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"Deep down in the forest something stirred ... ", and not before time too, as far as the "forest" in Old Forestonians is concerned. If our organisation lacks in nothing else, it lacks in cohesion. We each of us tend to pull in our own different way (some don't pull at all), and though we all of us have, possibly, the interests and well-being of the O.F.A. at heart" we just haven't got very far. We scrape here and we scrape there and we take our fun as arid when we find it. We'y,e been playing in other people's bacle-yards for many years now and, if nothing is done, we shall go on being "tolerated tenants" until even the bare rudiments of our sporting activity, which is, after all, our best sphere of endeavour, are denied us-the precious pieces of ground that go to make tennis courts, hockey and cricket fields and what-have-you-because the owners have decided that they have better use for them. Before that happens we have decided to inaugurate something; something that can be the basis for obtaining the cohesion we so badly need, something to invoke a bit of much-needed interest, something to shake the lethargy from us that grows on us like ivy on an old wall-in short, this magazine. Technically, there are thousands -of old Forestonians, yet our actual membership list shows little more than five hundred at present. We want more, a lot more, and if a little hard work on the part of a few of the more hard-headed and v,enturesome of us means' anything at all, we shall get them. This magazine is pfimarily designed to give us all a common interest, to put the most far removed of us in the picture and claim back from the doldrums路 of disinterestedness those who have forgotten, we grant perhaps, out of exasperation, that the O.F.A. ever existed. Our scouts have snooped, interrogated and scoured for names and addresses which we haven't seen or thought of these many long years in an endeavour to bring this first issue home to you, free, gratis and on a capital that wouldn't, certainly, stand comparison with John D. Rockefeller's. If we have overlooked you, and you and and you, well, we're extremely sorry, but let us know our error and we won't ov,erlook you a second time! Perhaps, like the boys who built the first A-bomb, we have started something. "Sondela!" should convey that something is on the move. We sincerely hope so! Who knows, out of this we may some day have a house of our own.






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The appearance today of the fhist Magazine of the Old Forestonian Association marks, on the one hand, the culmination of a particularly active period in the histoI'y of the Association, and, on the other', the opening of a new stage in its progl less. During the last few years many new activities have been introduced, each of which has received the support of an enthusiastic section of the members. This Magazine is part of the effort needed to weld together the different sections, and to make those who participate in the activities of each section remember that they aTe pal t of a single body. At tl1e same time it will Teach many, far and near, who have not hitherto joined the Association because they have not known of its activities, or because they are unable to participate in them. It is hoped that many old boys and g-iris of the FOli8st High School will novv decide to become members, knowing that their interest will be maintained by the attractive publication at regular intervals of news of路 the Association and of its members. I wish tre 'SONDELA' eve~'Y success, and am confident that it will fill an important need in the Association.

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The abiding regret of our Association is that so many past students of Forest High are unaware of our activiti,es and it is our earnest desire to make known to as many as possible, through the medium of this magazine, our current and future plans for the progress of the Association. Negotiations are pr~ceeding at .the moment for the acquisition of land for the permanent establishment of our headquarters and playing fields. Should these sucoeed we shall have acquired some twenty acres of land, within the municipal area and in close proximity to municipal transport, and we feel that the really solid foundation the Association lacks at present will have been well laid. T n the meantime, every effort is being made by the various sections to foster and promote interest amongst our current members. The Organising Committee for the morning market, well pleased with their recent progress, have earmarked a date in September and engaged the Masonic Hall, Kenilworth, for another of their popular ev,ents. Further details of this will be made available in a later issue of this magazine. Each section has carried out its own particular activity with marked success during this year. A very sl'c~essful and well attendecl Tennis Tournament and Championships have just been complet,ed. Table Tennis and Badminton are goin1i from strength to strength, both the Women's and Men's Hockey Sections are maintaining their previous ethusiasm and zeal for the game, while readers will be able to judge for themselves the progress of our cricket,ers and individual soccerites elsewhere in these pages. Close co-operation is being maintained with the Appeal Committee in raising funds for the War Memorial. We are extremely proud at being afforded the opportunity of being associated with such a worthv cause. Ma~y requests have been made- to the Committee for the revival of the Annual Club Dinner, but while it is appreciated that such an event is of outstanding interest to the men, it is felt that the ladies of the piece are equally entitled to join in the fun and plans are being macle for a suitable function to be held shortly. This, incidentally, will be in addition to our Annual Association Dance. 1: wish to conclude this brief appraisal of our activities by expressing my sincere wish and earnest hope that the interest displayed in the publication of' this first issue of our own magazine will be such that its regular issue will be an event of some importance amongst our members and that it will also be conducive to our being able to welcome more and more new members into our ranks as time progresses.




