Getting Ghost Shopping With
My Mistress
10 Date Types Still Facebook Front’n
Some Coke
And A Smile
Issue 3 Filling Up The Love Tank Weekly
Sex Positions ...Using A Chair
Love 360: The Magazine
From The
Over 11,000 people reached. Over 1,700 followers on Twitter! With this rise of interest in our journey to answer the question “What Is Love?”, Love 360: The Magazine continues to capture the eyes from readers in Canada to those in the Philippines! And I can’t blame the readers…even I am impressed with these stories! With articles and stories from talents such as Melo, M from New York, and the new guy on the block Rob V, we will continue on our search to help people better understand love, sex and relationship one issue at a time. And before we go, I want to give Reggie Belfort a special shoutout for his expertise to help save the websites for Love 360: The Magazine as well as Melo’s blog and others. You truly are a blessing, brother. Thanks for everything. Now with that out of the way, let’s get started! Enjoy! Signed, H.D. Campbell Editor In Chief
Love 360: The Magazine
Love 360: The Magazine
FACEBOOK FRONT’N 24 STILL Melo goes deeper in the con-
cept of Facebook Front’n (even providing us a defenition.)
10 WORST DATES 28 TOP Melo tells us about her 10 bad types of dating experiences.
UP THE LOVE TANK 33 FILLING H.D. Campbell examines Dr. Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages.
GHOST 36 GETTING Here is one person experience on being on both sides of the table.
47 Rob V. tells us about his interesting
shopping escapade with Jasmine.
SOME COKE AND A SMILE What happens when you give someone a chance? You may be pleasantly surprised.
LOVINGS MAKE HISTORY 54 THE Love is colorblind.
As You Wish To Seem.� - Socrates
Let Beryllium Media help bring your vision to reality. Love 360: Magazine 8 today Visit us @The to get started.
The Magazine About Love, Sex, and Relationships
Editor-In-Chief | H.D. Campbell
Graphic Designer | H.D. Campbell
H.D. Campbell | | PicJumbo | Pixabay | Shutterstock | and Others
Melisa Pellerano | M. From New York | H.D. Campbell | and Introducing Rob V.
Publisher and President/Cofounder H.D. Campbell
Chief Information Officer/Cofounder Reggie Belfort
Love 360: The Magazine is published monthlyby The H.D. Darkheart Company LLC, dba Beryllium Media, 1510 Birchstone Ave. Brandon FL 33511. Contents Copyright 2016 The H.D. Darkheart Company LLC and their respective owners, all rights reserved. Any questions, please visit for more details.
? e v o L s I t a Wh
The Lyr ics Edit ion
e’ve heard other the question “What Is Love” through their own personal experiences and poetically. What about in music? There are more than enough love songs out there that speaks on the subject in every genre from Rap to Classical to R&B to country and so on. So do you think you know about love songs? We have selected a few songs that we encountered in our search that may help answer the question. Do you think you can guess which songs these lyrics belong to? Don’t worry, we’ll provide the link to the song if you can’t guess them. Let’s give it a shot, shall we?
Love 360: The Magazine
Lyrics On Love... why I don’t know air, you’re not f love y m u o y e v i Ig ’t care, n o d u o y t u b So what is at is h w d n a t h g ri wrong? gn... Gimme a si Tap Here For Answer
We are young, Heartache to heartache we stand, No promises, No demands, Love is a... Tap Here For Answer
that u o y ll e t ld I wou onight, t u o y e v lo I hat I’ve t w o n k I t Bu y side. m n o e im t got oin’? Where ya g ving so Why you lea soon? ewhere m o s e r e h t Is r for e t t e b ’s t a h else t you... Answer r o F e r Tap He
Lyrics On Love...
