The daylight is growing longer, signaling a new season. Fresh with true stories, new ideas, innovations, and always, true grit and tenacity from area CNY business leaders, we're here to share the journey with you!
Welcome to the Spring issue of Journeys. After a long winter, the days are growing brighter again. The birds are singing more strongly. We're reminded that it's time to plant new seeds, infuse new ideas into our workplaces, schools, communities, and churches.
There's always a wonderful anticipation of Spring sports and lighter layers. For many, the Lenten season reminds us of what we're thankful for. And after 95 years, Seneca Savings has learned a few things about what it means to spring forward, reenergize, and face a new day!
Sometimes we hear so much about innovation, new technology, the pace of change speeding up... we forget about the things we can count on. As a lifelong community banker, I made a conscious choice to stay committed to local, hometown efforts, where I feel I could make a difference. And while surely data, artificial intelligence, and technology, all serve certain aspects of our industry for customers, ever-more important are the connections and relationships we foster every day in our branches and throughout our community.
That's what this publication is all about: You. And the friendships and families, businesses and schools we can make a difference in. Let us work together in leaving our community better than we found it. JOURNEYS is a celebration of that. We hope you feel the positive and empowering spirit we intend through the stories shared here. So, grab yourself a cup of coffee, sit back and relax, enjoy these true stories. May you be inspired and enjoy the renewal and warmth of a beautiful Spring journey ahead.
Do you have a good story to tell?
We want to hear it and celebrate with you. Because wherever you're at on your unique path, during whatever your favorite time of year is, we're with you... for life's journeys.
Journeys is proudly created in partnership with Angela Moonan, LLC | blue i marketing
IndianSpringsisamanufacturerofhazardousmaterials, emergencyequipment,specifically,cappingkitsforstopping leaksonhazardous,compressedgasessuchaschlorine, sulfurdioxide,ammonia,andvinylchloride.IndianSprings hasbeenaroundsincethe1950s.Theoriginalmissionofthe companywastobeajobshopmakingcustommanufactured partsforlocalcompanies.OneofthesecompanieswasSolvay Process.
PresidentRobWolniaksays"Theyweremanufacturing chlorineonOnondagaLake,andtheydevelopedwhatwe called'chlorineemergencykits'Thesearecappingdevices forchlorinecontainersincaseofaleak."Theengineerthere whodevelopedthesekitshappenedtobeafriendofthe ownerofIndianSprings,andtheysubcontractedthe manufacturingfirmforthepartsfortheirkits."Theywere boughtoutandwe'vebeenmakingthekitseversince,"says Rob
Chlorinecanbedangerous.Itrequiressafehandling.There aremanymunicipalitieswhofindittoodangeroussothey lookforalternatives.So,chlorine'sactuallybeingphasedout intheUnitedStates.Robstates"...Butchlorineisusedfor disinfectionallovertheworld.Sowhatwe'velostinthe UnitedStates,we'reactuallygaininginternationally Inplaces liketheMiddleEast,SouthAmericaespecially,wehavevery biggrowthmarkets."Theworldischanging.Manufacturingis comingbacktothestates,whichisgreat.Now,theonlyhard partisthatmanufacturingisverydifficult."You'vegottofind awaytoaddsomevaluetoyourproduct.Ifyou'renotadding, ifthereisn'tanadditionalvaluepropositioninyourproduct,
thencompetingjustonpriceisextremelydifficult,"saysRob "You'vegottolookatcustomizationandinnovatingallthe time.Ifyou'renotinnovating,unfortunately,you'regoingto fallbehind."
IndianSpringsisalwayslookingforexpansionintonew markets WhiletheUSmarket'schallengingrightnow,there areopportunitiesinLatinAmericaandSouthAmerica,aswell asAsia."Downtheroad,Africa'sgoingtobeareallylarge market.Astheystartdisinfectingwaterandusingchemicals likechlorine,"saysRob.It'sexcitingforthecompanytoseein theirshophowthey'vegonefromonepersonturningone sideofapart,tofullyautomated...andheadingtoapoint whenthey'reactuallygoingtobeprintingmetalparts someday.Robadds"Certainpartsyoucouldn'tpossiblydo onamachinenow,we'llhaveawholeshopofmachinesout therewherewesendoutaprogram,itprintsapart completely.We'llbeabletodoamazingthingsengineeringwise."
Muchoftheoffshoremanufacturingyearsagothatdestroyed theUSmanufacturingbase,iscomingback.Owner,Ray Rachaemphasizesthatthedirectionofthecompanyisto broadentheproductbasesothatIndianSpringscanoffer moretotheircustomersandgrowthecompany.They're concentratingonmakingalowercostkittoselltocountries thatneedasolutionforHazmatemergencies. Robadds"Now thatyouseecompanieslikeMicronbuildingherelocally,that couldreinvigorateaspectsofourbusiness Specifically manufacturedparts,thatunfortunatelywelostoutonyears ago."Micronandcompanieslikeit,offerpotentialforIndian Springstodonewwork,maybereinvestinginsectorsthey
BeingInspired&StayingInnovative IndianSpringsisafamily-ownedbusiness.Robhimselfhas workedforthecompanyforover30years."Ray'sfather-in-law hiredme.Ialwaysthoughthewasagreatmentorbecausehe dideverythinghonestlyandaboveboard Hewasverytrueto thecustomer.Hedidaterrificjobinsettingthiscompanyup forthefuture.Healwaysdidthingstherightway,evenifit wastheharderway.Weweregreenwaybeforeanybodyelse, recyclingmaterials,justdoingthingstherightway.Wedidn't havetobetold."
BeingeasytoworkwithiskeytoRobandownerRayRacha "Personally,mymortgageisthroughSenecaSavings.Allof ouraccountsarethroughthem.IloveSeneca!"saysRob. "We'vedealtwithmultiplebanksovertheyears.Tolarger banks,we'rejustasmallfishinahugepond,sowedon'tget thesametypeofservice.WithSenecaSavings,theymakeyou feellikeyou'retheirmostimportantcustomer Youcanrely onthemonadailybasis."OwnerRayRachaadds"They'rea localbankthatcanrespondquicklytoanythingwethrowat them.Whatallthatmeansis...it'sgreattoworkwithalocal bankthathasgreatpeople,whowanttohelpusgrowinthe future."
