The History of a Non-Standard Grand Lodge Session for the Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana As found in the 1945, 1951, and 1952 Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana. Now incorporated in the Handbook of Masonic Law in the Constitution, Articles IV and VI.
Published by The Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana, 2020
From the 1945 Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE GRAND LODGE FOREWORD Due to the Office of Defense Transportation Directive restricting the assembling of Conventions where 50 or more persons are in attendance which involves travel whether by rail, bus, automobile, or air-plane, our scheduled 134th Annual Grand Communication February 12,13, and 14, 1945, has been cancelled. The official notice of cancellation is covered in the Annual Address of the Grand Master which follows later. All of the Annual Reports which would normally come before the Grand Lodge are covered in this Booklet which is issued in lieu of the Annual Grand Lodge Proceedings. These Reports should be carefully studied to enable the delegates to intelligently reach a decision when they come up for action at the next Grand Lodge Communication. LAGUENS, Jr., Grand Secretary.
Under the circumstances, I felt obliged to make one of the momentous decisions of my life and certainly the most momentous in the history of our Grand Lodge. After several conferences held with Masonic leaders throughout our State, on January 24, 1945, I sent out the following Official Communication to the Worshipful Masters, Wardens, and Brethren of the Constituent Lodges of Louisiana:
IMPORTANT NOTICE FROM THE GRAND LODGE OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA Free and Accepted Masons Masonic Temple, 333 St. Charles Street New Orleans 12, La., January 24, 1945.
Worshipful Masters, Wardens and Brethren of the Constituent Lodges of Louisiana: Brethren: The recent order of the Office of Defense Transportation prohibits the assembly of more than fifty persons in any kind of convention or conference which involves travel (whether by rail, bus, automobile, or airplane). This applies specifically to fraternal organizations as well as religious, professional, civic, and other groups. After several conferences held with Masonic Leaders from every section of our State, including a meeting for counsel with the Board of Directors of the Grand Lodge Hall, it was the unanimous opinion of all concerned that our Annual Communication scheduled for February 12, 13, and 14th, 1945, should NOT be held. In this opinion I am certain that all Masons throughout our Jurisdiction agree. It is, therefore, my order that the one hundred thirty-fourth Annual Grand Communication of the Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana, F. & A. M. be NOT held and that the procedure below be followed:
1. Under normal conditions my tenure of office would end February 14, 1945. It is my earnest desire that the custom of long standing be followed, when the Grand Master should serve for one year only, therefore, I am vacating the office on February14, 1945. You will cast your ballot for my successor.
2. In order that you may elect a new Grand Master and other officers, a formal ballot is enclosed herewith. You will mark this ballot and return it immediately to the Grand Secretary’s office, 300 Masonic Temple, New Orleans, 12, La. These ballots will be counted on February 8, 1945, at 8:00 P. M.3. The Office of Grand Junior Warden will remain vacant until a Session of the Grand Lodge is held.4. The General Regulations of the Grand Lodge prohibit the appointment of a Grand Lecturer to fill the vacancy caused by
3. The Office of Grand Junior Warden will remain vacant until a Session of the Grand Lodge is held.
4. The General Regulations of the Grand Lodge prohibit the appointment of a Grand Lecturer to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Brother JESSE A. TAYLOR. This office will there-fore remain vacant until a Session of the Grand Lodge is held.
5. The Grand Lodge Officers, Past Grand Masters, and the Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, and Junior Warden of each constituent Lodge whose returns are filed and per capita tax paid are each entitled to cast one (1) vote.
6. Reports of Grand Lodge Officers, and Committees will be filed with the Grand Secretary who will have them printed along with the Roster and Returns of Lodges and forwarded in lieu of Grand Lodge Proceedings. From time immemorial, the Masonic Fraternity has been known for its patriotism and loyalty to constituted authority. Our sons are scattered on the far flung battlefields of the Universe defending the ideals and principles so dear to hearts of every Freemason. We on the home front will do our part. We will not fail them!
Attest: Fraternally yours,
D. PETER LAGUENS, Jr., Grand Secretary. W. S. KINGREY,
Grand Master.
