Lowell Alumni Newsletter Winter 2012

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F. Warren Hellman 1934-2011

One of the Lowell High School alumni family’s favorite sons, Warren Hellman died on December 18, 2011 at the age of 77 from complications of leukemia. The prominent financier and philanthropist was best known for his sponsorship of the annual Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival in Golden Gate Park, which has grown into a three-day celebration of bluegrass and other types of music that draws crowds measured in the hundreds of thousands. Born in New York, his family moved to the Bay Area where both his parents served in the war effort during World War II. Mr. Hellman graduated from Lowell with the Spring 1951 class and then continued his education at UC Berkeley, where he earned an economics degree, and Harvard Business School. Hellman’s reputation in the world of finance was built upon becoming, at age 28, the youngest partner in history at the Lehman Brothers investment banking firm. In 1984, Mr. Hellman returned to San Francisco to establish the Hellman & Friedman venture capital firm. Among Mr. Hellman’s many philanthropic interests was public education. In addition to regular and generous donations to the Lowell Alumni Association, he also supported local ballot measures to benefit the San Francisco public schools. Most notably, he bankrolled a significant portion of the 2008 campaign to pass Proposition A in San Francisco, a parcel tax used to fund teacher salary increases. After committing to a major donation to that campaign, Hellman was instrumental in convincing fellow Lowellite Don Fisher, the late co-founder of Gap, Inc., to make a matching donation. Mr. Hellman will be remembered at Lowell for two memorable visits to campus. He attended the Lowell Alumni Association’s annual scholarship reception and awards ceremony a few years ago, quietly observing the various scholarship presentations while taking careful notes. As it turned out, he was noting the names of each college and university that the scholarship recipients would be attending and remarked at the end of the evening at how impressed he was with the high quality of today’s Lowell students. On another occasion, he toured campus and then met with student government leaders, one of whom asked why Hellman cared so much about public education. Hellman responded with a heartfelt explanation of his belief that public schools are one of the few places in our society where people from such diverse backgrounds interact and that our entire society will suffer if our public schools are allowed to deteriorate. Among the many tributes to Mr. Hellman has been the re-naming of Golden Gate Park’s Speedway Meadow, one of the venues for the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival, as Hellman Hollow, as suggested by SF Park and Recreation Commission President Mark Buell (Lowell ’60). Mr. Hellman is survived by Chris Hellman, his wife of 56 years, four children, 12 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

1961 photo shows the initial stages of construction of the “new” Lowell, with the auditorium framework at the far left.

Save The Date! Saturday, October 13

Campus Open House To Celebrate 50th Anniversary Of “New” Lowell Although it may come as a surprise to many, this year marks the 50th school year for Lowell at the current Lake Merced campus on Eucalyptus Drive, thus eclipsing the 49 years Lowell made its home at the Hayes Street campus near the Golden Gate Park panhandle. In celebration of this historic milestone, the Lowell Alumni Association will be sponsoring a special campus open house event on Saturday, October 13th, featuring campus tours; demonstrations by a variety of student clubs, teams and organizations; and special surprises.

Please mark your calendar now so you’ll be able to join us to meet Lowell alumni from all eras. We are extending a very special invitation to all Lowell alumni who have yet to visit the “new” campus so you can see how the Lowell tradition continues with the strong support of so many proud alumni and friends. For more information, please check for updates later this year at www.lowellalumni. org. Ticket sales will be conducted using www.lowellalumni.givezooks.com.


$100,000 Challenge Is Focus Of Annual Fund Campaign

The Lowell Alumni Association’s current Annual Fund Campaign, launched late last year, has as its primary goal providing $100,000 of funding for the new Lowell Science Research Program in order to take full advantage of a very generous matching gift challenge by Lowell alumnus Herbert Lee from the Spring 1973 class. Mr. Lee has offered to match, on a dollar-for-dollar basis, every alumni donation to the Science Research Program, up to a maximum of $100,000. If fully met, this challenge will result in $200,000 of funding to upgrade science labs throughout the school to benefit all Lowell science students. The Lowell Science Research Program, launched in 2010, provides students with the technical skills, support and encouragement needed to conduct original science research. Thanks to a dedicated cadre of M.D./ Ph.D. students from UC San Francisco, led by Lowell alumna Julia Ye (class of 2006), more than 80 students are attending afterschool lectures introducing them to research techniques and procedures. To date, $50,000 in donations from alumni and friends have been matched, allowing us to move forward with the first phase of science lab improvements, includ-

ing the purchase of high-tech data collection probes and computers. Two Lowell Science Research Program students have already received national recognition in the 2011 Siemens Competition in Math, Science and Technology, including Lowell senior Andrew Xu who was one of 20 national finalists and received a $20,000 college scholarship from Siemens. We hope these are just the first of dozens of national prize winners in the coming years. A notable recent development was a special lecture to a student audience that packed the Carol Channing Theater by Nobel Prize recipient Dr. Mike Bishop from the University of California at San Francisco. Dr. Bishop encouraged Lowell students to pursue careers in science by describing his unusual career path in a lecture with the tongue in cheek title “How to Win a Nobel Prize.” Our Annual Fund Campaign year ends on June 30, 2012, so there’s still time for you to help us meet the $100,000 challenge to support the Science Research Program and properly equip Lowell science labs. To donate by credit card or check, please visit www.lowellalumni.org/donate. Your support is most sincerely appreciated!

Ambassador John Roos ’72 Meets Lowell Students John Roos, U.S. Ambassador to Japan and a Lowell alumnus from the Fall 1972 class, stopped off in San Francisco on his way back to Tokyo last November to speak to an appreciative audience of Lowell students in the Carol Channing Theater. In his November 17th presentation, Ambassador Roos discussed the United States’ response to the earthquake and tsunami that struck in the Tohoku region of Japan last March while also emphasizing the importance of cultural understanding between the younger generation in the two countries. Following the earthquake, Ambassador Roos was moved by the Japanese people’s incredible fortitude in the face of adversity. “I saw the strength, determination and calmness of the Japanese; it was both impressive and moving at the same time,” he said in an interview. In the Ambassador’s presentation, as he talked about his personal experiences during the disaster, he shared the story of Ayaka, one survivor he met personally, who lost both her parents. “Without a family, she would have to forgo college and have to go to work, but her strength and determination were palpable,” Roos said. A few months after the March disaster, Ayaka visited the ambassador again, and expressed her thanks for the U.S. aid, speaking of her dream to graduate from high school and study in the United States one day. Roos, who holds undergraduate and law degrees from Stanford, had a very successful career with premiere Silicon Valley law firm Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati before

President Obama offered him the opportunity to serve as our official representative to Japan. According to Roos, “I was not seeking to become an Ambassador” but “it was something I could not pass up.” Ambassador Roos becomes the fifth Lowell alumnus to serve as a U.S. Ambassdor, joining an elite club with James Zellerbach, class of 1909 (Italy); William Hewitt ’30 (Jamaica); James Rosenthal ’50 (Guinea); and Julia Chang Bloch ’60 (Nepal). And of course the school’s namesake, James Russell Lowell, served as U.S. Ambassador to Spain and England, so perhaps it’s no surprise that so many Lowellites have served in the nation’s diplomatic corps.

Lowell on Twitter Check out general Lowell news @lowellalumni and Lowell sports news @lowellsports

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Lowell Alumni Association

Spring 2012

Reunion Calendar Classes of January & June 1937 — 75-Year Reunion Tuesday, May 22 at 11am – Basque Cultural Center, South SF Join us for our diamond anniversary reunion luncheon to renew friendships and celebrate! More information coming soon by mail.

Class of January 1952 – 60-Year Reunion Thursday, March 22, 2012 at 11am — Spinnaker Restaurant, Sausalito Don’t miss this great luncheon in a beautiful private room perched on the edge of San Francisco Bay! For more information, please contact Barry Gilbert at (415) 459-9166.

Class of June 1952 — 60-Year Reunion Saturday, October 13, 2012 at 11:30am — St Francis Yacht Club, SF

Class of 1982 – 30-Year Reunion Saturday, December 22, 2012 at 6pm — Crystal Springs Golf Club Save the date – it’s party time! Our 30-year reunion is happening on Saturday, December 22nd from 6pm to 11pm at the beautiful Crystal Springs Golf Club in Burlingame. We will have hors d’oeuvres, buffet dinner, dessert bar and no host cocktails. Come to dance and mingle with old friends. Use the Photo Booth to take souvenir pictures with friends – yours to keep and post your own on Facebook! Help spread the word so we can include everyone. Please update your contact info (especially e-mail address) by visiting www.lowellalumni.org/address.shtml. And join “Lowell High School (SF) Class of 1982” on Facebook to start catching up with classmates. Tickets and more info available by visiting www.lowellalumni.givezooks.com

Class of 1992 — 20-Year Reunion

Please join us for a reception at 11:30am followed by lunch at 1pm. More details coming soon by mail!

Classes of January & June 1953 — 60-Year Reunion Early Alert — Planning has begun for an event in 2013 Classes of January & June 1962 — 50-Year Reunion Saturday, May 19, 2012 at 7pm — Old Lowell (Hayes & Masonic) Re-Occupy the OLD Lowell Fifty years? No Way! But haven’t we come a long way since leaving the old brick pile at the corner of Masonic and Hayes? Join us in the THIRD FLOOR AUDITORIUM for the ultimate class assembly. Quiet ’60s music, continual video of photos of our classes, your class friends, and a yummy buffet throughout the evening with a no host wine, beer and soft drink bar that will be topped off by a fabulous San Francisco dessert! Tickets and more info available by visiting www.lowellalumni.givezooks.com

Classes of January & June 1963 — 50-Year Reunion Planning is Underway! Get ready for our 50-year reunion in 2013! If you’re interested in helping make this a very special event, please contact Allan Gold at (415) 929-9524 or agold8946@aol.com.

The Class of ’65 Turns 65!

Ready to get started with planning this reunion? Please contact the LAA at 415.759.7830 or lowellaa@lowellalumni.org —we can help!

Class of 2002 — 10-Year Reunion Ready to get started with planning this reunion? Please contact the LAA at 415.759.7830 or lowellaa@lowellalumni.org —we can help!

Reunion Committees Don’t forget to provide photos and an account of your special event so we can share them with your fellow alumni in our next newsletter. We can help if you’re starting to plan a reunion. Phone (415) 759-7830 or e-mail us at lowellaa@lowellalumni.org

R eunion R eports 1943/1944 Reunion Last September 16th, on a truly beautiful San Francisco day, more than three dozen alumni and friends gathered at Sinbad’s on the Embarcadero to celebrate another great class reunion. Kudos to reunion ringleader Don Sharman and his loyal crew for keeping the Lowell spirit alive!

Lowell’s Pioneer Class is planning an early reunion later this year in conjunction with the 50th anniversary celebration of the “new” Lowell. We encourage you to attend the all alumni open house event at Lowell on Saturday, October 13th and will be planning an event for Friday evening, October 12th. Interested in helping? Please contact Roberta Bleiweiss at rbpromo@earthlink.net.

Classes of January & June 1967 — 45-Year Reunion Saturday, October 13, 2012 at 6:30pm — Elk’s Lodge, downtown SF Mark your calendar NOW to join us for a no—host cocktail reception, dinner and a rockin’ stroll down memory lane. More info coming soon. Please help us by updating your e-mail address today at www.lowellalumni.org/address.shtml Tickets and more info available by visiting www.lowellalumni.givezooks.com

Classes of January & June 1972 — 40-Year Reunion Saturday, November 3, 2012 at 6:30pm — Irish Cultural Center, SF

Cathryn Brash (left) and Bobbie Mathews Buckley help alums check in for the luncheon

Join us for our 40-year high school class reunion at the Irish Cultural Center, in San Francisco, on Saturday evening, November 3, 2012, for a special night of socializing, laughs, sharing of pictures, food, music, dancing and fun! Tickets and more information available by visiting www.lowellalumni.givezooks.com

LOWELL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Lisa Coughlin Clay ’74 President

Jim Rosenthal ’50 Vice President

Anita Payton ’74 Secretary

Leon Blum ’52 Terence Abad ’76 Treasurer Executive Director

Paul A. Lucey Executive Director Emeritus

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jack Anderson ’50 Roberta Bleiweiss ’65 Mike Bower ’67 Anna-Marie Bratton ’64 Cathryn Brash ’43 Joseph Ehrman III ’41 Claudia Wolf Eshoo ’67

Dan Genolio ’77 Dave Hagerman ’72 Georgene Poulakidas Kromydas ’88 King Lip ’95 Geraldine Rosen-Park ’77 Wendy Drefke Shinbori ’68

Helen Louie Wax ’66, Southern California Representative

Bruce Spiegelman ’67 Mark Steiner ’72 Paul Tam ’82 Mike Ugawa ’76 Rita Yee ’73 Irving Zaretsky ’59 Andy Ishibashi, Principal


Alums from the classes of 1943 and 1944 look over a panoramic class photo.

Spring 2012

Lowell Alumni Association

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R eunion R eports 1956 — 55-Year Reunion

1971 — 40-Year Reunion

The Spinnaker Restaurant in Sausalito was the setting for our 55-year class reunion. The girls looked gorgeous, the guys looked great. The view and weather were terrific. Talking non-stop at my table were Tom Yasukochi, Neil Urano,Manny Goldman, Gail Jacobs Nebenzahl (with hubby) and Alumni Association Executive Director Terry Abad. Other in the crowd reliving their ’50s expriences were Steve Abel, Bob Lom, Tom Caylor (who said a few inspirational words to the captive audience), 1956 Reunion Committee (left to right): Wayne Batmale, Tom Sylvia & Brian Lyttle, Anita Nyhan and Buck Reed Axt, DaveFlinn, Bucky Reed, Karen Guthertz and Gwen Davis Toso. Until we meet again — keep the spirit alive!  —submitted by Joyce Richards Ferroggiaro ’56

The classes of 1971 celebrated their 40-year reunion on October 15, 2011 at the Embassy Suites in Burlingame with dinner and dancing. With 117 people in attendance, we were able to catch up, get reconnected, and generally have a great time. Jo Jo Pasley and Debbie Bridgman sang a lively version of the Lowell Hymn with everyone joining in (some even on key) and I even heard several renditions of “Give ’em the ax”. JoJo Edwinson Paslay (left) with Rhoda Rische Scott Hara, Spring ’71 Class Thompson and Jeanne Lamb Petrie President, Sue Alberton Lemus, Treasurer, and Rory Gaynor Berk, Secretary, attended as did our favorite and dear Class Sponsor, Mr. Pinfold, who spoke to us of great times and that we were the best class he ever had. I think that’s what I heard! A special thanks to the committee members, Gisele Ferris Sorenson, Al Kipnis, Marvin Gold, Bruce Utter and Pat Grove for all the time and effort they put in to making this a great party. See you in 2016?

1961 — 50-Year Reunion

Bob Friend (left) with ’61 Reunion Committee members Myrna Kelso Klassen and Gene Kaufman The January and June classes of 1961 had a fabulous 50-year reunion last September. 180 of us gathered at the Presidio Golf Club at the Arguello gate to enjoy one another’s company and revel in our still being alive. While ’50s and ’60s music played in the background, we saw how none of us had aged at all and kept our great senses of humor. The wine was superb since it was supplied by our classmate’s Schweiger Vineyards. The food was wonderful and the party continued until 11:30p.m. We were visited by Joe Ehrman, one of our teachers from long ago, Ina Levin Gyemant with ’61 Reunion Chairman Dennis and all agreed that we will have Jaffe another reunion in 5 years.

January 1963 — 48-Year Reunion Continuing a tradition that began with our 40-year reunion, our class has gathered every year on January 29th, sometimes with few, sometimes with many. Each year’s gettogether brings us together in friendship and for a day we are teenagers again. We appreciate our fortune at having attended Lowell at a time when life was good and the city was ours. Yes, we still like each other. There was a pall over our get-together last month. Our beloved Carole Kahn Murio left us last August. Carole was a special person whose warmth and friendship was felt by all of us. Carole and Bob were our only classmates to marry each other and thus were our love story. We are all grateful for the years of friendship that we cherished from Carole and we all hold Bob to be our special person. In addition, we find excuses to get together. Sometimes on sad occasions, as we have sometimes gathered to mourn. Occasionally we will get a call from an out of town classmate who wants to enjoy a meal with other classmates and we manage to assemble a lunch or dinner. Now that Original Joe’s has reopened, we can resume our monthly lunches. And we’ll reunite once again next January 29th!

Nancy Gregoire Wallis (left) with Gisele Ferras Sorenson

Libby Cercos Duryea with LAA Executive Director (and relative) Terry Abad

From left: Candy Thrush Parrish, Gail Prichard and Mimi Stern

1974 — 35-Year Reunion The Classes of 1974 celebrated their 35-year reunion on Saturday, October 3, 2009 at the Cantina Cocktail Lounge in the heart of San Francisco’s Union Square. The relaxed and cozy atmosphere made for a memorable time by all who attended. Funky music favorites loudly complemented the libations and tasty hors d’oeuvres that were consumed, along with the multiple conversations going on at once. There were 104 classmates and their guests who reminisced and danced the night away. Towards the end of the night, we all came together to cruise down memory lane. Our favorite hangouts, most popular bands and a rendition of the Lowell Hymn capcontinued on page 4

Anita Payton with Gary Teragawa

Markos Kounalakis (left) with Sue Adams, Tammy Cognetta, Susan Wolff Meyer and Judy Auerbach

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Lowell Alumni Association

R eunion R eports 1974 — 35-Year Reunion continued from page 3 tured an evening that was well spent. Lastly, we acknowledged our classmates who have passed on but will never be forgotten with a special candlelight and name remembrance moment. Many thanks to the reunion committee for making it happen and the attendees who made it rock!

Spring 2012

1976 – 35-Year Reunion Last November 4th, more than 200 ’76ers and their guests gathered at the Irish Cultural Center (site of our senior dinner way back in 1976) for a fun and relaxed night of mingling, eating, drinking and dancing to the sounds of the ’70s as well as some current tunes. We were especially honored to have several of our favorite teachers on hand: Flossie Lewis, Steve Hirabayashi, Marian Gonzalez, David Madfes and Bob Jow. Special credit goes to classmate Alan Hylton who flew in from New Jersey for the event. And many thanks to the outstanding reunion committee, chaired by Diane Zimmerman Espana, along with everyone else who helped to make the night such a great success! And in the post-reunion glow of good feelings, classmate Stefan Wever hosted a mini-reunion at his Marina district bar, The Horseshoe Tavern on Chestnut Street, in December. It was a great chance to visit with some folks who weren’t able to make it to the reunion. Thanks for the free drinks, Stef!

(From left) Kenny White, Annie & Warren Taylor and Demetrius Wilson

A.P. Giannini crew back together again! Back row (from left): Judy Thalheimer, Ann Blick Hamer, Sheila Walsh Yeh, Kumi Satoh, Lena Chen Lee and Christine Siu. Front: Marsha Asano Taam (left) with Brenda Lee Duenas

Dawn Stephens Walker (left) with Ann Cabacungan, Zeny Unisa Rozenberg and Connie Gibson D’Aura

1986 — 25-Year Reunion

Favorite teachers (from left) David Madfes and Marian (“Gonz”) Gonzalez catch up with ‘76ers Calvin Lum and Julia Little Thomas.

’76 Reunion Committee Chair Diane Zimmerman Espana (left) with Ross DeHovitz and unofficial class archivist Paula Volansky Melinger.

Ross DeHovitz with legendary Lowell teacher Flossie Lewis.

2001 — 10-Year Reunion

’86 Barbecue Crew (from right): Patrick Gee, Rowena Tong-Gee, Chris Ng and unidentified grillmaster The Class of ’86 celebrated its 25-year reunion at Frontierland Park in Pacifica on September 25th. Over 100+ diehard classmates and their guests braved the rain for a family picnic. We enjoyed eating yummy BBQ provided by the class, catching up with one another, and raffling off great donations by classmates, By the afternoon, the sun broke through and classmates even talked about plans for our 30th reunion! What spirit! Special thanks to our dedicated reunion committee.

Lowell ’86 Reunion Committee

The Class of 2001 celebrated their ten-year reunion last November 25th at Noble SF nightclub (owned by Lowell alum Daniel Baron ’00). Drinks, appetizers and the greatest hits of the ’90s (spun by our own Carlos Rojas ’01) kept the party going. Proof of the good times can be found here: www.replikatelife.com/clients/lowell2001/. Special thanks to the reunion committee: Noreen Chan, Michelle Cody, Jackie Hom, Stefanie Lau, Kate Lazarus, Amanda Shelton, Elianna Peak, Sarah Uldricks, and Yuliya Patsay.

2001 Reunion Committee (from left): Amanda Shelton, Elianna Peak, Yuliya Patsay, Noreen Chan and Michelle Cody

Spring 2012

Lowell Alumni Association

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Nine Faculty Retirees Include Three Alums

Tribute To A Great Lowell Counselor (And Alumna) By Jessica Yap ’11 Editor’s Note: May Choi ’68 retired last June after 17 years of dedicated service as a counselor to thousands of Lowellites. It was sometime during the first few weeks of freshman year, and I remember trekking down to the T’s to talk to my newly assigned counselor: Ms. Choi the Great. This title does not go unwarranted. Ms. Choi is truly an amazing counselor. She’s not afraid to tell it to her students straight, grounding them in the facts and realities for what lies ahead at Lowell and beyond. But she also pushes students to challenge themselves. And this doesn’t necessarily mean telling her kids to pile up on APs and honors. It means challenging her kids to perhaps forgo a weighted course to pursue something interesting or character building, like photography or peer resources. Ms. Choi is an advocate for holistic, big-picture education, which tickles my insides so pink that I’m at a loss of words. She has been a support system too,

scouting out scholarship, internship, and myriad opportunities and duly updating her Lowellites with personal notes in Reg. or the occasional weekend email (which often comes late on a Saturday night!). Ms. Choi has added some sanity to Lowell’s frequent mayhem, continuously going the extra mile. She doesn’t hand-hold, but she sure doesn’t discourage, and if you seek her out, she’ll help you mold for yourself a strengthening Lowell experience. Ms. Choi has been a vital part in making sure Lowell teaches its students how to deal with life and how to excel because of it. Lowell really has been graced with someone as amazing as Ms. Choi, and we will most definitely miss her. Perhaps you should write a guidebook on counseling in your retirement, Ms. Choi, and be the impetus for education reform. Enjoy your retirement Ms. Choi, but please, please, please be sure to come and visit! Jessica Yap Lowell class of 2011 Harvard University class of 2015 (to which I would have probably not applied if Ms. Choi didn’t tell me to).

Caught In The Headlines by Terry Abad ’76 Just when you thought that Lowell alumni had earned just about every honor possible over the previous century and a half, 2011 saw some notable firsts. Jennifer Egan ’80 became the first Lowell grad to win the Pulitzer Prize in Fiction for her inventive, time-bending novel, “A Visit from the Goon Squad.” (Cartoonist Reuben “Rube” Goldberg from the Lowell class of 1900 won the Pulitzer for political cartooning in 1948.) And the second time around was the charm for Charles Ferguson ’72 as he won the 2011 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature for writing, directing and producing “Inside Job”, dealing with the 2008 global financial meltdown. Ferguson had previously been nominated for an Academy Award for “No End in Sight,” his documentary about the Iraq war. Current Lowell students have also been making the news lately for various creative endeavors. Junior Francesco Trogu hit it big by authoring the New York Times crossword puzzle that appeared on Monday, January 30th. And sophomore Lori Chinn became the first student artist in seven years to be selected to decorate a fiberglass heart as part of SF General Hospital’s annual Heroes & Hearts fundraiser. Lori’s heart was auctioned off earlier this year at a gala event held at AT&T Park. (Ellen Magnin Newman ’45 co-founded the annual heartthemed fundraiser for SFGH and Pam Baer, wife of SF Giants President Larry Baer ’75, is on the SFGH Foundation’s board of directors.) Southern California alums take note – Mario Trujillo ’86 is mounting a serious campaign to be elected District Attorney in Los Angeles and is currently considered the front-runner in the race. More info at www. mariotrujilloforda.com.

Interesting coincidence recently as TIME magazine ran a cover story, titled “Russia’s New Guard,” co-written by correspondents Nathan Thornburgh ’93 and Simon Shuster ’01. According to Thornburgh, it wasn’t until they worked together on the story that they learned they had both attended Lowell. Nathan was good enough to take time out from a recent family visit to San Francisco to meet with Lowell journalism students. The indomitable Carol Channing ’38 is in the news with regard to the new biographical documentary, “Carol Channing: Larger Than Life.” By all accounts, it’s a great window on the life of one of America’s favorite entertainers. Lowell alums might also want to join the online petition effort to have Carol recognized with the Kennedy Center Honors. Sad news is that Channing’s husband, Harry Kullijian, passed away late last year. Another new documentary, “California State of Mind: The Legacy of Pat Brown,” highlights the life of California Governor Edmund G. “Pat” Brown ’23, renowned Lowell debater, President of the Lowell Forensic Society and, of course, father of current California Governor Jerry Brown. The Lowell Alumni Association was proud to support the documentary’s producers by providing access to materials from our archives. And don’t forget to mark your calendar for the 50th anniversary celebration and campus-wide open house to be held Saturday, October 13 at the “new” Lowell. Especially for those of you who graduated from the “old” Lowell, this will be a unique opportunity to meet today’s students and experience first-hand the excitement and energy that courses throughout the campus every day.

2011 saw the retirement of nine members of the Lowell faculty who served thousands of Lowell students over a combined tenure of more than 170 years. Hardest hit was the World Languages department that lost Dorothy Ong (Department Head and Chinese teacher, 1984-2011); Annie Puretz (French, 1989-2011); John Ryland (Spanish, 1990-2011); and Kiyoko Takemoto (Japanese; 1982-2011). In the English department, Department Head Svein Arber (1998-2011) and Wendy Beck (2003-2011) stepped down. Also retiring were three Lowell alumnae: Janet Lee Tse ’68, who joined the staff as a Dean in 2000 and then, after a brief stint with the central school district administration, returned to Lowell as Assistant Principal for Student Services/Counseling; May Choi ’68, one of Lowell’s finest counselors (1994-2011); and Jerilyn Keyak ’65,

who taught various subjects including science, physical education and health education (1984-2011). For four of these retirees, their Lowell roots run even deeper because they have children who are Lowell alumni. May Choi’s daughter, Lauren Choi-Dea Marshman ’97, follows in her mother’s footsteps as a counselor at Galileo High School. Janet Tse’s son, Alex, graduated from Lowell in 1994. Annie Puretz’s daughter, Claire, is a member of the Lowell class of 2000 and teaches in the Special Education program at Lowell. And Svein Arber’s daughter, Gyda, graduated from Lowell in 1997. We hope to bring you updates on these and many other former faculty and staff members in future issues of the alumni newsletter. In the meantime, we wish all of these dedicated professionals a very happy and productive retirement!

Karpenstein Scholars —Addendum [Editor’s Note: In our last newsletter, we endeavored to provide capsule updates on the post-Lowell lives of recipients of the Henry Karpenstein Award, presented at commencement since 1962 to the students earning the highest grade point average. We apologize for having omitted Dr. Ellen Pichey’s biography, which appears below. You can find the rest of the biographies by downloading the Winter 2010 newsletter at www.lowellalumni.org]

Ellen Pichey ’71

After graduation from Lowell, I travelled by myself in Europe for two months, and started college at UC Santa Cruz. I later transferred to and subsequently graduated from Wellesley College in 1975. I obtained my M.D. degree from Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Wake Forest University, in 1981. I have been back in the Bay Area since 1984, after I completed my Family Practice residency at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. I became board certified in family practice, and after

several years of practice and additional experience and training in occupational medicine, also obtained a second board certification in occupational medicine in 1993. Since 1994, I have been the District Medical Consultant for the Department of Labor Office of Workers Compensation Western Regional Office, based in San Francisco. This position has allowed me flexibility to raise my family. I live in Mill Valley with my husband of 21 years, Stuart Pickel, a forensic psychiatrist in private practice in San Francisco, and our daughters. The youngest, Julia, is in high school while her older sister Andrea is enrolled at Carnegie Mellon in the School of Engineering. Rachel, my stepdaughter, graduated from UCLA and American University School of Law and does international relations work with agencies such as the I.L.O and Global Fund. In between, I keep up with my father, family and friends, swim, walk, travel, read and try to preserve my sanity.

Prep Hall Of Fame Taps Baseball Coach Donohue

Lowell’s long-time varsity baseball coach, John “JD” Donohue, has been selected for induction into the San Francisco Prep Hall of Fame in recognition of his outstanding record of success and mentorship to so many Lowell athletes. This year will mark JD’s 30th season coaching Lowell baseball, during which time he has compiled a record of 640 wins, 359 losses and 4 ties, placing him among the 15 California high school baseball coaches in terms of all-time wins. During his tenure at Lowell, Donohue’s teams have won 10 Academic Athletic Association city titles, all occurring during a 14-year period (1995-2008) that Lowell baseball dominated the sport. The Cardinals also won three Transbay titles during those years, besting the Oakland public schools champions. Perhaps most impressive is that, except for his first year at Lowell, every one of Donohue’s teams have made it to the AAA playoffs. A graduate of Saint Ignatius College Prep and the University of San Francisco,

JD’s baseball coaching career began with St. Brendan’s CYO teams in 1967 and included Pony and Bronco level teams before arriving at Lowell in 1983. Coach Donohue has previously been honored as 2006 Baseball Coach of the Year by the California Coaches Association and 2007 Regional Coach of the Year (Western States) by the American Baseball Coaches Association. Although JD plans to retire from teaching at the end of the current school year, there are hopes he can be enticed into coaching Lowell baseball for the 2013 season and beyond. The Prep Hall of Fame dinner will be held on Saturday, May 19, at the Spanish Cultural Center in San Francisco. The Lowell Alumni Association has reserved several tables and is making tickets available to Lowell alumni and friends. For more information, please contact LAA Executive Director Terry Abad at 415.759.7830 or terry.abad@lowellalumni.org.

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Lowell Alumni Association

Spring 2012

Since 1882

JROTC Still Serving the Community Thanks to LAA Generosity Battalion Commander from Fall 2011, to share their perspectives about the program. Eric was in my office nearly a year ago telling me about his recent interview at Johns Hopkins where they accepted him, fully funded with stipend, into a PhD program in Bioengineering. When I asked him to what he attributed his interview success he simply pointed to the range area where a promotion board was being conducted and told me that the all the promotion boards and Cadet of the Month Boards had prepared him for his graduate school interviews. The legacy of JROTC continues but we must remain ever vigilant to preserve the opportunity for future generations.

