Events to Attend:
Oil & Gas Special Edition
Volume 9 • Edition 11
July 15, 2014
Attend your County Fair
*Northeast Weld County Fair, New Raymer, July 17-20 *Weld County Fair, Greeley, July 23-28 *Morgan County Fair, Brush, Aug 1-7 *Southeast Weld County Fair, Keenesburg, Aug. 7-10
Delivering over 30,000 papers to rural Adams, Morgan, and Weld Counties
Citizens’ Brigade Launched to Defeat Oil and Gas Ban Initiatives
By Tom Norton, Mayor of Greeley Colorado’s economy is under attack once again. A number of ballot initiatives have been proposed that would wreck havoc on Colorado businesses in general and on the oil and gas industry in particular. These initiatives have one common goal: To ban oil and gas production in our state. And some are so broad as to threaten the existence of virtually any business. That’s why I’ve agreed to co-chair a citizens’ brigade to fight these proposals as they try to make their way to our November ballot. Our group is Coloradans for Responsible Reform – CFRR – and unlike the groups pushing these proposals, we have a long history in Colorado. For 20 years, business, labor, nonprofit and civic organizations have been uniting under the CFRR banner to support or oppose ballot measures that would impact Colorado’s economy. This time around, we have proposals that are masquerading as “local control” issues, but nothing could be further from the truth. For instance, one of the proposals, question 75, states that any business in a community could have its right to operate eliminated. That’s not local control, that’s local tyranny. In addition, these measures could effectively stop all oil and gas drilling throughout the state, severely impacting our state’s recovering economy. Oil and gas, particularly in northern Colorado, is the key to our success. Oil and gas development has to be done right – and here in Colorado we are doing it right. We are providing jobs and funding for our schools, while at the same time protecting our environment and long-term viability. In Colorado, the oil and gas industry is heavily regulated. We’re the first state to require testing of groundwater before and after fracking. The new air quality regulations, just passed three months ago, are the strongest in the country. And we have new setback rules that went into effect last year. So far, nearly 70 organizations have joined our coalition, representing tens of thousands of Colorado workers, farmers and families. These groups understand there is a direct relationship between these proposals and the food on their tables. They understand how dangerous these proposals are, aiming to cripple Colorado’s energy sector and killing jobs. Case in point: A recent study by the School of Business at CU Boulder concluded that a statewide ban on fracking would result in 93,000 fewer jobs in Colorado between now and 2040. So I’ve joined the fight. I’m on the side of keeping good jobs and responsible businesses in our cities and counties. I hope you’ll join us in the battle. CFRR is a wide-ranging, nonpartisan organization as evidenced by the fact that one of our co-chairs is Ken Salazar, the former U.S. Senator and Secretary of the Interior. He recently concluded that these measures are “wrongheaded” and will “cripple Colorado’s economy.” I couldn’t agree more. You can learn more about these initiatives and about Coloradans for Responsible Reform by going to our website –
Weld County Fair Set for July 23-27
When you are looking at your summer activity calendar be sure to add the 96th Weld County Fair held at Island Grove Regional Park in Greeley July 23rd through 27th. There are lots of projects on display, livestock shows, contests and competitions and family fun all FREE. No Admission charge, parking charge or fees for any activity!!! Our Pre Fair begins on Saturday, July 19th with Ranch Sorting National Championship clinic followed by their show on Sunday, July 20th in the Grandstand Arena. We have our Open Quilt judging going on in the West Conference Rooms of the Event Center – you can come in and watch the judges pick their champion quilt!! On Sunday, July 20th we have the 4-H Dog Show in the Exhibition Building and the Open Boer Goat show in the Event Center. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 21st through the 23rd the 4-H Horse Show is in the Grandstand Arena. On Monday, July 21st all the 4-H and FFA members bring their projects ranging from rockets to cakes and bugs to cookies to be judged. The judging is closed to public but you can bring the Janet Konkel family beginning on Wednesday, July 23rd to see all the projects Weld County on display and see what ribbons and awards they earned. Fair Coordinator Cont. on Page 15, See Weld County Fair
What’s In This Issue:
Page 2: Jay McDonald New Director for Weld Public Works Page 2: Don Dunker Appointed Weld County Engineer Page 3: MCEDC Announces New Director Page 5: Colorado is Leader in Responsible Energy Development Page 7: US 34/WCR 49 Improvements Page 8: Korner Kitchen Talks Page 9: Fair & Just Statewide Ballot Measures Headed to Voters Page 10: NE Weld County Fair in New Raymer, July 17-23 Page 11: Johnstown BBQ Breaks Attendance Records Page 12-13: COGCC FAQ About Hydraulic Fracturing Page 17: Wiggins Fourth of July Blowout Page 19: Encana Hosts Multi-Jurisdictional Derrick Rescue Training Page 21: Erie Air Fair Set for Aug. 9 Page 24: American Legion 180 Junior Auxiliary Takes Top Honors Page 24: How the Niobrara Changed Ft. Lupton