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VI VI // Volume 1 Issue | issue

Dear Readers

Lately, I’ve been think ing about the f ut ure and how quickly your life can change. I’d been so obsessed with planning out my ent ire life that I reali zed I haven’t been able to li ve in the moment. So here’s some cliché adv ice to you - stop dreaming about what you want to do, and just do it. Take risks with no regrets, have f un, and do what you love. Af ter all, you only li ve once.



CONTRIBUTORs editor in chief & layout designer Angela Wu co-editors Natalie Chyi Shae Wu photographers Saibh Egan Rosie Brock Shae Wu

find us around: flickr: flickr.com/groups/lostfreedom tumblr: lostfreedommag.tumblr.com issuu: issuu.com/lostfreedom facebook: facebook.com/lostfreedommagazine magcloud: lostfreedom.magcloud.com contact: lostfreedommag@hotmail.com

Contents // Nichelle Singer Kiara Rose Cristina Hoch Ashley Hershberger Anna Keiko Hattie Ellis Sarah Ann Loreth Hanging High shot by Saibh Egan Linette Reeman Keegan Kapugal Sophia Dyrby Golden Dusk shot by Shae Wu Amanda Jasnowski Playlist: Good Things Lauren Plevy Zev Hoover Spring’s Daughter shot by Rosie Brock Flore Verhulst Kacie Galloway Savannah Van Der Niet Spotlights

pg. 6 pg. 12 pg. 18 pg. 24 pg. 30 pg. 36 pg. 42 pg. 48 pg. 54 pg. 56 pg. 62 pg. 66 pg. 78 pg. 83 pg. 84 pg. 90 pg. 96 pg. 104 pg. 108 pg. 110 pg. 116

Nichelle Singer

18 // Calgary, Canada


LOST FREEDOM: When and why did you first start taking photos? How has it changed since then? NICHELLE SINGER: I started probably in grade 8, about five years ago. I was completely inspired by Lara Jade at the time and took a lot of selfportraits, then I started doing more conceptual work with friends, and now I try and shoot editorials with models. LF: What do you try to express through your photos? Do you have a specific “style” you try to achieve? NS: I don’t try and express anything specifically, I just want people to feel something. LF: Who or what inspires you? NS: Photographer wise, I love Paolo Roversi, otherwise, the whole fashion culture, and pre-raphaelite work as well. LF: Do you prefer digital or film? Why? NS: I do shoot mainly in digital for it’s convinience, however I do enjoy shooting film, I am currently working on a personal project, a nude in nature film series.






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LOST FREEDOM: How old are you and where are you from? CRISTINA HOCH: I’m 18 and I’m from Spain. LF: When did you first begin taking photos? How has your work changed since then? CH: I think that I began 4 years ago, and well, I’ve improved a lot. Indeed, my first photos were really bad, I also had no good camera. I began with the typical, you know, pics of your feet, the clouds,...all that. LF: Why do you create? CH: Creating is the best way to show people how beautiful the world is. A look, a tree,a reflection; the whole existence is simply wonderful and photography has the capacity to prove it. LF: How does photography impact your daily life? CH: I always carry my camera.When I go for a walk, in the train, in a car. Always a good time to take a photo. LF: What do you try to express through your photos? CH: The way I see the world and the way I’d like everyone to see it. Beauty is all I want to express. I’m always trying to show little details, all the composition of the photo is important, the smallest detail is crucial. LF: Who or what inspires you? CH: A view, a film, a song, a quote. Music is so inspiring for me! I love listening to quiet music, imagine scenes and then make them true, pure inspiration.

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Ashley Hershberger 17 years // california //


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Anna kei ko








LOST FREEDOM: How old are you and where are you from? ANNA KEIKO: I’m 15 years old and I’m from New York City. LF: When did you first start taking photos? How has your work changed since then? AK: I’ve always taken pictures since I was little, and have always loved it, but I really got into photography almost three years ago. My work has changed tremendously. I’ve gotten a lot better at post processing and I’ve been finding my own style. LF: What do you try to express through your photos? AK: I hope to express in my pictures is the sense of the personality and feeling in the air or in the subject at that exact moment. LF: How does photography play a part on your daily life? AK: Photography impacts my life in so many ways. Mostly my eyes have turned into little viewfinders and I find and visualize pictures in whatever I see that I find captivating. LF: Who or what inspires you? AK: So many people inspire me! I would say my grandfather inspires me the most. I want to live what he passed onto me. Nirrimi Firebrace also inspires me a lot. LF: If you could photograph anyone, dead of alive, who would it be and why? AK: I would photograph my grandfather because I’ve never met him and no matter how many pictures I look at of him, none of them really give me a sense of who he was so I would love to have a picture of him through my own eyes.