Lieutenant Colonel Bullard Thanks to the generosity of the Lowell Alumni Association, Lowell’s JROTC program that dates back to the Cadet Corps in 1882 is still serving our community and helping Lowell students to be better citizens. Since 2005, the program has faced a variety of direct and indirect attacks. The most recent issue is that most of the city’s seven JROTC programs are not in compliance with federal law that requires each program to be staffed with a minimum of two instructors. Consequently, the Army has placed several of the city’s programs on probation which carries the threat of closure should the second instructor not be hired. Given that the Army is facing significant budget constraints, the threat of closure becomes even more ominous because units on probation would be the most likely targets of probable Army budget cuts. The shortage of instructors is a result of a myriad of issues generated by the political battles of the last seven years. When the school board began debating the JROTC issue back in 2005 all schools were fully staffed. Today, only three of SFUSD’s seven programs have the requisite two instructors — Lowell, Galileo, and Balboa. The board’s vote in 2006 to close the program essentially slammed the door on future hiring. And, even though that board resolution was rescinded in 2009 after San Francisco voted overwhelmingly to pass Proposition V, the district then faced a budget crisis that inhibited hiring additional instructors. Furthermore, the school board’s decision to withdraw PE equivalency credit for JROTC — a practice that had been followed throughout California for over 50 years — further challenged the viability of the program. Subsequent implementation of the PE Independent Study program has helped to dramatically increase our citywide enrollment from a low of about 500 to over 1200 today. However, the creation of board policy last fall that requires JROTC instructors to already have a California PE credential prior to hire, has again slammed the door for bringing on new instructors. That same board resolution also prohibited the use of school district funds to pay for new instructors. Consequently, Lowell’s School Site Council, that had programmed hiring the second Lowell instructor into the school site budget for this year, was forced to appeal to the Lowell Alumni for support. Your continued support of the JROTC program is a worthwhile investment in the future of our community. As we have done for over 100 years we continue to develop leadership and citizenship skills using the Army’s seven values—loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, personal courage—as a framework to develop character. That character is most evident in our cadets and so I have asked two of them— Eric Chu, the cadet Battalion Commander from Fall 2006, and Luke Litle, the

Luke Litle Class of 2012

Eric Chu Class of 2007 As a Lowell alumnus from the Class of 2007, my accomplishments since leaving Lowell pale in comparison to the many brilliant minds that have come before me. However, I believe I possess all the right tools to emulate their successes, due in large part to my positive experiences in Lowell’s JROTC program, which has conferred me with numerous beneficial life skills. Frequently, people unfamiliar with the program associate JROTC with military training, but there is so much more to it than meets the eye. Military drill did instill in me the core values of discipline, focus, persistence, and hard work, which I have been able to apply effectively to my academic performance, but I have learned so much more in the classroom regarding subjects that are unrelated to the military. An example is a segment of the JROTC curriculum called Winning Colors, which encouraged the understanding of one’s personality. Knowing that I am predominantly a “planner” and a “relater” has helped me immensely in the successful navigation through my undergraduate coursework and in the process of learning to become a bioengineer. Not only has JROTC inspired my core values, but it also imparted practical skills that have helped me accomplish my goals. Notably, the countless promotion boards I participated in as I rose in rank and subsequently, through the chain of command, provided me with ample opportunity to polish my interview techniques. Such rehearsal has no doubt aided my preparation for graduate school interviews at many of the nation’s top universities. This past spring, I had the honor and privilege of graduating from the University of California, San Diego with a Bachelor of Science degree in Bioengineering: Biotechnology and I have since transitioned to my doctoral studies in Biomedical Engineering at The Johns Hopkins University. As I look forward to the challenges ahead, I know my experience in JROTC has prepared me well for whatever comes my way.

As a current member of the JROTC program, I say with enthusiasm that I have not yet encountered a more beneficial and life-altering experience than that of working in the Lowell Battalion. JROTC isn’t just a class — from year one I looked forward to block 19/20 every day with great anticipation for what learning experience awaited me — leadership theory, first aid, map skills, conflict resolution, or perhaps other subjects relevant to college and career preparation. The multi-faceted nature of JROTC allows students to learn a myriad of valuable skills and teach these very skills while simultaneously improving their ability to speak in front of audiences, organize classes, and give instruction. In conjunction with offering classroom courses, JROTC provides cadets with the opportunity to apply the skills learned in class, and this is what has truly benefited me most. As a company commander I led twenty Cadets and overcame challenges such as preparing and teaching classes, training for drill competitions, and implementing a chain of command that allowed for effective communication and delegation. For my subordinate leaders and myself, this provided a boost in personal confidence, organizational skills, time management, and speaking skills. My position as Battalion Commander for Fall 2011 revealed to me the challenges of operating a complex organization with seven staff departments and four Companies, all with their respective leaders and cadets under them. This experience taught me the importance of communicating effectively in order to accomplish the mission. In addi-

tion, the responsibility to plan and execute training and community service activities for the entire battalion has taught me the value of anticipating the future. My first semester of JROTC in Fall 2008 proved to be anything but “business as usual.” This was the program’s first semester without PE equivalency credit and the beginning of the long and arduous Proposition V campaign, which cut a great deal of time out of the Battalion’s time to teach and train. The political battle lasted several years and necessitated that we actively engage in the political and public policy process to fight for a program we held close to our hearts. In the end we came out victorious, but as a result, the program has been subject to many significant changes that have upset the normal order of things. This has required us to adapt while simultaneous running the program to the same standards we have always held it to. Upon reflection I realize that our political involvement, as well as the dedication of all cadets to maintain high standards in the face of severe change and budget restrictions, has taught much stronger and longer lasting lessons than four years of “business as usual” would have taught. I’d like to close by giving a brief update of our battalion current status. Largely due to the implementation of the PE Independent Study program, we have enrolled a large number of freshmen this year and now rest firmly above the Cadet Command mandate of 100 Cadets. We are currently planning a number of fundraising events, more than ever before in recent years, in order to raise money for the program and our peers at Galileo High School, who have just hired their second instructor but unfortunately do not have. The traditional Lowell schedule has been changed drastically in the past four years giving us less “free” time and making it more challenging for us to do everything we used to do under the old “mod” schedule. And finally of positive note, along with Lieutenant Colonel Bullard who continues to impart his wisdom and example to all cadets, we are fortunate to have the council and motivation of First Sergeant Credito, our new Army Instructor, who has inspired further improvement and excellence within the Lowell Battalion. While I have learned countless valuable life skills the most important part of my participation in JROTC has been the opportunity to pass these lessons, this gift, to other students. With our proven process of teaching, coaching, and mentoring, it is rewarding to realize that we are continuing a legacy that goes back over 100 years of developing successful graduates of character for our community.

2011 Girls Soccer Champs

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2011 Commencement Exercises Include Proud Alumni Contingent Continuing a tradition that began in Lowell’s sesquicentennial year in 2006, more than a dozen Lowell alumni from classes celebrating major reunions donned cap and gown to join the graduating Class of 2011 at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium on May 25, 2011. (Thanks to the new academic calendar, the Class of 2011 is the first in Lowell history to graduate in May.) The commencement exercises began with the senior class filing into the auditorium to the applause and cheers of thousands of family and friends, followed by an exceptionally warm welcome for the members of the alumni group who trooped in holding aloft signs noting their Lowell graduation years. Leading the alumni contingent and receiving the loudest cheers were June de Ganna Adams and Evelyn Wilson from the class of 1936, celebrating the 75th Lan Quang ’99 (left) with her nephew, Beth Ruby Pollock ’72 with her daughter, anniversary of their high school grad- Richard Quang ’11 Miriam Pollock ’11 uation. Ellen Pichey ’71 took to the stage to assist in the presentation of the Henry Karpenstein Award to the graduating seniors who earned the highest grade point average, an award Ellen received 40 years earlier. Other enthusiastic alumni participants were Clarence Goldfinger ’41, Gloria Goss ’41, Eugenia Nikonenko Bailey ’41, Kashiwa Aizawa Hatamiya ’51, Ben Northrup ’51, Fernando Cornejo ’61, Tony Rothschild ’61, Jose Villavicencio ’61, Robert McKenna ’61, Helen Sollie Gallagher ’71, Wellington Wong ’71, Don Bautista ’81, Ken Estudillo ’81 and Regina Mifuel Dalisay ’81. The experience of joining the 2011 graduates on the floor of the Civic Auditorium was Above, KJ Estudillo ’11 (left) with his father, particularly meaningful for alums Wellington Ken Estudillo ’81. At left,from left: Lisa Wong ’71, Don Bautista ’81 and Ken Estudillo Trajano Bagnol ’89, KJ Estudillo ’11, Joy ’81 because each has a child in the Lowell Class Bagnol-Estudillo ’80, Ken Estudillo ’81 and of 2011. And Kashiwa Aizawa Hatamiya ’51 Elsa Dacayann Bagnol ’79. Lisa and Elsa are shared the experience with her granddaughter KJ’s aunts; Joy and Ken are KJ’s parents who was also among the 2011 graduates. Following the graduation ceremony, the Lowell Alumni Association hosted a dinner for the alumni group at a nearby restaurant where they shared memories and swapped stories from their high school years. Despite having attended Lowell in very different eras, they shared a warm bond and appreciation for having received an outstanding education. Members of the Lowell classes of 1932, 1937, 1942, 1952, 1962, 1972, 1982, 1987, 1992 and 2002 are invited to participate in the 2012 Lowell commencement exercises. For more information, please contact us at (415) 759-7830 or lowellaa@lowellalumni.org.

Prescott Wong ’11 (left) with his father, Wellington Wong ’71

Dina Goldman ’82 (left) with her daughter, Emily Moody ’11

From left: Ronald Cheng ’11, sister Cathy Cheng ’00 and their father, James Cheng ’71

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Lowell Alumni Association

Alumni Scholarships Top $58,000 In 2011 The Lowell Alumni Association is proud to announce the selection of another outstanding group of alumni scholarship recipients for 2011. The 30 students selected this year plan a diverse set of college majors, from molecular biology to music. Just over one-third of this year’s group has enrolled in the University of California system, with the largest cohort – four students – headed to UC Berkeley. The LAA’s Scholarship Committee chairperson Wendy Drefke Shinbori ’68,

along with her hard-working interview panel, interviewed more than 50 applicants over two days before selecting which of the many talented and accomplished students would receive awards. This year’s total scholarship awards topped $58,000, with most students receiving from $1,000 to $2,500. Best wishes to all these talented students for continued happiness and success!

2011 scholarship recipients pose after the annual awards ceremony and reception in the Lowell library.

Southern California Luncheon Features Principal Ishibashi Lowell’s irrepressible and ebullient principal Andrew Ishibashi was the honored guest and featured speaker at the 15th Red and White luncheon held last August for 50 Southern California Lowell alumni and their guests. Ishibashi, whose stint at Lowell began in 2007, told a little of his early life in South Central Los Angeles with parents who had moved in 1959 to California from Hawaii where they had worked on plantations. Their hard work and dedication, he said, inspired him to pursue a career in education that started as a music teacher and included a stint as principal of San Francisco’s Washington High School. Ishibashi is the 18th principal in Lowell’s 154-year history, a position he said he feels “truly blessed” to hold. In this era of budget cuts, shortened school years and teacher layoffs, Ishibashi said he is pleased that Lowell has been able to maintain course offerings and pursue several major improvements to the campus–in no small part due to the generous contributions of alumni and parents. A new football field with artificial turf will open next year, and money is now being raised for a new track. In addition, the school will offer campus-wide wi-fi for students and staff beginning with the opening of the new school year in 2011. And Ishibashi, speculating that the campus buildings may not have been completely repainted since the school opened on Eucalyptus Drive in

1962, said he was most happy to report that Lowell is on the list for the school district’s next round of painting. “Little by little, we are improving the aesthetics at Lowell,” he said. In addition, Ishibashi, who just signed a new three-year contract, said he has big plans for the future. The plans include the possibility of a new science and biotechnology academy at the school to reflect the importance of careers in these fields and the large number of technology companies in the Bay Area. He said he would also like to sustain the school’s visual and performing arts program. Ishibashi said he is using his considerable humor and other talents to reduce academic stress among the students. “I try to bring the ‘aloha’, or love,” he said. “Lowell is already the best so anything I can do to improve it allows me to just count my blessings. My philosophy is simple: to care, believe in, teach, challenge and support the students in my school.” The 2011 Southern California luncheon was chaired yet again by the talented and tireless Helen Louie Wax ’66, assisted by secretary Edna “Deedee” Walser ’41, treasurer Nancy Albrecht ’55, and committee members Denis Binder ’64, Charlene Bosl ’65, William Chusum ’54, Carla Lazzareschi ’66 and Nancy Zubiri ’77. The next Southern California Luncheon will be planned for 2013.

Principal Andy Ishibashi (far right) poses with Southern California Lowell alumni and friends at the 2011 Red & White Luncheon.

Spring 2012

Scholarship Awards Recipient

Scholarship Fund


Vincent Chan ’11 Louis Leithold Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Rita Chapot ’11 Frances Dealtry New York University Michelle Cheung ’11 Ben Neff/Mike Voyne University of Pennsylvania Staly Chin ’11 Ivan Barker MIT Fanny Chow ’11 Roland Quan UC Davis Taylor Edelhart ’11 Carol Channing   /Dr. Ben Shenson New York University Sarah Esser ’11 Paul Lucey Barnard College Matthew Estipona ’11 George Lorbeer UC Davis Lydia Fong ’11 Ben Neff/Mike Voyne UC San Diego Nicola Householder ’11 June Shafer Barnard College Patrick Huynh ’11 Stafford Repp UC Davis Courtney Lee ’11 Class of 1949 UCLA Monica Lee ’11 Frances Dealtry UCLA Maggie Lei ’11 Bob Anino Calif College of the Arts Natalie May Luu ’11 Robert Levin Stanford University Emily Moody ’11 Roy Barsotti Wesleyan College Vianna Newman ’11 George Lorbeer Indiana University Ravi Patel ’09 Robert Levin Stanford University Miram Pollock ’11 Louis Leithold Stanford University Stephanie Sin ’11 Frances Dealtry UCLA Putri Siti Dyannie ’11 Porter Sesnon Diablo Valley   /Hershel Tolson   Community College Catherine Suen ’11 Frances Dealtry UC Berkeley Leo Sussman ’11 Elena Catelli Lawrence University Amy Truong ’11 Harvey Masonek UC Berkeley Christina Won ’11 Seward Chapman Amherst College Alvin Wong ’11 Nicholas Ng UC Berkeley Nancy Xia ’11 Edith Pence Yale Christina Yee ’11 Frances Dealtry UC Berkeley Hye-Jin Yun ’11 Jackie Sherman Columbia Alexander Zhao ’11 Sgt. “Mack” Yoshida Princeton

Lowell to Host 2012 State Speech/Debate Championships The Lowell Forensic Society, one of the nation’s oldest high school speech and debate programs, is delighted to announce that Lowell High School has been selected to host the 2012 California High School Speech Association’s state speech and debate championship tournament, to be held from Friday, April 27th through Sunday, April 29th. More than 1,200 of the state’s most talented students will vie in various debate formats (Policy Debate, Parliamentary Debate, Public Forum Debate, Lincoln Douglas Debate and Student Congress) as well as a wide range of speech events, from Humorous and Dramatic Interpretation to Original Oratory and Original Advocacy. State tournament director Nermin Kamel explains, “We are excited to bring the state tournament to Lowell, given the long and accomplished history of the school’s forensics program.” In conjunction with the tournament, former Lowell forensics coach and alumnus Jack Anderson ’50 has been nominated for the California High School Speech Association’s (CHSSA) Hall of Fame. Voting is underway now, but if elected, coach Anderson will be inducted during the tournament’s Sunday evening awards ceremony. Mr. Anderson’s own

Lowell speech/debate coach, the legendary George Lorbeer, is already a member of the CHSSA Hall of Fame. Lowell’s current forensics squad, boasting more than 100 members who will compete this school year at 20 tournaments throughout the Bay Area as well as at a host of prestigious invitational tournaments in Southern California, Nevada and Illinois, will be working hard to roll out the red carpet for this important tournament that caps the competition year in California. “To host this huge tournament will be a challenge, but we’re excited to be able to show off our school to our fellow competitors and add some special San Francisco touches to the tournament,” said Lowell Forensic Society President Alison Ong ’12. An important part of Lowell’s commitment to hosting this tournament is the recruitment of several dozen volunteer judges, so we are inviting all Lowell alumni and friends (regardless of whether you competed in speech and debate in high school) to help. For more information, please contact Lowell’s speech/debate coach, Terry Abad, at 415.759.7830 or 2012tournament@lowellalumni.org.

Lowell debaters Jordan Wong (left) and Tim Bricker show off newly-earned trophies.

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Keeping In Touch… 1929




ARTHUR BECKER greets, with warmest personal regards “Hello, best wishes and good health to my fellow ’29ers whither-so-ever dispersed around the globe.”

IRVIN M. ROTH shares “I celebrated my 90th birthday this year, the best present I received was the admission of Ella Roth, my grand-daughter, to Lowell.”

DORIS LIEB BLUM, lifelong San Franciscan and Jewish philanthropist, was recently honored at Congregation Emanu-El on the occasion of her 100th birthday. Fittingly, more than 100 friends and relatives turned out to toast a woman who has come to be known as a fixture of the city’s Jewish community. Happy birthday!

JANET BALL HAYWARD updates “After my husband Bill passed away in May 2008, I stayed a year in our home in Covina. My daughters, Wendy and Debi, finally persuaded me to move nearer to them in Orange County. So I am living in a lovely Senior Community in Laguna Woods. Best of all I don’t have to cook or clean. My son Steve lives in So. Lake Tahoe which is a lovely place to visit. My brother, Walter Ball, also a Lowell alum, lives in Walnut Creek, so I still have a Bay Area connection. My best to any other 1937 grads still with us.”

VALDA NORTON SCHAEFER celebrated her 100th birthday last October 31st. Her son Marty reports that Valda’s health is good, although she suffers from a failing memory.



KATHLEEN SLATTERY HIATT asks that we remember her to her classmates as she prepares to celebrate her 100th birthday on July 24, 2012. Congrats!



MELVIN E. COHN sends “It is now 27 years since I retired as Judge of the Superior Court (San Mateo County) and as I approach my 94th birthday, I still have fond memories of the old Lowell brick pile and the life long friends that I made. My regards to any of the classes of 1930–1933 who may still be around.” GRACE BISHOP BUXTON updates “Married 67 years to Arthur, a Commerce High grad. Now live alone in San Mateo. I’m still active in church activities and my P.E.O. chapter.”



ALBERTA HEIMAN SIEGEL writes “I now live alone keeping an almost active life style. But thoughts of the near future are pushing me to start making some changes. I hope someone in my grad class has an idea to add to my plans.” MURIEL MARSHALL JAMES updates “I am now 93 years old and graduated from Lowell in 1934. My life has been busy in many types of work including writing 19 books and working on 4 more and being a licensed psychotherapist and active grandma and great-grandma. I was Muriel Marshall as a Lowell student and would enjoy knowing if there are others around of that background. Several years ago there was a small Lowell group of seniors living in Rossmoor of Walnut Creek, but it faded out unfortunately.” She adds “I’d enjoy knowing about other possible contacts. I’m so very thankful I went to Lowell.” NORMAN MUNDELL tells “I graduated from Lowell in December 1934 and I’m now 94 years old, but I still am proud to have gone to Lowell which prepared me for BS and MBA at Cal Berkeley and a 43-year career there.”



BETTY MARGARET DANZIGER FALK announces “At 92 ½, I am proud to have graduated from Lowell High School — and I am still enjoying life.”



JUNE DE GANNA ADAMS exclaims “2011 was a big reunion year for the graduating class of December 1936, the 75th! Still in the business office of the orthopedists five days a week, sing in the church choir with my daughter and good friends have a happy and full life.” ROBERT CREIGHTON tells “I reached my 90th birthday on July 4, 2010 at a fabulous party hosted by my daughter and son-in-law, Kathy and Larry Simpson. I jokingly say I’m in good shape for the shape I’m in, which isn’t half bad for a “cockeyed optimist.”



EARL D. HORWITZ tells “I still think of my beloved Lowell. I’ll be 90 years old in Feb. and still going strong. I am still at my piano entertaining people at many retirement homes. I play the old favorites and they sing along. If any of my school chums are still around I’d love to hear from them. Good luck to all and have a happy year.” GLENNETTE ALLEN NOREEN shares “Friends keep telling me that as you get older, birthdays are just numbers, well I have reached a very big number. I am now 91, still active and mobile and able to enjoy all the news about the Lowell Alumni and current student activities.” BARBARA LADDON LANGENDORF states “Lowell graduates, regardless of the year, are always delighted to gather and talk about experiences enjoyed at the old or new campus. One of life’s bright rewards was to be a part of a real school providing great educational opportunities, which led the graduates to college and the professions.” KATHLEEN MOONEY KEEGAN shouts “Celebrated 90th birthday in August!” JAMES DELEHANTY proudly reports “Daughter Megan Delehanty has recently accomplished the feat of reaching the summit of the highest mountains on all seven continents, including Everest. Read more at megandelehanty.com.” ROBERT BOEDDIKER news — see 1942



YVONNE CYR KOSHLAND updates “Two great-great-grandsons arrived in my family in 2011. I’m enjoying life in Berkeley.”



CHRISTINE KUTULAS ROED, a retired teacher, reminisces “I transferred to Lowell from Merced Union High in the Spring of 1938. Living in the Mission district meant I had to ride the 25, 22 and Hayes Street cars. I am glad I did! I am grateful for the education I received at Lowell.” JOHN G. PREOVOLOS writes “Still going strong at 88. Fifty years in San Jose, lost my wife, but have 4 kids, 8 grandkids, and 1 greatgranddaughter.” DONALD F. GRANNIS sends “warm regards to all my fellow surviving classmates.” RUTH MORSE says “For the past 12 years, I’ve been living at the San Francisco Sequoias a retirement community. I am very active currently serving in the Health Services Decision Committee and Nominating Committee for the Residents Council. We have several Lowell alumni here.” PHYLLIS BLOOM KARP recounts “I enjoyed reunion luncheon recently; hoped to see more of classmates attending.” DAVID SCHARFF shares “Enjoyed the Lowell ’40/’41 Luncheon at Sinbad’s; missed seeing old school buddy Carl Raaka. Carl and I married the two girls we took, on a double date, to our senior prom.” CLARENCE GOLDFINGER updates “Keeping very busy. Work out at Club One gym in San Jose almost every day, attend Masonic affairs, belong to a bridge club and SIRS. Feeling fine and involved and am proud to be a Lowell graduate.”



LES MENDELSON tells “I stay in touch with George & Pat Simmons in S.F. and Jesse Langridge in Grass Valley. Would enjoy hearing from ‘old’ schoolmates. We split our time in Rancho Mirage, CA and Denver, CO. Life is good! Wishing Lowell and all my classmates the best of everything for 2012.” He also adds “Had a nice visit with Gerald “Jerry” Coleman the Yankee Hall of Famer, at a Giants-Padres ball game in SF last year. He still looks great.” LAWRENCE HAWKINSON muses “I wonder why the Class of ’42 apparently is not having a 70-year reunion in 2012. I would be glad to help if it’s not too late.” ROBERT & JEAN RILOVICH BOEDDIKER shout “Still going strong!” CHARLES MILLER updates “Still living in Berkeley after 42 years.”

MARYLEE CALLOW SMITH details “Since 1946 I have owned the property known as ‘The Trees of Mystery.’ Like Rome, it was not built in a day. Have raised three children with the help of many, made my business world famous. Today, my son, John Thompson is our manager and has brought our family business into the 20th century by building a gondola called the ‘Sky Trail’ It is one of three in the world that travels through a rain forest. In 1983, my large collection of American Indian artifacts out-grew our home, so we built the six-room ‘End of the Trail Indian Museum.’ I am still very active in our family business — a source of great pride and joy.” www.treesofmystery.net

JIM WELLER shares sad news: “Lost my wife Grace in August 2011 after over 60 years together. Not much else to report — just keep plodding along.”

DON DAVIS reports “Now living in the Tamalpais in Marin county with Mrs. Davis. Two old Lowell friends, Noble Hamilton ’40 and Frank Brush ’38 are here with us. Those were happy days at Lowell!”



JOAN LEVY ZENTNER notifies “I am still living in San Francisco and I am active, very social. I feel very lucky to have a darling gentleman friend and a dog. Aside from friends, I have a darling daughter who survived a terrible automobile crash 13 years ago. She is well and pursued a new career and is doing well as a social worker, having graduated from Smith College.”


MARY E. LONGLAND shares “I went to my 70-year high school reunion in 2010 after returning from a lengthy cruise to New Zealand and Australia.” GEORGE GOOD writes “Retired and enjoying life. Just returned from a two-week trip to Florence, Italy.”

PHILIS LUDLAM GOLD posts “I live on Greenwich harbor in Connecticut with wonderful views of boats and, during the winter, ducks and other birds. I visit Greenwich Hospital and nursing homes with my Yorkshire Terrier Caesar, a certified therapy dog, and both of us love it. I have monthly dinners with our old New Years Eve group — down to 8 from 18 — and I often wonder how many of us from ’42 are still around.”


LOUIS TROY-PREOVOLOS writes “Sorry I missed the most recent reunion. See you all next time around.”

HERBERT FULDA greets “Hi! From San Marcos, CA! Born and reared in SF, it fortu-

nately is not difficult to get acclimated to SoCal weather; otherwise the ‘Bay Area’ environment and sights are greatly missed. All those fellow students, my peers, I wish a ‘Happy New Year’ plus good health in 2012.” FREDERICK MURRAY announces “Despite extremely severe stuttering blockages rendering oral recitations a disaster, Aurelia Osuna’s strict, high-quality instruction apparently created enough ‘huellas cerebrales’ (brain tracks) for potential future use. In ensuing years, parallel to a gratifying recovery from stuttering, these tracks have been increasingly used highly enriching my life via travel, friendships and lectures. Most recently, depending on health (I am 85), I hope to fulfill the role of keynote speaker at the World Conference on Stuttering in Buenos Aires, Argentina next May and to do it in Spanish.”



HUGH BURRELL invites “Look us up in Oakmont retirement community in Santa Rosa.” CARL VON ESSEN posts “We have retired into the center of Cambridge. My latest book ‘Ecomysticism’ is now published and available on Amazon. I keep in touch with fellow Lowellite Dick Winkler in Ukiah, Ca.” DAVID MAYER writes “Enjoying retired life at Varenna in Santa Rosa. Milton Cerf ’46 is also up here. Traveling, tennis, food, and drink.” RAFAEL PISCITELLI KASTL details “After a lifetime of urban life — we traded crowded sidewalks, traffic snarls, minimal street parking and high-rise living — for a new life in a slowmoving friendly tree-studded, wild life visited small town across the bay from San Francisco. You could call it ‘City Slickers Become Villages.’ Love it!” MARGARETE D. NOLZE WOLAVER says “My husband and I realize how fortunate we are to be in good health, still able to play golf frequently, take our daily walks (weathers permitting here in Fort Collins, Colorado), have our 4 children and their spouses nearby, and 10 wonderful grandchildren. We are truly blessed. I realize more and more what a wonderful educational foundation I received at Lowell High School and am eternally grateful for it. Kindest regards to the Class of 1944.”



GLORIA De MARTINI BENSON pleads “My sorority sisters from the Phi Alpha Chi please e-mail or call me at gbenson15@mac.com or (650) 592-9211. I’d love to hear from you.” WILLIAM EVERS shares “I’m still alive! I’m working few days a week for a small company, despite that, we travel a lot — this year to the Ukraine for two weeks, Mexico for five days and our annual two weeks on the lovely island of Anguilla (British West Indies). We have 13 grandchildren (3 are step-grand) all doing well and all grew up in the Bay Area — all adults have college degrees with one Ph.D. on the way. All in all — very happy situation.” JOYCE BERK ROSE is enjoying Palm Desert, California! CAROL WALLACE WHITNEY says, “traveled in 2009 to New Zealand with my sister for a month and this year children treated me to Mexican cruise and trip to Canada. I enjoy having four of my children living close by. I plan to go to Giants and Athletics spring training with youngest daughter and her friend, then off to Canada to visit my sister, also a Lowell alumna.”



BARBARA HUNT McGEE greets hello to all her classmates and writes “I am still living in Lancaster, CA. My health is about the same as it has been. I have had lung cancer for 2 years and the tumor is shrinking. But at 82 years you never know.”

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Lowell Alumni Association

Keeping In Touch… LLOYD & NOEL STRAUS ’50 HANFORD claim “We are still standing and dancing as fast as we can. Life in the desert (Rancho Mirage, CA) is easy with lots of activities to keep us busy including golf (Lloyd), tennis (Lloyd), bridge (Noel good and Lloyd not so good), symphonies, art museum and many friends. So far we are able to travel quite a lot and enjoying it all except the airports.” NORMA BLAIR CONNOR recalls “Quite a few classmates graduating in 1946 attended Cal’s Class of 1950 60-year reunion held at the Claremont Hotel last November. Many of us rode the Key System’s ‘F’ train on the Bay Bridge to the U.C. campus together.” ELEANOR McCULLOUGH ARNBERG states “I love living in the retirement community of Rossmoor in Walnut Creek. I recently adopted a small dog, Danny, from the Animal Rescue Foundation. He is a great joy.” MILTON CERF invites “Moved to Santa Rosa — still doing alright, sorta. If you are up this way, call ahead — not listed (707) 542-3922.” ILSE WOLFEN ROWE exclaims, “Much to my surprise, I was chosen to be the 2012 Woman of Valor at Temple Beth El in Aptos. It was a ‘once in a lifetime’ evening — one I will never forget.” YVONNE MARTIN CAZIER says “Hello to all my Lowell friends from the Class of ’46!” NANCY WALLACE PAGE jots “Living in Oakland after retiring from the practice of law several years ago. I travel a bit and enjoy attending the opera, ballet and symphony in SF. I would welcome hearing from friends and classmates.”



