Love on Top April 2018

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A Letter from the Publisher

are Red.. 14 Roses but what if


they’re blue?


16 IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Mark Brandenburg Adult Entertainment


Easter Trivia



Sexy Singles


30 106 SHORT STORY: The Mating Season



A Letter from the


As I continue on this journey to provide you with entertaining, informative content I am learning more and more about myself. I always try to do the right thing and treat people the way I want to be treated. I am able to handle criticism and the negativity that comes my way in stride. I know that not everyone is on your side and not everyone will love what you have to offer. It is simply a part of life. Another part of life is malicious, hateful people who just want to suck the joy out of things. People who are so dissatisfied in their own lives that they hate to see others happy. I say that to say this, don’t be like those people!! Don’t let them infect you with their negativity. Don’t let them take your joy. Speak positivity, wealth, health, joy and love over your life and the lives of others. Celebrate your successes and the successes of others. Those negative people only have control over you if you give it to them, so SHUT THEM DOWN!! I felt the need to express this because for a brief moment I got sucked into letting the negativity buckle my knees a bit. In the few months that I have been publishing this magazine I have so much negativity from people I thought were my friends. From people posting lies about me to them telling me to my face that the work I was doing was garbage. Internally I was hurting and doubting myself, but I never doubted what I was doing. I believe in this magazine and I believe in the people who help make it happen. Needless to say, I have also lost friends and I am okay with that at this point. Not everybody is meant to be a part of your life and I accepted that. (Exhales) In this issue we are featuring LGBTQ. I am so excited about this issue and not just because I am a lesbian. I am excited to celebrate the community and love with no limits. We interviewed several couple who were willing to share their experiences and stories with us. We are also featuring LGBTQ friendly sims like Whiterock Beach, so be sure you check that out. April also brings several holidays: April Fool’s Day, Earth Day and Easter. We will touch on each in a different way in this issue as well. I hope you all enjoy our contribution for this month. Thanks for your support. Enjoy!!

Marrk Brandenburg Owner, Suit & Tie Male Entertainment Lace & Garters Gentleman’s Club

Kitty: When did the doors open on your clubs? Mark: Suit & Tie opened on July 7th 2017 and we opened Lace & Garters, the sister club, on October 28, 2017. Kitty: The club industry is one of the most popular, competitive industries in SL. What made you want to join the race? Mark: I found that my views didn’t mesh with the club owners where I was working. I had the means so I decided to do it myself. If you don’t like where you are, you should always change it if you can. Kitty: What makes your clubs different from any others in SL? Mark: We strive to have style, class, elegance, and we pay attention to detail. The club atmosphere is always friendly and welcoming. We want you to come and have fun. Kitty: What, if any, special features are available at your clubs? Mark: Anything you can dream up; the sky is the limit. We are available for booking private parties, bachelor / bachelorette parties and more. Every weekend on Friday and Saturday, we do themed

nights where the dancers and patrons are encouraged to dress up and participate. You can join the group to receive notices about these events. Kitty: I have been to both clubs and they are both very sexy places. Do you have plan to expand or add anything else to your empire? Mark: We actually just did. Suit & Tie recently moved to a brand new 1/2 sim. We totally redid the build and the surrounding area. Kitty: Although I will be including an event calendar with your article, are there any events coming up that you would like to tell us about now? Mark: Right now we have our first Date Raffle going on. This runs from March 30th to April 13th. Tickets are 200L each. Purchase them from the board of your favorite dancer for a chance to win a 2 hour Dream Date. At the end of the raffle, the board will choose a name randomly as the winner.

Club Event Calendars on following pages!

The Earth day is a 47-year anniversary, as it was the first time on April 22, 1970, in the US, where the idea of an ​​ annual, massive mobilization was born, exclusively with ecological demands. Our beloved Earth wants us close to her, to protect her, to defend her - she is our home. She has been hosting us for centuries now. “Green Schools” and Environmental Education, the Green Economy, the Green Cities campaign are just some of the cases where thousands of people around the world are involved and are trying tirelessly to inform their fellow citizens about how the environment affects our health, our societies, our own lives. To save our planet, we all have a share of responsibility, and we all should act with a view to the rational use of natural resources, energy saving, and natural hazards. Action for the environment starts at home. By making some

small changes to our everyday habits, we not only help the environment but also make our spending more economical. ~ELECTRIC POWER~ Energy consumption in Europe has almost doubled in the last 20 years. Excessive energy consumption causes atmospheric pollution, acid rain, and affects the climate. Read how much you can do to help save energy. Lights m Make sure you do not let them on when you do not need them. m A good solution is economic light bulbs. They last 10 times longer and consume 75% less current than common lamps.

-Appliances C Make sure you do not forget them. Also, it is best to turn off the TV, video, stereo etc. from the device and not from the remote control. CBefore buying a home appliance, always ask how much energy it consumes, especially in energy-intensive appliances such as refrigerators and air conditioners. Prefer those with the lowest consumption. Refrigerator B In an average household, the refrigerator consumes more than 1/4 of the current. Set your refrigerator (2 to 5 degrees in freezing, -15 to -18 in the freezer). B Make sure you do not open the door frequently. B It is advisable not to place it near a window or a radiator. Washing machine q When you put a washer, make sure careful it’s full. q Prefer to wash at moderate temperature. q If your washing machine has an energy saving program, prefer it. This will save you electricity and water.

Water heater x The water heater uses about 20% of the electricity we consume in our house. So do not forget it on. x Ensure that your water heater is not set at a very hot temperature. The 60 degrees is a very good temperature. x We live in the land of the sun. So if you renovate your house or make a new one, prefer a solar water heater. Heating - Air conditioning l By lowering the radiator thermostat by 1 degree, you make up to 10% savings on the heating bill. l A large amount of energy is lost because of poor insulation. That’s why it insulated the doors, the windows and the carvings well. Also, make sure to close the firefly butterfly when not in use. l Clean or change the air conditioner filter once a month. ~WATER IS NOT UNLIMITED~ We must use it wisely. Let us not forget that most of our cities are not close to sufficient water resources. So, to meet our growing needs, water is being transported from increasingly distant distances, affecting ecosystems hundreds of kilometers away.

X Make sure you correct leaks. A dripping tap can waste up to 90 liters of water per day. Bathtub It’s preferred to have a shower, rather than bathe in a bathtub full of water. To fill the bathtub, you need as much water as for 3 showers. And of course, the water heater consumes much more power Flush X Water in the flush comes from the same network as the water we drink. So if your flush runs, correct it. You waste valuable drinking water. X There is a very simple way to save thousands of liters of water per year. Fill a small plastic bottle of water (after removing the label) and place it in the flush. This reduces its capacity. X If you renovate your bathroom or make a new one, prefer a double-function flush, you will have up to 15% savings in total water consumption. And lastly. H Recycle!!! Recycling today is an important priority for our environment and our future. It is not a daily trend of the era but, on the contrary, an obligation of any civilized society that actually contributes to the improvement of living conditions. Make recycling a way of life! Sources used:

April Fool?

Spotting the Insincere Lover

Written by Scaramouche Dryke Photography by Gia Blossom & Basil Moonites We have all been there, both in SL and RL. You have fallen for that special someone, you heart is a flutter and your mind is consumed with only of them. Then reality hits you hard and brings you crashing down from cloud 9 to cold, solid earth. That someone does not share those same butterfly feelings as you. Ouch! Many of us has been stung by this trickery, this lie. It leaves you bitter, angry and extremely hurt. What are the warning signs to look for when determining a person’s sincerity? It’s a tough subject for many, but don’t worry, detective Scaramouche is here to delve more into this issue. Hopefully, I will be able to provide a few clues to help you keep your eyes open for patterns and traits in your partner that could be warning signs and help you protect yourself in the future.

