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The Lights of the Hungarian Shadow Players


play probably also lies in the fact that the viewer receives reality not face to face, but in a double transmission. Because of this, you become more active, and your imagination is forced to work more intensively.You need to complement this view inside. You have to think of something that gives the visible symbol-shadow a suitable meaning for you as well.”

magic, excitement, and mystery of the shadow
(László Vízvári)

We like to think of shadow play as an ancient and beautiful lyrical art form. Its sophistication, its openwork or its solid silhouettes have a special charm. Light, shadows and shades lead you into the realm of the art of ephemeral transformation.

The shadow play presents the three-dimensional world in two dimensions. And with the disappearance of space, it opens our gaze to infinity, to the perspective of everything possible. The shadow play is the ideal puppet theatre. It offers the possibility for truly creative, active mimesis, and condenses the actual genre of puppetry.

The exhibition of the Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute features contemporary performances where this graceful formal language has come to the fore. Our photo compilation would not have been possible without the help of national and international companies.

“The SILHOUETTE, the outline, the positive accentuated by the negative, and the negative form accentuated by the positive.”
(Imre Gráfik)

Budapest PuppetTheatre:

Frankenstein (2022)

Puppet- and Costume Designer:

Károly Hoffer

Set Designer, Director:Tamás Keresztes

Photography:Anna Éltető


Once I Was… (2020)

Designer: BertaTörök, Lili Eszter Pilári

Director: Zsuzsanna Vajda

Photography: Unknown

Vojtina PuppetTheatre: The Wolf and the SevenYoung Goats


Designer: Viola Fodor

Director: Ágnes Kuthy

Photography: Krisztina Csatáry-Nagy

Ciróka PuppetTheatre: Fairy in aTrench Coat (2014)

Designer: Ákos Mátravölgyi

Director: Ágnes Kuthy

Photography: Sándor Ujvári

National PuppetTheatre: Crescendo (1975)

Designer, Director: Róbert Bánky

Photography: Éva Keleti, MTI

Kabóca PuppetTheater: One Shadow Rises (2009)

Designer, Director: Ágnes Kuthy


Bóbita PuppetTheatre:

Boundless (2007)

Designer: Marieta Golomehova

Director: Zsenya and Peter Pasov

Photography: Unknown

Ciróka PuppetTheatre: The Wild Swans (2017)

Designer: Zsófia Rumi

Director: Zita Szenteczki

Photography: Sándor Ujvári

Griff PuppetTheatre: King Pomádé's New Clothes (2010)

Designer: LillaTakács

Director: Levente Dimény

Photography: Umberto Pezzetta

Freeszfe: The Life Before Us (Momo) (2022)

Set Designer, Puppet Designer: Nóra Vermes

Costume Designer:Anna Prechl

Director:Anna Zorka Maróthy

Photography: Lola Eördögh


Ciróka PuppetTheatre:

The First Book of Leporello:Theatre of Shadows (2001)

Designer: Erik Grosschmid, Ákos Mátravölgyi

Director: László Rumi

Photography: Péter Walter

“Life and death, light and shadow, echo and silence in an interpenetrating naturalness.”
(Zsolt Karácsonyi)

“Miss Ophelia went from village to village, from town to town, and the shadows became kings and fools, noble ladies and fiery maidens, wizards and flowers, as needed.”

(Michael Ende: Ophelia's ShadowTheatre)

Ciróka PuppetTheatre:

The First Book of Leporello:Theatre of Shadows (2001)

Designer: Erik Grosschmid, Ákos Mátravölgyi

Director: László Rumi

Photography: Péter Walter

Puck PuppetTheatre: Theatre of Shadows (2022)

Designer: Jacqueline Molnár

Director: László Rumi

Photography: Oana Pop

“-Are you a shadow? – asked Ophelia. The shadow nodded.

- But a shadow always belongs to someone –continued Ophelia.

- No – said the shadow – not all of them. There are some superfluous shadows in the world, which belong to no one and which no one claims. I am one ofthem.MynameisShadowGoblin.” (MichaelEnde:Ophelia’sShadowTheatre)


Ophelia’s ShadowTheatre (2016)

Designer: Ákos Mátravölgyi

Director: Kata Csató

Photography: Iván Kárpáti

Vojtina PuppetTheatre: Ophelia's picture book: or the Theatre of Shadows (2005)

Designer: Ákos Mátravölgyi

Director: László Rumi

Photography: Krisztina Csatáry-Nagy

“But the donkey felt that something was up. In a careless moment he escaped and headed for Bremen.There he planned to become a town musician.”

(Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm:The Musicians of Bremen)

Hups! Crew: Jam Puppet Concert (2013)

Creators:Anna Spiegel, Dániel Fehér, Károly Hoffer, Dániel Nizsai, Tibor Szolár

Photography: Vera Éder

Lilliput Company of Oradea StateTheatre: The Musicians of Bremen (2015)

Designer: Gabriella Makhult

Director: László Rumi

Photography: Unknown

“In the bottomless stomach of the big fish, you can find all kinds of things. Huge apples, a couple of water animals, a red-haired mermaid, an inflatable rubber duck, a seal balancing a beach ball, a couple of small chairs, maybe a rusty tractor.”

Vojtina PuppetTheatre:

Carved out of wood (2010)

Designer: Edit Szalma

Director: László Rumi

Photography: Krisztina Csatáry-Nagy

Griff PuppetTheatre: Long live Chinoppio! (2018)

Designer: LillaTakács

Director: István Pinczés

Photography: Umberto Pezzetta

(Transcript of Pinocchio by László Upor)

“I can pass nothing except my essence. You are praised enough by this caddish crowd, As to praise you is only fair of them. You gave birth to them as light to shadow, But I’ve been living since eternity.”


Bóbita PuppetTheatre:

Trag’of the Man (2014)

Designer: Ágota Matyi

Director: Gábor Sramó

Photography: Máté Komjáthy

Budapest PuppetTheatre: Tragedy of the Man (1999)

Designer: Margit Balla

Director: Dezső Garas

Photography: Vera Éder

Madách:Tragedy of the Man) translated by OttóTomschey

It was, it was not, a white mare that nurses its own human child for fourteen years, until he is strong enough to uproot a tree. The mare dies and the boy departs to see the world. He kills the six-headed dragon in the silver palace and the twelve-headed dragon of the golden palace. Then, all four returntothebasketinorderfortheprincessestoreturntothe upperworld. (TheSonoftheWhiteHorse,Hungarianfolktale)


Vojtina PuppetTheatre:

The Son of the White Horse (2005)

Designer: Judit Bodor,Attila Balaskó

Director: János Pályi

Photography: Krisztina Csatáry-Nagy

Vaskakas PuppetTheatre:

The Son of the White Horse (2000)

Designer: Gyula Majoros

Director: János Pályi

Photography: Unknown

Vojtina PuppetTheatre: John the Valiant (2006)

Designer: Erik Grosschmid

Director: László Rumi

Photography: Krisztina Csatáry-Nagy

Ariel PuppetTheatre,Targu Mures: John the Valiant (2023)

SandAnimation: Ferenc Cakó Designer: Olga Barabás, Erika Iszlai Director: Olga Barabás

Photography: Csaba Fehér

“PoorJohnnytrudgedon,hisblackshadowbehindhim, Thoughhedidn'tneedshadowsandcloudstoremindhim; Thebrightsunhadbrokenthroughovertheplain, Butadarknightofnightsinhisheartstillremained.” (SándorPetőfi:JohntheValiant)

“Then they pretended to take the cloth off the loom, cut it with big scissors, spread the nothing, flashed sewing needles in the air, and announced: the new robe of the emperor is ready!”

(Hans ChristianAndersen:The Emperor's New Clothes)

Csiky Gergely Hungarian StateTheatre ofTimișoara: The Emperor’s New Clothes (2021)

Set Designer: Zoltán Lenkefi

Lighting Designer: Zoltán Gidó

Director: Regina Nagy

Photography: Petru Cojocaru

Mesebolt PuppetTheatre: The Emperor’s New Clothes (2018)

Designer: György Árvai, Edit Szűcs

Director:Tamás Somogyi

Photography: ÁdámTrifusz

- Oh, no!

- What happened?

- I am chased. My father is coming, I feel it, in the grey clouds. We can’t run away, so let’s land and try to deceive him.

- How do we fool him?

- Let's disguise ourselves. You will be a rotten willow now, and I will be a hunched old woman.

Vojtina PuppetTheatre: Rose and Violet (2013)

Designer: Károly Hoffer

Director: Rita Bartal Kiss

Photography: Krisztina Csatáry-Nagy

Budapest PuppetTheatre: Rose and Violet (2012)

Designer: Szilárd Boráros Director: Géza Kovács

Photography: Vera Éder

(Dóra Gimesi’s transcript of Rose and Violet)

“This woman already had two daughters, they came with her. Their faces were beautiful white, but their hearts were ugly black. And from then on, the poor orphan girl had a hard time. Her stepsisters hurt her wherever they could; they themselves were fooling around in front of the mirror all day, and sometimes they neglected their sister for one reason or another, so that there was never a moment's rest from them.”


