33 minute read

Unlikely Bedfellow Unite on Ag Climate

Page 10 Lost Creek Guide December 2, 2020

Unlikely Bedfellows Unite on Ag Climate Policy


Food chain and environmental groups offer united voice on how to best mitigate climate impacts. by Jacque Fatka Farmprogress.com three to five years to review an animal food ingredient. According to a study by Informa

While the world has been dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, behind-the-scenes Economics, companies lose $1.75 million per year in revenue while they wait for approval. work by a small but diverse group of members of the food supply chain began to evaluate The policy calls for expedited FDA feed additive approvals and prioritizing additives that if there are enough shared goals and beliefs on climate policy to offer a unified voice for have climate and digestive efficiency benefits. those in agriculture. Improvement of animal genetics, including animal biotechnology, will also be a critical

In the past, climate legislation has failed largely because the agriculture and forestry aspect to helping livestock producers around the world adapt to a changing climate. It is industries weren’t unified and didn’t have a seat at the table. In an effort to correct that, important to note that, while these technologies can improve animal genetics to develop the Food & Agriculture resilience, they can also help reduce emissions. Climate Alliance (FACA) Strong policy behind actions was formed in Febru- Rob Larew, FACA co-chair and president of the National Farmers Union, said, “Climate ary 2020 by four groups change is adding another enormous variable to the already unpredictable work of farmthat now co-chair the al- ing. Every year, farmers face more frequent and severe weather events, making it just that liance: American Farm much harder to make a profit. There are concrete actions farmers can take to build resilBureau Federation, En- ience to weather extremes and pull carbon out of the atmosphere, but they need strong vironmental Defense policy behind them. The recommendations we’ve compiled are a good place to start.” Fund, National Council Larew said U.S. farmers and ranchers are on the frontline and have an enormous opof Farmer Cooperatives portunity to be part of the solution in increasing climate resilience and focus on carbon and National Farmers sequestration. Union. The alliance has He said the policy will not be included in any single vehicle moving on Capitol Hill, but since expanded to in- the beauty of the alliance is an ongoing effort by those involved to work the policy recomclude FMI – The Food Industry Assn., National Alliance of Forest Owners, National As- mendations into specific proposals that do begin to move. The alliance is not only engaging sociation of State Departments of Agriculture and The Nature Conservancy. with the House and Senate but also talking to President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team

The group developed more than 40 recommendations based on three principles: on a “number of priorities they have which align with these recommendations.” agricultural and forestry climate policies must be built upon voluntary, incentive-based Another FACA policy recommendation includes a U.S. Department of Agriculture-led programs and market-driven opportunities; they must promote resilience and adaptation Commodity Credit Corp. (CCC) carbon bank that would establish a price floor for carbon in rural communities, and they must be science-based. sequestration and GHG reductions. Larew said Biden has already listed the carbon bank

Zippy Duvall, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, said he’s proud to as a priority, and it could be accomplished administratively. have broken through historic barriers and be part of a stronger, collective voice in the Other components of the policy could find their way into some kind of economic recovincreasing discussion on climate impacts. “It was important to me to reject punitive cli- ery package or could also get included in the next farm bill. mate policy ideas of the past in favor of policies that respect farmers and support positive When asked if the coalition would support Sen. Debbie Stabenow’s (D., Mich.) Growing change. Our final recommendations do just that.” Climate Solutions Act, Elizabeth Gore, senior vice president of political affairs at the En-

The policy recommendations cover six areas of focus: soil health, livestock and dairy, vironmental Defense Fund (EDF), said the legislation is a great example of a pro-climate, forests and wood products, energy, research and food loss and waste. pro-farmer bill and is the kind of policy the coalition is looking at and has supported to

Barb Glenn, president and CEO of the National Association of State Departments of ensure that farmers and rural communities are part of the solution. Agriculture, said all of the members understand that the climate is changing and that mo- Gore is optimistic that a number of bills in the House and Senate can be used as building mentum has been growing for quite some time in Congress and within the private sector, blocks that lay a path forward for Capitol Hill and the incoming administration that benwith much of the discussion stimulated by consumers. “Our members wanted to be part efits both friends in agriculture, forestry, food as well as continue to make good progress of that conversation, and we are much more powerful together than anyone of us could on the environment. accomplish alone,” Glenn said. Stabenow applauded the work of the alliance, saying, “It’s great to see agriculture, for-

Chuck Conner, president of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives and FACA co- estry and environmental leaders teaming up to advance commonsense climate solutions. chair, said the focus is on what unites those in the group, which is detailed in the 28 pages I look forward to reviewing their recommendations and working with them to enact many of recommendations they all could embrace. of these policies into law.”