So first, let’s look at who can be effected. Well, anyone is really the answer. As I have said, many if not all of us have been the victim at one time or another of unreturned feelings or being played the fool. But who are more vulnerable? Well, as harsh as it may appear, usually many of the victims are people who are needy, emotionally unsteady and/or suffer from confidence issues. Meaning, people who are malcontent with being single will say and do anything for the affection and attention of a potential partner, they do not themselves realize what they are getting into and tend to ignore the obvious warning signs. Others are more malicious and think that because it is an online relationship open flirting, a one-nightstand or an open relationship is perfectly fine to do. You have to keep your head on straight. No romance, no flowers and don’t even dream of that

pretty wedding. Unless you have the confidence and strength in yourself, others shall take the opportunity to walk all over you. You have to protect yourself in this virtual world, where it is almost too easy to cheat and lie. Even if it’s just for show, having that barrier up, and that expectation list in a potential partner deters people who wish only to use you. They don’t have the time to spend waiting for you, and will likely move on very quickly. And the ones who stick around wanting to get behind that barrier or for you to open up to them are usually the ones worth spending your time on. Only then you can allow the butterflies in your stomach to fly freely. Now, how to spot the cheat? It can be difficult in many ways, especially in the online community where many people can disappear with a couple clicks of the mouse or pull on a mask to hide their true intension’s. One minute you could be

wrapped up in the arms of your partner, and next with a tap of a couple of buttons, you’re at some seedy strip club or open orgy room. So what are the warning signs that someone is not being sincere with you? Whilst it’s true that you can, with well-trained perception, detect changes in a person’s mood by how they express themselves in text alone. We have all experienced how the way you write can reveal your emotions. But it can be tricky, especially if the person in question willfully conceals their emotions, and are very good at putting on an Oscar winning performance. It’s difficult but to detect deceit you must be rational. When in love, we let emotions drive us and we tend to project our ideals onto others, rather than letting their actions speak for their virtue. You need to take your time and keep your eyes open. Blurting it out or trapping them into a confession is unlikely going to get you the

truth. Taking each day as it comes, keeping your emotions in check and enough distance to think logically about it all will help you approach this subject when talking to them about it. Yes, we all love being swept up in a whirlpool of romantic fantasies while jumping from cloud to cloud, but you must also keep you head on straight and think things logically. Is there a niggling thought that you can’t shake? Are they openly flirting or being overly friendly? Why is he always hanging out with that one particular woman? How come she is always with him when you pop online? Are they starting to make excuses for their behavior? Taking the time to get to know someone and observe their personality and actions, this can help you detect their true character. These are important questions to ask yourself. Now, there is a way to prevent having your heart broken in SL and it is a controversial thought, but

leave your heart in RL. I know it sounds cold and ruthless, and sometimes impossible to do. It can turn you into the sort of person who breaks hearts if you are not careful. Yet maybe that needs to be part of the discussion. Looking from both angles can give you a clear perspective on what is right for you in SL. In some cases, people are foolish with their own hearts and feelings. Remember, your heart is a precious treasure that should only be given away to someone who has earned it, not gained it. You have to be transparent. If you are openly looking for an SL partner, or have found someone who you may wish to be with, you should be open about your intentions and expectations. Honesty, being upfront is absolutely imperative, and it needs to be a 2-way street. If you find something about their behavior that is worrying you, then be open to them about it. Being able to talk about

anything in your relationship is the key to a healthy partnership. Stop with all the questions in your head and just ask. Be clear about what you want to know and be precise in what you want in a relationship. In the end, all you can do is try it and if a person does not live up to your expectations or is behaving in a way that makes your feel uncomfortable and not trusting, then that is the time to question. At the same time, if you decide not to give someone a chance, you’ll never know where it could have gone. In conclusion it is really a balancing act. Balancing your fluttery emotions with solid reality, which we all know can be a difficult thing when your heart is screaming out for that person. With that, and a little detective work, you will soon be able to spot the good from the bad.

Amazing & Beautiful We are a group to give to any affiliation for charity and or do a sponsorship that will reflect in helping others in second life and real life. We contribute every year to several charities and this year we tend to personally give more and help others! Follow us on Facebook for pics of events!

Written by Kitty Vicious

Photography by Bronvyn Zamari

Kitty: When did you first start Whiterock? Devon: Two years ago, in April 2016. Kitty: What made you decide to start a business in SL specifically for gay men? Devon: Actually, the sim is open for human male avatars of every orientation, but I think it offers the most for gay men (and likely straight girls with a male alt, but we’ll never know). We don’t mind who you are in RL and we don’t intend to discriminate, but here your avatar is part of the experience, for you and for others too. Here you are not only the porn junkie, but also the porn star, so you should live up to that. To answer your question, as a gay man I wanted a sim that my community can enjoy. I was hanging out a lot at gay spots like Hubs, Folsom and [SEB]. Unfortunately,

around 2016 many gay places disappeared, gay SL was shrinking. I wanted to turn that tendency around and bring something fresh to the scene. Sex was actually not in the focus, but it’s a good magnet to bring people together. I think now most people come to just hang out and chat, as it’s one of the places that are always crowded. But I’m happy if they have good sex too. Every orgasm is a step towards world peace. As a side note, I also run an absolutely inclusive LGBT friendly café, it’s called Café Nowhere. Everyone is welcome and it’s a beautiful lakeside sim, you should really check it out. Kitty: Tell me about Whiterock. Devon: Whiterock is a Pacific island that hosts a military base. It combines tropical jungle with urban grunge, military RP and a bit of a dungeon. It’s an homage to famous gay sims such as Cargo City and Atakapa and also PC games like Far Cry and Crysis. I experimented a lot with the design, the atmosphere that the environment creates. It’s pure psychology. Every space affects your mood, and I changed up things until the environment

whispers “stay here and relax”. I wanted people to enjoy being there even when they’re alone. It’s sometimes nice to take a break from RL, chill and listen to the waves, isn’t it? I specifically like that the island is somehow “organic”, it feels like it has a story, it has a geography, is somewhat believable as a real location. There are big parts that are only nature. There are no shops, because in a real military island you wouldn’t have them. The beach is not littered with loungers and beach items more than necessary, it’s just a natural beach where soldiers can spend their free time. I think this sort of realism and storytelling makes the experience more immersive. Kitty: Tell me about some of the features and amenities that are available. Devon: Sandy beaches, jungles, a lagoon, a military airport and other military buildings, a dorm, a gym, caves and tunnels, a prison, a basketball court and surfers’ shacks... and tons of other hidden spots.

Of course we have many locations for sex, but besides the typical gay sim stuff we have CJC, the busiest - or maybe the only - circle jerk club in SL. Men of every orientation are welcome to have a relaxed time with their buddies in this grungy warehouse setting. I think this is something that was missing from SL and many guys enjoy being part of, even if they didn’t specifically seek that before. Kitty: How do you find time to have fun in Sl when you are running a very successful business? Devon: Running my sims is fun! It doesn’t make money for me, but it keeps me busy and creative, that always fills me up. I don’t visit SL parties often and I stopped dating and having sex inworld, instead I like to walk around, explore new places. I always check Showcase for new stuff and I’m excited to see what others create. But by far the best time I spend in SL is with my awesome friends. I’m also very thankful for their support with my projects.

Kitty: What advice would you give someone who is just starting out? Devon: If you start a new sim, just make it a place that YOU like. Don’t build it for others. If you have fun, they’ll have fun. And prepare in mind, that traffic takes a loooooong time to kick in, just stick to your idea, work on details and keep inviting people. Don’t cheap out on design, keep changing up things until everything works. You don’t have to fill the entire sim with junk so fast, start up with a small island and only expand when it’s needed. Don’t make your sim solely a meeting point for your group of friends. Others will feel excluded and traffic will depend on your online status. The sim should speak for itself, if people enjoy being there, they’ll invite others and spread the word. And also, don’t focus too much on business, it kills the vibe. If you can afford, just keep commerce out altogether. If you build a sim, please feel free to contact me. I’m happy to advertise new places, free of charge. I want people to have more places to visit and I think good content can bring more people to SL.