FRED FIELD offers “Anybody for a tour of downtown Penngrove? Give me a call (707) 992-0601.” JOANNE SUSSKIND TICK confirms “Still among the living. Playing bridge and looking forward to going to an oil painting class. Also, hoping for a class reunion in the next few years.” EDWARD SIMONS declares “Still alive and well in San Rafael. Still believe that the most important parts of my formal education were given to me between 1943 & 1947 at the Old Brick Pile! Best regards to all surviving classmates.” KENNETH D. GARDNER shouts that he “is still on the right side of the grass.” MANFRED WOLFF informed, “Enjoying life in Laguna with spouse Gloria and dog, Nadya and reviewing books and authoring articles in drug discovery.” JANE LOWY REBER writes “I send greetings to all the alumni of the Grand 60th! I am still working in photography and have my work on exhibit now in Palo Alto; also, living my dream of traveling the world and meeting its fascinating people. Have published four books so far and I am supremely grateful for each day I wake up.” CHARLES E. & BARBARA GOODWIN ’48 FOGE announce, “We are now celebrating our 58th wedding anniversary! Still going strong!! All this after meeting in Mr. Patterson’s Journalism class in 1947. Two children, Edward and Leslie, and two wonderful granddaughters, Gina and Aleah. We’re so very happy we had a chance to attend Lowell High School and only wish the best for all of our old classmates.” JEANNE TANAKA GARCIA sends, “I was fortunate to have worked for an airline and traveled to Asia, Europe, Balkans, South America and throughout the U.S.A. I’ve been retired for 17 years, miss traveling and work too. Since retiring, I lost my husband 5 years ago. I’ve kept busy with gardening, baking, hanging out with my children and grandchildren and have done a few trips. Keeping busy and trying to keep healthy.” RONNY FIGEL SIMON communicates, “2010 was a great year — still here! Celebrated 60th wedding anniversary — saw 2 more out of

9 grandchildren graduate from college (4 to go!) and attended eldest granddaughter’s marriage.” MANFRED WOLFF greets “Still active as an expert witness for cases involving drugs and have recently completed testimony in performanceenhancing drug cases and a drug-facilitated sexual assault case. Gloria and I recently watched matches in the U.S. Open and will be able to attend Wagner’s ‘Ring’ in New York this April.”



TONY VAN VLIET reflects, “As I approach my 81st birthday, I am always thankful for the wonderful education I received at Lowell.” PATRICIA HESKINS GUMBINER informs, “Still playing some golf and bridge! Four grandchildren 10, 12, 22 & 25 yrs old. Lived at same place for 46 years.” DONALD C. STIBICH, whose late wife was Ketty Downie Stibich also from 1948, is now teaching English as a Second Language to Hispanic adults. His Spanish started at Lowell in 1944 with Señora Aurelia Osuna — a marvelous teacher. He asks “Miss Osuna, where are you now that I need you?” JUNE WELCH PRATT composes, “I would love to hear from any ’48 alums who are still around and kicking. Can’t believe it has been 62 years. Do e-mail me at junewelchpratt@gmail. com. My health is great and being a lady of leisure is wonderful!! Keeping busy with all my volunteer work.” ALEX & JOAN BEAL HERRENKOHL BRILL are still going strong after 29 years together on 02/13/2011!

Spring 2012

continued from page 9

“Still volunteering at the Fine Arts Museums of SF and being a docent at the Calif Academy of Sciences. Love to cruise, just back from a great holiday cruise to the Southern Caribbean. Since son Marc Webber ’75 is working at a wildlife preserve in Homer, Alaska, I decided to celebrate the holidays at sea. I am very proud of my granddaughter who is a straight A student!” ANN SOLOMON GRAUBART GERSHANOV says, “Is there anyone out there that remembers me? I was a quiet and shy student and now I am wild and living it up. Send e-mail to gershanov@sbcglobal.net.” MARGOT BLUM HELMUTH SCHEVILL details, “Still pursuing Maya textile studies and doing appraisals. Enjoying the company of my classmate Adolph Rosekrans. My four grandchildren thrive. Life is good.” DANIEL A. SHARP e-mails, “In June I started as CEO of the Eisenhower Foundation, after spending three weeks traveling throughout Turkey with my wife Revelle; we loved the people and scenery but left more apprehensive about Turkey’s future – I’m happy to tell anyone why in just a page – and I then spent a week in Barcelona advising the World Justice Project’s Rule of Law Forum III. I had designed and coordinated the process for Forum I a few years ago; the Forum’s 500 leaders of 15 professional sectors from over 100 countries had launched and completed more than 100 projects to strengthen Rule of Law throughout the world. We return to California as often as possible to be with my son and his family in Sebastopol, where they run the very successful Tin Cross vineyard that produces Capture Wines, and we fill the void with weekly SkypeVideo or FaceTime especially with my 18-month old granddaughter, CeCe”

MERLA BURSTEIN ZELLERBACH reports, “Happy to have a new book, ‘Love to Die For’, just published. It’s the third in my Hallie Marsh mystery series. It’s no mystery that I wish all my Lowell pals a happy and productive 2012.”

ADOLPH ROSEKRANS is “continuing to practice architecture. A recent project, the Folger stable restoration, received five architecture and construction awards.”

CHARLES & BARBARA GOODWIN FOGE recall, “Met in Mr. Patterson’s Journalism class and have been happily married for 59 years. Thanks, Mr. Patterson!”




SUSAN LUM HOP sends “Greetings to all. From (6-Bits) Charlotte, Vera, Eleanor, Elaine, Jane & Sue.” KENNETH A. R. KENNEDY shares, “Although I retired from Cornell University five years ago, I am active in research and writing in my disciplines of biological anthropology and forensic sciences. My happiest memories of Lowell are the orchestra with Mr. Reginald Krieger (1946–1949). I turned 80 this past year.” RITA FR ANK NEER brags, “Spent Thanksgiving and three weeks in Waikiki soaking up some much needed rest and sun!” MELVIN L. RUBIN received the Special Recognition Award from the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s Board of Trustees, presented to him before an audience of 4000 at the opening ceremonies of the 2010 AAO annual meeting in Chicago. The honor was bestowed for a lifetime of contributions to ophthalmic science and clinical medicine, for his key accomplishments in developing a group of major educational products for international eye teaching, and for attaining leadership roles in almost all of the key organizations in American ophthalmology. Lorna, Mel’s wife of 58 years, joined him at the Award Ceremony as an invited guest of the Academy. SHEILA BERKE HYMAN greets, “Happy 80th to all my classmates. I received the Honorary First Lady of the year award for 2010 from Beta Sigma Phi, Pacifica Council.” HARRY HAMBLY recounts, “The last reunion was one of the best. Thanks to everyone who made it happen. Also thanks to Lowell classmates who came out to the SF Car Show at The Presidio. Three generations of a family, no less.” BARBARA FREEMAN WEBBER relates,


DONALD GOLD recollects, “Retired 09/01/10 after 30 years as Directors Guild of America Senior Field Rep. Party in SF for my retirement attended by five 1950 classmates: Jack Hanson, Dick Behrendt, Jerry Ambinder, Mickey Koppich, and Jack Anderson. A great time had by all at historic Merchants Exchange Building on California Street.” JENNIE WONG lists, “Roles in sequence: student/housewife-mother/school principal/district curriculum director/realtor/senior citizen/bride” DAVID MENDELSOHN retired in 1998 from Bass Tickets, living in and enjoying Napa and currently Foreperson of Napa County Grand Jury. BETTY TREVOR DAVIS mails, “Hello to all my Lowell friends. Husband John, celebrated his 80th birthday. I am still teaching piano and handling the finances for the California Association of Professional Music Teachers. We now have 16 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren.” DAVID ISRAEL updates “Proud to be an alumnus. After service in army (Korea) 1952-1954, moved to L.A. with family. Love to always visit SF when I can. Raised 3 children and own home — an apartment building in LA.” JACK RISING recalls, “Just had a great New Year’s Eve party at the St Francis Yacht Club hosted by Richard Mann and Linda Giovanilli. Present, besides Ellen and me, were Donald Mac Millan and Robert Keefe. A great night topped by the news about the America’s Cup coming to SF.” DONALD H. CHEU received the Stanford Asian American Alumni Award in May of 2010. HARRY WONG lists, “I am not retired and have no intention of doing so. My wife, Rosemary, and I took a trip to Sicily, her heritage, and to China where we took our 12-year old granddaughter back to the orphanage from which she was adopted. Then, Rosemary and I did four presentations to the Hong Kong Schools. To celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary, we brought in four gourmet food trucks,

including Spencer on the Go and RoliRoti from the Ferry Building. There were also entertainers and when the party was over, the trucks drove away and we had little to clean up. We built and have sustained a school in Cambodia since 2008, starting with 200 students in K-5. Today, there are over 400 students in K-9. Pictures can be seen at www.NewTeacher.com by clicking on Cambodia at the bottom of the home page and also at http://wmlc.weebly.com. Most importantly, I talk to Marvin Hoffman ’48 every day and we see each other often to go out. He is the best friend in the world! The world needs more people like Marv Hoffman and his lovely wife, Sue.” NOEL STRAUS HANFORD news — see 1946 ALVIN GUTHERTZ announces the release of his newest novel, “For Immediate Release,” a story of four friends set against 40 sweeping years of Americana and the glittering world of the motion picture industry during its most vibrant years. This is Al’s sixth novel and can be found online at Amazon and other booksellers.



RICK BRADLEY e-mails, “After 10 years with the Royal and Transamerica in insurance claims, while I attended Golden Gate School of Law for 5 years, and a 40 year trial practice based in S.F. and Marin, I retired to Dell Webb’s Sun City Lincoln Hills adult resort community above Sacramento, between Roseville and Rocklin in 2007 at age 75. After four years of ‘retirement’ I took the California Real Estate Exam and was hired by Coldwell Banker for their Rocklin/ Lincoln office.”



ANN KALECHMAN BLUMENFELD hollers, “A big HELLO to all my old classmates!” JEANNE EMMONS COHN comments, “Going to reunions is a lot of fun. Good to see all the old classmates.” RICHARD NASON — Bev and Buz Nason continue their world-wide travel adventures with a second round the world trip in the past two years. This time they visit Germany, Austria, Switzerland, India and Japan all as independent travelers. They continue to lead scuba diving safaris throughout the world. IRENE ENSTROM KAUS shares, “All is well — all healthy. Traveled the world for the first 6 months of 2010. Sailed in Belize, Bahamas, Tahiti — cruised in Alaska. Good to be home! Granddaughter started kindergarten this year at Mt. Tamalpais School in Mill Valley — she commutes from S.F. to MV by school bus. Fun!!” NANCY ARNDT FINKEN updates, “Taught high school — Government, History. Retired now and travel to far off countries in spare time. Live in a suburb of Washington DC. Tennis is my favorite sport! Two adult daughters” JAN POLISSAR shares, “Continue to travel extensively; this year 6 weeks in New Zealand, 2 weeks in Caribbean. Wish I had a partner.” GAIL HURLEY RUXTON is keeping busy as an Ombudsman for San Mateo; also a caregiver for Mission Hospice.” EDWARD BORDIN shouts “Greetings from beautiful South Florida. I am well into year 12 of retirement and am enjoying every nanosecond of it. Can’t say I really miss California – sounds like it is broken. I am consulting pro bono in Health Care Law at our local medical center, but otherwise traveling a great deal and keeping busy. My best to all my June 1952 classmates. You can reach me at bordin021404@aol.com.



JEFFERY ARNOLD WISNIA has been living in the Boston area since graduating from Lowell in 1953 and would sure like to hear from surviving members of his class.

continued on page 11

A nnual R eport To Donors Annual Fund Campaign Provides Over $300,000 For Lowell Staffing And Programs Thanks to the generosity of the alumni and friends listed below, our 2010-11 Annual Fund Campaign generated $250,000 to offset staffing cuts to critical programs and services at Lowell, including funding to avoid reductions to library hours, counseling services and further class size increases. In total, these funds added the equivalent of three full-time teachers/counselors/librarians to the Lowell staff. Over the course of the past five years, the Lowell Alumni Association has provided well over $1 million to combat the impact of California’s ongoing cutbacks to public education. During that time, thousands of Lowell students have benefited from your donations, allowing them to continue their pursuit of outstanding academic and extracurricular experiences at one of America’s finest high schools. Annual Fund Campaign donations are also used to fund our grant program, which allows teachers to seek funding for special needs from science lab equipment to team uniforms or field trips. In 2010-11, over $15,000 of grant funding was allocated to support Lowell’s Advanced Placement program, currently the third-largest in the world, supplying

exam fee subsidies for students with financial need (particularly important when you consider that some students take five or more AP exams each year at a cost of $87 each) and stipends for exam proctors. Other grants were used for safety equipment for the baseball team; entry fees and supplies for the speech/debate team; travel expenses to help more than a dozen students travel to a high school journalism conference in Minneapolis; purchase of sports team championship banners to adorn the Neff Gymnasium; and continuation of the California Poets in the Schools program that allows every Lowell 9th grader to work with a professional poet. While we continue to hope that the state and national economy will rebound in the coming years such that our public schools receive adequate funding, the near-term outlook is for continuing tight budgets at Lowell and elsewhere. Your continued support and generosity is vital to maintaining Lowell’s reputation as the high school of choice for so many San Francisco families. Thanks for all you do for Lowell and for today’s hard-working, talented students!

Major Donors

(Donations received July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011) Valedictorians ($20,000 or more) Warren Hellman ’51 David Vickter Foundation

($10,000 to $19,999) Lowell Class of 1965 Anonymous ’47 John Blume Foundation ’28 Joseph & Diane Roth Ehrman ’41/’44 Richard Hirayama ’64 Dr. David Lieu ’73 Patrick Quan ’76

Salutatorians ($5,000 to $9,999) Henry E Anderson ’36 The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Fast Twitch Productions James K Lau ’77 Herbert Buck Lee ’73

Dean’s List ($2,500 to $4,999) Lowell Class of 1982 Michael Bien Tenley Harrison ’90 Jonathan Hoff ’73 Linda Nelson ’63

Honor Roll ($1,000 to $2,499) Lowell Class of 1985 Anonymous ’88 Carolina Alvarez Picazo ’86 Richard Alvarez ’53 Vincent Anderson ’79 Kenneth & Gail Garvin Berry ’52/’53 Joceline Boucher ’76 Janet & Micah Broude Marylee Callow Smith ’39 Peter Cleary Carol Crawford Falstrup ’78 Irene Enstrom Kaus ’52 Jerome Falk ’57 William Floyd ’52 J Arthur Freed ’47 Robert Friend ’61 Ted Gould ’49 Camille Hearst ’00 George Helmsdoerfer ’55 Carl David Jacobs Gregory R Krimer ’00 Mark Krueger ’73 Anil Lal ’73 John & Brenda Hui Lam ’81/’81 Ken Y Lee ’96 Park Loughlin ’42 Baldwin & Sue Sun Louie ’65/’65 Gary S Louie ’75 Raymond K Louie ’86 Paul Lucey (faculty) Eugene McGrane

Linda Nanbu ’73 Nha-Ai Nguyen-Duc ’89 Eric O’Brien ’90 Roger On ’70 James Chinsoo Park ’82 James Plessas ’49 Jennifer Poulakidas ’84 David Sage Ted Schulz ’41 Sybil Schwartz Hard ’63 Irving Sherman Mike Susoev ’76 William To ’88 Bryan M Wong ’72 Joseph Yeun ’83 Lucy S Zee ’81

Cardinal Society ($500 to $999) Lowell Class of 1947 Lowell Class of 1960 Terence Abad ’76 Abbott Fund Susan Au ’87 Peter C Baker ’51 Karl Bakhtiari ’71 Mark & Peggy Peterson Bley ’75/’74 Robert Bloch ’42 Shea L Bond ’91 C Howard Brown ’48 Kimiko Burton ’82 Claudia Caesar Nettle ’54 California HealthCare Foundation Ernest Chan ’63 Leland Chan ’77 John W Chan ’86 Ronald & Nanette Figel Chapman ’52/’53 Christine Chase Reynolds ’64 Katherine Chen ’86 Paul Cheng (faculty) Calvin Chew ’62 Howard Chung ’79 Crystal Yueh-Y Chung ’97 Claudia Chung Sanii ’98 Stanley ConHon ’85 Cooper White & Cooper LLP Dana Corvin ’67 Lisa Coughlin Clay ’74 Brian J Cruz ’72 Donald W Davis ’39 Sunny DuPuis ’60 Antonio P Garcia ’92 James Gazaway (faculty) Robert P Glasson ’50 Allan P Gold ’63 George Good ’40 Richard Guggenhime ’57 Benjamin Gulli ’78 David Hagerman ’72 Diana Hoffman Kazubowski ’64 Arthur Nichols Hoppe ’72 HSBC Philanthropic Programs Frances G Jacobs Levy ’60 Thomas W Johnson ’49

John Jung ’55 Miriam Kim ’81 Vincent King ’85 William Kiyasu ’40 Elena Kleiman Ingerman ’94 Maia Krache & Andrew Scoble Jennifer Kuenster ’67 Cindy Minh-Tran Le ’96 Daniel Chan Lee ’50 Helen Lee ’82 Pamela Ann Lee ’97 Sherilyn Lee ’85 Russell & Sherlyn Hu Leong ’68/’68 Marcia Levy Rubenstein ’62 Irene L Lew ’72 Amanda Lewis ’88 Susan Lidgate Mace Anson Lowe ’72 Jason & Gail Shiu Ma ’80/’80 Alan C Mendelson ’66 Philip C Mezey ’77 Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation Eva Moy ’85 Gloria N Nichols Hoppe ’42 William O’Keeffe ’56 Pamela Ott Mazur ’64 William H Owen ’49 Robert Park ’96 Michael R Peevey ’55 Gisele Pohan ’73 William Pope ’54 Penelope A Preovolos ’73 Peter Preovolos ’58 Hubert & Lana Huey Pun ’82/’82 Bruce Purdie ’62 Carol Putnam Mary Reilly Keller ’79 James Douglas Ripley ’63 Jacob Leland Rogers ’06 Ramon Romero ’89 Adolph Rosekrans ’49 Thelma Schiller (faculty) Gregory Short ’72 Sims Metal Management William Singleton ’85 Dennis Song ’93 Suzanne Stephens Weeks ’38 Gary Thompson ’65 Lawrence Richard Tom ’91 US Bancorp Foundation Ted Uyemoto ’60 Ray Van Der Horst ’74 Christopher Vasil ’67 Jim H Weller ’42 Phillip Wenger ’67 Shelly Wentker Taylor ’80 H Ward Wolff ’66 Diane Cara Wong ’80 Harry Wong & Joanna Ja ’72/’72 Robert Yee ’62 Irving Zaretsky ’59 Anne Zelinsky ’73 Harlan Zimmerman ’83

Patrons ($250 to $499) Lowell Class of January 1966 Lowell Class of 1999 Lowell Class of 2000 Anonymous ’87 Jack Anderson ’50 Linda Arcellano Shaw ’73 Kenneth & Lynn Zalkind Baron ’62/’64 Yoram Bauman ’91 Bruce Baumann ’72 Robert Beale ’49 Katherine Leigh Bell ’86 Russ & Joelle Lewis Benioff ’46/’57 Denis Binder ’64 Olive Bliss Borgsteadt ’47 Russell Bohne ’65 Robert Bransten ’52 Cathryn Brash ’43 Anna-Marie Bratton ’65 Sophie Breall ’80 Scott Brenneke ’66 Stephen Breyer ’55 James E Brodie ’66 Mary Ann Brown Tonkin ’46 Ronald Casassa ’44 Buffy Cereske ’73 Chris Chamberlin ’62 Theodore Chan & Diana Loo ’83/’83 James Chandler ’52 Jared & Linda Buono Chaney ’70/’71 Joy Chang ’70 Donald H Cheu ’50 Peter Chin ’86 Terri Chin Susan May Chiu ’81 Cecilia See Yan Chui Lambert ’87 Cisco Foundation Melvin E Cohn ’33 A Crawford Cooley ’44 Catherine Crisera Kelley ’90 John Crittenden ’74 Robert & Jacqueline Kenfield Crowder ’42/’43 Yvonne Cyr Koshland ’39 Edward Dong ’68 Henry Dosdorian ’52 Miriam Ducoff Smolen ’76 Charles Dvorak ’64 Elyce Edelman Melmon ’55 Amy Edgerley ’50 James A Ellis ’58 Steve Emerson ’76 Leonard Feldman ’42 Robert Feyer & Marsha Cohen Fred Field ’47 Lenore Fleschler Davis ’53 Henry Hung Fong ’60 Jeffrey Friedman ’70 Ronald Fuerstner ’53 Richard Fuller ’62 Elizabeth P Fung ’80 Chris Galvin ’88 David Gardner ’55

Major Donors

(Donations received July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011) Jeffrey & Jessica Kuzmanich Gaynor ’66/’67 Robert Gee ’89 Serena M Gee Zhao ’95 Peter & Lois Gilder Steve Goldman ’78 Robert Gooyer ’66 Robert Gordon ’68 Daniel H Goto ’98 Hayley Green Smith ’83 Vicki Green ’57 Gary Greenhood ’65 Francisco Gutierrez ’87 Carl Hanken ’53 Hanson Bridgett LLP Kevin Harrington ’56 Kate Haskin Brostoff ’69 Karla Haun Robertson ’73 David & Nancy Olsen Heilbron ’54/’54 Alberta Heiman Siegel ’34 Jonathan E Heuser ’89 Tinna Che Quan Ho ’99 Chester A Hom ’89 Joan Hoover ’77 Stephen & Adrienne Cohn Horn ’58/’58 Sandra Huey Jeong ’75 Abigail Hull Koenig ’89 James Jackson ’55 George Johnson (faculty) Linda Joseph ’83 Juniper Networks Company Jeffrey Karp ’67 Roger Kaufman ’62 Gregory Kazarian ’65 Robert Keeney ’67

Kenneth E Keller ’68 Myrna Kelso Klassen ’61 Rosalia Kim Patton ’90 Mary & Gordon King June D Klauser Waters ’49 Andrew Kluger ’69 Arlene Knacke Dellari ’57 Barton H Knowles ’35 Keith Kojimoto ’68 Paul Kozachenko ’75 Peter & Shirley Yee Kwok ’70/’70 Andrew Lam ’84 Donald G Laws ’57 Elaine Lee Kawasaki ’74 Wilbert Lee ’67 Wilson Lee ’65 Brooks G Leffler ’50 Linda Leong Wang ’61 Gary M Levin Gerald Levin ’52 Wayland Lew ’70 Marie Lewis Matthews ’48 Hansen Lieu & Wendy Lo ’87/’87 Robert W Lom ’56 Richard Lopez ’66 Kimberly Anne Louie ’98 Lawrence Louie ’77 Flora Anne Lucas-Quesada ’83 Gloria Lucey Vollmers ’69 Jason Macario ’79 Edward Mackay ’52 Donald Magnin ’44 Raymond Malispina ’52 Evan Mark ’82 Harvey Masonek ’36

Uday Mathur ’81 Matthew McGowan ’49 Anna May McGrane ’00 Hal Messinger ’49 Dennis Miyata ’87 Barb Montoro Swan ’70 Nancy Mouber Henares ’62 John H Ngai ’74 Aron Joshua Nussbaum ’95 Theodore Omachi ’90 Catarina Ong ’09 James & Clare Openshaw Oracle Matching Gifts Program Edith Ostapik ’93 Reva Paslin Segall ’58 William L Penn ’59 Diane Petersen Sibley-Origlia ’58 Miriam Dale Pichey ’68 Kurt F Piper ’72 Richard G Pon ’91 Irene Poon Andersen ’59 Darwin Popenoe ’81 Jeff & Bonnie Portnoy ’65 Carolyn Porto (faculty) Allyn Frances Quan ’85 Carl Quong ’52 Daniel W Roberts ’60 Laura Rosenman Ghielmetti ’65 Nancy Satoda ’81 Marcia Schnapp ’73 Barbara L Schulz ’74 H Mark Schulz ’64 Charles Schwab Foundation Victor Seeto ’61 Gus & Deborah Dickson Shea ’79/’79

Christopher A Sia ’03 Michael Anthony Tan Sim ’93 Nancy Sitton ’69 Donald Snyder ’77 Robert L Sockolov ’47 Mark A Steiner ’72 Donald Stibich ’48 Annie Takeuchi ’80 Roland Tang ’89 Matthew Tevenan ’94 Joan Tomaich Buchanan ’70 Theodore G Tong ’60 Lillian Trac ’92 Wisetheary Tran ’82 Sergei P Tschernisch ’57 Michael Ugawa ’76 Robert Wagner ’67 William Werner ’55 John Michael Whisman ’70 Gayle Willard Higaki ’69 Everett Witzel ’36 Brian Wong & Cindy Gok ’69/’69 Elaine Wong Lam ’77 Ho-Man Wong ’87 Jennie T Wong ’50 Jimmy & Sharon Low Wong ’90/’90 Pauline Wong ’66 Helen Woo Fong ’56 Woodard Family Foundation Alan Yan ’90 Elisa Chia Yao ’97 Jenny C Yee ’93 Rita Yee ’73 Penelope Yip ’85 Stephen Yuen ’83 Jack Zee ’86

A ll Donors

(Donations received July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011) 1929


Arthur Becker James C Keesling James Rolph Moore

Janet Bill Rist

Charles Auerbach Janet Ball Hayward Ward Hart Barbara Holt Heckly Lorraine Lunt Godfrey June M McMullin Bury Robert Roback Irvin M Roth Arthur Scharlach Ralph H Schwarz



Melvin E Cohn Valeska Dougherty Rantz Al Maggio Bernice Nicoll Petty Madeline Werner Sturm

Glennette Allen Noreen Jane Arnot Brunson Carolyn Barnes Sweet Mario Basso Robert & Jean Boeddiker Charles Calhan Catherine Guerena Welcome Elinor Hall Smith Earl D Horwitz Mary Kiddie Ruggieri Barbara Laddon Langendorf Robert Maurer Kathleen Mooney Keegan Jean Ross Chernick Jack R Sloan Suzanne Weeks Robert Wilson

1930 Kathleen Slattery Hiatt Julian Weidler


1934 Alberta Heiman Siegel Muriel Marshall James Norman Mundell

1935 Betty Danziger Falk Leland R Feldheym Felton Georgia Heller Bellamy Lawrence Joe Nola Keller Theobald Barton H Knowles Abner & Audrey Kuperstein Norma Jean Lane Grewe Marie Righetti Weaver

1936 Henry E Anderson Audrey Cannon Kuperstein Robert Creighton June De Ganna Adams Eleanor Fennon Cassidy Beatrice Kroger Dimpfl Harvey Masonek Harold Sadowski Gardner Barbara Schieck Everett Witzel

1939 Marylee Callow Smith John F Cooney Yvonne Cyr Koshland Donald W Davis Teresa Guilfoil Siebert Yulie K Kiyasu Nose Jean O’Connell Briare Arthur Okuno

1940 Class of 1940 Reunion Edmund Ellis George Good William Kiyasu

Alice M Lee Wong Helen Lee Chan Mary E Longland Charles Manning Carol McKenzie Redus Gwendolyn Miller Kerner Raymond Milton Ruth Padway Kaller Fred Sauer Eve Voigt Hollenberg

1941 Phyllis Bloom Karp Julius H Braun Marjorie Deckman Moore Joseph & Diane Ehrman Lawrence Fried Clarence Goldfinger John Goldsmith Galen Donald F Grannis Forrest J Halstead Dorothy Lang Brooks Lorraine Mangan Duddy Donald Modlin Ruth Morse Marion Parmelee Carlson John G Preovolos Josephine Reimers Witt Betty Rosenblatt Blumlein Margaret Schaeffer Glaeser David Scharff Ted Schulz Barbara Walter Pearson Frederick F Warnke

1942 Hatsuro Aizawa Robert L Anderson William D Blankenship Robert Bloch Marion Brill Gibbs Clyde C Burch Roy Cauwet Helen Crawford Foltz Robert & Jacqueline Crowder Leonard Feldman

Ella Gross Driscoll Robert Haber Betty Hansen Sellier Marjorie Hauck Sproul Lawrence Hawkinson Donald Heyneman Dorothy Jones Vasquez Yutaka Kobayashi Raymond Landy Jesse Langridge James P Livingston Livingston Park Loughlin Philis Ludlam Gold Glenna Martin Les Mendelson Charles Miller Sally Milligan Yuji Morita Gloria N Nichols Hoppe Joan Ransohoff Berry Jean Reese Rilovich Boeddiker William L Sales Kenneth Shelley Marjorie Weigel Hyman Jim H Weller Rita Wieland

1943 Raymond Allen Walter C Ball Pola Braiverman Burk Frances M Davey Woodard H Martin Ems Sophia Evangelou Capanis Allen S & Francine Feder Herbert Fulda Henry L Gimmel George L Henderson Jacqueline Kenfield Crowder Margaret Lantry Champagne Lloyd Lee Joan Levy Zentner Marie LoBianco Annuzzi Frederick Murray Beth Outsen Vanderhurst Florence Riza Baggetta

L ow ell A lumni A ssoci ation 415.759.7830 ◆ lowellaa@lowellalumni.org ◆ www.lowellalumni.org

A ll Donors

(Donations received July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011) George Ross Peter Serezlis Don Sharman Sol Silverman Ronald Sockolov Russell Sweeney Clarence Weinmann

1944 Donald Ainsworth Edward Barthold Richard Block Hugh Burrell Barbara Carlson Showler Ronald Casassa A Crawford Cooley Helen D Dencker Osborne Sanford M Dickey Richard W Drewes Orlando Joyce Donald Magnin David Mayer Robert Neuhaus Margarete D Nolze Wolaver William Novales Rafael Piscitelli Kastl Jerome Politzer Shirlee Ronan Lash Diane Roth Ehrman Roger Thompson Carl Von Essen

1945 Joyce Berk Rose John Berl John Allan Bier Robert Bilafer Gloria De Martini Benson Sharon Demick Brandt John Epstein William Evers Beverly F Field Franck Lee Hand Muriel Harrison Cabral Reed Hunt Ronald P Klein Donald Kuhn Aline Littman Napp Merilyn Magnus Rummelsburg Noel McKenna Newell Jerry O’Leary Mary Quigley James Riggins Ara Sahagian Daisy Schwartz Straus Lene Struckmeyer Johnson Edward F Toner Carol Wallace Whitney

1946 Lou Aronian Russ & Joelle Benioff Norma Blair Connor Lois Brewer Thomas Mary Ann Brown Tonkin Milton Cerf Rosalie Coblentz Lefkowitz Leonard Collins Ronald Crawford Lorraine Forkgen Bayuk Lloyd & Noel Hanford Doug Hansen David & Barbara Holman Beverly Huff Lill Barbara Hunt McGee Joan Marie Isaacs Swendsen Virginia Lee Cole Grace McCague Eleanor McCullough Arnberg Olga Petroff Jones Joan Roeder Titus Catherine Rosenberg Parsons Dorothy Jean Ross Sullivan Gloria Seghieri Hollingsworth Anna Serezlis Mervyn Silberberg Peter Sommer Daniel E Stone James & Jean Sullivan Nancy Beth Wallace Page Marshall Zemon Carole L Zimet Stone