Admittingthattheworldisreallychangingandfast,Robadds thatIndianSpringshasbeenextremelyfortunatehiringand havingthemixofpersonneltheyhavetoday."Wehearpeople
sayingthattheyhaveadifficulttimefindingyounger, skilledpeopletowork.Wehavegreatexamplesofyoung peoplethatareherethatwantedtojumprightinandare doingaterrificjob!"There'sanotablenumberofpeople ontheteamthatarenearingretirement,soIndianSprings isgoingthroughatransitiontoayoungerworkforce Rob notesthattheyoungeremployeesarereadytoworkand excel.Thatsituationmaybeunique,butdemonstrates, it'spossible.
Whenaskedabouttheeconomicoutlook,Robfirstaffirms thattheirbusinesssector,emergencyresponse,tendsnot tobeheavilyimpactedbyeconomicdownturns "There's alwaysgoingtobesomeuseofchlorineorhazardous materials.Ofcourse,there'salwaysgoingtobeaneedfor safety.So,we'rekindofrecession-proofinthatrespect, versusothersectors."
Secondly,there-shoringofbusinesstotheU.S.isgoing tobeanamazingopportunityforthiscompany.Robadds "Irealizemaybeinconsumergoodsthere'saslowdown However,Ithinkthere-shoringisopeningupopportunities forus,andreallyallofindustrialmanufacturing."
"I realize economically, maybe in consumer goods there's a slowdown. However, the re-shoring of manufacturing coming back to the U.S. is opening up opportunities for us, and really all of industrial manufacturing."
- Robert Wolniak, President
I was born in Rochester, New York, and had a wonderful childhood. All I can remember about my childhood was that I was happy all the time. So my parents were wonderful parents. There were three boys and a girl. And the two youngest were twins. So there were four siblings in the family. I went to Ithaca College and after four years, had an opportunity to play professional baseball in the Chicago Cubs organization. I went for the first spring training in Tempe, Arizona, where Arizona State University is. That was a wonderful, wonderful four years. I played in the minor leagues. It was when Ron Santo was there. It was after Ernie Banks, the famous hall of famer. Ron Santo was also a hall of famer in the National League.
After my baseball career, I went back to Ithaca. I was thinking about getting my doctorate. But then the Dean of Students, Dean Earl Clark, God rest his soul, said, 'How would you like to be my dean on the campus?' I said I'd love to! So I handled security, all of the dormitories, the dormitory advisors and staff, food service, the student union, student newspaper, sororities, fraternities. At the time there were about 4,000 students. After, I decided to go to Syracuse University and work on my doctorate. In higher education, if you
don'thaveadoctorate,you'reprettymuchnowhere. Igotuptoabout15creditsorso,andmywifeinformed methatweweregoingtohaveachild.So,Iwasgoing tohavetowork.Ibecamearealestatedeveloperin Liverpool,NYofallplaces.Funnyhowthingscomefull circleasI'minLiverpoolnowalltheseyearslater!I haven'treallystoppedworkingonrealestate developmentoverthelastthirtyyears.It'sbeenafun careerforme.IalsotaughtrealestateatSienna University.Itraveledalloverthecountrylearningfrom asmanypeopleasIcould.I'vebeeninvolvedin probablyabout12,000units,apartments,office buildings,condos,stripcenters,allupanddownthe Eastcoast.Iloveit!
Therearetwowordsthatarereally,reallyimportant tounderstandinthefast-pacedworldofchangeand technologythatwelivein.Thefirstispatience. Patienceisatremendousattributeforanyone.The secondisattitude.Thenyoucombinepatiencewith yourattitude,yourattitudeabouthowyouapproach life,howyouapproachrelationships.Youstartlooking upfromthecellphoneandcommunicatingwiththe personacrossfromyou.It'sanartformthatwe're losing.Gorightuptopeopleandhaveaface-to-face conversation.Goandhaveacupofcoffee,gettoknow whotheyare.
"For when the one great scorer comes to mark against your name, he marks not that you won or lost, but how you played the game."
of the Sunday magazines. I cut it out, put it in my wallet, and I believe it remained there for maybe 35 years. It was written by Grantland Rice, a very famous sportswriter back in the '30s. It goes like this: 'For when the one great scorer comes to mark against your name, he marks not that you won or lost, but how you played the game.' So in terms of life, you never give up on anything. You're always giving it your best. Even if you're playing in an athletic event, you could be losing by 20 points. The score was important because you wanted to win, but there's no way you can win all of the time. It's impossible. Nobody's ever done it and nobody ever will. Accept 60-40. I've always tried to go as hard as I could, as fast as I could, until the final buzzer.
I can't wait to get up in the morning to see what problems I can solve. Here's my philosophy on life. I've always believed, especially once I started a family, that life is 60-40. If 60% of the time, things are okay in your life, what you do is you put your two hands together and you look up and you say 'Thank You,' because the other 40% is a tough gig out there. Life is tough. It's not supposed to be easy. So you've got to accept 60-40.
My parents are my greatest inspiration. They were two wonderful immigrants from Greece. When they came to the United States, it was more of an integration into society. Even though we were Greek Orthodox, if my father happened to be working on a Sunday, we went to the corner church. It didn't make any difference to us. A church was a church. Even now, any major decision I make, I always say to myself, I wonder what my mom and dad would think about what I'm doing right now? It's easy after that. That applies to anything! Then in high school I had a great baseball coach, Bucky Freeman. He was in the Division I Baseball Hall of Fame. For many years I carried with me an old saying that I found in one
I have two grandchildren. So, I talk to them a little differently than I would to someone who's in high school. Their perceptions change. After high school, I would talk to somebody in college just a little bit differently as well, and tell them that they don't have to do something. If they know what they want do five or six or seven years old, that's wonderful! You never discourage them from wanting to do something aspirational. But you always want them to enjoy what h ' d i A d if h i i i h
For almost 24 years, I've been doing radio. It all began when I was sitting in a McDonald's reading the Arbitron ratings for radio and tv stations in the area, which were printed back then. I saw one station in Fulton that didn't have any ratings. I decided to go knock on the door. I said, 'Is the owner here?' They referred me to a gentleman and I sat down and said 'My name is Perry Noun. I've got an idea for a morning talk show.' He said 'What kind of experience do you have?' I said 'I don't have any!' He said, 'Well, what makes you think you can do it?' I said, 'Well, I've listened to Rush Limbaugh, Tony Coarser in sports, Don Imus, and Dr. Laura Sleshinger. I think I can do it.'
So he asked for a proposal... I had no idea where to begin, but I figured it out.
