5 4 3 2 1 Presentation

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5,4,3,2,1 Presentation. By Louisa. H.


Shin & Tomoko Azumi


Shin & Tomoko Azumi “In the future we hope that design will help us achieve a ‘better life’ rather than just ‘better sales’.” Shin & Tomoko Azumi

I like their minimalistic style, however, they are very furniture orientated and this is not what I am currently interested in.

Photograph: Shin & Tomoko Azumi Designing the 21st Century Edited by Charlotte and Peter Fiell TASCHEN

These designers strive to create pieces that are aesthetically pleasing yet functional. They wish to create items that benefit both the people who use them as well as the environment in which they are placed. In focusing on a clean minimalist style they have manufactured pieces that are both modern, useful and desired.

Photograph: Big Arm armchair/Sessel/fauteuil for Bruhl & Sippold, 2000 Designing the 21st Century Edited by Charlotte and Peter Fiell TASCHEN

Photograph: Berthold Lubetkin http://highpointn6.com/ Lubetkin.aspx


Berthold Lubetkin


Berthold Lubetkin Featured here is the Penguin Pool at London Zoo. This is one of Lubetkin’s most famous works and was built in the mid 30s. The interlocking spiral ramps were very revolutonairy for their time.

Very interesting designs and innovative for their time, however, I personally do not like modernist/ geometric designs.

Lubetkin is regarded as one of the most outstanding architects of his time. Coming from Russia and gathering his training across europe, he arrived in the UK in 1931. Lubetkin’s style is very geometrical, technical and functional and encapsuales the early optimistic vision of modernism.

Photograph: Penguin Pool 1933-4 Lubetkin, Drake & Tecton http://www.locallocalhistory.co.uk/municipal-housing/ spar-green/index.htm


Marion Deuchars


Marion Deuchars Marion Deuchars has worked for a number of major design companies.

I like the writing style present in most of her work, however, I find most of her drawings look too roughly sketched.

Her commercial work has covered a varied range of commissions including: • • • • • • • • •

Photograph: Marion Deuchars http://mariondeuchars.com/ index2.html

Photograph: Royal Mail set of stamps commemorating the Royal Shakespeare Company’s 50th Anniversary. http://mariondeuchars.com/index2.html

Corporate Literature Publishing Editorial Packaging Retail Advertising Design for Web Brand Development Craft Interior Design


Ross Lovegrove Very interesting and innovative designs - seem almost space age. Beautiful presentation/layout in his books.


Ross Lovegrove Ross Lovegrove is a designer and visionary whos work can be said is on the verge of changing the three dimensional world. Lovegrove takes inspiration from nature and applies this to technology, materials, science and intelligent organic form. In doing this he has created what has been refered to as the new aesthetic expression of the 21st century.

Photograph: Ross Lovegrove http://www.woont.com/ en/people/Designer/RossLovegrove-2405

Photograph: Seed of Love Wedding Accessory Tokyo Fibre 2009 Japan


Si Scott I have listed this designer as number one on my countdown as I am genuinely fascinated by his work. He is currently one of my favourite designers at this point in time.


Si Scott Si Scott is a full time astist/designer based in the UK. His unigue style has gained him a prestigious client list and won him many awards. His work is a combination of hand drawn and hand crafted artwork. He is known for his almost obsessive attention to detail.

Photograph: Si Scott http://www.manchesterdesignsymposium.com/ www.siscottstudio.com

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