15 minute read
Morgan County Fair 2023 Dairy Show
Dairy Showmanship
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
01 Senior Dairy Showmanship (14-18)
Jayden Chapin, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1
Addyson Schwindt, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 2
Skylar Gregersen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3
Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4
Kodi Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, 5
Ashlynn Thompson, Explorers 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant
Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H Club, Brush, Participant
Senior Champion: Jayden Chapin
Senior Reserve Champion: Addyson Schwindt
02 Intermediate Dairy Showmanship (11-13) ············· 2 records
Fallyn Gregersen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1
Jacob Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2
Intermediate Champion: Fallyn Gregersen
Intermediate Reserve Champion: Jacob Whitney
03 Junior Dairy Showmanship (8-10)
Evy Lozier, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1
Junior Champion: Evy Lozier
Dairy Cattle
12 Holstein Winter Heifer Calf born December to February for current calendar
Evy Lozier, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1
13 Holstein Fall Heifer Calf born September to November one year ago
Jayden Chapin, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1
Skylar Gregersen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2
Ashlynn Thompson, Explorers 4-H Club, Weldona, 3
Fallyn Gregersen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4
Jayden Chapin, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 5
Kodi Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, Participant
17 Holstein Fall Yearling Heifer born September to November two years ago
Jayden Chapin, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1
Jacob Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2
Addyson Schwindt, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 3
Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4
Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5
Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H Club, Brush, Participant
Champion Holstein Heifer: Jayden Chapin
Champion Holstein: Jayden Chapin
34 Other Breed Spring Yearling Heifer born March to May one year ago
Addyson Schwindt, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 1
Champion Other Breeds Heifer: Addyson Schwindt
45 Catch-It Dairy (1st Year) Heifer Calf Class
Skylar Gregersen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1
Ashlynn Thompson, Explorers 4-H Club, Weldona, 2
Fallyn Gregersen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3
Jayden Chapin, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 4
Kodi Holdren, Valley View 4-H Club, Snyder, 5
46 Catch-It Dairy (2nd Year) Heifer Class
Jacob Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1
Addyson Schwindt, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 2
Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H Club, Brush, 3
2nd Year Catch-It Dairy Champion: Addyson Schwindt
Grand Champion Dairy: Jayden Chapin
Reserve Grand Champion Dairy: Jayden Chapin
Morgan County Fair 2023 Rabbit Show
Breeding Rabbit
Friday, July 28, 2023
16 Senior Doe over 6 months Polish
Payten Thompson, Explorers 4-H Club, Weldona, 1, Champion
25 Senior Doe over 6 months Mini Lop
Annabelle Peggram, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 1, Champion
