RSVP Newsletter Buncombe & Madison Counties

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Retired & Senior Volunteer Program

Enriching Lives, Meeting Community Needs

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RSVP at the Land-of-Sky Regional Council 339 New Leicester Hwy, Suite 140, Asheville, NC 28806 (828)-251-6622 Toll Free: 1-800-727-0557

RSVP Coordinators Buncombe & Madison Patti Cameron ext 126

Henderson & Transylvania Vicki Jennings, Ext. 130

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Theatre Tickets

We welcome Theatre UNCA and NC Stage Company to our list of available tickets for RSVP Members. A warm welcome and thank you goes out to them for helping us to recognize the great work RSVP volunteers are doing in our community. We hope that you enjoy these new opportunities.

Theatre Tickets

Volunteers who have served 25 hours in the past quarter are eligible to request a free theatre ticket. Guests will be put on the waiting list until one week prior to the performance. We currently have tickets at the following theatres: Brevard Little Theatre , Flat Rock Playhouse, Theatre UNCA and NC Stage Company. For more information, contact Brenda at

A Change in Administration

Joleen Huertas, Volunteer Services Project Assistant, will be leaving Land-of-Sky Regional Council on June 30. From assisting with event planning to gathering statistical data on our volunteers, Joleen has been an essential part of the work of the Volunteer Services Department. She has been at Land-of-Sky Regional Council for six years. We will miss you Joleen! Brenda Delacruz and Wanda Clark will join the Volunteer Services Department to assist staff and volunteers. Brenda will help with the day-to-day tasks such as theater ticket reservations and data entry. Wanda will collect and report information from our volunteer stations for our bi-yearly progress reports. We welcome Brenda and Wanda! Picture: Left to Right (Joleen, Wanda and Brenda)

July—August 2009

July-August Newsletter has emphasis on new Open this edition of the RSVP newsletter, and you’re probably going to notice some big changes – there are more pages, more highlights of special events, more information to keep you informed – well, there’s just more! Beginning with this edition, we have separated the newsletter content into two separate areas – one edition for those in Buncombe and Madison counties, and one for those who live in Henderson and Transylvania counties. “We’re excited to be able to offer our volunteers and stations more specialized information,” said Patti Cameron, lead RSVP Coordinator. “We hope that by separating the newsletter, we can offer more specific content, which will help everyone served by RSVP to be better informed about what’s going on in their communities.” There’s a tried and true adage that says the larger the organization, the better the communication has to be. With more than 700 volunteers across the four counties served by RSVP, our communication has just moved to the next level. In this issue, you’ll find information about specific volunteers in your community, volunteer stations and their needs, as well as opportunities

In This Issue Volunteer Spotlight……..……..….Pg. 2 Women of the Salvation Army

Station Corner………………………...Pg. 3 Hands On Asheville Buncombe

On-Going Opportunities…………..Pg. 4 Short-term Opportunities………..Pg. 5 New Volunteer Project…………...Pg. 7 Operation Toasty Toes

Staff Changes at Land-of-Sky…..Pg 8 Goodbye to Joleen Huertas

for you to make a difference. You’ll also get the latest information about special events sponsored by RSVP or many of our partner agencies. In short, you’ll be better informed about what’s going on in your community through RSVP and other organizations. We value your input. Send us your story ideas or things we can do to make this newsletter more userfriendly. ( Remember, because of production timelines, we are writing articles for the newsletter well in advance.) Also, if you have email and would like to receive our newsletter electronically, please email us at

Wellness Expo

Free Community Event hosted by Land-of-Sky Regional Council Tuesday, September 15, 2009 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. NC Arboretum, 100 Fredrick Law Olmsted Way, Asheville, NC No Cost Health Screenings Hearing Screenings * Blood Pressure *Vision * Ask a Nurse Much More...

Bring your walking shoes, a picnic lunch and stay the afternoon to enjoy the beautiful grounds and walking trails at the Arboretum For more information call Brenda at 828.251.7448

VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT The Women of the Buncombe County Salvation Army

Operation Toasty Toes Gets Underway


HAT IS OPERATION TOASTY TOES? Originally, it was the making of handmade knitted and crocheted slippers. Now, it includes dickeys, headbands, helmets (a.k.a. ski masks), watch caps and wristlets (a.k.a. fingerless mitts). These items are mailed to our Armed Forces stationed overseas. It is a grassroots effort to assist in America's fight against terrorism.

