Get Out Loudoun for May 2021

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Leesburg Launches Business Support Campaign To help welcome patrons back to the historic district following more than a year of COVID-19 restrictions, the Town of Leesburg’s Department of Economic Development is kicking off a month-long Bingo campaign designed to get locals and visitors alike to explore the diversity of businesses located downtown.

enter to win special prize packages donated by CEO Consulting Group. The cards may be picked up at downtown businesses or at Town Hall.

“In this time when the local businesses that who mean so much to our community, need all the support they can get, we hope that this initiative will remind visitors of the wonderful shops and atmosphere that make Downtown Leesburg a true destination of choice,” said Economic Development Director Russell Seymour. Participants in the Locally Leesburg Bingo Challenge are asked to visit the town’s dining, shopping, cultural and craft beverage sites, track their progress on a Bingo card and WILLIAMS GAP FROM PAGE 11

She said the indoor aesthetic of the rustic tasting room created by Amy Ramsey Walton Design in Hamilton and the quality of the wines have drawn accolades from early visitors, she said. Among the first invited to the tasting room were representatives of Loudoun’s other wineries, a preview event that drew a packed house. “The Loudoun County wine industry is not competitive by any means; It’s more of a family,” Smith said. “It was awesome to spend time with them.” While launching a tasting room operation is 12

Once an individual has completed a row of activities, he or she may drop off the card at Town Hall or send a photo of it to Business Development and Retention Manager Melanie Scoggins, who is spearheading the campaign. Email to with “BINGO Entry” in the subject line. Entries also may be made through social media by tagging postings @ LeesburgEconomicDevelopment and #LocallyLeesburg. Winners will be notified after the campaign ends May 16.

a significant change, Smith said the focus will continue to be on the vineyard. “We are vineyard first,” Smith said. “Jack believes that in the wine bottle you will notice the quality of the vineyard, the quality of the fruit, more so than anything else. That’s something that I cling to and that is the culture here.” Williams Gap Vineyard, located at 35785 Sexton Farm Lane, is open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays and holiday Mondays from noon to 7 p.m. Reservations are not required, but recommended as venues continue to operate under COVID-19 precautions. For more information, go to

MAY 2021

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