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Welcome to Loughborough High School
Loughborough High School Aims:
We value hard work and academic achievement and see our purpose as equipping every girl for life beyond school. To nurture her confidence and skills and give her the tools to forge her own path in whatever field she chooses.
This is how we go about achieving our aim of creating the conditions in which every student can do her very best:
Encourage initiative, independent thought and enquiry,
cultivating a lifelong enjoyment of learning.
Provide the very best teaching staff, promoting a really positive learning environment, built on mutual trust, respect, openness and individual support.
There isn’t a typical Loughborough High School girl. Every student can be the young person she wants to be. We seek to develop every girl’s talents and strengths and provide the encouragement she needs to feel secure and accepted, however she approaches life. We encourage all pupils to participate in a wide range of extra-curricular activities which encourage personal and physical development and which build self-belief and esteem. We provide opportunities for pupils to act as leaders in the School community and look beyond to the wider local community. We foster high standards of behaviour and mature, responsible, considerate attitudes both in and out of School.