SOCCER I am extremely gratified at being availed the opportunity of contributing a short article on Soccer to the premier issue of your Association's magazine. Soccer has made considerable progress in this country during the pa,st ten years, more particularly since the termination of hostilities. Current league and provincial sides are far better balanced and generally play a more constructive and intelligent game than the elevens of old who based their tactics on the now obsolete axiom of 'kick and rush'. The ball to-day does a lot more work and the players themselves do consciously endeavour to control and distribute it with the minimum waste of time and to the maximum advantage. Reasons for this improvement are numerous but J consider that high in import amongst them is the fact that during- the war a number of first class players from the British Isles were stationed in the Union and they taught local players many of the game's finer points and, in addition, a number of SOilth Africans in the various theatres of operation overseas had numerous opportunities of playing with and against players of international and near-international standard. Like any of our sporting South Africans our soccerites were quick to learn. Then again, many of our players decided on a spell of professional football overseas and, on making- their various returns here, quickly imparted to their colleagues all they had learnt in the hard British schoo.J about training, ball control, heading, tactics, proper equipment and the like. All this has lead to nothing but good but I am still firmly of the opinion that the progress of the game is not all it could have been and for this very real reason. _ Rugby, for many years now, has been acco路rded the privilege of being th major, if not the only, winter ball game in the greater majority of high schools in this cOlintry and though J do not wish to del racl from the merits of this commendable and fascinating sport T feci t hat Soccer



has been d~alt an unfair blow in the process since it can also teach <cL youngster manliness, sporimanship and how to take a licking in the right spirit, besides being without peer as a game which affords the maximum enjoyment for players and spectators alike. There arc, however, encouraging signs that a revival of school 'soccer is not to be too long delayed. The success of the combined Oxford-Cambridge side in 'winning the English Association Amateur Cup Final will tend to focus attention on amateur s-occer in England c!l1d I-epercussions vvill doubtless be felt here before long. The universities of South Africa aTe already showing a marked interest in the Soccer code" and as graduates are gradually drafted into the teaching profession they cannot fail to make the weigh t of t hei r opinions felt in school sports councils. The completion of the new Rand Stadium in your own Southern Suburbs will likewise provide an added fillip to the game besides Photos:












affording added interest for the average high school youth, not only in Johannesburg 'but throughout the entire Transvaal, for the policy of the South A,frican Football Association in bringing out the best teams from England and Scotland cannot fail to bear fruit. I reiterate, all South Africans are quick to learn and the public generally will see decided improvement in the enthusiasm and standard of play of our youngsters. It is a notable fact that though such colleges as Forest High, Jeppe High, Marist Brothers, K.E.S. and Parktown High have all deleted Soccer from their sporting curriculums, large numbers of their scholars revert back to Soccer once their school days are over. No small credit for this fact is due to the untiring efforts of a number of school masters who have continued to fight for the reintroduction of the game through all these years of the predominance of Rugby. I need go no further than your own Forest High School and your own Association, to qU9te some outstanding examples. Dudley Forbes, who earned himself a very high reputation with the Springbok side in Australia and who to-day is acquitting himself with distinction in the English First Divisism wth Charlton Athletic. Gordon Falconer, Forbes' Springbok team mate in 1947 who later went to Blackpool and learnt enough there to make him the country's outstanding inside forward to-day. Gordon Frew, wh0 has earned his Springbok colours at left back and who is presently improving his soccer education with Dundee in Scotland. Cliff J acques, surely this country's outstanding left-half 'back at the moment. Ray Ferriman, yet another Springbok, who has perfected the art of centre half play despite a recent season . of locking in a rugby scrum! All these and many others such as, Nick Slot, Esterhuizen, Schwartzel and Purdon have rendered, and are still rendering ye'oman service to the cause of Soccer. We look forward to seeing many more like them in the future. May I conclude by observing tl1at never in the history of the game in this country has a finer spirit obtained than does at present and that this is due in no small measure to the enthusiasm and ability' of the legislators throughout the Union. Soccer has an extremely bright future and once high schools' are again prepared to cradle the game and give our soccer playing youth the opportunity it deserves, I feel sure that the standard of our play will compare favourably with the finest amateur football in the world.



