(&M%)#$H&T!& sextillion comes after a trillion, quadrillion and quintillion; it is a thousand billion billion.” 9"&?)0%($@&#.$%$&1'F&5$&-'F&)%&5/($Q0',&1$*&/*&ACD&M.)&.'N$&%/66$2&'&6'-$&"%)1&D0%7$O(& playbook and only confided within their own club. Time will tell.
Lower-level pro ball has a much better comingout average J/*?$&J$'*&8)*%)F@&")%1$%&6/#?.$%&")%&#.$&/*2$6$*2$*#& J)*)1'& J#)16$%(@& ?'1$& )0#& 605,/?,F& /*& V4=X& M./,$& still on the team’s roster – the first-ever active pro ball 6,'F$%&#)&2)&()&Y&'&.'*2"0,&)"&)#.$%(&.'N$&"),,)M$2&/*&./(& 6/)*$$%/*-&"))#(#$6(&E'#&N'%/)0(&(#'-$(&)"&#.$/%&?'%$$%(G@& /*?,02/*-&A/CD&6,'F$%(&<'N/2&<$*()*@&IF,$%&<0**/*-#)*@& L'()*&D0%?.@&'*2&L).*&</,,/*-$%H There are 30 MLB teams – and all but one of them host a Pride night IM$*#F& F$'%(& '-)& #./(& (011$%@& #.$& 8./?'-)& 805(& kicked off MLB’s Pride-night tradition with its now'**0',& T90#& '#& P%/-,$FU& ?$,$5%'#/)*@& '*2& ',1)(#& $N$%F& BILLY BEAN-=<E9-A8>-FG-6333-<;>9::9>F:FGC-;:AE-@<?9@<DD-<GH-55-I9<:??,05&/*&#.$&)%-'*/R'#/)*&.'(&"),,)M$2&(0/#H&IM$*#F+$/-.#& D<>9:->J9-?KA:>-?>FDD-D<=L?-<G-A8>-C<I#$'1(&/*&#.$&^*/#$2&J#'#$(&'*2&)*$&/*&8'*'2'&.)(#&'*& KD<I9:*--MNJA>A-=A8:>9?I-(9<GO $N$*/*-& )"& CKDI_& /*?,0(/N$*$((@& 0(0',,F& M/#.& (6$?/',& ticket packages that include seats in a dedicated Pride section and rainbow-colored baseball (M'-H&I.$&,)*$&.),2)0#`&I.$&#M)+2$?'2$(+#))+,'#$&Z$M&])%7&]'*7$$(H& IM)& F$'%(& '-)@& #.$& ]'*7(& '?7*)M,$2-$2& #.$& X4#.& '**/N$%('%F& )"& #.$& J#)*$M',,& ^6%/(/*-& and honored five first-annual Yankees-Stonewall Scholarship winners in a special pre-game commemoration ceremony that unveiled a plaque behind the center-field fence dedicated to the occasion. Yet still no Pride night. The San Francisco Giants made rainbow history for Pride 2021 ACD& #$'1(& '%$& 7*)M*& #)& /*?)%6)%'#$& ?'0($+5'($2& ,)-)(& '*2& 6'#?.$(& /*#)& #.$/%& 0*/")%1(& throughout the season, like the pink breast cancer awareness ribbon, for instance, or camouflage to show military appreciation. But on June 5, 2021, the San Francisco Giants became the first #$'1& /*& 5/-+,$'-0$& ./(#)%F& #)& %'/*5)M+/R$& /#(& 0*/")%1(@& /*?,02/*-& '& %/-.#+(,$$N$& .)1$& B$%($F& patch in Pride colors and a matching logo on players’ hats, in celebration of its LGBTQ+ fans. “We are extremely proud to stand with the LGBTQ+ community as we kick off one of the 5$(#&'**0',&?$,$5%'#/)*(&/*&J'*&W%'*?/(?)&5F&6'F/*-&.)*)%&#)&#.$&?)0*#,$((&'?./$N$1$*#(&'*2& contributions of all those who identify as LGBTQ+ and are allies of the LGBTQ+ community,” San W%'*?/(?)&K/'*#(&8a9&C'%%F&D'$%&('/2&/*&'&(#'#$1$*#H A scripted series about gay professional ball players may be coming soon Author Peter Lefcourt’s novel, “The Dreyfus Affair: A Love Story” (1992), about homophobia in baseball that follows two MLB players who get caught up in a sex scandal should be required reading for any on-the-spectrum queer sports fans, but if you’re adverse to cracking open a 20(#F&5))7@&#.$&,/N$+'?#/)*&I:&'2'6#'#/)*&1'F&5$&?)1/*-&#)&'&(#%$'1/*-&($%N/?$&*$'%&F)0H& ^*/N$%(',&I$,$N/(/)*&.'(&)6#/)*$2&#.$&*)N$,&")%&2$N$,)61$*#&M/#.&9(?'%+&'*2&a11F+M/**$%& David Frankel (“The Devil Wears Prada”) tapped to direct and co-write the pilot with Lefcourt. The project has been in development in some form for the past 28 years. Studios put the kibosh on Lefcourt’s and Frankel’s original movie scripts in 1996 – Disney was even interested '(&)*$&6)/*#&Y&?/#/*-&,'?7&)"&?)11$%?/',&'66$',H& These are the best butts in baseball according to !" magazine There’s no definitive queer ranking of the best butts in baseball (and it’s a shame there isn’t) 50#&'&"$M&F$'%(&'-)&./&1'-'R/*$&'(7$2&/#(&%$'2$%(@&1'B)%/#F&"$1',$(@&#)&%'*7&ACDO(&-%$'#$(#& (//ets. Phillies left fielder Rhys Hoskins, Cincinnati Reds pitcher Matt Harvey, New York Yankee Giancarlo Stanton, Nationals right fielder Bryce Harper, and Dodger Cody Bellinger rounded out the top five – figuratively and literally. Perfectly acceptable. But are there better booties at-bat? Consider Diamondback David Peralta, Los Angeles Angel Mike Trout, and Orioles first 5'($1'*&8.%/(&<'N/(&#.$&*$Q#&#/1$&#.$F&#'7$&#.$&6,'#$H& J$N$*#.+/**/*-&(#%$#?.@&'*F)*$` !"#$%&' ()*' #+' ,-' ,.,/01.#--#-2' 3)4/-,5#+6' ,-0' 789:' 5#;%+6&5%' %*<%/6' .=)+%' .)/$' =,+' >%%-' <4>5#+=%0'#-'?)/%'6=,-'@AA')465%6+',B/)++'6=%'.)/50C'D%'B4//%-65&'.)/$+';)/'6=%'E65,-6,'9/,F%+C' G)--%B6'.#6='"#$%&')-'H-+6,2/,?'I?#$%&/)*6/,F%5+J !"#$%&'!'#(!$)'*+",-.-/0!1-234-5256-.-19