We salute the dedicated RSVP volunteer that give their time and efforts to the Salvation Army’s Center of Hope each week to prepare bagged lunches for individuals and families in need. RSVP Volunteers include: Georgia Allen, Norma Baynes, Barbara Brown, Hattie Hailey, Betty Harrison, Patricia Ramey. We spoke to RSVP Volunteers Georgia Allen & Norma Baynes who have volunteered together at the Salvation Army for an amazing 10 years!

Why do you volunteer at the Salvation Army? “It gives me a sense of helping people. I love the interaction with staff and the people who come into the Salvation Army.” Norma “I like to know that I am helping people. I may not have money to give but I can volunteer.” - Georgia What is your favorite thing at the Salvation Army? “The People” - Norma, “It is my opportunity to chat, socialize and get out of the house.”- Georgia

How did you get involved with the Salvation Army? “Bennie Norman, she told us

there was a need and we filled it.”

What do you like about RSVP? “It’s a good thing” - Georgia “I enjoy being apart of

something larger, that you along with others are making a difference. I also like to meet other volunteers like the Foster Grandparent. With RSVP I keep active, keep busy and keep my mind going strong.” - Norma

The Numbers Since 1999 Salvation Army Hours Norma: 625 hrs; Georgia: 721 hrs

World War II had Rosie the Riveter. We have TOASTY TOES.

Lifetime hrs: Norma 3,276hrs; Georgia 2,532 hrs

Many, who have not knitted or crocheted in years, have found their needles and hooks. Those who can no longer craft have found the perfect solution for bags of yarn, old needles and hooks. These unused skeins have found a project, a very good project.

Georgia & Norma also volunteer with RSVP at the Shiloh Community Center, and the Rockhill Missionary Baptist Church.

Volunteers Needed

Advice on Volunteering: “Volunteering will help keep you active. It is important to get your mind and bodies going,

met new people, and learn something different. I have an added benefit that I get to volunteer with a close friend, it really helps to build our friendship and build new memories.” - Norma “Everyone should try it. Just go out and help somebody. Do what the Lord wants you to do.” - Georgia

New Buncombe Co. Senior Services Directory Ready For the Public


he Directory lists providers to older adults and is available and free to the public by calling the Council on Aging of Buncombe County Inc. at 277-8288. The Directory will also be available on line at Council on Aging’s Website at The Directory was put together by members from the Aging Coordinating Consortium, including Land-of-Sky Regional Council , CarePartners Health Services and the United Way’s 2-1-1 of WNC.

WHAT DOES IT ACCOMPLISH? Besides warming the service persons feet, they send a message of support that a stranger would take the time to make a pair of slippers. This shows that we at home do care. It enables many in our local community to participate.

Currently there is Operation Toasty Toes operating in Henderson County. If you would like to join this group please give our office a call and we can arrange for you to get started. If you are interested in joining a Toasty Toes group or work from home in one of our other counties please give us a call so that we may arrange for a group Orientation and also find a place for us to meet on a regular basis. Potential volunteers need a basic understanding of knitting or crocheting and have proper needles to get started. We will do our best to provide donated wool whenever possible.

Donate Yarn Needed for Operation Toasty Toes

Do you have left over yarn just collecting dust in your storage room? Why not donate it to a good cause? We will take any color, but the most useful yarn will be medium gauge soft to the touch—dark green sage, medium tan, gray, black and camouflage. To donate, please call our RSVP office at 828-251-6622 or we will even come and pick it up!

Thank you Carol Quillianan, RSVP Volunteer, for her generous donation of large bag full of yarn!

YOU’RE INVITED RSVP members enjoy the benefits of special events and learning opportunities. Listed below are our current opportunities to learn and serve. For more information contact a RSVP Coordinator at 828251-6622 or 1-800-727-0557

Become a More Money-Wise YOU!

A FREE four (4) week summer program, for Buncombe County residents age 60 and over. Increase your personal and financial awareness, in a safe, respectful setting. Join with others who want to make peace with their financial circumstances and learn to become more money-wise. When: Bi-weekly from 1:30-3:00 PM - Wednesdays, July 15th & 29th and August 12th and 26th

Where: United Way 50 South French Broad. Includes light refreshments. To register: Call OnTrack 828.255-5166 Ext. 3

Sponsored by: The Buncombe County Aging Plan, Center for Financial Social Work, OnTrack Financial Education and

Land-Of-Sky Community Blood Drive

In celebration and recognition of Day of Caring, LOSRC will host a Community Blood Drive on Friday, September 4, 2009. We invite RSVP Volunteers and their friends along with our business neighbors along Leicester Hwy to participate.