It is with deep regret that we have to record the death of 2nd Lieutenant Tertius Liebenberg, S.A.A.F., a past pupil of Porest High School, on June 9th, 1951, ,,,,hile on active service with the .U.N. Forces in Korea. On behalf of our entire Association we should like here to salute the memory of a very gallant soldier.

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Some nights ago we went to a meeting of the Drama Section of a certain Youthful Institution in the city. The business of the evening consisted of the reading of a play with eight characters. There were three of us; no one dse turned up, but great fun was nevertheless had by all. The proceedings became particularly hilarious when my wHe, as an old woman, failed to interrupt herself a.s a young woman and in the ensuing confusion missed her cue in her part of the gin-bibbing maiden aunt who cries plaintively that the 'Likker's or! gorn.' I, myself, was quite satisfied that I had done fair justice to the respective parts of an asthmatic plumber, a jaded rake-hell and the local Justice of the Peace while our host, we chairman of the section, was fairly persuasive as a back-roOtI. boy and an ageing retainer. Later, O\~er coffee, our host told us that they had been trying to establish their Drama Section for over a year and had succeeded in getting three members, one of whom resigned because it interfered with his Thursday night's snooker and the other of whom had . developed an untimely interest in something animate ,without the walls of the club. I "Recruit!" we said. "Why don't you go out and pull 'em in?" "I've tried that," he wailed, "and still do, off and on." "Well ?" we queried. "I've gained a lot of experience-that's al1." "Experience? Explain." "Yes~in fortelting the exact excuse different types will hand you." "And-?" "Well, if you really vvant to know, here's the list ... " "CA) The Athletic Chap: "Really not interested old man, hit arty for me!" "CB) The ditto Lass: ,"Outdoors for me, thanks all the same." ."CC) The Good Time Boy: "What's the fun? A play's just rehearse and rehearse." ~ "CD) The ditto Girl: "Waste of time, darling, and I've other ideas anyway."