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hattie ellis 17 years // bristol, england

ht t p : / / w ww.flickr.com//3 6 6 6 8 4 9 7 @N 02/

“Photography means a way of capturing “

memories and people and occasions.

Sarah ann Loreth 25 years // new hampshire // http://www.flickr.com/photos/likedaffodils/

LOST FREEDOM: How old are you and where are you from? SARAH ANN LORETH: I am 25 years old and from New Hampshire. LF: When and why did you first start taking photos? How has your work changed since then? SL: I started photography back in June of 2010. I’ve always dreamed of being an artist. I was so attracted to the thought of creating. But nothing ever stuff until I picked up a camera. And then everything clicked. It was like I was meant to be a photographer. I haven’t stopped since. I first started taking basic self portraits of myself in my old apartment in the kitchen because it had this big beautiful blank wall. I was just snapping photos trying to figure this whole camera thing out. I never really had a direction. It was usually just me whipping my hair or with funny hats. Now, I create stories. I photograph images that I pull from my head. LF: Why do you create? SL: I create because I have to. way than this.

I create because I know no other

LF: What do you try to express through your artwork? SL: I try to convey the emotions. I’ve always told myself if I set out to create powerful photos instead of pretty photos I would be happy. And I try to stand by that with my fine art work. My themes tend to be a bit dark but that’s what I feel more connected to. LF: How would you describe your style? SL: I tend to think of myself as a dark art photographer. A storyteller. I play with emotions and images other people may be afraid to grasp or work with. It’s what I feel most comfortable in. LF: Who or what inspires you? SL: I’ve always admired Sally Mann and Diane Arbus. I admire their ability to tell a story. And of course since my focus is selfportraiture, Cindy Sherman. LF: If you could photograph anyone, dead or alive, who would it be? SL: Without a doubt, Anne Sexton. Her life and death intrigues me. The whole story of her climb to poetry fame and down fall. I am just fascinated by her.

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Writings by

Linette Reeman 16 YEARS // NEW JERSEY

h t t p : / / a b o u t . m e / l i n e t t e re e m a n

Black Boxes

don’t try to fit me into your boxes; don’t write me into your history books or your medical texts, as my eyes are too bright, too confused, to cover with black boxes. prop me up against the measuring tape of maturity and pencil in my innocence; take into account its loss. print my name a million times in black ink, colored ink; a heading, a title to a story you can read and then put back on the shelf; shove it away or burn it if my body is too offensive or my thoughts too frazzled, but don’t break me to fit in boxes. cross me; an x upon my breast to save me but i squirm inside my skin and these robes burn like fire; like acid all over my arms. claw my back, but don’t crack my spine and send me cowering to doctors, trying to peel the black boxes off of my eyes so i can show them i’m okay; i swear to god i’m beautiful. so don’t write me into your history books, just keep me in your memories, but don’t shred me just to fit me inside of your ideas of me.

Doll doll: noun. implies plaything, which i am, and mindless, which i am not. doll, in his lips against my fingers, uninvited eyes to my thoughts and the curve of my shoulder under the fabric of cold. dolls cracked, her trophy eyes leaking gold and arms bent, forehead split in half, the prize of her organs squirming restless, lusting uninvited, uncontrollable anger for

“doll,” that he calls me only when he needs a reason to gamble away the birds in his throat, shrieking epiphanies leaving her fingers shaking out poetry proclaiming “doll” is fucking stupid, fucking pointless. doll -- no; baby. lover. sweetie. darling. “i’d never call you doll.” and her seeking, breathless fingers curl around my nails, erasing his lips on my hands, my brain and the bullshit he built trapdoors in his stomach out of; like maybe he’d drop my porcelain tongue onto his dick, same as any other cookie-cutter shit-eating, grinning

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Keegan Kapugal 17 years // http://www.KeeganKapugal.com