I submitted the proposal. The radio station owner never got back to me. A month and a half later, after I'd called twice, I went down there and knocked on the door. I went in his office and said 'C'mon Dave, you don't even have to pay me! Just let me go on the radio for one week and you can fire me on Friday!' He started to laugh and sure enough, he said 'Okay, okay, we'll try it.' I figured I'd have a week to learn the board and how to be a radio operator. This was on a Thursday. Then he said, 'We're starting Monday morning.' I said 'What?' Monday came and I didn't have any idea what I was doing. He did the news and weather and I did a two hour morning show. I had several guests. I used to interview the chief of police, the superintendent of the schools, national authors, politicians, and on and on. Every Friday people started listening to this crazy talk show host and nearly 24 years later, I'm still going. Incredible!
I've always been in real estate. I've always been involved with different banks. Angela Moonan, who does the storytelling for Seneca Savings, reached out to me because she loves my energy, and we've known each other for years. She thought Tee Time with the Pro Noun was a terrific environment for Seneca Savings to share some of their true, local stories,
so my relationship with Seneca Savings started from there. Prepping for the show, I wanted to get a feel for what Seneca was like. As soon as I walked in their branch in Baldwinsville, I said, 'Something is different here.' It wasn't a big, huge, cold place. It didn't have 35 foot ceilings. I could tell this was a warm, hometown bank. I found out the bank's President, Joe Vitale, his office was right there in that building! And then Angelo Testani and Laurie Ucher, Senior Vice Presidents, are right there too!
You can't walk into very many banks today and talk to the president or senior vice president. But here, you can go in, if you want to make an appointment, you can talk to Joe, or Angelo, or Laurie. Just pick up the phone, make an appointment, and you're talking to the people who can make a decision. You don't have to wait for it to go to NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles, to somebody who's sitting in a 50 story office building. Barbara Clark is the branch manager in Baldwinsville. And Barbara has never disappointed me. Anytime I pick up the phone, she calls me right back. Amazing!
If I had it to do all over again, I would say take 10% and set it aside. Have a diversified portfolio. Stocks, bonds, whatever you can. Most people don't do that. Pay yourself first. Set 10% aside. I believe my life would've changed dramatically if I had done that. Remember... 60-40!
He passed away a few years ago. He was my mentor, my teacher for a long, long time. I learned everything he knew. From 14 to 19, that's what I did."
For the past twenty years, Virgil took his magic onto a different stage as ringmaster of Endeavor Entertainment. From party rentals, inflatables, cotton candy and all the party fixings, Endeavor Entertainment has been helping create special memories for some of the biggest days in people's lives. Birthday parties, graduations, weddings, any kind of company or family celebration, and you'll see Endeavor there. Doing exactly what the name says... working hard, supplying fun and joy in the endeavor to make the occasion magical, for all who attend.
but they look back and see those pictures and those memories. I get to see their inner child come out and experience joy. That's a beautiful thing that I help create."
The party rental part of the business led to the wedding decor part of the business. Then that led to Virgil opening up Virgilio's Event Centre in Fulton at the old Nestle Park. "We renovated the entire property, with a lot of help from Seneca Savings. We gained momentum, one thing led to the next and there was just a progression of the business," says Virgil. I got a lot of calls for ice cream trucks. So I decided, you know what, let's take care of these customers and do something really cool and unique and something that CNY does not have. Let's combine our party rental business with the ice cream trucks. A new business was
No day is the same for Endeavor. One day they could be setting up at seven o'clock in the morning at an elementary school and then coming back at two in the afternoon. The next day they could be setting up at nine o'clock at nig and tearing down at two in the morning for a prom party. It's different every single day. It's weekends too. Virgil states "Finding employees that can be flexible with their schedule, are interested and willing to load, unload, sweat, work hard... that's the biggest challenge right now."
Virgil is a certified ride safety inspector for the state of Pennsylvania, because Endeavor does a lot of work in PA with schools. He states that another challenge with his industry are the safety standards and the willingness of some companies to take unnecessary risks. "I don't understand how companies come in and instead of using a proper, weighted sandbag, if they're on pavement for example, they'll throw a cinder block there and tie their inflatable to a cinder block, or tie it to a fence post, or to the bumper of a truck," says Virgil. "I don't understand it. That's frustrating because as those mistakes are made by other companies, regulation will come upon us as well. But we hold ourselves to a higher standard with our company and we take it upon ourselves to do things that are not regulated here yet." Endeavor has open inspection checklists that their staff must use to make sure they follow proper safety protocols. All the time, every time.
Virgil has always believed if you're going to do something, do it right. Don't do it halfway. He states "I always wanted to make sure that I was doing things to make people proud, to make my parents proud, to just be a decent human being. Some people pick on me about it, but in everything I do, I don't do anything halfway. It's full bore all the way... a thousand miles an hour!" When Virgil decided to start Syracuse Ice Cream Truck, he did just that. He got a classic '56 Ford and redid the whole thing. He had a custom trailer built. There's music, yard games... and ICE CREAM! But the last thing people talk about is the ice cream. "They love
When younger people come in to work for Endeavor, Virgil enjoys teaching them not only about how to back up a trailer, but also about how to approach a customer, looking them straight in the eye and shaking their hand. "There are a lot of life skills and business skills that unfortunately schools, parents sometimes even, don't share with kids. So being able to be a mentor in a way for a lot of the younger people that come and go, is inspiring to me."
"The more customers you take care of, the more those customers are gonna take care of you. You get out of life what you put in. The more you put in, the more you're gonna' get out."
Virgil has a little sign in his closet to serve as a helpful daily reminder. The sign reads 'Today I will do what others won't. So tomorrow I can do what others can't.' For Virgil, it's not about being better than others. "It reinforces for me that if I do the best I can today, tomorrow will turn." Virgil emphasizes that it's the consistent little things, over a long period of time that
make you successful. "Just don't ever stop learning about everything you can learn about. Learn about as much as you possibly can in today's world, with YouTube and the ease of audiobooks, and everything you can get your hands on. The world is in the palm of your hand now. Just don't ever stop learning about everything. I make homemade maple syrup, I have a leather shop, I freeze dry food, I raise my own chickens. There are just so many things you can learn and share with other people!"
At Virgilio's Event Centre in Fulton, they do weddings, clambakes, company picnics, private parties. Prior to Covid, they were doing all the food, the bar, room decor, everything. Now they're just using the space as a rental space for people's parties and events.
Celebrating its' 20th year in March, Endeavor Entertainment continues to grow. Having fun in everything they do, building on what they have... that's what 2023 and beyond is all about for Virgil.
