Autumn newsletter 2014 a

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LES Drama News V O L U M E


‘Ovr By 2 Christmas’ Introducing 2 the Drama Staff New Director’s Season


Drama 3 Clubs and Opportunities

Stage Crew 6

Photo Gallery


Shakespeare Schools Festival


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Edinburgh Fringe Festival Success This year LES Drama took 11 Year 12-13 students to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival as Fusion Theatre to perform a new piece called Passing Sentence. The show centred around a car crash using a physical style and asked the audience to pass sentence and ultimately deciding each evening on the ending. Below, Lucy Thompson, an LHS Year 13 students shares her experience of the Fringe. The Edinburgh Experience From a performer’s perspective, the Fringe was fantastic. Without a doubt it was hard work the rehearsals, in which

we created our piece from scratch, but it was incredibly rewarding. For a week, we spent the

Rehearsals for Passing Sentence

morning distributing flyers on the Royal Mile before performing at lunchtime. The Royal Mile’s atmosphere was one of the most memorable parts , we advertised our show to the public and traded flyers with other

performers. Our venue was Greenside. We were lucky to have a great theatre and high audience numbers (even if a lot were family members!). The afternoons and evenings were our own, aside from the occasional midnight rehearsal. So many shows! At the Fringe you’re spoilt for choice, the variety was incredible. You wouldn’t be able to see an improvised musical, a puppet show about bears in space, and a production so gory we were given raincoats as protection from the squirted blood, anywhere else. We spent our last evening together as a cast celebrating the week . “One of the best experiences of my life” doesn’t begin to cover it.

Blood Brothers Production Blood Brothers is the main school production of 201415 and will take place at LGS Drama Studio directed by Mrs. BrutonLang. The play tells the show of the ill fated Johnston twins, “as alike each other as two new pins”. Their birth, their lives and loves, ending with inevitable tragedy.

Auditions took place on Thursday 18th September. We now have a bright, energetic cast of in Years 9—13 who will undoubtedly create a very special performance. With drama prefect Nat Higton as stage/production manager, we are in a safe pair of hands! Ticket details to follow!



Over by Christmas... Over By Christmas is an evening of performances and short extracts intends to honour those who lived and fought during the first World War. Also, presenting the wider theme of ‘conflict’ via a range of playwrights and styles. The drama exam groups are researching and exploring the theme of WW1 throughout this term and presenting their work

in this evening event for parents and family. The year 11 girls are covering conflict ranging from WW1 through to Britain’s current occupation in Afghanistan in their GCSE controlled assessment and will be amalgamating their exploration in three, thought provoking pieces. Both boys and girls in

Introducing your Team “The LES Drama team is dedicated to providing a rich programme of creative opportunities for all students”

The Drama team is made of 3 main staff across the LGS and LHS, with various other staff in the role of mentoring students , stage managing advice and amongst other roles. Sally Boon is the Head of Drama at LHS, she has been in post for 8 Years, regularly directing the main school productions, overseeing House Drama

and pushing the boundaries of theatre for the young people she teaches. Kyle Eastwood begins her second year at both LGS and LHS. Her main focus, is the coordination of the extracurricular clubs and activities offered in both schools.

year 10 are exploring WW1 and devising pieces for the event and the year 12 Theatre Studies class will be preparing duologues that span theatrical genres from the Greeks to present day. This experience will benefit all students allowing them to perform in front of a large audience. To gain in confidence and hone skills in vocal delivery, characterisation and communication.

Sally Bruton-Lang is new in post this September taking over from Louise Welsby as the Head of Drama at LGS. She has been an Assistant Principal Examiner for Edexcel Drama and Theatre Studies for many years, so was already something of a familiar face. All three staff are very much looking forward to a densely populated programme of activities, production and events over the new academic year.

Getting to know the LES Drama Team




Miss Kyle Eastwood Favourite... Theatre company: Frantic Assembly Practitioner: Steven Berkoff Playwright: Ayckbourn Musical: Wicked Actor: Denzel Washington Cheese: Brie Motto: Go for it, risk it, follow your heart, make life an adventure, make life an art

ss Sally Boon Favourite… Theatre company: Forced Ents Practitioner: Kantor Playwright: Beckett Author: Haruki Murikami Film: Anything by David Lynch Animation: Monsters Inc Cheese. Strong Brie Motto: Be fearless.

