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Fitness | Health & Wellness


Personal Training

Get maximum results in minimal time! Learn what your body needs and how it reacts to effective exercise. Working with a certified trainer who understands fitness, nutrition and health is one of the fastest, easiest and most successful ways to improve your health. Achieve long-term weight loss and develop healthy life-long habits; receive expert guidance and motivation; enhance sports performance; establish realistic and achievable fitness and nutritional goals. Call 970.962.2630 for more info or inquire at the front desk. Personal trainer bios: lovgov.org/personaltrainers

Age: 16+ 30-Minute Sessions 60-Minute Sessions

1 session $36 6 sessions $180 10 sessions $280 1 hour $50 3 hours $145 5 hours $215

Intro to Personal Training Package

If you are new to training or have not trained in over one year, this is a great place to start! Our trainers will work to inspire and encourage you to develop healthy habits and effective workouts. Each session is one hour. Valid for one intro package per person. 3 sessions $110

Lift Strong Weight Training for Age 12–13

Not old enough to use the strength equipment without parental supervision? Meet with a personal trainer to learn the fundamentals of weight training. Get set up on a weight training program and receive a wristband showing completion of the class to use the strength equipment on your own (you must wear wristband each time). Parents are NOT required to attend the class with you. Call Amy Genger at 970.962.2630, ext. 2.

Age: 12-13

May–August $25 312001-01

Fitness Equipment Orientation

Our personal trainers can show you how to safely use the fitness equipment. Call 970.962.2386 for an appointment or schedule at the front desk. The orientation does not provide an exercise plan. FREE with paid admission

Fitness Evaluation Min/Max: 1/20

Participate in a functional fitness evaluation to check your current fitness level and set goals for improving flexibility, upper/lower body muscular strength and endurance, dynamic balance & agility and coordination. Call 970.669.7986 for more info and to schedule an appointment. Instructor: Lisa Foncannon, personal trainer/ Functional Aging Specialist Location: Fitness/Dance Studio Age: 18+ Time: 1:30-4:00P Choose one date below M 6/6, 7/11, 8/15 $25 316121-99

reDEFINE Fit Boot Camp

Get fit with a structured workout program, nutritional plan and the support of a team. This is for ALL fitness levels with a time table you can do. Pre & post camp assessments plus Saturday bonus camps!

Call 970.214.7900 or email ryann@redefinefitco.com

for questions or to enroll. Location: Chilson

Age: 16+ AM Camp - 3 days per week + Saturday camps

M,W,F 5/16-6/24 6:00-7:00A $245 M,W,F 7/11-8/19 6:00-7:00A $245

NOON Camp - 2 days per week + Saturday camps

T,Th 5/17-6/23 12:00-1:00P $165 T,Th 7/12-8/18 12:00-1:00P $165

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Min/Max: 5/7

HIIT is a variant of exercising that is the quickest way to burn fat and gain muscle simultaneously. How does HIIT work? It optimizes your workout time by utilizing a series of short, high-intensity intervals, followed by longer, low-intensity intervals. It boosts your metabolism and continues to burn calories hours after you are done! Location: Circuit Area

Age: 14+

T 5/3-5/24 10:00-10:40A $30 216115-5 T 6/7-6/28 10:00-10:40A $30 316115-1 T 7/5-7/26 10:00-10:40A $30 316115-2 T 8/2-8/23 10:00-10:40A $30 316115-3 F 5/6-5/27 10:00-10:40A $30 216115-10 F 6/3-6/24 10:00-10:40A $30 316115-4 F 7/8-7/29 10:00-10:40A $30 316115-5 F 8/5-8/26 10:00-10:40A $30 316115-6

Balance Screenings Min/Max: 1/1

Register for a 30-minute balance screening appointment between the hours of 12:30–3:30P offered May–August. A UCHealth Physical Therapist will assess your fall risk using the Fullerton balance test. Exercise suggestions, balance and fall prevention strategies will be shared based on your results. Location: Maple/Spruce Age: 18+ Time: After registration, you will be contacted to schedule a time slot between 12:30–3:30P W 4/27 FREE 391213-4 W 5/25 FREE 391213-5 T 6/22 FREE 391213-1 T 8/24 FREE 391213-2

Low Carb Living Min/Max: 6/15

Are you pre-diabetic, suffering from type 2 diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure or high cholesterol? Has your doctor informed you a reduced carbohydrate lifestyle may help? You don't have to be "keto" to enjoy the benefits of reducing your carbohydrate intake. Limiting intake of carbs may be difficult, but finding alternatives can help. Learn helpful tips to begin and maintain a new reduced carbohydrate intake lifestyle. Lifestyle meetings held one Monday of every month. Instructor: Candace Oates Location: Chilson Conference Rm