Connected with Seneca Savings through Virgilio's, Virgil appreciates the support for his growth and his dreams. Virgil met Senior VP of Retail Banking, Laurie Ucher, a long time ago. When Virgil was seeking a refinance in Fulton to do another big addition, he reached out to Laurie. They were able to build huge 'get ready' lounges for brides and grooms to have their own secure room space. They put on a 4,000 square foot patio off the back and outbuildings for storage. Virgil states "Laurie's been great to work with. Anything I ever need, she's on it. It's not just nine to five 'banker hours.' She'll text me with whatever I need, whenever I need it. A local person, local business, local bank, keeping everything local. You're greeted with a smile. The personal connection's absolutely there. We're looking for Seneca Savings to help us grow our ice cream truck business in the future. The same way I feel about making people happy at events... Seneca Savings does the same for you and your business. There are a lot of nuances to it. There are a lot of things that a bigger bank is not going to look at and take into consideration. The local, hometown people know you and know your business. They will take those things into consideration and do their best to help you. Whereas a big bank's going to look at you like you're just a number."
Turning Stone Employee Retreat: Input, wisdom, and guidance from Seneca Savings CEO, President & Director, Joseph Vitale.
"So many families are impacted by breast cancer including my own family and our employees and their families," says Joe. As a board member in support of American Cancer Society's Making Strides event, Joe is a huge advocate of all efforts to raise awareness and funding for breast cancer research.
A very proud moment for the Seneca Savings Team at Best Places to Work Awards Banquet This year, Seneca Savings is excited about being the Presenting Sponsor for Best Places to Work as well!
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Budgetingteachescriticalsavingsandspendingskillsthat kidscanusetoachievefinancialhealthinadulthood.By teachingkidsthebasicsofmoneyandhowtocontrolmoney throughabudget,you’llbepreparingthemforthefinancial realitiesofadulthood.
Startbyusingreal-lifeexamplestoteachkidsaboutbudgeting sotheycanrelatetothelessonsAsmoneytopicscomeupin yourhouseholdandyourkidsarearound,talkaboutitas openlyaspossible.
Onewaytodothisistoincludeyourchildreninbasic financialdecisions,likegroceryshopping.Explainwhy you’veestablishedabudgetforgroceryshoppingandwhyit’s importanttocreateashoppinglist.Askyourkidstohelpyou comparepricesandexamineproductclaimsAretheresimilar productsthatarelessexpensiveandbudgetfriendly?This opensthedoortoconversationsaboutwhysomethingscost more
Helpyourchildrenunderstandthedifferencebetween somethingtheywantandsomethingtheyneedsotheycan prioritizehowtospendmoney.Considerusinganexample suchasclothesandtoys.Whiletoysaresomethingwewant becausetheyarefuntoplaywith,clothingissomethingwe needtostaywarmanddry.It'simportantthatyourchild knowswantsarelessimportantcomparedtoneeds.
Seneca Savings University "SSU" offers FREE financial wellness tools, vidoes, resources, onine: SenecaSavings.com/video-tutorials/
Onegreatwaytoteachkidsaboutresponsiblespendingisto establishanallowance.Howmuchyougiveisup reatwaytoteachkids shouldbeseenlike arnedratherthanaweekly tothingslikeacademic rgoodbehaviorThis ained
wanceistotalkabouthow ney.Parentscanbeginto dspendinggoals.Oneway eckingandsavings vingsplanandwhatthey'd
Financialwell-beingislikegettingfitinyourwallet andinyourmoneymindset.It'sonestepatatime andajourneyworthwhiletaking.
Asatrustedmoneypartnertothecommunitieswe serve,SenecaSavingscontinuestoprovideeducational toolsandresourcestohelpequipthenextgeneration withtheknowledgetoleadfiscallyresponsiblelives.
Youthfinancialliteracyprogramsonthestateand federallevelswereapriorityin2022,andtrends indicatethatthismomentumwillcontinueinto2023!
InpartnershipwithEverFi,thisistheimpactSeneca Savingsisabletocreateinareaschoolsduringthe 2022-2023schoolyeartodate:
Budgetingandplanningforemergenciesaretwoofthe mostimportantfactorsinfinancialfitness.
Theveryfirststepisto'getreal'withyourmoney. Avoidingyourfinancesisn'tgoingtosetyouupforthe successyoudesire.Themorerealyougetwithyourmoney, themoreyourmoneywillgetrealwithyou.It'sa relationshipyouneedtofoster.
Thinkofyourmoneyinbuckets.Youhaveshort-termand long-termfinancialneeds.Youhaveabsoluteneeds,then youhavewants.Makeadecisionaboutwhat%percentage needstogoinwhatbucket.Makeaplan,andsticktoit.If yougetofftrack,it'sjustlikegettingfit...don'tbe discouragedandgetyourselfrightbackontrack. Considerhowyourneedsdifferbasedonwhereyou'reat inlifeandwhatyouwanttoplanfor.Millennialswillhave averydifferentsetofconsiderationsthanGenX. Millennialswilllikelybeplanningforawedding,balancing collegedebt,savingforafirsthomepurchase.GenXare sendingtheirkidstocollege,payingfortheirchildrens' weddings,maybeconsideringearlyretirement.Allofthese influenceyourprioritiesandpercentagesineachbucket.
"Money doesn't make you immune to the speedbumps in life. But it can turn an Emergency... into an inconvenience."
- Dave Ramsey
Therearesometriedandtrueactionsandbeliefstoconsider asyoubetterunderstandyourrelationshipwithmoney:
1)PayYourselfFirst.Take10%ofwhateverisearned,andputit away,investit.You'llnevermiss10%,especiallyonceinthe habit.Butitsuredoesaddup.
3)Besmartaboutyourdebt.Understandhowtocreate balanceinthecashthat'sflowingin,andthecashthat'sflowing out.Prioritizeandunderstandthedifferencebetweenshorttermandlong-termdebt.
4)Savenowandbuylater.Ifit'sworthwhilegetting,it'llbe therewhenyouhavethefundstodoit.Youremergencyfundis vitallyimportant.
5)WhileYouSleep.Ifyou'reabletocreateastreamofpassive income,startassoonaspossible.
6)TreatYourself.Learntoappreciatethesmalltreatsandbe suretogiveyourselfthetimetoenjoythem.
