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Process Technology
0373 TTH 8:00-9:25am ONLINE Archuleta, I Semester Note: Online course. All instruction will be provided via the internet through the college learning management system Canvas and Zoom software. Meets online on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00AM-9:25AM. This course may use online exam proctoring software to administer exams. Access to a computer with audio and video capability is required. Go to to www.losmedanos.edu/onlineclasses for course access information.
POLSC-033 Philosophy of Political Theory and Thought - 3 Units
ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL-100 LMC Degree: ADR: Social and Behavioral Sciences; DA Transfer: UC; CSU Gen. Ed. Area C2, D; IGETC Area 3B, 4A; C-ID POLS 120 Same as PHIL-133. An introduction to the history and development of political theory and thought. The primary goal of this course is to examine various theoretical approaches to politics, basic political problems and proposed solutions, while analyzing historical theories in order to address contemporary problems. The course will proceed with an interdisciplinary and comparative approach to the study of primary texts and their authors in historical context. POLSC-033 meets the Social and Behavioral Sciences requirement. PHIL-133 meets the Art and Humanities requirement. May not be repeated. SC
Online and Hybrid Sections
0022 ONLINE Sherick, B Semester Note: Online course. All instruction will be online. Go to www.losmedanos.edu/onlineclasses for course access information.
POLSC-040 Introduction to California State and Local Politics -
3 Units
ADVISORY: ENGL-100 LMC Degree: ADR: Social and Behavioral Sciences; DA Transfer: UC; CSU Gen. Ed. Area D8, US-3; IGETC Area 4H This course provides an overview of California politics, focusing on the organization and operation of government at the state and local governmental levels. This examination will include a review of the historical and geographical factors that have shaped California’s development as well as the analysis of the contemporary political, social, demographic, and economic issues facing the state. In addition to consideration of institutional forces at the governmental level, non-governmental entities such as interest groups, campaign professionals, and media organizations, will be prominently featured during this course. The enduring significance of specific subjects and issues in the state political process, notwithstanding the annual budget process, elections, and diversity, will necessitate reflection at specific intervals. Salient features of the overall course design and requirements are structured to achieve a balance among the normative, practical, and participatory dimensions of California politics. May not be repeated. SC 0025 TTH 6:40-8:05pm CC2-236 Hussain, S Semester Note: Class meets weekly as scheduled. Based on changing health guidelines, additional practices may be implemented, including possible conversion to partially or 100% online. POLSC-050 Introduction to Comparative Politics - 3 Units
ADVISORY: ENGL-100 LMC Degree: ADR: Social and Behavioral Sciences; DA Transfer: UC; CSU Gen. Ed. Area D8; IGETC Area 4H; C-ID POLS 130 An introduction to the fundamental concepts used by political scientists to study the political institutions and outcomes in a broad range of national settings. The course emphasizes the rich diversity of political life, alternative solutions to important social issues, the link between political processes and policy outcomes, and the impact of global economic and political change on national political systems. National case studies will include the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, China, India, Nigeria and Mexico. May not be repeated. SC
Brentwood Center
9540 MW 3:30-4:55pm BRT-304 Duwe, M Semester Note: Class meets weekly as scheduled. Based on changing health guidelines, additional practices may be implemented, including possible conversion to partially or 100% online.
POLSC-106 Introduction to Constitutional Law: Civil Liberties and
Civil Rights - 3 Units
LMC Degree: ADR: Social and Behavioral Sciences; DA Transfer: CSU This course is an introduction to the Constitution of the United States as it relates specifically to the powers, issues, and evolution of the judicial branch. Detailed emphasis will be placed on the case history of the Supreme Court by analyzing civil liberties protections, civil rights guarantees, and other controversies related to law and justice. Economic, political, and ethical issues as well as demographic data will be used during discussions relevant to the continuing evolution of the judicial branch, the justice system, and their relationship to the people of United States. May not be repeated. LR 0033 W 11:10-2:20pm CC2-232 Hiscocks, R Semester Note: Class meets weekly as scheduled. Based on changing health guidelines, additional practices may be implemented, including possible conversion to partially or 100% online.