I’m y
swer n A r o F e Tap Her
Love 360: The Magazine
g, I k
now , but I kn so, even o And w a th I rea I learn ing or tw lly l earn ed from o, lear ed a lo you, ne t, L It bu ove is d a lot, really li rns you ke a fla m whe n it’ e Tap s ho Her t.... e Fo r An swe r
or you, f d e g n lo e v Many days I’ , Wanting you o get to t e c n a h c e h t Hoping for know you, your kiss r o f g in g n o L touch, for r u o y r o f , s For your kis ence (your s s e r u o y r o your feel, f sence), beautiful es from the d ie r c e v I’ s Many night , things you do thoue h t m o r f uld die Felt like I co you, ght of losing e real, ’r u o y t a h t I know rs, and a e f o n d n a ubts With no do . no questions..
Do You Know What Is Love?
Tap Here To Answer Now!
! e M r o m Hu As we were look ing through song s and lyrics for “What Is Love?” , we came across Jackie Wilson’s t meless classic “T io Be Loved”. Aft e r listening to this song, we kept as king ourselves w hy does this son sound familiar? g We finally figure d out that this was the song playing that scene of the movie Coming To America with Ed die Murphy and Arsenio Hall wh Akeem dances a en nd kisses Lisa? W h at totally slipped most of our mind s that Akeem su ng snippets of th song two scenes at afterwards (H.D . k new because he was forced to wa tch the movie ov er and over again when he was a k id, without cable , and only a hand of VHS tapes wit ful h Coming To Am e r ica being one of them.) As the pe ople in the scene booed Akeem an the dogs barked, d only H.D thinks t h a t the Coming To America renditio n is better. (Yep , we’re still in sh too.) Let that sin ock k in as you tap th e links below to listen to the two and judge for you rself.
Tap Here To Listen To Jakcie Wilson’ s “To Be Loved”
Tap Here To Li sten To Akeem’ s Rendition of “To Be Loved”
Here’s A
Hey, Love 360! I have a question. If I have been getting to know someone for a few months and I noticed that we haven’t been talking to one another like we use to and their attitude has been becoming “icy” and dismissive towards me, should I take it as a sign that they don’t want to be with me anymore and just walk away?
Tap Here To Answer! 14
Love 360: The Magazine
Top 10
Make or Break?
How To Forget?
Is He The Wrong One?
Every relationship is tested. The more experienced have dealt with probably 8 of these but have you handled all 16 of these make or break situations that tested your love?
Why is hard to get over a break up? It’s truly one of things that suck about life. Is there anything that could help ease the pain?
Check Out This Link From Essence And See For Yourself.
Love 360: The Magazine
Tap Here to watch this video providing tips to help you get over that person.
Ladies, while it’s easy to say that many are looking for the right significant other (whom many may consider a prince or king), that search can be halted by kissing the numerous “frogs”. Are there life lessons that can be learned from these frogs? According to Essence, there are at least 15. Wanna know without having to experience them yourself?
Just Tap Here!
The App
Coming Soon.
Top 10
Love and Money
Please Don’t Kill My Drive.
Different Groups, Different Rates
Breakups can be caused by a number of things, but can money play a part? The answer is yes but in what way? By being too cheap or by overspending? You can
Tap Here to see what Go Banking Rates has to say about the matter.
Love 360: The Magazine
Being in love is great but making love is wonderful as well. While there are many things that can kill someone’s sex drive, could food also be one of the culprits?
Tap Here to read about 27 of them that could deter the mood
Have you ever been curious about divorce rate of those married more than once varied with different education backgrounds? How about different races? How about different employment situations? If you are curious, you could always check out the graphs provided by Flowing Data by
Tapping Here!
Top 10
Fantastic Four
Keeping Tabs On Tinder
The Mighty O!
Tinder has become quite popular over the years as millions join to swipe right to find a match. What if, however, one of those swiping is already in a relationship? What if that person is already in a relationship with YOU? Do you want to know if your significant other is swiping on Tinder? For 4.99, Swipebuster will help you catch them in the act.
Ladies, reaching an orgasm on a one-night stand may not be a problem for most men but it’s a different story for women. For those women who know what they want and go for it, Glamour wrote a good article that may help you join the other 20% of women who have climaxed with a rando. Tap here to read more about it.