April is Community Banking Month A Celebration of the independent spirit and unwavering commitment of community banks to help consumers and small businesses achieve their financial goals. All of the efforts of a community bank are intended to help communities prosper
Some of the Seneca Savings employees have always worked in a community bank environment, because they desire to remain part of a closeknit circle of family and friends, who support and understand one another. Many of the employees at Seneca Savings have intentionally come from bigger banks to a local community bank for the very same reasons: To be a part of something purposeful, impactful, meaningful, and lasting
Much is written about the classic financial mistakes that plague start-ups, family businesses, corporations, and charities. Some classic financial missteps have been known to plague retirees, too. Calling them “missteps” may be a bit harsh, as not all of them represent errors in judgment. Either way, becoming aware of these potential pitfalls may help you to avoid falling into them in the future.
Social Security benefits are structured to rise about 8% for every year you delay receiving them after your full retirement age. Is waiting a few years to apply for benefits an idea you might consider? Filing for your monthly benefits before you reach your full retirement age can mean comparatively smaller monthly payments.
One report estimates that a healthy couple retiring at age 65 can expect nearly $208,000 in out-of-pocket medical expenses during the course of their retirement, even with additional coverage such as Medicare Part D, Medigap, and dental insurance. Having a strategy can help you be better prepared for medical costs.
Actuaries at the Social Security Administration project that around a third of today’s 65-year-olds will live to age 90, with about one in seven living 95 years or longer. The prospect of a 20- or 30-year retirement is not only reasonable, but it should be expected.
Greg Boshart, Program Manager Greg.Boshart@LPL.comSome people enter retirement with investments in both taxable and tax-advantaged accounts. Which accounts should you draw money from first? To answer the question, a qualified financial professional would need to review your financial situation so they can better understand your goals and risk tolerance. This article is for informational purposes only and is not a replacement for real-life advice, so make sure to consult your tax, legal, and accounting professionals before modifying your investment strategy for tax considerations.
There is no “financial aid” program for retirement. There are no “retirement loans.” A financial professional can help you review your anticipated income and costs before you commit to a long-term strategy, and help you make a balanced decision between retirement and helping with the cost of college for your children or grandchildren.
Interest rates have been in the news a lot lately. With the Federal Reserve Board raising rates so rapidly many people aren’t sure what it means and how it impacts them personally. I think it is important to put the recent increases in context. Forbes.com recently ran an article on the history of the Federal Funds (FF) Rate. The author breaks this 33 year span into 15 distinct periods of FF rate changes. He starts in the article that in 1990, the Fed Funds Rate was 8%, a high for this 33 year time span. 1990 was also the start of the first down cycle in the rate, known as The Gulf War Recession. This decrease lasted until 1992 and is the first of 9 periods identified that the Fed initiated a down cycle in the FF rate. Since that cycle, the FF rate has not yet again reached an 8% high.
However, twice during this span the FF has dropped to 0% at the onset of the Great Recession in 2008 and at the outbreak of the COVID pandemic in 2020. The Federal Funds Rate highly correlates to changes in the Prime Rate. The Prime Rate is the benchmark interest rate used by banks to set interest rates for various loan products, such as personal loans, credit cards, and home equity lines of credit. Typically, the prime rate is about 3% above the FF rate. As the FF Rate goes up, so too does the Prime Rate. During the same time span discussed above, the lowest prime rate hit 3.25%, occurring twice, December 2008 (The Great Recession) and March 2020 (the Covid Pandemic). The highest the Prime Rate hit during this 33 years span was 10% in January 1990, which also corresponds to the highest FF rate of the period. The highest prime rate ever was 21.5% in December 1980.
If you're in the market to buy a home, it has become more expensive. For example: On a $300,000 30-year mortgage at 4.50%, your monthly principal and interest payment would be approximately $1,520. If that same mortgage now has a rate of 5.50% then your payment will be approximately $1,703.
By raising the FF rate, the Fed is trying to slow down inflation. The hope is that the more it costs to borrow money, the less likely consumers will be to buy goods. The lower the demand is for goods, the more likely prices will come down and inflation will slow. In the end, the Fed is trying to balance the FF rate and inflation to keep the economy growing no easy task.
Poperation of sixteen employees today. The Plumley team consists of engineers, civil engineers, environmental engineers, geologists, flora and fauna specialists, GIS specialists, and even someone who flies their drone.
From a young boy inspired by Jacques Cousteau, Joel always wanted to be an oceanographer. Even throughout high school, Joel was an avid scuba diver and was fascinated ith marine biolog Once at college he
thattypeofthing.I'mnotasfondofenvironmental work.Thatismostlypaperworkandregulatory work.Iliketodesignsomething.It'sagreatfeeling toseeitgetbuiltafterwards."Plumleyalsodoes environmentalengineeringforcompanies.Itmay beremovingpetroleumtanks,orcleaningup contamination.Thatdoesn'tparticularlymakeJoel jumpupanddownforjoy."ButwhenIdesigna railroadsidingintoaplant,nowthey'vegotsomething andwe'reallhappy.
learned pretty quickly that he'd need a PhD to make a real living as an oceanographer. "Freshman year, I had a roommate in college that was doing civil engineering. I had worked for my father in construction and enjoyed it. Knowing I could do well with a bachelor's degree as opposed to a PhD, I decided to go that route. I didn't particularly care for school," Joel laughs.
Graduating from Syracuse University in 1980, Joel took an eight hour exam and passed. Then he was required by the state to work for four years under a licensed professional engineer before he could take, and pass, the second eight hour exam. "As soon as I got through that second exam, I hung out my own shingle."
Thediversityofservices,particularlyforthesizeofthe company,havebeenauniqueadvantageforPlumley Engineering.Withthemanychangesrelatingto environmentalcompliance,Plumley'sbeenwellpositionedtosecurethatwork."Anexampletodayis calledmergingcontaminants,"Joelstates."Andmost peoplearehearingaboutPFAs(polyfluoroalkyl substances)orPFO(perfluorooctanesulfonate) compounds,whichareabigdeal.They'reactually developed,inpart,toproduceTeflon.Rightnowthe firmisworkingforanairairport,tryingtogetridof thefoamthattheyuseforfirefighting,becauseit containsPFAs.
Being one of seven children, Joel and his family grew up in modest circumstances. "Five of the seven of us went to Mohawk Valley Community College because it was inexpensive, it was a good place to start. And then we all transferred. We've got a sister that's an attorney, brother that's a surveyor, etc. My parents stressed education. If you didn't get an education, you'd probably be disowned in my family," Joel jokes. "My dad was tough on that. My parents have been a huge inspiration for me." Joel's also had professors that have very much inspired him. "Several professors at S.U. inspired me, particularly, a structural professor and a geo-technical soil mechanics professor, " says Joel. "Along with some very dear friends."