Kitty: What are some setbacks that you have experience on your journey? Devon: We had some security issues, grievers and stuff like age play. But with help of friends and an innovative reporting system it seems we have mostly eliminated these. So far the traffic is growing every day and as I hear the people are nice to each other so I have no complaints.

There’s not much work at Whiterock at the moment so I’m focusing on new projects, but the sim will stay for a very long time.


Cafe Nowhere

Written by Kitty Vicious Photographs provided by Del Renee Villas Interview with Nae Watanabe-Renee™ (sanaarenee)

Walking into his office I can’t help but notice the little details in the décor and how neat it all looks. This is the office of a very important man. He invites me to have a seat. Sitting across from me dressed to the 9s in a beautiful suit I can’t help but to feel a little intimidated. It is unexplainable because he has been nothing but a gentleman since we met, but he exudes this energy…power. Once the butterflies settle I begin the interview.

Kitty: I want to start by thanking you for taking the time out to meet with me today. Nae: Oh no problem. You are very welcome. Kitty: Let’s get started. What made you decide to start a business in SL? Nae: Hmmm...I’ve been in love with business and entrepreneurship since I was a kid. While my friends collected comic books, I collected business weekly issues. LOL. Second Life is a great platform to introduce your real life see if they work. And gain feedback. I started Del Renee Villas because I wanted something that catered to couples. Couples will always need a place to relax, wine & dine. A place to breathe, even in SL.

Kitty: Tell me about your business. Nae: Sure, we opened our doors on April 1st, 2016 on a 1/4 of a sim. At the time we had only 1 Tuscany themed villa for renting. Within the year, we had grown to an Italian themed, full sim resort with

over 10 different rental villas, a vineyard, a spa, a wedding venue, restaurant, beach, wedding venue and bar. She’s constantly growing! It’s amazing watching your baby grow. Kitty: That is really amazing progress! I mean your place is beautiful, so I can definitely see why is grew so fast.

Kitty: I understand that you and Aiden Tigra, the owner of Orchard Heights, work together on projects sometimes. How has having him available to bounce ideas off of helped with the development of your business? Nae: Well! Let me tell you...this guy here is pretty smart and witty too! LOL. Na, it’s amazing talking to this dude. He’s taught me a lot and kept me motivated. Almost want to be like him when I grow up! LOL!! But, for real! He’s taught me that, you can never dream to big and that the right people together can make anything possible. I admire and love him for teaching me that.

Kitty: Wow! I wish I had a friend like that. He sounds amazing. We all know he is quite a successful guy himself. So no doubt that is advice is gone be good stuff. As you mentioned before you have several features available at Del Renee, tell me a little bit more about some of the features and amenities that are available. Nae: Of course! Currently, we have 9 different villa rentals you can choose from; all perfectly nestled it beautiful landscaping and decorated. We have multiple dining locations, including both Bella Di Vino, our three tiered vineyard perfect for private dining and lounging or our Vino Dall’acqua, seaside, limestone carved restaurant. We also have a spa with services including hair, massages, manicures, pedicures, mud baths and tanning. If you would like a more relaxing feel, we have Club Renee’s. We also offer wedding services, we just recently added our new wedding venue to the sim. It’s really a must see. Kitty: I have seen it and he is absolutely right. It is beautiful! I was really blown away when I saw it for the first time. This issue we are

focusing on the LGBTQ community. Do you have any features that cater to the community? Nae: As a member of the LGBTQI community, I have whatever they need.

Kitty: Well that is perfect!! Love that answer. I know just from getting this interview together that you are a very busy man. How do you find time to have fun in SL when you are running such a successful business? Nae: LOL, I don’t find the time. Honestly when your busy doing something you love, you lose track of time, There’s never enough. ...LOL...My wife wants to kill me sometimes because of it [me losing track of time]. But my wife does great of reminding me. Sometimes, she literally has to drag me off the sim! LOL! I’m getting better! Kitty: As they say, “Behind every great man, there is a good woman!” I don’t know your wife, but I have had a couple conversations with her throughout this process and she was always very nice. You have had such rapid success with your businesses

in world, but not everyone succeeds. What advice would you give someone who is just starting out?

Nae: Honestly, I can’t think of any. Everything has been a learning process.

Nae: That’s easy: Be Passionate about what you’re doing! I have 3 reasons: 1. People can smell a “get rich quick scheme a mile away! 2. When your passionate, there is no such thing as failure...your perception of failure changes. and 3. The passion will carry you when you feel like quitting or when business isn’t booming. The passion will keep you constantly thinking of how to be innovative and creative.

Kitty: I really love the way you look at it. You are not looking at it negatively no matter what happens. If you have to take an “L” let it be a lesson.

Kitty: Amazing advice!! Everyone reading this he just gave away gold! We all know when you are working hard and doing you best sometimes things just don’t go your way. No matter what you do. What are some setbacks that you have experience on your journey?


Photography by Bronvyn Zamari

Forest Garden Vine (234, 164, 112)

Malal’s Spring The Cedars (90, 176, 24)

Spring Sim Wicked Destiny (142, 159, 29)

Countryside Habitat Springs (226, 31, 22)

Midalon Love Gard Kyeryong (88, 229, 52)


Being a Lesbian in Second Life Written by Scaramouche Dryke Photography by Lauren LeGrande Love comes in many shapes and forms, it not only lifts our souls and makes the world go around, but it is also our natural human drive. But for many, the conventional man and woman relationship is not in their natural instinct. One in 50 in the UK are a member of the LBGT community, and in the USA it is nearly 5% of the whole population. This is, of course, based on statistics, but we know many more people are out there who have not come out yet, or have not formally reported themselves as gay, trans-gender or bisexual. In Second Life, the LBGT community is growing more and more. You can easily find a gay club, meeting spot or communication hub with a few clicks of your mouse. Maybe because here there is that physical barrier, the ability to be safe and accepted that has encouraged more individuals to seek that relationship they cannot have in real life. I was given the wonderful opportunity to talk to a lesbian woman who has given us some her time to share her online love story. She has asked to remain anonymous, so for her story I shall refer to her as Katy. Katy is a lesbian woman in real life. She came to the realization of her sexuality when she was around 12 years old, when in school a boy tried to kiss her. “I first found out I was gay when I was about 12 or 13. A boy asked to kiss me and I remember my stomach turning, and when I did it I felt no attraction or anything.” This is a very similar story for many gay people, where the attraction to the opposite sex was nonexistence from a young age. Katy met her first love at the age of 19 and soon they were committed to each other. This gave Katy the strength to open up about her sexuality to her friends and family. “We decided to host a coming out party with my first girlfriend. I could not have done it without her there, and this way we told my whole friendship group and introduced them to my first girlfriend.” Katy also came out to her parents at the same time, and even with society still not being fully accepting of gay relationships at the time, they supported her and now accept her fully.

