8-1-14 Lost Creek Guide

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Events to Attend:

Attend your County Fair

Volume 9 • Edition 12

August 1, 2014

History of the Southeast Weld County Fair

*Morgan County Fair, Brush, Aug 1-7 *Southeast Weld County Fair, Keenesburg, Aug. 7-10 *Feeders & Friends Cody Waitley Benefit, New Raymer, Aug. 16

Delivering over 30,000 papers to rural Adams, Morgan, and Weld Counties

The Southeast Weld County Fair is celebrating its 92nd year this August. From its humble beginnings, it has grown into an annual celebration. Established as a non-profi t organization with the State of Colorado in 1939, the original name of the association was the Keenesburg Fair Association. The founding Board of Directors consisted of Geo. W. Cooper, N.A. Pippin, G.C. Ohmstede, L.I, Barger, and R.L. Martin. The original intent of the founders of the Southeast Weld County Fair Association was to “establish and conduct county and district fairs, exhibits, experimental grounds, facilities for demonstrations in agriculture, displays of agricultural, dairying, livestock, and poultry products, and household arts; to provide places for the exhibition of agricultural and industrial products, machinery, and improvement of agricultural and domestic arts and sciences; to give premiums for displays; generally to encourage better practices and products of farming, industry, and household arts; to provide and assist in the holding of expositions, fairs, and enterprises for improving the quality and yield of farm products, manufactured goods, and merchandise, and the attractiveness of farm life; and to furnish means and facilities for community gatherings, sports, races, contests of skill, and amusements”. In 1952 the name of the association was changed to the Southeast Weld Junior Fair Association. Today the association consists of 31 members, including some ancestors of the original founders. The Southeast Weld County Junior Fair Association is the only independently-operated fair in Colorado, with no monies received from either county or state funding. The association relies on ad sales from the fair book, raffle monies, and generous donations received from the community to put on a 4-day event each August for the community. Their main focus is to provide a venue for the 4-H and FFA youth to show and compete in their respective areas. They also provide the community with rodeos, a parade, and barbecue for their enjoyment. The association could not complete this tremendous task without the hard work put in by the association members and their families. It takes a lot of different skills to put on an event of the magnitude of the SEWCF. Community volunteers also contribute to ensuring that the fair comes off smoothlyfrom the 4-H volunteers who help with weighins and project judging on Thursday to the Chamber of Commerce members who serve the barbecue on Saturday. Without their help, the fair would not be a success each year, So, come on down to Keenesburg, Colorado and join us in “Keepin’ That Western Spirit Alive!” We hope to see you there!

Keenesburg American Legion Post 180 Wins State Awards

The American Legion members of Post/Unit 180 contribute many hours to our small communities. Your American Legion family has four branches; American Legion Post 180, Sons of the American Legion Squadron 180, American Legion Ladies Auxiliary Unit 180 and American Legion Junior Auxiliary. Each branch contributes to our communities in their own way and often join together to host events. A few weeks ago District Four Commander, Gary Force, joined the American Legion and Sons of the American Legion members for dinner. Post 180 was awarded; 1st place for Community Service and 3rd place for Americanism, hours spent contributing to our communities and educating youth on Patriotism, (total of 4,280 hours). The Sons of the American Legion always step up to assist the Legion members in their efforts. On July 12th American Legion Ladies and Junior Auxiliary teamed together to host the 3rd annual Keenesburg Days. There were over 15 vendors, three BBQ cook off participants, bouncy house and dunk tank for the kids, car/motorcycle show. An addition this year was “Veterans Row”. During lunch we served approximately 150 people who selected BBQ (beef, chicken, pork) and car/motorcycle champions. The champions selected are: beef champion Don Rehor, chicken champion Kevin McCarthy and Steve Arnold, pork champion (and best decorated booth) Max Cochran. Al Burry was selected champion of the car/motorcycle show. We would like to thank everyone who participated in Keenesburg Days; perhaps we will see you next year. Recently the Junior Auxiliary was recognized at the State Convention as the most active Jr program in Colorado. In addition, two Jr members were elected as State Officers. Rachel Leet, honorary President and Samantha Stamm, Treasurer. Both girls will travel to the National Convention in North Carolina late next month. The American Legion family is honored to serve our communities, thank you for supporting us. See Page 14 for Photos from Keenesburg Days

Bella’s Market in Wiggins Closes

Wiggins Bella’s Markets closed its doors on Tuesday, July 22. The Bella’s Market in Akron also closed Tuesday afternoon and the store in Walden closed Thursday, July 24. Channel 7 News has been doing an investigation into the food stores and reported the closing on their news channel Tuesday evening. The owner of the chain of grocery stores has been part of the 7NEWS investigation into rural Colorado food deserts, with undercover video showing empty shelves with limited fresh produce. In the undercover videos shot by 7NEWS in June, they found no fresh meat, no eggs and few staples on the Akron store’s shelves. It was the same case in Wellington during July. Wiggins had very limited grocery supply through the summer. The stores’ owner, Sam Mancini, has been in bankruptcy litigation since 2012, according to the Channel 7 report.

What’s In This Issue:

Page 2: Summer Isn’t Fun When You’re Hungry - Weld Food Bank Page 2: Who Were the First Inhabitants in Weld County Page 3: So God Made a Keenesburg Fair Kid Page 5: Kenny & Paulie Zimbelman, SE Weld Fair Parade Marshals Page 6: Eric Cantor Beaten by Democrats not Republican Challenger Page 8: Mule Creek Therapeutic Riding Center to Open in Sept. Page 10: Weld County Wins Awards for Discover Weld & Facebook Sites Page 11: Southeast Weld Chamber Bi-Annual Report Page 11: Feeders & Friends Benefit Rodeo Set for Aug 16 Page 13: 4th Annual Morgan County Antique Tractor & Power Show Page 14: Keenesburg Days at American Legion Post 180 Page 15: Wiggins Actors Present 1920s Murder Mystery Page 16: Tanner Jackson, 7th in World at NHS Rodeo Finals Page 17: Wyatt Hardee, CCA 4th Grader, Receives State Award Page 20: Working on Wiggins Group Spruces Up Wiggins

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