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Angela Bertone

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Lauren Daigle

Lauren Daigle



And You Shall HAVE

Have you ever wondered why those that have abundance seem to get more and those who have lack seem to continually struggle and remain in lack? Did you know that only 5% of the population reaches success? Why? Can we decide to be in that 5%? If so, how? Why is it that many people work very hard and struggle to maintain, while others no matter what they do, they seem to prosper? A wise carpenter once said,

Whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.

I have come to understand by experience, observation and study that hard work alone will not make your dreams come true. On the contrary it is the way that we dream and imagine that determines what our work will create. It is in our dreams and imagination that our true beliefs are realized. As I began to look around at my hard work and compare it to my level of success, I realized something was missing. I was completely baffled. Then one day while “wondering”, letting my mind brainstorm and consider all possibilities, I remembered these laws,

as a man thinks, so is he and whatever you believe, you shall have.

Still a bit baffled and continuing to think and wonder, I remembered, that which you fear SHALL overtake you. There it was. It had been staring me in the face all along. It had been my constant companion- Fear. I was creating my fears and my reality was a testament to my fears.

In my exhaustion, for a moment, I felt defeated, because after all, I was human and humans often fear and are worried. I wasn’t sure if I could overcome fear and if it was possible how could I do it? I had heard over the years that in order to overcome fear, I had to face my fears, but I wasn’t quite sure what my fears were. So that day, I started to look deep into my heart of hearts and ask God to help me overcome them, all of them, no matter what they were. At first it didn’t seem possible. Now 25 years later, I can firmly attest that all things are possible to those who believe and love really does cause all fear to go away.

Today I want to share a secret with you. Hard work is noble and an honest endeavor. There is however, a more excellent way. I had to first know my own heart and admit that my fears were directing my thoughts and my thoughts my actions. It was however not my actions that were hindering me. I came to understand, it was my beliefs that were. I had to change them, but how? That is a long story for another time. For now, I will say this. Once my emotional heart brain believed what my logic held true about myself being loved, and I could feel in my heart my success, accompanied by genuine gratitude as though my dreams had already come to pass, I realized that not only had I stepped out of hard work to avoid lack, I had stepped into abundance that no matter what I do, I prosper and it just keeps growing. You too can change your heart brain emotional beliefs. The carpenter was right, whatever I believe, I shall have.


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