Men, it is hard to actually know what a woman wants (even after she “tells” you...many men can tell you that can’t be counted on. Just keeping it real, ladies.) So if you can’t even trust that, what traits do women want in a man? Dalton Young from Dating, Love and Sex Tips has figured out there are 4 personality traits women want in a man.
Tap Here To Find Out!
Love 360: The Magazine
Tap Here for more details.
Tap Here To Read Her Story.
Top 10
Please Protect Yourself. Unfortunately there are some unstable people out here in this world waiting to take advantage of your search for a suitable significant other. Please protect yourself. Let someone such as a friend or family members know where you are meeting up with a person you met online. Also, inform them if you and your date are going somewhere afterwards‌even if you planning on a one night stand. Do what you need to do to stay safe. We do not need another story like poor Ingrid Lyne. Damn shame.
If you aren’t familiar with the story, you can Tap Here to read it.
Love 360: The Magazine
By: Melisa “Melo” Pellerano
Facebook Front’n: Noun The posting of pictures, comments and relationship status that is false, exaggerated, fake and overkill in happiness, positive and a wealth in nature than a person is truly living. (Often used in acronym form as FBF) Example: Person 1: “Have you seen John’s post? He has a new ride and stack of paper!” Person 2: “Nah...he’s just Facebook Front’n. That’s Mike’s car and he just got his income tax the other day.”
Love 360: The Magazine
t has been a few weeks since we discussed our FBF friends but I have been monitoring and watching more and more stories unfold. The amazing pictures being posted of loving marriages, amazing happy times with loved ones, friends and new romance as well. Wow, if life was only this perfect right? If only one day, people would be honest and post pictures up with their true feelings as the captions...Ha! I think that would be so amusing, to be honest. After reading another post with pictures, video and the constant “My baby this and that” comments, I am two steps away from vomiting! I think one day there should be a post of these pictures and videos with a caption (an honest caption):
“Me and my baby, I love him so much, especially when he doesn’t want to work, likes to cheat on me and maybe even throw a few punches here and there! Yay…he is awesome. ” Interesting post, right? Would it be too vulgar or to the point? Why not that? Why not tell the truth for once, Facebook friends? I truly don’t mean to be harsh but if you honestly believe that love and romance needs to be posted on FB in order to prove your love and affection, you are really lost. Here is a great example. Recently, I saw a post from an old friend that just got engaged. Wow. Amazing that he never said anything about that but yet found the time to message an old girlfriend wanting to “get together.” So what his recent FB posts? One of his post read:
“I love you baby, you are my life” His fiancé posts on FB with his picture of them and the kids responding: “I love you too, Boo Boo” I can’t wait to be your husband!” If you are going to lie, make sure you aren’t letting your girlfriend or fiancé post crap on FB. Sorry. It had to be said. Just check your friend’s post…you notice their new loving romances, right? Wow. If you were mistaken, weren’t they just single yesterday? So what happened? Met a perfect blonde last night and…BAM! Let’s push that relationship button. Let us all commence to laugh out loud. Why? I know from my experiences that by the time the pictures are posted up on FB to disclose who I am maybe thinking about seeing, something happens and we stop talking. Oops. There goes another one. Never mind, Facebook. I will just stay single and not have to worry about FBF on how happy I am. Just remember there are ups and downs in all marriages and relationships in which many are still works in progress so no relationship is 100% happy all the time. With that being said, if you really think all of these renewing vows, new boob jobs, billions of baby pictures and constant “OMG I LOVE HIM/HER!” is true and happy, you might be Facebook Front’n yourself. So the laughing out loud continues.
In this new world of searching for love and finding oneself, one woman tells her story of navigating through the jungle known as “The World of Dating”. Read about Melo’s journey to find happiness (as well as her survival of horrible dates) here at Heart 2 Heart w/ Melo.
