Aromatherapy Blends for 5 Common Pregnancy Discomforts

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Aromatherapy Blends for 5 Common Pregnancy Discomforts

INTRODUCTION: Your pregnancy is a time of great excitement for you and your partner, and the journey that you are embarking upon is one of many changes, both physically and mentally. It is a time of great adjustment as you grow this little person inside of you, and prepare for the grand occasion of their arrival. Many women breeze through the 40+ weeks, enjoying each trimester, and taking the changing weeks in their stride, whereas others unfortunately can suffer from a more challenging time with discomforts such as morning sickness, sleeplessness, heart-burn or excessive swelling in their feet and legs, at some point during their pregnancy. In my everyday work of being a reflexologist and an aromatherapist, specialising in pregnancy treatments, I see women who are presenting with all sorts of pregnancy challenges. Some are minor and are easily managed, and others are of a more serious nature, and can overshadow the joy and happiness that a pregnancy should hold. I am often asked, “What can I do to help my sore lower back?” or “Do you have anything that will help with the swelling in my legs?”, so in this ebook, I am sharing some of my own personal and exclusive aromatherapy blends that can help improve five commonly experienced pregnancy discomforts. In the pages that follow, I have listed 5 common pregnancy discomforts or challenges, and how aromatherapy can help them. I have chosen the essential oil blends both for their therapeutic benefits as well as their fragrant beauty, and whether you are a seasoned lover of all things aromatic, or someone who is just knocking on aromatherapy’s door for the first time, I hope you enjoy using the blends, and that they help you to feel well in your pregnancy.

Copyright Love Your Pregnancy 2015

Aromatherapy Blends for 5 Common Pregnancy Discomforts

Note: When mixing and blending oils, it is helpful to do so in a small glass, preferably obscured, bottle with a lid. Always store essential oils, including the blends that you make up, in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Please note, essential oils are pure plant essences and as such, you pay for what you get. Don’t be tempted by essential oil ‘bargains’ – if you think something is very cheap, it’s probably not a pure essential oil and may have been adulterated using a cheaper essential oil or have some other essential oil constituents added to it. Only buy essential oils that are packaged in dark, obscured glass bottles – amber is best, then dark blue. Please follow the dilution details that I have provided as the following blends have been created with pregnancy in mind. Essential oils are potent substances, and if used incorrectly may cause you some damage or injury, for example, skin irritation, sensitisation or allergic reactions. Do not apply essential oils directly on to the skin without proper dilution. Keep essential oils out of reach and sight of children, and only ever use essential oils on children under proper professional aromatherapy instruction. NEVER apply essential oils neat onto children’s skin. None of the information contained in this text is intended to replace medical advice.

Copyright Love Your Pregnancy 2015

Pregnancy Discomfort/Challenge #1 Tiredness

Aromatherapy Blends for 5 Common Pregnancy Discomforts

Probably one of the first symptoms of pregnancy that a woman can experience is the extreme tiredness. That sensation of hitting an invisible wall, of trying to drag your legs through wallpaper paste as you walk, and the immense yawns that completely consume you. Your body is undergoing the greatest changes that it will ever know in the first few weeks of pregnancy and all of your energy is directed towards your baby’s exponential growth. This can leave you feeling depleted, exhausted and simply unable to keep going. Here we have two options with aromatherapy: Use oils to help overcome the tiredness and sustain your energy, or use oils that work hand in hand with your tiredness and promote deep, beneficial sleep and rest. My first advice is, if you can nap, then do so – nothing feels quite as wonderful, and rest is of utmost importance so that you can continue giving your best to your baby. However, if it’s during the day time and you’re at work, minding other children, or otherwise occupied and you have no opportunity to sleep, then it would be beneficial to use uplifting, energising oils. Energising Essential Oils to Use: Grapefruit, Bergamot, Sweet Orange Massage: This blend can be applied as a massage oil if you have someone nice enough to be giving you a massage, or apply it directly to your hands and arms, or face and neck if you are applying it yourself. You will receive the benefits of the essential oils in two ways here: By inhaling them as they evaporate, and also trans-dermally as some constituents pass into your blood stream from having been applied to your skin. Use 30ml of Carrier Oil (Sweet Almond, Grapeseed, Apricot Kernel, Peach Kernel, Sunflower are all good options.) Add the following essential oils to your carrier oil and mix thoroughly: 3 drops of Grapefruit 3 drops of Bergamot 4 drops of Sweet Orange Copyright Love Your Pregnancy 2015