Mrs Sally Bruton-Lang Favourite... Practitioner: Artaud Playwright: Cartwright Musical: Billy Elliot Colour: Green Chocolate: Dairy Milk Motto: Dance like no one is watching, Sing like no one is listening, Love like you've never been hurt and Live like it’s heaven on earth






New Director’s Season 2014 Report


“The school and Drama

This year 9 directors from

Years 11-13 are coming together to produce five shows including; ‘Alice’, ‘And Then There Were Two’, ‘The Predictable’, 'The Bright Blue Mailbox Suicide Note' and ‘The Aeneid,

book 12, As Viewed From NDS Per- the Scribe's Performance spective’. The shows will February involve 49 2014 performers from years 8-13 with students also 9 involved in the technical presentation 9. Here, one New Directors, Becky Kroon evaluates her role so far and compares it to taking part in NDS as a performer : Last year Laura Mullin, Emily MacGregor and I per-

formed in the NDS and really enjoyed it, based on our experiences we decided to write and direct our own. 'And Then There Were Two', is based on the development of mankind during a conversation between two immortals discussing the pros and cons of their experimentation with creation, using ideas from previous NDS plays and studying GCSE drama. With first rehearsals underway, we are already making good progress and having fun working with different people. We are extremely excited to put this play on the stage and give our cast an opportunity to perform, as we got last year.

Drama Clubs and Prefects Actors Workshop will be running on a Tuesday lunchtime at LGS and Friday lunch time at LHS, led by Miss Eastwood. This will be a chance to develop performance skills and compete in a monologue and duologue competition later in the year. Drama clubs will be led by the Year 12 House Drama prefects. Clubs will take place at LHS in the Drama Studio on the following days: Tuesdays 1:40-2:10 (Hastings) Wednesday 1:10-1:40 led (Burton) Wednesday 1:40-2:15 led (Fearon)

department has given so much to me, it only seems fair that I give something back. “ Milo Year 12

Drama department has given so much to me, it only seems fair that I give something back.

Thursday 1:40-2:10 (Storer) Drama clubs will take place at LGS in the Drama Studio on the following days: Monday’s 1:10-1:40 Years 8&9 Monday’s 1:45-2:15 Years 6&7 Introducing Drama Prefects: The Drama prefects this year are: Zoe Sarratt, George Evans, Jacob Pitts, Nat Higton, Jacob Leeson, Hamza Ali, Jorge Hills and Milo Hacker Jorge: Being a drama prefect means that I help to lead and support drama throughout . We will play games, improvise and lots hopefully culminate in a performance starring the Drama club. Milo: I jumped at the opportunity of becoming a Drama prefect. The school and

Jacob P: As a drama perfect for the second year running, I want to continue running the years 8/9 Drama clubs. The club will give us the opportunity to develop confidence and friendships within the group. George: Being a drama prefect is challenging, but ultimately very rewarding. It's great to see how the boys progress over the year, and showcase their skills in the summer term. Nat: It's an enriching experience for both us and the boys, who have fun while taking great strides in their acting ability and confidence. Zoe: My role is encouraging the younger years to get involved with performances and, as well as offering supportin running house drama and helping in events such as the Shakespeare Schools Festival.

Drama workshops —Frantic Assembly “The most innovative and progressive company around.” The Times After a successful visit from acclaimed physical theatre company, Frantic Assembly last year, they are once again returning in November 2014. Year 10/11 boys will take part in a workshop on Friday 14th November 9:00am-3:45pm where they

will work practically to explore the company’s adaption of Shakespeare’s Othello. The year 10 girls will participate 4:00pm-6:00pm also practically exploring the text. Both workshops will take place in the LGS Drama Studio. This experience will be highly beneficial to all students.

It also gives the Year 11 class the opportunity to develop their performance skills further in preparation for their Unit Three Last years Year 11 Drama examination. Students taking part in a Frantic Assembly workshop







Greenside at the Fringe—Work Experience

When I first signed up for working for Greenside at the Edinburgh Fringe last year, I had no idea what to expect . Immediately on arrival Zoe and I were greeted by Darren, Tara and Mads who were welcoming, as were all

of our managers, and once we got the Greenside flat everyone workers else there was 2014 too. You live with a large range of different people of all ages and backgrounds, it was easy to get on with everyone . It's actually surprising how well we all got on, the whole flat felt like your second family, not only were you working with them, but living with