Powered By : 26
Love 360: The Magazine
Love 360: The Magazine
Top 10 Bad Dates By: Melisa “Melo� Pellerano
What is your first date going to be? No clue until you meet. Whether it is a man or woman, no one can predict the type of person they will eventually meet and possibly like. Dating these days is almost scary if not annoying and frustrating. No one wants to commit anymore and no one seems to take the time to get to know one person at a time since they are always looking for back up or if someone upsets them, they move onto the next one instantly without blinking.
Top 10 Bad Dates 10
This is Your date This is when someone tends to look you ask one that you have around and question and to pull out never at you, it turns into information, he or she an hour long you are the makes limited story about one asking conversation their entire all of the but mostly past, present questions spends time and future and they are watching TV life. You extremely or looking start to doze boring and around. (You off halfway quiet. (You are better off through pray the food going to sit at and just comes so you the bar alone tend to nod can eat and and finding your head move on.) someone occasionally worth your while thinking time.) of excuses to run away.
Love 360: The Magazine
This is when your date is so into themselves and conceded that you want to pour the drink right on their lap to cool them off (mostly men) but some women are into themselves as well. You cannot get a word in and everything is about their amazing life, body and how you are basically lucky to be on a date with them.
This is a date that eats like they haven’t been fed in years. Food flying everywhere, food on their face, in their teeth and hands. No napkin is used and you even offer one and they say “Nah I’m good!” No you are NOT good, you are gross, disgusting and making me want to watch you choke on that chicken wing. Gross.
This is when everything seems great, good conversation, good looks and amazing personality, but then out the blue when it comes time to order, you get the “Why don’t you just get water or we can split a dinner” No appetizer and no mention of desert. You order and see his face start sweating and eventually say, is there a problem? Should I pay for my own meal then and lets go Dutch. Jeez.
Well you know what they say about the “True good to be true, probably is” Yes I do believe this is very true because many people today want to be on their best behavior especially on the first few dates. They only show the good side and sometimes it takes many dates, even months before the crazy side shows. Beware of these since they are good pretenders.
This is the person that has their phone going off non-stop, maybe it’s on vibrate but you can hear it vibrating the entire time, they may even be bold as to be on it or texting the entire time. I understand if you have kids, I have to deal as well, but putting it on silent for an hour won’t kill you and then maybe check it while in the restroom, that is what most women do.
A date that automatically thinks you are now a couple, they hold hands, kiss you and start planning your wedding. Wow it is the 1st date... OMG! You run to the restroom and look for a backdoor exit. These people will expect you to say “I LOVE YOU” after the date.
THE WOW (WTF OMG WHY?) DATE This is when your date looks nothing like the pictures, turns out to be a completely different person from your previous conversations and trading of pictures. They have lied! Sent you 20 year old pictures and been even sending someone else’s face and body. You have been fished that call it but I have never understood this since eventually you do meet the person right? Do people think their winning personality will trump their lies and pure deceitful actions? This is beyond Facebook Front’n. NO WAY RUN RUN RUN!!!
Do You Have A Story To Tell About Love? Submit It To And You May Be Published In Our Next Issue! Tap Here To Get Started. 32
Love 360: The Magazine
Filling Up The Love Tank Can It Really Be That Simple? By: H.D. Campbell
Filling Up The Love Tank
stage could last a long time before
“Love Hangover”), you must discuss
you realize something has changed.
with your partner where you both
As I continue to find the
According to Dr. Chapman, the stage
want the relationship to go. As simple
answer to the question “What
could even last as long as two years.
as it may sound, what if you run into
Is Love?”, I was able to get my hands
And being that many people get ma-
the fact that you may not understand
one a very profound book named The
rried within that time this could pose
your significant other even though
Five Love Languages by Dr. Gary Cha-
a serious threat to a relationship down
you feel that you are saying it in the
pman. Introduced to me by Angela
the line.
plainest of languages?
sed by her intellect), the masterful
And yet, I wonder if it can be that sim-
work is a book I would recommend
t can’t be that simple.
