WHAT TO DO AFTER YOU GET MLM LEADS www.GenerateMLMLeadsOnline.com Brought to you by Louis Luwe
What to do after you generate a prospect that could potentially become a valued member of your team. There are a few key principles that I’ve used over the past few years that I think will both shed light on what to do and focus your energies on the activities that garner the most bang for your buck. So you get the mlm lead . . . Now what? Well to begin, the most important factor to consider is where you got the mlm leads. Did you generate it yourself or did you purchase it? If you didn’t generate it yourself you need to move yourself into a situation where you are as soon as possible.
Brought to you by Louis Luwe – www.GenerateMLMLeadsOnline.com
The one biggest change that allowed me to go from super sucking at recruiting to doing it effortlessly is taking control of my own lead generation. You eliminate the competition, instantly increase the quality of the lead dramatically, and you reduce your lead cost substantially. It’s the biggest win situation you can put yourself in. I learned the art of focused attention. Once I got good at the getting of leads I made that my priority which was in direct opposition to what I was originally taught. I was told to run through my leads list and set appointment after appointment.
Brought to you by Louis Luwe – www.GenerateMLMLeadsOnline.com
Only problem was I burned through weeks at a time doing this and had no results from the effort whatsoever. So, I decided to focus my attention on the getting of leads as opposed to the following up multiple time with the same leads and for it my business began to flourish. Why? Action oriented people like you and I see an opportunity and take action. No need for hand holding a person through a decision. The right ones take action now instead of deferring until next week and then next month and then never. The name of the game is to find as many action oriented mlm prospects as possible.
Brought to you by Louis Luwe – www.GenerateMLMLeadsOnline.com
This is done through selectively focusing your time and efforts on the getting of new leads. Once the leads come into your follow up system the next important point here is to know that the more personal you are the higher the chances of a successful transaction. Of course you should use automation like auto responders, but still make an effort to follow up with your leads once with personal touch. Maybe it’s by email or maybe it’s by phone. It’s up to you, just know that the more personal the interaction the more trust that is created, and the more trust that is created the higher the likelihood your prospect is going to take action to get on board your ship to success.
Brought to you by Louis Luwe – www.GenerateMLMLeadsOnline.com
In that contact a few important things must be stressed. Be personal. Let your leads in on who you are, where you come from, what you do, why you love your company, etc. Why? It’s compelling and it’s personal. It gets there attention and starts a new relationship with those who are receptive to you. So never think what you have to say isn’t important or valuable at this point – say it. Finally, one thing I’ve always recommended and do to this day is I think every good internet network marketer should have a blog. Why? We live in a voyeuristic world.
Brought to you by Louis Luwe – www.GenerateMLMLeadsOnline.com
Look at the reality TV going on – we like to see how others live, and if you give your prospects a window into your life in the form of a personal blog where you share your thoughts and emotions it goes a long long way. It becomes a powerful testimonial. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve had view my blog and then in a personal interaction bring up something I posted on it 5 months ago. What this tells you is – they do investigate. And that’s GOOD for you! It lets them get to know you without you even being there and functions on a powerful principle few know or speak about called “The Power Of Documentation”. Which states – that which we read we receive mentally as more true so than that which we hear . . . (It seeps past people’s radar)
Brought to you by Louis Luwe – www.GenerateMLMLeadsOnline.com
What I mean is, it’s a totally different and more powerful experience for your prospects to proactively read your blog and find out about you on their own than it is for them to do so in a conversation, so you want to make sure you use this principle to your advantage in the form of a personal blog. Another HUGE reason to blog is you get traffic just for putting information out there. I was shocked to see that a blog I used in the same fashion I’m describing to you now got over 300 visitors a day to it on autopilot. Thinking back I did get a lot of calls asking about my business that I couldn’t quite track where these people were coming from.
Brought to you by Louis Luwe – www.GenerateMLMLeadsOnline.com
It was them finding my blog doing a Google search or something like that, reading and getting interested, seeing my number and calling me. So if you put your number out there they will pick up the phone and call you. I guarantee it. Now this won’t happen overnight, but it will with consistent blogging, and as I said before traffic is the icing on the cake. You’re not blogging for traffic as an end. You’re blogging to create a powerful testimonial for you and your business to send your mlm prospects too after you’ve generated the lead. The last thing about a blog is this . . . Once you put it out there it’s there forever. My first blog I ever started is still highly ranked in Google and gets traffic every day.
Brought to you by Louis Luwe – www.GenerateMLMLeadsOnline.com
Again I did nothing to get this traffic except put stuff on my blog and so the same will happen for you. After you generate a mlm lead make sure your focus remains on getting more, and DO make the attempt to follow up personally on some level with your leads and in that conversation mention your blog. Allow your prospects to see the “you” online. They’ll get to know you, feel informed about you and your business, and your closing rate will go up.
For more information about mlm tips, go to www.GenerateMLMLeadsOnline.com to download your FREE report ($47 value) on how to triple your mlm leads And sign up within next 30 days. Brought to you by Louis Luwe – www.GenerateMLMLeadsOnline.com