Paper Ballot from 1945 Mail Elections
Selection from Biographical Sketch of Otto K. Passman, Grand Master, 1945 By ROBERT W. CRETNEY, P. M. Brother Passman was made a Master Mason in Graham Surghnor Lodge No. 383 of Monroe in April, 1932, and from that time has shown a consuming interest in Masonic affairs. This interest was accompanied by a willingness to work and a contagious enthusiasm for the work at hand. Tt has been said, “The reward for work well done is more work to do”, and it was natural that each task well done should become a stepping stone to other tasks; that each duty well performed should lead to other duties; and that his ability should be recognized in his regular advancement through the offices of his Lodge to that of Worshipful Master. In 1941 he served the Grand Lodge as Grand Senior Deacon and during the campaign to refinance the Grand Lodge Temple obligations Grand Master Strickland appointed him Area Chairman and a member of the State Committee. In the course of this campaign his indefatigable efforts were such as to gain him state-wide recognition, and after having organized a smooth-running campaign in his own area he was “loaned” to other areas throughout the state and was a definite factor in the successful prosecution of the state-wide project. At the Grand Communication of the Grand Lodge held in February, 1942, Brother Passman was elected without opposition to the office of Grand Junior Warden. Although he was away from Louisiana serving in the Naval forces for two years, and in 1944 was unable to attend the session of the Grand Lodge, he was advanced in regular order to Grand Senior Warden and to Deputy Grand Master, and in 1945 through the first mail ballot in the history of the Grand Lodge, was elected Grand Master of Masons of Louisiana. In this exalted office, wearing the Purple and having achieved the pinnacle of Masonic advancement he has not slackened his pace or rested on his laurels but has devoted practically all of his time, thought, and energy to the affairs of the Grand Lodge and the duties of the Grand Master, and has been the exemplification of the scriptural command, “Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only.”
From 1951 Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana RECOMMENDATIONS (1) I recommend that Article VI, Section 2, of the Constitution of Grand Lodge be amended by substituting a semi-colon for the period presently appearing at the end of the section, and adding: “provided however, that if at the time of the Annual Grand Communication the number of persons permitted to assemble is limited by competent local, state, or national authority to a total less than the sum of the number of Grand Lodge officers, plus the number of living Past Grand Masters, plus the number of constituent Lodges chartered under Grand Lodge, the power of Grand Lodge to adopt a budget, appropriate money, pass on acts of the Grand Master and of constituent Lodges, review trial records, and carry on the affairs of Grand and constituent Lodges may be exercised by a Board composed of the Grand Master^ Deputy Grand Master, Grand Senior Warden, Grand Junior Warden, Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary, Grand Lecturers (2), and all living Past Grand Masters. “In the event it is necessary for Grand Lodge to proceed on this basis, a quorum shall consist of at least 11, or two-thirds of those named, whichever is the lesser, one of whom shall he one of the four firstnamed officers; provided that amendment, alteration, revision, or change of this constitution, or the assessment of a tax, or increase in Grand Lodge fees or dues by such Annual Grand Communication of Grand Lodge composed only of the elected Grand Lodge officers and Past Grand Masters may be accomplished only by a proposal presented in writing to an Annual Grand Communication which, if approved by a majority of a quorum present, shall he mailed with an explanation of its purposes to all constituent Lodges chartered under this Grand Lodge; when, if a majority of the chartered Lodges approve the same and notify the Grand Secretary thereof, it shall be adopted. “At the time for the first Annual Grand Communication after the prohibitory regulation has been rescinded, the Grand Communication shall be held in the customary manner.” And that the first sentence of Article IV, Section 2, of the Constitution of Grand Lodge be amended to’ read:
“The Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master. Grand Wardens, Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary; and Grand Lectures shall be chosen by ballot on the evening of the second day of each Annual Grand Communication (except that in case due to limitations placed on the number of persons permitted to assemble, it should become necessary as provided under Article VI, Section 2 of this constitution to limit the attendance at any Grand Communication to> the elected Grand Lodge Officers and Past Grand Masters, the election shall be by mail ballot as provided in Section 3 of this Article), and shall be installed on the last day thereof, after all other business has been disposed of. The balance of the Grand Lodge Officers shall he chosen in such a manner as Grand Lodge shall determine.” And that Section 3 be added to Article IV of the Constitution of Grand Lodge to read as follows: Section 3: “Should competent authority prohibit the assembly of persons in numbers sufficient to provide a quorum of Grand Lodge, making it necessary at the usual time of an Annual Grand Communication for the elected Grand Lodge officers and Past Grand Masters to exercise the authority specified in Section 2 the Grand Master shall cause the Grand Secretary to send notification by mail not later than January 25 preceding the date of the Annual Grand Communication (or if the limiting regulation is published between January 25 and the date of the Annual Grand Communication, not later than one week after the regulation is officially published, in which case the Grand Master may set a new date for the Annual Grand Communication to be not less than ten days or not more than three weeks after the date notices are mailed by the Grand Secretary) to all officers, Past Grand Masters, and members of Grand Lodge advising that the Annual Grand Communication will not be held in the usual manner, giving the reason therefor, and the date on which the affairs of Grand Lodge will be transacted by the elected Grand Lodge officers and Past Grand Masters. The notice shall contain a printed ballot providing space for election of a Brother to each elective Grand Lodge office except Grand Junior Warden and to each Grand Lodge Board on which a vacancy occurs. (In case it should become necessary to hold two successive Annual
