Louis Byrne Studio Brief 2 – Theory into Prac7ce A Visual Response
My Proposal To inves7gate the changing nature of protest art. Examine the visual iden7ty and iden7fying features of radical art
Construc7vism Construc7vism has been a major inspira7on behind several of my responses and it has also related significantly to the content of my essay. I am inspired by the use of shape and colour within construc7vist design the powerful forms and bold tones are memorable and instantly recognizable, whilst the excellent composi7on and aLen7on to the finalized image is also inspiring.
Zines . I like the anarchic energy that can be seen in each piece, the unique visual iden7ty of the scene is incredibly impacPul and this is something i have been trying to inves7gate more in my journal.
Umbrella Revolu7on Seeing the illustra7on and design that supported the pro democracyprotests has really revitalized my aRtude to my work. Ive been feeling quite bogged down in the high detail, dark aesthe7c of my responses but the stripped down, graphic protest logos from the so called' umbrella revolu7on' are quite inspiring. The use of a unified colour scheme and the clear, easily repeatable symbolism contribute to an overall very effec7ve campaign,the imagery is bold and highly recognisable.
Resolved piunk/fanZines I decided to collage a distorted image of the former work and pensions secretary, Ian Duncan Smith. Smiths policies have been controversial, especially his schemes to get more people off of disability allowance. Sadly, their have been 90 deaths every month (i read this as a misquoted 90 a week ini7ally, and this appears on the poster) from those sent back to work. As I wanted to convey some informa7on while s7ll maintaing a rough aesthe7c, i decided to include this.
Resolved construc7vism
A[er comple7ng this response, i am quite pleased with the result but i have some misgivings about. I created the poster in an effort to respond to something not directly connected to radicalism but that shared some associa7on. I decided to respond to the film BaLleship Potemkin as it was released just a[er the revolu7on and shares some themes with it.
Resolved Umbrella/Nhs Although i'm glad that i produced a simple zine alongside my other responses, i feel that the quality of my NHS inspired response could have been higher. I hadn't really worked with simplifying objects to their base shapes before this so, on this front, i feel that i have been at least par7ally successful. However the composi7on, choice of font and the informa7on being delivered all feel lacking to me.