Livestock policies

A substantial share of blame for emissions falls on the livestock sector, yet the livestock industry has a great story to tell. Just look at the dairy sector and its net-zero carbon policy, Conner said. The group’s recommendations include incentive-based approaches focused on manure management, feed, nutrition and genetics and pasture/grazing management practices.

Specifically, the policy calls for coordination to deploy anerobic digestors and for the Natural Resources Conservation Service to provide technical assistance to update conservation practices.

Changes in feed composition can directly or indirectly reduce methane emissions resulting from enteric fermentation in ruminant livestock. Improved genetics that support digestive efficiency and productivity can also contribute to reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and climate resilience. Innovative technologies with the potential to reduce enteric emissions often face regulatory roadblocks preventing or delaying market approval. Incentives are necessary to offset the risk a farmer faces by changing feed rations, testing new feed additives or making changes to their breeding/herd genetics.

On average, the Food & Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine takes

Merry Merry Christmas! Christmas!

December 2, 2020 Lost Creek Guide Page 11

8 Things to be Thankful for in 2020 Weldon Valley News

by Emily Krempholtz in Coloradoinfo.com Fourth Thursday in November Pardon our French, but it has been a hell of a year. Since March, we’ve been living in a state of heightened anxiety, fear, anf change that most Americans have never seen before in their lifetimes. The COVID-19 global pandemic has changed the ways we live our lives in so many ways, and for some of us, that means losing jobs, social outlets, or even loved ones to this virus. As Thanksgiving approaches, and officials ask us to make still more changes to our traditions by staying at home and not interacting with extended family outside of our household, it’s easy to feel frustrated and hopeless. But with that in mind, it’s important to focus on the things we can still be thankful for this Thanksgiving—yes, even in 2020. 1. A Coronavirus Vaccine Is On the Way Three major pharmaceutical companies have reported promising results when it comes to their research into a COVID-19 vaccine. Studies are still ongoing, and nothing has yet been approved by the CDC or under and Emergency Use Authorization from the FDA, but we have reason to believe we could see the approval of a vaccine within the next several weeks or months. This is great news! It means there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and it means if we follow protocols and continue staying at home until the vaccine He sits backwards on the bird bath As I scorning Such a thing as bathing This is near=winter morning. A thin skim of ice Is on the water, he must know, For he turns about and test it With a cautious toe. Startled, taking wing, To hear breeding ice clink, He flutters, alights again, Takes a brief drink, Before he dives in With beak and feather In this most excellent Bathing weather! Shakes off the water, Glad he’s living, And bursts into a cardinal’s Carol of thanksgiving. Kunigunde Duncan is approved, there’s a real chance we could resume our normal lives in 2021. 2. Wildfire Season is Over COVID-19 wasn’t the only thing plaguing Colorado in 2020—we had not one, not two, but three record-breaking wildfires throughout the state this year. The Pine Gulch Fire, the East Troublesome Fire, and the Cameron Peak Fire ravaged hundreds of thousands of acres in Colorado, destroying homes and lives throughout the state and spreading faster than anyone could have imagined. But now, the smoke has cleared, the flames are mostly extinguished, and we can start to rebuild and offer support to our fellow Coloradans who have lost so much. And as we head into the colder, snowier months of the year, we can add “no more wildfires” to our list of things to be grateful for. 3. Local Businesses No one’s denying it’s been an unbelievably tough year for small businesses. Reduced capacity regulations, outright closures, and general trepidation amongst much of the population have ravaged small local businesses this year. But something to be grateful for is the creativity this has sparked among small businesses. Restaurants have gotten extremely creative in increasing their outdoor seating capacities in a safe, distanced, and well-ventilated way. Others, from boutiques to bookshops, are offering curbside pickup to customers, and many are even teaming up with other local businesses to provide their services this year to deliver their goods and make them available to the masses. We are thankful to local businesses for pushing through the challenges of this difficult year, and we can show that thanks by shopping from small, local retailers this holiday season! 