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Ilasz & Associates Law Office Międzynarodowa kancelaria w USA i Polsce
Kompleksowa obsługa prawna w USA i Polsce dla podmiotów gospodarczych i osób fizycznych. Reprezentacja w sprawach biznesowych, imigracyjnych, wypadkowych, karnych, spadkowych i w obrocie nieruchomościami.
Comprehensive legal services in the USA and Poland for business entities and individual persons. We represent clients in business activities, immigration, accidents, criminal, inheritance cases and in real estate transactions.
Główne siedziby kancelarii
z całego świata, które co roku cumują właśnie tu, na Nabrzeżu Francuskim.
Kuchnia Z Marze
Jakby tego było mało, Gdynia swoją historię i teraźniejszość przedstawia przybyszom w postaci Szlaku Kulinarnego Centrum Gdyni, który reprezentuje aż 76 lokali! Możemy w nich zjeść zarówno dania z długim polskim rodowodem, podobnie jak sama Gdynia „zrodzone z morza i marzeń”, jak i poznać najnowsze jedzeniowe trendy i kuchnie świata. W restauracjach partycypujących w szlaku co jakiś czas odbywają się bezpłatne warsztaty dla najmłodszych w cyklu Dziecięca Akademia Kulinarna. Poza tym co roku na najważniejszej ulicy gdyńskiego Śródmieścia organizowany jest festiwal Kulinarna Świętojańska. A o tym, co i jak jedzono w Gdyni, począwszy od lat międzywojennych, można się dowiedzieć na stronie szlaku: kulinarnagdynia.pl.
the building has once again become a city showpiece. This is the imposing edifice presented to the thousands of passengers on the world’s largest cruise ships when they dock here at French Quay every year.
Cuisine Of Your Dreams
As if all this was not enough, Gdynia unveils its past and present in the form of the Culinary Trail of the Centre of Gdynia. This numbers as many as 76 establishments. You can savour dishes with a long Polish lineage. These are "born of the sea and dreams" – just like Gdynia itself. You can also learn about the latest food trends and international cuisines. Participating restaurants run free workshops for children as part of their Children's Culinary Academy. In addition, the Culinary Świętojańska Festival is held on the city’s most important street every year. And you can find out what was eaten in Gdynia and how it was eaten, starting from the interwar years, on the website of the Trail: culinarynagdynia.pl.
Klif Orłowo to jedno z najbardziej malowniczych miejsc nie tylko w Gdyni, ale i na całym naszym wybrzeżu. The Orłowo Cliff is one of the most picturesque places not only in Gdynia, but also on our entire coast.
We founded Vilea Property Boutique, a premium real estate agency because we know that extraordinary properties require more. Every real estate is an individual, personal history that reflects your needs, dreams and demands - that is what we believe in.
„The value of luxury apartments is systematically growing. Analysts are optimistic about the real estate market in the premium segment. The value of these properties is to increase systematically, especially in large urban agglomerations and their vicinity. It is increasingly difficult to find an investment in an attractive location, with the highest standard of finish and highclass amenities. Customers and Investors evaluate the premium and luxury real estate market very positively, not only in terms of capital investment, but also as a new place to live. The priority of the Vilea agency is to connect people with unique properties from the premium segment. Our experience and presence on the market for nearly 10 years allows us to reach the best-selected and sought-after properties. We consciously built a boutique agency, we value quality more than quantity.
Our company is known for its individual attitude to each client and each real estate offer. We build a long-term relationships with our clients. We are personal advisers and trusted real estate agents.” – summarizes Adrian Kołodziej.
Feel free to contact us, we will be happy to talk about your real estate. We offer assistance in the sale and rental of houses, villas and apartments. We provide services in particular for luxury properties for sale and rent. Check out our real estate offer and learn about our history.