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The Curriculum
Year 7 and 8
In Year 7, all pupils study English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Latin, Religious Studies, Art, Music, Food, ICT, Drama and Physical Education. Pupils will experience French, German and Spanish before being helped to decide which language to continue.
Year 9
From Year 9, Science is taught as Biology, Chemistry and Physics. This is the start of the exam courses in these subjects. In this year, pupils choose a second ancient or modern language and are advised on whether to study Latin or Classical Civilisation. They also choose two subjects from: Art and Design, Drama, Food, ICT and Music. Careers work and interviews with staff help pupils to choose their Year 10 option subjects.
Year 10 and 11
Pupils study for nine GCSEs in total, with a core recommendation of English Language, English Literature, Mathematics and two sciences. They are encouraged to take one humanity, a language, and a creative subject with their remaining four choices. We offer the Higher Project Qualification (HPQ) in Year 10, an independent study project allowing pupils to plan, investigate, and deliver a project of their choosing under staff supervision. This is worth half a GCSE, taking our GCSE offer to nine and a half GCSEs for those pupils taking the HPQ. Other subjects offered at GCSE level are Art, Classical Civilisation, Classical Greek, Computer Science, Drama, Food Preparation and Nutrition, French, Geography, German, History, Latin, Music, Physical Education, Religious Studies and Spanish. Also on offer is the OCR Level 3 Additional Maths Free Standing Maths Qualification, which provides great preparation for A Level Maths and can attract up to 10 UCAS points.
Sixth Form
Most students study for 3 A Level subjects. The subjects offered are: Art, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Classical Civilisation, Classical Greek, Computer Science, Drama, Economics, English Literature, Food Science and Nutrition, French, Further Mathematics, Geography, German, Government and Politics, History, Latin, Mathematics, Music, Music Technology, Physics, Psychology, Religious Studies and Spanish. The enrichment programme in Years 12 and 13, includes recreational activities and the opportunity to take a range of courses including the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). The timetable is constructed as far as possible around the pupils’ choices of subjects, but normally at least seven students are needed for a viable group. Some Sixth Form courses are taught jointly with students from Loughborough Grammar School and/or Loughborough Amherst School. All year groups follow a PSHCE programme appropriate to their age and needs. Additional qualifications are offered at appropriate points in the upper part of School. These include the financial qualifications from the London Institute of Banking and Finance. In addition to their academic studies, students in the Sixth Form have an afternoon a week dedicated to their health and wellbeing, as well as a weekly afternoon enrichment session on Thursdays where students extend themselves outside of the curriculum.