PTEC-007 Industrial Technology Career Skills - 1 Unit
ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL-100 LMC Degree: DA Transfer: CSU This highly interactive course gives students awareness and know-how to succeed in the industrial technology environment. The student will learn about personal and interpersonal interactions including self motivation, communication, teamwork, work/ life balance, shift operations behavior, personal vision, confidence, initiative, attitude, personal appearance and positive behavior. The student will learn about working in the industrial technology environment and acquire these skills through a series of interactions with the instructor and other students utilizing a variety of learning media. May not be repeated. SC 0959 M 5:05-7:10pm CC3-319 Plurkowski, N 8/22-10/10
PTEC-009 PTEC Mathematics - 5 Units
ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL-100; The equivalent of a C or better in high school Algebra I, Integrated Math I, MATH-025 or MATH-029 LMC Degree: ADR: Language and Rationality: Analytical Thinking (Math Comprehension); DA Transfer: CSU This course meets the math requirements for the Associate of Science degrees in Process Technology. In this course math is taught in the context of problems commonly encountered by process technicians. Content includes basic algebra; unit analysis and unit conversions; multi-step problem-solving using linear, quadratic, rational, exponential, logarithmic functions; data analysis using graphs and numerical descriptions of central tendency and variation; basic laws of probability and the normal curve. May not be repeated. SC 0924 TW 5:05-7:35pm CC3-319 Cruz, W Semester
ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL-100 LMC Degree: DA Transfer: CSU This introductory course will provide a clear overview of everyday life in the Process Technology industry. The student will learn about and experience first hand the variety of equipment used in typical processes and see how important safety and environmental considerations are in petrochemical operations. The class includes labs and field trips to typical chemical and petroleum manufacturing plants. The student is expected to climb ladders to the top of processing units, wear and carry safety equipment, and work in confined spaces. May not be repeated. SC 0353 TH 5:05-8:15pm CC3-319 Kean, M Semester
PTEC-012 Petrochemical Safety, Health, and Environment -
1 Unit
ADVISORY: PTEC-010; eligibility for ENGL-100 LMC Degree: DA Transfer: CSU This course provides an in-depth view of how important safety and environmental considerations are in the petrochemical industry. Covers the various government regulatory groups that oversee this industry and explains why the use of planning, protection, and preventative procedures enable the petrochemical industries to provide occupations that are interesting, rewarding and safe. May not be repeated. SC 0325 M 5:05-7:10pm CC3-319 Kean, M 10/17-12/5
PTEC-015 Fundamental Physics Principles for Industrial
Technology - 4 Units
CO-REQUISITE: PTEC-009 LMC Degree: ADR: Natural Sciences; DA Transfer: CSU This course builds the fundamental physical concepts that are used in the Industrial Technology field. A conceptualized and contextualized approach is used to develop an understanding of energy and matter through a study of such topics as motion, heat, temperature, pressure, magnetism, electromagnetism, electricity, and circuits. Emphasis is placed on practical aspects of physics used by technicians in advanced manufacturing roles. May not be repeated. SC
Online and Hybrid Sections
0929 ONLINE Cruz, W Semester Note: Online course. All instruction will be online. Go to www.losmedanos.edu/onlineclasses for course access information. PTEC-044 Petrochemical Simulation Laboratory - 1 Unit
PREREQUISITE: CHEM-006, PTEC-027 and PTEC-035 CO-REQUISITE: PTEC-015, PTEC-007 and PTEC-012 ADVISORY: ENGL-100 LMC Degree: DA This PTEC laboratory builds upon knowledge gained about equipment and systems in PTEC-025 and PTEC-035. Computer simulation software is used to learn and practice skills in operating typical petrochemical unit operations such as heat exchanger systems and distillation columns. May not be repeated. P/NP
Online and Hybrid Sections
0930 ONLINE Cruz, W Semester Note: Online course. All instruction will be online. Go to www.losmedanos.edu/onlineclasses for course access information.
PTEC-045 Process Technology III - Operations - 3 Units
CO-REQUISITE: PTEC-044 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL-100 LMC Degree: DA Transfer: CSU Drawing on the knowledge and skills learned in Process Technology I (PTEC-025) and II (PTEC-035), the student gains a deeper understanding of the responsibilities of an operating technician, including the specific roles of an operating technician and how to apply operation skills to startup and shutdown. The student will also learn how to operate a petrochemical plant and respond safely in the event of an emergency. Additional skills learned are how to keep a written log of process occurrences and communicate effectively with others. May not be repeated. SC
Online and Hybrid Sections
0931 M 5:05-8:15pm ONLINE Cruz, W Semester Note: Online course. All instruction will be online. Go to www.losmedanos.edu/onlineclasses for course access information.
PTEC-048 Process Troubleshooting - 3 Units
CO-REQUISITE: PTEC-045 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL-100 LMC Degree: DA Transfer: CSU This PTEC class teaches problem solving, or commonly referred to in industry as troubleshooting. The student will learn and practice skills such as deductive and inductive reasoning and root cause analysis to troubleshoot real petrochemical problems and to prevent problems from occurring in the future. May not be repeated. SC
Online and Hybrid Sections
0961 ONLINE Cruz, W Semester Note: Online course. All instruction will be online. Go to www.losmedanos.edu/onlineclasses for course access information.