Busy Man: "Gad no! I need twenty four hours a day getting on as it is !" "(F) The ditto V/oman: "Job keeps me on the hop all the time and I love it!" "(G) The Modest Chap: "Never thought of fnyself on the stage nerve wrac king idea!" "(H) The ditto Miss: "Ooh, no! I really wouldn't be good enough. They'd laugh 1" We thought of trying to raise his Ragging morale by telling hil11 that "ve had already run a Drama Section in the past and met with fair acclaim and that we intend to renew our efforts in the near fl.;lture with every confidence of equal success, but we realised that perhaps even he was too far down the slide to acknowledge that an organisation like O.F.A.D.S. (Old FOl-estonian Amateur Dramatic Section) can, given fairly intelligent leadership and a necessary fillip of interest and enthusiasm, always be relied upon to come up with something really commendable every so often. We left him squeezing big salt tears lnto his empty coffee cup. We didn't even bother to tell him that the correct answer to any Athletic Type is: A Drama Section is not 'arty', its clubby, a lot of friends foregathered in the name of fun. Its every bit as good, for the health as sport. It pays off in both mental and physical exercise at meetings and rehearsals and the pleasure you get out of it contributes to your permanent good cheer. To his busy friends he might have pointed out that there's nothing like a creative hobby to relax you and send you back to work full of heart. To both his good-time and modest acquaintances he might have proved that work put into a show is, after all, ln the name of Pleasure; that an evening's entertainment is always to be had, free, when 'working with your friends in the group and that romance, self-realisation, companionship and self-confidence lie all over the stage just waiting to be picked up. O.F.A.D.S. proved all this not so long ago when just such reasoning prevailed upon characters far more desperate, cynical, thwarted and morose than any of the types as may have been conjured up in your mind's eye as you perused the above, and they were blended into the team which gave you "The Importance of Being Earnest" with no little plaudits and a great measure of enjoyment to themselves. Perhaps you are looking for a useful hobby or just that little something extra to do nights; you feel that you never get the chance to express yourself properly when your sister's f-lance or your mother-in-law is holding the floor in your lounge or perhaps you just fel neighbourly whatever your feelings, we do very warmly suggest that you give your Drama Section a serious bit of thought. Your first cue then, is to show your hand. We want members and lots of them. By the end of this month we'd like t路o start on a play-reading or three and 'by December we want to show what we can really do. With your help we are pretty certain that we can make O.F.A.D.S. the finest stage group in all Suburbia.





We actually asked Eric twentyone questions. The first one was: "Will you write an article for us ?': 'He said he'd be glad to but pointed out that time was against it as he was on his way to Europe. Some snap thinking was necessary ... well, what about our asking twenty questions, would he answer them? He'd try. That was all we needed and we would like to go on record as stating that we are extremely indebted to our very unassuming, obliging and outstanding national Tennis Champion for giving us some portion of his very valuable time. Naturally, we wanted to know, first of all, which he considered to be his finest achievements to date, and he had no hesitation in listing his reaching the American Singles Championship final in 1948 and winning the Mixed Doubles with Sheila\?ummers at Wimbledon in 1949. Asked, next, to name the best tennis player of any category , and .either sex in the world to-day, Eric accorded Jack Kr:amer the honour. He considered either Richard Gonzales, or Geoff Brown to be possessed of the fastest service and named Ted Schroeder as the best player he has ever met in his career. . We moved on to the actual "mechanics" of the game and asked whether he had any particular preference for one shot over another. He was d.oubtful, but did mention a liking for a back-hand cross court drive. In the same vein, we wanted to know whether he was of the opinion that those two-handed shots used so spectacularly by Brown and Bromwich are any more effective than their orthodox equivalents. He conceded that Brown probably obtains more power and Bromwich greater accuracy by them but, by and large, he did not think them any more effective and pointed out that they can be a great disadvantclge when one has to reach wide for a ball. On serving, Eric very firmly advised aspiring tennis players to concentrate on accuracy rather than speed. The fellow with the "cannon ball" whack in his tennis racquet is no danger unless he

Eric retriev;<ng a difficult


Louis.e Brought Photo:

standing RAND


can consistently drop that first service in the square, no matter how impressive the ball sounds as it sings past your ears afterwards. Further, he advises any player who feels he has the rudiments of the game behind him and is looking for room to improve to first tighten up on every shot, play competitively as often as possible and speed his game up and still further up. He frankly considers most South Africans can take a lot more lessons on their backhands and points ou that far too many are unable to drive on this hand, preferring to slice the ball and be quite satisfied if it cIeal-s the net at a respectable speed. Sliced back-hands, he observed, go "one way" against an aggressive net attack. So to smashes. Why is it that the smash is the most frequently duffed shot amongst the proletariat? Simple. The old, old story of not eyeing the ball and not connecting at the top of the swing. And for those who like setting themselves difficult problems on the court-try executing, consciously, a back-hand drop volley. Eric thinks it the hardest shot in tennis.