1947 Class of 1947 Reunion Anonymous

June Barnett Fiori Clayton Berling Olive Bliss Borgsteadt Wandaline Carter Perelli Janet Chiljian Fox James R Daniels Fred Field Ronny Figel Simon J Arthur Freed Barbara Freeman Pratt Joan Frisbie Neff Arthur Fudem Stanley Furuta Ruth Gallaher Leijon Kenneth D Gardner Geraldine Kaufman Regensburger William L Lam Barbara Lane Schneider Irwin Levin Jane Lowy Reber Yasuko Morita Ikeda Roy Murdock William & Joan Neff Fumio Alfred Saito Marilyn Schneider Mogelberg Nathan Bud Schneider Logan Scroggy Edward Simons Norita Sobel Robbins Robert L Sockolov Joanne Susskind Tick Taketsugu Takei Jeanne Tanaka Garcia Gladiola Taylor Anderson Barbara Ware Holman Kenneth White Manfred E Wolff

1948 Leone Albert Pollard Arthur Andreas Oscar Baltor Joan Beal Herrenkohl Brill Milt Blaustein Alex & Joan Herrenkohl Brill C Howard Brown Merla Burstein Zellerbach Helen Dietrich Ondry Naomi Ets Hokin Lauter Charles & Barbara Foge Dorothy Gercke Praeger Harry Gluckman Barbara Goodwin Foge Diana Grosso Nichols Nancy Hardgrave Shelly Patricia Heskins Gumbiner Betty Jones Jimmy M Lam Howard Law Alan Lazarus Marie Lewis Matthews Madeline Mahoney Ekegren Joan McDermott Yost Ralph Mendelson Carol Modlin Swillinger Richard Ratto Elizabeth Scheidtmann Bourne Beverly Schmidt King Sim Seiki Seiki Gloria Slack Mahoney Marilyn Stewart Langford Donald Stibich Barbara Tadlock Mangels Robert Thompson Tony Van Vliet Frances Weiler Varnhagen June Welch Pratt Gloria Woodin Ehrheart

1949 Forrest Anderson Louise Barsotti Norman & Barbara Beal Robert Beale Sheila Berke Hyman Nancy Bjork Hughes Barbara Burstein Mannis Jeanne Caturegli Mervyn Durlester L Frederick Fenster Ronald Figel Frederick Firestone Ken Flower Rita Frank Neer Barbara L Freeman Webber

Louis Geissberger Bill & Jo Ann Gelardi Ted Gould Zel Greenberg Bauer Harry Hambly Margot Blum Helmuth Schevill Wilma Hersh Stern Thomas W Johnson Kenneth A R Kennedy June D Klauser Waters Howard Konrad Jesse Levy Douglas W Linder Susan Lum Hop Diane Lynch Merrill James A Maneggie Matthew McGowan David Mendelsohn Hal Messinger William H Owen Donna Parrish Honey James Plessas Helen Ray Adolph Rosekrans Melvin L Rubin Ann Solomon Gershanov Martin H Sosnick Eduard Still Jeanne E Susnow Sassoon Will Tsukamoto Kay Urano Kawahara

1950 Ruth Allen Gerald E Ambinder Jack Anderson John Apffel Barton Brown Jo Ann Brye Gelardi Donald H Cheu Garth Cook Bock L Dong Ellen Duncan Long Amy Edgerley Fred George Robert P Glasson Donald Gold Donald S Green Jack Hanson Ann Harper Horn Ann Harvey Hardeman Arthur Brian Hill Lilian Hoch Kimble Donald Holmes Patricia Horne LeRocker Bruce Hyman David Israel Elinore Kahn Green Kathryn Kesler Powell Debbie Kinsley Dittman Robert Kurtz Daniel Chan Lee Brooks G Leffler Leon Lindberg Ernest Malamud Richard Mann George L Martinez Howard Morrow Ruth Nusbaum Poole Nesya Papo Fishstrom Joan Puckhaber Burkett Lawrence Rabinowitz John Rising James D Rosenthal Gayle San Facon Field Joan-Marie Shelley Clara Snow Throckmorton Melvyn Thorne Betty Trevor Davis Brigitte Wallerstein Dickinson Harry K Wong Jennie T Wong Stephen Yang Lorna Youler Altshuler Barbara A Young Kelly

1951 Phil Anaya Fumiye Ando Quong Peter C Baker Rick Bradley Douglas M Egan John Fletcher Rabbi Bernard Frankel Sigmund Freeman

Lowell senior Shin San meets U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer ’55 during a recent speaking engagement in San Francisco. Carol Heinecke Johnson F Warren Hellman Velma Henderson Patricia Hoberg Skillman Gerda Kalisch Korner Betty Kindberg Byrne Ray Kistler Carlos Luna Philip J Marcus Mary Louise McGowan Gage Laura Moore Kearny Sonya Padgett Stevenson Don Pichel Alma Porta Brennan Francine Rose Feder Maxine Rosenberg Schulman Alice Ryan Abbott David W Sherman Paul Stern Sheldon Wolfe Cameron Wylie

1952 Nancy Arndt Finken Joanne Axelrod Gordon Kenneth & Gail Berry Edward Bordin Robert Bransten James Chandler Ronald & Nanette Chapman Barbara Diamond Gross Henry Dosdorian Margot Eichmann Freeman Jeanne Emmons Cohn Irene Enstrom Kaus William Floyd Paul Fong Myra Greenberg Arleigh Grossman Stanford Horn Gail Hurley Ruxton Ann Kalechman Blumenfeld Morelle Lasky Levine Gerald Levin Leland Levy Edward Mackay Raymond Malispina Colleen McElroy Verzi Les Morse Lewis H Mottley Richard Nason Ray Perkins Jan Polissar Carl Quong John Scarborough John Schwabacher Horton P Scioneaux George Sheldon Greg Wilbur

1953 Richard Alvarez Georgia Baldassari Gibbs Donn Bernstein Clay Bradley Al Breslauer Charlene Bruggemann-Wong Colin Bradley Burke Robert Celso Constance Covington Dallmann Alexander C Crosby Albert Dittmann Nanette Figel Chapman Lenore Fleschler Davis

L ow ell A lumni A ssoci ation 415.759.7830 ◆ lowellaa@lowellalumni.org ◆ www.lowellalumni.org

A ll Donors

(Donations received July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011) Ronald Fuerstner Gail Garvin Berry Carol Gere Desmond Suzanne Gorman Cristallo Harry Greenberg Carl Hanken Yvonne Kramer Creighton Joan Lovering Connor Henry Lurie Katherine Mackintosh Cuneo Allan & Adriane Morrison Barbara Neilson Beal Richard Orear Carole A Randolph Karp John F Sampson Barbara Scalabrino Moriel Martin Segol Ellie Shemanski Manthos Jo Ann Stewart Roger Venturi Diane Ward Gartner Stewart Weinberg Jeffry A Wisnia

1954 Kenneth Archibald Phil & Alison Braverman Claudia Caesar Nettle William Chisum Malcolm Cole George Cuthbertson Barbara Davies Zwieg Joan Erbentraut Gordon Eva Field Klein Alison Green Braverman Kay Diane Harper Nelson Cecile Hartman Salomon Victor Hebert Hebert David & Nancy Heilbron Sam A Kuhn Adriane Modlin Morrison Nancy Olsen Heilbron Kyra Oppermann Janssen E.F. Bud Phillips Howard Platt William Pope Bertrand Jay Shapiro Allan Sommer Helen Stone Levenson Theodore Terstegge Sumiko Wada Akashi Nancy West Curley Johnnie Wood Laurence K Wormser


1955 Robert Baker Claude Bart Hughes Anne Beeman Lack Janet Belton Warden Peggy Berry Sutherlin Stephen Breyer Lawrence & Roberta Cohn Anthony D’Agostino Donald D’Angina Elyce Edelman Melmon Louise Edler Taylor Edward Evans Forrest J Fallon David Gardner George Helmsdoerfer Roger Herst Carol B Hicks James Jackson John Jung Joan Kaufmann Gross Julie K Klein Gibson Carl F Kress Benson Kwan Joseph A Lasky Thomas & Diane Levison Odette Luce Simpson Earl Norgard Norgard Michael R Peevey Neal Petersen Nancy Sawyer O’Hara Karen Tyree Crommie George Vlahos Stein & Lenore Weissenberger William Werner

1956 Stephen H Abel Dianne Addington Troya L Wayne Batmale Peter A Belmont

Kenneth Bley Paul Bonaccorsi Joanne Davies Barnes Diana DeMun Blankenship David Flinn Manny Goldman Arden Greenblat Judy Haight Erickson Jacqueline Hanson Goff Josephine Hanson Wood Kevin Harrington Eleanor Holtz Cutler James Hurwitz Robert W Lom Ronald B Low Robert F Miailovich William O’Keeffe Karen L Petersen Balistreri Walter S Reed Joyce Richards Ferroggiaro Dixie Samuels Williamson Roberta Spivock Cohn Joan Swimmer Geller Donald N Tornberg Lynn Vlautin Prescott Stephen Wiel Helen Woo Fong Wendy Alter Hermann Jerome Falk Vicki Green Richard Guggenhime Sandra Hartmann Stribolt Robert Henry Marion Jarrell Kenneth E Jenkins Beverly Johns Skuja Kenneth Kelly Arlene Knacke Dellari Robert Kucich Donald G Laws Roberta Levin Michels Joelle Lewis Benioff Charles McClure Edward Albert McKenna William G Meador Beverly Middleton Wyllie Kenneth Oyama Lourdes Ravara Hurst Ralph H Saski Nancy Scheeline Herzog Steven Sibbett Tony St Amant Juli Staiger Postol Craig F Swanson Jon Tolson Terry Trosper Schaeffer Sergei P Tschernisch Priscilla Watson Laws Hulton Wood

1958 John M Belmont Lynne Cahen Dittmore Suzanne Cantou Keeler A. Balfour & Candy Chinn Adrienne Cohn Horn Richard A Colsky Robert Curley Michael & Lynne Dittmore James A Ellis Albert Grady Epes Michael Flaherty Linda Froman Rowell Carolyn Greenberg Friedman Howard Gregg Newby George C Hansen Stephen & Adrienne Horn Michael C Kavanaugh Patrick Kelleher Duarte Lopes James L Mancini Reva Paslin Segall Lenore Person Weissenberger Diane Petersen Sibley-Origlia Peter Preovolos Richard Risbrough Gary M Sirbu Judy Stoll Siegel Vance Strange Mark Taylor Celia Margaret Tom Juliana Tracy Weissman James Watson

1959 Diane Baron Levison Susan Bates Woods Sandra Der Tye Judi A Hansen Roberts Dave Harrison Sandra Jacobson Oberstein Johnny Johns Johns Rudy Kruse Irene Levin Dietz Judith Lindquist Prince Martin Lowenthal Daniel Marble John Marks Karen McLellan Nancy McMillan Clothier Lawrence Miller Michael Newman Steven T Okamoto Frank H Parsons Karen Pastorino Eagan William L Penn Irene Poon Andersen Judith Rivara Becker Marie Roces Powers Benita Ruero St Amant Thomas Schrag Nick & Benita St Amant Kevin Thomas Jeanne Tobin Bush Ella Tom Miyamoto Melissa Walker Kubiak Irving Zaretsky

1960 Class of 1960 Reunion Michael Barron Richard & Elvira Bergamaschi Theodore Bresler Merle Burnick Denis Michael Carroll John Danenhower Sunny Du Puis Thomas E Durbin Henry Hung Fong Herman Fruchtenicht Martin Harband Arthur Martin Hinkle David & Lenore Hofmann Ellen Jane Irey Albro Joanne Ivanetich Firth Frances G Jacobs Levy Lois Janofsky Charles Gary Morris Miyako Nakazawa Kadogawa Jonathan Pool Steven B Raffin Pamela Rand-Barzakov Daniel W Roberts Leslie Robinson Carroll Modahl Sherry Rusk Woodruff Theodore G Tong Ted Uyemoto Lenore Wiseman Hofmann Lloyd Wood

1961 Linda Agnone Benatar Ozzie Bates Dana B Bloom Shapiro Joan Catelli Claudia Conklin Frank Dimarco Albert Engel Robert Friend Kathleen Gaffney Braunstein Robert Grossman William Hanson John W Harris Sharon-Ann Jamart Baum Raymond Jubitz Myrna Kelso Klassen Susan Kollman Levinson Timothy Leach Lawrence H Leong Linda Leong Wang Ina Levin Gyemant Babette M Marquardt Hess John Mattiassi Harumi Nakao Kishida Marshall Ow Roger Passera Mark Reutlinger Jacqueline Schembari Buckley Susan M Scurich

Victor Seeto Salvatore Spinella Greg & Rosalind Tolson Wesley Tom Jose Villavicencio Gloria Woo Kwei

1962 Gerald & Sara Adams Jeanne Albronda Heaton Kenneth & Lynn Baron Sandra Bergamaschi Sullivan James Carmack Cecil Carter Chris Chamberlin Donald & Margery Cherin Calvin Chew Gwen Dangerfield Vicki De Goff Helyse Field Hollander Richard Fuller Anicia Guard-Nelson David Guggenhime Thomas Hepler Dexter Hong Lori Jacobs Horne McKenzie Johnson Burpee Linda Johnson Chapman Jeffery Kaufman Roger Kaufman Margaret Kitchen Brittingham Sara Langenthal Adams Robert Leeds Ronald Leu Marcia Levy Rubenstein Jane Liebman Goichman Wilbert Mason Elvira Merolla Bergamaschi Ivan Meyerson Meyerson Adair Miller Tench Patricia Morehen Nancy Mouber Henares Shirley Paintner Perkins John Petrovsky John Plough Rozell Preddy Overmire Bruce Purdie Candace Quan Chinn Owen Raven Hamilton Wong Judith Wong Sing Bratton Robert Yee Altha M Young Sanders Penny Young Wood

1963 Denise Appel Freinkel Deanna Au Johnson Carmen Azzopardi Gage George Benetatos Diane Bonfigli Lobo Michael J Brodie Ernest Chan Carl Crawford Allan P Gold Richard Hassman Hassman Jacquelyn Hoppe Kasline Jennie Horn Kazumaro Ishida Gwen Jew Chan Gary Joe Marguerite Johnson Blumenthal Armand Lara Niels Larsen Robert Lee Helen Morgan Bohl Russell Morris Linda Nelson Marilyn Noda Swartz Gimmy Park Li James Douglas Ripley Sybil Schwartz Hard Dewey Seeto Larry Zemansky Barbara Zipser Shapiro

1964 Toshi Abe Carole Babow Florian Nancy Bardoff Dirk Beijen Denis Binder Joseph Blum Ann Brakebill Bersi Christine Chase Reynolds Daniel Chekene

L ow ell A lumni A ssoci ation 415.759.7830 ◆ lowellaa@lowellalumni.org ◆ www.lowellalumni.org

A ll Donors

(Donations received July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011)

Lowell science teacher Richard Shapiro (left) with Lowell Science Research Program students and mentor Julia Ye ’06 (far right). Alumni donations are being used to meet the existing $100,000 challenge grant from Herbert Lee ’73 for the Science Research Program. Janice M Delfino Lee Carolyn Dorr Higgins Charles Dvorak Rosemarie Estolas De Weese Girard Garith Garibaldi Gwenlyn Giffing Gibson Cindy Gilman Redburn Andria Glassman Richard Hirayama Diana Hoffman Kazubowski Michael Josephson Lawrence Kenney Paula Klipfel Lavine Amy Lee Richard Levin Alexander Lee Lock Peter Meeks Anne Menzies Scherer Donne Mills Davis Carol Olmert Pamela Ott Mazur Ronald Quok George E Reinhardt Janet Robinson Robbins Paul Schenebeck H Mark Schulz Carla Silberstein Buchanan Vivian Sinick Imperiale Gary A Weinstein Cheryl Willis Susan Wise Deets Douglas Wong Sidney R Wong Sandra Zabel Lutzker Lynn Zalkind Baron

1965 Lowell Class of 1965 Reunion Joel Adler Stephanie Appel Hoffman Lawrence Baum Lawrence Beard Victoria Bermudez Christine Bernstein Rodriguez Linda Berry Stewart Mark Blum Russell Bohne Desmond & Cheryl Bragstad Anna-Marie Bratton James Cancilla Helen Chung Kishi Janet Comber Mendez Roselle A Del Vecchio Calmette Gilda Galope Lum Gary Greenhood Francisco & Susan Grijalva Isac Gutfreund Jean Hirschberg Nassi Linda Hom Jung Nancy Kahn Stanton Gregory Kazarian Paul M Lafranchi Wilson Lee Steven Lerner Donna Lim Martha Longmire Jimenez Baldwin & Sue Louie Bonnie MacLennan Portnoy Michael D Mason David Milanesi Michael Morlin Arlene O’Brien Doyle Jeff & Bonnie Portnoy Sally Rayhill Dellanini Laura Rosenman Ghielmetti Aziza Seruya Mara Sue Sun Louie

Gary Thompson Kevin T & Alice Tom Norman Westhoff Helen Mar Wong Lee

1966 Class of January 1966 Reunion Allan Alcorn Bertil Bergstrom Scott Brenneke James E Brodie Robert Byron Brown Morris Budak Judith Carter Barkdoll Virstan Choy Judith S Clarke Conrad Cummings Elizabeth Erikson Marnul Kathleen A Fairbrother Guthrie Hennili Falldorf Munden Lenora Verne Fung David Gabriel Jeffrey & Jessica Gaynor Robert Gooyer Joi Grieg Steven Hahn Mark Harris Alvin Ja Al Kovalick Carla Maria Lazzareschi Cynthia A Lee Florence Lee Wong Philip H Levin Betty Loo Richard Lopez Daphne Luke Luke Isabel MacWhirter Wade Alan C Mendelson Doreen Ng Lee Toshio Okano Linda Ozores Ronald Polansky Vicki Porter Wittrock William A Rae Gayle Rantz Rosenberg Monette Salwen Meredith Susan Shapiro Shwartz Edward Tang Elizabeth Thompson Mastrantonio Valerie Waidler Patricia Willard Leicher Rosalind Winters Tolson H Ward Wolff Pauline Wong

1967 Anthony Araboglou Ara David Benjamin Nancy Bleiweiss-Nevel Michael Bower Lynn Browning Oderman Cecile Chase Everson Roberta L Chew Joyce Cook Dana Corvin Dorothy Dea Mar Betty Eng Chiu Madelyn Fried English Barbara Ghio Gross Julia Gluesing Janice Ho Fong Adrienne Jacobs Miller Jeffrey Karp Robert Keeney Jeffrey Keyak Jennifer Kuenster Jessica Kuzmanich Gaynor

Clara Lee Hom Raymond W Lee Wilbert Lee Lee Terrence Leong Charlene Low Milton K Low Marilyn Mann Klag Kenneth McCoy Penny Nakatsu Michael Neumann Nancy Nichols Higham Janice Ogi Richard Pezner Pezner Daniel Quan & Joanne Woo Stuart Quan Kennedy Richardson Susan Shain Ralph Sinick Victoria Steinberg Fuchs Sherrill Rae Stern Laszlo Rhoda Tang Vallery Tennenbaum Feldman Christopher Vasil Robert Wagner Phillip Wenger Claudia L Wolf Eshoo Barbara Yee Chan

1968 Robert Arrick May Choi Wilbert Meen Chun Edward Dong Norine Emmons Ask Jannie Fan Wong William Friedman Robert Gordon Linda Grady Andre Hassid Sherlyn Hu Leong Kenneth E Keller Keith Kojimoto Dorothy Lee Janet Lee Tse Russell & Sherlyn Leong Janet Mahoney Jack Margid Miriam Dale Pichey Alice Pong Tom Valerie Porter-Browne Robert Sakai Wayne Slagle Bruce Alan Spiegelman Lillian Toy Chin Boris Leon Vilner George Westermark Suzanna Wong Hansen Joanne Woo Randall Yee

1969 Joan Abrahamson Ronald Bowerman Richard Chew Karen Fong Keola Bruce Gamble Homer Gee Cindy Gok Kate Haskin Brostoff Steven Jacobson Andrew Kluger Tony Lee Karen Lee Paula Lee Mahoney Arthur Levy Eveline Li Tom Gloria Lucey Vollmers Allyn Luenow Luenow Terry Mack Magnin Jean Pao Ng Genevieve Pastor-Cohen Pamela Pierce Vetrano Linda Powell McMillan Richard Revell Charles Schultz Warren Seeto Nancy Sitton Pat Soberanis Lisa Tartikoff Rosenthal Greg Tung Gayle Willard Higaki Jackson D Wong John L Wong Brian Wong & Cindy Gok Marilyn Zimmerman

1970 Kazuhiro Ando Martha Barrios Mead Jared & Linda Chaney Joy Chang Mary Chang Coon Jack & Marcia Coyne Jeffrey Friedman Patricia Gee Sidney M Gospe Lester Hardy & Janet Pagano Mary Jang Peter & Shirley Kwok Kitty Lam Warren Leong Gary Leung Wayland Lew Nancy Lim-Yee Hedy Loeb Dalin Barb Montoro Swan Catherine Myers Feldman Steven Otto Nylund Roger On Richard Panizo Georgette Petropoulos Wendy Lee Quan David Shapiro Janice Steiner Freeman Joan Tomaich Buchanan Steven Ullmann John Michael Whisman Cynthia Wong Tanaka Elyse Wong Rose Woo Lock Shirley Yee Kwok Simon Yeh Sandra Diane Yuen Carol A Yuke

1971 Anonymous David Arrick Karl Bakhtiari David Brown Linda Buono Chaney Barry Christian Calvin W Chu Ralph & Hedy Dalin Jennifer Dere Dominic Franco Susan Goodwin Galassi Philip Scott Hara Paul Heller & Helen Goldsmith Susan Herman Frances Katzenberg-Soss Craig Kimball Olson Lee Wendy Nelson Tokunaga Pamela Pavlovsky Mayer Ellen Pichey Diana Staring Tim & Maria Wong White Maria Wong White Wellington Wong Kathryn L Wright-Ross

1972 Jon F Antoni Ruth Auerbach Debra Babcock Bruce Baumann David Bohegian Brian P Connolly

Students learn about marine biology during a voyage on San Francisco Bay, part of a series of annual trips funded in part by the Lowell Alumni Association.

L ow ell A lumni A ssoci ation 415.759.7830 ◆ lowellaa@lowellalumni.org ◆ www.lowellalumni.org

A ll Donors

(Donations received July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011) Brian J Cruz Robert Gomez Debra Guggenheim Karoly David Hagerman Arthur Nichols Hoppe Joanne Sem Ja Steve Johanson Lewis Kious John Knox Robert Lee Irene L Lew Anson Lowe Adele Maria-Cui Jean Y Masuoka Michael J McQuaid Marcia Mowry Coyne David Nakagaki Patricia B Ng Chan Kurt F Piper Gregory Short Marilyn Singer Alvin Sockolov Mark A Steiner Otis Watson William Wertz Duane Wildenradt Alice Wong Wai Bryan M Wong Harry Wong & Joanne Ja Sharon Jean Wong Steven S Woo Lily Yee Quisol Helen W Yee

Fernando De Alba Tom Dobleman Natasha Egoroff Hyndman Barry Epstein & Judith Levin Harold Kruger Matthew Lando David A Lee Elaine Lee Kawasaki Jane Lee Cheng James Mittelberger Michele Moore Daly John H Ngai Nallip D Omran Anita Payton Peggy Peterson Bley Nicholas Roxborough Barbara L Schulz Jeffrey Shapiro Eric Tang Brenda Taylor Johnson Natalie Tomitch Ray Van Der Horst Nancy Wildenradt Eisen Scott Wood Vicki J Young Samo


1973 Bruce Agid Linda Arcellano Shaw Marla Bach Saltzstine Dennis Barfield Susan Cadinha Marks Helene Campagnet Lawrence J Cannon Buffy Cereske Debra Chin Powell Steven Chinn Jeanette Chittum Langdell Kelly Cline Bill Dougherty James Fong Mark Gamble Timothy Hanford Karla Haun Robertson Jonathan Hoff Robina E Ingram-Rich Lowell Kimura & Donna Ong-Kimura Mark Krueger Anil Lal Bill & Jeanette Langdell Herbert Buck Lee Judith Levin Deborah J Levy David Lieu Marcus Lowe Linda Nanbu Rodney Olsen Donna Ong-Kimura Wayne Palsson Thomas Peterson Gisele Pohan Penelope A Preovolos Vera Safronoff Ginotti Anne Schagen Marcia Schnapp Beverly Sommer Feder Marianne Stewart Wilson Channing Gene Wong Darryl Wong Dale Yee Gaymond Yee Rita Yee Amy Yui Anne Zelinsky

1974 Kevin Ahern Joseph C Armenta Mirta Arsenian Cali Michael Bagatelos John Baskett Bruce Batten Lorna Chee Warren Chee Aliena Cheng Chin Lisa Coughlin Clay John Crittenden

Marian Baldacchino Gericke Mark & Peggy Bley Marlene Chun Yee William Davidovich Adam Fink Darragh Flynn Joanne S Frediani Kenneth Gee Meg Goldman Daniel Grossman Courtenay Hardy Robert Hauser Craig & Deborah Hoffman Keith Howell Sandra Huey Jeong Carl Isackson Paul Kozachenko Ronald Lee Dale Lieu Gary S Louie Mark Markel Pedro Merino Paul M Nauman Carlton Hugh Oler Joshua Scodel Scodel Deborah Stein Hoffman Lisa S Thoshinsky Vande Voorde Stanley F Tom Marly Urizar Ortega Alexander Von Hafften Mark & Ingrid Wach Arden Wong Nora Woo Gee Cynthia S Zamboukos

1976 Terence Abad Augustine Bau Andrew Berberich Joceline Boucher Flora Burger Kupferman Beverly Chan Paul K Chan Edward Cheng Sandra Chiang Yee Kim Clark Miriam Ducoff Smolen Karla Ekholm Steve Emerson Shari Eng Phillips Beverly Epstein Chris Fong Helen Goldsmith Leo Halog Peter Herzstein Irene Hilton Wilbur Hong Sandra Kobayashi Elene Lee Michael Art Lee Jeffery Louie Richard Magahiz Betsey Mar Ho Thomas D Matthews Eddy Ng Lucy Nguyen O’Connor Janet Pagano Stan Pollitt

Janet Popesco Archibald Ingrid Priskich Wach Patrick F Quan Mike Susoev Hector Tam Judy Thalheimer Justin Ting Lisa Tong Hu Michael Ugawa Emily Wolfe Resnikoff

1977 Kirsti Aho Elizabeth Carl Murphy Leland Chan Edwin Fineman Michael Lee Fong Martha French Yasuko Fukuda Anthony Grumbach Mark Harrington Joan Hoover David Kaiser Ann Kasper James K Lau Lawrence Louie Philip C Mezey Kitty Ng Pat Robles Velarde Michael George Rosenberg Martha Shumway Donald Snyder Peter L Stein Kenneth Tan David Clark Tseng Daniel A Vasquez Robert & Pat Velarde Elaine Wong Lam Susan Yee Owyang

1978 Roy Abendroth Richard Andaya Sid Burger Cherry Calucin Bulosan Carol Crawford Falstrup David Fink Sandra Folena-Schauchulis David H Fong Michelle Garcia Winner Steve Goldman Benjamin Gulli Doris Lee Benjamin Leung Cheryl Moore Duke Otoshi Chris Paszty Karin Rosander Chafetz Tim Shafer Lisa Sullivan Hamann Ho Fai Wong Christopher Young Nancy Yue

1979 Vincent Anderson Karen N Asahina Lee Susan Bergman Kelvin Chow Howard Chung Lorna Corral Padia Markus Deborah Dickson Shea Susie Fong Popken Madeline Hancock Eva Heran Lemley George Ishikata Mabel Lee Abellera Carmen Lee Woo Jason Macario Lorraine Ow Perry Pong Mary Reilly Keller Gus & Deborah Shea Clayton K Tang Paul Tsien Steven & Carmen Woo Abby Yee George Zee

1980 Anonymous Naomi Baum Sophie Breall Sarahvon Buenavista Emily-Jane Cohen Kandyce Pilar Collins Murison Smith

Elaine Fong Elizabeth P Fung Rachel Gordon Jules Jelinek Brant T Lee Edna Fay Lee Edward Louie Jason & Gail Ma Barbara Mundy Ana Quijano Urbina Rebecca Robbins McLane Amy Segal Blase Nicholas Shihadeh Gail Shiu Ma Annie Takeuchi Shelly Wentker Taylor Carlene Wong-Lee Diane Cara Wong Lisa Stephanie Yee Brown

1981 Dean Bell Kenneth Michael Carr Maya Ching Susan May Chiu Marc Concepcion Theresa Harrington Theodore Holman Brenda Hui Lam Kristina Jones Miriam Kim Miya Kim John & Brenda Lam Julia Lavroushin Uday Mathur Regina Mifuel Dalisay Cathy Poon Yee Darwin Popenoe Nancy Satoda Norma Shiheiber Sayage Rex Tam Lucy S Zee Lee

1982 Class of 1982 Reunion Eugene Lewis Berg Leslie Buckley Lindsay Kimiko Burton Svetlana Chmeleva Julie Fong Lillian Fong Susan Freiwald Dina Goldman Mark D Hertle Lana Huey Pun Helen Lee Lana Lee King Steven P Li Lawrence Wing Loo Linda Louie Evan Mark Anne Mitchell Patricia Moreno Yvonne Wah Ng James Chinsoo Park Stephen Popper Hubert & Lana Pun Diane Suen Shew Paul Tam Trudy Tang Frank Toy Wisetheary Tran Laurie Wong Huey Randall Wong Yuji Yamada Maylen Yue

1983 Theodore Chan & Diana Loo Robert Cornell Elise Fong Wing Hayley Green Smith Caroline Hum Linda Joseph Diana Loo Flora Anne Lucas-Quesada Kristine Mar Edward William Sadler Elizabeth Marie Sage Dennis & Diane Shew Gower Suen Susan Valentin Joseph Yeun Stephen Yuen Harlan Zimmerman

L ow ell A lumni A ssoci ation 415.759.7830 ◆ lowellaa@lowellalumni.org ◆ www.lowellalumni.org

A ll Donors

(Donations received July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011) 1984


Alan G Chan Wei Mun Chu T Omowale Crenshaw Patrick Foo Sarah L Hudson Randolph S Koss Andrew Lam Joanne Elaine Lyon Sokol Daniel Nakamura Jennifer Poulakidas Ellen K Tam Patricia Tam Tom Sarah M Tiu Hannah Wolf Steven Wong Tony Woo

Anonymous Katherine Aquino Maria Bykin Una Chan Wind Anthony Chow Sabrina Fung Chris Galvin Caroline Kim Kress Marcia Ko Rhee Laurance L Lee Amanda Lewis Eunice Lopez Scherer Paul Y Louie Juan Carlos Peralta Georgene Poulakidas Kromydas William To Andrew Tolson Karina Wong Kimberly Wong Yang Wong

