1 minute read
Adam Marian Jałocha
POETRY Adam Marian Jałocha
drilling someone a hole in the stomach you will become a vic;m of a fight it is certain how certain is death
you look in the mirror and you see primi;ve man fire s;ll circulates from hand to hand
from paw to paw
GALLERY Tatiana Matwij (1974) Art restorer, painter
A few words about creativity – may it always be joyful
What is painting for me, a creative process? Painting – attempts to freeze in time and close in the frame the phenomena and their energy that attract my attention and is taken from the world around me. I am particularly interested in the elements and space, with light and color in them, and Something ineffable behind them. For me, the creative process is contemplation, exploring the external reality through internal processing and acting at the interface of both. My approach to actions is sometimes automatic and intuitive. As a result, in the pictures I can read the play of coded associations. I often have a strong need to saturate the eye with expressive, intense colors.
Pictures with a scattered base: in pictures consisting of several separate, small compositions, their parallel formation on a 'scattered base' is characteristic. Examples are: Tic-tac-toe [„Kółko i krzyżyk”] – a picture of a game treated conventionally, which can be displayed in various configurations; Inferno – split subpictures with a specific sequence, by definition the only one indicated; Simultaneous landscapes [„Pejzaże symultaniczne”] – a multitude of parallel sketches, memories and associations emerging from the imagination of those conscious and not – any possibility of arranging.
Painting and creativity are a channel of strong impressions, emotions and memories; color, light on the plane. Contemplation.