CELEBRITY APEX DEBUTS WITH $699 AIR FROM LAX Be among the first to sail the Mediterranean in luxury aboard our brand new Celebrity ApexSM, second ship in the revolutionary Celebrity Edge® Series. Depart ancient Athens on new itineraries of 6 to 8 nights in the sparkling Greek islands and historic Israel. Youí ll sail without a care, since your drinks, Wi≠ Fi, and tips are Always IncludedSM.* Weí ll even help you get there with low $699 airfares from Los Angeles when you book via Flights by Celebrity.*
NOTICE: Prior to booking, please consult all applicable U.S. Centers for Disease Control travel advisories, warnings, or recommendations relating to cruise travel, at cdc.gov/travel/notices. If a certain threshold level of COVID-19 is detected onboard the ship during your voyage, the voyage will end immediately, the ship will return to the port of embarkation, and your subsequent travel, including your return home, may be restricted or delayed. * Visit celebrity.com for complete terms, conditions, and offer details. Always Included: Pricing applies to sailings booked and departing on or after November 17, 2020, excluding Galapagos cruises, in inside through AquaClass® staterooms (eligible bookings). All guests in eligible bookings who choose Always Included pricing receive Classic Beverage Packages, unlimited Surf internet packages, and tips included. Air offer: Provides reduced airfare at the stated price for select economy-class roundtrip flights booked through Flights by Celebrity (air credit). Offer applies to new air-and-cruise bookings made on or after March 30, 2021 (offer period), for Celebrity Apex Europe sailings departing June 19 to September 25, 2021 (offer cruise). Airfare displayed is total per person, in USD, inclusive of taxes, and applies to select economy-class round-trip flights that originate in the specified gateway cities for the specified sailings. Europe airfare is fixed at the specified amount per person by gateway if market airfare is no more than $699 to $1,066 per person depending on sail date and gateway (threshold airfare). If market airfare exceeds the range of the threshold airfares specified above for fixed rates per applicable cruise itinerary, the guest will be responsible for paying the difference between the market airfare and the threshold airfare, on top of the fixed air rate. For first class or business class airfares, a $200 savings per person will be available from specified U.S. gateways. Airfare does not include checked baggage fees that may be charged by an airline. Offer applies to all guests in a veranda, Concierge Class, or AquaClass® stateroom, or The Retreat, limit one offer per person. Air credit applies to new individual bookings and group bookings named and deposited within the offer period. Europe air offer applies to the following gateways ATL, BOS, CLT, DCA, DFW, EWR, FLL, IAD, IAH, JFK, LAX, MIA, ORD, and PHL. Airfares are based on the gateway, capacity controlled, air-only, subject to availability, established by and subject to the terms and conditions of the airline, and they vary by gateway and itinerary and may change without notice. Air must be booked through Flights by Celebrity and is only offered with purchase of the offer cruise. Airfare search was conducted on March 30, 2021, using the Flights by Celebrity booking tool for flights arriving on cruise departure dates and departing on cruise arrival dates. To redeem, a guest must purchase a qualifying stateroom on an offer cruise using CelebrityCruises.com or by contacting a travel professional and booking flights on FlightsbyCelebrity.com. Cruise booking number is required to purchase air travel. Full payment of airfare is required at the time that final payment for a cruise booking is due. Cancellation of air tickets: Air tickets may be purchased on a nonrefundable or refundable basis and are each subject to the cancellation terms of the applicable airlines. If a nonrefundable air ticket is cancelled, the amount of the air credit will be deducted from the balance remaining after the cruise cancellation penalty (if any) has been deducted from deposits or payments received by Celebrity for the cruise (offer credit recapture). If air tickets are purchased on a refundable basis, the air credit recapture does not apply. Combinability: Offer is combinable with standard group rates and brand offers that are named during the offer period. Offer is not combinable with travel agent, Simply Sail, or employee cruise rates. After the offer period, the offer will be removed from the booking if the guest cancels and reinstates the booking, applies a fare change, or changes the ship or sail date of the booking. Certain other changes to the