Christmas Lights

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CHRISTMAS LIGHTS The Johannesburg of my youth was a fascinating place to be at Christmas time because the city centre was transformed by the City Council and Department stores into a night time wonderland of twinkling lights, window displays and giant, decorated Christmas trees. Hundreds of families would descend on the city after dark to stroll along Eloff, Rissik and President Streets and because traffic was light it was safe to walk arm in arm in the middle of the road. The summer weather would be balmy with star filled skies above( except, of course if there happened to be a sudden thunder storm) These rarely lasted very long so you simply took cover until the rain stopped and the stars came out again and then you continued your tour of the displays. While the Christmas and Nativity scenes in the department stores were very attractive it was to Joubert (pronounced jewbear) park that everyone made their way because there the City Council pulled out all the stops and created the most magnificent fairytale wonderland imaginable. Folks would buy big bunny balloons for the kids and ice creams and candy floss for everyone then stroll at their leisure through the park staring in wonderment at the displays.

The City’s all dressed up for Christmas The streets are ablaze with bright lights Families stroll hand in hand on the main streets Wide eyed at the Yuletide delights

Cinderella’s busy sweeping the kitchen While her step-sisters prepare for the ball And Humpty sits wobbling precariously Surveying the Kings men from his wall

Santa’s workshop is busy as usual With industrious elves making toys For the girls doll’s houses and cradles Wood blocks and wagons for boys

In contrast mother goose reads a story To a group that includes Little Boy Blue And a dozen or more of the offspring Of the woman who lives in a shoe

Shop windows with scenes of the North Pole Mock snow renders everything white And the heat of an African summer Detracts not one jot from the sight

In their parlour sit Santa and Mrs Clause Before a cheerful log fire gently rocking Soon he’ll leave on his annual journey To fill many a child’s Christmas stocking

Snow white waves goodbye to the seven As they march off to work in the mine While the hatter runs ‘round in a frenzy Double checking his watch for the time

But the favourite display without question Is the tableau of First Christmas night With the infant asleep in the manger Soft lit by the East Star so bright

Outside stands the sleigh quietly waiting To be drawn at great speed I suppose By the reindeer team led by Rudolph The one with the shiny red nose

An ox and an ass look on quietly At father Joseph and mother Mary serene While Three Kings bearing gifts for the Baby Complete this timeless nativity scene

No doubt the right place for enchantment Every turn holds a brand new surprise And we marvel at the storybook pageant Brought to life under Johannesburg skies

Terry du Toit ©

Street lights and store windows are pretty But the best place to see after dark Is the glittering world of the fairies That each year transforms Joubert Park

For a month ‘til twelfth night each summer Noël lights shine bright as many a jewel Then fade but leave not without promise To return again for our pleasure next Yule

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