The Tributary Where opinions & knowledge flow!
105 Woodward Avenue • PO Box 581 • Keenesburg, CO 80643 303-732-4080 •
Volume 11, Issue 44
In This Issue:
November 4, 2020
* Page 2 * Page 4
Weld County Preliminary Results Reality and Perception
Weld County Preliminary Results
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Weld County Preliminary Results
November 4, 2020
November 4, 2020
Weld County Preliminary Results
The Tributary
Our Mission Statement The Tributary is a weekly publication and was created to provide the community with a forum where ideas, opinions and knowledge can be shared. All submissions become the property of The Tributary. Our goal is to provide a forum that is as fair and balanced as possible. We reserve the right to exclude material that we do not feel is appropriate to print and material that is too lengthy. We encourage everyone to participate in this forum and use it as a tool to bring awareness to issues that affect the well being of the community. It is not a resource to vent angry ranting. We believe that each member of our audience is mature and therefore capable of discerning what is valuable to them as an individual. We hope to provide a place where a variety of information is available, and that by creating that connection, we can help make our lives a little richer.
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November 4, 2020
Reality & Perception
by Bob Grand Realty and Perception. The election process is ending. What have we been living through? Is it reality or perception driven? Reality is the sum of all that is real or existent within a system. Perception is a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting . This year there has seen an extraordinary effort to influence how we think or perceive things. Aggravated by COVID 19, where gatherings were discouraged. The ability to discuss and debate was limited. So, the effort to outspend and out influence was huge. If a fraction of what was spent was applied on worthwhile projects that effected the lives of people, especially young people, it would be of value. Great sums of money were spent on trying to convince us on who to vote for. In reality, right or wrong, many people had their minds made up. Do not confuse them with facts, they knew what was best. Advertising money was spent on trying to convince a small fraction of the public. The media, be it social media, television, radio and lastly, unfortunately, print, made a lot of money but of what value did they contribute. News and journalism are not what it was. The pretense of suggesting it is fair and balance is absurdly false. I am a free market person, but I believe that we have an environment where too much of what is called journalism can be bought, with California and New York money and the rest of the country can be damned. That is not healthy for a democracy to continue to survive. Aggravated by an educational system that appears to support mediocrity and that supports a go to college at all costs, and there are plenty of costs, we are not encouraging common sense development. We are building a society that is being lead down the path of big government will take care of you, all of you. In reality big government takes care of itself first. Did you ever look at the government salary, retirement and health care programs and what that costs all of us? Has anyone asked what value is each job in government provide to the public? The Hunter Biden story remains to unfold. But I suspect what he is accused of doing is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what has become acceptable conduct, across both sides of the aisle. Our founding fathers intended elected government officials to be part time. Specifically, to avoid what has happened. I do not believe any government official or employee or members of their families, all members of their families, should be permitted to have personal dealings with companies that have government related businesses. For government officials or employees, a ban of at least 10 years before that can work for a company that has dealing with the government. I go to my quote of Lord Acton “power corrupts, total power corrupts totally”. We need to look at our local, county, state and federal level and unite to expose the relationships that exist that do not benefit the public but specific individuals at the expense of the public. Let us expose the relationships that deserved to be exposed and let people explain what is being done in the light of day. Like a light bulb in a New York tenement closet, let us see where the bugs scurry to. This is not a Democrat or Republican party issue, it is both. Where are the champions of the people? Are our elected officials afraid to deal with the reality? If so, expose them but at the least, let us not be afraid to bring attention to them. We need people in office who will represent the interests of the people. You should be able to ask, regularly, are you comfortable with the job you elected officials are doing? Is there a meaningful checks and balance system in place? Not just lip service. We have been trained to accept because an official is either a Democrat or Republican, they will do a good job. As Ronald Reagan said, “trust but verify”. Shame on us if do not continually ask for an accounting, not a meaningless three time a year how we all are doing dinner meeting. Both parties have fostered a do not ask how we are doing because, as a party loyalist you know we are doing the best for you after all we run the party. The Democrats have been dominated by the California and New York leadership extremists and the tech groups. The Republicans are a little more locally centered but nonetheless are also guilty. I, for one, have had enough. You should get my support if you have earned it and continue to earn it every day, not just because you are of a particular party. I invite anyone to contact me if interested in participating in a developing a working group focusing on discussing how to bring common sense to government, at all levels. Do you really think any of the party regulars, in either party, really want the system to change? As always. your thoughts and comments are appreciated.