Holly Style Guide

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Brand Style Guide

October 2021


Brand Strategy Our Logo Color Palette Patterns Typography Photography Branded Examples

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Holly Brand Style Guide

Brand Strategy



Brand Strategy

Brand Narrative

Holly brings Hollywood artistry to a virtual stage.

Brand Architecture




To manifest an inclusive, creative ecosystem for film and TV projects.

To rebuild Hollywood in the image of the artists who fuel its creativity.

Build a new Hollywood.




Access is our advantage— when we bring more voices into the industry, and amplify unheard voices, we tell better stories. We speak from experience, not from speculation.

Transparency ensures democracy— democracy is built on transparency. To replace an opaque top-down Hollywood system, we must open our process to the light of scrutiny.

Education is our armor— as we fill our ranks with uninitiated talent, education will be essential to prepare our troops to navigate the industry. If jargon and legalese is the language of the land, our artists will speak it fluently.



We value alliance building and pragmatic cooperation— there are no sacred idols and no symbolic sacrifices. If Hollywood presents solutions that function well with our values, we will work within. If not? Nothing is sacred. We’ll replace it.

Dreams still come true in Hollywood— we believe art is the ultimate storytelling device and we know the golden era of entertainment is yet to come.

Brand Values

Holly Brand Style Guide

Our Logo



The Holly logotype takes inspiration from the commonalities found in both a cinema reel and sacred geometry, such as the Flower of Life and the Fruit of Life.

The Holly logotype is the default option for all branding materials.



The logomark is secondary to the logotype and should only be used when space limitations require a smaller footprint, for example, as an app icon.


Clear Space

Clear space frames the logo, separating it from other elements such as headlines, text, imagery, or the edge of a screen.

The size of one circle found within the logomark is the minimum amount of clear space to be used in all applications.


Logo Usage

The primary and reversed yellow options are preferred for most applications. If needed, grayscale and reversed black are available for use within the Holly brand.




Reversed Yellow

Reversed Black

Contributor Logos

Contributor logos can be used once the Holly brand has been established with the general public. Save these color alternatives for low visibility applications, such as event swag or secondary pages of the website.

The contributor logos should not be used in general marketing communications.







Just like there’s a right way to use the Holly logo, there’s also a wrong way. The below examples are how not to use our logo.


Do not alter the logo colors outside of what's defined on pages 9 and 10.

Do not apply effects to the logo such as drop shadows, glows, and strokes.

Do not rotate the logo.

Do not skew the logo.

Do not alter the location of the logo elements.

Do not place text within the clear space.

Reinvent Hollywood

Do not place the full color logo on our secondary colors, tertiary colors or photography.

Do not place the logo on an off brand color.

Holly Brand Style Guide

Color Palette


Color Palette





Our color palette is dominantly neutral with strong hits of yellow, representing the idea of a spotlight.

Additional accent colors representing various Holly contributors are to be used secondary to the yellow, as defined in the chart on page 14.

Premier Yellow PMS 7549 C

Trilogy Black PMS 419 C

Grand Finale Gray PMS 427 C

Spotlight White PMS White

C: 0

R: 255

C: 73

R: 33

C: 18

R: 207

C: 0

R: 255

M: 31

G: 182

M: 65

G: 35

M: 12

G: 210

M: 0

G: 255

Y: 100

B: 0

Y: 65

B: 34

Y: 13

B: 211

Y: 0

B: 255

K: 0

K: 72

K: 0

K: 0





Premier Purple PMS 7442 C

Action Red PMS 485 C

Backstage Blue PMS 7549 C

Investor Green PMS 7473 C

C: 52

R: 153

C: 6

R: 225

C: 75

R: 73

C: 81

R: 24

M: 84

G: 61

M: 98

G: 37

M: 50

G: 120

M: 19

G: 152

Y: 0

B: 187

Y: 100

B: 27

Y: 0

B: 187

Y: 52

B: 139

K: 0

K: 1

K: 0

K: 2





Tertiary Purple PMS 669 C

Tertiary Red PMS 188 C

Tertiary Blue PMS 2767 C

Tertiary Green PMS 3305 C

C: 83

R: 63

C: 33

R: 121

C: 100

R: 18

C: 93

R: 0

M: 91

G: 43

M: 92

G: 36

M: 87

G: 40

M: 45

G: 77

Y: 37

B: 86

Y: 73

B: 47

Y: 42

B: 76

Y: 69

B: 67

K: 31

K: 38

K: 41

K: 42





Color Hierarchy

This page represents the hierarchy of how color should be used for the Holly brand.


Holly Brand Style Guide



Fixed Patterns

Inspired by the structure of the logo, the shapes in the fixed patterns are always aligned, creating a feeling of uniformity and balance.