Tea making and ticket selling ! venues, rotating when we worked, days off, meaning you got a chance chance to work with everyone. We worked in the box office and front of house, greeting and talking to members of the public, as well as selling them tickets, drinks and food, then at the end cleaning up for the next day. It taught me a lot, such as self discipline: no matter how late you partied, , you have to

get yourself up for work the next morning (this skill I feel is very useful for Uni). It also has taught me to be a lot more independent, although everyone is pretty much always there to help you, you feel better taking on your own responsibilities. We may have worked hard, but we also played hard, going out to our venues and other venues, watching shows and exploring the beautiful city that

and sharing the experience with them; I can honestly say I met some of the most genuine and coolest people ever in Edinburgh, and have stayed in touch since. The first week was all about building the venues, painting, constructing, postering, blacking out. It was fairly relaxed, no one forced you to do a job you weren't comfortable doing, but it was also a great opportunity to get stuck in with . The press-launch day was fun, as we got to watch previews of the shows and meet the different cast members, it was fascinating talking with all these talented people, they were happy to chat about their performances , “I am but also keen on asking you about your interests. After that shifts began, we definitely worked morning and evening shifts at both heading

back next

Edinburgh is, it amazed me just how many free tickets a little politeness and charm can get you, meaning you could go out on one of your days off and watch over six shows, paying for only one. We went out a lot, had some fab house parties, my favourite night being when we all walked up Calton Hill to watch the fireworks, then went back for a birthday party, where the flat's hot tub was definitely over capacitated. I can honestly say working with Greenside at the Edinburgh Fringe was one of the best experiences of my life, meeting some fantastic people and having incredible experiences; I am definitely heading back next year for the whole six weeks. Lydia Cooper, LHS Year 12

year for the whole six weeks.” Lydia, Year 12







Experiences on the Fringe!

Edinburgh! Five years ago I signed myself up to operate the tech for And Other Observations directed by OG Sarah Hill, which was the school’s Edinburgh project that year. I had very little idea of what on earth that actually meant, and what the Edinburgh

Fringe Festival entailed, but was excited nonetheless. After a few rehearsals I had Dorothy, got to grips with the highly advanced and mentally August challenging technical 2013 equipment (a CD player) and was ready to operate the show! On an early Saturday morning in August we boarded the train bound for Edinburgh and the adventure began! In the months before the trip I tried to talk to as many people as possible about the Fringe and had built up an idea of what the festival would be like, but nothing could have sufficiently prepared me for the madness and

A drama student’s experience think that this was a strange thing but during the Fringe it seems normal! After the extra rehearsals we had a successful run and received a 4* review, which was brilliant and made the show feel like a professional production. Once I had returned from Edinburgh I immediately auditioned for the next project, The Canterville Ghost directed by OG Dettie Ellerby and OB Nick Aldridge. By then I had become more used to the Edinburgh cycle, and once was ready to plunge into whatever it was going to be that year.

Once again I had an incredible time, somehow the Edinburgh Festival manages to get bigger, better and brillianter (not quite a word but we’ll pretend it is) every year! However, I knew by the end of this trip that I wouldn’t be auditioning, as this time I had been invited to direct. I had very little experience so once again was not sure what I was letting myself in for. I recruited the help of OG Helen Kirk and we set about rehearsing Dorothy. We had a brilliant cast and quickly became a strong company. The

brilliance of Edinburgh. During the two week trip I experienced more theatre than I thought possible, I saw shows that had inspired me, I experienced shows that changed my perceptions of theatre and I had only scratched the surface of! Before I left Edinburgh I knew that I wanted to audition for the following year’s project! For the next project OB George KearneyBambridge was invited back to direct Attempts On Her Life. I was lucky enough to get a role and the rehearsals began. I think the rehearsal period is as brilliant as the trip itself, and often I don’t want it to end… And sometimes it doesn’t! After arriving in Edinburgh we still needed to rehearse the show and as the school drama studio was 300 miles away we rehearsed in a nearby park. In other circumstances I would

rehearsal process was great fun and I realised that directing was something that I could pursue after university. The trip to Edinburgh was a success and we received great reviews, but all too quickly it was over. After the trip we realised that there were elements that we could improve and I was keen to work on these and take Dorothy back to the festival the following year, and that is what we did. Once again we were well supported by Boon and the schools as we worked side by side with Fusion Theatre’s Passing Sentence. Although still supported by the school I was keen to use this process to learn how to take a show to the Fringe as an independent company, as I had now realised that running my own theatre company is the path I wanted to follow now that I had finished university.