4. Our Big Colorado Backyard Could you imagine riding out this year in a state that doesn’t have the natural wonders of Colorado? We’re not sure about you, but Colorado’s hiking and biking trails have been a lifesaver this year, allowing us to get outdoors when isolating in our homes and apartments have become too stifling, and going for a quick hike with a friend instead of having them over for dinner has been a fantastic compromise instead of not seeing them at all. Colorado’s mountains, rivers, valleys, and plains have provided the much-needed fresh air, ventilation, and beauty that we all needed this year, and though we’re thankful for Colorado’s natural landscape every year, it deserves a special thank you in 2020. 5. Our Fellow Coloradans We’ve stepped up our game for our neighbors this year. Everyone you see on the street or on the Mother nature hasn’t sent us any moisture. There’s rumors that that may be snow later in the week. But, most are wishing for a pleasant day on Thursday. Thanksgiving is a federal holiday in the United State celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. It is sometimes called American Thanksgiving (outside the United States) to distinguish it from the Canadian holiday of same name. It originated as a harvest festival. Thanksgiving is regarded as being the beginning of the fall-winter holiday season along with Christmas and the New Year, in American culture. The event that Americans commonly call the “first thanksgiving” was celebrated by the Pilgrims after their first harvest in the New World in October 1621. The tradition of Thanksgiving has been celebrated on many different days. It was in 1942, by an act of congress, signed into law by President FDR, received a permanent observation date, the fourth Thursday in November. Smile a little: Elephant Ears-Customer: your sign says, “$50 to anyone who orders something we can’t furnish” I would like to have an elephant ear sandwich. Waiter: Ohhh… we’re going to have to pay you’re the $50. Customer. No elephant ears, huh? Waiter: Oh, we’ve got lots of them…but we’re all out of those big buns! Church Chat: The St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church will celebrate Mass on Sunday morning at 7:00 a.m. Pastor Reverend Erik Vigil Reyes and Parochial Vicar Reverend Francis Saleth, HGN will share the services. Confession will be celebrated before mass. Weldon Valley Presbyterian Church in Goodrich has Christian education and worship at 10 a.m. each Sunday. Plans are being made for the Advent Season. Contact information for Pastor Denise Shannon is 720-271-6733 or pastordeniseshannon@gmail.com. The fall project is collecting socks and gloves for Rising Up. You can get them to the church and they will be delivered. Sunday December 20 Christmas program and social time with a cookie exchange. School Scoop: School is not in session due to several cased of COVID-19. Classes will return in December. 4-H News: 4-H members preparing for a new year. What’s cookin’: Quick Dip-3 tablespoon (11 ½ ounce package) spaghetti sauce mix, 2 cups dairy sour cream. In a bowl gently blend spaghetti sauce into sour cream. Cover and chill. Serve with crackers and chip. An extra treat to a party. First facts: 1889- The first jukebox made its debut in San Francisco, at the Palais Riyale Saloon. Weldon Valley History: Jim and Julie “Granny” Gearhart-Jim Gearhart was born in Kansas in 1868 and Granny was born in Wisconsin in1869. Jim and Granny were a couple of most memorable people in the town of Orchard. The came around the turn of the century. They bought the large two-story wooden General Merchandise Store from Eli Etchison. Granny helped in the store and ran a boarding house in the rooms above the store. They also had their living quarter up there. Calendar of Events: Thursday, November 26, Give thanks! Thought for the Day: “Fear is a felling, Love is a choice.” trail or at the grocery store who is wearing a mask is doing so to help keep you safe. Everyone you know who is skipping Thanksgiving with their family, or staying at home when they really want to be out with friends, is doing so because it’s for the greater good of our Colorado community and for humankind. That is no small feat, and it’s been a pretty thankless task. Take a moment to stop and thank the people in your life who are working hard and sacrificing so much to keep you and your loved ones safe and healthy this year. And next time you leave the house with a mask on, or choose WE'LL HELP YOU not to leave the house at all, give yourself a pat on the back, because you’re making a difference, too.

