1 minute read
TOOL 7) Letting Go Coaching Exercise
by Edith Wade
USER GUIDE: How & When To Use Your Tools!
Especially Good For: All types of clients. But especially where you notice patterns of bearing grudges, holding onto the past, or resisting change.
Description and Purpose of Tool: People often hang onto things which cloud their minds and drain them of energy - preventing them from moving forwards. This coaching exercise also explores WHY they're holding on and the benefits of NOT letting go. What better way to "Spring Clean" your life, than to let go of what no longer serves you - whether it's memories, people, 'stuff', feelings, beliefs, behaviours or something else...
Steps and How to Use:
1. Review the instructions with your client. 2. Then ask your client to make a list of 10 things they might need (or want) to let go of. 3. Once they've done that, ask them to consider how they benefit by "holding on" to each item. This is what you may know as the "secondary gain" - what they gain by staying exactly as they are. 4. Now review and discuss the client's responses. Great questions to ask include: - Are there any surprises? - How do you feel as you review your list? How would it feel to let go of ALL of these items? - Which items are you ready to set free? Where are you willing to loosen your grip? - What are you NOT ready to let go of yet? - If there was a pattern or theme that stopped you from letting go, what would it be? 5. Finally, what actions or next steps will you take following your learnings from this exercise?
When: This coaching tool works standalone and can be used any time, but is especially helpful with forgiveness issues (self and others) and to wrap-up a period of coaching.
Uses For This Tool:
• In Session • Homework * • Workshops * • Teleseminars * • Group Coaching * (When a client struggles to let go, they may be more likely to succeed with help from a non-judgemental group of peers!)
Tip: This coaching exercise is also a perfect way to start a discussion of the concept of forgiveness – whether of self or others.