35 Junior Doe under 6 months Chinchilla, Cinnamon, Rex, Satin, Sable, and Silver Martin
Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1, Champion
Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 2
36 Senior Doe over 6 months Chinchilla, Cinnamon, Rex, Satin, Sable, and Silver Martin
Annabelle Ramos, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1
Gabriella Ramos, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2
38 Senior Buck over 6 months Chinchilla, Cinnamon, Rex, Satin, Sable, and Silver Martin
Gabriella Ramos, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1, Reserve
Annabelle Ramos, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2
Gabriella Ramos, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 3
44 Junior Doe under 6 months D’Argents, California, New Zealand, Palomino, and Silver Fox
Gabriella Ramos, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1
Annabelle Ramos, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2
45 Senior Doe over 6 months D’Argents, California, New Zealand, Palomino, and Silver Fox
Gabriella Ramos, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1
Annabelle Ramos, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2
46 Junior Buck under 6 months D’Argents, California, New Zealand, Palomino, and Silver Fox
Gabriella Ramos, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1, Champion
Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 2, Reserve Champion
Annabelle Ramos, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 3
47 Senior Buck over 6 months D’Argents, California, New Zealand, Palomino, and Silver Fox
Gabriella Ramos, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1
Annabelle Ramos, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2
Gabriella Ramos, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 3
Annabelle Ramos, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 4
Grand Champion Breeding Rabbit: Payten Thompson
Reserve Grand Champion Breeding Rabbit: Gabriella Ramos
Market Rabbit
01 Catch-It Rabbit (one market rabbit)
Brody Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1
Logan Weiderspon, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Snyder, 2
Gavyn Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3
Lexie Walter, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 4
Emariah Rivera, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5
Champion Catch-It Rabbit: Logan Weiderspon
65 Single Fryer Rabbit, any sex or breed, weighing 3.5-5.5 lbs.
Brody Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1
Ceri Dixon, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2
Gavyn Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3
Brayton Tormohlen, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4
Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 5
Emariah Rivera, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 6
Logan Weiderspon, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Snyder, 6
Lexie Walter, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 6
Grand Champion Market Rabbit: Brody Yoder
Reserve Grand Champion Market Rabbit: Ceri Dixon
Rabbit Showmanship
01 Senior Rabbit Showmanship (14-18)
Ceri Dixon, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1
Champion Senior Rabbit Showman: Ceri Dixon
04 Intermediate Rabbit Shownmanship (11-13)
Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1
Annabelle Peggram, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 2
Champion Intermediate Rabbit Showman: Ryder Halley
Reserve Champion Intermediate Rabbit Showman: Annabelle Peggram
07 Junior Rabbit Showmanship (8-10)
Payten Thompson, Explorers 4-H Club, Weldona, 1
Lexie Walter, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 2
Brody Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3
Gavyn Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4
Logan Weiderspon, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Snyder, 5
Annabelle Ramos, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 6
Emariah Rivera, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 6
Gabriella Ramos, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 6
Champion Junior Rabbit Showman: Payten Thompson
Reserve Champion Junior Rabbit Showman: Lexie Walter
Morgan County Fair 2023 Club Book Results
During the Morgan County Fair, on Wednesday the 26th, 4-H Clubs had the opportunity to turn in their club books from the year for judging. This includes their Secretary Book, Treasurers Book, Community Pride Book, and Scrapbook. These books are the records that are kept by their respective elected officers for the 4-H Year. The 4-H Year runs October 1 – September 30.
In the Secretary Book Contest, Weldon Valley 4-H Club placed 1st, Lads ‘N’ Lassies 4-H Club, 2nd; and Winning Edge 4-H Club, 3rd. The Champion Secretary Record Book award is sponsored by FMS Bank.
The Treasurer Book Contest had four entries. Placing 1st is Lads N Lassies 4-H Club; Travelers 4-H Club, 2nd; Winning Edge 4-H Club, 3rd; Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, 4th; and Wildcat 4-H Club, 5th.
Clubs that enter their Club Scrapbook all receive a $20 gift certificate from Impressions By Bird and Leader’s Advisory Committee to use towards future scrapbooks or other stationary for their club. The clubs that exhibited scrapbooks at the 2023 Morgan County Fair were Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Wiggins Cornerstone, and Winning Edge 4-H Club.
Our final area that clubs can enter is Community Pride. Each club completes a minimum of one community service project each year, and the Community Pride contest allows the clubs to develop a book showcasing their community service. This years’ winner of the Community Pride award, which is sponsored by KSIR Radio, is the Weldon Valley 4-H Club. With Lads ‘N’ Lassies coming in 2nd and Winning Edge, 3rd. All of these books are on display in the Mark Arndt Event Center at the Morgan County Fair Grounds for the remainder of the 2023 Morgan County Fair which is held July 28-August 3.