6. Our Essential Workers and Healthcare Community

Back when the pandemic started, cities and towns across the globe would do things to say thank you to essential workers while we sheltered in place—banging pots and pans, clapping, playing music, or singing at a certain hour every evening, donating food and hot meals for overworked hospital Cool It Ride It Dry It staff, and more. But as the pandemic has continued and the novelty has worn off, these acts have died down, even as cases have gone up. Essential workers are no less stressed than they were in Sail It Wash It Pull It Can It March and April—in fact, many of them are dealing with far more than they ever were, and levels of burnout across the healthcare industry are at an all-time high. So if you have an essential worker in your life, whether they are a nurse or a grocery store cashier, make sure to tell them thank you, and Fix It Drive It Warm It Fly It treat them with the empathy, respect, and kindness they deserve. 7. Friends and Family Cook It Find It Grow It

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, and for those of us who have gone months without seeing our family and friends, that’s certainly true. This Thanksgiving, hug your kids a little closer, or make sure to say “I love you” over that virtual Thanksgiving Zoom chat, because we’re all feeling a little lonelier than usual this year, and it’s important to tell the people we love that we care CLASSIFIEDS DO THE JOB about them. Remember, your actions are keeping them safe and healthy this year, and vice versa, and while that’s not easy or fun, it’s something to be thankful for. 8. 2020 is ALMOST OVER! Look, when it comes down to it, after Thanksgiving, we have a little over a month left in this night- 303-732-4080 mare of a year, and if that’s not something to be thankful for, we’re not sure what is!

Page 12 Lost Creek Guide December 2, 2020

Mental Health Support Available Nicolais: Grand Trump Party Likely to Sabotage to Communities Statewide any Plans to Revitalize Colorado’s GOP

Broomfield, Colo. - In a year that has resulted in increased strain on mental health, and with the arrival of the holiday season, the Colorado Departments of Agriculture, Human Services and Between the likely long-term presence of Donald Trump

Public Health and Environment remind Coloradans that support is available to people in every on the national stage and Lauren Boebert at a

Colorado county through a number of different resources: Colorado Crisis Services provides confidential, free support through a statewide call line. Call congressional level, turning the page may be impossible 1-844-493-TALK (8255) or text “TALK” to 38255. Counselors are available to talk 24 hours a Mario Nicolais@MarioNicolaiEsq, Special to The Colorado Sun day, seven days a week. The bi-annual navel-gazing by the Colorado Republican Party began not long after elec-

Community-based crisis counseling teams of the Colorado Spirit Crisis Counseling Program tion night ended. Talk about a post-Trump landscape and embracing a new message are (CCP) are providing free emotional support to people of all ages during the COVID-19 pandem- misplaced. Neither is likely to happen, and the state GOP will consequently to continue its ic. Local teams are active across the state, including in rural and frontier counties. Learn more precipitous drop into irrelevance. and find a provider list here. Counselors can help with support around feelings of worry, sad- As an avowed Never-Trump conservative, I heard plenty of Republican leaders grouse ness, hopelessness, or even anger that life during the pandemic brings up. CCP is funded by a grant about the president privately. Most were hesitant to speak out publicly because they wantfrom the Federal Emergency Management Agency with oversight by the Colorado Department of ed to remain in a position to help guide the party’s direction after the election.

Public Health and Environment. A statewide Healthcare Workforce, Teacher, and Educator Well-being Support Line has also been created by the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. The line provides counseling, stress and resilience support, and education tools. The support line is available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week, by calling 303-724-2500. Learn more. While I understand the logic, I think it is based on a faulty premise. The Republican Party is now and, for the foreseeable future, will be the Trump Party. Mario Nicolais Even as Trump refuses to concede his overwhelming loss to Joe Biden on Nov. 3, both

All Coloradans, particularly those living in isolated areas, are encouraged to utilize these ser- in the popular vote and the Electoral College, he is already making plans to run again in vices. As case numbers of COVID-19 increase across the nation, many people are experiencing 2024. At the same time, his son appears to be laying groundwork to takeover the Repubthe stress of the pandemic in different ways and it’s important to bolster protective factors that can lican National Committee. help support mental health. In the interim it is not hard to envision Trump firing up his own propaganda network.