Grand Communications in this manner, the ballot for the election of Grand Lodge officers at the second such Annual Grand Communication shall make no provision for voting for Grand Senior Warden or Grand Junior Warden). Opposite each office named shall be two squares, one of which will provide for a vote for a Brother whose name shall be printed on the ballot; one of which will enable a member to write in another Brother’s name and vote for him. The following names shall be printed on the ballot. Opposite GRAND MASTER the name of the sitting Deputy Grand Master. Opposite DEPUTY GRAND MASTER the name of the sitting Grand Senior Warden. Opposite GRAND SENIOR WARDEN (except in the second consecutive year of election by mail) the name of the sitting Grand Junior Warden. Opposite GRAND TREASURER the name of the sitting Grand Treasurer. Opposite GRAND SECRETARY the name of the sitting Grand Secretary. Opposite GRAND LECTURERS the name of the sitting Grand Lecturers. Opposite the various Boards whose members are customarily elected annually by Grand Lodge as their terms of office expire, the names of the Brethren whose terms on the respective Boards are ending. “Each ballot when mailed out will contain a stamped; envelope addressed to the Grand Secretary for return of the completed ballot, and a notice advising that all ballots to be counted must be returned 80 PROCEEDINGS OF THE GRAND LODGE to the office of the Grand Secretary no later than nine o’clock A. M. of the first day set for the Annual Grand Communication. “Ballots shall be opened and tallied at the office of Grand Lodge, in the presence of a quorum of
the Board of elected officers and Past Grand Masters of Grand Lodge on the first day of the Annual Grand Communication; the Brethren receiving a majority of the ballots cast for their respective offices shall be declared duly and constitutionally elected, shall be entitled to all the authority, privileges and prerogatives of their respective offices, and shall be installed on the last day of the Annual Grand Communication, provided the Grand Master shall at the first opportunity thereafter install the various elected and appointed officers who are unable to be at the Annual Grand Communication for installation. “Notice of the result of, the mail election shall be mailed to each constituent Lodge, each Grand Lodge officer, Past Grand Master, and member of Grand Lodge within five (5) days after the announcement in Grand Lodge of the result of the election.” And that Section 4 be added to Article IV of the constitution of Grand Lodge to read as follows: Section 4: “In the event of a vacancy in the office of Grand Master, due to death, permanent removal from Louisiana, interdiction, or resignation, the Deputy Grand Master shall become Grand Master in fact and in name; and, in like manner the Grand Senior Warden shall become Deputy Grand Master and the Grand Junior Warden shall become Grand Senior Warden. Statement: In 1945 we were caught without warning; without precedent to guide him, Grand Master Kingrey met the situation by ordering a Grand Lodge election by mail. The legislation I now propose would confirm the result of any election held in such a manner so that there would need to be no question as to procedure in the future, should a national emergency prohibit the regular convening of the Annual Grand Communication. Furthermore I believe the legislation recommended will protect Grand Lodge and the constituent Lodges from abuse of authority by those in whose care Grand Lodge affairs would temporarily be placed. Every officer named in the legislation to act in case of emergency has been accorded a majority vote in this Grand Lodge, and should merit our confidence. I suggest that since there is a possibility that this legislation, if it is needed at all, may he needed before Grand Lodge meets in 1952, this proposed amendment be printed and sent with an explanatory statement to all Lodges promptly after the close of Grand Lodge for OF THE STATE OF
LOUISIANA 81 their consideration so that, if a majority of the Lodges approve it, we will be prepared to carry on the affairs of this Grand Lodge in the event of an unfortunate emergency. I further suggest that District Deputy Grand Masters be instructed in the purpose of this proposed amendment so they will be qualified to counsel with Lodge officers who may ask for information as to the need for such an amendment. (Report of Committee WAS APPROVED. This recommendation will be referred to incoming Committee on Masonic Law and Jurisprudence for Study and report back to the 1952 Grand Communication, or DIRECT TO THE CONSTITUENT LODGES if an emergency arises necessitating action by Lodges direct. See page 249). Ibid, Page 249 REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MASONIC LAW AND JURISPRUDENCE We, your Committee on Masonic Law and Jurisprudence, to whom were referred certain recommendations of the Grand Master, beg to report as follows: RECOMMENDATIONS: No. 1 We think it was wise for the Grand Master to make this recommendation so that the necessary machinery might be set up to meet the emergency if it arises. Therefore, we approve the recommendation, and now offer the amendment to Article VI, Section 2 of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge recited therein with the recommendation that it be received by the Grand Lodge and referred to the incoming Committee on Masonic Law and Jurisprudence as soon as it is constituted with direction to promptly study it and make report either: (a) Should the emergency arise, on direction of the Grand Master, by mail to all Lodges in this Grand Jurisdiction so that it may be acted on in accordance with Section 1, of Article IV of the Constitution, or (b) Should the emergency not arise, at the next Grand Communication of the Grand Lodge. APPROVED.
