Lovin'Com Company Profile

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Company Profile

"‘‘A grapefruit is a lemon that had a chance and took advantage of it." Oscar Wilde

Who we are •  Lovin’Com is an interna/onal digital company •  We operate as consultants and solu/on experts •  Our clients range from mul/na/onal companies to high poten/al start-­‐ups.

Our Faces

7 years of Interna/onal Marke/ng in Procter & Gamble, working for mul/ billion dollar brands. Business, Marke/ng and Communica/on expert, Blogger and Digital Advocate. Mentor for several start-­‐up incubators.

Luigi Matrone -­‐ CEO Patrizio Mora?o -­‐ CFO

7 years of experience in mul/na/onal companies around Europe, ranging from Petroleum to Food market leaders. Expert in corporate finance maNers, has mixed these skills with Sales exper/se for a strong business oriented profile.

Our Faces Young interna/onal talent working as President for AIESEC in Qatar, a mul/na/onal NGO focused on increasing the value of human capital. Gulf business expert, manages today the opera/ons in Qatar. Felice D’Antonio -­‐ COO Qatari Entrepreneur, founds of technology solu/ons, has several years of experiences crea/ng different companies.

Khalid Al Mohannadi -­‐ Partner

Purpose We believe the World we live in today is not the one we will be living in tomorrow. The speed of innova/on and change has reached levels which were not possible just 10 years ago. Our society and human beings are geXng ready to shape the "next phase" of our evolu/on. We believe that to get to the "next phase" we will need to go through significant simplifica/on and improvement of the quality of life of all human beings at all levels: private, corporate and governments. It is on this basis that we have created Lovin’Com, a digital based company, built on the belief technology can be used to improve our life, genera/ng a “new humanity”, more connected, more aware, more educated. Engage with us to make this happen! Luigi Matrone, Lovin’Com CEO

Company Structure



MarkeFng & CommunicaFon




At the core We partner with businesses to improve their market proposiFon and help them reach more consumers with their product or service. We do this by providing best in class markeFng approaches and uniquely studied soluFons that improve our customers ROI, that are measurable, that are flexible and adap/ve to answer the con/nuously changing market landscape.

Our Approach at a Glance



Business Review Marke/ng Spending Communica/on Effec/veness Brand Equity Brand Reputa/on

Search Op/miza/on Website Mobile eCommerce Augmented Reality Physical Solu/ons Industry Specific Solu/ons

Business Strategy MarkeFng Plan CommunicaFon Plan Digital MarkeFng Plan

Ad Hoc ImplementaFon Maintenance Full Service Support

1. Lovin’Com Consultants •  Provide Strategic and Marke/ng exper/se •  Support customers in their communica/on planning •  Work on the Branding and Brand Equity •  Be the trusted partners for inves/ng in Digital and Online marke/ng and technologies •  Support customers in managing their customer reputa/on

1.1 Digital MarkeFng More than 2 billion devices are connected to the net. This is changing consumer habits significantly, crea/ng the global-­‐consumer in the world-­‐wide marketplace. Crea/ng a compelling presence online is not anymore a “nice to have” but an important part of the marke/ng mix.

1.1 Digital MarkeFng: Our Process We work along the Digital Funnel to develop the digital structure of our clients





Exposing Brands to Consumers wherever they are in the Digital Landscape

Enabling and incen/vizing Consumers to engage with and experience Brands in the Digital Landscape Enabling and Driving Consumers to make purchases everywhere they are in the Digital landscape Enabling and incen/ng Consumers to stay engaged with and buying from Brands in the Digital landscape

1.2 Coaching & Training •  Coaching sessions for core team members. Through the Coaching process you are the direct actor of what happens while we support you with processes, advices and best prac/ces. •  Training to improve the knowledge of people and influence posi/vely and indirectly in businesses for a beNer world.

2. Lovin’Com SoluFons •  Design and Produce high quality, latest standards, best in class solu/ons for our customers. •  Brand-­‐Business related assets, developed with the consumer in mind, scalable and efficient. •  Measurement systems for monitoring and analysing the business impact, adjust the approach and win!

Some of our soluFons Digital Assets

Some of our soluFons Mobile MarkeFng •  Following the rapid growth of Mobile*, Lovin’Com provides “Mobile First” approach using latest technologies for a best in class User Experience.

*By 2013 51% of the global connec/ons will be on Mobile

Work PorVolio

This represents an example of what we can produce

Work PorVolio

This represents an example of what we can produce

Work PorVolio

This represents an example of what we can produce

Some of our soluFons Augmented Reality Transform the reality in a Virtual World

This represents an example of what we can produce

Some of our soluFons Augmented Reality The perfect solu/on to bring digital technologies to printed surfaces.

This represents an example of what we can produce

Some of our soluFons Augmented Reality Enhance Each Event and provide more to your visitors.

This represents an example of what we can produce

Some of our soluFons Mobile ApplicaFon – The Event

This represents an example of what we can produce

Some of our soluFons Digital Book We can create eBook as iBook or for Kindle. We’re also able to build interac/ve books with Images and Videos through a smartphone applica/on: •  Crea/ng Content •  Searching for content •  FormaXng the book with provided images and videos •  Crea/ng the App and Publishing

This represents an example of what we can produce

Where we are London Milan Geneva Doha

Where we are Luigi Matrone -­‐ CEO lm@lovincom.net Patrizio Mora?o -­‐ CFO pm@lovincom.net Felice D’Antonio – COO Qatar fd@lovincom.net Khalid Al Mohannadi – Partner Qatar Kalmohannadi@lovincom.net

Lovincom Ltd 3rd Floor South 6 Dyers Buildings London, EC1N 2JT UNITED KINGDOM

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