5 minute read
Take a Stand. Wear a Mask.
The crazy times we live in today amid the reopening of the economy in an ongoing pandemic is nowhere more apparent than the issue of wearing a face covering. To say that wearing a mask in public has become politicized is an understatement. To a majority of Americans, the mandate to wear masks in public places is reasonable and prudent. To a very vocal minority of citizens, it’s an invasion of privacy and liberty akin to gun control.
The controversy has created a conundrum for retailers. If a state or county has mandated wearing masks in public, how does the retailer address customers who enter their store without masks? Most retailers have taken the position that their front-line employees should not be put in the position to enforce mandatory mask wearing.
We applaud Brian Dodge and RILA for taking strong stands supporting the industry, retail employees, and consumers throughout this pandemic. Too often companies, associations, and other organizations choose not to take important public positions for fear of alienating stakeholders or customers. For the sake of public health and safely reopening our economy, we should all follow RILA’s lead.
Charlotte-based supermarket chain Harris Teeter issued a statement when the North Carolina governor mandated wearing masks in public that said the grocer would offer free, disposable medical masks to customers not wearing them but would not force customers to leave the stores if they choose not to wear a face covering.
The statement read: “For those not in compliance, our policy is for a member of store management to approach the shopper to inform them of the order and offer a free, disposable mask. If the individual declines, we must remember and understand that there are many exceptions outlined in the order, and our associates are not authorized nor qualified to ask an individual to present proof that they qualify for an exception.”
Many other retailers have taken a similar stance. Other retailers are asking security officers to monitor mask wearing, and customers are taking it upon themselves at times to confront those not wearing masks. The result has been a number of viral videos on social media of shouting matches inside stores as well as physical confrontations.
By mid-July, the situation had escalated to the point that Brian Dodge, president of the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA), issued a letter to the National Governors Association advocating a uniform policy for mask wearing for all states. Here are excerpts from the letter:
“Keeping retailers and other critical segments of the economy open requires everyone to observe common-sense practices around hygiene and social distancing. That includes wearing a mask or face covering while shopping or in a public space….
“Wearing a mask is not about fear, and it certainly should not reflect one’s politics. Wearing a mask is about respecting others and preventing the spread of a deadly disease. This should no longer be up for debate….
“We urge every governor to require consumers who are not incumbered by a medical condition to wear masks when shopping or in a public place.”
The statement goes on to recommend that store employees not be charged with enforcing the policy, and retailers should not be fined for customer noncompliance.
We applaud Brian Dodge and RILA for taking this and other strong stands supporting the industry, retail employees, and consumers throughout this pandemic. Too often companies, associations, and other organizations choose not to take important public positions for fear of alienating stakeholders or customers. For the sake of public health and safely reopening our economy, we should all follow RILA’s lead. Take a stand. Wear a mask.
Jack Trlica Managing Editor
Charles Bernard Group Vice President, Asset Protection and Comprehensive Loss, Walgreens
Ray Cloud Senior Vice President, Loss Prevention, Ross Stores
Scott Draher, LPC Vice President, Loss Prevention, Safety, and Operations, Lowe’s
Scott Glenn, EDJ, LPC Vice President, Asset Protection, The Home Depot
Barry Grant Chief Operating Officer, Photos Unlimited
Robert Holm Director, Global Safety & Security McDonald’s
Seth Hughes Director, Asset Protection, Risk & Safety, Internal Audit REI Co-op
Frank Johns, LPC Chairman, The Loss Prevention Foundation
Mike Lamb, LPC Vice President, Asset Protection, The Kroger Co.
Michael Limauro, LPC Executive Leader, Asset Protection Whole Foods Market
David Lund, LPC Vice President, Loss Prevention, DICK’S Sporting Goods
John Matas, CFE, CFCI Vice President, Profit Protection, Investigations, Fraud, & ORC, Macy’s
Randy Meadows Senior Vice President, Loss Prevention, Kohl’s
Dan Moren Senior Manager Starbucks
Richard Peck, LPC Senior Vice President, Loss Prevention The TJX Companies
Joe Schrauder Vice President, Asset Protection, Walmart Stores
Tina Sellers, LPC Vice President, Loss Prevention, Family Dollar
Hank Siemers, CFI Vice President, Global Retail Security, Tiffany & Co.
Mark Stinde, MBA, LPC Senior Vice President, Asset Protection, JCPenney
Paul Stone, CFE, LPC VP Security, Goodwill Industries of SE Wisconsin
Pamela Velose Vice President, Asset Protection, Belk
Keith White, LPC Executive Vice President, Loss Prevention and Global Sustainability, Gap Inc.
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