After a few real life relationships, Katy found herself living alone and single, and suffering from anxiety and depression. “I thought coming here would help me become more talkative, and maybe meet someone who I could connect to.” Like many of us on Second Life, she was seeking that special someone and that is what draw her to this online world. She has been an active member of our online community for over 5 years now. Then, it happened, the wonderful moment when you meet someone you instantly connect to in the virtual world. While exploring a beautiful tropical beach, she stumbled across a party. Not realizing it at the time, it was in fact a gay beach party. Katy hung around at the bar, watching and listening to the fun filled conversations around her. Then, out of the blue came a ping! A new IM from a beautiful blond woman on the other side of the dance floor. You can picture the romantic Hollywood scene now. “She IM’ed me, telling me I looked good in my bikini.” That was the start of a long conversation that lasted into the early hours of the morning. You can see it now, sitting on a beach with that gorgeous blond, watching the sun set as the party dies off in the background. It was the start of a new romance for Katy and her partner. Of course, Katy is a practical woman in real life, and first became good friends with her crush. They spent a lot of time together, hanging out, exploring and partying nights away at gay clubs. Soon, emotions got the better of this uprising couple, and sparks flew when they both admitted they were drawn to each other. Soon they moved in together on their own small patch of heaven. On their little private land, with a small forest and woodland creatures, they had a magical and enchanting place to allow romance and love to blossom. They indulged in their hobbies and interests as well as each other. Many long nights were spent together, breeding horses and cats, partying at clubs and friend’s events, or just snuggled up on the couch watching a movie. You could say this is the steady flow of a perfect love story. As in every love story, either here in second life or in real life, there are obstacles you must jump over together. “Workloads can cause us to drift from second life sometimes, but we have always returned to each other. One time we struggled because I was ill in real life and had to spend time in hospital. We chatted using cell phones and emails, but it was not the same as online.” As

with many second life relationships, real life can often take us away from the one we love, but Katy and her partner experienced much more than the normal drags of working life. “Me and my partner have been the target of some harassment and sexual slander from people who have seen us together or dancing together in a club.” It is hard to believe that in this day and age of acceptance, there is still sexual and homosexual harassment going on. Katy and her partner were messaged and chatted to in local by a variety of characters, asking them for threesomes, pictures, as well as making nasty remarks about their relationships. At first, they remained strong and ignored these pathetic comments, but as time went on it did present a strain to them. One man decided to harass them constantly, stalking, sending pictures and finding their private land in second life. After many months the man was finally banned from second life permanently, and he gave up on chasing the two ladies. “My main advice now for any new lesbian couple is to be careful where you hang out. This is why I have asked to remain anonymous. Stick to gay friendly places where that kind of behavior is not tolerated.”

Yet, after these rocky times, these two have stuck it out together and are more in love than ever before. “I love her for her. She doesn’t hide away from who she is and she is very strong and open.” And after all this time together, nearly 3 years of bliss with one another, they are pleased to announce they are tying the knot this year. It is such a breath of fresh air to listen to this love story, and one that is just getting stronger and stronger in both second life and real life. “We have been together nearly 3 years now. It has been rocky, on and off at times because real life can get in the way, but we are excited to start planning our second life wedding.” We remember how their first meeting was so romantic, on a beach, eyes meeting across the dance floor? Katy amusingly tells me of how they were just redecorating their land, and the idea popped into their heads after seeing an arch of trees and remarking on what a beautiful alter it would make. Might not be romantic, down on one knee, but a very sweet intimate moment with subtle hints of their personality as a couple. Not only are these two love birds now putting rings on their fingers, but they are also seeing each other more and more in real life. They have already previously met in real life a few times, and as Katy said, “When we do meet up it is the best feeling. We get along so well in real life, just as in second life. We are planning to be together in real life when we get married online.” It just makes your heart flutter when you listen to such a positive and romantic love story. And it just keeps getting better and better, “Obviously getting hitch is on the plan next, but after that we are thinking of starting a family, possibly adopting some children in second life. We both have a desire to have children and this is one way we can achieve that.” Sometimes, the simple stories of everyday love fill you with sunshine and goodness for days after. These two ladies have proven that in even in second life, with all its troubles and also all its blessing, you can find love that can lead and spread into real life. It was a real pleasure to interview Katy and listen to her story. It is proof that no matter your sexuality, background or desire, love is love and it comes in many forms. We might not be able to connect to all kinds of love, and find some forms of it uncomfortable to some, but we can all agree, love is what makes the world go round and connects us all. Thank you Katy for your time, and I look forward to the wedding!

Bi-Sexual Love Written by YmirJaw BioCrysis Photography by Aloy (MilenaTulish) This is a story of my SL parents and their love. Like most love stories, they were not in the most ideal places in their lives when they met. Skylar (Kittyjanedancer Resident), my SL mother, had lost her love a few months before and was trying to find comfort any place she could get it. Male, Female, Shemale, or any monster who would show her affection. Ray (Michall Vaher), my SL father, was deathly ill due to the tuberculosis that he had caught while he was homeless months before…a result of a disagreement he had with his sister. He had also had a falling out with his boyfriend, who had been MIA for months. He was bed ridden with nothing but SL, so he was always on. During this time of constant SL for both of them, Skylar ended up getting a job as a hostess at a popular swing club. She had been training the job a few days when a handsome little femboy teleported in. She tried to send him a message but he was gone before she got the chance. The next day, Skylar was dancing naked on stage, as commanded by her Master when Ray came in again. She did not hesitate this time to send him a message and they started chatting. Skylar’s Master decided to pursue another woman for the day and left her there by herself. They danced and talked all day, becoming close friends very quickly. The next day, the moment Skylar logged in, Ray messaged her and they spent all of that day with each other. They started spending everyday together, getting to know each other and just having fun. Skylar soon abandoned her Master and got with Ray. They were online with each other all the time, either SL or Skype. Their happiness did not come without grief though. A few weeks into Ray and Skylar talking, Ray’s ex-boyfriend showed up, begging to be repair things. Skylar panicked and ran, her fear of it being too good to be true rising up in her,

causing a lump in her throat and a sadness she could not handle. Ray told his ex he wasn’t going to patch it up because he had fallen for Skylar. He asked her to teleport to him and when she did, he proved to her that she was the one he loved. They made love for the first time. After a month of talking nearly 24/7, they decided to meet in real life. Ray flew from where he lived to meet Skylar for a trial run. While there, they decided to set up a club together. Skylar logged on to an old alt to drop a few pieces of furniture off and as soon as Ray laid eyes on the avi he realized that they knew each other. They had known each other without even realizing that they did. They were actually best friends on their alts. Their two-month trial was coming to an end. They had ups and downs but very clearly realized that they couldn’t live without each other anymore. They still live with each other to this day. They struggle together, laugh together, and love together. Only growing stronger as the days go on.

With both Skylar and Ray being bisexual, they both have needs that the other can’t quite meet. They have a love like no other but that does not stop them from having certain needs. They made an agreement that if he found someone he wanted to play with, real life or SL, it was fine as long as there was no relationship. The same went for Skylar, if she found a woman she felt attracted to and wanted to have fun with, it was okay, as long as it wasn’t anything more than the fun. They have no problems bringing others home as long as once the fun was over, the third party left. Poly relationships were tried in SL but never proved successful. They couldn’t find the ability to love anyone the way they loved each other. Ray and Skylar have never come across the situation of meeting anyone they have found worth bringing home but they both know that if it ever happens, no one will ever be able to come between their love. They are connected by fate and nothing can extinguish their flame.

It’s Only Love... Written by Dita Southmoor Photography by Vanity Darling Chemistry is something we cannot explain; it is something outside our conscious control. So it belongs to the space of the unconscious (or the subconscious for Freud’s supporters). Chemistry in a relationship is a feeling or reaction when we are in the presence of someone we are attracted to and vice versa. It involves mutual sharing of personal information, behaviors that consistently show strong preference for one another and moments of verbal and physical tenderness. In some cases, though, our brain, our heart, our feelings, our senses don’t always play by the rules or with what is socially accepted or with what role models we have grown up. There are countless pages in the alternative book of love. In the next couple of pages, we will take a peek into the life of a married transgender couple, Deswegen and Gina, who are more than happy to share their love story with us and show us that love has no gender, has no age, has no prejudices. A couple that personally made me

see beyond what I knew so far about transgender relationships. Starting the interview Deswegen was very excited that they had the opportunity to speak for their relationship and show to the world something so normal, but so unusual at the same time. They told me how they met and what the impressions and feelings were when they first laid eyes on each other. “We met at a club like most people in SL. It started as a causal relationship, but quickly turned to something more strong and meaningful. Something that, in fact, we both new from the beginning.”, Deswegen said and wrapped his arm around Gina, giving her the most loving stare a man can give to the love of his life. To my great surprise, after a few random topics in our conversation Deswegen and Gina revealed to me that their relationship started only a month ago and they are not partnered yet. It was honestly something that you could not really tell because they give you the impression that they have been together for many years. Therefor I could not tame my curiosity and asked them why they have not taken the next step to formalize their relationship. Gina flashed a big smile at me and raised her hand showing me her wonderful diamond ring. “We