Aromatherapy Blends for 5 Common Pregnancy Discomforts

Add 10-15mls of your blend to an already drawn, warm bath. Disperse it through the water with your hand. Use caution getting in and out of the bath, as the oils make the surface extremely slippery. Vaporisation: Add the following essential oils to the water in your vaporiser/oil burner: 1 drop grapefruit 1 drop bergamot 1 drop sweet orange The essential oils will vaporise through the room for about 30 minutes. If you are using a plug-in diffuser, then just add the essential oils to the filter, or pad, as they do not need to be in water. If you have neither an oil burner nor diffuser, add one drop of each of the oils mentioned to a tissue and leave it on a warm radiator and it will circulate the oils through the room on the warm air. Sleep Blend - Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Geranium Massage: Use 30ml of Carrier Oil (Sweet Almond, Grapeseed, Apricot Kernel, Peach Kernel, Sunflower are all good options.) Add the following essential oils to your carrier oil and mix thoroughly: 5 drops of Lavender 3 drops of Roman Chamomile 2 drops of Geranium

Copyright Love Your Pregnancy 2015


Aromatherapy Blends for 5 Common Pregnancy Discomforts

Add 10-15mls of your blend to an already drawn, warm bath. Disperse it through the water with your hand. Use caution getting in and out of the bath, as the oils make the surface extremely slippery.

Vaporisation: Add the following essential oils to the water in your vaporiser/oil burner: 2 drops Lavender 1 drop Roman Chamomile 1 drop Geranium The essential oils will vaporise through the room for about 30 minutes. If you are using a plug-in diffuser, then just add the essential oils to the filter, or pad, as they do not need to be in water. If you have neither oil burner nor diffuser, add the drops of each of the oils as mentioned above to a tissue and leave it on a warm radiator and it will circulate the oils through the room on the warm air.

Copyright Love Your Pregnancy 2015

Aromatherapy Blends for 5 Common Pregnancy Discomforts

Pregnancy Discomfort/Challenge #2 - Constipation

The rise in the level of the hormone progesterone in pregnancy causes your intestines to relax and become more sluggish. This, along with the ever decreasing space for your intestines because of baby’s growth, can lead to constipation. This is often exacerbated if a woman is taking iron supplements whilst pregnant. Constipation should not be overlooked, or ignored as it can be very uncomfortable and may lead to other conditions like haemorrhoids, headaches, general sluggishness, backache and oedema. None of which, as I am sure you will agree, are any fun! Essential oils that can improve the discomfort of constipation are ones that are cleansing and that can stimulate the bowels. If there is an emotional aspect to a woman being constipated, for example fear or stress, then essential oils to address this aspect can be used. It may be advisable to go and have a treatment with a trained aromatherapist to have a personalised blend of essential oils to address specific emotional factors. Essential Oils to Use: Sweet Orange, Peppermint, Ginger, Grapefruit Massage: Use 30ml of Carrier Oil (Sweet Almond, Grapeseed, Apricot Kernel, Peach Kernel, Sunflower are all good options.) Add the following essential oils to your carrier oil and mix thoroughly: 3 drops Sweet Orange 2 drops Peppermint 1 drop Ginger 2 drops Grapefruit Massage an adequate amount of the blend into your abdomen in a clockwise direction as you look down at your belly. In addition to massaging your belly, massaging the middle section of your feet and the palms of your hands with your oil blend may also prove beneficial. This is because this allows you to access reflexology points that correspond to your digestive system. Copyright Love Your Pregnancy 2015


