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Leesburg Launches Business Support Campaign

To help welcome patrons back to the historic district following more than a year of COVID-19 restricti ons, the Town of Leesburg’s Department of Economic Development is kicking off a month-long Bingo campaign designed to get locals and visitors alike to explore the diversity of businesses located downtown. “In this ti me when the local businesses that who mean so much to our businesses that who mean so much to our community, need all the support they can get, we hope that this initi ati ve will remind visitors of the wonderful shops and atmosphere that make Downtown Leesburg a true desti nati on of choice,” said Economic Development Director Russell Seymour. Parti cipants in the Locally Leesburg Bingo Challenge are asked to visit the town’s dining, shopping, cultural and craft beverage sites, track their progress on a Bingo card and enter to win special prize enter to win special prize packages donated by CEO packages donated by CEO Consulti ng Group. The Consulti ng Group. The cards may be picked up at cards may be picked up at downtown businesses or downtown businesses or at Town Hall. at Town Hall. Once an individual has Once an individual has completed a row of completed a row of acti viti es, he or she may acti viti es, he or she may drop off the card at Town drop off the card at Town Hall or send a photo of it Hall or send a photo of it to Business Development to Business Development and Retenti on Manager and Retenti on Manager Melanie Scoggins, who is spearheading the Melanie Scoggins, who is spearheading the campaign. Email to mscoggins@leesburgva.gov with “BINGO Entry” in the subject line. Entries also may be made through social media by tagging posti ngs @ LeesburgEconomicDevelopment and #LocallyLeesburg. Winners will be noti fi ed aft er the campaign ends May 16.

WILLIAMS GAP FROM PAGE 11 She said the indoor aestheti c of the rusti c tasti ng room created by Amy Ramsey Walton Design in Hamilton and the quality of the wines have drawn accolades from early visitors, she said. Among the fi rst invited to the tasti ng room were representati ves of Loudoun’s other wineries, a preview event that drew a packed house. “The Loudoun County wine industry is not competi ti ve by any means; It’s more of a family,” Smith said. “It was awesome to spend ti me with them.” While launching a tasti ng room operati on is a signifi cant change, Smith said the focus will conti nue to be on the vineyard. “We are vineyard fi rst,” Smith said. “Jack believes that in the wine bott le you will noti ce the quality of the vineyard, the quality of the fruit, more so than anything else. That’s something that I cling to and that is the culture here.” Williams Gap Vineyard, located at 35785 Sexton Farm Lane, is open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays and holiday Mondays from noon to 7 p.m. Reservati ons are not required, but recommended as venues conti nue to operate under COVID-19 precauti ons.

For more informati on, go to williamsgapvineyard.com.

Check out Loudoun’s Dining


Consistently voted Loudoun residents’ favorite place for seafood, Ford’s offers fresh seafood in a family-dining atmosphere at three locations, as well as a catering arm and a food truck operation. Ashburn-44260 Ice Rink Plaza, Ashburn, VA 20147 (571) 918-4092 • fords shshack.com Lansdowne-19308 Promenade Dr., Leesburg, VA 20176 (571) 333-1301 • fords shshack.com South Riding 25031 Riding Plaza, Chantilly, VA 20152 (703) 542-7520 • fords shshack.com


Known as one of the Loudoun’s favorite bars, Spanky’s Shenanigans is a popular destination from its morning breakfast menu to its ample roster of live music performers. 538 E Market St, Leesburg, VA 20176 (703) 777-2454 • spankyspub.com


Inside an historic bank building in downtown Leesburg, the Zagat-rated Lightfoot provides both a ne-dining experience and a gathering place for locals. Executive Chef Ingrid Gustavson serves up American cuisine with southern and ethnic accents.

11 North King Street Leesburg, VA 20176 703-771-2233 • lightfootrestaurant.com


Known by locals as Tuskies, the restaurant is located inside a restored 19th century grain mill in Leesburg’s historic district. Offering everything from locally sourced ne dining to a casual bar experience, it’s been a dining destination for more than three decades.

203 Harrison St SE, Leesburg, VA 20175 (703) 771-9300 • tuskies.com

MAY Best bets



Vanish Farmwoods Brewery Saturday, May 1, 1 p.m. vanishbeer.com Enjoy an aft ernoon of classic rock by this sixpiece band.



Tally Ho Theater Friday, May 14, 7 p.m. (doors) tallyhotheater.com The three-piece American country blues band from Brown County, IN, makes a Leesburg stop on its nati onal tour following the release of its latest release, Dance Songs for Hard Times.



Tally Ho Theater Wednesday, May 19, 7 p.m. (doors) tallyhotheater.com The Texas singersongwriter who broke out to a nati onal audience as the 20087 runner-up on America’s Got Talent stops in Leesburg for a mid-week show.



B Chord Brewing Company Friday, May 28 Saturday, May 29 Sunday, May 30 11 a.m. -10 p.m. facebook.com/bchordbrewing

The Del McCoury Band, the Seldom Scene and The Travelin’ McCourys headline three full days of bluegrass performance on B Chord’s outdoor stage.

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