1985 Class of 1985 Reunion David & Lee Anna Botkin Stanley ConHon Stephanie Fishkin Dark Sabrina Gee Shin Deborah Hauser Vincent King Calvin & Tina Lee Lewis Lee Sherilyn Lee Katherine Loo Tammy Loo Eva Moy Khanh Kent Nguyen Randy Pon Allyn Frances Quan Mark Schoeller Lee Anna Schwartz Botkin William Singleton Richard Weeks Denise G Wong Nelson Bradley Wong Sandra L Wong Betsy Yee Penelope Yip

1989 Anonymous Olivia Boler Margery Fong Eckerly Alison Fox Mazzola Robert Gee Jonathan E Heuser Chester A Hom Abigail Hull Koenig Eric & Caroline Kress Wing Sang Kwan Philip Lum Nha-Ai Nguyen-Duc Kenneth Quon Jon Richardson Seth Rockman Ramon Romero Ellen Tang Roland Tang Tassilo Von Koch

1990 Thomas Balk Angela Blacut Jericho & Theresa Castillo Karen Chan Eudora Chin Ting Catherine Crisera Kelley Tenley Harrison Michael Heyl Alexander Catharine E Holt Rosalia Kim Patton Tom Lieu Wendy Y Lo Eric O’Brien Theodore Omachi Marie Ouano-Kim Theresa Pulanco Castillo Daniel S Reid Rebecca Richards Gorham Graham T Selvan Luell Lecia Smith Kaslofsky Mae Tai O’Malley Allen Tam Alicia Walker Jimmy & Sharon Wong Alan Yan

1986 Carolina Alvarez Picazo Katherine Leigh Bell Adam Borneleit John W Chan Katherine Chen Peter Chin Annie K M Chow Kimalene Choy Gee Alvin K Fong Stephanie Yukako Ide-Wakimura Grace Kao Nelson Kong Irene C Kuo Hung Le Howard S K Lee Raymond K Louie Sharon Low Wong Michael Medina Dean M Poulakidas Alexandria Sage Tamar Sarkissian Kilijian Judy Sing Wang Hawkin Ed Woo Tina Kathryn Yu Lee Jack Zee


1987 Anonymous Susan Au Eleanor Pat Chan Stephen George Chan Cecilia See Yan Chui Lambert Bryan Clair Bella Fong Cenzano-Fong Leonard Goldberg Francisco Gutierrez Stephen F Heuser Elizabeth Huey-Torney Huey-Levine Deborah A Hull Dee Hung Lau Melissa Wai Lau Hansen Lieu & Wendy Lo Dennis Miyata Kenny Mok Robert Nakamura Lynn Lihn T Nguyen Raymond Oyung Ho-Man Wong Jennifer Wong Lee

Yoram Bauman Max Berest Shea L Bond Sarah Carlat Kennedy Shirley Chan Yee Michael Wayne Chee Amy K W Koo Cindy K Kwong Leong Sharon S M Lum Medina Max Luttrell Richard G Pon Hai Tang Lawrence Richard Tom Stephen Vong Christine Yabu Liane S Yee Hamilton Hung Chiu Yu

1992 Anonymous Kevin Chim Jim Tracy DeAmicis McMahan Antonio P Garcia Karen E Matsukuma

Jubilant Lowell JROTC students enjoy a program that has been rescued from cancellation by the Lowell Alumni Association. Patsy McGuire Carolina Miranda Moss Prescott & PJ McGuire Tony Quang Selina Shek Rebecca Shore Lillian Trac Trac Vivian Janice Woo

Ken Y Lee Vinson Lee Charleen Louie Joseph K Ng Robert Park Tennant Jung-Yeal Park Syta Saephan Kamau Gen Washington



Gabrielle Astrawinata Erik James Bjorn Jeffrey Byrnes Genevieve Ellison Boi Quan Giang Anthony K Hon Stacie Katz Nina Kim Elarde Peter Daniel Lee Naomi Lempert Lopez Racy Ming Copley Edith Ostapik Jung Sun Park Michael Anthony Tan Sim Dennis Song Rupert Tagnipes Joe Guan Jou Tam & Jung Park Sharyl Lynn Wong Jenny C Yee

Gyda Arber Edison Thor Keh Cayabyab Katherine Chan Nguyen Lauren Choi-Dea Marshman Anita Chung Crystal Yueh-Y Chung Catherine Joyce David Ying Hua Jura Benson Kirby Jung Pamela Ann Lee Jonathan W Leong Jacob David Levy Michele K Louie Peter Phuc Ly Sarah Skelton Mauricio Michelle Mayumi McDevitt Romany McNamara Trieu & Katherine Nguyen Emily J Price Phillips Benjamin Reichardt Christian Reichardt David K Scotton Joscelyn Tham Wong Alice Mon Tse Stacy Wong Jenson Elisa Chia Yao

1994 Stanley Hong Christine Hosoda Elena Kleiman Ingerman Sandy May Hwa Lim Elton K L Lin Marilyn My H Luong Liana McGriff Ai Mori Matthew Tevenan Alex R Tse Maia Werner-Avidon Geary Wong Serena Oi-Yee Yan Pamela Janie Yee Sandy Yee

1995 Giuliana Benedicty Winnie W Chung Serena M Gee Zhao Andrew Green Nicole Alexa Victoria Jung Joanne Hyeri Kim Carolyn Le Tracy M Lee Christina Jan Lee Rita P Lee King & Margaret Lip Adam C Lipski George Liu Eric Stephen Low Marilyn Mun Ye Ng Janet Cheu Chu Ng Aron Joshua Nussbaum John & Alice Tse Vuong Elan Wang Fan-Wa Wong Susan Shing Yan Yung Judy Jie Jing Zhou

1996 Andrey Kit Wei Chow Katrina Dodson Margaret Fong Lip Cindy Minh-Tran Le

1998 Mamie Chew Franklin Chin Melinda W Chung Claudia Chung Sanii Daniel H Goto Stephanie Lou Hsiung Leslie Lau-Wang Alicia K Louie Chen Kimberly Anne Louie Wilson Mok Moises D Salmeron Natalie Tilds Karen You Chuan Wang Rosanna Wong April Marie Yee Michael Stephen Yee

1999 Class of 1999 Reunion Michael Tsz Chung Chan Nancy Chung Allred Alan Huynh Chung Stephen Feyer Gabriel Gilder Tinna Che Quan Ho Audrey Anne Jeung Amy Ke Jing Lei Marisa Leong Kitty Poon Heidi Shadel Holman Tse

2000 Class of 2000 Reunion Danielle Carol Broude Erica Cohen Piper Camille Hearst Africa Ishodra Ishodi

L ow ell A lumni A ssoci ation 415.759.7830 ◆ lowellaa@lowellalumni.org ◆ www.lowellalumni.org

A ll Donors

(Donations received July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011) Corporate Donors and Matching Gift Companies

Members of the Lowell Forensic Society (our speech/debate program) display awards earned at a recent tournament. Alumni Association grant funds help pay for tournament entry fees and other program expenses. Stanislav Kaushanskiy & Yuliya Patsay Gregory R Krimer Sareen Janna Leong Li Anna May McGrane Catherine Ann Richardson Jackie Woo Alvin Jason Yee Aleksandr Zingorenko

2001 Solomon W Chase Deniz Efendioglu Andrew C Fong Elianna Louise Goldstein Peak Fontaine Lam Kate Ellis Lazarus Minna Lee Andrew Louis Linderman Ileana Elizabeth Neves Pulu Yuliya Patsay Long Truong Monica G Wan Chavarria

2002 Julia Victoria Baron Wayland Chew Kathryn Pichel Escudero Alisa Lena Farenzena Natalie Bossen Fuchs Joyce Ting Ting Ho Anna Yu Lam Nathaniel Colin Lee Jonathan K Lui David Tan Xi Wang Melinda T Yee Jeffrey Yu

2003 Boris Bulayev Jacob Theodore Cutler Erol Zihni Efendioglu Darius Gilder Leslie Ann Kurkjian Lisa Lam Nicole Jean Lazarus Anna Devi Reichardt Joanna Karen Richardson Christopher A Sia Andrea Joe Yee

2004 Laura J Bannett Erin Elizabeth Calhoun Lydia Feng Liqian Nicolas Liao Juliet Elizabeth Linderman Chen Nicholas Ni Simon Tan Linda B Truong

2005 Daphne Wai Ping Chan Hillary Chuyee Chu Charles Caleb Cutler Tania Livania Gonzalez Jeffrey Kwong Lauren Adrienna Longley Kelly Yuka Walton Rebecca Sara Wong Claire Yuan Yuan

2006 Ashley Wei-Yee Chu Joseph Swenson Cutler

Jonathan Joseph Djavaheri Alina A Goldenberg Jason Huey Stefanie Meggan Lau John Joseph Lazarus Nicholas Erin Miley Jacob Leland Rogers Arthur Sheyn Nelson T Y Wong

2007 Valentin Bolotnyy Julian Handel Priscilla Plasai

2008 Michael Lazarus Jacqueline Molina Logan Weir Walker Weir

2009 Marisol Gonzalez Phelan Guan Maggie Huang Avanindranath Jhingan Katrina Lau Scott Lee Catarina Ong

2010 Justine Fox Ryan Louie John Ochoa

2012 Alicia Tang

Faculty Jack Abad Paul & Pam Abad Cheryl Bragstad Cathryn Brash Bertram Brauer Paul Cheng May Choi Michael Descilo Joseph Ehrman Ernst M Feibusch James Gazaway Pam Golton Abad Nancy Hayes Steve Hirabayashi George Hsu Andy Ishibashi George Johnson Bob Jow Janet Lee Tse Edgar Lehmann Paul Lucey Suzette Magsanay Anthony Mana Jack Meier Marian Murphy Gonzalez Deanna Nielsen Carolyn Porto Barbara Prato Lawrence Robinson Dennis Ross Thelma Schiller John Shankel Sara Trelaun Michele Winter Boe Wong Aline Younge Janelle & Paul Zahtilla

Abbott Fund Adobe Systems Inc Matching Gift Program AIG Matching Grants Program Alliance Bernstein AON Foundation Matching Gift Program Bank of America Matching Gift Program BNY Mellon Community Partnership California HealthCare Foundation The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Charles Schwab Foundation Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program Cisco Foundation Clorox Company Foundation Cooper White & Cooper LLP Edison International eScrip Fannie Mae Foundation Gap Inc Foundation Genentech Employee Giving Program Google Matching Gifts Program Hanson Bridgett LLP HSBC Philanthropic Programs Intuit Foundation Juniper Networks Company Microsoft Giving Campaign NYSE Euronext Foundation Inc Occidental Petroleum Corporation Oracle Matching Gifts Program Raytheon Matching Gifts for Education Research Affiliates, LLC Sims Metal Management Sockolov & Sockolov The Council of Industries US Bancorp Foundation Visa Givingstation WEA Consulting Wells Fargo Bank Xilinx Inc Yahoo! Employee Funds

Friends of Lowell Mary Ellen Akers Robert & Thelma Arquilla Mr & Mrs W.J. Barrett Michael Bien Blume Foundation Janet & Micah Broude William Buffalow & Carol Anderson Paul Calcagno Terri Chin Peter Cleary Joseph V Costello, Jr Thomas J Cowling Jay & Nancy Cutler David Davini David Heller & Betsy Eckstein Sadia Faber Fast Twitch Productions Bonnie Fastiff Robert Feyer & Marsha Cohen Mitchell & Debbie Friedlaender Elmer & Barbara Gallegos Mollie Gehrke Elsie I George Herbert Gerlach Peter & Lois Gilder Eric Goldman & Laurie Weisberg Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Gordon Sue Guastalli Maryline Hee Ginny & Charlie Heldebrant Charles S Holden Juan & Maria Iturburua Carl David Jacobs Mel & Jeanette Johnson Carol Johnson Peter & Lidda Katigbak Peter & Nancy Keane Joan P Keyston Mary & Gordon King Maia Krache & Andrew Scoble Mr. & Mrs. David Krause Gregory S Laurinat Gary M Levin Susan Lidgate Mace Robert Linderman Kelvin Louie Mark & Laura Lucas Jill S Manton William McGrane James & Clare Openshaw Michael & Janet Paige

Robert & Carol Perry Sue Plasai Carol Putnam Carole Ruffo David Sage Sylvia San Andres Beverly L Scott Lou Segale Gregg & Janis Sera Abigail Seto Irving Sherman Richard Shrieve James & Erika Tippett Joel Torres Wellman & Mildred Tsang David Vickter Foundation Carol Wang Karen Weissman Levine Herb & Yvonne Wilson Woodard Family Foundation Michael & Marianne Wurnitsch Commissioner Jill Wynns Gertrude Zimmerman

In Memory Of Debbie Abraham ’71 Grant Bakewell ’41 Ivan Barker (faculty) Rose Bush Begley James Benson ’47 John Blume ’28 Bob Braunreiter (faculty) Jane Arnot Brunson ’38 Celia Strauss Cain Elena Bianchini Catelli (faculty) Stanley Chan ’91 Vicki Chin ’67 Paul Eisenberg ’58 Dr. Evelyn Yee-Wai Lee Fong Monique Leb Goldstrom ’65 Aileen “Mickey” Hart Janet Levey Hoffman ’35 Michele Tracy Johnson ’61 Al Karstensen ’48 Ben Kaufman William Kiyasu ’40 Robert L. Knox ’42 Om Lal ’71 William Lee Vernon Lee Sylvia Leff Pat Pivnick Levin ’67 Pauline K. Quirk Lidgate ’34 Fred Linder (faculty) Marie Ludemann ’47 Phyllis Maness Maeder ’55 Stella Michaelian (faculty) Angela Hon Ng Daniel & Linda Quan Roland Quan ’69 Julio Quebral Stafford Repp ’36 Fred Sauer ’40 Melinda Seid ’70 Alva Ann Lynch Sjolinder ’56 Susan Van Kirk Taylor ’68 Melvyn “Mickey” Thorne ’50 John Ting ’65 J Russell Tippett Herschel Tolson Gloria Breckenridge Vollmayer ’49 Joel & Pansy Wong-Woo Sgt. Mack Yoshida (faculty) Lai Chun Tam Yue Martha Melvin Zemanek ’41

In Honor Of Lowell Class of June 1966 Lowell Class of 1985 Lowell Faculty 1982-86 Doris Blum ’28 May Choi ’68 Alison Cleary ’03 Megan Cleary ’06 Tristan Marshman Bernard Mizel ’53 Maj. Joseph Mucelli (faculty) Shawn Poon ’93 Patrick Quan ’76 Janet Lee Tse ’68

L ow ell A lumni A ssoci ation 415.759.7830 ◆ lowellaa@lowellalumni.org ◆ www.lowellalumni.org

Spring 2012

Lowell Alumni Association

Keeping In Touch… DIANE WARD GARTNER states, “Happily residing in Pleasant Hill. Member AAUW (American Association of University Women).” CONSTANCE “CONNIE” COVINGTON DALLMANN attended the 50-year reunion of her UCSF Medical School class in May 2010. STEWART WEINBERG, still practicing law, jokes “One of these days, I am going to get the hang of it!” JACK SAROYAN is “presently teaching at the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry in SF and serving on the Civil Grand Jury.” JUDY KELLEHER RIGAS updates, “Had fun visits with Ralph & Fran Berger Tischbern ’53 and John McGilvray ’53 & wife Cathy at Tahoe last summer. Can’t believe our 60-year reunion in just a year away. Sad to hear Pat Mascarelli Hart’s ’53 husband Charlie passed away in January.” YVONNE KRAMER CREIGHTON relates, “All is well in the Kramer Creighton home. I hear from ’53 classmates Don Schaller, Judy Bechtel and Anne Kopelk Benezra as well as Les Morse ’52, my neighbor. Can it be so many years since we were all together?”



In May 2010, MALCOLM COLE received The Dickson Emeritus Professor Award from UCLA for ongoing contributions to the University in retirement. JOAN ERBENTRAUT GORDON reveals. “I am living in Salt Lake. My husband, Ron Gordon, (Berkeley High) passed away in 2008.”



ANTHONY D’AGOSTINO reports, “I published two books this year. The first, a brief introduction, is The Russian Revolution, 19171945 (Praeger). A larger and more substantial volume is The Rise of Global Powers: International Politics in the Era of the World Wars (Cambridge University Press).” ROGER EDWARD HERST broadcasts, “Just published another novel, the one a saga of early California in the 1860s, entitled Destiny’s Children, published by Amazon. Though I have lived in Washington DC for 35 years, you can’t take California out of me. See RogerHerst.com, about a passion for writing story.” LOUISE EDLER TAYLOR proclaims, “Still loving Grass Valley, volunteering at UC Berkeley, and looking forward to the holidays with our sons and grandchildren.” CLAUDE HUGHES professes, “I’m acutely aware at 72 years of age that all the old adages I’ve heard over the years are becoming painfully true. Was it Bette Davis who was quoted ‘getting old ain’t for sissies’? Did Herb Caen write: ‘you know you’re getting old when you write more checks to Jenkyll-Davidson than you do to Harley-Davidson’? The Central Coast of California people are said to have ‘one foot’ in the stirrup.” JOHN JUNG recaps, “Taught psychology for 40 years at California State University, Long Beach before retirement and starting a new career publishing 4 books and giving lectures on Chinese American History.” DAVID GARDNER plans, “All things considered, this should be the last year of my engineering corporation…officially ‘retiring’ at the end of 2011! Hopefully, this will give some more time for some travel…and perhaps another reunion… (we should all live so long!) I’ve lost touch with most of the old Lowell crowd, being located up here in the distant Pacific Northwest! We do make an annual ‘run’ to California, however, just to keep our ‘passports’ active!” CAROL B. HICKS shares, “We had a great 55-year reunion in Oct at the St Francis Yacht Club. Wish everyone could have been there. Check out the pictures on our website www. lowell1955.com.” ANNE LACK reviews, “The 55 year reunion

was wonderful. I enjoyed seeing old friends Janet, Dale, Diann, Duane, Joe and Don and many more. This was the first reunion I attended. I would encourage all classmates to attend the next reunion. Those high school memories are unique and, Lowell, a wonderful time in my life.” MICHAEL R. PEEVEY updates, “Continuing, for the ninth year to be the President of the California Public Utilities Commission, headquartered in San Francisco. My wife, Carol Liu, continues to be a State Senator, representing Pasadena, Glendale, Burbank and surrounding communities. We are pleased Jerry Brown is back as our Governor.” JOAN KAUFMANN GROSS writes, “The Graduate School of Journalism at UC Berkeley where I attended college, selected me to judge their student project awards this past year — not an easy task with so many excellent works. I attribute my journalism success starting with my days writing for The Lowell under Mr. Buckley.”



BOB ELLESON e-mails, “Still teaching at the high school level in Houston, Texas. My best to all. I can be reached at (713) 467-9490.” MANNY GOLDMAN invites, “We never expected to leave the Bay Area, but my husband David and I recently decided to retire to Ashland, OR. We’re loving all the activities that are part of the annual Oregon Shakespeare Festival and the amazing variety of cultural opportunities in this lovely small town. Can hardly believe our 50th is coming up in 2014! “ JOAN SWIMMER GELLER greets, “Hi to my friends from June ’56 graduating class. Love to hear from my fellow summer 1956 class! Another reunion??” PETER BELMONT writes, “Since 1980, I’ve spent much time and effort seeking Palestinian/ Israeli peace. My blog is 123pab.com. I admire Lowell’s language program but wonder why I see Hebrew but not Arabic — perhaps in the near future?” KAREN L. PETERSEN BALISTRERI tells, “Four grandchildren 22, 19, 13 and 11. Still talk to Lynn Vlautin Prescott. In April, took the 11-year-old on ‘short cruise.’ Going for longer cruise this April.” KEVIN HARRINGTON posted, “Retired from practice as an orthopedic surgeon; now volunteering as the orthopedist for the Marin Community Clinic (the uninsured).” WILLIAM O’KEEFFE sends, “Got a chance to catch up with old friends, schoolmates and listen to Bryan Gould play at the Panama Hotel, in San Rafael the other night (he plays on Tuesdays); always a great jazz performance. I have converted to disks the 1956, 1957, and 1958 year books. Anyone interested in a disk copy, e-mail me at wfo@safti.com.” SONJA THEA SWENSON TAYLOR reports she retired in May of 2011.



LEO MARTINEZ cheers, “Give ’em the axe, beat Poly! Retired 17 years from SFPD, geat job, great people. Celebrated 51 years with bride, Mary. I’m donating in memory of Dede Grider Devlin, Cipriano Espinor, Bill Stamos, Tony Patch Jr. and Paul Disterheft. Keep swingin’, folks.” ARLENE KNACKE DELLARI updates, “We are enjoying our recent move to Sparks, NV, but never again — no more moving!” JOELLE LEWIS BENIOFF passes along the sad news, “My loving husband Russell Benioff ’46 passed away January 16, 2012. He will be terribly missed.” PRISCILLA WATSON LAWS informs, “I am retired from teaching physics at Dickinson College, but I am still doing curriculum development and conducting professional development workshops for teachers. These are funded by the National Science Foundation.”

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DIANE BUTTOLPH CREASEY e-mails, “We have RETIRED, again. Sold our 40-ft. motorhome and now settling into a mobile home in an RV Resort in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. We’re 35 miles from South Padre Island and 2 hrs. south of San Antonio, Texas. Progresso, Mexico is our ‘second’ home…the margaritas are fantastic! Seven miles from U.S. and no border problems. Come see us: Diane (Buttolph) Creasey — 1201 N. Main S. #41, La Feria, TX 78559-6044, (919) 247-3928.” JULI STAIGER POSTOL shares, “My husband Earl and I went to Tunisia in March on a vantage tour and one of our fellow travelers, Pamela Effenbeck Clemensen, is also a Lowell alumna — from 1959, I think! Her husband, Val, attended San Francisco State at the same time I did.” KENNETH E. JENKINS claims, “Still alive, still living in York Town (where freedom was won), and still working at Hampton Roads Academy teaching 6th grade science and coaching softball. It does not get any better than this.” BEVERLY JOHNS SKUJA writes, “We drove to South Dakota last summer and visited a gold mine in the Black Hills like the one my grandfather had worked in. We also found the church where my grandparents got married. Our daughter is expecting a baby, so it looks like we will be becoming grandparents at long last.” MARION JARRELL exclaims, “Retired psychotherapist in Florida; always grateful for my Lowell experience.” ROBERT KUCICH mailed, “I wanted to be a valedictorian on the LAA Donor Recognition Society but came up $9,975.00 short — requesting a small loan. I’m still a bartender at The Dragon Lounge, 24th & Taraval Street. Stop in and say ‘Hi’ before I retire in 2040.” CRAIG F. SWANSON tells, “The Accounting Department at UCSB still keeping me busy. When asked why I was not at the retirement seminar, I said I had no plans to retire. I enjoy working, fishing off the Santa Barbara Coast, hunting and fishing in the Los Padres National Forest and riding Romeo, my ranch horse. Hope all is well with our fellow 1957 graduates. My wife Nancy and I along with the children and grandchildren are enjoying good health and easy living in Santa Barbara.”



MICHAEL FLAHERTY updates, “I’m living on the 20th floor of a highrise in Chicago. I’m retired by my wife Sharon still works. Son James just graduated from the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University while daughter Molly will earn her Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Chicago in 2013.” PATIRCK KELLEHER greets, “Happy 70th birthday to all my great classmates from the class of ’58! May the Lord bless and keep you during our senior years!” HARVEY MASONEK shares, “I am most pleased with the response to my scholarship program at Lowell, especially when I receive acknowledgement and praise from the recipients themselves.” Sad and happy news from HOWARD NEWBY: “My wife passed away last year after 44 years of marital bliss. Last April, I remarried. I have written a short novel that is being proofread by Marco St. John, a famous Shakespearean actor who was the arch-villain in the Clint Eastwood movie, ‘Tightrope.’ I am also active in the Sierra Club and other environmental groups.” LILLIAN MARIE GIBSON shares “My daughter, Mae Elizabeth Gibson, needs help for Haven’s Home Care helping children that need foster care. Please try to help, if you can. And I’m hoping to reach my Lowell friend Mary Stallings — please contact me as soon as possible via the Lowell Alumni Association.” JUDY STOLL SIEGEL jots “Sorry I missed our 50-year reunion, but I was on a wonderful trip with classmate Hermine “Sami” Rosinsky Freedman. Hard to believe that 54 years have

passed since our graduation. Living in San Jose since 1964 with two sons and grandchildren nearby.”



NICK & BENITA RUERO ST AMANT reflect, “We still have fond memories of the 50-year reunion — more fun than we imagined and everyone looked to great. Best to all until we can meet again.” MICHAEL NEWMAN offers, “Linda and I are still enjoying our fabulous ranch, horses, dogs, cats and life in general on the beautiful Oregon Coast. Lowell alumni are welcome to drop by.” IRENE POON ANDERSEN mails, “Have established a publishing company with a friend called Velvet Lens Cap. Our first book is titled Black & White/Sweet & Sour, two photographic stories by Charles Wong set in late 1940s Chinatown. Next year will be the release of Point/Counterpoint: photographs by Irene Poon.”



ROBERT BERGAMASCHI reports, “Enjoying retirement after many years in the Silicon Valley electronic industry and four years working for Tourneau watches. Married to Elvira Merolla ’62 with two sons. Looking forward to the 55th!” THOMAS DURBIN greets, “Hope all are well and happy. Since our 50th Reunion I continue to travel and pursue my anthropology.” FRANCES G. JACOBS LEVY shares, “I am happy to donate in honor of my 50th Anniversary of graduation from Lowell HS. I am Vicar of St. Philip’s Anglican Church in Coalinga and Executive Director of Tulare County Symphony. Busier than I ever was while at Lowell, and I thought I was very busy then!!” SHERRY RUSK WOODRUFF expresses, “So sorry to have missed the reunion last year. I enjoyed seeing some of you in the video. Cheers to all my friends who were there — you look fabulous!” LOIS JANOFSKY CHARLES e-mails, “Anyone else in the Seattle area? Missed our 50th, I’ll work on getting to the 60th!” JONATHAN POOL types “Jack Anderson’s forensics training has never stopped coming in handy in the eternal struggle against illogic. Lowell’s decision to postpone my diploma because I refused to pledge allegiance to the flag has receded far enough into the past to become a convenient anecdote. Has Lowell become more tolerant of free speech? Let me know. And, if you’re multilingual, we can use volunteers in our PanLex project, which is creating a tool to translate words among more than 5,000 languages.” ELLEN JANE IREY ALBRO is “retired now and busier than ever!” Must be something in the air because MICHAEL BARRON retired in 2011.



JACQUELINE SCHEMBARI BUCKLEY notes, “Happily retired after 42 years with Human Services Agency in SF. Really enjoyed our 50-year reunion in September. Busy line dancing, studying Spanish (still!) and going to Fromm Institute at USF. Two grown children on their own. Looking forward to our 55th.” SHARON-ANN JAMART BAUM mails, “San Bruno explosion/fire victim. Still not back in my home!” JOSE A. VILLAVICENCIO states “I’m currently working as a professor and director of the foreign language education program at Columbus State University in Columbus, Georgia.” K ATHLEEN GAFFNEY BRAUNSTEIN recalls, “My husband, Jerry, and I ‘survived’ a challenging trip across the High Pamirs last June. We were escorted to a safe exit from

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Lowell Alumni Association

Keeping In Touch… Tajikistan by a private militia during the Tajik’s most recent uprising.” WILLIAM “BILL” HANSON yells, “Hello Class of ’61. If you are traveling near Fresno and I’m not traveling in my RV let me know. E-mail: bhhomecar@msn.com” WESLEY TOM shouts, “A special ‘HI’ to Ken U., Henry D., Mark R., Dennis J., Dennis Y., Bill H., Ivan V., Tony R., & Bob W. Go Giants and Niners!” FRANK DIMARCO composes, “Extremely proud that our niece Triana Mazey-Anderson just started at Lowell. I continue to make images with no desire to retire from work I love. All are invited to visit www.dimarcogallery.com.” ETHEL LICHTENSTEIN WEINTRAUB greets, “Hi fellow class of 1961. My husband Irwin and I moved back to Israel (Beersheva to be exact) Oct, 2010. We’re both retired now and enjoying the challenge of improving our Hebrew and getting involved in the politics of our adopted country. Shalom to everyone!” T.R. MARINO writes, “All’s well in the high desert of Southern California. The Class of ’61 50-year reunion was outstanding. Dori is really enjoying her retirement. Hope to get back to the city this year. All our best to you in all you do.” WILLIAM GRAFF jots, “Retired March 2010 from U.S. Treasury office in Emeryville but still working at SF Giants games (for 51 years now). Health improving after serious heart issues last year. 3 kids, 7 grandkids, 1 great-granddaughter. Still think Lowell is the best high school there is.” GERALD & SARA LANGENTHAL ADAMS “are enjoying retirement in Iowa.” ANICIA GUARD-NELSON reports, “My husband Jim and I took a 15-day cruise to Alaska in July. Whales and glaciers were fantastic as promised. Looking forward to this year’s class reunion.” SUSAN SCURICH says “Still teaching first grade here in SF, my 45th year in the SF Unified School District, and enjoying it. I went to Croatia in ’08 and ’09 with my brother and nephew to explore our roots, finding our great grandparents’ home in Cilipi near the Dubrovnik airport. The highlight was meeting about 35 relatives (so many cousins!).” LINDA AGNONE BENATAR offers regrets: “Sorry I missed our 50-year reunion, but retired life is great. I so enjoyed traveling through Italy in 2010 with my best Lowellite friend, Jackie Schembari Buckley!”



ELVIR A MEROLLA BERGAMASCHI updates, “Now retired for two years after teaching 21 years at Lowell Elementary in San Jose. I belong to West Valley Federated Women’s Club, but my first love is volunteering weekly at Humane Society Silicon Valley. No grandchildren, but husband Richard ’60 and I are avid hockey fans, love traveling and live theater.” NANCY MOUBER HENARES scribbles, “Looking forward to our ‘big’ reunion at the ‘Old Lowell.’ I’m in the process of moving from Carmel back to the Bay Area (Half Moon Bay) to be closer to my SF business.” DAVID GUGGENHINME advocates, “Would welcome fellow alumni with free time to consider volunteering in public school classrooms throughout California. The budget situation is only going to make teaching more challenging.” ROGER KAUFMAN types, “Still operating Ben & Jerry’s Scoop Shops in S.F. as well as Alcatraz Gift Shop on Pier 39. Son Randal married with two lovely daughters and just graduated with MBA. Daughter Janna is finishing first year at St. Mary’s Graduate program. Son Ben passed away last year from a brain tumor.” MARCIA LEVY RUBENSTEIN updates, “Retired, happily married, 4 children, 7 grandchildren. Lowell was...and is...then best! Looking forward to the next reunion!” JOHN PETROVSKY states, “Retirement didn’t

agree with me, so I am teaching Spanish parttime at Marin Academy and College of Marin. Recent travel to Mexico, Germany and the Czech Republic was enlightening and fun.” MARGARET KITCHEN BRITTINGHAM shares, “Retirement is great — creative writing, book clubs, hiking, gardening.” ROZELL PREDDY OVERMIRE updates, “Our news this year is a move from San Francisco to Marin. We are now at Tamalpais — a life care apartment in Greenbrae. We hope it will be our last move!” WEEDY TUHTAN-JOSEPH e-mails, “Living with husband in Sebastopol and part time in St Lucia. Retired in 2000. One daughter born 1980.” STEPHEN LENT writes “Since medically retiring from the U.S. Army for the second time (as a Lieutenant Major), I have devoted myself to assisting veterans as a Volunteer Service Officer in the Disabled American Veterans Organization. I recently had the opportunity to right a 69-year wrong for a WWII veteran who had been denied a Purple Heart for his bravery on the beaches of Normandy after a fire destroyed his military records and, at his family’s request, performed the Purple Heart awards ceremony. CHRISTOPHER CHAMBERLIN updates “We are back in Wellington, New Zealand after a three-year stay in Samoa, where Caroline was NZ High Commissioner (Ambassador) and our two girls lived the island life.”