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LOST FREEDOM: How old are you and where are you from? SOPHIA DYRBY: I am 16 years old and I am from Norway. LF: When did you first start taking photos? How has your work changed since then? SD: I have always had an interest in taking photos. When I was a little girl I had several compact cameras that I used to play around with. Birds, flowers, things, anything I saw and that came across the viewfinder. I really enjoyed it; it was so carefree and just something I did for fun whenever I had the time. I never thought I would be into photography as much as I am today. Then my dad got his first DSLR, and I used to use it more than him. I have to say, I didn’t start to serious photograph until august sometime in 2011. I had just bought my own DSLR, and another world opened up for me. I joined Flickr, and I saw so many talented people. I realized all the possibilities that lie in the mind and in the camera. That was the start of it, of what I have today. I feel I’m still kind of fresh to photography, and I have learned so much! And the best thing is that there is still so much more to learn! I feel my photography change all the time. I like new challenges all the time, and I like to try new things.


Dyrby 16






LF: What do you try to express through your photos? SD: Firstly, I want to express beauty. Beauty in this big world, beauty in people, places and how overwhelmed I feel to be here and experience it all! I want to express human feelings and existence. I think feelings are beautiful. Beauty and feelings go hand in hand. I think whenever I capture a photo with a feeling; that is a successful photograph. As much as I am fascinated by pure nature, humans always seem to be a little more appealing to me. Like I can relate to it somehow better. Therefore I really like putting people in nature. LF: How does photography impact your daily life? SD: Photography impacts my daily life very much. I suddenly see the world with new eyes. I notice other things and I think other things than what I used to. Not to mention how much time I spend with it. And I enjoy it so much! Photography makes me so happy and gives me a feeling of accomplishment. Its something I want to do. I believe photography is not just to capture but also it’s a way of thinking. LF: Who or what inspires you? SD: I find so much inspiration in books, music and questions. I find inspiration in my feelings, and my surroundings. Especially in new places and when I travel. LF: If you could photograph one person, dead or alive, who would it be? SD: I think it would be John Lennon. I would like to capture his thoughtful face filled with feelings.

golden dusk photographer: shae wu model: caroline b.

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19 years // ohio



LOST FREEDOM: How old are you and where are you from? AMANDA JASNOWSKI: I’m 19 years old, split my childhood up between being born/living in northeast Spain and then the good ‘ol rural Midwest, Ohio. LF: When did you first start taking photos and how has your photography changed since then? AJ: I think it all first began somewhere in high school, as a freshman possibly. Since then it has changed tremendously. If you were to compare a photo I took then to one now, you would see such a vivid progression. It’s exciting to think about. I simply just think it’s changed in the way that I have really grown comfortable with it, not in a way so much where it makes me comfortable but in the way that I’m comfortable with the thought of it being ever-present in my life. I’ve come to accept that so much of my current life revolves around art, around photography. I have formed my own style (and only strengthened it with time and practice), and of course grown as an individual and my photos reflect that. With consistency there’s bound to be growth. LF: What does photography mean to you? AJ: It means so much to me. It’s a means of documenting my life, the way I see it all and those around me. There are so many moments worth remembering and it would be a sad shame to forget. It’s also another way to express yourself, heal yourself. You can create scenes derived from your brain and your brain only. There are endless possibilities.

There are so many moments worth remembering and it would be a sad shame to forget.

LF: What do you want to express through your photos? AJ: I want to show folks that there is beauty to be found everywhere, in everyone. I want my photos to make people feel, look at things from a new perspective. It’s sometimes difficult to put into words what I want to express because it’s so very much simply just an extension of my brain and heart.

LF: How does photography impact your daily life? AJ: My life has slowly become engulfed in it. I take photo classes at school and also work at a camera shop. I don’t think there is ever a day that passes where I don’t think about shooting, or find myself admiring the composition, light, colors. I am constantly observing and being inspired. At times I get frustrated because my eyes are so busy moving around noticing things, bathing in the light, and I feel like I’m being distracted from the individual I’m with. But I have grown to love it most of the time, if not all. LF: Who or what inspires you? AJ: This is an endless list, constantly growing. Everyday things, light, colors, actions, patterns, emotions, reactions. I don’t think there is a day that passes where I don’t encounter or see something that inspires me, strikes me. LF: Do you have any advice for those that have just started taking photos? AJ: Take some time to stop and notice, observe. Eventually, that will come naturally. Shoot often, challenge yourself with a 365 project even. Learn your functions, I recommend working with film. It really helped me gain a fundamental knowledge about how to shoot manually.

