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CSU General Education Requirements Chart
CSU: California State University 2021 – 2022
Students choosing to transfer are strongly encouraged to see an LMC counselor, since four-year college requirements vary widely and are subject to change. Students must request that the CSU GE certification be sent to the four-year campus that they will be attending. Check the appropriate box on the “Transcript Request” form at Admissions & Records. Partial GE Certification is available.
English Language Communication and Critical Thinking
A Minimum Of One Course In Areas A1, A2 And A3 A1 Oral Communication
SPCH-110, 120 A2 Written Communication (3 units)
(3 units)
ENGL-100, ENGL-100E A3 Critical Thinking (3 units)
PHIL-110, 210, ENGL-220, ENGL-221, 230, SPCH-120 Some CSU campuses also require English 230 to satisfy graduation requirements. Please consult with a counselor.
Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning
A minimum of one course in areas B1, B2 and B4. At least one course in physical science or biological science must have a laboratory activity as outlined in B3. (9 Semester units minimum)
B1 Physical Science (3 units)
ASTRO-010, CHEM-006, 007, 008, 025, 026, 028, 029
PHYS-015, 035, 036, 040, 041, 042, PHYSC-005 B2 Life Science (3 units)
BIOSC-007, 008, 010, 020, 021, 040, 045, 050, ANTHR-001 B3 Laboratory Activity
ASTRO-010 and 011, BIOSC-007, 008, 010, 020, 021, 040, 045, 050, CHEM-006, 007, 008, 025, 026, 028, 029
PHYS-015, 035, 036, 040, 041, 042 B4 Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (3 units) Satisfactory completion qualifies for exemption from the ELM examination requirements.
MATH- 110, 120, 140, 155, 160, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250
Arts and Humanities
A minimum of one course in C1 & C2 and one additional course in C1 or C2. C1 Arts
ART-005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 019, 032, 033, 035, DRAMA-015, 016, 025, 070, 072, HUMAN-035, MUSIC-010, 012, 015, 017, SPAN-060 C2 Humanities
ART-016, 017, 018, 019, DRAMA-025,030, 072
ENGL-113, 114, 115, 120, 121, 122, 124, 127, 128, 129, 132, 133, 144, 150, 230, 231, 240, 245, FRNCH-060, 061, HIST-029, 030, 031, 033, 034, 035, 038, 039, 040, 046, 047, 052, 055, 056, 057, 060, 061, HUMAN-019, 020, 021, 022, 023, 024, 030, 040 050, ITAL-060, 061, PHIL-100, 120, 122, 130, 132, 133, 140, 150, 151, POLSC-033, SIGN-050, 051, 052, 053,
SPAN-049, 050, 051, 052, 053, 057, 058
*At the time of printing, 2022-2023 courses have not been published. 2021-2022 courses are listed.
Social Sciences
Six semester units taken from at least 2 disciplinary perspectives.
ADJUS-110, 160, 220 ANTHR-004, 005, 006,007, 008 CHDEV-010, 020, 050 ECON-005,010, 011 ENGL-110, 135, 136 ETHN-045 HIST-029, 030, 031, 033, 034, 035, 038, 039, 040, 046, 047, 052, 055, 056, 057, 060, 061 JOURN-100, POLSC-010, 033, 040, 043, 050, 160 PSYCH-010, 011, 014, 017 SOCIO-015, 016, 017 SOCSC-110, 135, 136, 150 SPCH-130, 150
Lifelong Learning and Self-Development
Minimum of one course, 3 units. ACS-010, ANTHR-007, BIOSC-005, CHDEV-010, COUNS-035, 036, KINES-100, PSYCH-014, SOCIO-012, Form DD-214 (basic training clears Area E)
Ethnic Studies
3 semester units.
U.S. History, Constitution and American Ideals
These courses may double count in Area D Students can meet this requirement in two ways:
1) POLSC-010 and any course listed in US-1 Courses below. 2) POLSC-040 and POLSC-160 and any course listed in US-1 Courses below US-1 courses: ECON-005, HIST-029, HIST-030, HIST-038, HIST-046, HIST-047, HIST-052, HIST-056, HIST-057, HIST-060, HIST-061.