Any particular preference for siI1gles or doubles? None at all; equally at home in either. In doubles play Eric is quite adamant that getting to the net, collectively we take it, is the entire secret and the only position from which to win a match. Trade names apart, we asked him what points he looks for in selecting a racquet. He prefers an even balance and is particular about the size and shape of the handle being suitable to his grip, which, incidentally, is the Continental one, and also prefers 18 and not 20 mainstrings as this enables him to impart more speed to the ball with less effort. He does ot go in for any specially designed tennis shoe but contents himself with an ordinary model, a half size too big, with two pairs of socks to make up the leeway and protect his feet .. Wc wanted to know why internationals and many other top-class players are frequently seen entering a court with anything from two to five tennis racquets under thei, arms and the answer came back that it is very necessary to have thre~ racquets of identical characteristics on hand during, a match as championship gut frequently breaks under the strain of a first class game. On the subject of courts, Eric considers, and advises any club I.Ontemplating laying down new cour~s, that concrete as llsed in California is the best surface' of all."'· He maintains that it provides a low, consistent and near-perfect bounce, encourages attacking tennis, has no cost of upkeep and you just don't ha,ve your'tennis washed out for a whole day by some sudden thunderstorm. His 'estimation of the three finest courts in the "Yorld? Well, Wimbledon Centre Court, Los Angeles Centre Court and-El lis Park Centre Court! Does he enter a match against a particular opponent with a set plan of campaign? On the contrarY,he prefers to keep an open mind and just adapts himself to the \"(ay thing~ go. . ," Finally we asked very tentatively, and with the hQpe of perhaps gleaning a "trade secret", whether he had any remedy.:~f~r pr<:~-1?atch "jitters". We were very disappointed. Mr. Sturgess' isappa'rently as h:uman as the rest of us. In fact he wished someone would come along and afford him some information on the subject! Ahem! Is there' a witch-doctor in the house?




A rather inebriated male. leaving a certain apartment on the third floor of a certain building at 'three on a certain Sunda:y morning, reached the lift gale, wrenched it open and stepped brisql}J into the darqened lifl shaft. Half an hour later, afler coming la on the hard concrele of the lifl shaft bottom. he was heard 10 }Jell. "Ya stupid 'f. ! ! ? - - 'f. I said 'Up!' ••


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It is perhaps a little difficult to reconcile the Old Farestonian Association with the game of Rugby at the present moment since the game does not fall into its current sphere of activities, Howeve,r, it is a general consensus .of 0l?~ni{)nthat, for the most part, the U11l0n Rugby Football Club IS but one short step remove~ from the Association and that many members of the club still ovve allegiance to the O.F.A. in many different ways. Sight should never be lost of the fact that the now disbanded Old Forestonian Rugby Club went a long, long w?-y in clearing the path for the success and limelight which many Old Boys are now enjoying with their fellows from the old Southern Suburbs R.F.C. in the current Union teams. First affiliated to the Transvaal Rugby Union in 1946, the Old Forestonian R.F.C. entered a single team in the third league and with only twenty active members managed to win through to the top of the league by the season's end. No small measure of acknowledgement is due to those twenty stalwarts who battled through that precarious first season and started the run of successes which culminated in the winning of the President's Cup some years later, and it is fitting that they be accorded mention here. They were: Bob Ballantyne, Arnie Ballard, Raleigh Ballman, "Taf,fy" . Bevan, Peter Borcherds, "Beefy" Carstens, "Dixie". Diack, Keith (Quince) Dovyse, Nigel Gray, Terry Harley, John Harley, Bill Howarth, "Muff" Bume, Peter J acobsen,Ben (J as) ]ooste, John McLaren, "'Chicken" Rees,' Brian Smith, "Horse" Strooh and ..De.~ Todd. It is a regrettable fact. that only eleven of these are still active, the others having to give up the game through injuries, and, in the case of Keith Dowse, his meeting his ve~y untimely death in a motor accident some five years ago. Not only\Old Forestonians \yil! appreciate that when .we lost Keith we lost perhaps .the onc 'p],l'ÂŁer who, even in those early days, showed all th~-potentials of a'S'pringbok. Many will still testify that' the unerring accura~y of his> tackling, his natural rugby brain and near perfect sense of, position and anticipation carried all the hallmarks of a 'star'. Other Olel Boys joined the club during that first season and in subsequent ones, and amongst those who have readily made their mark in the game are Jack Momberg, Ross Gowie, Ianatld Alan Frew, Trevor Transell, "Dutch" van del' Litl1, Louis Lourens, Bob Faragher, Frank Lucas. Ralph Heeger and Ran Meredith, With their added help the club went from strength to strength until our Senior team met the powerful Diggers side in the final of the PresicIeht's'Cup competition in 1949 and brought off a hard won victory. That victory was destined to be the "swang song" of the Old Forestonian R.F.C., for we realised that we had reached as high as any club of our status could reach and that 'we could only attain that long sQught aftpr honour of playing as a representative side in the Transvaal Grand Challenge competition by foregoing our identity cl.$" Old