JAMES DOUGLAS RIPLEY is still enjoying semi-retirement in Southeastern Arizona, working part time as an environmental consultant and doing volunteer work for several environmental organizations. DENISE APPEL FREINKEL communicates, “My daughter Isabel married Niall SpoonerHarvey this year on Sept 26 in Mill Valley. They live aboard a Thames narrow boat on the Regents Canal in London. Soon, I hope, they will live in Marin although I will miss my annual move to London to live with Izzy. They are looking for agricultural land. I will be waiting for organic produce including baby Spooner-Harveys.” ALLAN P. GOLD says, “I’m still working as a school psychologist in Tiburon — my 35th year. We should be starting plans for our 50th reunion in 2013 soon. Contact me at agold8946@aol.com if you’re interested in being on the planning committee.” MORRIS RUSSELL states, “Still living & working in Los Gatos, daughter working at Stanford, son teaching at Chico State.” JANICE MACARTY DRUIAN reports she’s “enjoying ‘retirement’ — you can keep in touch with me at www.druianstudios.com” GIMMY PARK LI types “Completed 38 years in public service at KNBR/NBC radio! Spend time now as volunteer with Presidio Park Stewards, Friends of the SF Public Library and electing progressive candidates to public office. Enjoy movies, books and current events and travel!” SYBIL SCHWARTZ HARD cheers “Looking forward to our 50-year reunion next year. I’m retired and love traveling to foreign countries as well as pulling our trailer through the U.S. and Canada. As a retired teacher, I know the importance of donations to support necessary classes and other functions, so please accept my donation to a token of my appreciation for the excellent knowledge I gained while at Lowell.”



RONALD QUOK types, “I am currently serving on the executive board of the San Mateo County Retired Teachers Association. I had a great time at our 45-year Lowell reunion. It was small and intimate. Looking forward in planning the 50th!”

Spring 2012

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CAROL OLMERT e-mails, “Hello to all June 1964 graduates! I’m living in Walnut Creek, CA, UCLA grad, market research and nonprofit administration careers, retired, wrote & published a book, married, 4 step grandchildren with 2 on the way, world travel aficionado.” DONNE MILLS DAVIS announces, “On August 5, 2010 the San Francisco Chronicle did a feature story about me and the GaGa Sisterhood, a social network for grandmas that I founded in 2003. My blog won an award for being one of the top 12 grandparent blogs in the country — www.gagasisterhood.com” SUSAN WISE DEETS mails, “We are enjoying living in Northern California near our family and friends. Our granddaughter Kylie is now 22 months and is a joy to be with. We have made new friends in Dublin, some of whom are Lowell graduates. I would love to be reunited with my fellow grads of ’64.” CAROLE BABOW FLORIAN updates, “We never expected to leave the Bay Area, but my husband David and I recently decided to retire to Ashland, OR. We’re loving all the activities that are part of the annual Oregon Shakespeare Festival and the amazing variety of cultural opportunities in this lovely small town. Can hardly believe our 50th is coming up in 2014!” GWENLYN GIFFING GIBSON recaps, “It was great fun to see everyone at our 45th reunion. The reunion committee is looking forward to planning our big 50th soon! I’m totally enjoying retirement — spending a lot of time with the grandkids, ages 7 and 4, traveling, gardening, taking ikebana lessons and docenting at the Asian Art Museum in SF. Best wishes to all for a happy and healthy 2012.” ALEXANDER LEE LOCK tells, “I am retired from San Mateo County, but still addicted to my US Airways job. I am active in community programs in the Bay Area although I am living in Reno.” MICHAEL JOSEPHSON updates, “I’ve retired as of April 2008 and have enjoyed not commuting to San Francisco. In 2009 both my knees were replaced and I’m able to walk without pain for the first time in years. Take care!” DIANA HOFFMAN K AZUBOWSKI informs, “Still enjoying life in Nevada, just signed on as President and Chief Operating Officer of Creo Mundi International Inc. which makes an all natural nutritional and very delicious protein energy drink and supplements. Our son Michael Levitz is a super achiever as CFO for Analogic and daughter-in-law Cheri has just been signed on by Reebok Foundation as director of a program she started — Fitkidz!” GARITH GARIBALDI screams, “Retired in 2008 from BAS Global where I worked as V/P Fashion Sales, working post retirement as Director Indy Car Development. Traded extreme responsibility for extreme FUN!!!” CHERYL WILLIS explains, “Retired from my brief second career in education and recovering well from a total hip replacement. My nephew’s wife gifted me with twin boys the day before our reunion in ’09, forcing me to miss, again, a great party, I’m sure.” CHRISTINE CHASE REYNOLDS updates, “My husband Mike and I are enjoying our retirement, living in Vienna, VA (outside of Washington, D.C.), but we spend our summers in Colorado.” ADRIENNE MORALES REEVES is “now retired from teaching math and science and have been trying to use the right side of my brain by doing crafts with my three grandchildren. Husband Al (class of ’67) continues to work as Director of Health Insurance for Ventura county.” PETER MEEKS checks in: “Retired last June at age 65 from BDO, LLP. Look forward to traveling more and spending more time with my 5 grandchildren. Headed back to school here in Scottsdale, AZ, building skills to help seniors develop greater desktop and remote device capabilities. Headed to Chile and Argentina this fall with my wife Linda and friends. Best to Lowell in 2012!”

ROSEMARIE ESTOLAS DE WEESE GIRARD sends, “Enjoyed a mini-reunion end of October with ’64 friends Bobbie Wong & Norma Andres up in Tahoe. Sadly, Suzanne Snow wasn’t able to join us. Also, absolutely thrilled with the December birth of my first granddaughter, Annie Mackenzie Sophia.”



GARY THOMPSON jots, “Still trying (with modest success) to make a living as a Naval Architect. Current projects include a fire boat for Seattle, an ice-breaking research vessel for the University of Alaska, a dredge for the passes of Mississippi and a shuttle tanker for the Papa Terra oil field offshore Brazil. Not exactly the career track I’d envisioned while at Lowell, but fun.” LINDA BERRY STEWART brags, “I am happily retired and am now volunteering. What a wonderful life.” MARK BLUM updates, “Since ‘almost’ retiring 3 years ago after a 30-year career with Kaiser Permanente, I have been more than busy working part-time in Medicine as Medical Director of Bristol Hospice, Sacramento as well as doing some work as a travel agent. I’ve renewed my study of French (Merci, Mme. Metcalf), been traveling (Indochina, Philippines, Europe, Borneo, etc.) with Donna, my wife of 39 years, and spending as much time as possible sailing on SF Bay (contact me at marktpmg@yahoo.com if you would like to sail with me).” BONNIE MACLENNAN PORTNOY announces, “Jeff and I now have three grandsons … two born within the last three months of 2010. It’s a hoot!” AZIZA SERUYA MARA details, “Didn’t make it to our 45-year reunion — so sorry to have missed you all. Hubbie Leo retired at 62 three years ago. I quit working, too. I have no schedule and no complaints. Went to London, Gibraltar (where I was born and raised), Spain and Morocco to visit friends and family last summer. Had a blast. Going back to London in December for a wedding. Daughter Nita (31) happily married in Benicia. Son Abraham (33) living with girlfriend in San Diego. Brother Albert (65) in Chicago with wife, 3 kids, and 4 grandkids (she was in Class of ’65 with us).“ ANNA-MARIE BRATTON claims, “I am very content in my retirement from City College of San Francisco Biology Department. Over the years that I was at the college, I had the privilege to work with many students including Lowell High alums.” MARTHA LONGMIRE JIMENEZ updates, “I am now retired, but still teaching intervention groups part time. 2009 Teacher of the Year for Visalia Unified. Two wonderful grandchildren: Fei and Tyler. Loving life! Thanks to all the wonderful teachers who were my models.” BALDWIN & SUE SUN LOUIE note, “Enclosed is a donation to help close a bit of the expected budget gap. This is made on behalf of the Louie Family: Sue (Sun) and Baldwin (charter class of 1965), Barrett ’95, Kimberly ’98, Patricia ’99 and future alums: Zachery (2025?) and Ethan (2027?). Thanks to Lowell for having been such a large part of our lives.” JEAN NASSI types, “My greatest ‘achievement’ is grandmotherhood – it is a perfect fit . . . enjoying my Micah & Naomi!” MICHAEL MASON notes “After working for more than 35 years as an attorney (the last 28 as Chief Counsel with the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health), I retired last year. My wife and I look forward to more extensive travel and continued participation in Bay Area cultural pursuits.”



STEVE HAHN exclaims, “It was wonderful seeing all of you at our 45-year reunion last year!” JUDY CLARKE updates, “Enjoying retirement in SF after 35 years with the federal

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Keeping In Touch… government in Europe, Washington, D.C. and California. Keeping busy as a docent at the California Academy of Sciences and President of my Homeowners Association.” RON KLEIST details, “Last year, I left the company I founded and ran for 15 years, SmartMotion Technology Inc., and took over as President of Smart Roast Inc., soon to be rebranded ‘Loring Roasters’ in honor of the inventor of its products. Loring manufactures commercial coffee roasters which are sold to leading specialty coffee producers around the world; 60% of our production is shipped outside the US. Moving from manufacturing products for consumer health-care to manufacturing coffee roasters that dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and produce the best tasting coffee on the planet has not been without its challenges, but I love it!” CONRAD CUMMINGS publicizes, “Loving teaching composition in the Juilliard School evening division. New opera The Golden Gate, based on Vikram Seth’s The Golden Gate set in San Francisco in 1980, coming to an opera company near you soon. I hope!” ALAN C. MENDELSON is president of the Cal Alumni Association. PAULINE WONG reminisces, “Math, physics chemistry, French, music, and life-long friends! Thank you, Lowell.” JAMES E. BRODIE shows off, “Retired for 5 years now. Enjoying golf, enjoying life.” AL KOVALICK greets “Hello to all my friends that were part of Carl Koenig’s ‘crew’. We had a fantastic time, but so sorry Uncle Carl is gone.” RICHARD LOPEZ shares, “I retired in 2009 as a principal with the LAUSD. Traveled to Austria, Hungary, and Japan this year. Riding my road bicycle almost every day. Restoring a 1963 Falcon Sprint convertible and a 1952 MGTD. I still fly model airplanes and judged at the 2010 World Championships. Loving my life of leisure.” LIZ ERIKSON MARNUL sends, “Hi everyone! Living in Florida and still working for Fairmont Raffles Hotels International – 35 years and counting. My husband Roger passed away in February. Traveling to Greece in 2011. New chapter, new beginning. Hope all is well with those that touched my life in high school. Sorry to have missed the 45-year reunion.” STUART QUAN tells, “I am currently commuting monthly between Tucson, AZ where I remain part time on the faculty at the University of Arizona and Boston, MA where I am a faculty member in the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School and was recently awarded an endowed professorship (Gerald E. McGinnis Professor of Sleep Medicine). I am in charge of the Division’s website: www.understandingsleep.org. My wife Diana and two boys, Jason and Jeremy are doing well.” NANCY NICHOLS HIGHAM informs, “I now work for a new company called ‘Chance 4 Change Inc.’ We provide supportive living services for people with developmental disabilities, both mental and physical, who want to live in their own homes in the community of their choice. This is a very rewarding job. I am the Regional Program Manager. When you see what these people go through all of my personal aches and pains disappear. www.chance4change.net” ROBERT WAGNER announces, “One daughter is getting married next year. Where has all the time gone? My wife still says I brag about Lowell too much. She is right. Lowell was and still is great. Hope all my classmates are well.” Two Lowell alumni met for the first time after 44 years. KAREN BATCHELOR and MARLENE SCOTT CULLEN shared a banquet table at a California Writers Club (CWC) meeting. After a few inquiring questions, they were surprised to realize they attended Lowell together, graduating at the same time. Since then, Karen and Marlene have become good friends, working together with Redwood Writers, a branch of the CWC, organizing a writing conference in 2009 and again in 2010. Marlene’s website: www.thewritespot.us

WALT SCOTT writes, “Still living in Lagunitas (35 years now). Retired from SFPD 9 years ago. Mountain biking, gardening, property maintenance (4 acres), trail maintenance, hiking, cooking and reading provide plenty to do.” ALAN MENDELSON relates, “I am serving a two-year term as an alumni regent on the UC Board of Regents and was recently elected a member of the Board of Trustees of the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla. We now have two wonderful grandchildren, Ella (22 months) and Ethan (1 year).” ROBERT BYRON BROWN announces, “I retired last year after working for 34 years as an attorney with the Alameda County Public Defender’s Office.”



MELISSA WONG RENATI donated in memory of Lowell counselor Miss Clara Dayton “for all that she did for her many students at Lowell and at many schools in the SFUSD.” She also reports “Have been with Streetside Stories since 2005. Glad to have current Lowellites Kellen Liao and Timmy Yu on our Youth Advisory Board.” JEFFREY KEYAK announces, “We are so proud of our sons: Aaron engaged to be married, Joshua getting married February 2011, and Jonah studying in Israel for a year.” LYNDA KAYE LASNOVER WOLF details, “I was Kaye Lasnover in class but now I am Rev. Amina Jessy Wolf, D.Min. and I work as a Hospice Chaplain for Hospice of the East Bay. I also volunteer at the Women’s Federal Prison in Dublin, CA, and I have a private practice as a Spiritual Director, trained at a the Mercy Center in Burlingame CA. I am very proud that my four children are all professionals; I have a daughter and three sons. My oldest son, Dr. Antonio Wong is a doctor near Seattle; middle son Brian Wong recently graduated from UC Hastings Law School; youngest son James Coker is getting a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Oklahoma; and daughter Sarah Dos Santos earned her MSW and is a social worker. I live in Berkeley with my partner and my dog in Senior Housing with some very interesting and radical Berkeley seniors. My life so far has had many twists and turns and I never imagined I would end up as an ordained minister working with the dying and sitting in presence as people shared their hearts with me and God.”



BRUCE GAMBLE is still working for the U.S. Geological Survey in Alaska as a research geologist.

ago. I’m now working part-time on my own business matters; loving living in San Francisco, world’s greatest city; and enjoying time with my wife, Clare and my son, Ross, now a sophomore at Deerfield Academy in Massachusetts. I’m always grateful for the demanding education Lowell provided. I often run into Lowell grads around town, most recently superstar Alum and Board Member, Dave Hagerman ’72.” ANDRE HASSID writes, “Still practicing law after 35 years. Daughter Victoria just graduated from UC Davis law school and passed the Bar – a new lawyer in the family. Annie just graduated from San Luis Obispo and is enjoying her new job in San Diego. Anna and I will be celebrating our 17th year of marriage — still feels like we’re on our honeymoon. Cheers to all my old Lowell friends.” GEORGE PARSONS asks ,“What’s not to love? Three great children and their families, two adorable granddaughters, a wonderful wife, golf and retired for more than six years.” WENDY DREFKE SHINBORI wonders, “Who is planning our next reunion? I am willing to help. Contact me at wshinbori@aol.com” MAY CHOI has “retired from counseling at Lowell…it has been 19 great years at my alma mater and there was never a dull moment. Now I’m having a blast taking care of my grandson, Tristan. Happy New Year to all!”



GREG TUNG hollers, “Wife Susie and I are celebrating our 30th anniversary on 1-1-11. We’ve retired and have two sons, 21 and 17 yrs. old. Still in Amarillo, Texas after 42 years. Give me a holler at gtung@aol.com. Best wishes to all!” RONALD BOWERMAN informs, “We are empty nesters now, still in Alaska, with 4 daughters out into the world. Will try for next reunion.” Hawaii Life Flight, Inc., formerly known as Hawaii Air Ambulance Inc. recently announced the retirement of its long-time Chairman of the Board and former CEO, ANDREW KLUGER, after 15 years of service. Mr. Kluger’s retirement took place on June 1, 2011. LINDA POWELL McMILLAN announces, “Greg and I harvested our first ton of olives and pressed all in to olive oil. Look for Flying M Extra Virgin Olive Oil on the web.” NANCY LIM LIM-YEE sends, “It was great to see everyone at our Class of 1970’s 40-year Reunion! Best wishes for a Happy and Healthy 2012!”

ROSE LOVE LaFLAMME exclaims, “Hi everyone! Would love to connect with some of my old classmates and school friends. Look forward to hearing from you.”

ROBERT JACOBS reports, “Our 40-year reunion was a great success. Please see our Facebook page ‘Lowell High School Class of 1970 Reunion’ for reunion photos and to connect with class members.”

SJACK MARGID officially retired from Wells Fargo Bank as of May 1, 2011 after working there for 35 years.

SIMON YEH expresses, “Thanks very much to all the organizers of the 40-year class reunion. It was a wonderful evening!”

GENEVIEVE PASTOR PASTOR-COHEN updates, “Am living happily in Alameda, CA with husband, Josh, and dog, Kelev. Continuing with my profession as an emergency manager with the Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Dept. Best and warmest wishes to all!”

TESS ALBIN-SMITH writes, “I greatly enjoyed the Lowell Orchestra’s 40-year reunion concert. Can we do one next time as a fundraiser for our alma mater?”

BRUCE ALAN SPIEGELMAN proclaims, “I have recently realized that I am at the center of the known universe. Not to worry, I can handle it. A healthy, prosperous and happy 2012 to one and all.” EDWARD K. H. DONG sends, “My spouse, Linda Nakamura (no Lowell connection), and I are living in Japan, where I am the Consul General in Osaka-Kobe, with Kyoto and Nara close by and Hiroshima just a bit further distant. We leave Japan next summer probably for our third tour of duty in Korea which should be our last post before I retire from the Foreign Service.” BOB GORDON types, “After 31 years as an attorney (28 of them trying criminal jury trials in the SF DA’s Office), I left the law three years

LISA TARTIKOFF ROSENTHAL reports, “I continue to work as an independent education writer and editor, writing a bi-weekly educational column for Burlingamepatch.com and doing a variety of communication-related work for the San Mateo County Office of Education and the County Superintendent of Schools. Also working to start an innovative charter high school in Redwood City. Check it out at sequoiabigpicture.org and visit my website at rosenthalcommunications.com. RICHARD REVELL updates “I’ve retired for the third time! First time from Siemens Medical Systems (18 years); second time from Boeing (14+ years of service); and the last time in 2010 as ‘Industry Assist’ consultant to Boeing’s 787 program. My wife Diane and I have finally managed to vacation in Europe in 2008, 2009 and 2011 instead of constantly working as software managers.”



JOY CHANG recounts, “Nice to see everyone at the 40th reunion. Y’all look great! Still living and working in Seattle but miss SF.” JANICE STEINER FREEMAN notes,“several milestones in 2011: happily married for 20 years to husband Rich; daughter Leah graduated from Carlmont HS and is now a freshman at Chapman University in Southern California; and younger daughter Frieda started Carlmont as a freshman. Both girls are beautiful, bright and accomplished in school and as figure skaters and dancers – very proud of them. Rich and I enjoyed the 40-year reunion and are thrilled to be part of the Lowell Alumni Association.”



KARL BAKHT shows off, “Four children: Eric – NFL football player; Andrew – USD football; David – Univ of Colorado (All-Big 12 Conference player); and Danielle – USD semester abroad in Madrid.” HENRY OBANA reports “Great to see Mr. James Pinfold and his wife at the Class of 1971 reunion! Everyone there was very glad you were available to join the celebration, given that you Had such a positive impact on so many of us — thank you!” MELVIN GONZALEZ says, “It was nice to see old classmates at the 40-year reunion, but shocked at how many have died. Without health we truly have nothing.” MARK STEINER updates, “I have joined the SF office of the Duane Morris law firm where I am co-chairing the firm’s trademark and copyright practice group. I am also a proud member of the Lowell Alumni Association’s Board of Directors.”



BRYAN WONG recommends “I encourage all alumni of Class of 1972 to support and preserve Lowell as one of the finest public high schools in the SF Bay Area.” TONY PIAZZA has had a long and varied career. He was employed in the film industry for 10 years during the 1970s as an actor, extra, and stand-in. During that time he had worked with such legends as Steve McQueen, Paul Newman, Clint Eastwood, and Karl Malden. He earned a Biology degree in 1980 and worked in scientific research at UOP, UCSF and for the Pathology Department at San Francisco’s Veteran’s Administration Hospital. As a biologist he co-authored several research papers published in scientific journals. Presently he is living with his wife in the California Central Coast, where he is employed as an Assistant QA Manager for a food safety laboratory. He is also the author of the mystery novel ‘Anything Short of Murder’ now available at www.anythingshortofmurder. com and Barnes & Noble and Amazon web sites. DEBBIE GUGGENHEIM KAROLY asks, “Has it really been 40 years? Watch your mailbox for the official invitation to our reunion on November 3, 2012.” KARIN HOEFELD STERN writes, “Just completed my 28th year with the Coca-Cola Company and still exploring the world for work and pleasure.” SHARON JEAN WONG scribbles “Living outside of California for 18 years, working in Orlando, Minneapolis, Chicago, metro D.C., Philly, Columbus and now back in Minneapolis with significant other Dave, our Sheltie LaLa and two Malamutes, Minnie and Laska. Spare time teaching English as a Second Language and studying Spanish; dream of traveling to Antarctica.” BILL ZACHARY reports, “Having a great time working on the 40-year reunion committee with Otis Watson and looking forward to seeing everybody this November at the Irish Cultural Center.”

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Lowell Alumni Association

Keeping In Touch… 1973


RICHARD WOO crows, “My two sons, Austin (28, Lowell class of 2001) and Aaron (25) have fled the coop! Finally, my wife Doris and I have become empty nesters!” AARON CHONG notes, “Frances and I are still living in Fairfield and commuting to Sacramento to work. Nick graduated from UC Irvine this past June and is working for Apple. Will is a freshman at San Jose State.” TIMOTHY YIP has been working on the campaign to rebuild his local public library, the Ortega Branch in SF. For more info, please visit www.friendssfpl.org. Go Cardinals!” MARCUS LOWE tells, “Now semi-retired after a 30+ year career as a high technology executive in Silicon Valley. Now on adjunct faculty at UC Davis Graduate School of Management teaching courses in General Management and Entrepreneurship. Married 30 years, one daughter at UC San Diego.” ROBINA INGRAM-RICH plans, “Not quite ready to retire – but imagining the next phase – volunteer abroad/domestic, successfully garden, move back to Northern California? Still in Lake Oswego/Portland, Oregon. Still at OHSU. See you in 2013.” KELLY CLINE recapitulates, “Officiated at Rich Claveria’s ’74 wedding in Laguna Beach with Jorge De Quesada ’74, Verne Dertimanis ’74 and Greg Skover in attendance. We drank a toast to Kirk, Lowell, the Giants, life, etc.”



ALIENA CHENG CHIN types, “2010 brought us a blessing in the form of a grandbaby! Our daughter and son-in-law gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. My husband Victor, and I are enjoying our new roles as grandparents!” MIRTA CALI questions, “I am still a jewelry consultant running my own wholesale jewelry business and my husband, Randy, works with Oracle. I say we organize an informal gettogether, potluck, picnic, whatever, for our class. Who’s game?? mirtala888@sbcglobal.net” KEVIN AHERN mails, “Wrapping up prerequisite course work for nursing programs and applying to same from end of 2010 into spring of 2011. Hope to be admitted to a program in the South Bay by fall 2011.” THOMAS DOBLEMAN says, “I am a physician in private practice (ears, nose & throat-head and neck surgery, P.C.) in Omaha, NE for the past 20 years. Seven years ago, I started the Dobleman Head and Neck Cancer Institute (www.thedoblemaninstitute.com) and I am chairman of Head & Neck Department at Creighton University Medical Center. My wife of 30+ years and I have 6 children from ages 27 yrs to 18 yrs. We love the Midwest and find our way back to the Bay Area at least 2 times a year.” SCOTT WOOD invites, “Stay in touch by checking our class website often! www.lowell74. org; comments welcome!” VERNE DERIMAN DERTIMANIS shouts, “GO GIANTS! I should have known Larry Baer ’75 much better.” NICHOLAS ROXBOROUGH shares “Doug Ryan, J. J. Levenstein John Crittenden, Judy Auerbach and I had our own mini-reunion for two days of wine tasting in Paso Robles. What a great mid-meeting point for those from Northern and Southern California. Hope to see more of everyone in Paso Robles at the next one.” JOSEPH ARMENTA broadcasts, “I’d like to say ‘Hello, beautiful!’ to each and every one of my old girlfriends.”

1975 CAROLYN MARIE PRICE details, “After my years working as a Cartographer (B.A. SFSU, Geography) I went to graduate school to become a certified Educational Therapist, providing diagnostic instruction for students with

Learning Disabilities. In 1997 I started a private practice, which I maintain, part time, today. I also recently launched a small business providing garden renovations, and a range of services to improve curb appeal in the real estate industry. Lastly, I just finished a lovely book by Elizabeth Berg, which tells the story of a high school reunion. So here I am!” MARIAN BALDACCHINO GERICKE expresses, “I always look forward to reading the Lowell Alumni Newsletter, and especially ‘Keeping in Touch’ with former classmates. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to attend Lowell High School, which provides a strong academic foundation and springboard for its students. For the past 25 years, I have taught preschool children with special needs for the Sunnyvale School District. Last June, I was named the district’s ‘Teacher of the Year’ and was truly humbled and honored by the award. On a personal note, my husband Michael (electrical engineer and president/owner of an electronics manufacturing company in the south bay) and I recently celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary. We have two wonderful sons. Kevin graduates in June from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo as a Business major, with minors in Construction Management and Spanish. AJ is a third year Materials Engineering major at CSU Long Beach.” MEG GOLDMAN confirms, “Living in Seattle working at the University of Washington Department of Global Health, 2 kids (16 yrs, 18 yrs.), 1 husband.” MARK & INGRID PRISKICH ’76 WACH greet, “Hello to all! Ingrid, Mark and Stefano are enjoying life in Western PA. Mark still directs research for a mid-sized biotech company and Ingrid is a freelance Organizational Psychologist working for several large multinationals. Stefano is a senior in high school with plans to study International Relations. Best wishes to all in the New Year!)

1976 SUZANNE KUSABA e-mails, “Been thinking about the “old school days” recently and thought I’d check in . . . after all these years. Life is good — still in the Bay Area — practicing law (not sure how THAT happened) — have 2 GREAT “kids” (21 and 17)! Hope life has been good to all of you. suzy6658@aol.com” STAN POLLITT types, “Daughter, Kaylee, graduated from UC Berkeley thirty years after her old man! I have been with Honeywell as a mechanical engineer for thirty years now with an eye on retirement soon and the next chapter. Hope all are enjoying life and prospering.” DOUGLAS MACAULAY clarifies, “Two years and 10 months from ‘mandatory’ retirement. Still at Oakland Air Traffic Control Tower and back in Pleasanton after the bid ‘D’. And, NO, I’m not one of those guys that have been falling asleep on the job!” INGRID PRISKICH WACH news – see 1975 TERESA LEUNG RYAN wears three hats: as Coach Teresa of Major League Tryouts to Build Your Name workshops; as author of Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published (a 22-day playbook); and as a community spirit who uses her novel ‘Love Made of Heart’ to inspire adult children of mentally-ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas their parents suffer. More at www.WritingCoachTeresa.com. STEVE EMERSON writes, “Very nice catching up with a few old acquaintances at the 35-year reunion. Nice job by the reunion committee – thanks.” CALVIN LUM exclaims, “Good times at the 35-year reunion for our class of ’76. Still here in our beloved San Francisco and probably always will be. My SF Veterinary Housecalls business is now 3.5 years old. Check my website www. sfvethousecalls.com and friend me on Facebook at SFVetHousecalls.”

1977 ANTHONY GRUMBACH updates, “In 2007,

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I moved from the City Attorney’s Office to Farella Braun + Martel LLP, where I’m the Director of Professional Development.”

1978 ALICE NG AZUS announces, “My daugher is graduating from Lowell this year. Lowell was a fine school in 1978 and is still a great school today. I hope she will have lifetime friends from high school as I have enjoyed all these years.” MICHELLE GARCIA WINNER says, “I’m enjoying helping to change the paradigm of teaching social skill! www.socialthinking.com” DAVID FINK types, “I am still helping couples resolve their disputes respectfully, in private, and without court from offices in Union Square. As of May 2011, both children will have completed college — HORRAY!” CHERRYLYN “CHERRY” CALUCIN BULOSAN greets, “Still bi-coastal, living in NYC and making frequent visits to the Bay Area. Wishing everyone a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2011!” JULIE SOO reflects, “Started my transition from mathematics to law nearly 20 years ago. Looking forward to my 12th year at the Calif. Dept of Insurance (SF office) where I am a senior staff counsel in the Enforcement Bureau. Always happy to run into random Lowellites.”

1979 PERRY PONG e-mails, “Entrenched in New York, so alas, our children will not become Lowell alums. Have become medical director at the Charles B. Wang Community Health Center aka Chinatown Health Clinic. Learning more Chinese everyday; now I wish I took it at Lowell (sorry Ms. Cagnacci, I truly did enjoy French). Very happy to see Carol Ozawa this summer and hope to see everyone at the next reunion.” PETER KWONG narrates, “Since graduating from Lowell in 1979, I attended U.C. Berkeley and eventually received my medical degree from Albany Medical College in New York. I am an orthopedic surgeon in Southlake, Texas. I have been happily married to Judy Burda for the past 21 years and we have two children. My daughter is attending U.C. Berkeley and my son is in high school. Please check out my Facebook site at Dr. Peter Kwong. Hope all my classmates are doing well.”