Morgan County Fair 2023 Junior Agriculture, Farm Mechanics
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
02 Medium Farm Carpentry
August Filter, Weldon Valley FFA, 1
Adrian Lopez-Lopez, Weldon Valley FFA, 2
04 Large Metal
Aubryn Ferguson, Wiggins FFA, 1
05 Medium Metal
Riley Thomas, Wiggins FFA, 1
06 Small Metal
Aubryn Ferguson, Wiggins FFA, 1
Riley Thomas, Wiggins FFA, 2
Grand Champion Farm Mechanics: Aubryn Ferguson
Reserve Grand Champion Farm Mechanics: Riley Thomas
Wiggins School District 50j August
Ready or not, we will be starting school on time in all buildings. Construction will be ongoing but the buildings are cleared for occupancy. Administration will ensure the safety of the children while both the primary and elementary school buildings are finished up.
Preschool drop off will take place along Main St. and in the parking lot of the Preschool building. There are only 23 spaces inside the parking lot so please feel free to park diagonally on Main before walking inside to sign in and sign out your child.
When dropping off and picking up your K-3 students please use the bus loop on the South side of the Primary building. Kindergarten will no longer drop off and pick up on Main St.
All 4-6 students will be dropped off and picked up in front of the main entrance at the NEW Elementary School building. Please use Chapman to enter and exit the parking lot. There will be staff members outside directing traffic the first week of school to help guide people through the desired flow of traffic.
The district wants to thank all of its constituents one more time for allowing the school system to grow in a manner that is safe, functional, and conducive to accelerate the learning potential of our students. In my opinion, our campus is one of the most appealing yet practical campuses that I have seen. As I look upon all that this community has built over the past five years it makes me proud to be a part of TIGER NATION!
Wiggins School District is excited about the opening of the New Elementary School and for the 2023-2024 school year. Teachers and Staff are already working hard to make this year great for our returning students and want to welcome all of the new students with open arms. Enjoy the last days of summer!
Monthly Expenditures for July
In the fast-paced world of construction, having reliable and efficient equipment is the backbone of any successful project. One company that has made significant strides in providing top-notch construction equipment solutions is MTC Equipment. Born in a modest 2-bay garage in Commerce City in 2020, MTC Equipment has quickly become a trusted dealer for XCMG construction equipment, focusing on sales, rentals, and service to cater to the diverse needs of the construction industry. With its commitment to customer satisfaction and a state-of-the-art 15,000 sq ft shop in Hudson, MTC Equipment has emerged as a leading force in the sector.
The Humble Beginnings and Rise of MTC Equipment:
What started as a small operation in a two-bay garage has evolved into a remarkable success story. MTC Equipment was founded in 2020 with a vision to revolutionize the construction equipment industry with superior products and unparalleled service. From the outset, the company focused on the core principles of integrity, reliability, and customer satisfaction.
The XCMG Partnership:
MTC Equipment’s partnership with XCMG has been a crucial factor in their success. XCMG is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of construction machinery, renowned for producing high-quality, innovative, and technologically advanced equipment. As an authorized dealer for XCMG, MTC Equipment gained access to a vast array of machinery that catered to the diverse needs of the construction sector. This allowed MTC Equipment to meet its commitment to customers, ensuring they receive the best solutions for their projects.
Customer-Centric Approach:
MTC Equipment’s relentless pursuit of customer satisfaction sets it apart from the competition. Instead of treating clients as mere transactions, MTC focuses on building lasting relationships. The company’s sales representatives take the time to understand the unique requirements of each customer and recommend the most suitable equipment for their projects. By providing personalized attention and tailored solutions, MTC Equipment ensures that every client receives the best value for their investment.
Sales, Rentals, and Service:
September Calendar
MTC Equipment’s comprehensive range of services encompasses sales, rentals, and service, making it a one-stop destination for all construction equipment needs.
Sales: Whether a construction company is looking to expand its fleet or needs specific machinery for a project, MTC Equipment offers a wide selection of new and used XCMG equipment. From excavators and loaders to telehandlers and scissor lifts, they have the tools to meet any construction challenge.