"The challenges primarily center around being able to keep up with new standards and regulations, making sure you're on top of changes," says Jesse, Joel's son and engineer at the firm. "New standards are created by generally, third parties in the industry. There's quite a bit of time before the development of these standards and when they're adopted by regulators; people who are actually making these laws. Best practices and staying on top of all of the changes can sometimes be the greatest challenge.
A transition is underway at Plumley as Joel is preparing to move on to a new chapter: Retirement. "I'm 68 and I'm ready. I've got other things I want to do in my life," says Joel. "My intent is to transfer the company to Jesse and another long-term employee here." Jesse and another employee are working on buying Joel out right now. "Originally I did not have an intention of working here," says Jesse. "I was going to school for international business with intentions of getting into international law. But during my summer I worked here to help out, doing little things. Something came up here in Baldwinsville where they needed to design a ramp to access a floating dock. It was a fairly minor thing in terms of civil engineering, but to me it was interesting to have to understand and implement. It addressed ADA compliance for wheelchair access to a dock that was going to be raising up and down and how to meet those challenges. That was something that I worked on the summer of 2003, and that triggered me
to change course. I left the business program and got into an engineering program, graduating as an engineer. Now, all this time later, we're moving into this transition. I'm excited about being an even bigger part of the future of our company!
Prior to Seneca Savings, Plumley Engineering was at a big, multi-national bank. They weren't responsive. "We weren't even on their radar," says Joel. "We're a small company. The local branches, I couldn't even get a hold of them. Every time I'd call, I'd get a call center somewhere in Boston. So, I finally decided to get somebody more local that I could deal with." Joel went to a couple banks. "Utimately, I chose Seneca. They're local. I could call down there and talk to Joe, the president, right now," Joel smiles with confidence.
"They've been very helpful to me. Prompt in returning phone calls or getting paperwork done. It's the best bank I've ever worked with! I can call and ask for Barb, the branch manager or Laurie Ucher, a Senior VP. They're just always so accessible." Jesse adds "We needed a quick loan for a van. Our old van was on its last legs back in 2021. That's when it was really hard to get any vehicles. We were scrambling and we needed the money fast in order to get the van we needed
Get rid of the screens. And, social media. Joel offers "I don't think that either really helps you through life." Next, is work hard. "I was brought up with a strong work ethic, and that's what got me to this point. Not so much my brains, but the fact that I was willing to work very hard. The first 20 years or so, I was here nights and weekends all the time, working."
Joel's third piece of advice is to "Study hard and take school seriously. Even if you don't like a course, try to get into it. You'll be glad you did later in life."
The owner of Say I Do Events, Dave Stirpe, combined his experience in renovation and restaurants, to create a one-of-a-kind collection of highly successful wedding venues. Located in Vernon, NY with five uniquely different venues, Say I Do curates hundreds and hundreds of weddings every year, with all of the added components: From the beautiful venue itself, food, bar, DJ, flowers, photography, cakes, every aspect a bride can dream of. "Not only do we execute the wedding, we do all the parts and pieces to make it a one stop shop for brides and grooms," says Dave. It saves couples time, energy, stress, and money, because of the sheer volume that Say I Do buys, which helps save on a couples' costs.
"It all began 16 years ago when someone asked me if I'd ever heard of The Dibbles Inn," smiles Dave. "It needed a lot of work and someone with business savvy to bring it around."
Because Say I Do already can average 14 to 15 weddings in a weekend, Dave wants to go deeper on the offerings for couples versus simply adding more venues. Rooms for lodging, a brewery to help serve the guests, as well as offer a before and after hours facility, are two examples Dave is planning for. "So, just a deeper breadth of products for our current couples as opposed to more couples," Dave adds. The company will continue to add services, continue to perfect the formula, and constantly make added improvements. They've already added a shuttle service. Dave states "Styles change, menus change, fads change, so it's about always keeping up with the times. One of the things that I enjoy the most is working with venues outside of my own to help them do design work and training, making their facilities better. It's something that I started about five or six years ago. I really do enjoy that. These communities are small. If your competitors get better, it only makes you continue to get better and better. I'm just a big believer in that. This business doesn't do well because a competitor does poorly. We do well, because we do well. That's what I focus on."
Dave feels he's lucky that his business really sits between Syracuse and Utica. What people are always surprised to find out about his business is the number of weddings executed. "Quite frankly, nobody in the industry even believes that we do it, but we actually draw a lot from New York City, Long Island, and across the country," states Dave. Only maybe a third of their weddings are local people. With the expansion that's happening in Syracuse, Utica and Rome, all the additional jobs, that creates more people. But there's only a certain amount of local people getting married every year. Dave knows he has to be there when couples are ready to make that decision.
Rising costs are a massive challenge for the business. "Let's face it," Dave says. "Rising costs are hurting everyone. When I'm pricing out a wedding, I commit to that pricing. It's tough to know because I'm booking weddings for 2024, 2025. How do you know? I never would've thought that eggs would be $9 a dozen. I mean, nobody would ever think that." So, controlling those costs and making sure there are no surprises it's next to impossible right now. It's not just about food costs. "People forget about energy costs and, heating and cooling all of these facilities. You really have to work very, very hard to control all those variables," states Dave.
Say I Do Events is not only a smart business model for the entrepreneur, it's also a passion project. "You’re a part of something with people in happy times. You’re contributing to one of the happiest days of their lives. I love all of the different elements we're able to design and put together for our clients." Dave shared that although weddings are similar, they all have their unique challenges, and it's the Say I Do team's job to make sure that the day goes perfectly. Unlike many of the venues today, which are barns, (Dave states that there are a lot of beautiful barns out there), "they're the opposite of what we do," he adds. "They're a do-it-yourself package. They're a full-time job and there are brides that want that. We're the opposite. We're an all-inclusive facility that takes care of
everything for you to eliminate that stress. And there are brides that want that too." With Say I Do, all of the bride's appointments are set and included; all personalized and custom. So, once a couple has their date secured, the bride meets with the floral team, the kitchen staff, the pastry chefs. The bride will meet with the DJs, etc. So, it saves the bride a lot of worry, time, energy, money, it’s just economies of scale all-around.