Aromatherapy Blends for 5 Common Pregnancy Discomforts

Add 10-15mls of your blend to an already drawn, warm bath. Disperse it through the water with your hand. Use caution getting in and out of the bath, as the oils make the surface extremely slippery. Vaporisation: In the case of constipation, vaporisation of essential oils may not prove as effective at helping to alleviate it as massage or bath. However, it will still prove to be beneficial to your well-being to be inhaling the essential oils. Add the following essential oils to the water in your vaporiser/oil burner: 2 drops Sweet Orange 1 drop Peppermint 1 drop Grapefruit The essential oils will vaporise through the room for about 30 minutes. If you are using a plug-in diffuser, then just add the essential oils to the filter, or pad, as they do not need to be in water. If you have neither oil burner nor diffuser, add the drops of each of the oils as mentioned above to a tissue and leave it on a warm radiator and it will circulate the oils through the room on the warm air.

Copyright Love Your Pregnancy 2015

Aromatherapy Blends for 5 Common Pregnancy Discomforts

Pregnancy Discomfort/Challenge #3 Aches and Pains – Most commonly back, neck, shoulders, ribs, pelvis, hips and/or legs Most women will experience backache at some point in their pregnancy as it can be very common, not only because of your changing shape putting more pressure on your back as your belly moves forward, but also because of pregnancy hormones like relaxin that act upon ligaments making them looser and more flexible. Therefore your pelvis is not as stable as normal and can result in an aching, tired back. Poor posture is also a contributing factor if you are suffering from back ache. Yoga and Pilates will help to maintain a good posture and reduce discomfort in your back. Hips, pelvis, pelvic floor and legs can also feel heavy and achy, from the growing weight of your baby, and many women will also hold stress and tension in their upper back, neck and shoulders, perhaps from driving, or sitting at their work desk. This is an area where aromatherapy comes into its own, as there are so many wonderful essential oils that encourage the body to relax, improve circulation to tired muscles, and act on the brain to let go of stress. Here is one of my favourite blends for helping to ease aches and pains:

Copyright Love Your Pregnancy 2015

Aromatherapy Blends for 5 Common Pregnancy Discomforts

Essential Oils to Use: Lavender, Frankincense, Roman Chamomile, Geranium Massage:

Use 30ml of Carrier Oil (Sweet Almond, Grapeseed, Apricot Kernel, Peach Kernel, Sunflower are all good options.) Add the following essential oils to your carrier oil and mix thoroughly: 4 drops Lavender 3 drops Frankincense 2 drops Roman Chamomile 1 drop Geranium Apply liberally to areas that are sore, aching or holding tension. Obviously in this case, if you can get someone else to massage your sore areas, then it will be better. Bath:

Add 10-15mls of your blend to an already drawn, warm bath. Disperse it through the water with your hand. Use caution getting in and out of the bath, as the oils make the surface extremely slippery!

Copyright Love Your Pregnancy 2015

Aromatherapy Blends for 5 Common Pregnancy Discomforts

Pregnancy Discomfort/Challenge #4 - Oedema During your pregnancy, after being on your feet for a long time, wearing restrictive clothing, in warmer weather, many women experience swelling, or oedema in their feet, ankles and legs. This can be very uncomfortable, and in some instances it can prove quite serious as it can be a sign of preeclampsia. However, some accumulation of fluid is normal for many women and is merely a result of expanding blood vessels near the skin, which results in a greater amount of fluid in the tissues. Poor circulation and the weight of the uterus on the pelvis floor can mean that the lymphatic system has a harder time at draining away excess fluid, so it is important to stay active in pregnancy, whilst still getting proper rest Resting, and raising your ankles above your hips can help drain away some of the fluid, as can therapies like reflexology and acupuncture. However, massaging the areas prone to swelling on a daily basis, will help to keep it under control. Essential Oils to Use: Cypress, Geranium, Grapefruit, Lemon Massage: Use 30ml of Carrier Oil (Sweet Almond, Grapeseed, Apricot Kernel, Peach Kernel, Sunflower are all good options.) Add the following essential oils to your carrier oil and mix thoroughly: 2 drops Cypress 2 drops Geranium 3 drops Grapefruit 3 drops Lemon Massage using upward strokes into your feet and legs, and hands if they are also suffering from swelling. Bath: Ad 10-15mls of your blend to an already drawn, warm bath. Disperse it through the water with your hand. Use caution getting in and out of the bath, as the oils make the surface extremely slippery. Copyright Love Your Pregnancy 2015