Achieve your dreams, not their trends.


Dynamic Patterns

The shapes in dynamic patterns show slight alterations and unexpected nuances to convey motion.

Achieve your dreams, not their trends.


Holly Brand Style Guide



Primary Typeface

Raptor V3 is a geometric sans-serif typeface designed by Superior Type. Raptor V3 supports over 200 languages and has a unique set of stylistic characters.

Raptor V3


Primary Typeface


Headlines and body copy should always be set using Raptor V3. If unavailable, use the default typeface (page 24).

Light Regular Medium SemiBold Bold Black

Raptor V3 Light Slanted aabcdefghijklmnopqrrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789.,;:@#$%&?!* Raptor V3 Regular Slanted aabcdefghijklmnopqrrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789.,;:@#$%&?!* Raptor V3 Medium Slanted aabcdefghijklmnopqrrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789.,;:@#$%&?!*

Raptor V3 Semibold Slanted aabcdefghijklmnopqrrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789.,;:@#$%&?!* Raptor V3 Bold Slanted aabcdefghijklmnopqrrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789.,;:@#$%&?!*

Raptor V3 Black Slanted aabcdefghijklmnopqrrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789.,;:@#$%&?!*

Stylistic Set: Lowercase

Stylistic Set: ON

Stylistic Set: OFF

Raptor V3 has a distinctive stylistic set of alternate characters. The alternate version of the lowercase 'a' and 'r' should be used for all headlines and subheads.

Smaller text, such as body copy and captions, should use the default character set.

achieve your dreams.

aarr achieve your dreams.


Stylistic Set: Uppercase

Stylistic Set: ON

Stylistic Set: OFF

The alternate version of the uppercase 'G' should be used for all headlines and subheads. Smaller text, such as body copy and captions, should use the default character set.

Grammy Awards.

GG Grammy Awards.


Usage Guide

Raptor V3 Light

Point Size: 10 Kerning: Optical Tracking: 0 Leading: 12 Stylistic Set: OFF

Art is created within the heart, not the industry.

Raptor V3 Regular

Point Size: 16 Kerning: Optical Tracking: -5 Leading: 18 Stylistic Set: OFF

Art is created within the heart, not the industry.

Raptor V3 Medium

Point Size: 30 Kerning: Optical Tracking: -25 Leading: 32 Stylistic Set: ON

Raptor V3 SemiBold

Point Size: 44 Kerning: Optical Tracking: -40 Leading: 46 Stylistic Set: ON

Raptor V3 Bold

Point Size: 60 Kerning: Optical Tracking: -40 Leading: 58 Stylistic Set: ON

Art is created within the heart, not the industry.

Art is created within the heart, not the industry.

Art is created within the heart, not the industry.

Default Typeface: Poppins


Poppins is the default font and should only be used when Raptor V3 is unavailable. It is a universally accessible Google Font.

Extralight Light Regular Medium SemiBold Bold

Poppins Extralight Italic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789.,;:@#$%&?!* Poppins Light Italic


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789.,;:@#$%&?!* Poppins Regular Italic


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789.,;:@#$%&?!* Poppins Medium Italic


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789.,;:@#$%&?!* Poppins SemiBold Italic


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789.,;:@#$%&?!* Poppins Bold Italic



Holly Brand Style Guide



Photography Style

Our photography tells stories and evokes emotion. Dramatic lighting, depth of field, and cropping images all add to how we communicate through imagery.

Default usage for photography is a combination of color and black and white.


Photography Treatment: Yellow Overlay

The yellow overlay is the default photography treatment and should be the primary use for treated photography.


Photography Treatment: Two-Tone

The Two-Tone treatment should be used secondary to the yellow overlay, such as a profile picture or thumbnail image (example shown on page 33).

The Two-Tone treatment is created by desaturating the image and applying a gradient map, combining any tertiary color with Premier Yellow (page 13).

Premier Yellow + Tertiary Blue

Premier Yellow + Tertiary Green

Premier Yellow + Tertiary Red

Premier Yellow + Tertiary Purple


Photography Treatment: Halftone

The halftone treatment represents the idea of vintage Hollywood, and should be used tertiary to other photo treatments, in applications such as social media.

The halftone treatment can be used with both the yellow overlay and the two-tone treatments, depending on the application. To create the halftone image in Photoshop,

change the image mode to grayscale, then go to image –> mode –> Bitmap and select the "halftone screen" method. The frequency settings will vary by image.

Halftone + Yellow Overlay

Halftone + Two-Tone (Premier Yellow + Tertiary Blue)

Halftone + Yellow Overlay

Halftone + Two-Tone (Premier Yellow + Tertiary Green)


Holly Brand Style Guide

Branded Examples








Brand Style Guide

October 2021

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