McLean (who’s beauty is only eclip无法理解你.
to those in relationships as well as to
those who wish to be in one in the
This fits perfectly well with the con-
(And yes, I meant to type it that way.
future. It truly helped me understand
cept of an article I wrote in the first
Using Google Translate, it’s Chine-
what to look for during and after the
issue of Love 360: The Magazine tit-
se Simplified meaning, “Even if they
“Euphoric Stage” when the rose co-
led Stuck On 2nd. While I mentioned
could read your mind, they still may
lored glasses come off and you start
the fact that in order to get out of the
not be able to understand you.”)
to realize the flaws of your mate. This
2nd phase of a relationship (dubbed
See what I mean? If most of us here in
Love 360: The Magazine
the US don’t understand a language
enough time to read the book, you
spoken nearly by 1/7 of the world’s
can always check out http://www.5lo-
population, how can we understand and even take a 30
a person who speaks a language that
question quiz to help you figure out
cannot be translated verbally? This is
your love language. So here’s a ques-
where Dr. Chapman comes in. He’s
tion asked from the Love Languages
been a marriage counselor for deca-
Personal Profile for Singles:
des and he finally cracked the 5 Love Languages, which are:
It’s more meaningful to me when...
Words of Affirmation: Expres-
Someone I Love sends me a lo-
sing affection through spoken
ving note/text/email for no rea-
affection, praise, or appreciation
is the way to “speak” to this per-
I hug someone I love.
son •
Acts of Service: Rather than
Pretty simple question, right? If you
words, action is used to show and
can answer 30 questions like this, you
receive love with this person.
can figure out which Love Language
Receiving Gifts: Gifting is sym-
you speak. If you ask your significant
bolic of love and affection to this
other the same questions or get them
to take the test themselves, you’ll be
Quality Time: Undivided, un-
on your way to understanding their
distracted attention expresses
Love Language as well as help move
affection with the speaker of this
your relationship to the next level (if
that’s what the both of you want.). You
Physical Touch: It can be sex
can get started by Tapping Here. Just
or holding hands. With this love
as I said in the article “Stuck in 2nd” in
language, the speaker feels affec-
Issue 1, it’s going to take the both of
tion through physical touch.
you to make this work. If it’s only one
See what I mean about it being sim-
of you putting in all of the work, it’s
not going to work. If the both realize
that it’s not going to go back to the Like all things, however, because it is
rose-colored glasses version that it
simple does not mean that it is easy.
was in the beginning but it will reach
I mean the definitions above are self
a more mature, deeper love, it’s not
explanatory, right? And do
going to work. Always remember that
you know which language your signi-
“love” is also an action verb. Is the per-
ficant other speak? How do you even
son you’re with worth the task? If not,
know which language you speak?
reconsider. If so, get to work.
After reading the book, there are a
Perhaps it is that simple. Let’s hope
few pointers that will help you figure
the process eases with time. Gods-
it out but just in case you don’t have
etting host
A Quick examination of being a Ghost and being Ghosted on. By: H.D. Campbell
Love 360: The Magazine
acebook can be cruel at times. Not in the way of “Facebook Front’n” as fellow writer Melo pointed out but just the technology itself. After updating the app on my phone, the update searched through my phone number list and suggested people with that phone number if I would like to friend them. As I was looking through the suggestions list, the profile of a former potential partner appeared. I haven’t spoken to her in a few months (or rather she hasn’t spoken to me in a few months). After viewing her profile pic and the new guy she was hugging in the pic, I can assume why. There wasn’t a “let’s be friends” speech or a “it’s not you, it’s me” explanation. She just stopped answering her phone and her texts. It was complete radio silence. I shook it off as another one bites the dust and kept it moving. Yet, I did wonder why the radio silence?
up on the wall not ringing anymore like it did back in the days, now the person you were “talking to” doesn’t respond to your texts let alone your phone calls. Perhaps, that is one of the perils of free incoming call notification feature. Either way, this new phenomenon is called Ghosting. Would you like a clearer definition on Ghosting? Here’s what Urban Dictionary defined it:
Ghosting: The act of suddenly ceasing all communication with someone the subject is dating, but no longer wishes to date. This is done in hopes that the ghostee will just “get the hint” and leave the subject alone, as opposed to the subject simply telling them he/she is no longer interested. Ghosting is not specific to a certain gender and is closely related to the subject’s maturity and communication skills. Many attempt to justify ghosting as a way to cease dating the ghostee without hurting their feelings, but it in fact proves the subject is thinking more of themselves, as ghosting often creates more confusion for the ghostee than if the subject kindly stated how he/she feels.