are married” she said. “Although not partnered yet we see and present ourselves as a married couple to everyone.” I was amazed by that very introverted couple without taboos and the fact that they know very well what they want from one another. It made me want to know more about their life together. What made their relationship so special and what were their long term goals. Deswegen smiled and gazed at the calm sea outside my office window. “I believe it is the intimate, strong bond me and Gina have. We are as one now and I will do my best to keep it that way forever”. Gina hugged her husband and additionally shared “Both our goal is to stay married forever. And who knows? There’s life out of SL as well. You never know.” By this point in the interview there was a definite sense of passion in the air, which inspired me to inquire about how they maintain their relationship. Maybe get a few spicier details on their love life. They both laughed playfully at my question. “There’s lots of love, sex and complicity in our relationship. Our bedroom is our sacred place where no rules apply. That’s the secret. No rules in sex.” Gina said and flashed a smile full of meaning to Deswegen. At the end of our interview I wanted them to advise other transgender couples out there and pass a message to the world about transgender relationships. “Go open and public and don’t be afraid to show your love towards your partner at all times. My message to the world as a man married to a transgender woman is that what matters is in the soul and mind. That’s what makes us complete. Not a gender or an identification.” In interviewing a transgender couple I felt no different than I do talking to a straight, gay or lesbian one. I have the feeling that this interview was a life changing experience for me, seeing how strong the bond is between has definitely had a positive effect on me. Deswegen and Gina wishing everyone around the globe the same luck in love and the happiness in their freedom to love. Love without fear. Love without let the opinions of others hinder you. Love freely, without hiding behind closed doors.

I want to believe and I strongly pray that we, as a people, reach a point where we can accept other people’s choices. Every year the 20th of November, marks the day when we focus on hate crime against the transgender people around the world, and it makes me wonder. Why do people hate against love? Sadly, I may never know. My advice: Live your life, love freely, and laugh as much as you can!

Hair: Unorthodox Lex Hair -- Noir Metal & Rope Add on - GOLD - Lex Hair Jewelery: *Xia’s Boutique* Curved Barbell Eyebrow Piercing **RE** Luxy Rings Set 1.3 L+R Dress: Scandalize. ELLO. Pinkpale Scandalize ELLO Dress OMBRE Scandalize ELLO Belt) Shoes: [BREATHE]-Hatsumi Heels-M.LaraPeach Nails: [FORMANAILS] NAILS-BALLERINA COUTURETE-BENTO-MAITREYA

Hair: { Speakeasy } Clay black hair base { Speakeasy } Clay Hair Ga.Eg Trendy Beard Outfit: The Boutique / Men > Classic Tee (Loose) The Boutique / Men > Harem Sweatpant Shoes: The Boutique / Men > Studded Canvas Sneaker Accessories: [BODY FACTORY] BF BackPack (Black) [Deadwool] Nuvolari chronograph - white dial - working hands [Frimon Store] #Selfie Minions - iPhone Jewelry: [CX] Aria Septum ( Black )

Hair: CATWA HAIR Coco Outfit: [hh] Lois Set Jewelry: Evermore. Serena’s Plea // Moon Bindi e.marie // Friendship Bracelet (in Sterling and 18k Gold) EarthStones Pure Romance Bridal Wedding Set Bento

Hair: Rama.Salon-Kimmy Hair-Blondes pale Outfit: Blueberry-Penny-Dress Jewelry: RYCA-Bracelet C-Cuban Platinum RYCA-Earring Diamond-CZ Hoop Platinum Shoes: KC-Talea Heels

Hair: { Speakeasy } Clay black hair base { Speakeasy } Clay Hair Ga.Eg Trendy Beard Jewelry: +BeBop+ PIercing nose RAGE (black) =REBELLION = “DIABLO” SEPTUM RING (WEAR) Absolut Vendetta- Vista Ring MALE Absolut Vendetta- X MALE Yasum*Underlip Piercing*Silver Dark Outfit: Bakaboo - Baka Jacket - Spring Free Gift - L Bakaboo - Ferosh Pants V2 - M - Bakaboo Shoes: [Deadwool] Chase sneakers - TMP - Vday

Hair: DOUX - Ruby Hairstyle [B&W] Dress: Scandalize. Anya. Lila Scandalize. Anya. Maitreya Jewelery: *Xia’s Boutique* Curved Barbell Eyebrow Piercing **RE** Luxy Rings Set 1.3 L+R Shoes: -KC- SHELBY HEELS Nails: [FORMANAILS] NAILS-BALLERINA COUTURETE-BENTO-MAITREYA

Hair: Fabia-Milana Natural Tones Clothes: Villena-Halter Strap Top-Blush Villena-Ripped Denim Shorts-Blue Jewelry: **RE** Venus Bracelets RYCA Earring Iced-Heart Platinum Dog: Foxes-Kendall-ChowChow-Held-White

Pillow Talk with Ursula is a brand new in-world sex, dating, and relationship advice show where viewers can come to a live show and ask our sexy host, Ursula, the burning questions they’ve always wanted answered. Ursula is not afraid of any topic and is willing to handle anything that is presented to her. Live shows are every Saturday at the Equinox Theater at 8pm SLT and will go for approximately an hour. This show is not for the faint of heart as our topics may veer off into the raunchy side. We encourage audience participation during our live shows and who knows, you may just end up being featured on one of our forthcoming webisodes! Come out and meet our sexy host Ursula and don’t be shy, she won’t bite unless asked.

How do I accept him just wanting to be friends after spending so much one on one time with me and knowing he is really into me, what should I do? The beauty of this scenario is that you have options...lots of options. First, comply with the request to be in the “friend zone”. Clearly you both have shared a lot after spending quality time together. If you go with this option, have a very real conversation with yourself and “friend zone” him. Understand that no matter how much you have shared, or how you feel about him, a relationship will never come to fruition. He is clearly letting you know he doesn’t want a romantic relationship with you. Second, cut your losses now, before you damage yourself. Personally I am a fan of the “rip the bandage off and pour salt in the wound” method. Let me explain, much like when you have a physical wound, the more you let it air out the faster the healing happens. Using this method, I have “ripped” the bandage off when I got hurt, allowing me to move on with healing stage. Use the method that works best for you, because it’s your feelings on the line. Just remember you come first and you should never settle on being anyone else’s second string. Find someone that values you, because you deserve that.

I met an awesome girl. She is perfect for me in every way. I admit, for the first time in SL I have fallen hard for someone. I just found out that she is escorting in SL. I don’t want to lose her but it pains me to know she is with other men for money. Help! What should I do? This also happens in RL more often than we care to admit. If this girl means this much to you, now is the time to broach this subject with her. Don’t argue, don’t accuse, don’t lay blame. Simply have a straightforward conversation with her. Let her know that you are aware of her activities and you are willing to overlook past transgressions, going forward the behavior must stop. Put your cards on the table and make it very clear where you stand on the issue. Be very clear that this sort of activity will not be tolerated if you both are going to pursue a committed relationship. This will give her an opportunity to understand where you stand on the issue. You can’t very well expect her to “follow the rules” if you previously had not made this clear. If she is serious about a relationship with you this will be her opportunity to turn the whole thing around. If the behavior continues after your “talk” then I suggest you walk away. You should never be in a position to compromise your principles or ethics. Easier said than done I know, but cut your losses and protect your heart now before you become even more involved. I wish you the very best on this very difficult conversation.