There's a lot of loyalty with the Say I Do staff. They’re a very close group. "We're all in it together," says Dave. "I'm constantly trying to make things better, not only for myself, but for the entire team. We move quickly and efficiently here. I like to work. It's really about the culture we've built here. Very rarely does anyone ever leave. Dave adds that it's not like the movies. People think of a wedding planner and they think of Jennifer Lopez in a movie with her microphones on. There are a lot of moving parts, and it can be a very stressful day. The key to the whole thing is that the bride doesn't have to experience that stress. So, there are always mistakes that happen along the way" adds Dave. "It’s our job to fix those mistakes and buffer all of that so the bride, the groom, and all of their guests, can have the most memorable, happy experience ever!"
Seneca was something that really turned out to be a surprise for Dave. "I mean, who talks about their bank?" Dave laughs. "I have referred so many colleagues and people in business and the local business community... to Seneca. Their personalized touch... I think that that's the biggest difference. I was with a big national bank before Seneca Savings. When I left, I don't even know if they knew I'd left! And to get anything done, to be able to call and to just ask for help, forget it! The relationship was getting more and more distant, less and less personal. I wanted to be with a bank that treated me like my business mattered. I went and interviewed every small bank there was. Choosing Seneca was definitely the right decision."
"You go into it hoping it's not just promises and it wasn't just promises, it is how they operate. I've sat with the president of the bank. I've had issues, but they've heard my issues and worked for solutions with me, to fix the problems. That's all you're ever asking for. It's like with any business, nothing's ever going to be perfect. But will they work through the problem with you and help so that you're able to do business. I had an issue just the other day. I picked up the phone, talked to the branch manager and she drove here and picked up my deposit because she knew I couldn't make it to the bank. I mean, it's just amazing to me… who does that?!"
Seneca keeps it easy for Dave and he does just about all of his banking remotely. "They set up the system here, so we're able to deposit checks right on site. We handle everything online."
Dave and his entire team have a very strong focus on their local community. A charity was set up called Constance Cause, named after a family member of an employee who passed away with cancer. Fundraisers are done throughout the year. One hundred percent of the money is donated to the local community. Helping with anything from kids that need sneakers for school to somebody has a fire, people that are down on their luck, or just need a helping hand. Dave says "We do Easter every year, where we feed almost 3,000 people for free. We've raised several hundred thousand dollars. I owe an incredibly huge 'Thank You' to Seneca Savings for being a part of my team and helping me make all of this happen."
In a small office on South Salina Street back in 2009, an idea was born out of a desire to give back to a community he called home. Attorney Joe Stanley could only begin to imagine the impact that one idea would lead to in the years to come. Hundreds of events, tens of thousands of dollars, countless volunteers and musical contributions later, Music for the Mission (M4M) is creating impact. In February 2023, thirty food pantries across Upstate New York each received $1,000 mini-grants from Music For the Mission. The highest number yet in any one grant round. "A $1,000 may not seem a lot to some, but I can tell you, to each of those food pantries and the people visiting those food pantries, it makes a world of difference," says Joe.
Like so many people, Joe has a deep love for music. "We agreed in the beginning that music was perfect to encourage people to have fun and do good at the same time," says Angela Moonan, marketing consultant, who's worked with Joe for 20+ years and helped bring M4M to life. "At the time, Joe was 'holding court' in the chapel every month at the Rescue Mission. He'd offer free legal counsel to anyone who needed it. So we combined music with mission, and there you have it," says Angela.
After supporting worthwhile non-profits like the Rescue Mission, the Salvation Army and the Food Bank of CNY, the M4M board decided they wanted to support smaller, grassroots organizations that often get overlooked because of their size or simple awareness. "Implementing the mini-grant process so that more could benefit has proven to be the right move," says Executive Director and musician, Joanna Jewett. The mini-grants are funding small food pantries, churches, school programs, etc. and
offerthemvitalsupport.M4Mreceivedninetyapplicantions thismostrecentgrantroundandcouldonlyfundthirty."We haveevenmoreworktodo.Butit'sincrediblyworthwhile. Ingrantroundsinthepast,wemightreceive20-25grant applications.Soclearlytheneedisincreasing,"saysJoanna. ThemusicianswhopartnerwithM4M,themediapartnersand concertvenues,barsandrestaurants,thegenerosityofso manywhodonate,it'sallanamazing,collectiveeffort.
InOnondagaCountyalone,thereare17,130kidsK-12thatare deemedfoodinsecure.Accordingtoa2017studyfromtheFood BankofCNY(undoubtedlythosenumbrshavesignificantly increasedinthelast5years),amongthethousandsofpeople whodependoncharitablefoodprogramsincentraland northernNewYork:
16%ofhouseholdsincludeanactivememberorveteranof themilitary
43%ofhouseholdshavehadtochoosebetweenpayingfor foodorpayingfordaytodayexpenses(medicine/medical care,utilities,rent/mortgageortransportation/fuel)
HangingonthewallsoftheattheStanleyLawOffices,a renovated,historichomeintheHawleyGreenDistricton BurnetAvenue,alsohometoMusicfortheMission,are"Love Notes."It'sanopportunitytohangamusicnoteonthewallin honorofsomeoneyoulove.For$5,peoplepostlovenoteswith thehonoree'sortheirname,onthemusicnote.Allproceedsgo toMusicFortheMission.Inadditiontoareaconcertsand eventsthatM4Mpartnerswith,there'sagrowingnumberof CNYmusicianswhoenjoyofferingtheirtalentstoraisemoney. "WenameanewArtistoftheMonth,"saysJoanna."That artistormusiceducatorissomeonewhowantstogivea portionofthatmonth'sCDsalesorperformancemoneyto M4M."Itgivesartiststheuniqueopportunitytonotonly sharetheirmusic,butalsosharetheloveforpayingit forwardtohelpthoseinneed."
"But for the grace of God goes any one of us. M4M educates and generates money to feed the hungry and shelter the homeless. People need our help. It's the right thing to do."
- Joe Stanley, FounderFounder, Attorney Joe Stanley and Board member Glenn Curry, present a check to the Urban Mission Music for the Mission Executive Director, Joanna Jewett In My Father's Kitchen Founder, John Tumino at an area M4M concert. IMFK is a past M4M grant recipient.
"Every dollar feeds three people. It adds up. Every action matters." - Angela MoonanOne of the original Co-Founders and current board member Angela Moonan, with songwriter Bob Halligan, Jr. on area show Bridge Street, Channel 9 WSYR
As a community bank, we put the needs of our neighbors first. It's important to pay it forward and be good stewards for the people, businesses, schools, and churches that are the cornerstones of any thriving community.