Aromatherapy Blends for 5 Common Pregnancy Discomforts

Pregnancy Discomfort/Challenge #5 - Blocked Sinuses or Sinus Infection During pregnancy, women can be more prone to suffering from blocked sinuses, or if an infection sets in, sinusitis. For some women it only occurs on one side of their face and it can be uncomfortable at best, and very painful at worst. Inflammation occurs in the mucous membranes of the sinuses and nasal cavities resulting in the sensation of being ‘blocked up’ or, alternatively, having a slightly runny

nose. If you have sinusitis, you can expect greater amounts of thick, nasal mucus, which can vary in colour from green to dark orange. This increased volume of mucus puts pressure on facial cavities causing pain above and below the eyes, along the cheek bones and down the sides of the nose. Some people will also experience a persistent head-ache that stems from their sinus pain. Many over the counter remedies for sinus pain cannot be used in pregnancy due to their anti-histamine properties. This is where aromatherapy can be used as a safe and effective option as some essential oils are really wonderful at releasing the pressure in your face, and can also boost your immune system. Essential Oils to Use: Lemon, Eucalyptus, Cardamon, Sandalwood Massage: Use 30ml of Carrier Oil (Sweet Almond, Grapeseed, Apricot Kernel, Peach Kernel, Sunflower are all good options) Add the following essential oils to your carrier oil and mix thoroughly: 3 drops lemon 2 drops eucalyptus 1 drop Cardamom 1 drop Sandalwood Copyright Love Your Pregnancy 2015

Aromatherapy Blends for 5 Common Pregnancy Discomforts

Massage using quite strong strokes starting from either side of your nose, and press under your cheek bones outwards towards your ears. Also massage into your forehead in a circular motion. Pinch above and below your eyebrow ridge using your forefinger and thumb and move from the inner end of your brows to the outer end towards your temples. Continue to do this for 6 or 7 minutes. Also, using your ring finger on each hand, press on the bone under your eye socket, again in an inner to outer direction. This will help to relieve and encourage free-flowing of any congested areas Bath: Add 10-15mls of your blend to an already drawn, warm bath. Disperse it through the water with your hand. Use caution getting in and out of the bath, as the oils make the surface extremely slippery. Vaporisation: Add the following essential oils to the water in your vaporiser/oil burner: 2 drops Lemon 1 drop Eucalyptus 1 drop Cardamom The essential oils will vaporise through the room for about 30 minutes. If you are using a plug-in diffuser, then just add the essential oils to the filter, or pad, as they do not need to be in water. If you have neither an oil burner nor diffuser, add the drops of each of the oils as mentioned above to a tissue and leave it on a warm radiator and it will circulate the oils through the room on the warm air.

Copyright Love Your Pregnancy 2015

Aromatherapy Blends for 5 Common Pregnancy Discomforts

I hope you enjoy using these blends that I have created especially for pregnancy challenges. If you would like to see more pregnancy-specific aromatherapy blends, then you may be interested in my book, AromaBump - Your Go-To Guide to Using Essential Oils in Pregnancy If you would like further guidance in creating your own aromatherapy blends for therapeutic use in pregnancy, you may like to join one of Love Your Pregnancy workshops Or, if you would prefer to have a specific therapeutic blend made especially for you in your pregnancy, then please feel free to contact me via this email link.

Wishing you the best in your pregnancy and birthing experience! Lisa

Copyright Love Your Pregnancy 2015

Aromatherapy Blends for 5 Common Pregnancy Discomforts

Copyright Love Your Pregnancy 2015

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