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Round Hill and Hillsboro Join Forces to Celebrate the Appalachian Trail
Four years ago, the Town of Round Hill launched a day-long celebration of the Appalachian National Scenic Trail as part of a campaign to encourage residents to get outdoors more.
This year, the June 10 Appalachian Trail Festival takes on a more regional feel with the Town of Hillsboro joining the project.
On Saturday, the grounds around Hillsboro’s Old Stone School will feature live music, trail talks, kids’ activities, food and vendors. Representatives from environmental/hiking groups—including the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, Potomac Appalachian Trail Club, American Hiking Society, Sierra Club and the Appalachian Mountain Club—will be on hand to discuss their programs and other outdoors enthusiasts will offer hands-on learning from trail cooking to yoga for hikers. The concert lineup includes Mink’s Miracle Medicine, Justin Trawick & the Common Good, and the Short Hill Mountain Boys.
Spanning 2,190 miles of mountain ridge lines from Maine to Georgia, the AT crosses 14 states—and generally tracks along Loudoun County’s western border, part of the popular “roller coaster” section of the trail.
The inaugural festival in 2019 celebrated Round Hill’s official designation as an A.T. Community, recognizing the trail as a community asset and pledging to support ongoing Trail stewardship. This month, Hillsboro and the village of Bluemont also have secured that designation.
As part of Saturday’s festival, there will be a formal ceremony celebrating Hillsboro’s A.T. Community status, starting at 10:45 a.m.
“We are proud to be an official Appalachian Trail Community and intend to launch a robust program to support, protect and maintain the Trail and welcome the thousands of thru- and section-hikers,” Mayor Roger Vance said. “Our Hillsboro Appalachian Trail Committee includes four members who have each hiked the entire trail and whose guidance will be invaluable.”
A new festival feature this year will be a Friday evening talk by Jeff Ryan as part of the Hillsboro’s Eat, Drink & Be Literary series at the Old Stone School. Ryan, the author of numerous books about America’s trails and public lands, will discuss the “Secrets of the AT.” The ticketed event will begin at 7 p.m. June 9. Tickets are available at oldstoneschool.org.
Another addition to the event is “Wild Beauty,” an Appalachian Trail-Inspired Invitational Art Show, that displays Appalachian inspiration through the eyes of artists. Explore “Wild Beauty” through paintings, fiber arts, photography, ceramics and prints. Art will be available for purchase during festival hours, with the artists on hand throughout the day to talk about their work. Artists include Nick Garnhart, Jill Jensen, Joan Gardiner, Megan Caldwell, Amy Oliver, Kathleen Howsare and Johlene Hess.
For full festival details, go to roundhillat.org. n
Free Exercise Classes Take Place on Saturdays
Free exercise classes are planned every Saturday in June from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. in the Hamilton Community Park.
Yoga enthusiasts will gather on June 10, cross-fitters on June 17, and those interested in high-intensity interval training on June 24.
Love Summer Schedule Released
Lovettsville’s Summer on the Green is in full swing after the kick-off showing of “The Sandlot” following the town’s Mayfest event. The schedule is:
• JUNE 10: Community members will have the chance to get free s’mores when they bring a nonperishable food item to the showing of “Troop Beverly Hills.”
• JUNE 24: The movie is undecided for this date.
• JULY 15: The first annual Lovettsville Blues, Beer and BBQ festival will showcase live music and start at 3 p.m.
• JULY 29: Starting at 7 p.m. residents can come to hear from local treasures about the town’s history and a showing of “National Treasure.”
• AUGUST 1: National Night Out will be a celebration of the town’s local heroes with live demonstrations and games.
• AUGUST 5: The town’s first Bluegrass Festival will feature live music, drinks, food and a showing of “O’Brother Where Art Thou.”
• AUGUST 19: A showing of “The Princess Bride” will close out the final night of Love Summer.
All events will take place at the Town Green.
AROUND TOWNS continues on page 19