According to one Plenty of Fish poll, nearly 4 out of 5 millennials have been ghosted.
After doing some more research on answering the question “What Is Love?”, I found out that there is a “new” phenomenon going on in the new dating world. The reason that the word “new” is in quotations is because it’s not new at all. Perhaps, it’s considered “new” because they have finally put a name to it but for many of those who were kids in the late 80’s and early to mid 90’s know that moment when your girlfriend or boyfriend stop calling you for no reason (at least no reason to you). Now, it’s the same trick but with better technology. Instead of the phone hanging
Sounds like a good description to me. If Urban Dictionary does not convince you, Glamor wrote an article about ghosting and what do to it ever happens to you. It’s a short but interesting read so if you have a few minutes, TAP HERE TO READ IT. If you don’t, the jist of the article is
to grieve, then get over it and keep it moving. It’s a moral failing on the part of the ghoster than that of the ghosted. Fair enough. The question isn’t if it’s right or wrong...the answer is obvious that it is wrong but the answer is why do people choose to ghost? It seems to be a very common way of discontinuing communication from someone the ghost is not interested in anymore. How common? According to one Plenty of Fish poll, nearly 4 out of 5 millennials have been ghosted. You can TAP HERE for more details on that as well. Even with POF’s explaination, it still doesn’t speak about those who may have been talking for longer than 2 or 3 dates then suddenly disappear. I hope to see if I could add to the conversation with my own personal experience from both perspectives.
To Be The Ghost: A few months after I became single, I went to a dating site and eventually matched up with a pretty cool woman. She had a wonderful smile and nice personality. After awhile, however, she began showing me parts of her personality I didn’t care for. I won’t bash her in this article because that wouldn’t be cool...but I knew after seeing that, it wouldn’t last. The problem was that she wasn’t necessarily a bad person. The worst problem was that she 38
Love 360: The Magazine
was “falling” for me while she was telling me about another guy she was falling for. One of my personality quirks is that I’m territorial. What is mine is mine and what is yours is yours. I’m not the type to chase after another’s woman. Could you see my problem? So what was my solution to this predicament? I ghosted. How? Unlike the versions I’ve been reading online the ghosting wasn’t abrupt. The gradual process took place as follows: • The “Good Morning” text became less and less frequent until I waited for her to say it first. • As well as the “Good Morning” texts, our usual everyday conversations became less and less engaging until it became the general “how are you doing” question with the
usual “I’m fine” response. Even they became less frequent. • I began to realize how much more free time I had and I started working on backburner projects that were delayed due to the courtship. Then, those projects became the reason for the lack of communication amongst us. • After this, the communications would shrink from once a day to once every few days until it finally ceases. Why? I could’ve ended it right when I came to that realization that I knew it wasn’t going to work so why go through the long process? I can’t
speak for everyone but in my case, I actually thought that something was going to change. As I reasoned, I would forget about that tidbit about the other guy and perhaps something would change between the two so I wouldn’t have to quickly cut her off. Subconsciously, however, I knew it was done. So began the slow painful process mentioned above. Was I wrong for doing it? Yes. Would I do it again? Not consciously. If I know that it’s not going to work, I’ll break it off. If I do believe it would, I would fight against the subconscious behavior mentioned above and fight to the end tooth and nail. However, I’m not chasing after another man’s woman. That’s
where I draw the line. What made me come to this realization? Well, I was ghosted on myself and it sucked.