I just broke up with a guy. I thought everything was ok and we seemed to have parted on good terms. Next thing I know I show up at a sim we both go to and he has posted RL nude pictures of me for everyone to see. Whoa! Clearly not an as friendly split as you previously thought. You can try reaching out to Linden Labs to seek assistance. Depending on the state in which you reside and your ex-partner resides in, you certainly would have a case for “revenge porn” which is now punishable by law. Revenge porn is the distribution of sexually explicit material without your consent. Perpetrators are usually seeking to blackmail you into other sex acts, coerce you into continuing your relationship or simply to punish you for ending the relationship. Clearly you fall in that third category. While you may not want to go to the time and expense of pursuing this issue legally in RL I would urge you to at least let Linden Labs know. This is a double edge sword. Once LL knows they may take action against your ex-partner. Keep in mind there is nothing from preventing your ex from creating an alt and continuing to harass you. My advice to you would be to let LL make a call on this. Reach out to them and see what options you have to protect yourself going forward. This would be an excellent time to caution my readers to be extremely careful with sharing sexually explicit media with anyone in world. That awesome partner today may go sour tomorrow and create a real problem for you. Sure, go ahead and share photos if you like but maybe sexually explicit activities are best left for RL situations. I am sure you have learned a valuable lesson here. I am not putting the blame on you, that was a shitty thing for him to do to you but you are the one that will now have to deal with the consequences of his actions. I wish you the best of luck.

How do you make your relationship work when you have a big time zone difference? Time zones are a big issue in SL. You meet someone who you are smitten and crazy about only to realize that they are a whole world away. We try to shrug it off or ignore it all together but trust me when I tell you that time zones will take a toll on your SL relationship. Try to make a dedicated effort to have a set reoccurring time for “dates” every week. Relationships in world or RL need to be nurtured. Trust me when I tell you that both parties will be second guessing their commitment to a relationship if they are standing around sims by themselves continuously. Multi-time zone SL relationship can work, but much like RL, they do require an effort and commitment from both parties.

Hi Ursula, I have a great new guy but the problem is he is very possessive. He tries to control who my friends are and who I can hang out with. Is that being possessive or is he just that into me? No. There is no room for jealousy in an adult relationship. Being possessive is just that. Normally when you have a situation where one partner is exhibiting possessive tendencies this should be a red flag to you. A partner in world and RL who truly values you will not limit you as a person. Nobody should tell you who you can be friends with…. ever. Tell him you are not ok with this. If he is willing to work through his feelings, then there is still hope. If he is drawing a hard line then honestly, he doesn’t love or deserve you.

I was in a long term relationship with a guy in SL. One day, this other guy came and swept me off my feet. We started out as friends and pretty soon he told me he just didn’t want to share me anymore. I ended a sold 2-year relationship with an awesome guy to pursue one with the second guy. Well I guess the joke is on me. At first everything was great! We would spend time in-world and entire days on Skype sharing our lives to great extent. Then one day, for no reason at all, he ghosted me. He just didn’t log into SL anymore and had also logged out of Skype. I waited about a week and I still haven’t heard back from him. I love him so much that it hurts, but most of all I feel horrible about what I did to the first guy. What do I do now? Ouch! Yes, that is harsh. My heart goes out to you on this one. First, let’s address the ghosting part. That second guy is a piece of trash. There, I said it. I am not one to mince words and clearly he deserves it. You engaged with a child. A grown man would have the grace and maturity to tell you why he wanted to end things with you. Instead, he chose to take a cowardly approach and unplug. It’s not the loss that is hurting you, it’s the lack of closure and it’s the “why” that will haunt you. You need to take a much needed break for yourself. He did not give you the proper closure so you will have to pull double duty of providing your own closure and healing. Lean on your friends, give yourself time to grieve the loss and most importantly don’t let this lesson make you a bitter person. It is not fair to your or the next relationship to carry this baggage. As for the first guy, in time make amends. You don’t have to tell him WHY you left him, that would only hurt him and he doesn’t deserve to be hurt a second time. If you can salvage a non-romantic relationship, I would encourage you to do so.

I started to see this guy and he tells me he is “poly” so of course I googled. I verified there are other women in the picture. I have never been exposed to this sort of situation before so I asked him if he can see other people I should be able to also and he disagrees. What do I do now? I am sure you already Googled but….to be clear. Polyamorous relationships do not function this way. In a “Poly” relationship all parties are free to pursue sexual relationships outside of the “main” relationship. That means he has a right to seek sexual gratification elsewhere as much as you do. But to be clear, “poly” relationships come in different shapes and arrangements. The mainstream accepted definition of a Poly relationship is one where two people are committed to each other and are both able to explore sexually outside of the confines of a traditional relationship. Most, if not all consider any relationships outside of the initial coupling to be just that, sex. There are varied permutations of this but bottom line it is a relationship where all parties are equal. If you feel ok moving forward, know that you have just as much right to have other relationships as well. What he is proposing is a harem and I don’t believe that is what you had in mind.

Need advice on love and relationships? Have a question for Ursula? Send in your submissions HERE!

Sexy Singles

It’s that time again!! We are now accepting submissions for our Sexy Singles segment. Interested? Stop by HQ and click the board to get the questionnaire then drop the notecard in the mailbox by the door. Once we have your information, I will put your image on one of the Sexy Singles boards. You and your friends can come by and vote for you. The top 5 people with the most votes will be featured in the May issue. It is $L10 per vote and voting is unlimited!! Hurry and drop off your submission, voting ends April 15th @ midnight SLT! Here’s your ride!!

Sodomy (lvl0llay)

REZ DATE: May 30, 2015 Describe your perfect date. My perfect date is going go cart racing followed by laser tag then going out for a simple dinner to relax and unwind. Nothing extreme, just a childish day for two adults that can appreciate it. What do you find sexy in a significant other? A woman with full lips. A beautiful smile, and with a personality to sum it all up is the most attractive thing I can ask for. What would you do for a night in with a significant other? I’m big on binge watching shows on Netflix and Hulu I’ll even pick out a documentary with an awesome spread of good food and some high grade weed, equals perfect night home with my lady. What traits do you think are important for a significant other to have? Hopeless romantic, family oriented, and a splash of clingy is always a good thing and everything else beyond that and what may attract me more to them is a plus. What qualities do you find as a turn off when dating a potential partner? A woman that acts like a child, or someone who carries with drama and is quick to assume things. I’m a genuine asshole and I need somebody who will understand and know that I’m nothing but loyal even when I joke around at times and I need a woman with thick skin that knows her role with me.

Khronos Ayo Mansa (mrseancarter)

REZ DATE: February 18, 2014 About: A member of KAPPA NU CHI. Easy going, lots of fun, drama free not here for bullshit or games just to relax nothing more to it. Cam Verified / Voice Verified / Age Verified A$$HOLE BY NATURE Briefly describe yourself. I am a man that knows what he has to offer, someone that has holds God Family and Respect very close to me if you treat me with that respect you will get it back. Describe your perfect date. A perfect that would be something fun that you both love and enjoy. What do you find sexy in a significant other? A brain, respect, loving, caring, great personality, and knows her worth, independent, strong, loyal, honest, trustworthy, and God fearing. What would you do for a night in with a significant other? watch movie games, cook, sex, sleep, talk, just have fun and enjoy each other What traits do you think are important for a significant other to have? A brain, respect, loving, caring, great personality, and knows her worth, independent, strong, loyal, honest, freaky, trustworthy, and God fearing. What qualities do you find as a turn off when dating a potential partner? lying, too many trust issues, think she is better than everyone, clingy, boring, confused, thinks everything must go her way, no communication skills, dependent, weak, dishonestly, etc.

Niklaus Drasilova (theremixer)

REZ DATE: June 9, 2012

Describe your perfect date? I would say dancing under a moon lit and star filled sky, just talking all night long, getting to know each other on a deeper basis, an intimate basis. What do you find sexy in a significant other? I find it highly sexy when someone is not selfish and enjoys pleasing others. What would you do for a night in with a significant other? Most likely binge a tv series or watch a movie, possibly play some video games. What traits do you think are important for a significant other to have? Humor, loyalty, honesty, a decent personality (Doesn’t make sense to me if you are a beautiful person with a crappy personality) What qualities do you find as a turn off when dating a potential partner? Dishonestly, disloyalty, non-caring type of personality.