1980 EMILY-JANE COHEN announces, “I married Luca Ravezzi in a ceremony in Sonoma this past October. His friends and family came from Emilia-Romagna and many of my friends came from France. I am still working in acquisitions at Stanford University Press and still living in the city, even though I now have family in Italy. I completed a Ph.D. at Stanford in 2001 Only Lowellite I’m regularly in touch with is my dear friend Lorraine Wojenka ’80. TODD KUSHNER writes, “Returned last September from 12 months in Iraq. Good to be home.” K ANDYCE PILAR MURISON SMITH announces, “I gave birth to boy/girl twins on 1/23/09. They are the delight of my life!” RACHEL GORDON tells “Got through 2010 still employed — covering City Hall for the Chronicle. Our daughter, Isabel, started kindergarten. Unfortunately, struck out in the public school lottery; fortunately, enrolled her in a wonderful private school. Great seeing everyone at the reunion. Thanks to all the organizers!” DIANE WONG shares, “I am enjoying my kids, now Executive Director of J-Sei where I get to run into other Lowell grads like Darrel Doi!”

1981 JEFFERY JEROME MIZE details, “Hello All I was one of the first freshmen to start 9th

grade at Lowell High school in 1977. It was quite an experience having to put up with seniors and all the things they did to us freshmen, but I loved being there and I have a lot of memories. I graduated in 1981 and went on to further my education receiving my BS in engineering. I am now an Electrical Engineer at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory located in Oak Ridge Tennessee; I work at the Spallation Neutron Source site (SNS). My wife and I have been in Tennessee since 2006. I love my job very much however it’s been an adjustment for my wife and I because we both are form the bay area and now we live in Tennessee and its different but we are learning to adjust. I did attend my 20 year reunion and it was really good to see my classmates. I am looking forward to the next reunion.” DARWIN POPENOE reports, “Following the Lowell tradition of inter weaving America and Asia our daughter Subira is finishing junior (high school) year abroad in Malaysia with AFS.” MARC CONCEPCION writes, “Still in private practice — family medicine; two offices and 42 employees in Sacramento. Looking forward to a 30th reunion…maybe?” JULIA LAVROUSHIN greets, “Wishing all well in 2011. Does this mean that there is a reunion this year? See you there.”

1982 PATRICIA MORENO updates, “Currently Associate Chief of Medicine at Kaiser in Walnut Creek. Still enjoy medicine. My two girls keep me busy.” LARRY LOO updates, “After 10 great years in Seattle, we’re finally back in The City with two kids in tow and enjoying the work at Chinese Community Health Plan.” JULIE FONG e-mails, “Hello from Los Angeles! Miss and think of all of you often — have a 3 year old now (yes — I’m an old mom) and life is good. Hope to see you all soon!” JULIE MOLENDA GIESSLER recaps, “Enjoying life in the ‘burbs’ with my husband of 21 years and two teenage daughters (15 & 18). After staying home with the girls for a few years I went back to work, and am currently a Head Start Site Supervisor working with low income preschool children. I still keep in touch with my fellow ’82 buddies: Max, Amy, Liz, Alexandra, Chris & Tana. Now I have a daughter graduating high school…where has the time gone? LANA KING LEE announces “We are working on a 30-year reunion, so everyone should keep an eye out for the date and location. Look forward to seeing everybody!” LESLIE BUCKLEY LINDSAY sends, “Am doing well and living in sunny Round Rock, Texas. I have 3 lovely children a wonderful husband and I’m working as a school librarian at my oldest son’s middle school. I learned to love books and reading while attending Lowell where I often volunteered in the school library.” STEVEN P. LI is wishing all of his fellow Lowellites and their families a happy healthy and prosperous holiday season and new year. YVONNE NG tells, “A page has been set up for our class on FaceBook, please look for ‘Lowell High School (SF) Class of 1982’ and ask to join the group. It is a great way to keep in touch and get reconnected with classmates.” STEVEN LI reports, “Beginning my 29th year of employment with the SF Superior Court. Wishing my fellow Lowellites a happy, healthy and prosperous 2012!”

1983 SHAWN MELIKIAN observes, “Just saw ‘Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ and marveled at how similar my life has been to one of the characters in the movie. No, I won’t say which character.” MONIQUE SKRUZNY reports, “Enjoying life in Brooklyn, New York with partner David Barnes and 2 year old son, Julian. Founded a

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Keeping In Touch… strategic Communications & Investor Relations Firm 3 years ago...Doing well!” GOWER SUEN updates, “I’m still living in the Bay Area. Now a Director at PricewaterhouseCoopers in the international tax services practice.” FLORA ANNE LUCAS LUCAS-QUESADA tells, “Greetings fellow alumni! I’m keeping busy with my Medical Physics consulting practice. My son Matthew is in his sophomore year at Lowell and his on the JV Basketball team (#24). He is definitely enjoying his Lowell experience. Now I’m back on campus as a parent and loving it. I’d love to hear from you. alucasquesada@ sbcglobal.net” JESSICA AMBINDER ROJAS is back in the Bay Area, plying her trade as a feature animation editor at Dreamworks. KRIS CLOTHIER shares, “I completed by Ph.D. in 2010 and am Assistant Professor in the Veterinary School at UC Davis. Hi to the class of ’83!” JOHN MCDONALD writes, “I am still working at Space Sciences Lab at UC Berkeley as an aerospace engineer on a couple of small scientific satellite projects. Our next launch is in March 2012. I also have a short story appearing in the ‘Tahoe Blues’ anthology from Bona Fide Books in early 2012.” TONY LLANOS updates, “After three years as Controller of the Chancellor Hotel in SF, I became Chief Financial Officer of Marin Management, a hotel management company overseeing 30 hotels.”

1984 T OMOWALE CRENSHAW updates, “Relocated back to Washington, DC after 8-years doing real estate development in south and west Philadelphia. Now the new Managing Director of Capital Asset Development (real estate and capital investment) at Howard University (my undergraduate Alma mater)” SARAH L. HUDSON conveys, “Hello! I’m still living in San Francisco and teaching Kindergarten. My husband and I keep busy chasing around our toddler. My wonderful niece attends Lowell now, class of 2014!”

1985 DAVID & LEE ANNA SCHWARTZ BOTKIN report, “David is working at Playdom, a company that makes social games for Facebook and other sites. Lee Anna is working at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center in primary care pediatrics, and is the medical director of the Silicon Valley Medical Legal Partnership Clinic at SCVMC Pediatrics, where children can get free legal services to address problems that affect health. Our kids are doing well, reading voraciously, and keeping us very busy.” VINCENT KING reflects, “It was so terrific to see so many of my fellow 1985 classmates and faculty at our 25th reunion this year. Special thanks to the current students who took us on a tour of the campus. I have many fond memories of my time at Lowell. Go Rowdy and Live Class of ’85!”

1986 SHARON LOW WONG expresses, “Thanks for the fun reunion! It was great to see all who were able to attend.”

BETH HUEY-TORNEY HUEY-LEVINE e-mails, “I enjoy keeping in touch with many alumni on Facebook. But for those folks who are not socially networking, my husband and I are living outside Atlanta, GA. going on 3 years now and living life to its fullest.” HANSEN & WENDY LO ’90 LIEU inform, “A hello to all our friends from Lowell. We are currently residing in Foster City, Ca. Weekends are full of soccer and baseball, so we have become soccer dad and mom. Hope everyone is doing well.” MICHAEL & MARGARET AMANDA LEE PEARSON share, “Reconnected at our 20-year class reunion in 2007, and got married on 08/08/08! Our son Atticus is almost 2 and adored by his 3 siblings. We are living in Sonoma county. Life is amazing; friends and family time becomes more precious. Sending our best to everyone!” CECELIA CHUI LAMBERT reveals ,“Happily married to man of my dreams, Howard, for over a year now! Moved down to Southern California in December 2010. Hope all my friends are doing well, and that we can reunite soon.”

1988 JENNIFER CAMOTA CONTRER AS informs, “I completely changed careers almost three years ago from 15 years in corporate accounting to academia. I am now Associate Dean for the School of Business at the University of San Francisco. I oversee graduate program recruiting and admissions, marketing communications, and external relations. If any Lowell alumni are interested in getting their MBA, please contact me at jccontreras@usfca.edu. “ GEORGENE POULAKIDAS KROMYDAS discloses, “We are still living in San Diego area with our two sons. Milton is 2 ½ years old and Sakee is 10 months. They bring us lots of joy and we can’t imagine life without them. Hope we can plan a 25-year reunion!” CAROLINE KIM KRESS news — see 1989

1989 LEE CHENG reports, “Still at Newegg.com and have take over HR as well as Legal. Looking to hire a lot of good people – please send resumes to lee.c.cheng@newegg.com” ALISON WENTKER HANNA wonders, “Any Lowell alumni in Hong Kong? We are relocating there in March 2012. Would love to connect, so e-mail me at moxieali@gmail.com. Husband Shane, daughter Olivia (age 7), son Jackson (4) and I are looking forward to the adventure!” WING KWAN e-mails, “Married with two kids. Director of Engineering at a solar panel manufacturer in Fremont, CA.” ERIC & CAROLINE KIM ’88 KRESS shriek, “So proud of the Giants!” JONATHAN HEUSER invites, “My wife and I have recently relocated to Singapore, and would be happy to say hello to any old friends who are passing through Southeast Asia.”

1990 ALICIA WALKER tells, “I have accepted a new job as assistant professor of Medieval Art History at Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania and will be relocating to Philadelphia in June 2011.” WENDY LO LIEU news — see 1987

1987 DEAN CHOU updates, “Married with two children — one boy, one girl. Working as an Associate Professor of Neurosurgery at UCSF. Time flies!” RAY OYUNG types, “Working at NASA Ames on air traffic control modernization projects, and pondering elementary schools for our daughter Ava...James has another couple of years to go. Wish you all well!”

ERIC & CAROLINE KIM KRESS report, “We’re still living in SF. Our biggest 2011-12 accomplishment was surviving the kindergarten application process. We hope Lowell will still be around when our kids are old enough to attend!”

1990 GRAHAM LUELL submits, “Joined a credit union; Logistics Service Technician with NWN IT Corp; got LASIK; being compassionate and

authentic. Lisa, call me at (916) 769-4572. I’m ready. Life is long. Love is strong. Let’s heal!”

1991 YORAM BAUMAN headlined the 3rd annual American Economic Association humor session (video highlights at standupeconomist. com) and is working hard on the 2nd volume of the Cartoon Introduction to Economics. In six months he hopes to be in China teaching and doing research on climate change economics.

1992 PATRICK CONSING e-mails, “Wanted to say Hello to all my friends of ’92! I’ve been in NY for the past 17 years, and I own a martial arts school in Pleasantville, NY. I’d like to reach out and connect my old friends especially those who were in ROTC. You can find me on Facebook...” TONY QUANG declares, “Enjoying Seattle and law school at UW. I’m also an uncle!!!” REBECCA SHORE e-mails, “I am living in New York City with my husband and amazing 4 year old daughter, working as the Director of Litigation at Advocates for Children. Looking forward to seeing everyone at our 20-year reunion this year!” VIVIAN JANICE WOO sends, “I hope that everyone is doing well! I am still living and working in San Jose and kind of miss living in San Francisco. Also, I cannot believe that so many years have gone by since I attended Lowell High School. Time flies! Keep in touch! E-mail: vivianjanice@sbcglobal.net” TRACY DeAMICIS McMAHAN updates, “I am married with two children and living in San Francisco. I am a general pediatrician in the Bay Area.”

1993 NEAL PRESA types, “I recently completed the Ph.D. in Liturgical Studies at Drew University, and continue serving as pastor of Middlesex Presbyterian Church in Middlesex, NJ. My wife, Grace, and I are enjoying life with our two sons. I will travel to the Vatican in February 2010 as part of a five-member delegation from the World Alliance of Reformed Churches for ecumenical discussions with the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, together with delegations from the Anglican Communion, the Lutheran World Federation, and the World Methodist Council.” MICHAEL SIM informs, “I continue to live in Elk Grove, a southern suburb of Sacramento with my wife, Sarah, Martin my 3 year old son, and a baby on the way (April 2011). Still working at Kaiser South Sacramento in nephrology.” DENNIS SONG updates “I am in private practice in San Francisco and busy with two growing boys!” RACY MING COPLEY announces “Our baby girl was born 6/2/10, named Sophia Ming Copley. Has been challenging adjusting to parenthood! I’m back to work part time now.”

1994 AI MORI types “Our daughter Ellie turned one on Halloween! Still working at the Court of Appeal in SF. Hope you’re all doing well — aimori@gmail.com.”

particular the Merkley-Levin Volcker Rule on proprietary trading and conflicts of interest. Drop me a line if you’re in DC.” RITA P. LEE greets, “Hello to my fellow class of ’95ers! Hope you’re all doing well. I’m still living and working in the Bay Area.” DANIEL CHAN has performed over 2,500 shows as an international magician, juggler and acrobat. For Chinese New Years Dan performed locally for the San Francisco Symphony and also at a gala event for city supervisors, judges, anchor woman Kristen Sze, Assemblywoman Fiona Ma, SF Mayor Ed Lee and Governor Jerry Brown. Dan Chan has been hailed ‘an intense, three-ring circus rolled into one man’. His unique skills feature illusions, escapes, juggling, acrobatics, pick pocketing and the death defying bullet catch.

1997 LAUREN CHOI-DEA MARSHMAN reveals , “Changing the world, one teenager at a time, as a counselor at Galileo and became a mom in 2010. Ms. Choi (my mom, retired Lowell counselor) is now a grandma!”

1998 APRIL YEE shares, “2011 marks my seventh year at Pantheon, a private equity fund of funds provider located in San Francisco. I’m enjoying my 30s and the many lessons this life has taught and continues to teach me! I hope the Class of ’98 is doing great!” ALICIA LOUIE CHEN informs, “Living in Los Angeles but missing the Bay Area, hope to come home soon! Working as a nurse in the operating room and loving every minute of it. Glad to hear the JROTC program is still going strong.”

1999 AUDREY JEUNG sends, “Currently working in NYC as a lawyer. Recently attended the Class of 1999 reunion - great to see so many familiar faces!” MICHAEL TSZ CHUNG CHAN posts, “I recently moved to the Washington D.C. area to pursue a MA Government & MBA at Johns Hopkins University and continue my current career path in software sales.” AUDREY ANN JEUNG sends, “Living and working in New York as a lawyer and Karaoke enthusiast. Still keep in touch with Lowellites and went to Vegas this year with Saehi Iido and Kalina Wong.”


SOLOMON CHASE lives in Brooklyn, New York and is one of the founders of the online magazine www.dismagazine.com. He has a B.A. from Sarah Lawrence and another B.A. from F.I.T. (Fashion Institute of Technology) in New York City.” ELIANA GOLDSTEIN PEAK announces, “Got married to USMC Sgt. Joshua M. V. Peak in 2010.

2003 JACOB THEODORE CUTLER is living and working in Fresno.


JAMES K. HAN completed a joint DDS/ MBA program at UCSF and will be leaving San Francisco for the first time to pursue a residency in pediatric dentistry at the New York University College of Dentistry. Accompanying him will be his brother, Kenneth Han ’04, who will begin his DDS program also at NYU starting Fall 2011.”

CAROLYN LE claims,“Enjoying life in the east coast, but still cheering for the west coast. Go Giants and Lowell Sports!”


KAORU AONO PANG reports, “Loving life with my husband and three little ones! Still teaching next door to Lowell at Lakeshore Elementary!”

ANDREW GREEN shares, “Still working as Banking Counsel to Senator Merkley. Won a hard fight to adopt strong financial reform, in

LAUREN ADRIENNA LONGLEY details “Four years at University New Hampshire pre-

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Keeping In Touch… continued from page 15 veterinary programs graduating with honors in Animal Sciences spent junior year in Namibia Round River Conservation field research in exotic wildlife with a focus on saving the black rhino, currently studying Veterinary Medicine at Ross University on St Kitts, West Indies. The past 6 years, I’ve traveled all over Europe & Scandinavia to participate with the USA Roller Soccer Team for the annual World Cup Tournaments. This year it will take place in Brazil! I will hopefully graduate with a doctorate in vet med after my senior clinical year in North America, in 2012 I am on Facebook!” CHARLES CALEB CUTLER, after playing minor league baseball with the St. Louis Cardinals organization has now joined the Pittsburgh Pirates farm system.

2006 JOSEPH SWENSON CUTLER is serving in the Peace Corps in Cameroon. He will be there for the next two years.

FACULTY THELMA SCHILLER recounts “I met dance and P.E. teacher Leah Boehm when I was hired for one school year at Lowell in 1949. We became close friends. When I went on to Hillsdale High in San Mateo, we exchanged dance workshops with our G.A.A. classes. Everyone enjoyed those exchanges. Leah and I continued our close friendship until she died.”

Lowell Robotics Team Aims High

Spring 2012

Recent Editorials from The Lowell Below are excerpts from several recent editorials from Lowell’s national award-winning student newspaper, The Lowell. To see the full text of these editorials along with other campus news, please visit www.thelowell.org.

School District Should Explore Educational Benefits of Online Learning (January 27, 2012)

In a world of ever-expanding technological opportunities, the school district is falling behind. Across the country, online schooling is an emerging yet controversial feature in the educational world, and the San Francisco Unified School District is doing surprisingly little to embrace it. SFUSD should prepare itself to successfully transition into offering a variety of online coursework, as it could greatly increase educational opportunities for students, which at this point are restricted. The only online classes currently available through the district for course credit are offered through Cyber High, which can be used to take certain courses not offered at Lowell, like Writing for College and Sociology, but it is primarily used to make up failed classes at Lowell, according to counselor Jeffrey Yang, who directs Cyber High at the school. One of the main arguments against online classes is the lack of face-to-face interaction with teachers to direct students and answer questions, a sentiment supported by several in the counseling office, including counselor Tony Lee, assistant principal of student support services Michael Yi and Yang. SFUSD should explore options for digital learning to earn graduation credit and offer more online classes with fewer restrictions. The school district should not be constrained by past practices in education and tech-learning should not be limited to iPad apps and YouTube videos.

Revised Plagiarism Policy sets School-Wide Precedent for Stricter Measures Against Cheating (January 27, 2012)

Crash, bang, smash! With hacksaws, hammers, and other Stone Age tools, Lowell’s FIRST (for Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) robotics team constructs a 21st century robot with innovation, creativity, and dedication. It has only been four weeks, but unlike the beginning of their endeavor, they now have much more knowledge in what they need to know to succeed. With little outside help, they’ve trained themselves in mechanical work, 3-D modeling, programming a complex machine, electrical work, and many other skills. Though they are faced with many challenges, their progress is astounding, and they aim to accomplish much more. Through the process of building the robot, the Lowell team, called CardinalBotics, has faced many challenges. They started with an untrained team and no one had the slightest idea how to accomplish the seemingly impossible task. “Before I joined the team, I had never used a power tool,” one student said. Now walking into their work area, all you see is a group of well-organized members, who are as skilled as trained professionals, focusing on a common goal. Jessica Shu, head of electronics, says, “It’s amazing how much expertise I have gained from participating in FIRST. Everyone on the team is really encouraging and willing to help out.” In a matter of just four weeks, the team’s progress has exceeded everyone’s expectations. A senior member of the FIRST Robotics team from Tech High said, “I think my old team is still trying to get their robot to move, but you guys have already accomplished it”. Tech High is the mentoring team for CardinalBotics, and they have been around for nearly twelve years. Designs, ideals, and innovations spread across the room like an unstoppable fire. The only obstacles preventing them from achieving all their goals are lack of time and money. “We have a lot of bright ideas, but we only have six weeks to accomplish our given task. We’re lucky to have received generous funding from the Lowell Alumni Association and corporate donors, including

J.C. Penney, but we continue to work hard to secure additional donations,” said Ofri Harlev, President of CardinalBotics. The support from various groups is one of the key factors that allows for the team’s success. Bryan Cooley, Lowell physics teacher and main sponsor of CardinalBotics, stays with the team six days a week until 10 pm every night since the beginning of the season. “It’s hard to find someone willing to stay after school for an extra 6 hours every day. Without Mr. Cooley being our sponsor, we can’t work in school and wouldn’t have a team at all,” said Brian Leung. “It’s really amazing to get students working on a real project with such dedication and passion. And it’s exciting to see them applying what they learned in class,” said Mr. Cooley. Taking the first step is always the hardest, and finding someone to step up is even harder. To make any organization successful, much support is needed. Aside from building a robot, CardinalBotics also aims to promote an educational experience in their community. By promoting their goal of “inspiring youth though example,” CardinalBotiocs aims to inspire young engineers. “Without the community’s support, our team would have never come into being. These experiences are life changing”, said senior member Walter Pan. Much is expected from those who are given much. CardinalBotics does not solely take from the community, but aims to return just as much as they have received. Good luck to all the youth of CardinalBotics. We wish them a successful venture. With persistence and dedication, nothing is impossible. The team hopes to find alumni with relevant skills to help with next year’s program. For more information, please contact Ofri Harlev at ofri.harlev@gmail.com, or Walter Pan at Walter_pn@yahoo.com. Your help will be greatly appreciated! Alumni in the Davis/Sacramento area are cordially invited to see CardinalBotics in action as they compete at the regional tournament taking place at UC Davis on Friday, March 16 and Saturday, March 17.

Plagiarism has been on the rise among Lowell students, especially honors and Advanced Placement students. The English department voted unanimously to enact a new, hard-line policy on plagiarism this semester. Prohibiting students who choose to imitate others’ work from honors English classes may seem a harsh consequence, but we support the new policy as a necessary measure to stop plagiarism in this school. While we welcome this stricter policy, teachers cannot overlook the potential for abuse of power. The English department must ensure due process by laying out a procedure by which students may appeal accusations of plagiarism. The department must also define standards for conclusive evidence of academic dishonesty before handing out punishment. Turnitin.com makes this easier for teachers, but they must plainly establish how much and what components of a student’s work might be plagiarized to warrant the harshest punishment. The primary object of the new policy should not be to expose plagiarizing students and publicly shame them, but to prevent students from committing future acts of plagiarism. The English department is setting a precedent for the entire school. The administration should consider a stricter school-wide policy on cheating to send the message that the school will not tolerate cheating or plagiarism of any kind.

“No Homework” Days Needed to Relieve Stress (December 8, 2011)

While Lowell students are among the most hardworking students in San Francisco, we are also among the most stressed. With tests perpetually on the horizon and a homework load that never seems to lighten, we deserve sympathy and support. Even one night free from homework would relieve student anxiety. On Nov. 3, math teacher Bruce Cohen and English teacher Jennifer Moffitt released a joint email to faculty members via SchoolLoop asking other teachers to join them in giving seniors the weekend following Friday, Nov. 18, free from homework. The purpose of the proposed break was to give seniors a chance to work on UC applications, due at the end of November. “My advice to students has been to file the application well before the deadline,” Cohen said. “I decided to ‘put my money where my mouth is’ and use a homework free weekend to encourage students to take the advice seriously.” However, seniors are not the only ones who would benefit from a break from homework. Removing homework on occasional but regular nights for all students could reduce stress and give overwhelmed youths a much-needed chance to get back on their feet. Lowell students might use the time to watch TV, snooze on the couch, or get ahead in class; however they choose to spend it, they will be able to relax. We encourage teachers to coordinate designated no-homework nights. Large amounts of homework detract from the time students can spend with their families or engage in personal activities, which can lead to consequences for their mental health. “No homework days will rejuvenate our minds and make us do better in class the next day. They would benefit not just students, but also teachers,” freshman Kate Colebrook said. Arranging specific no-homework days at the start of the year would allow teachers to plan accordingly. This would avoid the risk of students falling behind or teachers failing to get through the scheduled curriculum. Educators would determine the number and timing of the work-free evening. Having three no-homework nights per semester, one in each grading period, would be a practical way of integrating the idea into the school calendar. These days should occur in periods with few holiday breaks or special schedule days for maximum impact. “If there were no-homework nights, students could catch up on work and teachers could catch up on grading,” senior Olivian Wong said. The proposal of a homework-free weekend yielded uneven results, as in a quick and informal straw poll, several seniors said homework was assigned as normal in their classes, while others cited that some teachers had purposefully lifted the load, although the timing varied between the weekend of Nov. 18 and Thanksgiving break. No-homework nights that can be managed in a way that will not interrupt learning are a viable option for giving students a chance to catch their breath in our high-pressure and high-stress high school environment.

Spring 2012

Lowell Alumni Association

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In Memoriam 1928 HARRY GOODFRIEND passed away in Los Gatos on August 11, 2010 after several months of declining health at the age of 100. A UC Berkeley graduate, he enjoyed a 60-year career in banking that took him from San Francisco to Stockton and San Jose before retiring from Wells Fargo in 1973. His retirement did not last long because he returned to Santa Clara County and was a founder of the Bank of Santa Clara, where he served as President. Harry and his wife Grace enjoyed traveling the world, entertaining and being with friends. In his later years, Harry could be found at The Terraces of Los Gatos with a book in his hand or playing dominoes. We will all miss Harry, who was a true gentleman and a good friend to a century of people. VIRGINIA SPALDING MURRAY, our oldest known living graduate, passed away on January 9, 2012 at the age of 101. Featured in the last issue of the alumni newsletter on the occasion of her 100th birthday, Ms. Murray was always proud to be a Lowell alumna and will be missed by her many friends and family, especially her two daughters.

1929 JEAN MILLIGAN CAMPBELL passed away on July 4, 2010, just shy of her 98th birthday. After a long career as secretary to the principal at SF’s George Washington High School, she volunteered at Laguna Honda Hospital, the San Francisco Museum and the Palace of the Legion of Honor. A rabid sports fan (Giants and 49ers), she also loved the ballet, symphony, opera, theater and restaurants. Jean’s life was a gift to the many lives she touched. Among her survivors are son Todd (Lowell ’60) and daughter Bonnie Campbell Bunker (Lowell ’62).

1930 SANFORD (SANDY) ELBERG died in Ukiah, CA, on April 8, 2011. Having earned undergraduate and doctoral degrees from UC Berkeley and following service during World War II, he was Professor of Bacteriology and Immunology at UC Berkeley where he was responsible for development of the Rev-1 Brucellosis vaccine. As a member of the World Health Organization, he traveled the world introducing his vaccine, which remains in wide use today. He seved as Dean of the Graduate Division at Berkeley from 1961 to 1978 and received the Clark Kerr Award in 1984. He was widely admired and respected, and known for his wonderful smile and positive attitude. JULIAN WEIDLER, known in Napa as the “King of the Volunteers” and a founder of Napa’s Congregation Beth Sholom, died August 29, 2011 at the age of 98, just one day after an early centennial celebration with the community to which he devoted his life. While attending UC Berkeley, he was hired by clothing manufacturer Rough Rider (a competitor of Levi Strauss & Co.) and eventually became President and Chairman of the Board. Julian is survived by his wife Pauline, four children, nine grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.

1933 ALBERT MAGGIO, SR., passed away in Belmont, CA, on December 15, 2011 at the age of 97. He started his banking career with Bank of America in 1934 and continued in the banking and mortgage industry for over 50 years: executive V.P. of John M. Marble Company; executive V.P. of First San Francisco Bank; V.P. of Hibernia Bank and consultant for Security Pacific Bank. Al was involved in many Catholic and local organizations and traveled the world with his wife Dorothy and their friends. He was known as one of San Francisco’s true gentlemen.

1934 ELSIE KANTROW HEIMAN died peacefully on May 19, 2010 in Santa Rosa at age 94. Elsie lived her entire life in the Bay Area and approached all of life’s joys and challenges with

a smile, gracious words and good-natured determination. She is survived by her husband of 51 years, David Heiman, as well as her daughter, Cherie Singer Williams (Lowell ’58), and other family and friends. MARJORIE MARBLESTONE GR ANT passed away on November 26, 2011 at the age of 94. Best known for her flair for fashion and impeccable grooming, she was also an accomplished artist, talented cook, interior decorating enthusiast and finance-savvy investor. Well into her 80s, she looked forward to her weekly fitness workouts with her “exercise buddies” of over thirty years.

1935 LAWRENCE JOE, M.D., passed away peacefully at home with his loving family at his side on October 27, 2011, at the age of 94. Dr. Joe practiced medicine until Dec. 31, 2010 when he finally decided to retire at the youthful age of 93. He served his Chinatown community in his medical practice at the same location on Pacific Avenue in San Francisco for 64 years. Dr. Joe was a pioneer in Chinatown medical practices. He had the philosophy that if you took the time to tell the patient what you were trying to do to help him/her, he/she would cooperate more. He would say “Above all, in dealing with patients and their families, try to do all you can to preserve their dignity.” JOHN STOCK, a long-time Berkeley resident, died at the age of 93 on September 10, 2011. A hurdler on the Lowell and UC Berkeley track teams, until breaking his hip in college, he took full advantage of all the extra-curricular activities Berkeley had to offer. Married for 49 years to the former Jean Kelly, they raised two children while he began his professional career as a salesman with Atlantic Richfield Company, and in 1954 went to work for Saylor & Hill Co., an insurance brokerage in Oakland. There he did “God’s work” for more than 50 years, serving as the firm’s President from 1977 until his retirement in 2005. John loved his family, his friends, his work, and the University of California. He enjoyed people, sharing a story, and a good laugh, and will be remembered for his character, integrity, honesty, fairness, and sense of humor.

1937 RICHARD CAHILL passed away peacefully at the age of 91 in his family’s home on December 12, 2011. He lived most of his life in San Francisco or Marin county, having joined his family’s firm, Cahill Construction Company, in 1946 after serving in the Naval Reserve during World War II. He most fondly remembered participating in the development and construction of St. Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco. Richard worked alongside his brothers in the family business for over 50 years, and he took satisfaction in observing and participating in the celebration of the construction company’s 100-year anniversary this past May. Richard loved the outdoors, spending most of his life playing golf and tennis, as well as hiking and skiing. Richard spent most of his non-working time, whether golfing or skiing, with his beloved wife of 56 years, Shirley, who predeceased him in 2008. JOSEPH LOPEZ died peacefully on May 6, 2011 at the age of 91. After serving in the U.S. Army during World War II, Joe worked at his family’s business, the New Parisian French Laundry. He married Ramona Correia in 1953. Joe was a member of the University of San Francisco Alumni Association, Green and Gold Club, the Olympic Club and the Lay Board of Little Sisters of the Poor. He loved and was very proud of his hometown and always made The City’s history come alive — because he lived it. After selling the laundry business, Joe owned a car rental business for several years and then continued to work as an accountant all the way through his 91st birthday. NANCY SPARKS HUMISTON passed away on November 6, 2009. After service as a WAVE during World War II, she worked as a physical education teacher and counselor at City College of San Francisco until her 1978 retirement. She

and her husband, Fred, traveled extensively. She enjoyed reading, concerts and theater.



