Getting A Job: Writing A Business Letter Example of a business letter Your Street Address YOUR SUBURB STATE & POST CODE (in caps.) Your contact phone number (business hours)
2 spaces DATE (date you will post the letter)
2 spaces The Manager (or other) Company Name Company Street Address COMPANY SUBURB STATE & POST CODE (in caps.)
3 spaces Dear … (Find out their name and title if you can)
1 space I am keen to apply for the position of … that was advertised in the … (publication name). Show interest for the position and state what you can positively contribute to the organisation, e.g. I have a high level of customer service skills, I work efficiently, enjoy a challenge etc.
1 space Briefly state what relevant training you may have relating to the job. e.g. I have recently completed an 8 week Manager Assistant course at the Perth Institute of Business and Technology and am currently looking for employment in this field.
1 space Briefly state what work experience you have relating to the job. e.g. I have been employed on a regular basis as a Console Operator and Customer Service Operator while completing school. I have assisted the Manager of BP Service Station in running the office during their frequent busy periods.
1 space My résumé is enclosed. (and don’t forget to enclose it!)
1 space Subtly sell yourself in this closing paragraph. Describe the special combination of skills, personal qualities and experience that you can contribute, i.e. you may live nearby, are available to work weekends, are particularly knowledgeable about … Emphasise your enthusiasm for the position and state your availability for an interview, i.e. I am confident my skills, previous experience and studies will enable me to perform the duties of the position well and I am available to attend an interview at a time convenient to you. I can be contacted by phoning …
1 space Yours faithfully,
(Neatly and clearly sign your name.) TYPE YOUR NAME IN ALL CAPS BELOW YOUR SIGNATURE This is a good example of how to write a standard letter of introduction. Thanks to Career Solutions for assisting with the compiling of this information.
A5 Info Section
6 spaces