SENECALocal represents the heart and soul of our Seneca Savings Team, who continually come together (400+ volunteer hours so far this year and counting!), to be informed, get involved, and make a difference.
It's an honor to be a part of the good works of so many across the Central NY area. Success is never a solo act, but the culmination of many talents, passion, commitment, connection, true grit, spirit, and determination.
Thank You to our Team... and the wonderful community partners and YOU... for letting us walk this journey with you.
Have a beautiful and blooming Spring! Point your phone camera at the QR Code below to see a full listing of Spring events throughout the area!
FRIDAYFISHDINNERBENEFITSFridays5-8pm(notHolidayweeks)TAKEOUTONLY.CallaheadonFridaysafter4pmat 315-692-4426toplaceanorder!AmericanLegion-109FayetteSt,Manlius,5PM-8PM
SPRINGARTS&CRAFTSSHOWMultiplevendorsfromacrosstheareaatthe1870HouseintheheartofhistoricAuburn. Woodworking,jewelry,stainedglass,soaps,candles,personalizeditems,children'sitems,clothing1870House, 5661SouthStreetRoad,Auburn,10AM-4PM
GREATSAINTSOFMARCHDINNERANDAUCTIONSt.RoseofLimaSchoolinNorthSyracuseishostingitsGreatSaintsof Marchfundraiser.TheeventfeaturesIrishandItalianinspiredfoods,music,raffles,&live&silentauction.St.Roseof LimaSchool-407SouthMainSt,NorthSyracuse,5:30PM-9:00PM,strosecny.org
WONDERFULWOODCOCKSOnaspecialfieldtriptotheCentralNewYorkLandTrust’sPleasantValleyPreserve,which providesidealwoodcockhabitatincludingfieldsandbrushyareas,wewilllearnabouthowtheseresourcefulbirds surviveandthrive.BaltimoreWoodsNatureCenter-4007BishopHillRd,Marcellus
2347W.GeneseeSt Baldwinsville
7:00PM-8:00PM,$6members;$9publichttps://baltimorewoods.org/event/wonderful-woodcocks/ OncenterCrouseHindsTheater-411MontgomeryStreet,Syracuse,7:30PM-9:30PMexperiencesymphoriaorg/
PEDALING4PAIGEAnindoorspinningevent,Pedaling4Paigeisagreatwaytoputyourphysical,mentalandemotional energytowardssomethingmuchbigger:Raisefundstohelpfamiliesfightingpediatricc,ncerinCentralNewYork.
SPRINGCRAFTSHOWANDSIPANDSHOPJoin60retailersaswewelcomeSpring!Localcraftsandbusinesseswillbeready togetyouwarmedupforSpring!Easterisjust2weeksawayandwe'llhaveDecorandtreatsforyoutofillyourbaskets!
SupportLocalandSmallBusinesses!VernonDownsCasinoHotel-4229StuhlmanRoad,Vernon,12PM-4PMFree LUNCHTIMELECTURE:THELIFEANDARTOFJESSIECATHERINEKINSLEY
Inthistalk,TomGuilerfromtheOneidaCommunityManionHousewilldiscussthelifeandartofJessieCatherine Kinsley.Thistalkwillbepresentedbothin-personandviaZoom.Youcanregisterhere: https://eriecanalmuseumorg/store/product/lecture/
ErieCanalMuseum-318ErieBlvdE,Syracuse,12:00PM-1:00PM,Freew/$10suggesteddonation https://eriecanalmuseum.org/event/lunchtime-lecture-25-years-of-youth-25-years-of-marriage-25-years-of-braidingthe-life-and-art-of-jessie-catherine-kinsley/
INTERNATIONALTASTEFESTIVALThe2ndAnnualInternationalTasteFestivalwillbeheldApril1,2023attheNewYork StateFairgroundsCenterofProgressBuilding!Withafocusonthetastesandtraditionsofmanydifferentcountriesand cultures,weinviteyoutoattendwithfamilyandfriends.NewYorkStateFairgrounds-CenterofProgress581StateFairBlvd,Syracuse,11AM-9PMinternationaltastefestival.com
MAKERFAIRESYRACUSEFeaturinglocal“makers,”MakerFaireSyracuseisaninteractiveandfamily-friendlyshowcase ofinventionandcreativity.MakerFairefeaturesallkindsofmakingandcreatingfromtraditionalarts&craftstohightech creationsLeMoyneCollegeEventsCenter500SpringfieldRd,Syracuse,10AM-4PMsyracusemakerfairecom/ MONSTERJAM®Sat,Apr8,4–8PM,JMAWirelessDome900IrvingAve,SyracuseExperiencefull-throttlefamilyfun, whereworld-classathletes&their12,000-poundmonstertruckstearupthedirtinwide-opencompetitionsofspeed &skill.
Let’sdoourbitthroughEarthDay2023eventswhilemothernatureresponds beautifullytoallthepositivethingsthatwedoforher
Every step, every hand shake, every commitment, every one of us every day on the Seneca Savings Team, is working to earn your trust and your business. Your opinion matters in person, and online. Please consider leaving us an online review by aiming your phone camera at any branch location QR code below... It's an honor to serve you as your local bank. Thank You!
Withmixeronlow,beatineggsandyolks,oneatatime.Beatin2tablespoonslemonjuice. Alternatelybeatinflourmixtureandbuttermilkbeginningandendingwithflourmixture; mixjustuntilcombined.
Dividebatterbetweenpans;smoothtops.Bakeuntilcakespullawayfromsidesofpans, 32-35minutes.Letcoolinpans10minutes.Runaknifearoundedgesofpansandinvert cakesontoawirerack
Whilecakesarebaking,bringremaining1/2cupsugarand1/2cupwatertoaboilina saucepan.Addlemonslicesandsimmer25minutes.Usingaslottedspoon,transferlemon slicestoawaxed,paper-linedplate Stirremaining1/4cupfreshlemonjuiceintosyrup
Usingatoothpick,pokeholesinwarmcakesonrack.Brushwithlemonsyrup.Letcool completely.Preparefrosting,substituting2tablespoonsfreshlemonjuiceforvanillaextract. Frostcooledcakesandtopwithcandiedlemonslices Cook'sNotes
Reservetheeggwhitesleftoverfromthecakeforthefrosting.Andwhenmakingthe frosting,substitute2tablespoonsfreshlemonjuiceforthevanillaextract.