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Transfer Information
Many students will transfer to a four-year college or university after completing their lower division courses at Los Medanos College. Each four-year institution has a basic pattern of lowerdivision general education/breadth requirements and specific major requirements which may be fulfilled at Los Medanos College before transferring.
All students who plan to transfer should consult with an LMC counselor to develop an educational plan and to update it on a regular basis. Students should acquaint themselves with the catalog and website of the intended university, especially regarding admission requirements and application procedures. Students are advised to talk with LMC counselors and/or university representatives when selecting courses to meet major and general education requirements.
Some majors, such as engineering, pre-medical/dental/veterinary, biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, architecture, and liberal studies, have very specific courses that must be completed before transfer, and do not require as many general education courses. A very useful website for LMC students planning to transfer to California public universities is www.assist.org. Students should also consult with an LMC counselor regarding majors leading to professional careers in fields such as teaching or law. Information about the teaching profession may be obtained at www.teachcalifornia.org.
Students will find that the LMC Transfer & Career Services provides information and support for transfer planning. Students can drop in at Transfer & Career Services, call (925) 473-7444, or visit www.losmedanos.edu/transfer.
Transfer to the California State University (CSU)
Los Medanos College transfers students to all 23 campuses of the California State University system. The CSU campuses are located throughout the state, and students can find information about the CSU system at www.calstate.edu. Admission representatives from local CSU campuses visit Transfer & Career Services on a regular basis. Please consult with an LMC counselor and check with Transfer & Career Services for more information.
Transfer Admission Requirements for CSU Students who have completed college units after graduation from high school are considered transfer students. Students should complete classes that meet general education and major requirements.
To transfer as a junior to CSU, students must complete all of the following: • Minimum 60 CSU transferrable units with a 2.0 grade point average • At least 30 of these units must be general education courses from the college’s CSU –GE sheet (see page 56 of catalog) • The “Golden Four”: Courses in oral communication, composition, critical thinking, and quantitative reasoning, completed with a grade of “C” or higher
Many majors have specific course requirements beyond those above that must be met to be eligible for admission. A higher grade point average than the minimum may also be required. The requirements for a particular major may differ from one CSU campus to the next and may change annually, so students must consult regularly with a counselor when selecting their courses.
Special Note
Students who complete college units before they graduated from high school or during the summer between high school graduation and CSU enrollment are considered first-time freshman and must meet those admission requirements.
Transfer to the University of California (UC)
Every year, Los Medanos College students transfer successfully to the UC system. The UC system is comprised of ten campuses, the following nine of which have undergraduate programs: UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UCLA, UC Merced, UC Riverside, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara and UC Santa Cruz. Admission representatives from UC campuses visit the Transfer & Career Services on a regular basis. Check with the Transfer & Career Services counter to obtain a schedule of these visits, or visit www.losmedanos.edu/transfer.
Minimum Admission Requirements for UC Transfer Applicants
To be eligible to apply for transfer as a junior, students must complete at least 60 units of UC transferable credit and meet specific admission requirements. In addition: • Two UC-transferrable college courses in English composition, and • One UC-transferrable college course in mathematical concepts and quantitative reasoning; and • Four UC-transferrable college courses chosen from as least two of the following subject areas: the arts and humanities, the social and behavioral sciences, and the physical and biological sciences
Many majors have specific course requirements beyond those above that must be met to be eligible for admission. A higher grade point average than the minimum may also be required. The requirements for a particular major may differ from one UC campus to the next and may change annually, so students must consult regularly with a counselor when selecting their courses.
Information on transferring to the UC system may be obtained online at www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions.
Special Transfer Admissions Programs
Transfer Admission Agreements/Guarantee
Some universities offer a program that guarantees students admission to a specific major as a junior if they complete the specified requirements. Participating universities include many University of California campuses and a variety of private universities, including 36 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
To learn about current universities offering transfer guarantees, their specific requirements, and the timeline for completing an agreement, visit the Transfer & Career Services or check online at www.losmedanos.edu/transfer.
Concurrent Enrollment (UC Berkeley)
The Concurrent Enrollment Program permits access to UCB classes so that eligible students may test their potential for success in a university setting and/or students may take required courses at the University, which may not be available at the community college.
Cross Registration (CSU East Bay)
The Cross Registration Program allows eligible students to enroll concurrently at CSU East Bay and provides the opportunity to take required or exploratory courses at this baccalaureate institution.
Honors Transfer Admission Agreements
Graduates of the Honors Program receive either guaranteed or priority admission from our ten honors transfer partners. Many of our transfer partners also offer guaranteed or priority scholarship assistance to accepted Honors Students. The honors transfer partners include UCLA, CSU East Bay, San Francisco State University, Mills College, Saint Mary's College and other public and private universities around the state. For details and a complete list, visit the Honors Program website at www.losmedanos.edu/honors, or contact Honors Director Jennifer Saito at jsaito@losmedanos.edu.
The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) is a general education pattern which community college transfer students can use to fulfill lower-division general education requirements in either the California State University (CSU) or University of California (UC) system without the need, after transfer, to take additional lower-division general education courses.
IGETC is not advisable for all students planning to transfer. IGETC is only one way to fulfill the lower-division general education requirements of the UC or CSU. It is not recommended for certain majors and certain colleges, and some colleges do not accept IGETC. Students pursuing majors that require extensive lower-division major preparation may not find the IGETC option to be advantageous. Engineering and architecture are examples of those majors. Roosevelt and Revelle Colleges at UC San Diego, the HAAS School of Business at UC Berkeley, and the College of Environmental Design (architecture and landscape architecture majors) at UC Berkeley will not accept the IGETC.
Some students may be better served by taking courses which fulfill the CSU general education-breadth requirements OR those of the UC campus or college to which they plan to transfer. The IGETC will probably be most useful for students who want to keep their options open before making a final decision about transferring to a particular CSU or UC campus. Students should check with an LMC counselor or university representative about whether or not IGETC is appropriate for them.
To be certified under IGETC, the entire program must be completed prior to transfer. All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better. If the IGETC is not completed prior to transfer, students will be subject to the lower-division general education requirements of the campus or college to which they transfer.
All coursework applicable to the IGETC must be completed and certified in order to be accepted by CSU and UC. In addition to the course requirements for each subject area, full certification for the CSU must include completion of the oral communication requirement. For the UC, oral communication is not required, but the certification must include satisfaction of the foreign language proficiency requirement. Students should consult with an LMC counselor and contact the Admissions Office at LMC for IGETC certification.
See the following pages for classes that meet the IGETC pattern or the CSU GE/Breadth requirements at Los Medanos College. Contact the Counseling Services or Transfer & Career Services for the most current approved course list and for questions related to IGETC or general education.
Every year, LMC students transfer to private colleges and universities in California. LMC students also transfer to universities and colleges out of state, both private and public. Entrance requirements and general education course equivalents are so varied, however, that students anticipating transfer to one of these colleges should obtain its catalog, or consult its website, and work closely with a Los Medanos College counselor to ensure that transfer planning is effective. Some private and out-of-state colleges and universities will accept the completed IGETC to meet their lower-division general education requirements. Admission representatives from local private colleges and universities visit Transfer & Career Services on a regular basis. Contact Transfer & Career Services for more information.