Playlist: Good Things a bit of an everything playlist and a simple reminder to you that it feels good to be here

1. GOOD THINGS by the Dangerous Summer 2. NAIVE by the Kooks 3. SO APPALLED by Kanye West 4. THE A TEAM by Ed Sheeran 5. FOREVER AND EVER AMEN by the Drums 6. ELECTRIC FEEL by MGMT 7. HOPES AND DREAMS by Wiz Khalifa 8. LET’S DANCE TO JOY DIVISION by The Wombats 9. PUNCHING IN A DREAM by the Naked and Famous 10. MORNING GLORY by Oasis 11. CHOCOLATES & CIGARETTES by Angus & Julia Stone 12. TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT by the Strokes 13. HELL OF A LIFE by Kanye West 14. FLUORESCENT ADOLESCENT by the Arctic Monkeys 15. SOUL MEETS BODY by Death Cab for Cutie

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lauren plevy 15







“Photography is how I express my emotions.”






http://www.flickr. com/66603426@N05/

LOST FREEDOM: How old are you and where are you from? ZEV HOOVER: I am turing 13 as I write this. I was born, raised and am living in a smallish town in the suburbs of Boston. LF: When did you start taking photos and how has your work changed since then? ZH: I started doing photography seriously when I was about 8, and then I was taking mainly HDR’s landscapes and macros. When I was 9 I did something called “The Snugg Project”, a one year photographic adventure in the life my stuffed puppy Snugg. When that was over I was sort of at a loss

for photo inspiration until recently when on a walk, my sister suggested little people in pictures. I loved the idea, and have been doing these littlefolk pictures ever since. Also of late, I have gotten quite into self portraiture. LF: What do you try to express through your photos? ZH: Everything small, that might be considered plain or inconsequential is a whole world to somebody. It is also an interesting way to appreciate nature, because a huge open field isn’t necessarily more useful in a photo than a tiny nook in a piece of tree bark. LF: Do you see your work as more of a documentation or experiences or emotions? ZH: Of those three, experiences. Though really, my work is simply a new perspective on reality. I want someone looking at my pictures to wonder on there next walk if little people are peeking down on them from the trees. LF: Who or what inspires you? ZH: The super amazing, excellent, awesome community that I am happy to call myself a part of--Flickr. I have met so many wonderful, inspiring people on there. Yet in a way, I feel like I am most inspired when doing things not at all related to photography, like bike riding in the woods, or other camera-less adventures. LF: What three words would you say best describe your work? ZH: My 3 words would have to be: look at it!

spring's daughter photographer: rosie brock

model: lily b.

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Flore Verhulst 21 years // belgium http://www.flickr.com/ photos/floreverhulst

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kacie galloway 18 years // http://www.flickr.com/photos/kacie-sierra/

I’m Feeling A Bit Lost in the World Right Now We’re a new sort of Lost Generation, Lost because we don’t know where we are Or where we are going. We keep on running through mazes, climbing towers, fighting battles, But only because they tell us we ought to. We’re trading joy for money, Because we think the two are the same and the illusion never seems to fade. We’re caught on a bridge between same-old and post-same-old, And we’re getting to the point where we’ve realized that, Instead of choosing what they force on us, There’s another option, and all we want to do is dive over the edge, Take a leap into a world without boundaries And full of dreams.

If I told you I had found a map out of this wasteland, would you follow me? Leave behind your disillusionment and see the 10 am sunlight Streaking through the trees we thought had died in the drought.

One day I woke up and felt the wind suddenly blowing us in different directions, So I ran as fast as I could against the gale, until it overpowered me, Knocked me down, threw me back, And forced me to accept the fact that life just keeps on going.

Savannah Van der Niet 18







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“Creating feels natural. I’ve always had a creative disposition. I do it because it’s what I do, and people connecting with that is just another reason to continue.”

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S TA F F _

_ P I C K S

1. Victoria Young 2. Amelea N. 3. Dani Bravo 4. Nele K. 5. Michael Switzer 6. Erin Barker 7. Mรกrio Macedo 8. Ruhama Quadir 9. Ada Chen 10. Lucas Ottone 11. Lisa O.


Issue VI //

lost freedom

M a g a z i n e

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