Payne Wrangler


REZ DATE: May 13 , 2011 About: I come to Second Life as a release. It is supposed to be a fun escape. For the most part, it is. I come in when I can and want to. I stay as long as I can and want to. Then I leave. That is what I do here. I think that is what most people do here. Hopefully if or when we meet that makes sense. Let’s enjoy our time here. See you soon. Describe your perfect date? My perfect date begins with a beautiful woman in a sexy dress that shows off incredible legs. He heels are trendy and on point. She knows how to show herself off with her fashion sense, the way she makes up her hair and face, her amazing figure, and a killer walk. We meet and dance, starting with a standard slow dance. As we chat and get to know each other, we grind in more firm. As the passion and heat rise, one of us suggests we take the date away from the dance club. As a gentleman, I won’t reveal what happens after that. But I will say we both end the night feeling all the pleasure we desired. What do you find sexy in a significant other? A woman with confidence is sexy and makes for a wonderful significant other. I like the sound of a confident woman when she speaks with you. I find sexiness in the way a confident woman carries herself. I find sexiness in the way a significant other gives her all to the relationship and gets her needs and desires met by her man. This doesn’t mean the significant other needs to be a Domme. A Switch or a Sub have the ability to demonstrate confidence. They aren’t doormats and shouldn’t be underestimated. What would you do for a night in with a significant other? We would share a lovely chat on the couch, cuddling and sensually pleasing each other over our clothes. We would kiss tenderly letting our tongues dance during breaks in the conversation. As the fireplace warms the room and our kisses become more passionate, we slowly start losing our clothes to remain comfortable. When the heat becomes too much, I lift my significant other and carry her up the stairs to make slow, sweet, sensual love to her. What traits do you think are important for a significant other to have? She has to have a number of interests that make her interesting to talk to, since you will be with her for the long haul. She ideally has her own interests, so that she can entertain herself when you are away because relationships get strained when one partner is wholly dependent on a partner that can’t always be available. She makes your life better and feels like you make her life better because a number of the interests she has match yours. She understands the balance between rl and sl and is well equipped to handle that balance for her own purposes as well as her significant others’ purposes... What qualities do you prefer your significant other to have? She has a magnetic personality that makes you want to be around her more and more. Her interests match yours so you want to do things together. She smiles and laughs at funny things and empathizes with people when times are tough or trying. She looks divine, feels divine, makes you feel divine, and feels divine because you’re with her. She is everything you hoped to find. And you’re so glad you found her.

Written by YmirJaw BioCrysis (ymirjaw) Photography by Aloy (MilenaTulish) Most people say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. Others say to just take a break and focus on yourself. For me, I needed a little of both. I’m not saying go out and sleep with every Sally and Sam out there, but make sure to stay in practice. You can focus on yourself all you want but the truth is that no matter who you are around, you always know who you are underneath. You just choose to hide the parts of you that are not attractive to your current partner. So instead of ‘focusing’ on yourself, let yourself be free to be who you are. In my personal opinion, and personal experience, there are some things that are needed when you are trying to get over a break up. Having currently gone through a break up, I can tell you the first thing you need is a close friend/family support base. I had my SL parents and friends to help me when I was down. I hung out around them and their humor and support always made me feel better. Having people there to tell you everything will be okay in the end. You have to have the kind of people that will help boost your self-esteem, because we all know after a break up we all feel like shit. Secondly, you need to have fun. Even introverts like myself can do this. I started gaming online with my best friend more, going on walks outside, and started a new workout plan. These things have kept me busy and happy with myself. You don’t need to go out and party like a crazy person, it can be as simple as a movie night with friends. It can even be on SL itself. Sometimes you just need to go and meet new people, friends, fuck buddies, doesn’t matter. This is what kept me from getting in my head too much or feeling lonely when in reality, I had people.

Thirdly, do some of the things you can’t do when you are in a relationship. I personally smoked one full cigarette for the first time in three years. Hung out with friends I hadn’t seen in years. Then dyed my pubes pink, but that’s just me. Do your own thing. Flirt with a stranger just because you can. You may be out of practice, but that’s why you are flirting with a stranger, no harm done. Dress how you want to, there isn’t anyone you are trying to impress right now. Eat the good stuff, there isn’t anyone to tell you that McDonalds is bad for you anymore. Finally, go at your own pace, but don’t become stagnant. I was torn apart when I first had to break things off with my ex, she constantly tried to push me to find someone new to help pass the time. Maybe a rebound, maybe just a friend. However, I felt she was pushing me to do something I wasn’t quite ready for. A month later I was on SL and met a beautiful girl. We had fun, fucking each other like wild animals, and after we were done she was on her way. It wasn’t the first time I’d had sex with someone I had just met in SL, but this one was different. So I pursued her and she gave in to my devilish charms. I chose when I was ready to move forward. This kept me from making a mistake too fresh from a break up, and it also kept me from missing the opportunity to be with the girl who makes me happy. These are the things that have helped me get over my most current break up, and I hope you are able to find them useful if you every have to go through one.


Mating Season Written by Gráinne Ríriká

Photography by Bronvyn Zamari In the forest, there is always sound. Even this sound, a sound of love and caring, echoed everywhere. It was a soft flutter-buzz sound in the world that had a slow evolution since the last human footsteps had been left on the earth. The ancient Celts called them “Wee Folk” or “Small Neighbors”. In their own language, it was always impossible for a human to say or read. What they were in the common tongue approximation, were Fae. There were five clans of this forest. Sun, sometimes called the Fire Fae, wore red with wings the color of a sunrise; the Frost Fae with white wings. There were Night Fae, the gentle clan with black wings and the plant or Agri Fae in green, with the Grainne Clan of green and orange, color shifted. Often the Grainne Fae were at odds with the Sun Fires. Sun Fae were capricious and, although required, in the growth by using the power of the sun to shine. The Fire side of the clan personality often led to uncontrolled fires if they were not kept in check by the sprites of the harvest, the Grainne Fae, who sought the seeds for the next plantings. In the clearing of the glen, T’car, the beautiful green and blue winged fae, with hair of spun gold moved about the plants with her redhaired apprentice of the harvest clan.

“Mistress!” L’Sanna called. “We have a blossom that I have never seen before. It has a beautiful perfume.” T’car flew to her side on jeweled wings of the wee-folk and knelt next to the younger fae. The younger fae was absolutely correct. This orange and gold blossom had an odor that tickled her nose. It seemed to reach into her mind and make her secret places tingle in ways that made her ache in a sensual way and made her want to squirm like in a potty dance. T’Car would later remember what species this pretty flower was. But, that didn’t stop the building urge. The mind-bending lust that caused the soft Night Fae to dream of something pleasant. T’car drew a breath, but as her mouth opened to say they should leave, she saw the green

eyes of the scarlet-haired protégé’... and pressed her lips to L’Sanna’s in a prolonged, deep kiss. Like an electric shock, the young harvest fae with the Sapphic heart loved the touch of the green clad Agri fae’s lips to hers. Her own curious fingers caressed T’Car’s nipples that puckered and became hard as poppy seeds under her fingers. She wanted to ask, unable to speak -- too many tongues in her mouth -and in a moment, the young redhead fell into the abyss of lust and slid her hands under the clothes of T’Car to find that the Mistress’ skin was as beautiful to touch as it was to taste. T’Car smiled and let the young, twenty-threethousand-year old protégé explore her body. With a tug on the crimson hair, T’Car pulled L’Sanna to the leaves of the Cupid flower while the kiss continued. The little redheaded fae, felt her clothes fall away to the probing, stroking fingers of the two female caregivers of the forest. Before the fog of sex could clear, they lay naked in each other’s arms. Tongues touched, hands explored every mound and groove. From puckered nipple to glistening lips - both sets of lips. When T’Car could think again, she gathered her senses, a single thought making her smile wide. “Oh my pistils and stamens! The Mating Season has arrived.” She said in a breathless whisper of orgasm. The Queen Myrdynn and her beloved husband Dana had ruled for an age of one hundred oaks. A lifetime of an oak was set at a thousand winters, so the empire of the Fae ruled after the passing of humans from the world. They established the different kingdoms to care for the different plants and creatures of the planet for a hundredthousand years.

