Karpacki banosz, czyli kaloryczne danie z mąki kukurydzianej i bryndzy. Carpathian Banosz is a caloric dish made of maize flour and bryndza cheese. 1
Lviv is authentic in every sense of the word. There is no denying that Lviv is a city full of history, especially from the turn of the 20th century, but unlike some historical cities in Western Europe, you never feel as if you’re in a film set. In the most popular places, for example in Aleja Wolności, which runs from Mickiewicz Square to the beautiful Lviv Opera House, day-to-day life goes on as it does everywhere. The city has not been spoilt by tourism – not that there is any shortage of tourists here. The same goes for the Old Town, which has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1998 (with the High Castle, the Podzamcze district, and St. George’s Cathedral), where Lviv residents like to hang out until the wee hours. Lviv’s cafes and restaurants warrant a separate travel guide that would have to be updated every year. Traditional Ukrainian, Polish, Georgian and Uzbek cooking compete with a regional fast -food chain (Puzata Chata), and even a seafood restaurant (Muszle). If you want to start your day in an excellent cafe serving cakes not found elsewhere, I can recommend Weronika, Ormianka or Svit Kava. And after a long sightseeing tour, it’s great to unwind at Kumplu with a delicious tasting session of locally brewed beers or Ukrainian cognacs at the Viennese Cafe. Many of these places pride themselves on their unconventional décor - a good example is “Baczewski”, which resembles an orangery.
1. Kopiec Unii Lubelskiej na wzgórzu Wysoki Zamek. Stąd rozciąga się najlepszy widok na miasto. The Union of Lublin Mound on the High Castle Hill. From here you have the best view of the city. 2. Nieszablonowy wystrój to obok pysznej kuchni jeden z głównych atutów restauracji Kryivka. Unconventional décor is one of the main advantages of Kryivka restaurant, next to its delicious cuisine .
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Lwowskie koleje w okresie przedświątecznym organizują wycieczki zabytkowym parowozem. In the pre-Christmas period, the Lviv Railways organize trips in a historic steam train.