The Review - 19th June, 2011 - Pakistan Today

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Sunday, 19 June, 2011

Expose on

By Aminullah Chaudry Oxford University Press

the review

Political Administrators: The Story of the Civil Service of Pakistan

Civil Service of Pakistan ‘With all due respect, the concept of an apolitical civil service is a contradiction in terms. Given the powers that they were equipped with, members of the ICS/CSP could not but act to perpetuate the status quo’

Excerpts from the Preface:

ICS and the Indian Political Service (IPS) in the India Office Library & Records (IOLR)… From this treasure trove, I tried to reconstruct a picture of the role played by these officers in what was united India. While there is a surfeit of material on the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), the successor of the ICS in India after independence, comparatively little has been recorded on the role of the CSP after 1947… …Time and again, civil servants have been accused of ‘playing politics’. As would be expected in a country ruled for a major part of its history by military, administrations, the word ‘politics’ has ugly and distasteful connotations and those accused of indulging in it are said to be acting in a disgraceful, dishonourable and perfidious manner. The apolitical nature of pre-independence ICS officers is often quoted as an example to be emulated by post-1947 members of the service. CSP officers who had served for a significant part of their tenures under military governments tend to glorify their ‘independent’ and ‘neutral’ stance during service. The ICS, drawn primarily from the pro-British

The intimate detail by someone who has been part of the system, especially in the most cataclysmic last 40-odd years, and has seen things first hand both under the military and civil dispensations, makes it a seminal work


By Agha Akbar

minullah Chaudry, one of the bright sparks of the Civil Service of Pakistan of the mid 1960s vintage, in his second book since he was eased into retirement in 2004 after acting as approver under duress in the famous hijacking case against Nawaz Sharif, has not said anything that we didn’t already know. That Pakistan’s civil servants from the word go after independence were neither civil nor servants, but in Khalid Hasan’s flippant phrase, civil serpents. Lords and masters they certainly were, monarchs of all they surveyed. As a class they were trained, and trained well by the imperialists, to rule over the natives, in fact to civilize them,

what was wearily known as the ‘white man’s burden’. And unlike the Indian National Congress, which included excellent administrators such as Jawaharlal Nehru and Vallabhai Patel and could also count on a glut of people with vast administrative experience, the state of affairs with the Pakistan Muslim League was quite the opposite in 1947. The ailing and exhausted Quaid’s death soon after Partition and the assassination of Liaquat Ali Khan in 1951 started the rot in the bureaucracy, as indeed in other spheres. In the absence of a firm hand at the helm to stem the anarchy and rot things went from worse to intolerable. Taking advantage of the naivety and inexperience of the politicians, and also the many schisms that came to the fore almost immediately in the new-

born nation, with the military, feudals and mullahs jostling for their share in power, the elite coterie that formed the Pakistan Administrative Service (later the CSP) had its own ideas of divide and rule. Such was the Muslim League’s plight that for the federal cabinet none from its senior ranks qualified to man the critical foreign and finance ministries. It was necessary to pluck Sir Zafarullah Khan and Chaudhry Mohammad Ali from the Federal Court, where the former was a judge while the latter worked as secretary-general under the Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan to fill those vital positions. Our bureaucratic echelons not merely had disproportionate clout in formulating policy and implementing it, they also succeeded in co-opting the

army as a junior partner in the early years – a costly mistake. They found out, as others had before them, that it is easy to ride but difficult to dismount from a tiger, and by 1958 the army had assumed primacy in the power corridors. All this has been described by Aminullah in great detail. By his own description, he has “made an attempt to record the historical perspective of the CSP from its birth to its eventual demise. As would be obvious, this is not an exercise undertaken by an academic, but the real life experience of one who has lived the system from within”. And herein, this being an insider’s view, lies the value of the book. The intimate detail by

Illustrated & Designed by Javeria Mirza

Reflections of an insider

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fter Pakistan’s fourth military coup in October 1999, I was incarcerated in Karachi Central Jail, accused, along with an elected prime minister, of attempting to ‘hijack’ the aircraft carrying the army chief back to Pakistan from Sri Lanka… …My minder was an agreeable lieutenant colonel of the Pakistan Army on secondment to the Pakistan Rangers… Since I could, both literally and figuratively, be described as a captive audience, I had no option but to patiently hear the profound statements of this army officer. His favourite theme was to criticize the ‘politicized’ civil service. He repeatedly asked me why I, and other civil servants, would not take a ‘stand’ against orders emanating from what he referred to in contemptuous tones as ‘bloody politicians’… …The utterances of this rather naive and artless officer set me thinking about the role of civil servants

in general and of my parent cadre, the Civil Service of Pakistan (CSP), in particular. Was the CSP deeply politicised? If yes, was this a recent phenomenon or did it come about after independence? What were the origins of the Service and why was it created?... To answer these and other troubling questions that continued to perturb me, I decided to explore in some detail the pre-independence origins of the CSP, its conduct after 1947, its partial decimation by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in 1973, and its final extermination by a military regime through its hatchet man, Lt.-Gen. Tanvir Hussain Naqvi in 200l. …I had to go back in history and acquaint myself with Thomas Macaulay’s concept of a generalist civil service, of the Covenanted Civil Service under the East India Company, the formation of the Indian Civil Service (ICS), its original elite British composition, its gradual ’Indianisation’…, the formation of a successor Pakistan Administrative Service, later rechristened the Civil Service of Pakistan. Between 2001 to 2005, while visiting London… I found a wealth of material on the

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