Age: 14+

M 6/6 10:00-11:00A $25 318950-1 M 7/11 10:00-11:00A $25 318950-2 M 8/1 10:00-11:00A $25 318950-3


TRX Suspension Training Min/Max: 5/8

TRX Suspension Training is a workout in which gravity and your own body weight is used to recruit and work many muscles at the same time. Training with TRX leads to enhanced strength, balance, flexibility and core stability. From beginners to athletes, anyone can use the TRX suspension trainer. Location: Small Gym

Age: 14+

T 5/3-5/24 9:00-9:40A $30 216517-03 T 5/3-5/24 5:40-6:20P $30 216517-04 W 5/4-5/25 12:10-12:50P $30 216517-05 Th 5/5-5/26 9:00-9:40A $30 216517-06 F 5/6-5/27 9:00-9:40A $30 216517-07 T 6/7-6/28 9:00- 9:40A $30 316117-03 T 6/7-6/28 5:40- 6:20P $30 316117-04 W 6/8-6/29 12:10-12:50P $30 316117-05 Th 6/9-6/30 9:00- 9:40A $30 316117-06 F 6/3-6/24 9:00- 9:40A $30 316117-07 T 7/5-7/26 9:00- 9:40A $30 316217-03 T 7/5-7/26 5:40- 6:20P $30 316217-04 W 7/6-7/27 12:10-12:50P $30 316217-05 Th 7/7-7/28 9:00- 9:40A $30 316217-06 F 7/8-7/29 9:00- 9:40A $30 316217-07 T 8/2-8/23 9:00- 9:40A $30 316317-03 T 8/2-8/23 5:40- 6:20P $30 316317-04 W 8/3-8/24 12:10-12:50P $30 316317-05 Th 8/4-8/25 9:00- 9:40A $30 316317-06 F 8/5-8/26 9:00- 9:40A $30 316317-07

GET REAL Realistic Weight Loss Package

Work with our certified personal trainers to create a realistic program for optimal weight loss success. Receive guidance on eating habits to support exercise and a healthy lifestyle to reach your weight loss goals.

Age: 16+

Fee: $220 Pass code: GETREAL Includes: Three 1 hour personalized nutrition guidance sessions and three 1 hour personal training sessions

TAKE THE NEXT STEP Nutrition Package

Already have your exercise routine established? Take the next step and achieve your weight loss goals faster by working with a trainer/nutrition coach to evaluate eating habits and help you develop a nutrition plan that is both attainable and sustainable.

Age: 16+

Fee: $110 Pass code: NUTR PKG Includes: One 1 hour appointment; two 30-min follow-ups Fee: $180 Pass code: NUTR 30MN6 Includes: Six 30-minute sessions Fee: $280 Pass code: NUTR 30MN10 Includes: Ten 30-minute sessions

TRAINERS | COACHES Trainers provide consistency, discipline and a whole lot of motivation! Schedule your package with one of our personal trainer/nutrition coaches:

Katie Hayes or Candace Oates

TRAINER | COACH BIOS lovgov.org/personaltrainers

QUESTIONS? Sherri at 970.962.2453



Use your Chilson pass or pay the daily fee. Classes subject to change.


Register for virtual classes by the week and use your Chilson pass or pay the fee. Fee: $10/wk for unlimited virtual classes (keyword virtual; receipt has Zoom links)


Available at the front desk & online




= Virtual option available


Aqua EzFlow**

A water-based total body strengthening, balance/ relaxation class through movement. The focus is on deep breathing/slow movement and is designed to improve balance, flexibility and core strength.

Aqua Deep Water

This class is in the deep end of Winona Pool and is designed to improve cardiovascular, muscle strength, core and flexibility. Belts/noodles are provided for flotation.

Aqua Fitness

Water exercise increases flexibility and muscle strength, and gives your cardiovascular system the workout it needs. It takes stress off joints and muscular skeletal system, yet works the muscles, heart and lungs. Classes contain cardio, strength and stretching components.


HIIT optimizes your workout time by utilizing a series of short, high intensity intervals designed to improve your cardio/strength and increase your metabolism. Class includes a warm up, interval training section, strength work and cool down.

Aqua River Walking**

Water walking and full body exercises including walking with and against the current in the lazy river; builds strength, cardiovascular fitness and balance.

Aqua Zumba®

Make a splash by adding a low-impact, high-energy aquatic exercise to your fitness routine. It blends the Zumba® philosophy with water resistance. There is less impact on your joints, so you can really let loose! The natural resistance means every step is more challenging and helps tone your muscles.



Guided meditation and relaxation can enhance memory and learning, decrease feelings of stress and anxiety and improve blood pressure, back pain and sleep quality.

