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Join Nundah Now and support our local area
Nundah Now is locally focused and committed to making our local area a great place to do business.
Nundah Now is a local organisation made up of volunteers, including business owners, local work ers, local residents and those with a desire for our local area to thrive.
Nundah Now supports our local area by:
• coordinating social and economic development activities in the Nundah district (including the very popular Nundah Festival and Nundah Festival Art Show)
• providing a united voice for the Nundah district
• lobbying and advocating for and on behalf of the Nundah district
• seeking government and private sector resources for the area
• undertaking coordinated promotional and marketing campaigns
• developing and supporting community networks
Nundah Now would like to encourage local businesses to join to ensure our local area grows and is a great place to do business and live.
For more information and to register for free, visit www.nundah.com/join-nundah-now