Rentals: Not all projects require long-term investments in equipment. MTC Equipment recognizes this and provides flexible rental options, enabling construction companies to access top-tier machinery without the burden of ownership. Their rental fleet is well-maintained and up-to-date, ensuring optimal performance on the job site. Service: Recognizing that equipment downtime can significantly impact project timelines, MTC Equipment prioritizes timely and efficient service. Their team of skilled technicians is equipped to handle maintenance and repair tasks promptly, minimizing interruptions to construction operations. Moreover, their commitment to providing genuine XCMG parts ensures that equipment remains in top condition, maximizing productivity and longevity.
The Hudson Shop:
MTC Equipment’s decision to operate out of a 15,000 sq ft shop in Hudson reflects their commitment to quality and professionalism. The state-of-the-art facility is equipped with the latest tools and technology to provide top-notch maintenance and repair services. The spacious shop also allows them to house a diverse range of equipment, ensuring quick access for customers.
Looking Ahead:
As MTC Equipment continues to grow, they remain dedicated to enhancing their offerings and customer experience. They plan to expand their inventory to include the latest advancements in construction equipment, embracing new technologies that improve efficiency, safety, and sustainability.
In a relatively short period, MTC Equipment has achieved remarkable success by prioritizing customer satisfaction and aligning with a world-renowned brand like XCMG. Their journey, from a small garage to a state-of-the-art facility, exemplifies their commitment to excellence and innovation. As the construction industry continues to evolve, MTC Equipment’s customer-centric approach, along with its range of sales, rentals, and service, is set to leave an indelible mark on the sector, empowering construction projects across the region with the best-in-class machinery and support.
Morgan County Fair 2023
Breeding and Market Beef Show
Breeding Beef
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
02- Heifer Calf, born after 8/1/22
Eli Kline, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1
Jason Dias, Fort Morgan FFA, Fort Morgan, 2
Kenadee Kohler, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3
Garrison Middlemist, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4
Brody Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5
03- Yearling Heifer, (8/1/21-7/31/22)
Jason Dias, Fort Morgan FFA, Fort Morgan, 1
Gracie Eiring, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2
Clayton Barch, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 3
Clayton Barch, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 4
Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5
Grand Champion Breeding- Eli Kline
Reserve Grand Champion Breeding Beef- Jason Dias
Market Beef
21- Beef Underweight-1
Danielle Moon, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1
Reilly Clapper, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2
Harlee Codman-Davis, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Brush, 3
31-Beef Lightweight- 1
Mikaela Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1
Americo Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2
Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3
Kodi Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, 4
Josie Ginther, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 5
Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant
Collin Codman, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Brush, Participant
32- Beef Lightweight- 2
Jason Dias, Fort Morgan FFA, Fort Morgan, 1
Payten Thompson, Explorers 4-H Club, Weldona, 2
Harley Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, 3
Ceri Dixon, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4
Eli Kalous, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5
Adysen Spelts, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant
Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant
Cassius Middlemist, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant
33- Beef Lightweight- 3
Tegan Kroskob, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1
Arath Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2
Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3
Baylei Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4
Clayton Barch, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 5
Benjamin Eiring, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant
Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant
Olivia Herrera, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, Participant
Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant
Champion Lightweight- Jason Dias
Reserve Champion Lightweight- Mikaela Thiel
41- Beef Mediumweight- 1
Nathanel Dahl, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1
Aysli Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2
Owen Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3
Tegan Kroskob, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4
Axel Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 5
Jocelynn Middlemist, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant
Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant
Abby Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, Participant
42- Beef Mediumweight-2
Delaney Draegert, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1
Darylea Dory, Open Range 4-H Club, Brush, 2, Reserve
Jason Dias, Fort Morgan FFA, Fort Morgan, 3
Brody Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant
Ty Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Weldona, 5
Gretchen Vermillion, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4
Harley Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, Participant
Ashlynn Thompson, Explorers 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant
Champion Mediumweight- Delaney Draegart
Reserve Champion Mediumweight- Darlea Dory