From 1952 Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana
REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MASONIC LAW AND JURISPRUDENCE Grand Master Cretney at the 1951 Grand Communication made several recommendations in his report providing for amendments to our constitution. They were referred to our Committee for recommendation to this Session. They are fully described and printed in full in the 1951 proceedings as follows: Recommendation No. 1: Pages 77, 78, 79, 80, and 81, providing for amendments to Section 2 of Article VI, and Section 3 of Article IV of the Constitution. This matter is covered in our 1951 report on Page 249 of the 1951 proceedings. (It provides for a limited number assembling for session in an emergency, also balloting by mail.) We recommend the adoption of this Recommendation and the two Amendments
From the 2019 Edition of the Handbook of Masonic Law of The Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana ARTICLE IV, Section 3 Should competent authority prohibit the assembly of persons in numbers sufficient to provide a quorum of Grand Lodge, making it necessary at the usual time of the Annual Grand Communication for the elected Grand Lodge Officers and Past Grand Masters to exercise the authority specified in Article VI, Section 2 of this constitution, the Grand Master shall cause the Grand Secretary to send notification by mail no later than seven (7) days prior to the date fixed for the Annual Communication or, if the limiting regulation is published less than seven (7) days prior to the date of the Annual Grand Communication, no later than seven (7) days after the regulation is published, in which case the Grand Master may act to set a new date for the Annual Grand Communication to be not less than ten (10) days nor more than three (3) weeks after the notices are mailed by the Grand Secretary to all Grand Lodge Officers, Past Grand Masters, and members of Grand Lodge advising that the Annual Grand Communication will not be held in the usual manner, giving the reason therefor, and the date on which the affairs of Grand Lodge will be transacted by the elected Officers and Past Grand Masters. Constitution The notice shall contain a printed ballot providing space for election of a brother to each elective Grand Lodge office except Grand Junior Warden and to each Grand Lodge board on which a vacancy occurs. (Incase it should become necessary to hold two successive Annual Grand Communications in this manner, the ballot for the election of Grand Lodge Officers at the second such Annual Grand Communication shall make no provision for voting for Grand Senior Warden or Grand Junior Warden). Opposite each office named shall be two squares, one of which will provide for a vote for a brother whose name shall be printed on the ballot; one of which will enable a member to write in another brother’s name and vote for him. The follow-
ing names shall be printed on the ballot; Opposite GRAND MASTER the name of the sitting Deputy Grand Master. Opposite DEPUTY GRAND MASTER the name of the sitting Grand Senior Warden. Opposite GRAND SENIOR WARDEN (except in the second consecutive year of election by mail) the name of the sitting Grand Junior Warden. Opposite GRAND TREASURER the name of the sitting Grand Treasurer. Opposite GRAND SECRETARY the name of the sitting Grand Secretary. Opposite the various boards whose members are customarily elected annually by Grand Lodge as their terms of office expire, the names of the brethren whose terms on the respective boards are ending. Each ballot when mailed out will contain a stamped envelope addressed to the Grand Secretary for return of the completed ballot, and a notice advising that all ballots to be counted must be returned to the office of the Grand Secretary no later than nine o’clock a.m. of the first day set for the Annual Grand Communication. The Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana Ballots shall be opened and tallied at the office of the Grand Lodge, in the presence of a quorum of the board of elected officers and Past Grand Masters of the Grand Lodge on the first day of the Annual Grand Communication; the brethren receiving a majority of the ballots cast for their respective offices shall be declared duly and constitutionally elected, shall be entitled to all the authority, privileges and prerogatives of their respective offices, and shall be installed on the last day of the Annual Grand Communication, provided the Grand Master shall at the first opportunity thereafter install the various elected and appointed officers who are unable to be at the Annual Grand Communication for installation. Notice of the result of the mail election shall be mailed to each constituent Lodge, each Grand Lodge officer, Past Grand Master, and member of the Grand Lodge, within five days after the announcement in Grand Lodge of the result of the election.