If you are interested, please contact Patti in our RSVP office at 251-6622 ext 126 Norma: 625 hrs;or She will take your information, and we will call you hrs: to schedule a Lifetime Norma 3,276hrs; specific time. Volunteers often put blood, sweet and tears into a project, but we didn’t think that they meant that literally.

RSVP Station’s Benefit & Gala Events

Want to have some fun and also give back to your community? Below are listings of fun Benefits and Gala events organized by our RSVP partnering Stations.

Do Tell Storyfest- Celebrating 100year of 4-H! -July 11, Living History Weekend, Hendersonville August 8 & 9 2009 Main Venue at Historic Courthouse on Main St. in Henderson- Living History Weekend, downtown Hendersonville, (Civil War and

ville 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM. 4-H youth activities on Courthouse lawn and Mountain Lore Bookstore 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Workshop “Collecting Personal Stories” 11:00 – Noon. Family Storytelling 1:00 – 6:00 PM

62nd Annual Craft Fair of the Southern Highlands - July 16-19, 2009 The Civic Center in Asheville comes alive with fine

traditional and contemporary crafts made by members of the Southern Highland Craft Guild.

Monte Carlo Night- July 25th from 6:30 to 10:00 at Kenmure Country Club. Proceeds benefit the clients of Blue Ridge

Literacy Council and Vocational Solutions as they strive to achieve the literacy and vocational skills they need to reach their full potential. Tickets are available from BRLC at $75.00. For more information or to purchase tickets, call 696-3811.

Revolutionary War re-enactors, demonstrations, & music) Sponsored by the Henderson County Heritage Museum. For more information call 828-694-1619

ABCCM “Sharing Affair” Auction August 9, 2008

Preview at 9:00 AM , LIVE AUCTION begins at 10:00 AM at New Life Community Church, 1417 Riverside Drive No Admission Fee For More information contact Cheryl Wilson, ABCCM Volunteer & Special Events Director (828) 259-5300 ext. 327, or email


Hands On AshevilleBuncombe

RSVP has partnered with Hands On Asheville- Buncombe to offer RSVP volunteers in Buncombe County more “Done in a Day” opportunities to volunteer. This is in addition to our current short-term opportunities offered through RSVP and is suited for volunteers that do not have the ability to take on the commitment of an on-going volunteer opportunity but still want to volunteer here and there when their schedule allows. By partnering with the Hands On Asheville- Buncombe, RSVP is able to consistently offer flexible volunteer opportunities to these unique volunteers. What are Hands On Managed Projects? Hands On projects are coordinated by a trained Volunteer Project Coordinator. Projects last 2-4 hours and are generally held on evenings and weekends. Volunteers can search and register for projects through the Hands On website ( Once you are registered for a project, you will receive an email with all of the information you will need in order to participate. How do I get started? Attend a Hands On-RSVP Orientation or follow the link to a customized page for our RSVP Volunteers. ( .

Hands On - RSVP Orientation

RSVP invites you to a Hands On Asheville- Buncombe orientation. Come learn about the program and have a RSVP Coordinator walk you through registration process to help get you started.

Date: July 23, 2009 Time: 10 a.m. – 11a.m. Location: Land-of-Sky Regional Council 339 New Leicester Hwy, Suite 140, Asheville NC 28806 in our medium conference room. Please call or email to confirm you will be attending If you are not able to attend please contact Patti in our RSVP office at 251-6622 or to arrange for a personal orientation.

The estimated dollar value of volunteer time is $20.25 per hour for 2008. (Washington, D.C., April 13, 2009) -- Independent Sector announces that the 2008 estimate for the value of a volunteer hour is $20.25, an increase from $19.51 per hour in 2007.

“The new volunteer time estimate only underscores the indispensible contributions that volunteers make in enabling our country’s 1.4 million charitable organizations to serve their communities,” said Diana Aviv, president and CEO of Independent Sector. “As our nation anticipates final enactment of landmark legislation to expand national and community service programs, this estimate provides one way to quantify America’s growing spirit of volunteerism and commitment to service.” The Independent Sector calculates the hourly value of volunteer time based on the average hourly wage for all non-management, nonagriculture workers as determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, with a 12 percent increase to estimate for fringe benefits. Independent Sector is a nonprofit, nonpartisan coalition of charities, foundations, and corporate philanthropy programs, collectively representing tens of thousands of charitable groups in every state across the nation. Its mission is to advance the common good by leading, strengthening, and mobilizing the nonprofit community.