51- Beef Heavyweight- 1
Gus Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1
Garrett Kalous, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2
Braden Weibert, Sunshine 4-H Club, Weldona, 3
Percy Odle, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 4
Nathanel Dahl, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5
Americo Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant
Landon Crispin, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant
Raelynn Carlock, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant
52- Beef heavyweight- 2
Hannah Fox, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Champion
Gretchen Vermillion, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2, Reserve
Delaney Draegert, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 3
Jayden Chapin, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 4
Eli Kline, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 5
Alan Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant
Braden Weibert, Sunshine 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant
Champion Heavyweight- Hannah Fox
Reserve Champion Heavyweight- Gretchen Vermillion
Grand Champion Market Beef- Hannah Fox
Reserve Grand Champion Market Beef- Delaney Draegert
70- Catch- It Class
Raelynn Carlock, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1
Jocelynn Middlemist, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2
Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3
Catch-It Champion- Jocelynn Middlemist
Champion Market Beef Rate-of-Gain: Abby Ramirez
Champion Market Beef Rate-of-Gain: Jocelynn Middlemist
Beef Showmanship
80- Sr. Beef Showmanship
Delaney Draegert, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1
Danielle Moon, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2
Clayton Barch, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 3
Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4
Owen Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5
Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant
Sr. Beef Showmanship Champion- Delaney Draegert
Sr. Beef Showmanship Reserve Champion- Danielle Moon
81- Int. Beef Showmanship
Ty Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Weldona, 1
Cassius Middlemist, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2
Collin Codman, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Bush, 3
Reilly Clapper, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4
Int. Beef Showmanship Champion- Ty Sneddon
Int. Beef Showmanship Reserve Champion- Cassius Middlemist
82- Jr. Beef Showmanship
Hannah Fox, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1
Gretchen Vermillion, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2
Payten Thompson, Explorers 4-H Club, Weldona, 3
Garrison Middlemist, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4
Harlee Codman-Davis, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Brush, 5
Jr. Beef Showmanship Champion- Hannah Fox
Jr. Beef Showmanship Reserve Champion- Gretchen Vermillion Morgan County Fair 2023 Poultry Show
Breeding Poultry
01 Pullet, Lightweight
Friday, July 28, 2023
Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H Club, Brush, 1
Veronica Heisler, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2
Jackson Zink, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3
Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H Club, Brush, 4
Jackson Zink, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5
Veronica Heisler, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6
02 Pullet, Heavyweight
Raelynn Carlock, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1
Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 2
Eden Tramp, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3
Raelynn Carlock, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4
Jackson Zink, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5
Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 6
Jackson Zink, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6
Tucker Martens, Sunshine 4-H Club, Wiggins, 6
Eden Tramp, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6
Veronica Heisler, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6
03 Cockerel, Lightweight
Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1
Veronica Heisler, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2
Veronica Heisler, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3
04 Cockerel, Heavyweight
Eli Williams, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2
Raelynn Carlock, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1
Raelynn Carlock, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3
05 Bantam Pullet
Eden Tramp, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1
Eden Tramp, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2
07 Specialty Breed Hen
Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1
Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 2
Everlee Tramp, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3
08 Specialty Breed Cockerel
Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1
Eden Tramp, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2
13 Goose
Tucker Martens, Sunshine 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1
15 Hen Duck
Tucker Martens, Sunshine 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1
Tucker Martens, Sunshine 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2
16 Drake Duck
Tucker Martens, Sunshine 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1
Grand Champion Breeding Poultry: Raelynn Carlock
Reserve Grand Champion Breeding Poultry: Raelynn Carlock
Market Poultry
20 Meat Pen of Chickens (Fryers) 3 birds, one breed, 9 - to less than 18 lbs. (Catch-It Poultry Class)
Averie Williams, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1
Veronica Heisler, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2
Eli Williams, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3
21 Meat Pen of Chickens (Broilers) 3 birds, one breed, 18 -30 lbs (Catch-It Poultry Class)
Morgan County Fair 2023