Forestonians and merging with the only other side playing organised Rugby Football in the Southern Suburbs, our long standing, and much respected rivals, the Southern Suburbs RF.C. In one year that merger brought us, both the O.F.A. and Southern Suburbs Rugby clubs, the goal we had both sought after for many years - a place amongst the elite in Transvaal first league Rugby. Our identity became, fittingly enough, the Union Rugby FootbaJl Club, and we claim, without any attempt at bravado, that our present sides, no matter the league they operate in, are a.ccorded the respect our previous combinations were entitled to in their various capacities as mentioned a'bove. The O.F.A. gave many "good 'uns" away when they merged with Suburbs, but, as Union they gained the indispensable services of some of the "Suburbs" best in J ohnnie Buys, Edga,r Daly, Pat Evans, Roy Brown, "Ginger" Chrichton and many others. Still a young team by any standard, Union have already made their mark in first league and two of our players, Terry Barley and "Muff' Bume have a red and white Transvaal jersey to their credit. Others will follow them and it is certainly not beyond the bounds of reason to anticipate one of the club will one day wear the renowned Green and Gold of a Springbok. The fact that some 130 men regularly wear the club colours every Saturday afternoon will give some idea of the growth of organised Rugby in the Southern Suburbs and ""ve are extremely proud of the very valuable "nursery" we have esta:blished in our own area through the combined efforts of the O.F.A. and Southern Suburbs. It is sincerely hoped that Old Forestonians will always look upon the Union Rugby Club as an entity in whose activities and fortunes they will always be welcome to share. Old Boys broke away from the Association for the good of Rugby in the South and the wisdom of this move will only be fully appreciated in years to come. It is felt fitting that we should conclude with a tribute to- those non-players who have, during past years, Riven so much to the cause of our rugby. Names which come readily to mind are: Mr. L. D. Jones, whose coaching and all-round knowledge of the game would be of inestimable value to any team. Mr. V. Borcherds, our untiring Chairman and adviser since our inauguration .. Mr. J. Jankelowitz, certainly the hardest working Secretary any club could want to possess, and many other commendable stalwarts such as Messrs. Barley, Miles, Donny Came and the Roussel brothers. We are all the richer for their services and we look forward to being able to retain them for many, many seasons to come. ---0--One can pic1r a starving dog out of the gutter, feed. house and ma1re him prosper and he will not bite 'you. This is the principal difference between dog and mon.-MARK TW A/N.