While Queen Myrdynn tended to the planting of a section of the forest, A’Ghrian, Mistress of the plants approached the Queen. “Your Majesty.” She said with a bow. “A flower has bloomed that has not bloomed in almost the age of twenty oaks. The first Cupid Flower has bloomed.” “In the name of our future. At last!” Myrdynn sighed. “We have a generation of virgin fae that do not know the joys of parenthood or the enjoyment it is to get there.” “My darling,” King Dana laughed. “If you get them started, they may not stop. The last time the flower bloomed and faded, all the clans of the fae kept creating little ones. An entire generation- a baby boom that extended long past the year of blooms. “ “As it seems and as it should be, the Cupid Flower promotes ovulation in the female of our many clans and their libido, and increases the libido and fertility of the males.” The Queen nodded. “Not that our Fae need much more libido, but it does get them to focus on mates for a change instead of races and competing with each other.” “But when that starts, we will have a dearth of plant and animal care. Too many of our fae will be in the mating season.” “We need small ones to carry on.” She spoke with a soft voice but her meaning was clear and firm. “This is the next generation that needs to be born. Each generation of Mayfly has but 12 hours to live and must mate to create the next generation. Fae must also mate when the flower blooms. All Fae in the range of its beautiful perfume must mate as well. For the force of the ovulation will drive the pheromones and the males must mate or die.”

“Toxic sperm buildup.” King Dana laughed. “It is a danger for the males.” “All you old men would have to be mates to the young women.” The Queen laughed. “You have had an eye on a few of them.” “A few, one is the apprentice. The green-eyed redhead. She would be a good mother.” King Dana laughed. “She’ll be cute with a tummy on her.” “Oh my trees and ferns!” The Queen laughed and shook her head at the horny old fae King. “Dearest, she would redefine fury in your book. You are over the age of ten plus onehundred oaks in this life, you still don’t know your women.” The servants twittered in good humor. Fae are a well-known polyamory race; the King and Queen were no exceptions. The Queen herself had taken lovers of both genders to perform her magic of smiles and love on them all. Rumor had it that the Queen had a power to cause a pregnancy on her own in a female to female union. “The only thing I need to understand,” The King kissed his wife. Her raven-black hair was so dark it was nearly blue in the bright sunlight. “Is history of the Cupid flower. Please, send the young to the flower gulley. Do not tell them about the effects for it might cause fear among the young adults. Just let nature take its course.” The Queen turned to her Mistress of the Forest with a lusty smile. “The King and I agree. Send pairs and teams out to tend to the Cupid Flower to care for the blooms overnight. Suggest that they use the leaves of the plant to line their beds.” “It is not common to have fae couples tend to flowers overnight, my Queen.” The elder Fae of the Arboretum, A’Ghrian, said with a wry grin. “It takes just a few to pollinate the pistils of flowers.” “The golden poppy of the hills and vales do not often bloom, only once every twenty

oaks. They are early on this cycle.” The King said. “The last cycle was marred by fire and storm; the entire crop of flowers was devastated. There was a loss of nine out of ten poppies. Perhaps more. In some areas, the loss was nearly complete. A whole generation of Fae missed out on the sultry scents of sex pheromones that are the perfume of the poppies in full bloom.” “Yes, Sire.” A’Ghrian of the Arboretum laughed in memory. “Fifty Oaks ago, the bloom caused a boom in births. We had babies flitting around for a long time. I remember that L’Sanna was always in my arboretum. She earned my annoyance so much that the little sprite had to be put to work. She kept planting seeds at random.” “I recall.” Myrdynn laughed. “We had towering sunflowers at strange places, year round.” “She would do well as a child’s mother.” A’Ghrian nodded. “If nothing else, just as revenge for all the grief she caused all the adults and all of the clans of Fae, from the Foggy’s to the Fires.” Parent fae in every corner of the room laughed. The redheaded whirlwind named L’Sanna the child menace with a pure heart, good deeds lived on in infamy. She was always in an attempt to help when no help was needed, painting fences with frost, putting plants in the wrong area, and growing trees in new paths. Once the arboretum was overrun by ladybugs. L’Sanna regrettably reasoned that the little beetles were useful to gain control of an invasive, sap-sucking insect which was not native to the glen. In actuality, they were an experiment to control an invasive weed that were considered a pest and needed to be controlled. In that one night, the young L’Sanna had set back decades of careful study with lady beetles with the voracious appetite. A complete disaster with release of the predatory friends of the garden.

“We need to make her an apprentice before she finds some quest to really help and destroy something that is needed.” And at that, the eight-thousand-year-old child became more than a student, she was an apprentice. A move that led to many moments of exasperation to the Mistress of the Plants over the next age of ten-oaks, or as humans would count, ten-thousand years. With the pure heart of an intelligent, gifted, but with an untrained and unrestrained heart. “Send L’Sanna out with her mentor. “The Queen asked. “Who is her mentor?” “That would be T’Car.” The King said, reading notes from a tablet and rubbed his forehead with his hand and laughed. “T’Car? Oh my stars and clouds.” A’Ghian laughed. “Oh! Poor T’Car! She’ll have L’Sanna in cuffs, collar and blindfolded to keep the crimson cadet of chaos from making a mess of things by helping. T’Car often says she is going to cage or chain the youngster somewhere.” “Well, send out with teams to plant and care for the new poppy blooms of the Cupid flower.” King Dana commanded. “Send L’Sanna with mixed gender teams. That way we will have that wild-child under control. She will be forced to put things in perspective before this Mating Season is finished.” “If she selects a male, or vice versa, my dear Dana.” The Queen stood and kissed her husband soft on the lips. The raven hair stirred him the way she wanted. “She prefers women, perhaps I should show her the power of the flower.” “Oh, no. I’ll attend to it.” Dana laughed, then turned to A’Ghrian, “Send them out to the blooming Cupid Flower.” A soft laughter echoed in the royal chambers of the royal courts by those who had the tasks of clean up and organizing after the scarlet-haired flower of the clan

tried to help. The wise caretaker of the glen left the chambers with a wishful smile, one born of wisdom and elder’s plotting. Everyone dearly hoped that the whirlwind of mayhem and chaos, the flame-haired hurricane with a helping soul, L’Sanna would be visited by the revenge-wish of the previous generation. She would have a nymph of her own who might be as wild and difficult to control as she-herself had been to others in the five clans. “If there’s any luck at all, the flowers won’t be the only thing pollinated in the coming season.” Every Fae over thirty-oaks old laughed at the words. The next year would be one of great joy. The fae would have another generation born. To be continued....


Photography by Basil Moonites

1. The idea of the Easter bunny was originated in the 1700s in what country? a. Russia b. The United States c. Germany d. France

2. What flower is associated with Easter? a. Rose b. Lily c. Pansy d. Daise

3. The most popular American Easter candy is the chocolate bunny. a. True

b. False

4. What is the name of the Charlie Brown Easter Special? 5. How much did the world’s most expensive egg sell for and who made it? 6. What colors are associated with Easter? 7. The custom of giving candy and chocolate for Easter first appeared during what historic age?

Answers: 1. Germany 2. Lily 3. false 4. “It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown” 5. 9.5 million U.S. dollars and the winter egg designed by Faberge 6. purple, pink and yellow 7. the Victorian age



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