“… it is impossible to sum up the brilliance of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival” Joe , Old Boy

Carrying on the traditions… As I have said before, it is impossible to sum up the brilliance of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, but I urge anybody and everybody to go, you will not be disappointed!

I have now started my own theatre company as a result. I will, unsurprisingly, be returning to the Fringe next year with my own company, made up of OBs and OGs and I cannot wait!

The project that the school runs is an incredible and invaluable experience for anybody with an interest in theatre, it has helped me to discover what it is that I want to do as a career and

By Joe Allen

Performing at the Greenside Venue







Making Open Morning go with a bang! afternoons constructing a giant explosion in the drama studio. With strong cord, good knots and our fingers crossed we have suspended flying debris high above the studio floor.

The term has had an explosive start for Stage Crew. In our annual efforts to make open-day an occasion to remember we have spent our Thursday

Next on the agenda is the chemistry experiment that caused this mayhem. We will meet on Field day with plastic bottles, tubes and anything else that looks vaguely scientific, plus glue and even more smoke machines. Then, once the props are made, the lights are rigged, the stage is set and the doors are opened; it should all go with a bang.

Look out for photos in the next newsletter! It has already been a busy term it’s going to get even busier as the autumn term productions approach. We have exciting projects lined up with props to make for the Shakespeare Schools Festival, a set to design and make for ‘Over By Christmas’ as well as trying to get the big build for ‘Blood Brothers’ well underway before next term. Pete Viccars - LGS Technician

“… it should

Technical Vacancies—get involved!

all go with a bang.

Stage Crew: Set building, Prop making, Stage-management and back stage help on school productions. Basic lighting and sound for the day to day running of the studio. Preparing the studio for special events and outside performances.

Stage-crew is a Thursday afternoon option run

Ex LHS student Ella Montgomery shares her experiences of being at RADA and applying to Drama Schools with current LHS and LGS students

throughout the year by Mr Viccars in the drama studio. You will play an important part in school productions so some evening and weekend work is involved.

We will be looking for new recruits later this term so if you want to get involved and are happy to work some evenings and weekends look out for an announcement in the notices or have a word with Mrs Bruton-Lang. Sound Crew:

Lighting Crew:

As above but with sound!

Rigging, focusing and operating lighting, video and special effects for school productions.

We will also be recruiting for sound crew. If you are interested watch the notices or have a word with Mrs Bruton-Lang

Jacob Leeson rigging lights for the Explosion!

Look out for photos in the next newsletter!”

SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST:  Wednesday 8th October, Year 10-13 trip to Curve for ‘One Man, Two Guv’nors’  Monday 3rd November, Year 13 trip to the Nottingham Arts Theatre for ‘Woyzeck’  Thursday 13th November, Year 10-13 trip to The Birmingham Rep to see ‘Othello’  Upcoming Year 8 trip to the West End to see ‘The 39 Steps’  Upcoming Year 9 trip to the West End to see Matilda  Friday 14th November, Frantic Assembly Workshop  Saturday 8th November, Leicester Competitive Festival of Music and Dramatic Art

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01509 212348


LE11 2DU 01509 283760, direct line to the English & Drama Office


Shakespeare Schools Festival, Curve Leicester “...and sometimes Kate the curst”

This year LES Drama is taking part in the prestigious Shakespeare Schools Festival. Auditions took place before the summer break and the competition for a place in the cast was extremely high. In the end the cast of eleven were selected: George Evans, George Marshall, Olivia Lallo, Zara Barnes, Lawrence Ong, Milo Hacker, Thomas Malpas, Becky Kroon, Laura Mullin, Avani Marudkar and Jacob Pitts.

led by professionals from the National Youth Theatre. The LES version of The Taming of the Shrew will be set in a 1950’s diner called Padua with a physical theatre twist. LES will also be taking three students to be involved in facilitating the technical aspects of the show, this will

LHS Drama prefect, Zoe Sarratt will also be heavily involved in the project acting as both Marketing and Stage Manager. Rehearsals are taking place twice weekly and the cast are already doing an excellent job of starting to bring their characters to life. “Wonderful, inspiring, memorable…I’m running out of superlatives!”

LES Drama will perform The Taming of the Shrew at The Curve, Leicester on Wednesday 19th November. Tickets are on sale now from The Curve box office (0116 2423595 or SSF is the UK’s largest youth Drama festival and on Thursday 16th October the cast will travel to Curve to participate in a practical workshop

be led by Mr Pete Viccars.

Taking place at Curve, Leicester 19/11/14

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