VELMA JEAN FOWLER GILMORE died June 4, 2011 at the age of 89 in Orangevale, CA. Survived by her husband Walter, daughter Diane as well as grandchildren and greatgrandchildren.

1938 JANE ARNOT BRUNSON died on February 26, 2011. In 1948, Jane moved to Altadena, CA where her biggest job was parenting four children. A strong, fun and competent woman, she began her career with the Pasadena Unified School District as an elementary school noon aide, then a records clerk and finally a school secretary before retiring from the district in 1985. While working for the schools, Jane met Jarratt and they married in 1972 and lived in Pasadena until her passing. Together, they became serious dog owners, initially owning, showing and breeding Old English Sheepdogs and progressing to Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. CHARLES PHILLIP LEBO, M.D., died on October 23, 2010. Graduate of the University of California and a member of the medical faculties of Stanford and UCSF, Charles was a highly respected Bay Area surgeon, and director of the Vestibular Lab at Pacific Medical Center. An expert in acoustic trauma, he attended rock concerts in the ‘60s to conduct pioneering research on the damaging effects of loud music on hearing. A well-read man with many interests and passions, Charles played piano, violin, and trumpet and was a founder of the S.F. Doctor’s Symphony. He was an uncommon man with a great sense of purpose. RENA RICCI died in Oakland on March 4, 2011 at the age of 90. She professed her vows with the Sisters of Mercy in Burlingame in 1944, having taken the religious name of Sister Mary Emilian. Sister Mary served in various hospitals in Arizona and California until her retirement in 2005. She had a special love for her Italian heritage and the San Francisco Italian community. WESLEY SMITH died on September 1, 2010. THOMAS POLLOK BROWN, noted amateur tennis player for more than six decades, died October 27, 2011 in Castro Valley, CA, of complications from Alzheimer’s disease at the age of 89. Winning his first tennis trophy at age 11, the SF Playground Championships, he represented the University of California in both singles and doubles at the National Intercollegiates. Following service with the U.S. Army in Europe during World War II, Tom threw himself into tennis before taking on law school and a planned legal career, winning the 1946 Wimbledon men’s doubles (with Jack Kramer) and mixed doubles (with Louise Brough) in addition to playing on the victorious first post-war Davis Cup team. In 1947, Tom was a men’s singles finalist at Wimbledon, where he faced Jack Kramer. After playing on two more Davis Cup teams, he won the San Francisco City Championships ten times while concentrating on marriage, family and his legal career. From 1987-1993, he ranked #1 singles player in the 65 age group and was ranked #1 in the world in 1988-89. His last big wins came in 1998, the national men’s 75 singles on hard court and indoors. Tom Brown was inducted into the Lowell Sports Foundation’s Hall of Fame at their inaugural banquet.

1939 GORDON KENNY died on his 91st birthday, surrounded by family and friends, on October 6, 2011, after a short and painless battle with pancreatic cancer. Gordon spent the bulk of his life in Millbrae with Barbara, his wife of 64 years. After his early years working as a stage hand for the stage employees union in San Francisco, Gordon applied for his real estate license and a short time later founded the family business, Gordon Kenny Realty in South San Francisco. Prior to his illness Gordon was a vibrant 90-year old still going to work each day and a help to those around him. He enjoyed traveling, collecting and sharing big band era recordings, and watching his granddaughters play soccer. FRANK LAYCOCK passed away on January 2, 2011, in Oberlin, OH.

LAURENCE (LARRY) LALAGUNA, longtime resident of Red Bluff, CA, died on May 28, 2011, at the age of 88. A successful rancher, businessman and politician, he served on the Board of Supervisors for nine years. Larry loved the outdoors, hunting and fishing. After retirement, he and his wife Vala spent their winters in Mexico.

1941 LORRAINE HEIMAN MARCHI FASTIE died in San Francisco on February 20, 2011, surrounded by family. A fourth generation San Franciscan whose great-grandmother crossed the plains in a covered wagon from New York City, she was founder and CEO of the National Association for Visually Handicapped. For over 55 years, Dr. Marchi tirelessly dedicated herself to ensure that a wide variety of services would be available to clients with low vision, whom she trademarked “Hard of Seeing.” GEORGE KARONSKY passed away on August 2, 2011, at age 88 from pneumonia. Teacher, administrator and one-time area superintendent of San Francisco Schools, Dr. Karonsky took great pride in his years as educator and President of Congregation Beth Sholom in San Francisco. Survivors include his son, Rabbi Glenn Karonsky (Lowell ’71). HOWARD T. SAGEHORN, resident of Santa Rosa, CA, passed away on December 9, 2010. DAVID “TORCH” SCHARFF passed away at home in San Carlos of multiple myeloma on October 11, 2011 at the age of 88. Following service with the U.S. Army in Europe from 1942 to 1945, he returned to San Francisco to marry Nancy, with whom he lived happily for 65 years. Working on the Parks and Recreation Committee of San Carlos, he was instrumental in the local park development. In January 1946, Torch formed the insurance brokerage Scharff and Co. In 1977, Rollins Burdick Hunter (later Aon) acquired Scharff and Co. through merger, and Torch became a Vice President with the company. He served in 1974 as Northern District Chairman of the Western Association of Insurance Brokers and on the WAIB/IBAC Board of Governors.

1942 ELEANOR FOX KROGFOSS Carlsbad, CA on August 11, 2011.



ROBERT L. KNOX, long-time member of the Lowell Alumni Association’s Board of Directors and beloved chairman of its grant committee, died January 4, 2011, at the age of 86. A fourth generation San Franciscan, he became the youngest Eagle Scout in San Francisco as a member of Boy Scout Troop 17. He left Stanford to serve in the Army Air Force during World War II as a lead bombardier, flying over 50 missions in the Pacific. He was awarded the Purple Heart and the Philippine Presidential Citation for his participation in the Battle of the Sulu Sea. He was a philanthropist and was generous with his time in raising funds for the San Francisco Foundation, the San Francisco Boys and Girls Club and the alumni associations of Lowell High School and Stanford University. At the celebration of his life, his son Robert reported finding three very full address books among his father’s papers: one each labeled “Blondes”, “Brunettes” and “Redheads.” Everyone who served with Bob on the LAA board will miss him terribly, particularly at our December holiday dinners where Bob would read original poems paying tribute to the service of his fellow directors. SALLY MILLIGAN died on February 13, 2011. She was born in Sacramento and, as she always said, “got to San Francisco as soon as she could.”

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In Memoriam continued from page 17 After graduation, she went to work at Met Life where she was employed for 38 years until her retirement. She is survived by her partner of the last 50 years, Ellen Coster, and several nieces and nephews.

1943 MARGARET LANTRY CHAMPAGE passed away peacefully at home in San Francisco on August 10, 2011 surrounded by her family. A 25-year employee of the SF Unified School District, where she was an instructional specialist in math, reading and special needs, she and her husband Renie organized San Francisco city parades for 48 years. Among her many survivors are sisters Catherine Lantry Cook (Lowell ’48) and Audrey Lantry Lutz (Lowell ’53).

1944 LILLIAN BACHMAN KUMANSKY, born in Shanghai, China, died at the age of 85 on November 3, 2011. Lillian gave generously all of her life as a Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Teacher, Scoutmaster, Mentor, Musician and Singer. Her love of life was infectious, which is illustrated in everything and everyone she touched. As she always said, “I can’t complain, it’s a great life”. JAMES (JIM) MACKIE died on December 12, 2010, at the age of 84. After graduating from the University of Colorado as a mechanical engineer, Jim worked 35 years for Shell Oil before devoting himself to travel, family and good works. He is survived by his second wife, Terry, three children, three stepsons, nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. DONALD MAGNIN died at home on July 13, 2011, after a brave battle against cancer. The eldest child of Anna and Cyril Magnin, he began his career as a teenager in the mailroom of the family business, Joseph Magnin, the San Francisco-based retailer of women’s fashion founded by his grandfather in 1915 and was Executive Vice President, General Merchandise Manager when the company was sold in 1969. After a short stint with the new owners, he left and founded Domain, an importer of specialty gift items, where he worked until he retired in 1995. An avid dominoes playing member of the Concordia Argonaut Club for over 60 years, he served as President from 1971-1973. As a lifelong supporter of the San Francisco Art Institute, he served on the Board of Trustees and was also its Treasurer from 1982-1985. Among his survivors is Ellen Magnin Newman (Lowell ’45). SHIRLEE RONAN LASH died from complications from pneumonia on July 31, 2011. A former US Navy Cadet, she earned her Registered Nursing degree and later worked as a medical auditor. In 1985, she moved to Sonoma where she was active in the Creekside senior community’s Follies revues, performing in shows for over 20 years. THALIA (PENNY) ALLEN passed away September 30, 2011, of natural causes. She was much loved, and leaves behind three daughters and three grandchildren.

1946 RUSSELL BENIOFF, a third-generation San Franciscan who built a chain of apparel stores, died of prostate cancer on January 16, 2012 at the age of 83 in the arms of his wife of 48 years, Joelle Lewis Benioff (Lowell ’57). Mrs. Benioff described her husband as “a very down-to-earth, genuine man — and a true gentleman. He was my best friend and my soul mate.” He learned the apparel industry at Benioff ’s Department Store in San Francisco, which his parents owned, and was an executive there until 1966. An avid outdoorsman, Mr. Benioff was a member of the Peninsula Golf & Country Club, Lake Merced Golf Club, the Concordia Club and Gum Tree Farms, where he loved to go duck hunting. He loved traveling with his family, particularly to Hawaii and the Caribbean, and was a fearsome player of dominoes.

DOUGLAS BLACKIE passed away at home in Citrus Heights, CA on August 17, 2011. He suffered from kidney disease and died at home with the support of hospice and his family.

1947 BARBARA CERF BAER died peacefully in her sleep at home on December 26, 2011 after living her entire life in San Francisco, the city she loved. Her 57-year marriage to Monroe Baer featured enjoyable travel as they raised their children, Leslie and Larry, including frequent summer sojourns to Lake Tahoe and Carmel. Barbara, however, always felt most comfortable “at home” in her well-worn neighborhood of The City. Barbara enjoyed volunteering through the years at the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco and Sisterhood of Congregation Emanuel-El. JANE LOWY REBER passed away while participating in a photography workshop in Venice, Italy, on November 2, 2011. Jane was a renowned photographer, tireless world traveler and her family’s genealogist. She always looked forward to her next adventure and loved sharing her photos with her family. She had a lifelong passion for learning about the arts, foreign languages and keeping current with technology. She lived life to its fullest by following her favorite saying, ”If you rest, you rust.” In addition to her three children, her survivors include her sister Kathryn Lowy Schorr (Lowell ’49).

years, retiring in 1987. Bill was a well-known handball player and represented the Olympic Club in many California and national handball tournaments. He was also an active Lowell alum, helping organize several reunions of other classes as well as his own. He married his high school sweetheart JoAnn “Joey” Brye (Lowell Fall ’49), and they had recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. Bill is also survived by 4 children and 10 grandchildren. JOHN TRAINA, JR., passed away in San Francisco on February 2, 2011. Beloved father and grandfather, notable society figure, entrepreneur, civic leader and San Francisco legend, he enjoyed a long and respected career in shipping (American President Lines, Grace Lines, Prudential Lines, Delta Lines) and was among the first to start cruises into China. He had the largest collection of Fabergé cigarette boxes exhibited in museums around the world. He was extremely elegant, known for his impeccable style and limitless charm, he added glamour and sophistication to the San Francisco social scene for his entire life. John is survived by three sons and two ex-wives, Diane “Dede” Buchanan Wilsey and Danielle Steel. NANCY ZACHARIAH JELINCICH passed away February 26, 2011, after a battle with cancer. A 45-year resident of Los Altos and Los Altos Hills, she raised two children and worked part-time until retirement. Nancy was very active in Los Altos charities being involved in the Assistance League of Los Altos and the Children’s Home Society. She loved golf and her golfing friends at Shoreline, Santa Clara and Half Moon Bay. She left us with the memory of her grace and charm always looking at the positive side of life.



JIMMY MING LAM passed away peacefully at his home in Stockton, CA, on January 30, 2011, at the age of 80. A part-time summer job during high school led to promotions to store manager and, eventually, President and CEO or the Centro Mart supermarket chain where he retained the spirit of the store motto, “Where Savings and Service Make the Difference.” Most recently he served as Chairman of the Board for Centro Mart. As he often mentioned, his three loves were his family (especially Mary, his wife), the 49ers and Centro Mart.

HILLEL ABEL, M.D., a native San Franciscan and longtime Marin resident, died peacefully on October 23, 2010 with family at his side. During a rewarding 46-year medical career in internal medicine, specializing in cardiovascular disease prevention, Hillel, also known as “Hillie” by colleagues and friends alike, spent almost all of his free time poring through medical journals, playing tennis and running through Ross, Kentfield and San Rafael. Success to him meant enhancing the lives of his patients, many of whom became lasting friends. Hillel is survived by his loving wife, Frances, of 54 years, and other family, including brother Steve (Lowell ’56).

MARIE LEWIS MATTHEWS died in Princeton, NJ, on August 18, 2010, at the age of 79. A graduate of UC Berkeley and Goucher College in Towson, MD, she taught elementary school for four years before retiring to raise her growing family of four children. An accomplished nature photographer, she was also very active in philanthropic affairs. Marie is survived by her husband of 56 years, Edward Matthews, her children and 12 grandchildren. RICHARD RATTO entered into rest in San Francisco on November 2, 2011. After graduating from Stanford, Richard joined the Navy and served two years active duty. On his return to the City, he worked for Crocker Bank and later at KGO San Francisco where he retired as credit manager. He was a life member of Mission Lodge #169, F. & A.M. and a loyal Stanford alumnus serving as President of the Santa Rosa Alumni Association.

1949 ROGER ARTOUX passed away in his sleep on January 26, 2012. For 28 years, he ran his own business, R2 Chemicals, supplying cleaning compounds to Bay Area industries. Roger and his wife Gini enjoyed many years of golfing, fishing and traveling together. He also enjoyed hunting with his family and friends. He was an avid golfer playing for the Navy and San Jose State golf teams. Among his survivors is brother Albert Artoux (Lowell ’58). NANCY JOAN BJORK HUGHES, of West Fairlee, Vermont, died April 4, 2011, after a life filled with family, friends, faith, adventure and love as a beloved wife, mother and grandmother. WILLIAM “BILL” GELARDI passed away on September 6, 2011, in Marin County at the age of 80. At Lowell he earned his Block “L” on the football team and graduated with the class of Fall ’48. After getting his degree at San Francisco State, he joined the S.F. Unified School District where he served as a teacher, administrator, and supervisor for nearly 35

1951 LOUISE JANKELSON ROSENBERG died in San Francisco on July 19, 2010. Beloved wife of the late Claude Rosenberg (Lowell ’46) for 39 years, until his death in 2008. Together, they established and guided the Louise and Claude Rosenberg Family Foundation for 24 years. The Foundation’s beneficiaries were leaders in early education, medical research, the arts, and others fields which were among the Rosenbergs’ passions.

1952 KAY TAKAKUWA COOPER died peacefully on September 27, 2011. ROBERT RESNICK lost his 17-year battle with cancer and passed away peacefully at home in Dana Point, CA, surrounded by family on September 23, 2011. After graduating from UC Berkeley and the University of Arizona College of Pharmacy, he moved to Southern California where he met his wife of 50 years, Carol, and acquired retail pharmacies and a hospital pharmacy. Bob also owned Flying Horse Farm, a thoroughbred race horse breeding farm in Santa Ynez, CA.

1954 SERENE LOW, M.D., passed away on November 5, 2011, at UCSF Hospital following a brief illness. After medical school at UCSF, she joined her father’s pediatrics practice in San Francisco’s Chinatown and practiced with her brother, Dr. Ronald Low (Lowell ’56), until 2004. Serene thoroughly enjoyed her work with children and had a calming effect on them when they were being treated. Due to the fact that she was in practice for so long, she even treated

Spring 2012 some of her patient’s children. After retirement, Serene and her brother finally had time to travel, joined the Jewish Community Center (to exercise), continued practicing with their volunteer license, attended courses in pediatrics, and volunteered their time at St Anthony’s Foundation. Dr. Low passed away exactly three months after her beloved brother. ALLAN E. SOMMER died in San Francisco on August 12, 2011 at the age of 75. He passed away peacefully after a three-year battle with cancer, never once complaining. A third generation San Franciscan, survivors include his brother Peter Sommer (Lowell ’46) and two children. A proud alumnus of both Lowell and Stanford, he enjoyed golfing with friends, especially his Monday golf group.

1955 CARTER B. SMITH, beloved Bay Area radio personality with a career spanning six decades, died January 24, 2011 at age 74. During high school summer vacations, he worked at a radio station in Red Bluff, then studied broadcasting at San Francisco State University. In 1963, he landed a job at KSFO with morning star Don Sherwood, first as a news reporter and later as Sherwood’s sidekick (and replacement, on those days when Sherwood failed to show up). He later had a very successful run at KNBR before returning to KSFO in 1983. Famous for his collection of over 6,000 t-shirts, Carter was inducted into the Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame in 2007 and the SF State Alumni Hall of Fame in 2004. He battled brain cancer for the final three years of his life, leading fellow radio personality Jim Lange to comment, “It’s sad and ironic that the disease attacked him in his best spot: his brain.” KENNETH (KEN) KAHN passed away, peacefully, with his loving wife Noni at his bedside in their home in Rancho La Quinta, CA, on August 12, 2011 after a two-year battle with cancer. He was especially proud of his membership in Boy Scouts Troop 17 in San Francisco, where he met several of his life-long friends. Ken lead an eclectic life, with passionate interests including San Francisco politics, banking, professional car racing, long-distance cycling, skiing, competitive swimming (serving as swim coach at Sonoma State University), literature and American politics.

1956 RONALD LOW, M.D., passed into the land of peace and tranquility on August 5, 2011. An Eagle Scout and graduate of UC Berkeley and the Northwestern University School of Medicine, he was a proud member of the brigade of Chinese American physicians born at San Francisco’s Chinese Hospital who returned to the community to work with its people. He practiced pediatrics for 35 years with his sister, Dr. Serene Low (Lowell ’54). He will be very much missed by all for his warm, friendly ways, his genuine interest in the welfare of all people. NANCY WOOD WALCOTT, musician, teacher, entrepreneur and counselor, died in San Francisco on June 20, 2011, after a courageous battle with cancer. During her early years in San Francisco she discovered what would become her lifelong love of music. She played alto sax during high school and, most recently, played oboe with the Caltech-Occidental Orchestra, Glendale Community College Orchestra and the Crown City Symphony. Her professional career included a decade of running a courier company in Los Angeles and teaching junior high school in Arkansas.

1963 MELTON H. DELANEY, President of the Lowell Spring 1963 class, died in San Francisco on April 9, 2011. We will miss his kindness, friendship, courtesy, his ability to bond with people and most of all his big warm smile. A graduate of UC Berkeley, he continued to study subjects from computers to welding his entire life. His passion was working with people who had low vision and often were not able to meet with optometrists. Mel is survived by his loving wife Maria Rocio, daughters Shani and Safiya and sister Betty Delaney (Lowell ’67).

continued on page 19

Spring 2012

Lowell Alumni Association

1967 LINDA BERGER LEVINSON died suddenly and unexpectedly in Fair Lawn, NJ, on May 20, 2011. After college, she married and moved to Santa Fe, NM, before eventually settling in New York City, where she was embraced by the Chassidic-Lubavitch community and there found complete serenity. She was admired for her charm, grace and generosity and had a gifted way of expressing herself in the written word.

1970 ROBERT HAYMAN died at his home in Seattle on December 20, 2011, from a brain tumor. An Eagle Scout and alumnus of Stanford and Oregon State Universities, he worked for nearly 30 years as a tribal fisheries biologist for the Skagit River Systems Cooperative in LaConner, WA, was married to his wife, Barbara, for almost 35 years, and was a devoted father to his two children. Son of the late Al Hayman (Lowell ’41), Bob’s surviving siblings are all Lowell alumni: Jon ’68, Jim ’72 and Cathy ’75.

1971 JANE STRAUS, after a heroic two-year battle with brain cancer, died on February 25, 2011. Jane would never settle for anything less than a cure for her disease and she died in that pursuit with her devoted husband, Lester Kaufman, by her side. She majored in rhetoric at UC Davis, which led to early jobs teaching English and she then authored her own materials for the courses which then became The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation, a best-seller. She became a life coach, touching and improving the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of people. In addition to her husband and daughter, Jane’s survivors include her brother Tom Straus (Lowell ’71).

1997 PAMELA CAMPBELL passed away on October 28, 2011 after a lifelong battle with heart disease. Although her health precluded her planned career as a preschool teacher, it did not stop her love, connection, and nurturing of the young children she came across. Her older sisters were both Lowell alumnae: Carolyn ’77 and Laurie ’79.

FACULTY STELLA GENIAN MICHAELIAN passed away on January 6, 2011. A devoted wife and proud mother, she was the pillar upon whom the family all leaned. Blessed with a curious mind, keen intellect and inexhaustible energy, Stella was outspoken and passionate on issues ranging from womens rights to keeping music alive

in public schools. A graduate of UC, Berkeley with a major in French and a minor in music, she taught business at both Lincoln and Lowell High Schools in San Francisco, later becoming a counselor. Ms. Michaelian worked at Lowell from 1966 to 1989, where she initiated a successful noontime concert series. Married to a San Francisco Symphony violinist and with two daughters who are pianists, music was one of the centerpieces of her life. Stella is survived by three children, including daugher Roxanne Michaelian (Lowell ’74), and two grandchildren. GEORGE L. MOORE, who taught at Lowell from 1964-1983, died January 19, 2011 at the age of 83. Born in Atlanta, GA, he contracted polio at age 3 and spent a decade at the Roosevelt Foundation in Warm Springs, GA. Mr. Moore studied English with Wallace Stegner and Ian Richards before earning his M.A. in Education and was proud of the fact that none of his Lowell students ever failed the UC composition test. His wife Diane Jacobs, a Lowell ’54 graduate, found herself back at Lowell in 1965 as a student teacher; she and George married the next year and opened a secondhand bookstore in the Haight-Ashbury, called Charing Cross Road, where George worked both before and after his retirement from teaching. George and Diane moved to Davis in 1986, where he continued to be active on the State Council of Californians for Disability Rights and on ADA and accessible housing committees in Davis and Yolo County. George is survived by his wife Diane and his children Harlan Moore, Stuart Moore, Lisa Moore, Mitzi Auer, and Julia Moore. He has three grandchildren and a large extended family. LOYS DASKAROLIS RODATOS passed away on August 2, 2011. A graduate of UC Berkeley, she taught at Lowell from 1961 until her retirement in 1999. Ms. Rodatos was proud of her heritage and carried on the Greek customs and traditions instilled upon her by her parents. She was married to Constantine Rodatos for 45 years, until his death in 2010. She is survived by three children and seven grandchildren. W. LEROY STRONG passed away on July 16, 2011. Mr. Strong worked at Lowell from 1965 to 2000, first as a driver’s education and Social Studies teacher and then as a librarian. He held a bachelors degree in Social Studies education and a masters degree in Library Science, both from San Francisco State University. He is survived by his wife, Loraine. ALICE GRAEBER FREDERICK, Lowell teacher and counselor from 1950 to 1977, passed away on November 11, 2010. After teaching high school math and physics in Watsonville and San Francisco, she came to Lowell until her retirement as head counselor. Alice was very active and enjoyed being a member of multiple women’s groups. Among her survivors is her brother, Frank Graeber (Lowell ’40).

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Nelson Ho ’11 1993-2011 Lowell alumnus Nelson Ho, from the class of 2011, passed away on February 15, 2011 at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center from an undetermined illness. A first-year electrical engineering student at UCLA, Nelson had already made strong connections with many of his college classmates. He is survived by his parents and younger brother. Below you will find messages from two of Nelson’s Lowell classmates. The Lowell Alumni Association has established a memorial fund in Nelson’s name. Donations can be made by check or credit card by visiting www.lowellalumni. org/donate. Nelson was the type of person that everyone knew. The type of person that would be able to go places in life. He was a friend to all and hated by none. No matter who you were he would greet you with a warm smile and hello. He was kind, helpful, considerate, athletic, funny, just overall a great person. He was always encouraging others and picking them up when they were down. Although his time on this earth was too short, I know he lived a life filled with love. Nelson was a bright light in everyone’s life and will continue to serve as a role model for many people including me. I will never forget what a great friend he was and all the great times we had together. While Nelson may be gone from our world, he will never leave our hearts. I send my condolences out to his family and friends. May he rest in peace wherever he may be. — Christopher Lui ’11 I saw the news of Nelson Ho’s passing on Facebook, where a torrent of former classmates posted on each other’s walls their utter disbelief, sorrow and memories of Nelson. While Facebook provided an instant way to share news and memories with a large audience, I felt it wasn’t the best and only way to pay our respects to someone who many in the class of 2011 loved so much. I wanted to do something that would bring together as many Lowell students and others who knew Nelson well to give him a proper memorial. Here at UC Davis we had the perfect opportunity to do so. A group of us contacted as many Lowell alumni as we could to sign poster boards full of pictures in memory of Nelson. The event was a great success and I was amazed by the large turnout of my fellow classmates who came out to give their final goodbyes to a fallen friend. It was a successful group effort and it shows that fellow Lowellites will band together to support and comfort one another in times of need and sorrow. Rest in peace Nelson Ho, I hope that wherever you are now, you know that your school, your friends and all those whose lives you touched will always remember you. — Matthew Estipona ’11

An Illustrated History of Lowell High School 1856–2006


n celebration of Lowell’s sesquicentennial, the Lowell Alumni Association is proud to announce the publication of the definitive history of the West’s oldest public high school, spanning Lowell’s colorful 150-year history.

A limited number of this keepsake hardcover book are still available. The book includes: ◆  A complete narrative history of Lowell, from its 1856 founding as Union Grammar School to today ◆  300 pages, including nearly 150 photos (many in color) ◆  Complete histories of many Lowell activities, including music, drama, forensics, JROTC, etc. ◆  Detailed accounts of the history of various Lowell sports, from football to swimming An accompanying CD-ROM provides several special features, including: ◆  Complete graduation lists of every class from December, 1859, through June, 2007 ◆  A listing of every Lowell faculty member ◆  Special lists (student body presidents, editors of The Lowell, etc.) ◆  Selected images from the Lowell Alumni Association archives This commemorative history is being sold for $50, including tax, shipping and handling. Just complete and return the order form below to take advantage of this very special offer. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact us at (415) 759-7830 or lowellaa@lowellalumni.org.

YES! I would like to order ________ copies of An Illustrated History of Lowell High School 1856–2006 ($50 each). Enclosed is my check (made payable to Lowell Alumni Association) in the amount of $___________. Name ______________________________________________Class ________ Last Name at Lowell (if different) _____________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________ City ________________________________ State _________ Zip __________ E-mail __________________________ Phone __________________________ Mail to Lowell Alumni Association PO Box 320009 San Francisco, CA 94132


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Lowell Alumni Association PO BOX 320009 • San Francisco, CA 94132

Attention Parents

(415) 759-7830

Help us ensure that your son or daughter receives this newsletter in a timely manner. If your child has a new permanent address, please let us know so that we can update our records. Contact us at (415) 759-7830 or, via e-mail, at lowellaa@lowellalumni.org. Thank you!

E-Mail: lowellaa@lowellalumni.org Visit our website: www.lowellalumni.org for information about reunions, special events at Lowell and alumni news

Spring 2012 — Lowell Alumni Newsletter

President’s Message Lowell Events Calendar

By Lisa Coughlin Clay ’74 Awarding scholarships is one of the most important and gratifying functions that the Alumni Association performs. Each year the Board of Directors awards approximately $60,000 in scholarships to more than thirty deserving seniors, to be used for their college studies. The scholarships are administered by the Alumni Association; most have been established in honor or in memory of a Lowell alumnus or faculty member. Some are awarded based on merit, some on financial need, and some on specific criteria — for example, to a student who participates in athletics, studies Italian, or who plans to pursue visual and performing arts in college. It is a truly inspiring experience to interview the applicants. These students are interesting, intellectually challenging and involved in all aspects of their school and the larger community. Interacting with them is a great pleasure. The program is rewarding for many reasons. It honors the people in whose names the scholarships were established, which enables a new generation of Lowell students to acknowledge the accomplishments of those who have preceded them. The recipients become more connected to Lowell and committed to serving to their high school community. The scholarships provide financial support for students to attend college, which they might not otherwise have been able to afford. In their thank-you letters, the scholarship recipients convey their gratitude to the Alumni Association and to the donors who established the scholarship. Many students acknowledge that the scholarships help them with the financial challenge of attending college, thus enabling them to “pursue their dreams”. For one recipient, receiving the scholarship put him “one step closer to his dream of being a doctor”. Several students said they were honored by our investment in their future. The scholarship program is especially important for Lowell’s future because the recipients become committed to giving back to the Lowell community, following the example of the Alumni Association. The students’ own words are particularly compelling: • “I am working toward being able to

Concerts Carol Channing Theater Thursday, April 5 — Band Concert at 7pm Thursday, April 12 — Orchestra Concert at 7pm Friday & Saturday, April 20-21 Dance Recitals at 7:30pm Thursday, April 26 — Choir Concert at 7pm establish my own Alumni scholarship”. • “I won’t let you down and hope to return your generosity when I am able”. • “No matter where I go I won’t forget how many doors Lowell High school has opened”. • “You will see me in the future working hard and representing Lowell well”. Bonnie Goldman, a visionary former member of the Board of Directors, established the scholarship program, which is now headed by Wendy Drefke Shinbori. With assistance from the Executive Director and board members, Ms. Shinbori directs the entire process, from creating, disseminating and reviewing the applications to coordinating the interview process to acting as the host of the scholarship reception. Board members Claudia Eshoo, Anita Payton and Rita Yee put together the reception at which the scholarships are awarded, which is a memorable event for the scholarship recipients and their families. Some scholarship donors attend the reception, which allows the students to meet those generous alums and connect personally with the traditions of philanthropic support for our school. The scholarship program is a real-life example of the good work done by the Alumni Association, which benefits not only Lowell students but the future of our school community. Thank you for your continuing commitment to Lowell and its deserving students.

California High School Speech/Debate Championships Lowell campus Friday, April 27 to Sunday, April 29 — JUDGES NEEDED! For more information, please contact coach Terry Abad at 2012tournament@lowellalumni.org

Sports Highlights Saturday, April 28 — All-City Swim Meet 1pm at City College of SF Saturday, May 5 — AAA Girls Soccer Championship 1pm at Boxer Stadium Saturday, May 26 — All-City Track/Field Meet 9am at Kezar Stadium Complete sports schedules/results at www.cifsf.org Follow us on Twitter: @lowellalumni @lowellsports

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