To Be Ghosted: I met her through one of the dating apps. Everything went well. We chatted, got to know more about one another, and became comfortable enough to meet in person. Once we met, the conversation continued. We seemed to feel one another and everything was going fine...until we had one disagreement. It wasn’t anything major (at least I thought it wasn’t), but it was enough where it could kill the emotional high one experience from infatuation. We apologized to one another but I could tell that the mood of the relationship changed. Afterwards, our conversations became more guarded and less frequent. Then I noticed: • The “Good Morning” text became less and less frequent until I waited for her to say it first. • As well as the “Good Morning” texts, our usual everyday conversations became less and less engaging until it became the general “how are you doing” question with the usual “I’m fine” response. Even they became less frequent.
• I began to realize how much more free time I had and I started working on backburner projects that were delayed due to the courtship. Then, I used those projects to justify the lack of communication amongst us. • After that, the communications shrunk from once a day to once every few days until it finally ceased. Sounds familiar, right? The thought of her ran through my mind until I got so busy that it became less and less. It wasn’t until the Facebook suggestion that I remembered what happened. Of course, the memories came rushing back but it wasn’t enough to respond. I just hit the remove button on Facebook, and then erased her number from my phone. What was done is done. What did I learn from all of this? Don’t Be A Wuss! If you feel like it’s not going to work, break it off. Everyone deserves closure (even if they don’t get it at times.) If you were the one ghosted on, go ahead and get the feeling of disappointment out of your system then keep it moving. All it means that you now have the room for the person who deserves you and who you deserve... and no one deserves a ghost.
What Is Your Favorite Story? Rank Them From Best To Worst By Tapping Here! Thank You For Your Support! 40
Love 360: The Magazine
ex S y l Week ons i Posit
This selection of positions is brought to you by Position Sex Bible: More Positions than You Can Possibly Imagine Trying by Randi Fox. In this issue, we’re gonna focus on positions using a chair. Here are 4 Positions for your pleasure. All we ask is if you wouldn’t mind ranking them from best to worst. So let’s get started...
Week 1
The Lay-Z Girl: While easy on the woman as she lays comfortably in the chair, it’s also easy on the man as kneeled in front of her with her legs wrapped around him. He’s not supporting her body as much as The Wheelbarrow.
Week 2
My Knight, My Chair Make sure that the chair you use is position- friendly. As you can see in this illustration, the guy lies upside down holding her ankles as she mounts him from above. As lovely as the position looks, he may get lightheaded from this position so we don’t recommend this position for a long amount of time. 42
Love 360: The Magazine
Week 3 The Lounge Cat With one knee in the chair and the other on the ground, she positions herself so her lover can stand and enter her from behind. This position allows control for both parties
Make Sure That You Rank Your Favorite Positions At Or You Can Tap Here To Get Started!!!
Week 4 The Wheelbarrow As you can see, the woman holds her up as she supports herself on her forearms.
ore k out m ur c e h c e fo want han th If you t s n o i sit sex po own, you can sh se purcha always Bible: More n Sex Can Positio s than You n Positio bly Imagine y Possi azon b m A m fro E! 43 Trying G HER
Rankings For The Weekly Sex Positions of Love 360: The Magazine Issue #2 1. The Piked Awakening 2. The Climbing Ivy 3. The Inverted Wheelbarrow 4. The Wrapped Crab
d, e t o V y d a e r ho Al W s r e d a e R e s o h T r o * For The F tion! a p i c i t r a P Your r If o F . n s e k p n a O l l Th i t Are S s l l o P e h ’t, T n e v oura Y H s n o o h i t W i s o he P T t u O t s e oT T t n And a y t W r a u o P Y e h oin T J , m e h T k an self And R Tap Here! Love 360: The Magazine
Confessions. Sometimes A Story Is Too Good To Keep To Yourself... 46
Love 360: The Magazine
o, there is a dominant woman, Jasmine, who I hang out with sometimes when she is in town. She was in town this past week, so we arranged to meet. She decides to take me shopping in the mall. Shopping with his always an adventure. She orders me not to wear any underwear. She shows up wearing a skirt. She puts on my chastity device that she makes me wear when we are together. It bulges out and can be clearly seen as an outline in my pants. We finally head to the mall doing the typical things that she likes to do. I have to get down on my knees and kiss her feet in front of sales girls. She ensures other women in the mall overhear that I am wearing a chastity device around my cock. She describes how she is going to fuck me with her strap on. I was under the impression that it would happen when we got home. I was wrong.
