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by Edith Wade
USER GUIDE: How & When To Use Your Tools!
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© 2018 Simplicity Life Coaching Ltd.
About the author: Emma-Louise Elsey is the CEO of Simplicity Life Coaching Ltd. (The Coaching Tools Company.com is a division of Simplicity Life Coaching Ltd.) She is a certified Life Coach, NLP practitioner and recovering perfectionist who loves questions, quotes, creating coaching tools and writing. Since qualifying as a coach in 2004 she has worked with many successful professionals and business owners.
Free Coaching Tools: For inspiration and to help you with your businesses, there are many more Free Coaching Tools & Templates at The Coaching Tools Company.com including more coaching questions, coaching exercises, business admin templates for new coaches and forms to help with your seminars.
And if you have any other questions or suggestions just give me a shout, we'd love to hear from you!
Cover & interior images of woman with cleaning products by ADS Portrait via Shutterstock
These tools are suitable for any client. Each tool can be used individually at any time, or as part of a life "Spring Clean".
Sequence Tools
In Session Homework Workshop / Teleseminar Group Coaching Purpose of tool Other Ideas/Options

SECTION 1: Assess What Areas of Your Clients' Lives Need a Spring Clean - Use these 2 Tools to raise your client's awareness as to which areas might need some focus. 1 The Wheel of Life Template # Y* Y* Y* Y* 1. The Wheel of Life is a great way to begin, with low scores indicating life areas to focus on "Spring Cleaning"! 1. Ask, "If you had a magic wand, how would you use it to 'Spring Clean' your life?"
2 Take Stock and Take Action
Y* Y* Y Y 1. This tool explores your clients' specific frustrations, shoulds and what they're looking for from life right now... 2. Use the results to feed into what needs "Spring Cleaning".
2. How motivated are your clients? Try the tools Are You Sitting Too Comfortably? & Motivation Quiz to gain some insights. SECTION 2: What's Draining Your Client & Getting in the Way? - Use these Tools to identify where energy is being lost and move forwards on something they've been procrastinating over.
3 My Energy Zappers Coaching
Exercise #
Y* Y* Y* Y* 1. A life overhaul starts with identifying what zaps your energy, so you can find more energy for your life "Spring Clean"! Also a great discussion topic for workshops and group coaching. 1. Try our Free Tolerations Exercise. This is helpful as what we tolerate also drains us!
4 Stop Procrastinating - Get It
5 Detox Your Toxic
Relationships Exercise!
Y Y* Y Y 1. Help your clients "Spring Clean" their lives by getting a specific task off their plates! First assess whether the task actually needs to be done, and then brainstorm ways to get moving.
Y Y* Tele seminar only 1. "Spring Clean" who your client spends their time with. The goal is to spend more time with people who energise them and less time with people who drain them. NOTE: Avoid this tool in groups if attendees know each other! 1. Get inspiration from 12 Easy Ideas to
Get More Done AND Have Fun Too!
2. You could also identify a Spark Team for your clients - a list of energising people to spend more time with.
SECTION 3: Setting Your Client up for Success - Here your clients get a vision of how they'd like their lives to be, let go of things that drain them & set up some positive habits for success! 6 3 Month Vision Worksheet Y Y Y Y 1. Help your client get clear on how they would like their life to be, then use this to find goals for your clients to move forwards with following their life "Spring Clean". 1. Ask your clients to imagine it's summer (a few months away). What would they like to be different in their lives? 7 Letting Go Coaching Exercise! Y Y* Y* Y* 1. A great way to "Spring Clean" your life is to let go of what no longer serves you - memories, people, 'stuff', feelings, beliefs, behaviours or something else... Help your clients find more energy and let go of what's not working for them. 1. For difficult feelings, try this 3 Step
Model for Difficult Feelings & Emotions
2. You may also like Reflective Journaling
Exercise For Stress Release & Well-Being
8 Daily Success Habits Exercise Y#* Y* Y* Y* 1. Set your client up for success - identify new habits to "Spring Clean" and energise their lifestyle! 2. Fabulous all-round exercise that can also be used at any time. 1. You may also like 7 Insightful Coaching
Questions to Help You Create Your Own
Daily Success Habits! SECTION 4: Wrapping Up - Wrap up this Life "Spring Clean" by setting 3 goals to move forwards with!
9 Spring Clean Your Life -
Summary & Goals Sheet
Y Y Y Y 1. Summarise the key goals, learnings and action steps to wrap-up this "Spring Clean Your Life" experience. 2. Also use this tool standalone to help clients let go of what doesn't serve them, identify new habits, goals and action steps for a quick "Life Spring Clean" coaching session. 1. If your client has enjoyed this "Life Spring Clean" you could now offer your clients broader life visioning and goal-setting with our Vision and GoalSetting Toolkit.