CURRENT ON-GOING VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNTIES Breeze through the listings, if you see something that you are interested in please email us at or call us at 251-6622 ext 126 for more details. WNC Alliance

Addresses critical environmental issues facing our mountain communities. Volunteers are needed to staff exhibit tables this Summer and Fall at various events. Volunteers also needed to help us remove invasive weeds on public lands. These positions are "as needed." These opportunities are open throughout our region, but especially within the Asheville area.

SHORT TERM VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Try something new without the commitment through our short-term volunteer opportunity listing. If you see something that you are interested in please email us at or call and ask to speak to a RSVP Coordinator at 251-6622 Opportunities are for all four counties 62nd Annual Craft Fair of the Southern Highlands July 16-19, 2009 and October 15-18, 2009

Information Booth: Pass out information and directions at the Information Booth. Lunchtime: Provide lunchtime relief for the craft artists. Sit in the booths. Tickets and Programs: Collect the tickets and pass out programs at Craft Fairs.

The Laurels of GreenTree Ridge

Rehabilitation and Skilled Nursing Care Center needs volunteers to assist with resident activities, one on one visiting and assistance with music therapy.

Girls on the Run

Is a health, education and wellness program that combines training for a 3.1 mile non-competitive run/walk event with life-changing, leadership skills building lessons that encourage healthy habits and an active lifestyle in girls ages 8-11 years old. Volunteers Needed as: 5K Team Organizer, Development Team, 5K Support Volunteer, Running Buddy, Head Coach, Assistant Coach (Female volunteers only for Head & Assistant Coaches). Opportunities are available in Buncombe and Madison Counties.

Mountain BizWorks

Provides training to start-up and existing businesses. A volunteer receptionist is needed. Duties include: serve as office receptionist; develop and sustain an office environment of hospitality; support the overall operations of Mountain BizWorks.

Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity

Needs a Parking Sales Attendant. Assist people with donations brought to the Home Center. Sort and move items to repair or pricing stage. Assist with moving donated items to the sales room. Shifts are available on various days of the week, morning/afternoon shifts available. Also needed is a hardware merchandiser, bagging small items and pricing them for display -shifts are available Monday through Saturday, both AM and PM.






This exciting celebration needs your administrative help. The ideal volunteer would have some office skills – comfortable with Microsoft office, web searching, typing, mailings, prepping for meetings and proof reading.

International Link

Is a non-profit mobile service which assists our local foreign born in overcoming language barriers and helps to improve cross-cultural understanding. Volunteer English Tutors are needed to tutor international adults in English. Tutors meet once a week with their student for an hour and a half. 1:1 and small group experiences available.

Come join the Arthur Story-Time July – everyday at 10:30am

Assist staff with setting up, cleaning up, snack & beverage service, guest service, activities/crafts/games, wearing the Arthur costume and supporting the person in costume.

Super Science Saturday The Health Adventure July 4, 18th August 1st & 15th

A day full of surprise and challenge. Pick one or all the dates to help out staff.

Bele Chere July 24-26th, Fri-Sunday

Volunteers are needed to assist with the Children’s Area and the Senior Oasis both located indoors at the Civic Center, in addition volunteers are needed for Information Booths throughout the festival grounds. The shifts typically range around 4 hours in length during the weekend of the Festival.

Super Science Saturday The Health Adventure August 1, 15, Saturdays 12pm – 2pm , Sept 5, 19th Saturdays, 12pm – 2pm A day full of surprise and challenge. Pick one or all the dates to help out staff

Silvermont Senior Center in Brevard Needs Teachers.

Volunteers are needed to teach 4-session classes throughout the Summer and the Fall. They need instructors in using a Digital Camera, Master Gardening, Dance, Exercise, Cooking, Storytelling, Golf - just about anything you are an expert in.

Western North Carolina Alliance: Energy and Environment Expo August 21-23 at the WNC Ag Center

Volunteers to staff tables and enthusiastic promoters of livable communities and the natural environment are needed to volunteer for the Southern Energy and Environment Expo. Volunteers will have a short orientation and will receive free admission to the Expo on the day they volunteer

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