Determining what we can and cannot say about Lovvare’s products can be confusing at times. This document is de signed to provide Lovvare Brand Partners with several ex amples of product claims that are unacceptable under the law, as well as alternative structure-function claims that are acceptable as long as they are used in a manner that is truthful, not misleading and substantiated. As an inde pendent business leader, you are ultimately responsible for how you run your business. We hope that this document will be helpful to you in that process.
This document is provided to you as a service. The claims listed in herein are intended as a guide and do not represent a complete, comprehensive or exhaustive list of potential unacceptable or acceptable claims. In addition, the claims listed in this pamphlet as acceptable are subject to change without notice from Lovvare as a results of changes in federal, state or local laws, statues, ordinances, rules or regulations. This document does not constitute legal advise from Lovvare. You should always consult with your own legal counsel when determining how to run your business, including how to apply information contained in this document.
Helps relax muscles
Supports heart muscle function
Helps maintain normal blood viscosity
Maintains blood pressure already in normal range
Sustaining blood pressure & cholesterol levels already in range
Maintains cholesterol levels already in normal range
Memory - mild (aging)
Supplements may support cognitive function & diminish age-related memory loss
Sows other noticeable signs of agin on the skin, eg. liver spots etc.
Eyes-Prebyopia (focus/aging) or supports healthy eye function
Relieves crushing chest pain
Prevents irregular heartbeat
Inhibits platelet aggregation
Lowers blood pressure
Sustaining healthy blood pressure & cholesterol levels
Lowers cholesterol
Memory - Alzheimer’s / dementia
Supplements may improve cognitive function & memory
Eliminates liver spots & spider veins
Eyes - Glaucoma
Aids with sexual desire
Sexual performance
May inhibit low sexual desire
Supports male sexual performance
Supports male glandular function
Provides hormone balance, especially for men over 40
Supports healthy male erectile function
Acts as an appetite suppressant in support of weight loss
Helps stimulate metabolism & helps burn fat while boosting energy
Relief from menopause symptoms
Used to support menopausal women
May reduce hot flash symptoms
Proper nutrition is important when dealing with PMS
Supports a good attitude during PMS
Alleviates morning sickness associated with pregnancy
Restores sexual potency
Low libido
Supports male potency
Supports male fertility
To relieve the symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy
Supports male fertility & erectile function
Weight loss - obesity
Speeds up metabolism & burns fat
Relief from menopause
Used to address menopausal concerns
Eliminates symptoms associated with hot flashes
Symptoms of PMS can be alleviated with proper nutrition
Prevents mood swings associated with PMS
Prevents nausea
Assists with occasional heartburn
Aids with gastrointestinalv issues
Probiotics may be used for relief of occasional constipation, acid indigestion, gas, bloating, pressure, etc.
Supplementation can reintroduce friendly bacteria, creating an optimal balance
Outside invaders (or) foreign invaders
Helps promote digestion
May be used as a digestive aid
Microorganisms, viruses, bacteria, allergens, molds, toxins, free radicals & parasites
Helps alleviate bloating, gas & stomach pain
May help with symptoms of IBS & Crohn’s
Mood - relaxed feeling
Encourages a calm feeling
Occasional nervous irritability
Herbal supplement for occasional moodiness
A poor diet can often lead to stress, moodiness, anxiety & occasional sleeplessness
Promotes restful sleep
Used for occasional sleeplessness
Provides natural support for nervous system
Helps with emotional well-being
Help in dealing with emotional issues
Helps in times of stress & tension
Provides help with stress & frustration
Helps prevent nervous irritability
Provides nervous system support \ during pregnancy
Gently soothe away the tension
Provides nervous system support during times of stress
Mood - herbal Prozac/depression
Herbal supplement for depression
A poor diet can often lead to stress, depression, anxiety & insomnia
Sleeplessness - insomnia
Used as a sleep aid
Natural tranquilizer
Help with emotional healing issues
Help in solving emotional issues
Use in times of stress & trauma
Relieves anxiety & anger
Natural Xanax
Acute psychosis of pregnancy
Treat pain
Nervous tension headaches
Pain - analgesic
Joint Pain
Joint pain & degeneration
Clear uric acid from the joints
Helping people with chronic pain
Promote the healing of soft-tissue injuries
Helps stimulate repair of damaged cartilage
Reduces swelling & water retention
Prevents seizures
Immune - supports the immune system
Supports body challenges
Support immune system function
Seasonal changes (or) cold weather
Support the immune system
Fights o biological stressors
Strengthens the immune system
Supports the immune system
Supports the immune system; selectively supports specific cells
Protects the body & contributes to better health
The body is constantly assaulted by potential threats
Antioxidants may supply a variety of healthful benefits
Research continues to show the benefits of a diet that includes a higher iake of antioxidant - rich foods.
Helps balance Candida yeast
Provides a healthy inflammation response
Acne - non-cystic
Immune - wasting / AIDS
Fights illnesses & infections
Fight against viruses & toxins
Flu season
Prevent the common cold
Supports the body’s antiviral capabilities
Antibiotic Cancer
Maintaining a tumor-free state
Protects the body form health issues
The body is constantly assaulted by germs, viruses & pollutants that can make you sick
Antioxidants may help reduce the risk for a variety of health concerns
Research continues to show that a higher intake of antioxidant-rich foods is associated with lower occurrences of chronic diseases such as cancer & cardiovascular disease
Provides relief from symptoms associated with Candida yeast infections
Acne - cystic
Regulate blood sugar levels
Toxemia of pregnancy
Purifies the blood
Reduces & dissolves gallstones
Maintain already-normal blood sugar levels
Supports the digestive & intestinal system during pregnancy
Nutritionally supports the blood, liver, glands & general circulation
Supports digestive function, especially the liver & gallbladder
Supports healthy liver function
Aids in detoxification of the liver
May help with fatty liver disease
Detoxifies the liver
Hair loss - with aging
O ers general support
Natural product
Herbal formula (or) herbology
Herbal supplements (or) natural supplements
Servings Supports Shortages
Deal with Widespread
Health issues (or) health concerns Questionable
A ect
Emotions are an important factor in health
Historically consumed for a variety of applications
May reduce wrinkles
Hair loss - Alopecia
O ers general protection
Natural remedy (or) medicine
Herbal medicine
Herbal remedies (or) natural remedies
Protects (or) improves
An epidemic
Health problems
Unsafe Impair
Many physical conditions are tied to emotional issues
Historically consumed for a variety of ailments
Reverse skin damage
Air quality concerns
Maintain mucous membrane balance
The challenges going around this season
Help support the body during seasonal changes
The body is under constant assault by the environment
Supports healthy lung function
Maintains healthy lung function
Supports healthy lung function
Supports the bronchial system
Supports lungs & sinuses
Encourages proper nasal function
Smoking - smoking cessation aid
Maintain mucous membrane health to combat the e ects of allergies
The bugs & germs going around this season
Natural Help defend the body against seasonal changes
The body is constantly assaulted by germs, viruses & pollutants that can make you sick
Helps clear the lungs
Natural relief for bronchial issues
Relief of bronchospasm
Nasal decongestant
Used to improve colon conditions including impaction & parasites
Helps provide relief of intestinal distress & pain
Relieves chronic constipation
Works as a natural laxative
Has been used as a diuretic
Deters bacteria from adhering to the wall of the bladder & urinary tract
Helps fight urinary tract infection
Alleviates symptoms of kidney infection
Has natural diuretic properties
Nutritionally supports the health of the urinary tract
Nutritionally supports the health of the urinary tract
Supports kidney health & function