he Cricket Section of our Association cannot claim names and personalities such as other sports have acquired from the ranks of the O.F.A., but in the six years of our existence, we have, by dint of some solid team building and the enthusiastic application of the old basic principle of hard work, managed to see our first side firmly entrenched 'in Reserve League, Section 1., only one step away from the premier 'Transvaal league. Our all round performance during the past 1950-51 season "va:s one of the best the section has ever recorded. Not one of the four sides entered in the various leagues finished lower than fourth in their respective logs. The best return was made -by our Sunday 2nd's, who ran YM.C.A. a very close race for the championship and had to be content with the position of runners-up, mainly because, III the deciding match, we pulmped for the wrong side of a coin and suffered the agonies of being caught on an early m0-tning wic:ket • that had had a very 'wet' night out the evening before. While it would be extremely unfair, and indeed, foolish to earmark, anyone player above another as having contributed most to t.he general solidarity of our teams, it is, nevertheless, fitting that "ve pay tribute to those of us who turned in some really good performances during the past season. We salute Victor Capper, who, at the age of 36, stil1 makes the ball 'fly' as well as the best of them and whose consistent, hostile and accurate bowling reaped him a harvest of 101 wickets during the season, which feat, as far as we are aware, was not emulated by anyone else anywhere in the province. Albert Gray, another old stager, who started off the season in rea1!y poor form and yet who was the batsman who opened the innings against Regents Park, rattled up 187 sparkling and enterprising runs in 220 mirtutes and was the last man of the side to lose his wicket during the innings. John M urray, who in one match really turned on the heat and bundled out six batsmen for only {Jne

run! Eric Fisher, Len Wasserfall and Barry Karg who all turned in workmanlike centuries during the season and by no means least, Hugh Gerhardi, who was chosen to represent Transvaal Reserve League against the touring British Timken side and acquitted himself well with bat and ball. It is fitting, also, that we pay tribute to the ones who battled behind the scenes, who saw to our equipment, our finances and general well being, and in this connection a special vote of thanks goes to Ron J amieson, our Chairman, Albert Gray, Treasurer, Leonard Mann, Secretary, and to our Selection Committee, Jack Pinker, Trevor J ones and Donald Thompson. While most all the matches we played were memorable for some instance or another, the two which stand out as unique during last season wer'e our tussle with Morkels in Saturday First's league and the nerve-wracking finish to OUl- Sunday Second's encounter with Pirates. Against Morkels our side was put in to bat and by the third ball of the second over the score sheet read four wickets for 0 ! This alarming state of affairs being mainly due to some incredible slip catching by Evans (no, not Godfrey) of the Morkels XI. A bigger shock was to come. Wasserfall, batting at number five, but technically opening the innings, got a touch to tbe first ball be faced. The wicketkeeper fastened to it but mysteriously failed to appeal! With a look of wonderment and perhaps a silent prayer, Len stayed, and with Stan at the other end, continued to stay until the score "vas well out of the doldrums of distress. We went on to win a very resounding victory. Against Pirates the' game proceeded quietly enough until John Murray turned in his amazing spell of bowling and they collapsed like a pack of cards. We were left fifty minutes to get 118 runs and Ted Ralphs and Don Baker set about the task with a will. They kept the scorers busy enough until Don was first out but Ted went on to score a very fast 62 before being caught. Came the last over of the match and the eventual last ball and the sc-ores were tied. Dick Smith, taking a firm hold on his bat ami on his courage, faced it and improved upon that famous effort of Cliff Gladwin's by decisively steering it away for a two and the rnatch was ours. We were extremely gratified to see so many people taking an interest in our progress from weel{ to week and we wottld like to thank them wholeheartedly for their encouragement and support. Vve apologise if we disappointed at times but we trust that we gave them" on the whole, bright and entertaining cricket. We certainLy intend to do so again next season for no'w we surely have an added incentive._ The recently adopted resolution to relegate teams from and promote others to the Transvaal First League must lead us to hope that, in the very near future, we shall perhaps equal the achievements of our brethren of the Union Rugby Club and have a representative side of a Southern Suburbs organisation playing against the best of them in a premier Transvaal league.