booking may also result in removal of the offer. Offer applies to new, individual, named group bookings, confirmed at prevailing rates. Individual reservations can be transferred into an existing group, assuming the required criteria are met. Offer applies to all guests in the stateroom. Single-occupancy guests paying 200% cruise fares are eligible for the offer. Offer is open to residents of the United States. Prices and offers are subject to availability and change without notice and capacity controlled and may be withdrawn at any time. Refer to Cruise Ticket Contract for additional terms and conditions. Celebrity reserves the right to cancel the offer at any time; correct any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions; and change or update fares, fees, and surcharges at any time without prior notice. General: Health and safety protocols, guest conduct rules, and regional travel restrictions vary by ship and destination, and are subject to change without notice. Due to evolving health protocols, imagery and messaging may not accurately reflect onboard and destination experiences, offerings, features, or itineraries. These may not be available during your voyage, may vary by ship and destination, and may be subject to change without notice. ©2021 Celebrity Cruises Inc. Ships’ registry: Malta and Ecuador.
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6/25/21 2:02 PM
BC8><-;<DEF-G8?HI-<I-@A@8E?4-<JKELA-L8>=@: Laughs and sighs abound in Brammer’s new book @A)BCDDE)F0%:E0%CGHCICD
#$%&'()*(+,-)%&.)/&)0&12) 34/),5)()6('1(7/)*(78,59) :&/)(5;)3/<27):,=2):2>>&5>?) (7-/89:-;<=>-(?<@@A? c.2021, Simon & Schuster !"#$%% !"224 pages
Your best friend definitely has an opinion. You need advice and she offers an answer, though it might not be the one you seek. You may get sound counsel but at the wrong time, with sentiments directly opposing what you were thinking. And yet, you have to be grateful. As in the new book “¡Hola Papi!” by John Paul Brammer, the words come from the heart. Growing up in the small Oklahoma town of Cache, John Paul Brammer knew nothing about being gay. He had little relationship experience, in fact, and he didn’t learn about hookup apps until he was a junior in college. Once he found those apps, though, he was “instantly hooked.” Much to his amusement, “some white guy” said “Hola papi” in greeting on an app one day and Brammer, “a mixedrace Mexican American with noodle arms” never forgot it – because hey, wouldn’t that be a great name for an advice column? He pitched it, landed a gig in conjunction with Grindr and it was a landslide hit with users, even though Brammer felt like an imposter sometimes. Was he really qualified to do this? He wondered, then he remembered what he’d want if he needed advice. When asked what one can do to let go of past hurts, Brammer answers with a tale of his middle-school years, of bullying, inadequacies, and teen angst, and of coming out, growing up, and not letting someone be defined by the worst of the past.
He writes of puppy love with a girl when he was kinda sure he was attracted to boys, and how the experience wasn’t a waste. He remembers co-workers at a nearby taco stand who taught him to speak Spanish, to belong, and that “Lo siento” isn’t always necessary. He tells readers about releasing the love he thought was “the one”; about the oh-so-awkward night a childhood bully approached him on a dating app; and how to let go of a dream, and a nightmare situation. You know this: Dear Emmy and Dear Posey can always be relied upon to present some poor schlub with drama worse than yours. You know they’ll offer snappy, sometimes snarky, maybe dismissive advice – but that might not be as applicable as what’s in “¡Hola Papi!”. Agony Aunties don’t normally insert themselves into their answers quite like author John Paul Brammer does; nope, he makes his advice into a memoir that resonates. Each mini-chapter here begins with a question, followed by what feels like a personal answer written specifically to the forlorn rather than to the world — in a story, really, but one that’s relatable. It’s fun to read but, more importantly, it wraps advice-seekers (and not just the writer) in a comfortable tale that might make them laugh but definitely makes them feel they’re not alone. Another nice thing: this book is by a gay man, but the advice he offers is for anyone, of any age. If you can remember that there are some eyebrow-raisers snuggled amidst laughs and sighs, of “¡Hola Papi!”, you’ll have a high opinion.
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