Learn more about the Colorado Department of Agriculture’s rural mental health outreach initia- After his livid reaction to Fox News calling Arizona in favor of Biden before other major tive and toolkit here. Sign up for the department’s rural mental health quarterly newsletter here. networks, the opportunity exists to both enrich himself and keep his name front and cen-

The Colorado Department of Agriculture exists to support the state’s agri- ter. And all without the pesky business of nominally running the country. culture industry and serve the people of Colorado through regulation, advo- It is the perfect post-election world for Trump. cacy and education. Our mission is to strengthen and advance Colorado ag- It is also a combination that would be devastating not just to potential 2024 GOP candiriculture, promote a safe and high-quality food supply, protect consumers, dates like Ambassador Nikki Haley or Sens. Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio, but to every Repuband foster responsible stewardship of the environment and natural resources. colorado.gov/ag lican swamped by Trump’s toxic tsunami over the past two election cycles. Nowhere has that been more evident than Colorado. READ: Colorado Sun opinion columnists. Sen. Cory Gardner never had a chance in his re-election. As Republican operative Tyler Sandberg memorably stated, “Jesus Christ himself couldn’t overperform Trump by double digits.” Consequently, when Trump lost the state by nearly 14 points, it spelled doom for Gardner. Every Republican contemplating a 2022 run for statewide office has to look at that and shudder about the prospect of an unleashed Trump continuing as the de facto head of the party. Even if Trump himself doesn’t run, he would likely step aside only for his Kendall Royesque son or Patrick Bateman-obsessed daughter. But don’t count on it. Things do not get better for those hoping to plan a path forward for the Colorado GOP at the state level. While most have circled the wagon around U.S. Rep.-Elect Lauren Boebert, it is instructive to remember that her talk-radio persona did not help to flip a seat from red to blue. To the contrary, she won a previously held seat by a lower margin and fewer votes than the Republican she usurped in June. During the 2016 presidential election, Scott Tipton won the 3rd Congressional District by more than 14 points and nearly 55,000; Boebert did the same with only a six-point margin and less than 25,000 votes. Furthermore, Boebert’s charismatic, bombastic style will both dominate state headlines and thrill a broad segment of the GOP base less interested in governing than having someone “speak” and “fight” for them. That is something Boebert will do plenty given her preternatural proclivity for finding friendly microphones and television cameras. Boebert is destined to become a far-right media – maybe even Trump TV? – darling, and Democrats in Colorado couldn’t be more excited. While she is unlikely to notch any legislative wins, she will make their job in competitive legislative seats that much easier. Republicans can take some solace in recent primary victories and the caucus selection of Hugh McKean as state House minority leader. Those are positive steps in the right direction.


Cool It Ride It Dry It Sail It Wash It Pull It Can It Fix It Drive It Warm It Fly It Cook It Find It Grow It


December 2, 2020 Lost Creek Guide Page 13

U.S. Records 100,000 Cases in a Day 8 Ways Restaurants Can Attract Young Customers for the First Time EXPERIENCES WILL RETURN TO DINING OUT.

European countries imposed sweeping new limits as they try to halt a By Michael Gorman FSR Magazine October 2020 second wave. And with the pandemic looming over the U.S. election, voters who saw the virus as a top issue favored Biden. The most important factor that decides whether a business thrives or not is the number of young clients it welcomes. You might be a restaurant that provides the most delightful food New York Times 10/22/2020 Kate Taylor in town but if your clients are not young, your business could fail in a couple of years. That is