21 Up



For a tim , il S' '111'cl that the activities of this section were to be confined to :ltlclllplillg to scrape together enough players for a weekly g:lll "f singles. However, after the membership hac! dwindle I to live, I hings took a turn for the better (they could hardly have done o( herwise) and we now have 20 active members. 1\n acti've list of this size enabled us to enter two teams in Transvaal leagues, the first team playing in the third, and the second team in the fourth league. The first team achieved some measure of success in the third league "A" section, playing seven matches, winning fLve and losing two. Their defeats being at the hands of the strong J.S.A.R. and Phillips combinations. The stal'warts' of this team were: M. Rosenberg (Captain), L. Strous, j. Lang,H. Lang and D. Brenner (the Barna, of the side). The second team, consisting of D. Fenton (Captain), C. Friedland, R. Begg, P. Moore and N. Marsh, H. Butkow joined the firsts in putting up a meritorious performance in their fIrst competitive season. Of eight matches played, they have won fIve, lost two arid drawn one. Norma.lly,home matches are held in the school-hall, but owing to the fact that this was being renovated, we were compelled to hire a hall for these. This brought us into a state of financial difficulty, a position from which we have not, as yet, managed to extricate ourselves. However, having received a number ,of promises of help; we are assured of not being in the red at the end of our financial year. \Ve hope that the day is not far distant when we, together with the other sections of the a.F.A., shall have the use of the projected club-house. Vve would like to take this opportunity of thanking Mr. and Mrs. D. Lahner, Mr. E. Broomberg, Mr. W. Saiet and Councillor Harrison for their help and co-operation. At present all matches, both social (Mondays) and league (Wednesdays) are held in the Wavell Hall, where prospective members and spectators will be welcomed. Prom the beginning of July all social and home matches will be held in the School Hall. '

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Ofl 11 it has been muttered that if the Old Icor slonian Association wanted to get on in lhisworld, it was about time they developed somc new activities. On hearing this, those of us who have not paid a visit to the altar mentioned buying a snooker table, while others claimed they knew of a few nice stretches of la wn admirably suited for the odd game of croquet; others again were all for investing in a deck of cards, blanket and table and running a poker school, but the more factual amongst us got down to a really workable scheme and started a Softball C1uh. We arc c路crtain that there are many of our Old ,iris who would like to give their active :upporl lo I his new ventlHe in our Association and Miss Tune Stewart will accord them full delails sho~lld they care to call up 32-3021 mosl any cvening during the week.

Declared moribund on more than one occasion in its existence, the Dramatic Section of our Association has always managed to sho"v a remarkable cal acity for occasionally rearing up out of its suspended animation and putting on a really good show. I commend most heartily this latest effort at a revival and assure all those interested that they and their Section will receive all the in terested nevertheless, 'ph'one 26-4636 and ask for de Wet or drop a line to the Editor at 911 Southern Life Buildings, Cor. Main and Harrison Streets, Johannesburg.

SERCEANT-AT-ARMS (entering in a great sweat): the peasants are revoWng!" . DEBAUCHED ARISTOCRAT: "Yes, aren't they?"

"My Lord.

It was with considerable regret, and, judging from the unusual loquatiousness of many members on the courts, with some surprise, that the Editorial staff hereabouts learned that our Tennis Section does not possess a scribe who could afford some information on its activities. This reticenoe will appear all the more remarkable to anyone who has been privileged to witness most of them in action with either tennis racquet or beer bottle in hand (i.e. socially-sporting on the court and sportingly-social off of it) and one can only attribute this sad state of affairs to inherent modesty and perhaps a fear that some few sundry creditors would recognise a particular style of writing. We feel, howev,er, that we can divulge to the general reader, without breaching the Official Secrets Act, that the Section's Annual Championships were held recently and that the following emerged as very worthy title-holders: MEN'S




Cecil Connock.







Len Mann Joyce Pearl

and Cyril Litke.

Nicholson. J acobs and Peggy

Cecil Connock

(Unfortunately the above comment tion as well.-Editor).

and Pearl


J acobs.

goes for the Badminton


It is intended to devote considerably more space than this in ,o'ur next issue to those of our readers who wish to take up their pens and inform us precisely what nice fellows we are or what exactly is wrong with our technique, brains and bathing schedule. Any so inclined have our unr:eserved assurance that their letters will receive the most careful scrutiny and/or sympathetic consideration. We give no guarantee as to publication, however, and we refuse collection on unstamped envelopes.-The Editor, 911 Southel'n Life Building, corner Main and H arris,on Streets, ] ohannesburg.

sw ss



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