** For age 62+ or those seeking a low-impact workout


Barre Fusion

Designed to effectively burn out each muscle group worked from head to toe with isometric & aerobic training. Followed by stretch and release to aid in elongating and loosening muscles. Recommended to be barefoot on a yoga mat.

Body Blast

Use bands, balls and weights to combine low impact cardio, balance challenges & functional movement for a total body workout you’ll love.

Butts & Guts

Lower body and core training at its finest! Get ready for a 30-min result-driven workout that gets you stronger and works your core.

Cardio Kick

A high intensity mixed martial arts express format class uses striking and kick combinations to get you super strong and fast with both power and speed training. Learn options and modifications to assist with your striking efficiency.

Cardio Power**


Cardio Power is an advanced group exercise class designed for active adults who desire a safe and effective low-impact cardio workout. Energizing and easy-to-follow movements promote heart-healthy, total-body conditioning to increase cardiovascular and muscular endurance. A variety of strength training options are offered to provide a well-rounded workout.

Flexible Strength

Combines yoga positions with dynamic movement to build strength, stamina, balance and flexibility. Best suited for those with previous instruction in physical alignment, physically fit and without current injuries.

Indoor Cycling

One of the most effective and motivating group exercise classes on our schedule! Allows for a variety of ages and levels. Arrive 15 minutes early for first session.

Interval Cardio Aerobics

A combination of step training, hi-low aerobics and strength and flexibility exercises all packed into one workout. Just what you need to energize your day!



Use your Chilson pass or pay the daily fee. Classes subject to change. Available at the front desk & online



Register for virtual classes by the week and use your Chilson pass or pay the fee. QUESTIONS 970.962.2FUN Fee: $10/wk for unlimited virtual classes (keyword virtual; receipt has Zoom links) V = Virtual option available

CARDIO & CORE STRENGTH Need equipment? Purchase at the Chilson front desk.


While focusing on the Pilates breath, learn fundamental exercises using correct posture, alignment and understanding of the control and function of abdominal muscles used for exercises.

Pilates Plus

Improve your core and postural muscle strength and endurance using Bender Ball and Bender Barre methods, resistance bands, fitballs and other apparatus. Increase muscle and joint mobility and improve blood flow, coordination and balance. Learn effective fascial active stretching, muscle activation and release techniques using myofascia balls, foam rollers and tennis balls.


A total-body fitness class that combines the practices of Pilates and yoga to help you build strength and increase flexibility. Upbeat music & challenging movement patterns make this fusion class fun!

Power Abs

A challenging 20-minute workout that will work every angle of your abdominals. Improve your posture and reduce back pain. This class goes beyond sit-ups and crunches.

Power HIIT

Torch calories and push your workout to the next level by combining intervals of power and strength. Strong never looked so good!

Power Toning

One of the fastest ways to get in shape. With a combo of great body sculpting routines, work every major muscle group in the body. Strengthen, tone and increase flexibility using weights, bands and balls. Appropriate for all fitness levels. • POWER BAR TONING This class adds barbell and weight plates. • POWER TONE PLUS is a total body workout with a variety of cardio intervals and core conditioning.

** For age 62+ or those seeking a low-impact workout

SilverSneakers® Classic**


Seated/standing exercises to increase muscular strength, range of motion and activities for daily living.

SilverSneakers® Circuit**


Standing upper-body strength work alternated with low impact cardio using a chair for standing support.

SilverSneakers® Yoga**


Seated and standing yoga poses to increase flexibility, balance and range of motion.


A medium impact cardio activity that ensures you will meet your step goal each day. Classes vary in the level of choreography. All instructors offer various options for different levels of intensity.

Step & Strength

A fun total body workout providing a combination of both cardio and resistance training. Classes begin with easy-to-follow, yet intense step aerobics segments followed by strength training.

Strength Training**

Improve fitness, increase bone mass, muscle strength and reduce risk of osteoporosis with the use of the circuit machines and free weights. Perfect for beginners, returning exercisers or those who need extra help. Assistance is given as you strive toward independent workouts. You must be able to ambulate/ transfer independently.


Explore your body & mind with postures, breath and meditation. Emphasis is on alignment and self-awareness for safe practice. Develop and maintain strength, focus, flexibility and balance. Majority of class is on a yoga mat on the floor. You must have the ability to get down and up from your mat without assistance.


Forget the workout, just lose yourself in the music and find yourself in shape. Zumba® classes feature exotic rhythms set to high-energy Latin and international beats. Before you know it, you'll be getting fit and energy levels will soar!

Zumba Gold®

For the active older adult & beginners of all ages. Zumba Gold® takes the Zumba® formula and modifies moves and pacing to fit beginners and active seniors.

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