Here’s what you need to know: because the young audience drives trends and commerce, and therefore, actively increases • 100,000 cases in a single day push the U.S. into new terrain. a business’s revenue. The trick to becoming a successfully run restaurant is bringing in new • Italy will lock down six regions and prevent many people from crossing between customers. If you know how to accomplish this, your profits will quickly grow, and your • • • them. The pandemic was both a top issue and a threat as Americans went to the polls. Voters who saw containing the virus as the most important issue favored Biden. North Dakota candidate, who died of Covid-19 last month, wins seat in state legis lature. business will soon expand. But you already know this since you’re here. Enough talk—let’s explore what the most popular ways to attract young clients are, and why they work. Host a cool fundraiser • With their Fundraisers are always successful in raising awareness of your restaurant. It takes good restaurants forced to organizing skills and dedication to get the best results out of it, but with the right mindset, close early, Italians are this can be achieved. Find a non-profit organization that needs help or a local community crossing into tiny San program that must be supported. Tell them that you want to support them as much as you Marino for dinner. can and would like to host an event for them—as an assignment writer for an NGO, I can • A muta- certainly tell you that they won’t refuse your offer. tion in the virus has The next step is the menu. Find a menu that young clients would really enjoy and make prompted Denmark to your event stand out. Promote is as much as you can, wherever you can (especially on social kill millions of infected media). Market the charity cause and wait for clients to show up! mink. Food & wine does the trick • China impos- Young or not, food and wine is a great mix of tasteful delights, and also, a great way to

A bicyclist passing the New York Stock Exchange on Wednesday. es even more stringent rules on those trying to enter the country. • 100,000 cases in a single day push add new dishes to your menu. You could try out new, original recipes for the night and pair them with good-tasting wine. You could also offer Sangria if you want to give your restaurant a more Spanish vibe. Selling tickets online and at the door should be a priority. Clients will be encouraged to participate in such an event and also, determined to return to your Credit...Jeenah Moon for The New York Times the U.S. into new ter- restaurant if you take care of them properly. That’s why you should also ensure that your rain. customer service is exquisite.

The United States on Wednesday recorded over 100,000 new coronavirus cases in a Host themed nights single day for the first time since the pandemic began, bursting past a grim threshold even Young clients LOVE themed nights. That’s because they promote imagination and the as the wave of infections engulfing the country shows no sign of receding. art of crafting, usually (although not always). Young customers love to be transported to

The total count of new infections on Wednesday was more than 107,800, according to a other worlds while having a blast on a nice Friday night. So, as you can tell, this is a great New York Times database. Twenty-three states have recorded more cases in the past week way to attract new audiences. You could hold cooking demonstrations while you’re at it. than in any other seven-day stretch. For example, hosting a “Spanish Themed night” while playing Flamenco music and holding

Five states — Maine, Minnesota, Indiana, Nebraska and Colorado — set single-day case Spanish-dish cooking demonstrations is a great way to attract new customers. records. Cases were also mounting in the Mountain West and even in the Northeast, which You could have an extensive menu of Spanish dishes and cocktails at a reasonable price. over the summer seemed to be getting the virus under control. You could introduce them to “the drink of the night” to make them feel special for attendNorth and South Dakota and Wisconsin have led the country for weeks in the number of new cases relative to their population. But other states have seen steep recent increases in the last 14 days. Daily case reports in Minnesota, on average, have increased 102 percent over that time, while those in Indiana have risen 73 percent. For months, Maine had among the lowest ing your event. You could change routines each week and have other surprises prepared for them. If you need help with writing your weekly menu, you could hire any best essay writing specialist to do the job for you while you focus on other tasks. Offer live music events levels of transmission anywhere in the country, but new cases there have more than tripled. Music plays a crucial role in attracting new customers, especially young ones. Live music In Wyoming, new cases are up 73 percent, while in Iowa they have more than doubled. is the key. Any restaurant could use some relaxing live vibes while enjoying dinner. You

Deaths related to the coronavirus, which lag behind case reports, have increased 21 per- could play soft rock ‘n’ roll, jazz, or even Latin music, depending on your demographics. cent across the country in the last two weeks. You could offer a combination of all of these options. Trust me, crowds of young people will