Vojtina PuppetTheatre: Cinderella (2011)

Designer: Ákos Mátravölgyi

Director: Ágnes Kuthy

Photography: Krisztina Csatáry-Nagy

Vaskakas PuppetTheatre: Cinderella (2018)

Designer: Gábor Michac

Director: GáborTengely

Photography: Sándor Orosz

and Wilhelm Grimm: Cinderella)


Ági Majoros PuppetTheater: Mirror (2010)

Designer: Judit Bor, Ági Majoros, Erik Grosschmid

Creators: Judit Bor, Ági Majoros

Photography: Róbert Bublik

Harlekin PuppetTheatre: Bar (2004)

Designer: Klaudia Orosz

Director: Pál Lengyel

Photography: Gábor Gál

Napsugár PuppetTheatre of Békéscsaba:

The Princess Who Couldn't Go to the Ball (2015)

Designer: Máté Csató

Director: Kata Csató

Photography: Gábor Gál

National PuppetTheatre: Volga Valiant (1970)

Director: Kató Szőnyi

Designer: Iván Koós

Photography: Éva Keleti, MTI

Kabóca PuppetTheater: The Bear Cub (2016)

Puppet- and Costume Designer: Kinga Rofusz

Set Designer, Director: László Rumi

Photography: Roland Peka

“Even though we know it is only an illusion, playing with the aesthetic or optical illusion mesmerizes us and puts us in a state of heightened intensity, causing our eyes to search for the illusion again and again. In this ambivalence of reality and appearance, perception and belief, knowledge and self-deception, lies the source of our pleasure in fleeting self-deception. Paradoxically, this knowledge does not create distance, but on the contrary, we perpetuate the illusion with the greater affection. We see through the sieve – but this also brings us pleasure, because we can experience ourselves doubled and split - on the one hand as consciousandcritical,ontheotherasnaivelygullible.” (NikeBätzner)

Budapest PuppetTheatre: Rumcajs (2020)

Designer: Károly Hoffer

Director: Jankó Schneider

Photography:Anna Éltető

Csodamalom PuppetTheatre of Miskolc: Karagöz (2023)

Puppet Designer:Anna Bódiné Kövecses, Hajnalka Fekete

Set Designer: Géza Nagy Kovács

Director: Szabolcs Károlyi

Photography: Bence Grúz


Androgyn (2004)

Designer, Director: Ágnes Kuthy

Photography:Tamás Katkó


Once I was… (2020)

Designer: BertaTörök, Lili Eszter Pilári

Director: Zsuzsanna Vajda

Photography: Unknown

FigurinaAnimationTheatre: The Kidnapping of the Sun and the Moon (2005)

Designer: Eszter Siklósi, Gábor Siklósi

Director: Gábor Siklósi

Photography: Unknown

Mesebolt PuppetTheatre:

Nanga, the Sorceress (2012)

Designer: Milada Boráros

Director: László Rumi

Photography: Kálmán Garas

Vojtina PuppetTheatre: Little Roly-Poly (2009)

Designer: Szilárd Boráros

Director:András Veres

Photography: Krisztina Csatáry-Nagy

Astra Ensemble: Don Quijote (1973)

Designer:Antónia Ősz Szabó

Director: László Vízvári

Photography: Mária Szilágyi

Griff PuppetTheatre: The Magic Garden (2018)

Designer: Szilárd Boráros

Director: Milada Boráros

Photography: Umberto Pezzetta

Bóbita PuppetTheatre: The Purple-haired Fairy (2019)

Designer: Kitti Csuzda

Director: Dániel Halasi

Photography: Réka Keszthelyi

KolibriTheatre for Children andYouth:

Ruffen and the dragon girl (2022)

Designer: Klaudia Orosz

Director: János Novák

Photography:Anna Éltető

Ciróka PuppetTheatre: Fairy in aTrench Coat (2014)

Designer: Ákos Mátravölgyi

Director: Ágnes Kuthy

Photography: Sándor Ujvári

Béla Kövér PuppetTheatre:

Jankó the Musician’s luck (2012)

Puppet Designer:AndreaTóth

Set Designer: Ákos Mátravölgyi

Director: László Rumi

Photography: Unknown

Vaskakas PuppetTheatre: Alice (2003)

Designer: Svila Velichkova

Director: Biserka Kolevszka

Photography: Unknown


The Lights of the Hungarian Shadow Players

Exhibition of the Puppet Collection of HungarianTheatre Museum and Institute Script, concept: Lilla Lovas

Translated by Bianka Bujtor

Colleagues: Eszter Papp, Katalin Simándi, Zsolt Somogyi

Thanks to the companies and photographers for their help!

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