Love 360: The Magazine
Once I finished with my cleaning duties, we get dressed and go back to the sales girl. Jasmine tells her that the corset wasn’t quite right, but that I forgot to wear my underwear today and need something to wear. Jas asks the sales girl to help her pick out something nice for me.
“I am going to fuck you right here. You’d better get on your knees and get it nice and wet, because that is the only lube you are going to get.”
We enter a high-end lingerie store. After a quick search, she picks out a nice corset. She asks the sales girl if I can join her in the dressing room to help lace up the corset. “Of course,” says the sales girl. We go in, Jasmine lifts up her skirt to reveal a strap on she has been wearing. “I am going to fuck you
right here. You’d better get on your knees and get it nice and wet, because that is the only lube you are going to get.” I suck on her fake cock, getting it as wet as I can. She then bends me over and rams it inside me. Her strap on has a small vibrator attached so that she is pleasured while she fucks me. After a few minutes of her deep thrusts in me, she orgasms. She has me kneel down again and clean it off.
How humiliating.
They pick out some sheer panties and I am back in the dressing room putting them on. As we head out to the mall, we sit at a table in the food court next to a couple of women. Jas asks me how I like wearing my new panties. The women begin to giggle. I can’t wait to go shopping again!
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COKE AND A SMILE By: M. From New York
Love 360: The Magazine
o, here’s a short I hang out in and tends to for a cab, so I figured why story. I met this guy get drunk and texts me not? I had just woken up about 6 months after he’s done partying. after being asleep for an ago and he’s been trying It’s always between 3:45 obscene amount of hours to fuck me since and 5:30am on a Saturand due to a recent break the moment he up I was highly met me. We’ve I WAS HIGHLY INTERESTED interested in doing only hung out his cocaine. IN DOING HIS COCAINE. about 5 times HE’S A LAWYER, THERE’S He’s a lawyer, but he makes his intentions clear. there’s always coALWAYS COCAINE. Yes…I’ve let him caine. touch me and casually play day Night/Sunday morn- He was on surprisingwith me a bit while we’re ly good behavior and I ing. Yet this time, it was hanging out but I keep decided to go for it this on a Saturday morning. him at a pretty safe distime. His penis was not I would not have gone tance. He lives in the area except he offered to pay impressive size wise so I was initially worried for him. Lucky for me, I definitely was wrong to doubt him. He very enthusiastically fucked me hard, over and over again. I have long hair and he took advantage of that. I say he “fucked” me because I wasn’t in control. His gripping and tugging of my hair was a huge turn on. I figured that he’s been thinking about what he would do to me and he was making the best of it. Next time maybe
I’ll fuck him…if he let’s me. See? Short and sweet.
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Happily Ever
After Stories To Remind Us That Love Still Exist In This World.
The Lovings Made History.
ertain things in this day and age are becoming more commonplace since the days of the Civil Rights movement. Even now as gay marriage has recently become the law of the land, just a few generations ago another type of marriage had to overcome the obstacles in a less liberal America. In 1967, Mildred and Richard P. Loving faced up to 5 years in prison for breaking the anti-miscegenation laws in the state of Virginia in which those of different races could not marry. Richard was white and Mildred was Half African American/Half Native American. Not deterred by the bigotry of the times, they carried their case all the way to the Supreme Court to make sure that their marriage was valid. They won by a vote of 9 to 0. Justice prevailed. Love prevailed. Nearly half a century later, was the result? According to Pew, 12% of newlyweds married someone of a different race in 2013. Think about it...1 out of 10 newlyweds were interracial. Good work, Mildred and Richard Loving. You can
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to read more of the results to show that love is colorblind.
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