Hospitals in some areas are feeling the strain of surging caseloads. More than 50,000 rush the door. people are currently hospitalized with Covid-19 across the country, according to the Covid Have birthday discounts Tracking Project, an increase of roughly 64 percent since the beginning of October. Birthday discounts are simple to offer and can attract a wide range of clientele. You could

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the country’s top infectious disease expert, predicted in June, start by collecting your clients’ e-mail addresses and birthday information. Add them to when new cases were averaging roughly 42,000 a day, that the rate would eventually reach your restaurant’s calendar and shoot them an e-mail when the time comes. You could offer 100,000 a day if the pandemic were not brought under control. His blunt assessments of up to 50 percent discounts on everything on their birthday. You could also offer free cake the country’s failure to control the virus drew attacks from Trump administration officials, including the president, who called him alarmist. In an interview on Friday, Dr. Fauci told The Washington Post that the country would most likely hit the 100,000 mark soon. “We’re in for a whole lot of hurt,” he said. if the table orders, for instance, up to a certain amount. Guests will remember your restaurant because of your welcoming vibes and any restaurant essay reviewer will rate your restaurant high up on the chain. Update your menu constantly

Dr. Fauci said that the country “could not possibly be positioned more poorly” as winter If you don’t have high-quality pictures on your website, chances are young clients won’t approaches and colder temperatures lead people to gather indoors. show up at your door. For those customers loyal to you, pictures won’t matter – but when

States report new cases unevenly from day to day, so seven-day averages are a more your goal is to attract a new audience, pictures are everything. The first impression matters. reliable gauge of trends than an individual day’s figures are. But Wednesday was bad by So, you better take high-quality photos for your website and for Google. Check the lighting, that measure as well, with the seven-day average exceeding 90,000, the highest since the the plate arrangements, and the colors. Make sure they blend well together. As soon as pandemic began. they’re presentable, post them on your website. Also, remember to ask for reviews. This is

During the early days of the pandemic in March and April, testing in the United States crucial for marketing. was very limited, so it is not possible to say with certainty that the virus is spreading faster Offer gift cards and discounts now than it did then. Since you’re starting a birthday program, you might as well sell gift cards for extra mon-

But the pattern of infection has clearly changed. ey. This is a great way to attract a young audience. You could also offer discounts for certain

Dr. Bill Hanage, an associate professor of epidemiology at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School items on your menu if clients buy a gift card from you – this only until you reach the number of Public Health, said this week that while the surges in the spring and summer were concentrated in specific regions — the Northeast in the spring and the Sun Belt in the summer — the current one reflects transmission increases in nearly all parts of the country. Dr. Hanage called Wednesday’s milestone “the completely foreseeable consequence of not taking pandemic management seriously.” And he said the country would see “hospitalof new customers you need. You could also offer a small gift shop outside of your store, if the budget allows. These three elements go well together—birthday dinners, cool gift cards, and beautiful presents waiting outside the restaurant door. Sign up for events izations and deaths increase in due course.” Becoming an event vendor is a powerful way to promote your business. You’ll become

“This is desperately concerning,” Dr. Hanage said, “because uncontrolled transmission quite influential if you participate in various events in unexpected places. More people will will end up compromising health care, and in order to preserve it, we will almost certainly learn about your restaurant, first, and second, you’ll stay updated on the latest trends. You’ll end up needing to take stronger action to prevent the worst outcomes.” know what young audiences are looking for food-wise. For example, offering CBD-infused

“Look to Europe to see the consequences of leaving it too late,” he said. “The longer you cocktails is a great way to attract new clients. You could partner with a concert venue or leave it, the harder it will be to control.” music festival for that. You could also participate in conferences or trade shows. Conclusion Next time your team meets up, brainstorm ideas on what the best marketing options would be. Your restaurant will be successful only if you can come up with authentic resources for young customers. Engaging with your clients is the best way to promote yourself. Offering them the respect they need through customer service is essential. Have some fun while helping them have a blast. Michael Gorman is a highly skilled essay writer and proofreader who currently works at essay writing service UK. Being interested in everyday development, he writes various blog posts and discovers new aspects of human existence every day. When working for UK dissertation, Michael reads research articles and helps students succeed.

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